Business screen magazine (1971)

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Now... Capital Film offers t_wo Full Service Laboratories . . . • in Washington, D.C. in Miami, Florida 111 Mj\ oI thi!. \i'dr, C d() I ilni cum|)liliil ixpansiun ul ilb Murni lab into d lull servKt> IdtllilN with ftliloridi, sound dnd |)roci'ssing (.dpdbilitii's. Also, becduse oi d growing di-mand from regiondl customers, the Midmi idcilily has created a special slide lilm and film strip department. Here's what a Capital Film customer NOW receives. .. besides the recognized (|ualil\ ,MMi rcnouned customer service: FROM MIAMI: 1. lull iS and Idmm color positive printing and processing services as well as bla( k and white. 2. Full Ihmrn color reversal printing and processing ser^iic-. intluding 7Wi sound trdck prints. 3. Slide lilm dnd ijim strip depdrtment. 4. Optical printing department for blowup or reduction with new wet-gdic. 5. Complete edit(jrial and sound trdnsler lacilities undi'r one root. 5. Color (onlrol with new [ Color Andly/er. IROM WASHINGTON: 1. lull i) jnd Idnim color posili\c pnriling and processing services as well as black dnd white. 2. Full lf>mm color reversdl printing dnd processing services including 738y sound trdck prints. 3. Full Super 8mm colcjr printing ,\\ul processing services. 4. Super 8mm cartridge and cassetlc loading dnd repdir. 5. Com|)lcle editorial and sound dubbing, rc'-recording, and transler services -RCAVVLSIKIA 6. Opiicdl printing dcparlnunt will) wet-gale. 7. Color control with Hazeltine color analyzer. It's a CAPIFAL IDEA to give you full service... night or day. lor further information, fill in the coupon below for our NLW Corporate Inio nidtion I lie, including price lists dnd reservation for 1972 desk calendar: I'lidscs. rid flic i.Kiscn till lull SiiMi c c.i|).ibililics of hirii Iruiii Washington, IJ.C Miainl, ria. NdMic. Tillc^ .Xddtess. ( il\. -Stale. FILM LABORATORIES, INCORPORATED Capil.ll ol W.islijfiKli.n C .i|> oi Wi.irni 4-1) I S|f,M-i, SU {'CiH \.l. ISlllh SI W.istiiiiKlon. DC M)24 Noilh Mi.imi, llond.i ltH>l (jiij) tr 1717 («)',) sjf.ovr, the audiovisui '/ calendar SEPTEMBER Film Production Workshop, Septernbl 8-20. Info: James Flocker, Camp Loir I Mar, Cahf. 94021. OCTOBER Society of Motion Picture & Televii Engineers Tecfinlcal Conference ai Equipment Exfilbit, October 3-8. Qui Elizabetfi Hotel, Montreal. Can. Ii SMPTE, 9 E. 41st St.. New York. N. I 10017. Audio-Visual, Pictorial, TV & Commi cations Exposition, October 5 9. Sher. I ton Park Hotel. Wasfiington. D.C. Information Film Producers Associatt Annual National Conference an "Cindy" Awards, October 1416. To* __ & Country Convention Center. Sa Diego, Calif. Info: IFPA, P.O. Box 147( I Hollywood, Calif. 90028. International Film & TV Festival of Ne York, October 20-22. Americana Hole New York. Info: Industrial Exhibitions Inc., 251 W. 57th St., New York, N.' , 10019. I Annual Columbus Film Festival, Octi ber 21, Columbus Athletic CM Columbus, Ohio. Info: Film Council Greater Columbus, 83 South High St Columbus, Ohio 43215. ! Industrial Audio Visual AssociatlOl 1971 Annual Fall Meeting, Octol 26 29, Parliament Hotel, Birmingha Alabama. Info: Clyde W/ood, Chairma American Cast Iron Pipe Co., P.O I 2603. Birmingham, Ala. 35202. NOVEMBER CINE Annual Awards, November 11-lS Statler Hilton. Washington. DC. In* CINE. 1201 Sixteenth St. N.W., Was* ington, DC. 20036. Chicago International Film Festiva November 5 20. Info: Film Festiva Room 301, 12 East Grand Ave. Oh cago. III. 60611. DECEMBER National Visual Communications A< elation Days of Visuals, December 2New York Hilton Hotel. New York. Inl NVCA. 6 E. 43rd St.. New York 10011 APRIL Society of Motion Picture and Tek sion Engineers Technical Conferefl and Equipment Exhibit, April 16-J 1972, New York Hilton Hotel. In SMPTE, 9 E 41st St. New York, Hi 10017. BUSINESS SCREE