Business screen magazine (1971)

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Jamison Handy in dessemination of good ideas and cross-fcrtili/ation. Wc aren't just delivering films or non-projected visuals. "There was another factor, I would say. Our clients lead. We've made a practice of associating ourselves with leaders and helping them improve their lead position — or of serving people who have been worthy of leadership because of the sei^vice their product renders, because of the manner in wiiich they deliver that product or service, because of the quality standards which they have set for themselves and have sought to maintain. Generally speaking, we have worked only for those who are leaders or who had some qualifications for leadership or wanted to stay leaders if they were already leaders, and that's been a help in making us long lasting. "In Ihe Jam Hand) Oigani/ation wc say we never do anything. All we do is help. We will do anywhere from 1 % to 99% of the job. according to where our client wants us to begin and where he wants us to leave off. There arc wide differences of preference of that kind to which we are glad to adapt ourselves. I think that this flexibility has been quite a factor in keeping us in business over fifty years. Adaptability leads to a long life. "Here's another factor that 1 think has given us some longevity and freshness and enabled us to keep pace with the fast development in the United States in business. I mean development not only in size but exjiansion in diversity of products and branching into new channels of trade. That is a fact that a lot of the innovative character of the businesses we've been associated with — introducing new things in this continually fast-changing world — had rubbed onto us. I'm speaking particularly of our readiness to change and the ability to keep in pace with their changes and developments as they have occurred — not only meet them on terms of equal enthusiasm for new things needed, but also in terms of innovations to help accomplish the new objectives and help iniroduce the new products and the improvements in those products from time to time. "Of course, our young men who are carrying on are deep-dyed with the principles which govern our operations and particularly with our policies of innovation and meeting change with change. New times and new problems call for new approaches and new techniques. Everything moves faster these days, and don't we know it! "Our clients have always had new styles, new methods and new imprtwements and they need fresh ways of doing new things. We have deliberately associated ourselves with innovative people. Living with these associations, we ourselves have been stimulated to introduce our own new techniques. That's how we came to go from simple devices like the flipchart, in main forms, to "rack sliders', making them larger, better and simpler and easier, new methods of |iroieclion. new processes in films and new departures in multi-media methods of our own origination for expositions and conventions and meetings of every character at every echelon. "I would say that above all. perhajK. the ihitig that has kejH us alive and kept our relationships with om customers alive through many years m mi 24 BUSINESS SCREEN