Cinema Quarterly (1933 - 1934)

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THE ROAD TO HELL Production: Socialist Film Council. Direction and Photography: Rudolph Messel. With Naomi Mitchison, Terence Greenidge, Raymond Postgate, Ian Fox. To start with let mc cast a large and heavy brickbat at this production. It alleges to be propaganda against the Means Test. If it is propaganda for anything it is propaganda for the worst type of defeatism. If the wTorking classes of England behave as the particular family in this film does under the pressure of bad government and worse administration, there is no hope for anyone, and the Bishop of Durham is right. Passing, however, to technicalities this production (sixteen mm., amateur throughout, cost £66) is a first-class object lesson to every film group or independent amateur in the country. It is well constructed, well acted, well cut, well lit, and well directed. It has economy of movement and largesse of effect. And incidentally it introduces a fine movie-actor — Terence Greenidge. Film groups, please see this film and learn something from Messel's work. B. W. SIGHT A QUARTERLY REVIEW OF MODERN AIDS AND TO LEARNING SOUND This Review, issued under the auspices of the British Institute of Adult Education, deals exhaustively with the progress of the Film as an aid to Education, Social Welfare, Commerce, Religion, etc. It is of great interest to every thinking person, as it presents the views of eminent Educationists, Film Producers and others interested in this important new development. I/ each quarter 4/6 post free per annum Can be obtained from your Bookseller or direct from the Publishers FULWOOD HOUSE, HIGH HOLBORN, LONDON, W.C.I.