Business Screen Magazine (1965-1966)

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SEND IT WHERE? SEND IT TO MECCA' / r Leading producers everywhere have turned to Mecca for more than a quarter-century for 16 and 35 mm black and white film processing . . . because they know the services they receive will be expert, personal, fast and of top quality. \m FILM LABORATORIES CORP. Alliliate<3 mlh B,ron Motion Picturts. rt'a,s/i/n«fon, DC, 20007 I LM CCNTER BLDG . 630 NINTH AVENUE, NEW YORK. NEW YORK 10036 • CO 5-7676 . newsreel: ( C l)N I IN UbU H ROM I' AOL SIX ) Foster, Educational Media Council. New York: .Mrs. Margaret Divizia. Administrator, Instructional Materials Center, Los Angeles City School Districts; Miss Sybil Shack, Canadian Teachers" Federation; Dr. Stuart A. Selby, Director. Instructional Resources Center, College of Education. Univ. of Saskatchewan, • TTi<iiiiii> KiM-li«T. \ clcraii AT&T Film Kx«'c-iili\«-. a Heart \ iriim M Thomas F. Fischer. 55. Film Project Supervisor for the American Telephone and Telegraph Company. New York, died suddenly of a heart attack at home, February 5th. Mr. Fischer had over 3y years of service with the nell System. He was responsible lor film protluelions involving safety and employee training. His list of films include such recent well-known The late Tom Fischer Bell Systems pictures as Aiuuoniy oj All Ail idem, licjore It's Too I. ale, and Seconds jar Survival. Horn in New York City in 1909, Mr. Fischer started his Bell System service as a messenger in 1925. I oilowing several years in the General Service Department, he joined ilie company's film department. Here, he served as a eamer;iman, a production assistant, and proiiiietion supervisor prior to his assignment as film project supervisor. During World War II, Mr. Fischer served over four years with the U.S. Navy as a Chief Photographer's Male. His imu of tiuty ineliideil se\eral overseas assignmenls. • » * I2ih liii'l \.l Film F<-Mi>al \<liU \\MiriU, Mon* Calc<n»rif>i I he I2il) International Adverlisuig I ilni I eslival, scheduled lor June 14-19 in Cannes, France, wil feature additional primary award' and increased categories for en tries. There will be 28 different elassi fications matched to lengths ant production techniques of the film For the first time, both the ad vertising agency and the productior company will receive the winnini silver cup. as well as the gold silver and bronze plaques awardei to first, second and third prize winners. A Total of 64 Awards With duplicate prizes and mon categories, the total number of pri mary awards rises this year to 6' from 28. In addition to category an( grand prizes, two special award are given each year by the loca municipality, either Cannes or Ven ice, Italy, which alternate as hos sites for the festival. These go t( the film production company ii television and in cinema which re ceive the highest number of tola ranking points from the jury. Protlueers of television and filn advertising and advertising agencie from the United States and up ti 30 other countries will enter thei advertising films in the competi tion. Most of the U.S. entries ar expected to he in the televisioi group, as in the past. V. S. Took 10 Trophies At last year's festival. U.S. en tries came away with ten inter national awards in Ihe televisioi grouping and two in the cineni classification. Peter E. Taylor, director gener;i of Screen Advertising World .As soeiation, sponsor of the annu;i event, said more than 1 800 ad vertising professionals from al parts of the world are expected ti attend the week-long screening at the Palais des Festivals in Can nes. c * * * Sill Sfhwarlz in iN'ew \-\' Pos at Alomit' Fiicr^y ('ommissioi Sill I.. Schwartz has joined tin .Atomic Energy Commission's filn program as assistant ti> the chiel Audio Visual Branch, Division o Puhlie lnlorm;ilion. His iminediate past experienci includes 1 1 years as chief of script anil three years as assistant chie loi the Motion Picture Service. Of fice of Inform, iiioM. Department o Agriculture. He has written more than (i( film scripts for the department, in eluding A ifiii allure . L SA. vvhiel has been televised, shown at tin Seattle World's Fair, and is nov in world-wide distribution in 3.' languages. « BUSINESS SCREEr