The San Francisco Dramatic Review (1908)

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14 THE SAN FRANCISCO DRAMATIC REVIEW January 17, 1914. James Dillon Leading Man Seattle Theatre—Seattle Charles £. Gunn Leads Orpheum Stock—Cincinnati Maude Leone Co-Star Del Lawrence, Vancouver Florence Young Leads Care Dkamatit Rrvikw Eddie Mitchell BnilnasB Bepresentatlv* Jamei Foat'a Musical Comedy Co.—Honolulu FoBt'i Orand Theatre, Sacramento, Presenting' Xd Bedmond Co. Josephine Dillon Leading Woman Kirby Stock—Stockton HARRY JESSIE LANCASTER and MILLER Light Comedy With the Western Amusement Co. Leads Care Dr.\matic Review Invites Offers Verne Layton Leading Man Care Dramatic Review Howard Nugent—Margaret Nugent Second solid year with Virginia Brissac, now at Majestic Theatre, Melbourne, Australia, management Pacific Amusement Co. Home address. La Jolla, Cal. Bernhardt Decorated With Legion of Honor PARIS, Jan. 14.—Sarah Hornhardt was decorated tonight with the Le- gion of Honor. Mine, liernhanlt had been nominated many times by Minis- ters of Instruction, notably M. Briand. but the Chancery had always rejected tiic nomination for reasons not matle ])ul)lic. It is understood that the same ol)jcctions were made on the present occasion, only to be withdrawn on the direct intervention of President Poin- oare. JACK DALY stage Manager Tlie Traffic Co.—Kn Tour JACK FRASER With Ed. Redmond Stock Sacramento, Cal. ELLA HOUGHTON Ingenue Care of Dramatic Beview GERTRUDE CHAFFEE Characters At I>ll)erty—Care Dramatic Beview LOUISE NELLIS Ingenue At I>iherty; care Dramatic Beview CAREY CHANDLER Rusiness Manager Keating & Flood, Portland, Ore. JACK POLLARD Comedian Idora Park Opera Co., Oakland ETHEL McFARLAND Second Business Pearl Allen Stock, Canada Geo. F. Cosby ATTOBNET AITD COTTKSEi;i;OB AT LAW 552 Pacific Building, Phone Douglas 5405 Residence Phone, Park 7708 San Francisco, Cal. ALF. T. LAYNE This Office AVIS MANOR Leads llow.nrd Foster StueU—New Westminster, i; !• FRANCES WILLIAMSON Grande Dames and Characters .\t Liberty after .Tan. 1. 1!)14. Cure of Dramatic Beview WILLIAM MENZEL Business Manager or Advance Agent .\ddre.cR Dramatic Beview, San Francisco MINA GLEASON Ye T..iberty Stock, Oakland CHARLES LE GUNNEC SCENIC ARTIST—AT LIBERTY Permanent Address. 3G;i7 21st Street, San Francisco. Ptioiie Mission 7613 FRED KNIGHT Characters At Liberty. r:(re Dramatic Beview EDMUND LOWE Alcazar Theatre HOWARD FOSTER Own Company—Royal Theatre New Westminster. B. C. DIE BIER QUELLE A OEBHAIT BEDB-HAIiI. Conducted by Iti nry lirunner. 72 E<ldy St., Next to Tivoli Opera House H. L. ANDREWS CIGABS and TOBACCO Telephone Kearny nTl'l 72 Kcldy Street, San Francisco EVA LEWIS Second Business At Liberty; care Dramatic Beview PHOTOPLAY NEWS Continued from Paf^c ii. Robert T. Thornby is niakinj^ a ,t;reat success with his children's comedies at the Keystone .studios. He has just completed Little Hilly's Trium])li, in which that diminutive little marvel, Uilly Jacobs, just 26 months old, plays the lead. Billy t^ets his diiTie stolen by older boys who give a show, but liilly even- tually gets in and turns the tables on the other boys, who are present- ing a lurid melodrama in the wood- shed. l?illy makes friends with the cop, with disastrous results to the "heavies." Another clever little boy, Gordon Griffith, plays in this— a born actor, whilst other clever kid- dies are Gerald Benson and Char- lotte Fitzpatrick. Only a genius, with the temper of a saint, could jiroduce cliildren's plays, and Bob 'riioniby is reduced to a grease spot every evening. * * James Dayton is writing an im- portant costume three-reeler, which will feature Pauline Bush and will l)e entitled Johan of the Sword .\rm. This will be a new departure for Miss T<ush, who will be seen in cava- lier costume for the first time. It shftuld suit her well. too. * * * Director Colin Campbell of the Se- lig company has gone to Truckec for two weeks to get some snow pictures. Clever Bessie Eyton, Wheeler Oakman, Fred Clark and .\1. Green and a number of others accompanied him. * * * Daintv Helen Case has now been passed by the doctors as well again, and looks as of yore. She is now considering several oflfers and is rather vacillating between the legit- imate stage and motion pictures. She has been offered a fine part by a local manager, but it is to be hoped lliat the screen will not lose the ser- vices of so charming an actress. * * ' * .^tella Razcto has returned to Se- lig and is working for the first time since the stage coach accident, in which Miss Razeto was badly in- jured, a cut over the temj^le taking 12 stitches. It is healing nicely. * * * Charles French, who is making Western i)ictures for Pathe, is put- ting on a three-reel feature, Though Thy Sins Be Scarlet, by Tack Freise. Mr. French takes part in it but is killed off early, ",so lie can concen- tratehiniself on the production." Mr. Freise is responsible for the last item. Tom Foreman and Myrtle \"ane take the leads. * * * Bess Meredyth, who recently re- cently returned from a visit to her liome in the East, made a welcome reajipearancc in Elsie Vanner, un- der the direction of Arthur Maude, .'^he i)layed the Coquette who causes the mischief, and played it wonder- ous well. .'\s a sample of her ver- satility she finished up in Elsie Van- ner one day and the next appeared as an unsophisticated country wom- an with Wilfred Lucas. She will al- so appear in the four-reel. Charlotte Corday. which Mr. IMaudc will pro- duce next with Constance Crawdey in the title role. Ralph Bevan and wife left Tues- day for .'Ku.stralia, to play Fuller- Brennan time.