Broadway and Hollywood "Movies" (Jan - Aug 1934)

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44 “ MOVIES Smoky City Welcome (Continued from page 11.) John S. Herron who escorted him to a car. Seated on the lowered top in the same manner in which all conquering heroes — Lindbergh, Amelia Earhart, Commander Byrd, Jimmy Walker, etc., have ridden up Broadway and Fifth Avenue, and, accompanied by the Mayor, Dick Powell began his triumphal march. Great throngs of people lined the streets and cheered him as his car rolled by what seemed like a hundred other cars. 20,000 or more. Dick made a little speech, a speech so like himself ... it was simple, direct, intensely sincere. It was just Dick Powell speaking to friends who had known and liked him long before Hollywood found him and put his name up in lights for all the world to see. "Public interest always follows in the wake of something new and different.” Pittsburgh wants the world to know that Dick Powell is just that and that even though he hails from Little Rock, Arkansas, they have at least a 40-60 interest in him — and the stock It was a bright, sunny day and its sunniness was reflected in the attitude of the crowd. As the car passed they called out gaily to Dick greetings and good wishes. Dick gave them their greetings back with an understanding, happily boyish smile. Occasionally he laughed and his laughter was warm and heartening— so gay it wasBut he couldn’t have said very much just then. The immensity of this thing that was happening to him overwhelmed him. He was wondering what he had ever done to deserve all this. That was the point. Most anyone in that crowd could have told him that he isn’t for sale. Yes, all of Pittsburgh must have left her pots and pans that May day to greet her adopted son and all of Pittsburgh returned to its routine tasks made happier and more content for what it had seen. DON'T BE CUT Until Vou Try Thifl ' Wonderful Treatment for pile suffering. If you have piles in any form write for a FREE sample of Page’s Pile Tablets and you will bless the day that you read this. Write today. E. R. Page Co., 2334-A Page Bldg., Marshall, Mich. hadn’t done a thing. He had just been himself,— a fine, wholesome, charming lad with a great capacity for friendship and loyalty. They didn’t think of him as the hero of "42nd Street”, "Footlight Parade”, "College Coach” or the ‘‘Gold Diggers of 1933”; they thought of him as a lad they liked, — loved, — almost reverenced. They were paying honor to a clean-cut, stalwart young man whose chief claim to fame lay in an excellent voice, an unsophisticated manner, and a personality that was charming in every way. That is what the “Smoky City” thought of the Warner-First National star. They carried him to the City-County Building and the Mayor presented him with a golden key to the city before a crowd of (SEW STUFF!) Peaches & Browning. Dumb Dora, Maggie A Jlggs. Boss A Bubbles. The Gumps. French Stenographer. A Bachelor's Dream. Adam A Kve. Kip A Alice. A Model's Life. Original"Night in Paris.” Toots A Casper, A Coachman’s Daughter, and over 100 more. Also over 70 Hare A Daring French type pictures, inet. 18 Action l’hotos Montmarte type of Men and Women in various poses. Also incl. Wcinen Alone. In different positions, etc., special free with order. "Advice on How to Win at Cards.” also "The Night Lite of Paris” ami some short rare French stories, etc. . cfr. Goods sent sealed in plain wrapper. You will receive all of the above. You may send cash, money order or stamps. SPECIAL: ALL FOR $1.00 PARIS IMPORT CO. 4166 Park Avenue. New York City Dept. B. 6. IO CABLi 'EXERCISER, BUIID GIANT MUSCLES WITH THESE 10 SPEEDY DEVELOPERS.... b "■**!« >'4. wh..h now difbrull l( %uu |ilit»njl ••illarr l»r hi-allh, thi. rquipionil ■» .no <*\\E VT HAST H4li\ )..o jrri ibfc •b<*4 r\|M«drf jdjn-tflM. 2l«» II imiHuiii r |*» liw. r»|rj 4(rnglll f In jfj \e miiUMr -I f..r Mirr lint Ir fall ■>! (.jin dr. I grip* dndvp powerful grip mul anu. all «•>«•» (S |«*1» dry clop bark. an.r» and Jrg. Ili jd -a rap fi«rl -trap gr.r— radiiiunr. and Ikg inj.-f.inr jifarbnn-nl ptral f..r all round daily Ill.i*4f atrd rnulv .h..«i ho* to ditrlnp. Ir ■ Inti trgi«lrr* >r>itr rtrrajilh. l»Mr« V. *.♦*<«.. »«««■»■.< HMty Bart SIND MO MOMIY iianw aid arldrr—. Ur — wwf all by rrluru mail. Fa. |»— (man SZ7S, plus puMagr. OwiW/fr | . >. $3.7.', mah ttUh urdrr. Stem Being Frightened by the Calendar ; pend on our new Dktcovery Relief Compound, Doable , i>earn to know tnrs secret thousands of women can noi pend oo our new Pitcoveiy Relief Cempound, Double Strength, (a Periodic Regulator) when troubled with delays. Don't be discouraged or alarmed use it when nature fails you. who recommend and use our now compound for relief with amazing success. Women say it usually relieves when other remedies fail . Try it before you use anything else. We Qwrawtoo to Bhiporders, plain, sealed, same day received. Worth So. Mail $2 Box, It often successfully relieves some of the worst suppressed, irregular overdue, unnatural eases of delays generally very quickly. Quick hi action and effective with no ill after-effects. Usod by Doctors. We positively stand in back of oar promise as to U -5 JP. Standard quality. Numerous thank Single Strength. S3 Double Strength. 2 for $S. Triple Strength $5. Trial Supply 23c. ful letters of praise received from women SNYDER PRODUCTS CO., Dept. 35»Q 1434 N. Wells St., Chicago, III Mrs. Walker of New York says: “They are a blessing to every woman.** Mrs. Bauch of New York says: “Therein nothing like them. Send 2 more boxes.** Mrs. Green of Kentucky says: “I can say it Is the most wonderful treatment ever sold. Will tell all my friends.” Mrs. Dorn, Minn, says: “1 think they're wonderful & low priced.” FkEC BOOktrr AND CPCSUlfl STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP. MANAGEMENT. CIRCULATION. ETC REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF MARCH 3RD. 1933. Of "MOVIES” magazine published monthly at Mount Morris. 111., for October 1st. 1933. State of New York \ County of Queens j Before me. a Notary Public In ami for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared Walter Whiteley Hubbard, who. having been duly sworn according to law. deposes and says that he Is one of the business managers of the "Movies” magazine and that the following is. to the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management, etc., of the aforesaid pub llcation for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of Mar. 3 1933, embodied in section "»37. Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, amt business managers are: Publisher — Alavanla Publications. Inc., 14511 Broadway. New York, N. Y. ^ Editor — A. R. Roberts, 1450 Broadway. New York, Managing Editor — I. W. Ullman. 1450 Broadway. New York. N. Y. Business Managers — Walter Whiteley Hubbard and I. W. 1 liman. 1450 Broadway New Y«/rk. N. Y, 2. That the owners are: N A1y vania Publications, Inc.. 1450 Broadway. New York, I. W. Ullman. 1450 Broadway. New York, N. Y. s'Vylter WMNley^Hubbanl. 1450 Broadway, New York. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders tAvning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are None. 4. That the two paragraphs next a I wire. giving the names of the owners, stockholders and security holders, if any. contain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for wheat such trustee is acting is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and benef as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to belleye that am other person, association, or corporation has any Interest direct is Indirect in the said stock, bonds, or tether securities than as so stated by him. 0 ... Business Manager. Nworn to and subscribed before me this 14th dav of October, 1933. ,Se.*l> EARNEST BEABNARTH. .... ,, , , , Notary Public. Ms Commission expires March 30. 1034. BE POPULAR For the First Time Hypnotism in One Complete Lesson By RUDOLPH VENEER Anyone ran now matter this strange mysterious power In a lew hours and control the thoughts and actions of other*. Give Parlor and Stage exhibition*. The true faets briefly explained. No unnecessary studying. Written so you can understand It. SEND YOUR ORDER NOW Price $1.00 Postpaid. Satisfaction Guaranteed. New Dawn Publishing Co., Dopt. BM no West Slat Strcut, Ntw York, N. T. Let Me Show You How to Develop the Full, Rounded CURVES now all the voflue. Why be embarrassed by a flat-chested, unwomanly form? Fill out your bust to lovely shapeliness. Try my easy, home treatment for adding firm, rounded tissue. FREE ! Write today for my easv instructions and containci of Creamo — free. Merely semi name, address ami 10c forwarding charges. Your package will be mailed in plain wrapper. MARIE DUNNE. Dept. BM-I 122 4th Av.. New York. N. Y. sum