Business screen magazine (1946)

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tering and adjustable viewing angle. Super 8 magnetic sound film cartridges snap in and out of the projector. The cartridge contains 100 feet of film in a continuous loop. A. B. Dick Company. circle 218 on reader service card High-Speed Cassette Duplicator Features Easy Drawer Loading A high-speed cassette-to-cassette tape duplicator, capable of simultaneous production of up to four duplicate cassettes, utilizes a single-capstan drive system which transports master and duplicate cassettes simultaneously, at a uniform speed. The drawer-loading unit will produce four C 30 duplicate cas settes in under 60 seconds or four C 60 duplicates in just two minutes. Duplicates are faithful copies of the orignal. Since all tapes are transported as a single deck, at the same speed, wow and flutter are virtually eliminated. Only three pushbutton controls are used for operation. Magnetics Research, Inc. circle 219 on reader service card Pencil Marks Cue Projectors, Reel-to-Reel Tape Recorder The Mini-Programmer, model SR3, permits the cueing and synchronization of two slid3 or film strip projectors and any reel-to-reel tape recorder, allowing random selection in the forward mode of the projec tors. It can also be used with a single projector in the forward or reverse modes. Cueing is done simply with a DECEMBER, 1970 pencil mark which can be erased without affecting the program. General Techniques, Inc. circle 220 on reader service card Sony Offers Large-Screen Color Monitor/Receivers for VTR, Two large-screen color monitor/ receivers for use with videotape re corders and CCTV systems incorporate special circuitry to provide a high-quality picture from any video signal source. Back panels accommodate UHF video, XLR audio and 8-pin record/playback connectors. Both models can be used as regular TV receivers and as tuners for off-the-air recording. Sotiy Corporation of America. circle 221 on reader service card A Vice President of Sales reports: "SALES ARE UP IN SPITE OF SO-CALLED RECESSION" He continues: "We knew there wasn't any sales problem that a little creative selling wouldn't solve. So, we decided to do some real sales training. By installing CREATIVE SELLING, the new audio-visual program, in all our major sales offices— we got sales off deadcenterand upward. Surprisingly, the old pros, already earning large incomes, responded the most." But— judge it for yourself! This unique 14 meeting, multi-media SALES MOTIVATION program . . . "CREATIVE SELLING" including 7 color sound filmstrips is available for preview. Send for our offer. BETTER SELLING BUREAU Dept. X120 1 150 W. Olive Ave., Burbank, Calif. 91506 Please tell me how I may evaluate this new Sales Motivation Program. Name Title Company Address City State Zip circle 108 on reader service card The next time you make an audio/visual presentation . . . picic up a narrator 850! '/' The self contained, cassette operated, sound/slide system that goes anywhere, anytime, anyplace for any reason! From: Montage Productions Inc., 49 West 27th Street, New York, N.Y. 10001. Agent for 1 \ ■» Marubeni-lida (America), Inc. circle 143 on reader service card 43