Catalog of Pathex Motion Pictures for the Home (1926)

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Pathex Motion Pictures 55 "Points on Pencils" From Pathe Review No. B 16 One Reel $1.75 "How the dickens do they get the lead in pencils?" Here's the answer — a most amazing ocular demonstration of the fact that the wee things of the world sometimes require big effort. "Treasures in Leather" From Pathe Review No. B 17 One Reel $1.75 The delightfully fascinating art of hand bookbinding. All the delicate operations, right to the working of designs in gold — an occupation centuries old. "The Little Giant" From Pathe Review No. B 18 One Reel $1.75 For the juvenile boat-builder. From the laying of the keel to the launching the whole operation is pictured giving visual instuction to the youngster in the best method of constructing his own little craft. "Fancy Mud" From Pathe Review No. B 19 One Reel $1.75 Art in the manufacture of a home utility. The making of ceramic roof tiles. And besides the romance of Japan casting a glamor over all. "Flowers That Fade Not" From Pathe Review No. B 20 One Reel $1.75 The delicate, intricate Japanese art of paper-flower making will prove most interesting to all who love flowers. Travelers say that it is necessary to touch them, to realize they are not real. "How Your Pipe Case Is Made" From Pathe Review No. B 21 One Reel $1.00 "Here is something," you say "about which 1 had never thought!" And yet what an interesting occupation. Some machinery is used, but there is skillful handwork. "The Lost Art of Bronze Casting" From Pathe Review No. B 22 One Reel $1.75 Those having artistic inclinations will be entranced by this remarkable filming of a lost art — one of Frederick Remington's bronco-busters is cast by this delicate and vexing process. "Born for Abase" From Pathe Review No. B 23 One Reel $1.75 Would you believe it — a football! Here it is shown in the making, and with a bit of fast action scrimmage between two big teams as a finish.