Cinema News and Property Gazette (1913)

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92 THE CINEMA. January i , 1913 THE CINEMA PROPERTY REGISTER EXCHANGE AND MART AND EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Teli'i d Oi 1 11 es : GERRARD 7<>76. °79° NORTH AUDLEY STREET, OXFORD STREET, LONDON. W. Telegrams : •• FADDIST, LONDON The charge for announcements on these pages is ONE PENNY PER WORD, four consecutive insertions being charged at the price of three, thus an advertisement costing 2S. for a single insertion will be inserted FOUR TIMES FOR 6s. Advertisers desiring to do so may make uss of a box number, but every announcement sent for insertion must bear the full name and address of the sender as a guarantee of good faith. Whilst every care is taken by the Publishers to satisfy themselves as to the bona fides of those making use of these pages no responsibility can be accepted. AH advertisements intended for insertion at line rates must be accompanied by a postal order to cover the cost. The latest time for receiving copy for these pages Is first post Monday morning. Any advertisement received after this time will be held over until the following week's issue. Applicants desiring further particulars of any of the properties mentioned in the subjoined list are requested to state precisely the exact further particulars they require. All communications should be addressed, Advertisement Manager, The Cinema, 2t, North Audley Street, Oxford Street, London, W. THEATRES, HALLS, AND PREMISES. LONDON AND SUBURBS. E— Going Concern, seating 224. Property available for extension. Taking £20 • per week. Rent £2 10s. per week, including rates and taxes. Price £550. Owner taking larger hall.— Box No. 544, The Cinema. Rent £200 per week.— Box No. w EST-END.— Large Theatre in a main street. 545, The OnimA. V. \\'.— Going Concern, stating 400. Taking £25 £30 per week. Rent £260 per 11 annum. Price £750. £450 ca*h. A bargain.— Box 546, The Cinema. A GREAT BARGAIN £350. r ONDON, seal Large Riverside Town. Fully equipped Theatre, No opposition. The ■A-i net! profits under poor management, and open only three days a week, arc £250 per annum. Rent only £35. A rare chi foi a '■'-'inner.— Box 688, Tin. Olltl <i MESSRS. HARRIS AM) GILLOW, Cinema Phopekix Aglms 451a, Oxford Street, London, W., have the following to Sell at BARGAIN PRICES. 8i i,i RB, w Goii I era, in a line position in a densely-populated district. \ erious opposition. Fully equipped, and everything new and up to \ • sum ol mom has been pent on the tn Comprises stage for variety and fitted generator, gas radiators, ■ electric installation, iron gates, fcc., fcc. Holding capacity 720. Making a in of £10 per week. Rent £300 per annum. Price £700. A bargain.— Fo. 231cy. S.W. V i ■ ■• built Theatre. '-..000. Capacity nearly 600. Takings C 0. 62,000 cash and balance on mortgage includes going concern i ng of the best I ■ Ground Kent £2 0 per, annum. Fo. 793b. A\ 'I -I INI' Q Concern, beautifully decorated and upholstered. U8.000. Rent «75 per annum. Fine chance.— Fo. 163cy Price TWT —Fine Music U ng 1,400 and standing room -l> • thing si ji ttands. Rent 61,1 Price £4.000 foi ,000, or Freehold would be Sold. Profits should 'each £5,000 per annum. A to obtain possession of a profitable undertaking for a small figure. — Fo. 688b. EM t road, compi ii Sail seating 500. Shops and Premises prod i • a Rental of over £800 p.a.. and a Suite of Rooms, producing £500 p.a. Takings t year were over £3,750. Lease 80 years. Ground Rent £206 p.a. Price DO.— Fo. 171. y. Further particulars of ilajris and Gillow, as above. .E.— Large Music Hall, fine position. 1 Cmi Rent £1,550 p.a.— Box No. 551. The SI Main road, densely populated district. Going Concern. Seating 450. 'i .0 pel «'-k Rent e700 per anno:. Price £1,000.— Box 552, Till (IMMV. E —Theatre, in a good main position, havin it v of 1,500. Price • f.'.SOO. Rent 61 ■ B N 0. 55 1 I m Cinema. CUBTJBB, S.W. to, ir i late In a main road. Tip-up ~ sating, and nicel] do orated. Taking 623 per week. Rent £110 tier annum. r • 6450. A line opportunity for a beginner.— Box No. 554, Till I'lMHI N— Theatre, having a seating capacity of 200. with standing room for 50, or • otild be enlarged to hold anotheT 100. Established 3 yeai-. Music and It' nt £90 per annum. Small premium. — Box No. 555. Tilt Cisi m. S.W.— Theatre, seating 300. Fine position. Takings average £125 per month. Owner has other interests. Rent £275 per annum. Price £400.— Apply J. Johnson, 84, Haven Lane, Ealing. S.W.— Theatre, seating 450. Main road. Takings average £48 per week. Licen.*d far Music, Dancing, and Cinema. Rent £200 p.a. Price £1,000, or the hold would be sold.— Box No. 558, The Cinema. — Going Concern, in very fine position, with imposing front; beautifully • decorated and upholstered: everything practically new. Tip-up seats, two private boxes, stage, dressing-rooms, fcc. Seating 530 and standing room for 70. Licensed for Cinema, Music, and Dancing. Ground Rent £200 per annum. Long lease. Price £4.500.— Particulars of Mr. VV., 24. Wellington Road, St. John's Wood WEST-END.— One of the highest class small Theatres, in one of the best mam streets in the West-End of London. Holding about 200. Price for the whole place, as a going concern, £1,500. A bargain.— H. H.. 112. Finchley Road. SHOP PREMISES, in Camden Town, having a frontage of 40 ft. to main street and a depth of about 184 ft. Exit at the rear.— Box 521, The Cinema. VIT'EST SUBURB.— Exceedingly well-built Cinema Theatre, in fine pi ' 1 seating 700. Cost £4.000. Fullv licensed. Will be Let at £300 p.a.. subject to a premium of £1,500.— Box 540, Tin, Ci\em». ~\Xf —Newly-equipped Theatre, now showing good profits under management, seatTT • ing 600. Land at rear can be purchased to enlarge the seating capac.ty to over 1,000. Rent £300. Long Lea-e. Price £1.000. Very little opposition.— Box 653, Tin Cinema. .W.— Fully-licensed Cinema Theatre, seating 500. Rent £450 pa. Situate in vers busy street A rerj remunerative Investment Box 664, Tn Cinema. W— Well-established Cinema Theatre, in • eition, for Sale showing • a net profit of £500 p.a. under management. Rent only £20u years. Price £2,300, £1.000 Cash, balance by instalments, winch includes everything. e room for extension —Box 656. Tnr Civh Q.E.— Well-arranged Premisoi, ii "00, fully licensed, also O smaller Hall, suitable for meetings dances, fcc. Balcony, sliding roof, ;• and bullet connected with the larger Hall. Price for Fr . 150, including Fixtures. Fittings, &c. Large part on mol tbei particulars of S. Brooks. 9, Theberton Street, N. Q.W. SUBURB.— Cinema Theatre, in a very busy street. Price Rent •3 £130 p.a. Holding 300. lease 18 years. Takn l| 17, The Cinema. "Vf —A very well-built Cinema Theatre for Sale. Price £3.500. I Rent, H • on long Lease. Holding over 500. Takings average £50 to £60 per week.— Further particulars of Harris and Gillow, Cinema Theatre Agent 45l<. Oxford I W. BUILDING SITES. LONDON AND SUBURBS. BOW ROAD.— In belt position. Excellent site, with a frontage of nearly 50 ft. and depth of so ft. Especially suitable, owii I position in the middle of a very busy D I owns Theatre. The price for the Freehold, including two Shop let off and bringing in £160 per annum, is only £3,000. The site fn S theatre would probably be let.— Box 560. The Cinema. SUBURB. S.W.— A fine corner Site, in a good position. Area 3,250 square ft. Prioe, Freehold, *1,2 0. or would Let on a Building I*a«e at £65 per annum.— Box No. 565. Tin Optima. ,C— Site 9.650 square ft. Building lease 80 yean. Ground Rent £300 per annum. 48 ft. bj 235 ft.— B Ni I I IKMA. E