The San Francisco Dramatic Review (1908)

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10 THE SAN FRANCISCO DRAMATIC REVIEW January 24, 1914. ACKERMA^N=QUI6LEY LITHOGRAPHING CO. KANSAS CITY, MO. 115-131 WEST FIFTH STBEET NEW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE NOW READY WRITE FOR COPY COMPLETE LINE OF DRAMATIC PAPER JUST FINISHED Send your Permanent Address and we will keep you adviEed at all times con- cerning- New I.ines of Paper wt are making' for Stock Orders. If In need of Special Paper of any description, advise us just what you want and we will qucte you prices on same that will prove interesting. We have in course of manufacture a complete NEW IiINE 4-color Pictorial Lithograph Paper for FABCE COME OY that will be ready for shipment about December 1st. Write for Illustrated List at that time. Columbia Theatre With tlie endorsement of every critic in the city of New York, with- ciut excci)tion, the New Era Procki- cing Co. will jjre.scnt in this city fur two weeks besinninq: Sunday night, Jan. 25, the his^ijest musical success uf this and many .seasons, entitled .Adelc. The title role is sung by Caro- lyn Thomson, one of the youngest l)rima donnas in musical comedy, be- ing only eighteen years old, although she has had considerable experience in i)rofessional concert work. An- other prima donna of the Adele com- ])any is Nannette Flack, for three years tlie ])rinci])al singer at tiie New \'i)rk 1 lii)])odrome. Am\ still anotlier prima doima is Lottie V incent, better Isnow ii to patrons of tiie ()r|)lieum and Keith and Proctor vaudeville circuits, on which she was a headline feature for many years. John Park, the bar- itone, will be remembered here by many, .\lfred Ka])])eler is tlie tenor; Geo. ( )'l)onnell, originator of the role of Col. i'o])otV in The Chocolate Sol- dier, is the basso; Jules l'"s])ailly and Kali)h .\airn, the princijial comedians. The s|)!endid ])roduction has been given .\dele, which is in three acts. I'or the proper interoretation of the beautiful .score an enlarged orchestra will lie utilized and under the direc- tion of I'rank .Mandeville. Matinees during the engagement of Adele will be given on Wednesdays and Satur- days. The engagement is for two weeks. Cort Theatre E. 11. .Sntiiern will begin a fort- night's engagement next Monday night as an individual star, owing to the unfortunate illness of Julia .\iar- lowe, and will be seen in tiie follow- ing arrangement of plays which will remain unchanged for each of the two weeks: .Monday and Tuesday nights and at the Wednesday and .Saturday matinees. If 1 Were King; Wednes- day and Saturday nigiits, Hamlet; Thursday nights. The .Merchant of Venice; I'riday nights. The Taming of the .Shrew. It will be noticed that in addition to tlie Shakespearean ])lays Mr. Sothern is to be seen in a revival of Justin Huntley McCarthy's roman- tic drama. If 1 Were King. The piece will be handsomely staged and care- fully cast. In it Iilizabeth Valentine will have the principal feminine role, which she has always sustained. This year, as formerly, Mr. Sothern has an admirable supporting c(jmpany, in- cluding, among others, b'rederick Lewis, Geo. W. Wil.son, Walter Con- nolly, J. Sayre Crawley, Sidney Ma- ther, \\'m. Harris, John S. O'I'rien, I'.lizabeth \ alentine, Helen Singer, .Milliceiit .McLaughlin and Ina Gold- smith. During the Sothern engage- ment the curtain will at 8:00 o'clock evenings, and at 2:00 o'clock at the matinees. Alcazar Theatre .\ndrew Mack will make the second l)ro(luction of his season on Monday night, when lie will ])roduce for the first time in San Francisco his charm- ing and delightful Irish comedy drama. The Way to Kenmare, writ- ten by Edward E. Rose. The leading role is that of Dan Maguire, in the hands of Mack. He is manly, jovial, fun-loving, witli a cai)tivaling manner, and he .stirs the audience to a pitch of interest in every move he makes on the stage. Mack wi l sing four of his typically Irish compositions: The Legend of the IMaguires; Rose, Sweet i'; Dan, My Dariing Dan, and Sweetiieart from the limerald Isle. Scenically the production will be a sumptuous and accurate one, the scenes of the ])lay allowing the artist untold possiljilities. Savoy Theatre 'Hie wonderful white slave i)roduc- tion. Traffic in Souls, will begin a limited engagement on Sunday, and will be shown daily at the hours of 1 :3o, 3:30, 7:30 and 9:30. This photo-drama, in six parts, has cre- ated a veritable furore and sensation in .Xew N'ork, where it has been show- ing, not only at David l»eIasco's Re- ])ui)lic Theatre, but also at five other l)rominent playhouses for the two months. During the engagement at Weber's Theatre, where it is still play- ing to ca])acity houses, the reserves iiad to lie called in on four occasions, so great was tiie crush in the endeavor to secure admission. The plot of the iemaik-d)le i)roduction, in which over ()Ou people lake l^art, is based on the actual reports of the Rockefeller In- vestigating Committee for the Supres- sicn of \ ice, and District Attorney Whitman's white slavery report. It shows the actual workings of the vice trust and the "system," but in the v.iiole treatment -jf the subject there is not one suggestive or obscene scene in the entire Oooo feet of film. As an additional .■;itti"action at the Savoy The- atre, Manager E. ] )eet Bostwick has decided to have a dance on the stage, every afternoon at half past five and evening at half ]iast ten, when all pa- trons of the jjlayhouse will be invited to enjoy themselves to their hearts' content. The music will be furnished by the regular theatre orchestra. An- tony and Cleo])atra is completing a successful engagement, and the last l)erformances will be given this after- noon and evening. Gaiety Theatre The tliird and undoubtedly the mo,st imiMirtant of the Gaiety productions will be jireseiited to expectant San 1-ranciscans on Monday night. On this auspicious occasion the curtain will ring up disclosing the manifold secrets and surprises that Marie Dres.s- ler has herself ])re])ared for the de- light of local enthusiasts in her new and vastly entertaining musical revue, api)roi)riately titled The Merry Gam- bol. It is said that this production will far suri^ass in every detail its prede- ces.sors at Mr. Anderson's po])uIar l^layhouse. Miss Dressier, who has a wonderful ])art in The .Merry Gam- bol, and who some .sensation- al things in the way of Parisian dar- ingness as applied to co.stumes, has ])ersonally suiierintended the rehear- sals of her new vehicle. She ])redicts for it an even more remarkable suc- cess than that which attended her last triumpli. Tillie's Nightmare. .Acting uj) to her invariable custom, this pop- ular high priestess f)f laughter has sur- rounded herself with a number of the best i)ossilile ])rincii)als for her su])- port. These include Charles Judels, late of the .Anna Held com])anv and for five years with Weber and Fields; G.ene Luneska, the beautiful prima donna wiio was such a big favorite in The Candy Shop; Charles Purcell, the splen<lid singing hero of The Choco- late .Soldier; .Alf. (knilding, Gladys (louldiiig, Chas. .\. Mason, Ogden W ight, bVank Hayes, and the Marvel- ous Millers who are the last word in modern dancing. The scenes of The Merry .Gambol are laid in Paris. .Xothing appears to have been left un- done to make this production one of tlie biggest in recent years. The Orpheum The ()rplieum bill for next week will contain six entirely new acts. Those musical comedy stars, Walter Lawrence and brances Cameron, will appear in an elaborate singing and dancing skit, called A Bit of Broad- way. The b'our Original Perez, equi- librists, will exhibit their skill on free bounding ladders. The Double Cross, a comedy melodrama by Will Irwin and Ralph E. Renaud from Mr. Ir- win's story, L'ncle Edward and Cousin Silas, originally ])ublishe(l in The Sat- iiniay Evening Post, will be presented with a thoroughly efficient cast. Paul Conchas, Kaiser Wilhclm's Military llercules, whose marvelous .strength ena'bles him to perform seemingly im- possible feats, will ajjpear in his new intermezzo, Achilles and Patrocles. James Hughes Smith and Jim Cook, styled The Millionaires, assisted by .Marie lirandon, will ])re.sent an en- tertaining act, the i)rincii)al ingredi- ents of which are song, dance and comedy. Roy (.ummings ami Helen (iladyings, eccentric funsters, will amuse with a thoroughly original and diverting act. Next week will be the last of Edna Showalter. Jn compli- ance with jjopular demand, Maurice and Morence Walton, the world's most |)0])ular ball-room dancers, will be retained another week. The Empress Sullivan & Considine have arranged another wonderful show for next week, and will present a triple head- line bill. The only Ladies Kilties' Band in the world, with twenty-five pretty Scotch girls, will be the special head- line feature. The latest gymnastic novelty in vaudeville will be presented by Archie Goodall, once the greatest association f(XJti)all player, in his startling and thrilling exhibition of Walking the Hoo]). .\ delightful at- traction of the i)resent season is the sjiecial return engagement of Mr. and .Mrs. Perkins b'isher in the charming ])laylet. The Half Way House. The Three .Musketeers, called .At the Camp, is composed of Jack Dunham, Sam Edwards and Joe Farrell. Price and Price are .said to excel many of the best acts in America for sjjeed and sensational aerial work. Dave i'erguson will provide a pleasing en- tertainment with his new and original WEBER & CO. Opera Chairs HH AH styles of TSEATBE AND ^^^B HALL SEATS MSt 365-7 Market Street Ban Francisco m 512 So Broadway Los Angeles, Cal. T6» ▼(.k'fS VOU CAMOTStT ELSCV.H£»t stories and songs. ( )ther addeil fea- tures and the World's best motion pictures wiH round out a splendid |)rograni. Spotlights The Feminist Theatre, j^roposed for Xew York, in which Alaude Leslie and r.ertha Aiann are to ai)pear, has pre- pared a of more than twenty-five l)rominent women playwrights of the L'nited States from whom plays are to lie received for consideration. In the revival of Diplomacy, in which Madame Xazimova is to ap- IK'ar at the conclusion of her present engagement, b-dward b'ielding will a|)- ])ear. Mr. Fielding has been as.soci- ated in the sui)i)ort of Madame Na- zimova for the ])ast four seasons. .\ndrew Mack, who is playing at the Alcazar Theatre, is in receipt of a cablegram from Hugh J. Ward, the head of the J. C. William.son theatrical enterprises in .Australia, offering him another sea.son in the .Anti]X)des. Maeterlinck's ex(|uisite fantasy, The P)lue Bird, wdiich had such a tremendously successful engagement at the Cort Theatre last sea.son, is announced for early disclosure at that same plavhouse. They are calling on New York to send .some of the famous dancers on tour. Some of the best known dancers of Xew York have already been en- gaged for extensive Western tours, an(l this week Thomas Allen Rector begins a tour that will .start at St. Louis and carry him through the im- ])ortant cities of the Aliddle West. Mr. Rector is an .American, and after a season in ojiera, forsook the v(x:al for the more interesting dansant. Mclntyre and Heath continue to at- tract large audiences in tiie Middle in John Cort's new production of George V. Ilobart and Jean .Schwartz' musical comedy. The Ham 'i'ree. The attraction has l)egun its tour to the Pacific Coast, opening for an engagement of one week at the liroadway Theatre, Denver, on ]\Ion- day, January 12th.