Business screen magazine (1971)

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TOMLIN FILM PRODUCTIONS, INC. 405 Lriington Aie., New York. NY. 10017 Ptionc: (212) Oxford 7 0003 Date ot Org.ini/atK)i\ 1939: Inc. 1946 Frederick A Tomliri, Presidenl Carl L Tonilin, Vice Pf»>stden( Harry L Flyrin. Sales Manager Mary D. Tomlin, Secretary Trea&urer Services: Production of sales promotion, institutional, and industrial motion pictures: sound slidefilms. wide-screen slides and filmstrips: standard slides and filmstrips: slide motion pictures FaclUties: Pfiotographic studios with front ligfit protection system; film editing rooms; two 16mm/35mm Oxberry animation stands; 16mm Picture and Track interlock projection; 16mm motion pictiire cam. eras RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: "Presidential Campaigning" (New York Times); "This Is Airco" (Airco. Inc ). Slidefilms: "Annual Report" (Sukon, Inc ); "Colgate's SPD Makes It Happen" (Con Tempo); "Objects USA. Johnson Collection" (American Craftsmen); "OFHC & Amax Oxygen-Free Copper Alloys" (Amax); "Something for Everyone" (Simmons). TRIO PRODUCTIONS. INC. 114 East 55th Street. New York, N.Y. 10O22 Ptione: (212) 838-3333 Branch Ottices Chicago. Ill . 430 W. Grant Place 60614. (312) 528 7001, Max Pride. Exec. Sis /Prod. Los Angeles. Calif.. 932 North LaBrea 90038. (213) 874-9400. Barry Elliott. Exec Prod. Date of Incorporation: 1968 Bill Aronson. Exec. Sis. Howard Henkin, Exec. Prod. Newt Mitzman, Exec. Dir. Marc Statler, Exec. Dir. Ten Circelli. Coord. Services: Industrial, commercial, sales and public relation films from script to completion in live action, animation and slidefilms. Facilities: Creative staff and offices in New York. Chicago, Hollywood and Europe for all phases of production. FECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: "Marguerite Piazza Story" (American Cancer Society): other titles for General Motors. Mennen Co., Save the Children Federation, Buxton Co., Lipton Co., General Foods, Lever Bros. UNIT ONE FILM PRODUCTIONS, INC. 723 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY. 10019 Phone: (212) JU 6-8880 Date of Organization: 1960 Herman W. Kitchen, President, Executive Producer Eric Richards, Bus. Mgr. Edna Amir, Office Manager Services: Complete production, specializing in underwater. Natural History & Aerial filming. Facilities: Complete location production equipment. Aerial and underwater cameras. 16mm and 35mm editing facilities. Aircraft for aerial filming and transportation. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: "African Animals" (Sesame Street); "Anatomy of a Dog' (Gaines Dog Research Center): "Bald Eagle" (Gardner Agency). UNIVERSITY FILMS INC. 245 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017 Phone: (212) 971-2852 Date of Organization: 1949 William P. Gottlieb. President Edward Dahlin, General Manager/Art Director Marvin L. Reiter, Production Manager Karen Frankel. Writer/Producer Claire Trazenfeld, Writer/Producer Services: Creation and production of sound slidefilms and flimstrips. Specialists in educational and institutional work, sales promotion, personnel training, business-sponsored filmstrips for school distribution. Writing and production of illustrated booklets. Factllties: Research and scriptwriting staff; art deparment, photo studio; recording and projection equipment. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Slidefilms: "The Mouth in Medicine" (Postgraduate Medicine Mag.); "Driver Training" (APA Trucking Company); "Natural Gas" (American Gas Association); "Scholastic Art Awards" (Scholastic Magazines); "Heath Science Filmstrips" (D. C. Heath): 70 sound & silent filmstrips for McGraw-Hill. VAVIN. INCORPORATED Video and Visu.ll Iriforni.ition Films 236 East 46th Street, New York, NY. 10017 Phone: (212) 682-4624 Date of Incorporation: 1946 Branch Ollices: Pans: 72 Boulevard Rat pail. Pans VI. France. Phone: 924-5080 M Jean Pages. Production Manager. Switzerland: 31 Grande Rue. Geneva. Switzerland. Phone: 262127. N. 2. Moreno. V P & Manager. Fiir.hard de Rochemont. President. Chairman of Board Gerald E Weiler. Exec. Vice-President N Z Moreno. Vice President Ruth Teksmo, Secretary, Asst Treasurer 84 Services: Documentary, industrial, public rel.itions and travel films for theatrical, nontheatrical and TV distribution. Production of closed-circuit telecasts Facilities: Production and editorial for 16 and 35mm color, b&w. in U S and overseas. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: "Tomorrow's Scientists & Engineers". "The Quality of Life" (Standard Oil Co. (N J); "To Set The Record Straight" (Ethyl Corporation); "Food Additives" (Manufacturing Chemists Assn.); "Fly Far Away With Your Family'. "Patio Party . . . The Breakfast Shopper" (Reader's Digest); "News Film Series" (Mobil Oil Corp); "News Film Series" (American Iron & Steel Institute) VAN PRAAG PRODUCTIONS. INC. 250 W. 54th St., New York. NY. 10019 Phone: (212) 245-1050 Date of Organization 1952 Branch Offices: California: 1228 N. Vine St . Hollywood 90038 Phone: (213) Hollywood 2-2341. Florida: 254 Giralda Avenue. Coral Gables. Florida 33134. Phone: (305) 443-6343. William Van Praag. Executive Director Ronny Graham. Director/Writer Maurice Kalker, Comptroller Anita M. Palumbo, Business Mgr. Services: 35/ 16mm color. bAw motion pictures and multimedia for commercial, industrial, educational, promotional, government, documentary and theatrical presentations; slidefilms. tri-screen films and distribution. Facilities: Sound stage, full editing facilities plus multi-media projection and closed circuit television, RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion Pictures: "Understanding Movies' (New York Times); "Dance Baby " (Arthur Murray); "Ray & Carol" U. Marcus & Co TV Commercials: Speidell Co.; Procter & Gamble. VIAFILM. LTD. 333 Park Avenue, South, New York, NY. 10010 Phone: (212) 777-0100 Date of Organization: May. 1967 Zoli Vidor. President Ira Marvin. Vice-President Phihp Feld. Vice President Services: TV commercials, industrial and documentary films, motion pictures. VISION ASSOCIATES, INC. 680 Fifth Avenue. New York. N.Y. 10019 Phone: (212) Circle 5-2611 Dale of Organization: 1959 Lee R Bobker, President Irving L. Oshman. Vice President Helen Kristt Radin, Vice President Mel London. Vice President Services: Producers of motion pictures, slidelilms. theatrical and television programs. Facilities: Offices, screening and editing rooms and all facilities for production of film. tape, theatrical and audio-visual media. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS "Of Art and Minting" (The Franklin Mint); "The Other Florida" (Eastern Air Lines); "Happiness Is Skiing" (Sears Roebuck); "Arthur . A Portrait " (The American Foundation); ""f»resor1ing First Class Mail"" (Post Office Department); ""Family of the Mountain"". "Family of the Coffee Farm"' (McGraw Hill Book Co.); 'Mothers Club of Sul-Hwa". "The Choice is Ours" (International Planned Parenthood Federation), VISUALSCOPE INCORPORATED 103 Park Avenue. New York. N.Y. 10017 Phone: (212) MU-3-3513 Date of Incorporation: 19b5 Marvin H Green, Jr., President Elizabeth White, Vice President. Creative Dir. Services: Motion pictures, filmstrips. slide production, business meetings, multi-media presentations, sale promotion, collaterial material design and production Complete coordination of conventions of stockholders meetings and incentive programs. Facilities: Art department, stalf writers, staff directors. AV technical personnel, editing facilities, photographic and projection equipment. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSORS Motion pictures: "The Age of Transcience". "Inlormation Spectrum"' (Xerox); "To Be Artist" (Famous Artists School); "Daytime Woman" (ABC TV) TV Commercials: Mr Do nut. Mrs Paul ROGER WADE PRODUCTIONS. INC. 16 West 46lh Street, New York, NY. 10036 Phone: (212) 245-3040 Date of Incorporation 1946 Roger Wade. President Martin J Mclntyre. Vice President Florence Hewitt. Secretary. Production Co ordinator Services: Planning and production ot liveartion and animated motion pictures, sound slidefilms. ViiGraphs. slides, multi media sys tems and materials. Slide development in specific-application audio-visual equipi and presentation materials Facilities: Studlo| art department; editing; darkrooms; Oi ' 16-35mm animation stand, special slide slide-film shooting stands, special camti and copying equipment; machine shop electronics shop, RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSI Motion Pictures: "Identilymg Shapes " iXeroi)' "Fashion in the Home" (M Lowenstem I Son). Slidefilms: "Gnsactnn 500" lAyers Laboratories); '"Mechanical Fuel Injection' (Porsche/Audi); ""Story of Brakes' iVolks wagen of Am.). ROBERT WARNER PRODUCTIONS 7 East 78th St.. New York, N.Y. 10021 Phone: (212) RH 4-7979 Date of Organization 1959 Robert Warner. President Services: Live, film and tape programs anc commercials. Facilities: For every type o photography, special effects and editing. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSOR; Motion Pictures: "Fire Public Service Films\ rAmerican Diabetes Association) WINIK FILMS PRODUCTIONS. INC, 1619 Broadway. New York, NY. 10019 Phone: (212) 541-7150 Date of Organization: 1939 Leslie Winik. President. Producer Richard Winik. Vice President Estetle Rosen. Secretary-Treasurer Services: Produce 36mm & 16mm films fo non-theatrical and theatrical release. StoC' shot library. Facilities: Full production facHi ties I RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSOR" Motion Pictures: "25 Years — N.B.A "' (Panz sonic); '"The Year of the Ladies " (New Yor, Racing Asso.); "NBA. Championship Play offs" (Panasonic); "International Bowling (Paramount Pictures); "New England Hentug Trail*" (Paramount Pictures). SEYMOUR ZWEIBEL PRODUCTIONS, INC 11 East 44th Street. New York, N.Y. 10017 Phone: (212) MUrray Hill 2-4450 Date of Incorporation, Feb.. 1950 Susan Wayne. President Services: 35. 16 and 8mm motion picturtt sound slidefilms. filmstrips. slides, recording and supplementary aids. Facilities: Soun stage: including Cyc: art staff, still phott graphic studio; editorial and recording S0n ices. RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND Sf>ONS0R Slidefilms: "Smile" (W T. Grant Company; "Catalog Referral Sales". "Sell Them Ml (J. C. Penney Co ) Audio Cassette: ""S« Them All " (J. C. Penney Co.). NEW YORK STATE ACADEMY-McLARTY PRODUCTIONS, INC207 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, N.Y. 1420 Phone: (716) 853-7411 Date of Organization 1934 Franz E. Hartmann. President John V. Gates. Executive Vice PresidertI Paul G. Ent, Vice President. Creative Services Wm. T. Clifford. Vice President. Productio Services: A comprehensive audio-visual serice. A staff of twenty five specializes in th creation and production of sales promotior' technical training, education, and public n' lations motion pictures. Separate divisior' for TV commercials, filmstrips and businti theater. Facilities: Fully air-conditioned plii| devoted exclusively to audio-visual produ' tion. Multi-media theater, interlock/miiin theater In house art and animation depar ment with hot press. Xerox eel system, Acm and Oxberry animation stands, RECENT PRODUCTIONS AND SPONSOR" Motion Pictures: "Operation via Laparascope' (Deaconess Hospital); "The Hot One» (Goodyear Tire A Rubber Co); ""Bar Proi ucts"' (U.S. Steel); "Always the Other Guy, (Raymond Corporation); "'The Good Life (US. Army); ""Hydro-acoustic Impact TooU (General Dynamics/Electronics); ""H.imme lock" (Columbus-McKinnon); "Power tiom tf Atom"' (Niagara Mohawk Power Corp i; Er phasis 70^s Housing " (Niagara Moha* Power Corp.); ""Computerized Cenrtal CO' Irol " (Hartman Engineering); "When a Cu tomor Needs a Friend " (Kelly Spnngfie Rubber Co ); "All Kinds of People" iBuffa & Erie County United Fund); "Recreation Safety" (U.S. Army Corps of Engineare "Modular Study Program on Long Haul Ma' Systems" (F>ostal SiBrvice Management I' stitute); "Rochester People" (CommuBH Chest of Rochester and Monroe Count) ""Busbar Fabrication " (The Electric Mataria Co.) Slidefllmi: "Metaledge Corewall" (N tional Gypsum Company); "Mount St J sephs" (Mount St. Josephs): "Garry Pt« ucts " (Garry Products): "National Sales Met a ■iS BUSINESS SCREE *u