Business screen magazine (1971)

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_ If it's your piece de resistance, shouldn't it arrive in one piece? Chances are you invest a lot of time, money and talent in a film or tape. You produce a masterpiece, then entrust it to less-than-rugged reels, cans, cases. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Especially when we produce a whole line of Plio-Magic film (and tape) handling equipment. It's rugged, lightweight and inexpensive. You can choose from a complete line of reels. For 16mm, 8mm, Super 8, 35mm, microfilm, V*" tape and video tape. You can choose from a complete line of cans. (To hold all our reels as well as storage boxes for Technicolortype film cartridges.) You can choose from a complete line of cases. For films. For filmstrips. Even for Fairchild-type film cartridges. And, lastly, you can choose from the rest of our line. From our film cores (8mm to 105mm), from our ReelPak (self-enclosing reels), 8mm to 35mm, from our idler/drive rollers (8mm to 70mm), and from our linear polyethylene bail-bearings, with ground glass bails. Send for our catalog. It could just keep you from going to pieces. Plastic Reel Corporation of America, 640 So. Commercial Ave., Carlsladt, N.). 07072. Someday, you'll wind up with plastic. 48 MUSIC AND SOUND EFFECTS: Essential tools of the professional Film Media Producer "MAJOR" offers you a full 73 hours of backgrounc production music for titles, bridges, backgroundfor scoring, editing, recording ond dubbing music for your: • DOCUMENTARIES • COMMERCIALS • TV FILMS • FEATURE PRODUCTIONS • SLIDE FILMS • INDUSTRIAL FILMS • ANIMATION • SALES PRESENTATIONS "MAJOR" speciolizes in sound — you get exceptionoli technical know-how and beautifully recorded original music on LP records or 'j-inch tope, or on 16 orj 35mm Mag. Tape ready for a mix. IMPORTANT: "Major" owns its own copyrights on all productioni mood music in its library. World rights available to you on al completely sound legal basis. Re-recording rights on a "per selec*l tion" basis or "unlimited use" flat fee arrangement. FREE WRITE FOR 135PAGE CATALOG TO: THOMAS J. VALENTINO, INC. 150 W. 46 St., New York 10036 (212) 246-4675 WHO'S KEEPING THE STORE? ((he animation supply store) FAX is, for Animators' convenience! We're your source for — Acme-Punched Animation Cels Acme-Punched Animation Paper Peg-Bars • Ink & Paint Boards 12 field Animation Discs (at $90 and $115), .. • .• fa mous FAX MAGNABARii DE LUXE 12/16FIELD DISC. It's $135, at your graphic supply dealer's, or directly from us. Need technical information? Ask Hubbard Hunt, an old Disnev man FAX COMPANY 475 S. S«nu Anii« Av* , P«t«d*na. C»Uf 91107 213 68I-30S4 O»o/ffrt— osi u\ about your ta/»s opporfunitici BUSINESS SCREEN :en#^