Broadcasting Telecasting (Oct-Dec 1959)

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NOVEMBER 9, 1959 THIRTY-FIVE CENTS BROADCASTING THE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO IXCLUSIVE: the public is asked again about quizzes Official end to tv quiz era: confessions on Capitol Hill FTC starts knuckle-rapping with L-O-F commercials Advertisers plan to plunk down 10% more in 1960 faster Balaban . . . The first jetliner service between commercial and purchase! FLIGHTS LEAVING DAILY FROM . . . BLĀ« f'rst m Hooper, Trendex, Pulse and Nielsen WRIT I ' UKEE first in Nielsen KBOX from 9th place to 2nd in the market in one year The most experienced flagship stations in the nation THE BALABAN STATIONS in tempo with the times For reservations, see your nearest ROBERT E. EASTMAN Representative JOHN F. BOX, Jr., Managing Director