Business screen magazine (1946)

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National Scene BY R. IJ. MOM AGUE II I' A .\i,iii,iuil Prfsulcnl (I mill till iitlilreis lo ihc Hiisidii CIuii'Iit) A^ i ihulllcd up here l<>nit:hl, I lhout:h( In m>self ... If I were ;i Bi>Mi>n C hapler member, wh;il vvould I expccl to hear, or uanl lu hear from the visiting nalionul president? Would it he a statement about the National Ki>ard'.' Would it be a financial report? Or the story of a new conquest in the area of chapters, membership, or publicity? Well, perhaps so, BUT 1 would rather hear about . . . What does 1971 look like, from the National level, for the Boston Chapter tiiiil me. as a member, in terms of — a. Ideas tt) help me in my job. b. Plans for our young people. c. My image and prestige by belonging to IFPA. d. Ways in which I can develop professionally. So, I'll touch briefly on the expected items: 1. We have great Board of Directors. 2. We are solvent. .1. We are gaining chapters, members, and publicity. Now, what you wani lo hear! The National Board is very pleased with the way chapters are bringing together the professionals in the various sectors of the United Stales, and we are proud of the Boston Chapter as well. You. each individual, should be proud too and display your membership certificate. Get ahold of our new Code of tthics. Frame and display it also. These credentials mark you as a professional, as does the Physicians oath, the attorneys creed. Integrity in information is as important as it is in architecture. You must read to keep up with what others are doing. The Newsletter, the IFPA Journal, and Industrial Photography arc part of your membership package. Plan your metings to present some useful, informative material. The exchange of ideas is what IFPA is really all about. Because of the concern and ideas expressed lo your president from Fil Shaw and Mark Ford, the National Board, last month, slashed the student membership rate in half! This makes it attractive for young people to become associate members of IFPA. to mix, socialiiCC. and learn from you the technical, creative, and some knowledge of the local business climate. They will receive all benefits, documents, and publications you do. I hey get exposure to ymi, their future employers. I hey (loii'i get to vole, but do get to join you in every other way, including the coffee and refreshments. i'urlher, we are suggesting that each f h.ipler. in addition lo judging a "Cindy ,\w.irds" category, hold a student film competition in its area. The grand pri/e winner from a final national judging will receive a "Mini ( inily" at the I2lh .Annual National IFPA C Dnference ami "( indy Awards" — October 14th through Kith. 1971 in San Diego. California. These young people arc also eligible to apply for the v.. C. Kecfer Scholarship Award which last year totaled 1.:.K()n(l(l in cash and servicer. You will also he hearing how your comp.iny can help a Cinema Student with an apprenticeship, research, or work experience procram. 30 Nt)w about Image and Prestige: You've got to help yoursehes hut wc can help \ou with these ideas. 1. Do a stor> about \ourself, your group, oi your company. We'll publish it or nei it published. (Fixample. Bi/ Screen features. Newsletter feature, I. P. cover and story. P. Ml.. American Cinematographer. lechnical Photo, etc. 2. FNIFR FILM COMPF I IITONS — specially ones like the prestigious "Cindy Awards." I hat plaque can mean a lot lo you and your BOSS, (give him a copy!) .'. You've got lo liiiik professional, act professional, and lil-i a real pro. Don't compromise yourself or your product. It's hard work to make a good film so don't sell it short by squeezing bye. As Astronaut Cius Cirissom said to the workers who build space boosters for manned exploration — "Do Good Work" — It's that simple! 4. And finally — you never should stop the learning process. An engineer five years out of college, is already obsolete if he hasn't con tinued to learn the new technoloj and disciplines that explode in t decade of information. If you haven't learned anythi new in the past six months yv are fast becoming obsolete! I.earn from your young pcopli they have the lime to cxperiment| I.earn from seminars and symposii — they do the research and ihi work of gathering new informaliui Learn from reading — then put i into practice, where you can, an( even sometimes where you can't! \\-\'.\ plans lo bring the action lo thi Fast in late 1971 or at the latest, 197 We've made a modest start in 1970^ — thn regional national board meetings. In 197 three more plus a splash in Chicago PHOTO FXPO "71 with a b»M)th, a 'Cind Awards Theatre" running continuously fd 10 days, and an Open Meeting, HOSP, TALITY NITE, and Lounge in the exhibi area. You've got a real challenge ahead fo you! a) Cindy and Student Film Judging b) a Membership Contest, cl a publicit; program customed to you! d) And ai Image lo Build and Improve. S< HOI AKSIIIP M'I'I l( XI IONS tH'KN The Information Film Producers of .America. Inc., is pleased It) announce that applications are now being accepted for the Eugene C. Keefer Memorial Scholarship for school year 1971-1972. This scholarship will be valued at approximately $2,500.00 in tuition, equipment rental, laboratory and other services. The Eugene C. ICeefer Memorial Scholarship can be used al any educational institution which awards a recognized degree in film. .Applicant need not be interested solely in actually film production; those having an interest in motion picture laboratory science, audioengineering, optical effecis and other film technologies arc encouraged to appl>. Applications must be received h\ July 31. 1971 for consideration in this > ear's competition. Rl'LES AND REGULATIONS: Rule =1. Applicant must currently be enrolled, or accepted for admission in a degree awarding institution, and majoring in film art or science. Rule -Z. Applicant must currently be maintaining a 2.5 grade point average in all college courses, and a .1.0 grade point average in film courses. Ihis grad point average is based upon 4.0 scale. Ciraduating higl high school students, who hav been accepted for admission a recognized institution O higher learning, as described i Rule =1. must rank in the uf per 25'; of Iheir high schot graduating class. Rule -y. Applicant must submit. aloD with the completed applicalio form, evidence of his or hci potential in film. Either: a. A completed film of an length, produced and d reeled by the applicant. b. Or. a motion picture scrij of no less than thirty mir utes estimated screen time c. Or. an original research pi per which clearly eslablishe the applicants interest in oi of the film technologies, ii cinematography, sound, an malion. optical effects, lal oratory science, etc. Rule #4. All applications must be companied by letters of rec mendation from two currenll active IFP.\ members. Rule =5. .Ml applications must K n ceived hv IFP.A as of niidnigh luK .11.' 1971 SJiohirship Com 111 it lee Information Film Producers of America, Inc. Post Office Box 1470 Hollywood. California 9()02« Gentlemen: I desire to make application for ihe Eugene C. Keefer Memorial Scholarship for 1971-1972. I have read and understand the rules of application. Name: Dale of Birth: .Address: Tele. No. High School from which graduated: Degree awarding institution in which pixsently enrolled, or accepted for admission: Main areas of interest in film: Names of currently active members of IFPA who are recommending applicant: NAME CJIAI'IEK I Evidence being submitted as lo film potential: (Check One) Film . Scrccnplav Signed: Research Paper D.ile: BUSINESS SCRE