Catalogue of stereopticons, dissolving view apparatus, magic lanterns : and list of over 3000 carefully selected views for the illustration of subjects of popular interest. (1867)

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24 McAllister, Optician, 49 Nassau St., New York. Charles I, by Vandyke. Finding of Moses, by P. Veronese. Wedding of Canaan, " Minerva and Mars, " Juno and Apollo, " The Hermit, by Gerard Dow. The Writing Muster, " The Dentist, " An Old Woman, " Our Saviour, by VeceUio. Joseph and Potiphar's Wife, by Cignani. Lot and his Daughters, by Guercino. Cupid, by Mengs. i Market Woman, by Mogari. Metzu and Wife, by Metzu. The Children's Dance, " The Brothers, by Vogel. Madonna, by Sasso Ferralo. Portrait of himself, by Salvator Rota. Burial of Christ, by Salviati. The Spinner, by Metcher. The Needle-Woman, " Holy. Family, by Romano. Christ and Matthew, by Pordenon*. Ecce Homo, by Morales. Crucifixion, by Albert Durer. The Cloister, by Poussin. Esther and Ahashuerus, by StrozzU Proving Eggs, by Schalken. The Angler, " Poultry attacked by a Hawk, by Hondekceter. Jacob's Dream, by Bol. The Philosopher, " The Tooth-Drawer, by EonthorsL A Merry Party, " Jacob and Esau, " The Coppersmith, by Schleissner. Country Quarters, by Adam. The Poultry Yard, Vanity, by Georgino. Mischievous, by Rotard. The Sad Intelligence, " Magdalen, by Palma. The Surgeon Barber, by Brower. Pilgrims in the Desert, by Stilke. The Two Leonoras, by Sohn. » Bacchus and Panthers, by Kloeber. Israel blessing Jacob, by Lievenz. Christ bearing the Cross, by Solario. The Engraver, by Pesne. Portrait of herself, by Angelica Kauffman. St. Hieronymus, by Domenichino. Backgammon, by Teniers. The Wood-Gatherers, by HUdebrandt. Bear Hunt, by Snyders. Abraham and Hagar, by Flinck. Anne and Mary, " The Faithful Friend, by Meyerheim. A Mother's Sorrow, " Puritans in Camp, by Sohorn. Bonaparte at the Pyramids, by Gross. Lazy Little Girl, by Alois. Contentment, by Harding. Artist and his Dog •' going halves," by Brun. Rainy Morning, by Guerard. Siesta, after a hearty meal, by Guerard. Driving Home the Flock, by Van Muyden. Innocent Love, by La Salle. Mr. Bruin reading the paper, " The Young Shrimpers, by W. CoUiia. Happy as a King, " Rustic HoopHality, by W. Collins. The Pet Lambs, The Surprise, by Bubufe. The Prayer, " The Little Shepherds, by Rolhbarl. Rubens and his Sons, by Shallei\ The First Praying, by Lazerqas. Raphael and Fomarina, by liustige. By the Well, by Kaxkert. The Haystack, " The Drunken Husband, by Muller. The Little Family, " Haidee, by Corbould. The Cocoa Merchant, by Be Met*. The Waffle Merchant, " The Writing Lesson, " The Little Harvesters, " The First Alms, " The Children's Dinner Party, " The Children's Breakfast, ■• The Cavalry Charge, by Dubasle. The Drumming Lesson, by Frere. The Race (Rabbits and Mice), by Bernard Miss White (a Cat,) at the Piano, " Ethiopian Serenaders, by Palmer. Out for a Walk, by Trabner. The Little Arithmetician, by MayaU. The Little Penman in Trouble, " Scotch Free Kirk, by Landseer. Peace, War, The Naughty Roy, Interior of a Highland Cottage, Deer Stalkers, " Returning, The Friends, The Chieftain's Friends, Charity, by Van Eycken. Blowing Bubbles, by Mieris. Teasing the Pet, " The Scholar, The Tinker, Princess of Belg'um, by Winlerhalter. The Young Amazon, " The Sisters, " Battle of Trafalgar, by Stanfield. Battle of Waterloo, by G. Juries. The Harvest Field, by Tshaggeng. The Dead Robbins, by Thompson. Shakspeare, by J. Cochrane. Shakspeare and his Friends, by Faed. Trent in the Tyrol, by Calcott. Anne Page—Slender and Shallow, *' The Old Temeraire, by Turner. Neapolitan Peasants, by Urvins.' Procession to the Christening, by Williams. The Lucky Escape, by Wilherington. A Day's Sport in the Highlands, by Cooper. John Knox reproving the Ladies of Queen Mary's Court, by Glial on. Preparing Moses for the Fair, by Maclisp Noah's Sacrifice, " The Prodigal's Return, " The Loan of a Bite, by Mulready The Wolf and the Lamb, Parting of the Sons of Edward IT., " Sickness and Health, by Webster. The Young Brood, by Linnet. Medora, by «/. W. WriglU. Kaled, " Ingiolina, M