Business screen magazine (1971)

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Iilm programs. TV lape programs Distributor of television (eature dims, film series and tape series. FacllUiei: Studios 8544 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles. Calit. Sales: 485 Lexing Ion Ave , N Y. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS V. o" "Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau" (DuPont. Hartford Insurance Cp r 'Primus' (Syndication): "Tattered Web' ICBSi "Day o i'-''"^. °I„I"'*'"*'" <*BC). Videotape: "Ice Palace (CBS) ARTHUR MOKIN PRODUCTIONS. INC. JO0V3 **'"' ^''"'' ""• ''°'*^ '^e* *'"'> Phone: (212) 757-4868 D.iie of Org.ini/ation: 1966 Arthur Mokin. President B.irbrtr.! Mokin. Secretary-Treasurer Monika Gardner. Assl J Weber. Dist Mgr. Service*: Production and distribution of 16mm %t'i?,f.\'°"'r .'''";i including freeloan service. Facllllies: Film library and editing rooms and eneci/livc offices U^„?i^I:l V ^''°°'''PJ'°NS AND SPONSORS Motion Picture*: "Fire in the Streets'. "The beasons (Independent Productions) .., MOSS COMMUNICATIONS INC 10017""*'°" Avenue, New York. N.Y. Phone: (212) 687-8640 D.ite of OrRanization 1966 Bo^^J^<^%''"'l""'"} Executive Producer Bca Moss. Vice President fnl?"«^^'^'"."°" '"" Production of 16mm shrt,fii7;,T .72"°" P'ctu-^es. TV commercial-;, lonl. ltTi.nn"^'!?H'".?'°'i^P" '""^ multimedia «nf,^,^ i^ *."'* development of complete proaram^. ?n. '°,"*' I '"'"'"« ^"<* educatfonal wor? oT^ii.v 0'*'?' """'^^ '"a'enals: netf^7 in^ I. 1^. ^ ''°'°' videotaping and trans r!rL v'd*°^'^'l'" Productions. Inc FacilitiesJL°"*""'"8 artwork f, IminK' orori ?A"i5n ''*"'"^' *" production and posi: production services, through to finished RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSflR"; ^1^:3?^; o-io^^«^^.;^S &'"?lie^^^'^-^-'--^^ k]m • Pr^H *X"rkboats of Eastern Maryland^' (KJM Productions, nc ) Slidsfiltn< --i-i^ rolet Motor Division). Sales Meefintc ■a, . nett s White Satin Gin ofstribulo 'presenta ro? Eaom'!.°n"*'.. °^^l'"^^^ CoT "Co^t'^C-ln: «am. "l*T/"i •*°''^'" <^°' Training ProProTram rTh. '2"""ve Sales Development oanvl P™I«f. ^<''"'.\ and Hutchinson Com rSiViSi"^""""*': '^o' -""St One Of The Girls (Mademoiselle Magazine). ,i9*lff 1 """^"^ PRODUCTIONS INC Date of Organisation 1946 Paul Cohen. Pres dent Eric H. Lawrence. Vice-Pres Emanuel Muno!i Editorial Arthur Kaplan Controller inH.";**' Specialist in unorthodox graphic and story trea mem of films for industry and torT,";%^:i ir""'.""=,r'" P"'^ -ction Ind Id" tonal facilities for 35mm 16mm and Tech recording and insert staue T^'i^'^'^-.^'^ODUr.'TlON'i AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: "Man From A Missing Land" 1 •n'?r'"'I'on Aaencvi: "Threads of Technology (Raytheon/Film Counsellors) ,,, ^ MUYSKFNS/MAOISON, INC 100"' *' ^'"'*'" **'*" *°'''' ^**' ''°'^ Phone: (717) 7SS-5647 William S Muyskens President larry Madison. Vice President Alan Madison Producer I awrence K. Madison, Producer Arithony Pedatella, Production Manager Service*: Producers of TV commercials dociirnent»ri»s and public relations films Facllltie*: Full production facilities fTCENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS TV Commercials: Colgate Palmolive Companv "Irish Soring". "Brisk' 'Wm Esty Comnanyl Soerrv Hutchinson. "S4H Green Stamps" (<; SCAB): Keyes Fibre, "Chinel" (Compton Adv.). NFL FILMS, INC. 410 Park Avenue. New York N.Y. 10022 Phone: (21?) 758-8380 Date of Organization 1964 Branch ?fO N llth St. Philadelphia, Pa 19107. Phone l?15i LO 73415 £ti Sabol. Pri-sident (Phil ) Steve Sabol. V P (Phil ) Ken Flower. V P. Sales (NY) John Hentz, Vice President, Production iPhil ) Inez Aimee. Sales Div (N.Y ) Arthur Spieller, Production Manager (Phil ) Jack Hand. Dir. of Promo. (NY.) Services: Official photographers and film production firm for all 26 prolessional football teams Facilities: All necessary equipment for filming and production of complete 16mm films. Facilities include sound studios and film lab. NICHOLSON-MUIR PRODUCTIONS. INC. 138 Chalsworth Avenue, Larchmont, New York 10538 Phone: (914) 834-3005 O.ilt ol OiiMni/ation 1960 E Rogi-r Miiif. President Robert Nicholson, Executive Vice President Robert Rushing, Executive Producer Services; Producers of television programs and The Video Encyclopedia, for broadcast and cablecast Facilities: Television production studio CI. inch equipment) RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Videotapes: "Newlywed Game" (MultiSpon sored); "Pay Cards " (Mult Sponsored): "I Am Joe's Heart" (Reader's Digest): "Buffalo Bobs Storybook" (Welch's Foods): "Pace College' (Pace College). AMRAM NOWAK ASSOCIATES. INC. 254 West 54th St., New York. N.Y. 10019 Phone: (212) LT 1-3140 Date of Organization: 1960 Amram Nowak, President David Hoffman, Vice President Harry Wiland, Producer/Director Shcva Scheingarten, Prod. Mgr. Services: Producer of documentary motion pictures and public service TV spots for health, social welfare, religious and educational agencies. Facilities: Editorial rooms, insert stage, animation, screening room, ex ecutive offices. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: "Triunfo" (Peace Corps): "Sigaboy " (Mary Knoll Fathers): "If You Don't Do It, It Wont Get Done" (United Way of America) TV Commercials: "Tijuana Smalls Campaign " (Ogiivy & Mather — Tijuana Smalls — General Cigar): "Bullish on America " (Ogiivy & Mather — Merrill Lynch, Pierce Fenner & Smith). PANEL FILM PRODUCTIONS. INC. 280 Madison Avenue, New York. New York 10016 Phone: (212) 679-6401 Dale of Organization: 1959 Henry E Knaup, President Richard G. Tousey, Vice President Services: Producers of industrial and commercial motion pictures: Facilities: Studio, editorial facilities, videotape, motion pictures RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: "Profits" (Singer International): "Pollution" (New England Electric) TV Commercials: "Spanish Ivory" (Proctor & Gamble — Compton); ""Guarantee" (A & P — Gardner Adv.), PECKHAM PRODUCTIONS, INC. 9 East 48th Street, New York, N Y. 10017 Phone: (212) PL 8-0490 Studio: Old Bedford Road, Greenwich, Conn. Date of Organiz.ilion 1958 John L Peckham. President Harvey Yale Gross. Vice-President Peter H. Peckham. Secretary-Treasurer William Littlfield, Creative Director Services: 16/35mm films and slidefilms — business, industrial, government, TV sales promotion, public relations, theatrical, documentary, educational, scientific. Commercials programs for TV in color and b&w: sales training, sales, advertising films Facilities: Creative, production and editorial depts. Arriflex cameras: also Techniscope camera, 16/35mm animation camera; sync sound recording equioment RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: "The Experts" (Standard Oil Co. (NJ): Super X Motor Oil". ""Steel-Belted Tire Announcement". ""The Tire Sale". "'Shell Dealer TCP/2 Announcement" (Shell Oil): ""The World Behind Your I ight Switch"" (Consolidated Edison); "The Menu Planner"" (E. I. Du Pont de Nemours): '"The Professionals" (Stokely van Camp): "One Million Guest* A Year" (Esso Motor Hotols): "IBM Map Card Solectric Typewriter" (IBM Corporation OPD) TV Commercials: "Dune Sprayinp" (Standard Oil Co iNJ). LnRoche. McCaffrey and MrCalD""Esso Motor Hotels — Europe"" (Essn Motor Hotels, LaRoche. McCaffrey and McCalh. PLUS TWO PRODUCTIONS. LTD. 141 East 44th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017 Phone: (212) 758 9330 Date of Organization 1968 Stanton Korey PrrslftrnI Rene Oulmann, Vice President Domenic Arbusto. V P., Director E^on Dumler, Secretary/Treasurer Services: Full service television produ company Facilities: offices in New York affiliates on West Coast, London, Rome penhagen. & Tel Aviv RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSOR Motion Pictures: 'Danny" (US. Army< "Rd gion in America" (Ad Council) TV Comm* clals: "Teflon" (DuPonI — N. W Ayei. c:ars (Chevrolet — C ampbellEwald). Videotape "Spray" (Calgon — Needham, Harper) PRODUCERS ROW INC. 666 Fifth Ave., New York. NY. 10019 Phone: (212) 581-4350 Date of Organization: 1955 William F. Herrick. President ' Frank B Muller. Executive Vice ?•• .n. & Treasurer Ralph Nathan. Vice President. Gen '/ • Harry K Welsh, Director Marketing Services: Motion pictures, presentations an stage shows for industry: slidefilms .inrf ott . audio visual media. Service audio-vr media and public relations accounties: Staff writers, directors, art di-i facilities. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSOR ""The Other Side of No ". ""Christmas in Am ica"' (Avon): "People Like You" (N Telephone): ""Eastern Airlines Air Ca-K (East. Airlines). Multi-Media: "Anso 1 ""1971 Sales Meeting " (Allied Chemit tional Sales Meeting" (Bulova): "C^i Presentation" (Charles Luckman Assr porate Presentation" (Singer Co.); ""Commur cation Program" (Xerox). H RMA, INCORPORATED 117 East 30th St.. New York, N.Y. lOOK Phone: (212) LE 2-7083 Date of Organization: 1953 Rene J. Mechin, Jr.. President Charles Neville. Prod. Mgr. Darlington Brown, Art Director Services: Protection & television graphics l< multi-media presentations, slides & slio 1 films. Facilities: Creative staff. Art & phot J studio. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSOS Motion Picture: "Pepsico Story " (McDonno Productions) Slide Films: "J P. Steven(A S Hansen): 'A.T.iT " (Alan Sitzcr * sociates); "IBM" (Film Design & MgMulti-Media: ""F. W. Woolworth" (McDonn. Production). CARL RAGSDALE ASSOCIATES. LTD. 321 East 45th Street, New York, New Yo 10017 Phone: (212) 867-7651 Date of Organization: 1962 Carl V. Ragsdale, President Services: Producers of motion pictures fi industry, government, trade associations, •' vertising agencies and public relations firm] Facilities: All necessary for design, and proKramming quality motion pictures. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSOI Motion Pictures: ""Conciliation or Li* (HUD): "Vast" (PRO Electronic"'Salvage of the Sian Yang" (Murphj : -. Salvage Co.). LAWRENCE RAVITZ ASSOCIATES, INC. I 215 East 37th Street, New York, N.Y. lOOIl Phone: (212) 867-5140 Date of Incorporation: 1966 Lawrence Ravitz. President Services: Complete development of picture and slidefilm projects from scri| completed film. Facilities: Editing, proj rooms. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPON Motion Pictures: "Family Circle — It's Loi (Family Circle): "Palette Plus! " (Great ern Paper Company): "Community Centers ' (The American Institute of tects) ROBERT YARNALL RICHIE PRODS., INC. 230 East 44lh Street, New York, N.Y. 1001 Phone: (212) MO 1 1380 Date of Organization: 1948 Branch: 7230 Twin Tree Lane, Dallas, Taii^J 75214. Phone: (214) EM 3-1292 I Robert Yarnall Richie, President l| V G. Richie, Secretary-Treasurer Gilda T. Gold. V P. Chg Production Services: Motion pictures for TV. industrU 1 documentary, 35 & 16mm b&w and colo slide-motion; filmstrips: scripts and sloboard treatments. Specialists in still photo raphy Facilities: Sell equipped for all pllSM. j ol motion picture photography: emplt^flr^ j Mitchell cameras, Magnasync sound on t.i cation: shoot ng stall lor sets and spMi|l effects Lighting for large industrial interior f RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSOW Mellon Pictures: "A Date With Disaster" (Hoi pital Council Southern California); *'J9Ug nology-Ecology " (Placid Oil). BUSINESS SCREEll