Business screen magazine (1946)

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t' I .y.i :/ V^ / .-.'^ ._ •-/A \ .^: 1>>^M^ \ X^f ^^ / y -^: V-i • ' M A '4>m\ C -rlC' / ^^. U i>« V • t >^, -1^^ IriJ^^y ^^'M i '•«.. Introducing a new way to reach college students with your company message. It's called College Cinema— the exciting new audience program developed by Modern to supplement our regular films-by-mail service. Through College Cinema, you can achieve even more effective penetration of the college market through its favorite medium— films. Here's how it works: Modern sets up free movie lounges in the student unions and dormitories of selected colleges and universities. We supply the projector, projectionist, delivery, and programming—all free of charge. And we show business films several hours every day. If you've got a film about your company or your product ... a recruitment film ... or one that simply entertains, there's no better way to reach this sophisticated audience. That's why dozens of alert companies are already telling their story to thousands of students via College Cinema. Right now, we're showing company films on some 100 college campuses throughout the country. By the end of the school year, these films will be seen by three million student viewers. And the number can only get bigger. If you'd like to know how to send your company to college, contact Modern. We're very big on campus these days. MODERN TALKING PICTURE SERVICE, INC. 1212 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036 M.xliTii is Ihe ».irld\ larBfM dislribulor uf sponsored films lo t ommunilt Groups. Schools, lelevision. and 1 healres, serving sponsors Ihroogh 34 L .S. and Canadian film libraries, and through Inforfilm overseas.