Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1959)

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KOAT-TV transfer Ownership change in KOAT-TV Albuquerque, whereby former 100% owner Clinton D. McKinnon took in three partners in exchange for interests in KVOA-TV Tucson, Ariz., was approved Oct. 1 by FCC. Mr. McKinnon retains 40% of KOAT-TV and Bernard Weinberg, Arthur A. Desser and Harold B. Garfield acquire 20% each. Same principals will have identical ownership in KVOA-TV, formerly owned by Messrs. Weinberg, Desser and Garfield, subject to Commission approval. FCC also granted license renewal for KOAT-TV. Import probe ordered Investigation to determine if imports of transistors and related electronic products pose threat to national security will be conducted by Office of Civil & Defense Mobilization. Request for probe was made Sept. 17 by Electronic Industries Assn. (Broadcasting, Sept. 21.) Three appoint reps Africa's first tv outlet was among stations announcing appointment of national representatives effective Oct. 1. WN-TV Ibidan, Western Nigeria, scheduled to start operation in mid-October, has named Intercontinental Services Ltd., N.Y., for U.S. KPOP Los Angeles appoints Peters, Scalped — by tv! Indian children have seen so many cowboys on tv they've forgotten how to act like Indians, Mrs. Ruby lane Cloud, member of Southern Ute tribe in Colorado, said in Chicago where she's learning to make beadwork at National Recreation Congress. She hopes to pass beadwork lore on to her tribe so their Indian culture won't be erased by white man's. Griffin & Woodward, New York. WBAB Babylon, N.Y., names Bernard Howard & Co., New York. • Business briefly Yule sports • Gillette Safety Razor signed by Telenews for Year-End Sports Review to be telecast Christmas night on NBC-TV. Sponsor also will place film in Latin American markets through Maxon Inc. Telenews also has sold its Year-End News Review to Grant Adv., Manila, for Philippines. Ford & Philharmonic • Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, Mich., will sponsor four Leonard Bernstein and New York Philharmonic programs over CBS-TV, with first scheduled Oct. 25 (5:30-6:30 p.m.). Subsequent hour-long shows are set for November, lanuary and March (Broadcasting, Sept. 7). Agency: Kenyon & Eckhardt, NY. Kiddies' tv blitz • Venus Pen & Pencil Corp., NY., in its most extensive spot tv effort to date, is launching campaign in 15 markets throughout country, using participations in various children's programs to advertise company's 1959-60 line of presketched coloring sets. Agency: Doyle Dane Bernbach, NY. Tidy tv effort • Tidy House Products Co., (household cleansers), Shenandoah, Iowa, previously active in spot tv, has signed for its first tv program, sponsoring Polka Parade, halfhour film program, in 41 midwestern markets, effective Oct. 1. Agency: Guild, Bascom & Bonfigli, S.F. Watch break • Hamilton Watch purchase announced in advance to National Assn. of FM Broadcasters (Broadcasting, Sept. 21) breaks next week in some 60 markets, using combination am-fm and strictly-fm stations. Eight-week campaign to sell new electric wristwatch is being placed by NW. Ayer & Son, Phila. Sweet news • Daggett Chocolate Co., Cambridge, Mass., starts campaign for Page & Shaw chocolates on tv Sunday (Oct. 11) in six Ohio and Michigan markets. Four 10-second animated commercials were produced by Transfilm-Wylde Animation, N.Y., for Daggett agency, Horton, Church & Goff Inc., Providence, R.I. WEEK'S HEADLINERS Arnold Kaufman, vp of RKO General since 1957 and with that company since 1949, resigns to join National Telefilm Assoc., effective Oct. 15, as vp in charge of eastern activities. Mr. Kaufman will be responsible for all NTA activities in East, including NTA Telestudios, StoreA "•*#Lfc vision and broadcasting properties. WKm. AW Mr. Kaufman, who has been a top aide Mr. Kaufman for several years to Thomas F. O'Neil, RKO General board chairman, earlier had been sales representative in Boston of General Tire & Rubber Co., parent organization of RKO General. Paul Smith, vice chairman of board and chairman of plans board of Fletcher Richards, Calkins & Holden, NY., assumes overall supervision and direction of agency's creative department. His new responsibility will include copy, art, production and radio-tv. Mr. Smith was president of Calkins & Holden prior to its merger with Fletcher D. Richards Inc. early this year. He established his own agency in 1948, merged with C & H two years later, serving as creative director until he was elected president in 1957. Mr. Smith was with Kenyon & Eckhardt and D'Arcy Adv., both New York, prior to 1948. Louis Dorfsman, director of art, advertising and promotion for CBS Radio since June 1956, appointed vp in charge of advertising and promotion, effective Oct. 12, succeeding Louis Hausman, who has been named director, Television Information Office (At Deadline and Closed Circuit, Sept. 28). Mr. Dorfsman joined CBS in 1946 as staff designer and served Mr. Dorfsman successively as art director of CBS Radio and co-director of sales promotion and advertising. Davidson M. Vorhes, manager of CBS Radio technical and building operations since 1952, appointed vp in charge of operations. Mr. Vorhes, who joined network in 1933 will assume responsibility for technical, building, shortwave and network operations as well as for traffic and purchasing. He succeeds Horace R. Gullotte, who has been named west coast director of personnel and labor relations for CBS. ^^^^^^^^^^mm FOR OTHER NEWS OF PEOPLE SEE FATES & FORTUNES BROADCASTING, October 5, 1959