Business Screen Magazine (1963-1964)

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dii\ v-ilh Mibsequent telecasts arranged to avoid conflict with regular scientific and business events of the annual meeting. The ADA tv network was originated at the 1962 annual sessions in Miami Beach • I * * » J"Lar<;r>l Sale in lli>l<(r>" at (Is.O.S. I'liolo-Cin.-«>|>li.s. Iiir. \-b The "largest sale in history" 'has been announced by S.O.S. ' Photo-C'inc-Optics, Inc., New York and Hollywood, with "thou^Jnds of pieces of new and used equipment marked down for phenomenal savings, some as much av S4yj percent." according to Aim C. Macauley. SOS. prcsi \ free 16-pagc Summer-Iall Photo News contains a complete listing of the many bargain items. Il is available on letterhead request to: S. O. S. Photo-CineOptics. 387 Park Ave.. South. New York. N. Y. 10016 or 6331 Hollywood Blvd.. Hollywood Calif. 90028. 'i Korni Dashii-ll Film Library ill Holl>uoo(l for Slock Shots P.irtncrs Doris Dashiell and Mary Hawkins have announced the formation of the Dashiell Film ■Library at 72.'^ N. Seward St.. Hollywood. Calif. It has begun operations with nearly 2.'^0.0()() feet of stock film for which it is exclusive representative. In addition to offering stock library material. DFL will provide a custom film service to secure new tilm sequences anywhere in the world. Roving cameramen operating out of key cities will be given assignments for either 16mm or 3.'imm footage. Cataloging and handling of production negative for independent producers are other announced services. • The (aiiiera .Mart .\nnounces \f** K<|iiipnient FraiU'hises A number of new sales and rental franchises for film production equipment have been granted lo The Camera Mart. Inc.. New York City. .■Among the products now available are Bole,\ 16mm cameras and accessories (granted by the Paillard Company via an industrial audio-visual franchise); Stellavox battery-operated quarterinch professional tape recorders; Siemens 16mm optical-magnetic I interlock projectors; and Moviola :rab dollies for location or studio use. • NUMBER 5 • VOLUME 25 ■ 1964 EXCLUSIVE WITH CFI GOOF PROOF S. PAT. NUMBERS 2693805,3022165 CONSOLIDATED FILM INDUSTRIES 959 Seward Street, Hollywood 36. Cahf. Hollywood 2-0881 or HOMywood 9.1441