Cinema News and Property Gazette Technical Supplement (1924-1925, 1943, 1946)

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'4 Supplement to THE CINEMA NEWS AND PROPERTY GAZETTE. October 2, 1924. Th us th a e BURTON FRIDAY, SEPTEISBI THE ANGLESEY PICTURE HOUSE. It is a particularly varied and interesting programme at the Anglesey Picture House for the remainder of the week. Perhaps the most striking feature of the entertainment is the unusual and original method of projecting the weekly topical newspaper. Following a few remarks by the advertising manager, Mr. Jackson, the Gaumont Graphic was shown with the lights in the hall full on. This was done purely as a demonstration of the extreme clarity of the picture which is now shown. The result was very surprising. Instead of the picture fading away, as one would expect, a really good projection was secured, and no one could have any difficulty in seeing every detail of the film. .! Here mach Proje Arc ] this was 11 t jt LET— I J. SPRINGE^ instal machines for you ; and get similar ^ur St BRANCHES 1\