Broadway and Hollywood "Movies" (May - Dec 1930)

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4 BROADWAY AND JUNE 16th— CONTENTS Mary Nolan, Universal Star 1 Painted by Barye W . Phillips Columbus in the Movies — An Editorial . 5 By Walter W . Hubbard A Chinaman’s Chance — Broadway’s Beau Brummel 9 By Ruth Alyce Townsend Lupe’s Latest — The Picture of the Month as Seen by Our Reviewing Staff 11 What the Well Dressed Young Man Will Wear This Summer 12 American Aviators All $4,000,000 Kisses 13 By Walter W . Hubbard, U.S.S.C. Regis at the Bridge — A National Pastime 15 Ladies Must Eat! 16 By Helen T welvetrees Consider the Lillies 19 Lillian Roth. Part I Virginia Bradford, Elizabeth Collins and Lotti Loder — Art supplement. .20-21 Reviews and Pre-views 22 By Staff Critics The Sweet Girl Graduate — Marion Nixon and Nancy Carroll 24 The Month’s Mail 25 Edited by Joan Crawford That Paris Contest! V isiting Sunny France 28 Broadway’s Best Bets 30 By the Dramatic Critic The News Reel — Recent items from Broadway to Hollywood 32 The Month’s Fashion Page— Bathing Suits 56 Photograph Courtesy of "Paramount On Parade.