Business screen magazine (1946)

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MOBILE continued rolled into the booth at the rear of a classroom and "plugged-in" to the control wiring system, the desk type console control panel is also taken to that classroom and plugged-in at the front of the room to provide for complete remote control of the en EQUIPMENT LIST FOR BANK OF DENVER 3— Spindler & Sauppe #772 Dynamic Dissolve systems. &— Kodak Ektagraphic AF slide projectors with 7" f3.5 lens. 1— Kodak Pageant AV-126TR 16mm sound projector with 2" f/1.6 lens. 1— Cue-Slide CS-2800 tape-slide synchronizer 1— Revox #1124 stereo tape recorder 1— Grommes G-23 amplifier with custom remote volume control 1 — custom industrial timer 22-channel punch tape programmer 1 — custom instructor's remote control consolette 1 — custom projection counter with all equipment in ready position. tire system by the instructor. These controls include the following: Master power: on/off to entire control system with key switch for security Equipment power: on/ off to each item of equipment in the system with pilot light indicator FUNCTION CONTROLS: Dynamic dissolve systems: Each of three pairs of slide projectors is controlled by dynamic dissolves which offer a choice of cut, medium dissolve, slow lap dissolve, reverse dissolve, alternate & standby, as well as remote focus on the projectors. Tape recorder: The remote control tape unit offers play, stop and record as well as rewind and fast forward. 16mm projector: Forward & reverse Audio: Remote volume control. Programmer: Step-advance control and event counter. The normal programmed presentation is begun when the instructor turns on power to all equipment to be used in that program and starts the tape. This audio tape has the recorded narration and music on one track with inaudible cue signals ¥ ^^f u Making fina! citijuiiiiieiits on the mobile projection counter is Hal Guzofsky, president of Audiovisual Consultants and Colorado Visual Aids. on the other track. The cues advance the punch tape programmer a step at a time in perfect synchronization with the audio script. Whenever the instructor might wish to interrupt the program for comment or discussion, he merely stops the audio tape, and then can continue the automated program by starting it again. With the manual override feature, he can depart from the prepared program, reverse slides to a previous image to answer a question or assist in a discussion, return to the point where he departed from the program and then continue by starting the tape again. Program versatility Some programs are best used where the instructor presents the script "live" rather than pre-recorded on tape. However there may be complex cues to the multi-media program which require several slide changes simultaneously, or perhaps turning off two slide projectors while starting the 16mm film all at die same time etc. The program complete with these complex cues can be fully programmed and automated on the punch tape. The instructor tells the story according to the script and merely presses the single step-advance button on the control panel to advance the punch tape to the next event according to the script. The event counter shows the instructor exactly which event the program is at, and he can be certain he is at the correct point in the script. The instructor can make his presentation at his own pace, he can ad-lib, vary the presentation, stop for questions and discussion . . . and whenever he is ready to return to the script, he can call for the next event merely by pressing the step advance button. The system is not only flexible, it is completely mobile, and when more permanent quarters are decided upon for the training division, the entire system can be easily re-located. In fact, several rooms can be pre-wired to accept this audio-visual system. The custom remote control consolette and the entire equipment package on the custom projection counter can be taken to any pre-wired room and pluggedin to make it a complete multimedia facility in minutes. 30 BUSINESS SCREEN