The San Francisco Dramatic Review (1908)

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THE SAN FRANCISCO DRAMATIC REVIEW James Dillon Management Bailey and Mitchell Seattle Theatre Charles £. Gunn Leads Orpheiim Stock—Cincinnati Maude Leone Co-Star Del Lawrence, Vancouver Florence Young Leads Care Dramatic Review Eddie Mitchell Business Reprcsciitatix c F.d Rednmnd Co., Sacramento Josephine Dillon Leadine: Woman A Bachelor's Hone3'moon Howard Nugent—Margaret Nugent Home address, La Jolla, Cal. Claude Archer - Jean Devereaux stage Manager and Parts Tngenue Just closed year's enffagement with IsahcUc Fletolior Stock, Vancouver At Liln rty; ("arc Dramatic Beview Lucile Palmer At Liberty I'rima T^onna Sdulirettc Just closed with Madame Sherry. Care of Dramatic Review A. G. HALSALL General Business At liberty; care Dramatic Beview ALLAN ALDEN Comedian White Slave Traffic Company—on tour. GEORGIA KNOWLTON Care of Dramatic Beview FLORENCE LA MARR Second Business or Ingenue Leads At Liberty; care Dramatic Beview JAMES NEWMAN Stage Manager Redmond Stock, f icramento FRANCES WILLIAMSON Grande Dames and Characters At liiberty Care Dramatic Review WILLIAM MENZEL Business Manager or Advance Agent Address Dramatic Beview, San Francisco HARRY J. LELAND Stage Director and Comedian Ed. Redmond Stock, Sacramento COL. D. P. STONER Advance Agent or Manager At Liberty; care Dramatic Beview RALPH NIEBLAS Scenic Artist Care of Dramatic Beview GERTRUDE CHAFFEE Characters At—Care Dramatic Beview JACK ERASER Crime of tlie Lfw Company San Francisco Spotlights To-Day has entered upon its .32nd week at the Forty-eif(iith Street The- atre, New York, Monday. To-Day is tlic vital and vivid story of New York life by Georsje Broadhurst and .Abra- ham Schomer, which has had the lontj- est run of any drama in New York this season. Yet, when it opened on Broadway, October 6. 1913, it was practically unanimously condemned to the storehouse by the New York re- viewers, who apparently could find nothing to commend it except its act- ing. The great American public, however, reserving the right to judge for itself, took up To-Day when the critics condemned, pronounced it tlic Geo. F. Cosby ATTOBNET AKD COtrHSi:i.Z.OB AT UW 552 Pacific Building. Phone Douglas 6405 Residence Phone, Park 7708 San Francisco. Cal. ALF. T. LAYNE This OTlce AVIS MANOR .Juveniles Care of Dramatic Beview D. CLAYTON SMITH Juveniles Care Dramatic Beview. March 7, 1914. best drama of the season, and so com-' pletely reversed the verdict of the pro- fessional reviewers that To-Day bids fair to establish the longest run of a dramatic offering on Broarlway for years. Milestones, the popular play by, .Arnold l>ennett and Edward KnoJ^." lauch, is repeating its Eastern svtic-\ cess on the Pacific Coast. It is' hailed as a clean play that is worth seeing. Sophisticated young wom- en are quite safe in taking their par- ents to see it. theatregoers,' futurists, tango dancers and others with advanced views, will enjoy Milestones, too, because it appeals to all ages and all intellects. Margaret .-Knglin began an en- gagement of two weeks at the Cort Theatre, Boston, beginning on'j Monday night, presenting the firtt week Twelfth Night and As Yc<Bji Like It, and the second week a b|g. revival of The Taming of the Shrei^ Miss Anglin's engagement in Bo^ | ton will necessarily be limited, o\nr- ing to a previous contract between.' John Cort and Oliver MoroscAj whereby the latter's production m\ Pretty Mrs. .Smith, a comedy wi^ music, in which Kitty Gordon w4[ appear as the star, is to begin an uir limited engagement at the Cort ok March i6th. ! The Honeymoon Express, witjt: comical Al Jolson at the head of itfel great original cast, which broke a^j records at the Winter Garden, New York, will be an early Cort Theatflp/ attraction. It attained a run thett* of thirty weeks, beating the recoffl ])reviously held by The Passinj^i Show of 1912. I Geo. Brisco joined The White Slav Traffic Company at Riverbank la< week. AMiddle=West Educator.Lono-! ing for a Little Notoriety, Has Attacked the Theatre; Read His Wail: ST. PAUL, Feb. 23.—"The thea- tre as it now exists is a halfway house to hell," Dr. Richard Burton, head of the department of English at the University of Minnesota, saio in an address before the Minne.sotI Federation of Women's Clubf, which concluded a two days' meet- ing here last night. "The playhouse is the people's church," Dr. Burtol said, "but instead of uplifting theifl and making them better men an3 women, it demoralizes and degrades them. I'nless we take care of th? unoccupied hours of our men an4 women, we will have the same prob- lems as did France at the end of 1 the eighteenth century."—Too bad. ELLA HOUGHTON Ingenue Care of Dramatic Beview C. ALLAN TOBIN Juveniles Cfire of Dramatic Beview VELMA MANN Ingune—.\t Liberty L'n.'?.!^ Grove Street. Berkeley. LOUISE NELLIS Leading Woman Knute Knutson Company, on Tour. Bess Sankey Leading Woman Eastern Traffic Co. Guy Hitner Leading Man The Crime of the Law Management Bailey & Mitchell I