Business screen magazine (1946)

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Finds Directory of Film Libraries I he l-ilm library liitorm.iiioii ( Hiincil rcccnlly has piiblishcil Ihi' Directory of I'iliii l.ilirarics in North Aiihticii, which hsts more than I3(HI lihii collcclions and libraries having audiovisual nialcrials. tosi for members is S.VtX): lor non-members. S5.()(). "How To" Booklet on Slides, Filmstrips Those who plan audio-visual presentations \sill lind Kodak's 92-paL;e booklet PrcKluciiiK Slides und Mlmstrips, useful and ol interest. The publication contains photographs, drawings and diagrams, ll costs SI. 75. Management Guide I lirce Steps to .More .Skillful Management is the title of a three-part publication of potential interest to the audio-visual executive or those utilizing audio-visual materials. Sections arc "Managing Your Business," "Managing Your People," and "Managing Yourself." Book on Videocassette Market Among the tirst surveys ol the videocassette market is >'ideo«.-avscttes: Ihe Systems, The Market, The l-'uturc, which includes descriptions and photos of available and coming equipment in the field. Three quarterly supplenients will be sent to buyers of the book, which costs $12.50. Report on Videocassettes Another report o\\ Ihe videocassette market is the recent publication of that title. Ihe Videocassette Market, published by Kdubusiness. includes information gleaned from interviews with persons in the video field. Included are discussion of the size and scope of the market, its development, software protiuction. and distribution. The two-book set in looscleaf format costs S25().()(). Catalog of Contemporary Issues on Film A mini-catalog of films dealing with contemporary problems — from racism to automation — has been issued by| (CM Films. Inc. Info on Audiocassette configuration A concise explanation with diagramsl oi the seven program configurations! for audiocasscttes currently in use hasl been issued by the American National! Standards Committee and the Nationall Audio-visual Association. Programl ConfiKiiration for Audi€K-a.s.sette> dealsl with the positioning of sound and! pulse tracks on '/« inch magnetici tape, as well as other related technical details. NAVA Equipment Directory 1971 Ihe sevenlLcnlh edition ol the .AudioVisual Kquipnienl Directory has becnl released for 1971 by the National! Audio-visual Association. More com-l pact, but with more listings than pre-l vious editions, the directory includes! sections on cassette recorders, soundl slide projectors, and programmers,! synchronizers and dissolve control| systems. Its price is $8.50. I cut the cost of listening to your slide projector. Remember when you used to have to fumble around with scripts and switches during your slide presentations'' You still do'' Now you can afford not to Our Sound-0-Matics cost less than any comparable equipment Sound-0-Matic works with )ust about any automatic, remotely controlled slide projector to give you up to 60 minutes' worth of audio commentary, music, and sound ellects And it will forward the slides automatically, on inaudible electronic cues you program onto Ihe tape cassette sound track You sit back with your audience and enjoy the audio-visual show You also can have Sound-0-Matic in a play-back-only version Or one that will pre-program pauses lor question and answer sessions Or one that records audience replies on a punched card All at prices that make Sound-0-Matic the soundest sound investment you can make for your slide presentations Write lor details, or ask for a live demon stration that speaks for itself Optisonics Corporation bs j Moniqomcrvvillc. Pa 18936 / (215) 368-01 1 1 | Gentlemen j Why should 1 put up with a silent slide proiector wtien talk, music, and I sound eltecis cost so little'' | D send literature D call me to arrange a demonstration I Title ! Company. Cily -Statt -Zip OSA Pfocuremant Inloimalion GSOOS 83864 32 BUSINESS SCREEN