Cinematographic annual : 1930 (1930)

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Amateur Movie Making By Herbert C. McKay, A. R. P. S. Complete and instructive book. 45 1 pages of up to the minute information for amateur and professional, fully illustrated. (Code Derkay). Postpaid, $3.00 FOUR. BOOKS You Should Own! The Worfc Room Hand' Book A new kind of a book. Practical ideas for amateur and professonal, formulas, portrait lighting, copying and enlarging, tables, 9 2 pages. Worth its weight in gold. Fully illustrated. (Code Derblu). Postpaid $1.00 The pick of the pack . . . Bass's best seller . . A liberal education . . . Order the set and save money. Motion Pictures With Sound By James R. Cameron Authority on the subject. Every projectionist and motion picture camera man should have this treatise. All known systems — Vitaphone, Phototone, Movietone. Full data on photo electric cells, 400 pages. (Code Dermot). Postpaid. $5.00 SPECIAL OFFER Own the four and save $1.02 Bass pays the postage Sent postpaid to any part of the world $10.98. Handbook of Motion Picture Photography By Herbert C. McKay, A.R.P.S. A pocket hand book for the professional camera man or advanced amateur. Fits the pocket, 3 00 pages well printed. (Code Derhon). Postpaid, $3.00 W HEN the sun is off duty, Little Sunny will make movies for you. The perfect indoor light . . . a 15 ampere, 1 1 0 volt semi-automatic twin carbon arc. One lamp works perfectly with F:3.5 lens. Operates on A.C. or D.C. current. Compact, light weight, unusually satisfactory. (Code Dersun) . Price complete, ready to use with carbons, $25.00. Extra carbons, $2.00 per dozen. White flame or panchromatic. Bass, pioneer in motion picture service, serves the entire world. Send for price list and current Bargaingram. Your old equipment accepted at its present full cash value in exchange. Write! Wire! Here is the perfect exposure meter for Filmo Cameras. Actually reads the light . . . quick . . . accurate. (Code Cadut) . Price with case, $12.50 Cinophot for all other movie camJustophot for all still cameras including focal plane shutter. (Code Justophot) . Price, with case, $10.50. CASS Camera Company 1 79 West Madison St* Cables DeFrame Chicago, U* S* A* [Adv. 12]