Business screen magazine (1946)

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NEW IS BEING DIFFERENT A.V.E. CANARY 16MM MAGNETIC OPTICAL SOUND PROJECTOR A 16mm incandescent projector with needle sharp picture and superb optical or magnetic sound. Featuring automatic loop setter, forward, reverse, slow speed, stop frame, remote control. A.V.E. 1200 CAROUSEL SLIDE PROJECTOR Double the light output of the ordinary ektagraphic slide projector for big screen presentations. A.V.E. X-300 16MM MAGNETIC OPTICAL XENON SOUND PROJECTOR A high intensity small package for big screens and large audiences. Fully portable. A.V.E. X-500 CAROUSEL XENON SLIDE PROJECTOR A high intensity "souped up" slide projector for screen sizes up to 40 feet with brilliant color rendition. A.V.E. POWERHOUSE WIDESCREEN FILMSTRIP PROJECTOR Super wide horizontal frame format with high speed advance and variable panoramic craw'.. Also adaptable for xenon light source. A.V.E. "LOOPER" CONTINUOUS 16MM SOUND PROJECTOR Excel'ent front and rear projection for repetitive programming with minimal film wear. Features dependable film looping device, variab'e loop feed and quality sound. A.V.E. Corporation specializes in being different and offers a unique line of audiovisual equipment and accessories including programmers, special lenses and dissolve and fade devices for purchase and rental. Literature and prices on request. COMPLETE LINE OF 35MM PROJECTORS AND AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT ALSO AVAILABLE AVE. CORPORATION 250 WEST 54th STREET . NEW YORK, N. Y. 10019 • (212) 757-0552 . Cable Address "AVEMANSA" JUNE, 1970 23