Catalogue of the National Film Library of Sixteen Millimeter Motion Pictures (1931)

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CLASS 8— Religion 77 COURTESY TITLE REEL NO. CLASS EIGHT RELIGIOUS Courtesy of HOLLYWOOD CITIZEN 5000-4 PASSION PLAY With the action taking place in the Palestine, on the same soil made sacred by the Savior's feet, this version of the Passion Play carries the impression of faithfulness and authenticity. The first reel is confined to views showing Jerusalem and its environs as it is today, including the ancient battlements still standing and the historic Wailing Wall. It is made unusually clear with the aid of diagrams showing the conformation of Jerusalem's walls and the various gates which were mentioned in the Bible. Part Two introduces the story of Jesus. It opens with the proclamation of the Roman authorities being read in Jerusalem, requiring all Jews to return to their birthplaces in order to be tallied for the Roman census. Joseph and Mary are shown departing for Bethlehem where Jesus is born in the lowly stable. The well known story of the shepherds and the three wise men who come with precious gifts for the newly born King is depicted with faithful adherence to the scriptures. This part ends with the flight of Mary and Joseph and the infant Jesus into Egypt. Part Three shows the return of Jesus and His parents to Jerusalem when the boy Christ surprised the wise men of the temple with his learning. Then the Savior is shown as a mature man preaching to the multitudes and healing the sick. In the scenes where Jesus is brought before Pontius Pilate to be judged an enormous crowd of people is shown, all dressed in the costume of that period. The tenseness of the situations, the frenzy of the multitude and the emotional stress of Pilate are well brought out. In the Fourth and last Part of this picture, Christ is shown on the way to Calvary. The distress of his Mother, Mary, his favorite disciple, John, and his other faithful followers, is depicted. A touching scene is shown in which Jesus, faint from fasting and the effects of repeated scourgings, falters and is unable to bear his cross, which is henceforth carried by Simon of Cyrene. Then comes the great tragedy of the crucifixion, followed by the terrible manifestations of darkness and lightning and the rending of the temple veil. The body is taken down and is carried to the tomb by the faithful disciples. The film closes with the resurrection of Christ and His ascention. Of all the stories that have ever been told, none can compare with the story of Christ. People of all ages, beliefs and tastes will obtain both inspiration and benefit from viewing this well produced film. 4 Reels Home Movies for Clean, Wholesome, Beneficial Entertainment