Business screen magazine (1971)

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BOB SEYMOUR Editor and Publisher EZRA PINCUS Publishing Director 0. H. COELLN Founder & Consultant STANFORD SOBEL Contributing Editor GEORGE WATT Production Director (New York) PAULINE DAVIES Production Manager (Duluth) ELEANOR GREENE Circulation Fulfillment EDWARD CROWELL Director, Marketing Services OFFICES East: Bob Seymour 757 Third Ave. New York, N.Y. 10017 Ph. (212) 572-4853 West: Jerry Starkman J. J. H. &S. Inc. 1901 West Eighth St. Los Angeles, Calif. 90057 Ph. (213) 483-8530 HARCOURT BRACE JOVANOVICH PUBLICATIONS JAMES tVIILHOLLAND, JR. Chairman ROBERT L. EDGELL I President .ARS FLADMARK senior Vice President IrICHARD MOELLER I jFreasurer JOHNG. REYNOLDS i^ice President I llTHOMASGRENEY Vice President lEZRA PINCUS yice President IJAMESGHERNA " Vice President aiVELAND PUBLIC LIBRARV IP^ 0 RUStNLSS INFORMATION DIVISION Busipess Screen THE VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 1971 • VOLUME 32 • NUMBER 9 features AV MANUFACTURER Sheds some light 16 PICTURES IN THE NEWS 26 A FILMAKER'S JOURNEY THROUGH PURGATORY by Lee R. Bobker 50 HOW NOW, BROWN COW? by Louis Mucciolo 52 WHICH WAY THE ENVIRONMENT FILM? by Stuart Fmley 56 HOW TO KEEP YOUR FILM LIBRARY WORKING HARDER 58 A GOOD PROSTITUTE PAYS OFF by Gene Starbecker 60 THE MAKING OF THE BRIDGE OF LATITUDE ZERO by Donn F. Bates 106 CLARITY AND CORN by Charles Palmer 109 1971 PRODUCTION REVIEW DATA A-V Programs in the U.S. Government 34 Associations and Organizations Serving the A-V Industry 44 Distributors of Sponsored Films 65 Guide to Specializ ng Script Writers 67 Index and Producer Listings 71 departments EDITORIAL 8 NEWSREEL — current trends and activities 12 THE AUDIO VISUAL CALENDAR — upcoming events 24 PARADOX — by Stanford Sobel 18 CAMERA EYE — by Ott Coe/in 21 PICTURE PARADE — film reviews and previews 33 NEW PRODUCTS REVIEW — new equipment and services Ill IFPA JOURNAL 113 THE SCREEN EXECUTIVE — personnel notes 115 REFERENCE SHELF — helpful books and literature 116 THE NATIONAL DIRECTORY OF AUDIOVISUAL DEALERS 117 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS IN THIS ISSUE 118 dD A HARCOURT BRACE JOVANOVICH PUBLICATION BUSINESS SCREEN is published bi-monthly by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Publications. Corporate offices: 757 Third Avenue. New York, New York 10017. Advertising and Editorial offices: 757 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10017. Accounting. Ad Production and Circulation offices: 1 East First Street, Ouluth, Minnesota 55802. Subscription rates: one year, $6: two years, $10; three years, $13 in the United States and Canada. Other countries: $12 per year. Single copies: $1.00 in the United States and Canada: all other countries: $2.00. Controlled circulation postage paid at Duluth, Minnesota 55802. Copyright 1971 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Inc. POSTMASTER: Send Form 3579 to BUSINESS SCREEN, P.O. Box 6009, Duluth, Minnesota 55806. # November/ December, 1971