New York Clipper (Apr 1862)

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mTcM BXiimfAY, APRIL 19, 1862. 'AkBttr^B TO coBABSvowBSsnA :t;. Iff'Ranrtoh—The flght between HeeiiM end 8»yBt» luv- 1; d^eMed « tow, nelOier perty caou loto po««lon of -•Bwren iUtn leHred tnm thetlii«.«n4«£«?i»n»Plon. '^^'te 'be Cnight for by whonuoererjntaW MPnelo „ OTiia fltrtiiriE? oontended for Uie bdtiftecSiTOn n. Ten Stm Hnnt and Tom Peddooki Hunt won the 'and ihenfoie boolone otaunplon. Hewu ttieneheUenged _ile.—The rnlea of fprtr-flTOd ttg not well deflned,' t mn^ on the onstomi ot- the plec^ pi olnte. To lob ^ J« not, piopMlx.»P«*!?«'» P?** €»™>' *«>'. ami-U iUowed, tiowarer, the cnstajn la< so br is onr 3'soda', for'tho patf lioUIng tbtf King of tnmp* to by: ind If tfie Is oo( oat, or pbyed ont for, to take np .•uouuinpotod after the pbyVie gohq onoe'A>ond. filliodd he ' jwt confbrai to thla tote or taatoin', hd entfUd down lUatund, ■ •f^m^: ■ jlMlilT BrmnmH.'-nan ire'u good «iid respeoUble people la the theatrical profeaaippu can be found In any other clais.of . lUm, -yoiii fHead donbtlen eb^ of thise'poor,' Ignorant ' ■■Wiat, 'w1l6<»a aw negoodontsldeof their am Innedlataolrole. ' .U'jdnoannotargpeinuioat'OiitUng .Dnt," yon had bet^^ have . irttllilijillidowUb^oiirdlatigMeabloand'.'OTerpbiBl"ao^oalst-, '^■■S^^^^'^^v'i ■■' • • ^ e It. 4)n> B., Boa(«ar-l>. ShaWaMor has not yet bad mth a trial, . mSMU s«taafi ta ^^''ilxt.ironders jshe-may be ablete aeoOm- jStiOi nntU'ihe baa been teated. a. Bhe la not fasterthairany .' I m'^ i t iMi ftl i,- 3; .UieSeialalia^ madethebestobean paAa^e. . 4;a)iK/'iraiiitpt. monnta two u-lnoh gnaa only. K Wa cannot gtnyDB thewdghti;!. . ''^^kBzt.oiiiEi'ieney Shore, fia.—I. The neth'od for. yon to 'atotfct^pjrgar. mlk ppie,lato aboUdi alIothaTCaina,:and . fipt')l¥>to.dnAd'larg«st and ebongest bone for braedoi, in a^ '->%Fff ^Z^M''?^^^'"'-' Prorate .BoylB'Sj or. Rtihardaon'a , .m^ptpi^^Uob contain information i/Ui wQl piore iei* 'cltLlk^^dlayeland.—1. Saah.i matob oonte'mplibon, .Vdt'mTr.del)^ amngaments have yet been mads, Mlowated to VMiiffUligi fo atoaiis.' Z The "pnrlnolals" cetolnly had the I'^Of nis in :th« lale.tonmamem, and we cannot aay. that we " "l ibf.taeh gentlemanly aind agreeaUs playeis deaerre all -^t they luite met with.' ' •d.B. B.—We hare no letter for yoa. ' The -tax bin aaya tiiat Wtaatke*, nsdkr wblob' tetln la Indnded etary place or edUoe, "^dl isaladliig halla or rooms rented for ooneertaoreihlUtlotts, : irtMire diamatle or openilo repiesentatlona, playa or i^Rflmnanoet ai«4iiautad, ahaa pay a Uoenoe of flOO each." K ^,^|Itaoh Obnsk—^ lady did ascend at the Vmfi menttonadt 'f Ae iraa not killed. - "Her name was UlSa Bradley, and lAen I .l^poh had retched the height ot one mile, » bust: tiM %r part, AoweTsri formedlntb a panshote against the netting, ( the lady reached the earfb in aafoty. 'Hi V. D., Iianaliigbnrgh.^1: The lint paper ever pnbUibsd in itfca xrmted BtateswaefisiiedontheMth(JApn],lTOi byloba OampbeD, (a Beotchman,) at Boston, and eallsd "The News IieKer." X The best game fowls are lalaed in Sogland, 1 Ibat la an;Op«a qaestlon. SmotiBni hermitage. Fa.—A statement algaed by both taartles aoQldbethe'more proper mode to bring the dl»pnta beimens te settlement TheIndges who oflolatad Mihe mala^ tMnTerer, ' g|ioii]d;daalde al to the winner, .without any ontatde In terft reniee. .')i^ioiiiiai,.'^nf^IOb—A oontiadl«libtt,'.l7'.aatltorliy.c<Uiis lady jUf^lU, anpeared la onr last Tour's, theretbre, la nnneooMary at.' the present time. Should "Non-I^rofoaslonal" oiEiir eridsnca ^ fopport of his acooat^onS) then yonra will appear. 'Mfei^Bm,—Blclonan.was not Ulled la a light, bntmetUs Vdeatlilaietnrnlag item theSght between Hodaon and Bhelton. .B^'w^ thrown from a wagon, the wheels ot which pwed over Ills head, Ulllng him Instantly., 'ji,^pqKmiBEa,,Boidentown.—Mow we cannot d^de who la the greatest :generaL Wait until the war is orer, and then yoncan ■»t;a 'better.l4ea of their reepeetlTe abilities <han yoa oaa at 'present, Make It a draw. .i. ' ' >' W. £1 talaUne, N. V.—L jliepirittiaB same of tbe'bther of 'iM^pnsent Emperor of the Innoh was also lonls N^Ieon. % The'present Emperor bad .'two btothen; Imtwi cannot Slate ■ Uiajp names ppaltlTaly. ; ' '.'. • v . '''-' Jd; V^iBtatB, WbllsWster, Wis,—We are'qbt scqnalnlBdwith aswooea, bnt by aJto s s In g a Une to Balsted & Aokerman, 103 • stwel, yon ^n35^^b« ^bto to obfa^a the Into ^^^-r-r*-, ^"r*v <r"v InfonaatlosL - . ^V.'W^OT, 'IIanches,.Wls.—The .book-was Aiili forwarded. ;I(ewipapar and book malls are slower than tette^maUs, geoetally, -^'-"ii^jttolwWya^ ...^ ,, TfsiflZdrtAYii Iteanoke-Ialiad.—Tpajgin tt^ wager. . Flora ijat nsTer made a nille in two " ti i ipi" elghteta and a half U.. "Hex best time la aiUX. . - ~< -AiuxaDB;—It la very likoly that both oeatlem^ bateiappeared UMefsarts named. It la impossible'for ns to keep,a complete Unot all performances.. vl^ikia£is.—Well, the battle iatt not renewM, wilchls j^iwbat .V^ stitsd. The reason for the taUarie to oofoe togelher, #e can- ■iotpuHo mind, at present.' '.; , , ' ;': l.'T.,' Stadron, Pa.—1. Orisket bala from t3 to tS each, balls ts, 'WC'Of atomps from 19 upwards. 3. Procsre Beadla'a Dime ]QHoket,'book, whlcb contains the mles. <'ilL'B.|.F6'keepsie.—Oivena an idea of ybqr game, abd wecaa M«B 'Understand what is wanting. There' Is nothing dlfBeqlt sh«1utbeBaaia,ifltlsthesamewehaTepUyed. ■ ■ ■" ■ ■''Wl8a.—lIlok^ Warren informs vi that the time oconpisd in *lsid*nce with Bulk the UasoD, in Howard itreet, wiasabSnt two BCnits and a liaU. - (m, inVcity.-It took place oa ifroT. Ttta,:ia Un,ia this for ssooa side, aad was drawn by mntDalooasaat, after a ist of foor hoars sndsUaioateadnratliTn.'. ^' B-.W., Fhlladalphla.—Koarrangemenis hare yet been made te the^jproposed eonyentlon, and ao delega^ haft yet been Auaoted* ' , ■ . <'l>l(ago.—If there wiis no money peaaiik the lying thlb^ a'laetU" too tar. ' Oaan; PhUaddphla.—the keel of the Wabash wu'iaid ia Oe- Amer, I4M; and abe was lannohed lit abont one year thereafter.. '.ti'.liamBsa, Baltimore,—Ton are notccmpdladto&nmp, when ' 4Ui hare not the snit led; yoa can pUy any oard'yonprear. f i^4inikB, Detroit—If yon mean in thia ooimtry, there is oaly . Cto-A^to.'wUcb, wepresnmOyonki^owls'lanMhera. BpoBBtB, Jamestown, K. T.'—Two dollars will corer the eoeit of i , the article, and express charges^. '• ■^^jSe'^^beV^' ^° ^ coaata as a straight,^ ^i;MBli<L''l^«few.PhiW uiem bare beea pabUabed. •. (AM)^ H,-/Wateis, iSl Broadway.. , . . .s!?''"?^ ^^PAjBTliilmB OF THi^HUS^: y - jpast tmr i(ieks tbars bM^tMa^'weant giii to.ob- serrSi kia axoelleat dlspoeltlon manlfested'to partloipate in oat- door taoreatloaa. Atlhoee .tjeantibl ,aad piotoreaqao.base ball u&«tc]eet.nt>ands,:,t^e. lYeUs,/Hobok«n;.j^ere baVa tieen'gobdr^Uos of'4he memoeraof the vulbaTdabii, iaad apoii' on^or two afternoons a nameroas assemblage were gratlfled speotAoiaof tlio practice matches of tbe'dabs. The Uatoal, Bagls, Gotham,'Jefferson, Empire; ^pta^, etc., haiA'^iade. their preparatory moves; they will all be early ia the Held, aad ia grand.display ia tegard. to.membus aad effloleao^.,.8eTari)I aiatcbes aie on the' tapis,'betir^a oar crack. olaWmbioh wlD, donbtless.'be oartled to an early aad aaooesafbl tenalnattoa, ' la Brooklyn, t^e ^Stat, Sxendse, Obarlsr Oak, ^kford,, kfid Atlaatio' .iolabs, aio ((i^adag a great'deU af spirit aad. actlTltgf, jirbloh Is qertaia to resolt la aa exttiamely lively base ball oampat^ ia the OltyoCOharolM. ■ •• '' ' • '."' •',■.•.',.'■.''"'; The mombeia.ot the Kew Tprk aa4'BrooUyn Orloiiet Olaba are holdiag their laumalBMetlaia, eleotiag ofloerSiVahd reaflerlpg their M8inixailonB'ilrm''and aoand; 'pa thata.ey.olit.''plt(ih[^ielr wldwts"'bMghVand"early' for'the'eonteatof IBtii: The aiaooia- tlons who snpport and foatsr this anolent aad honorabU eport, will, we ata coBfldimt, peifona a genenns qa'Oti to^hiiis vender- lag the seaaoa a mefoorabl^ oae., ' Among oaa Boat Ohiba tbere la also the same eoameBdable ao- tlTlty aad apHl du onjpf, aad we iioUoe wit^graUOei^a' that oar amateor rowing' olaba iut as lf they were determined to eaJoy themselTea, andaddtotbe &gplroBtite> jaatly-'waa wnm in the wvrld of oamm^nsblp. . The Ata)aiitM> la tlieir iiigiit^ared barge, aad la ^elr Uw)»m shell Xxcdaior, haja eajoyed oae or two little "ahake nps" on the Hadson, jagt t»a|B^ them- Mm thitttbey Jtidaotiijiiottei^^ their gc^old.vs^K^" Tbe WaTedylAoroiai aad Atlaatio beya are all ready, aad oaly wait- ing for some jranablBy.alteraoen or bright algh^ to hm tbejq'- fii'coliunanda tirom'tbe coxswain of Om t/n t 't ta.way/ The aanoy blo»Jaakata'bftlie CinllnkBoat Olnb have "showa" in their fine sii.4>area oat-rlggar, kad theii styto of paOlag satisAed as ehttttnrliigfhe loe mag's sway, .th^y had'not Ipstiay of U>eK admitted sdienoaAoanaiaBShlp. .TbeOnlicki are an meoiben ofHoeeOo.N«. U,aadtheyaxeaeredittoihed^aiteeat. - 't ^ the' yaohting wodd, eTatyttilng la ^f a 'Joyooa. and bright hae, the near approHoh of the Kew Tork Tacht 01ab> Aaaoal Be> gatta BtaUag' «an baads" btuQr enoUgb.' As this aiia^ erigot tikes place early la Jnne. it wlU- aeire as an inaognratloa of the jtOiSlBg pastime of the Daited States. It belag the ptoaeer and parent dob, the yonnger aasoclatliins take their one from it| and immedlately -follaw aait wttb tlieir aalllncf oontests and gala days. It win be remembered that a number of the yachts of .the K. T. Y. p. were placed, b^ their owners, at the dispdsal of the goyem- ment, who conrerted tbem into ailnlatilre men-of-war. Two of thsm,.theirair<i<(a, the property of Jas. O. Banoett, Jr., of this dty, sad thf Btft, owned by Ur. lies, of Prorldenoe, B. L, have perfohaedfdthfol doty for aiaaymoaths past, in onr own aad Sontfaem waten. Bnt we haTe written'enough to. illastrste that oor.Tarlona dubs are in a pNgreaatre aad heallhy state, and only need that eacouragaiaeat fna the pntdlo to.whtch tliey are enti- tled, to btooma llie4 and pennaoei^t pistltnttons of tbe Ian4' '' Athletto aniilaamenlsare ooeValiwltti ths earHast days of the .wo;)d. (londnoiTetoheaithi.andpronMtlTeof oheerftalness,they supply to friendly intercourse a generous warmth aad manly* 'spirit thtt bare pttea peaettated aad. eaaobled ihe social oonven- UoasUtles of a people. They are Importaat, Tlewed merely as a medium of plaasore, but to appredate them ia*aU their effects is to gire them a stOl higher position. ' They haye formed tho char- Hlerlsttcs of aatioas, ilied eras ia the oom^tttlon of time, and they abare with Uteiitnre aad art the brlgtatakt pages of history, It Ia,a pIUh axiom 6f"exi>erlenee that the Jpat blending of laixir ■ad rMreation, prodaoea the highest order of iatellect aad surest prom]^ ofloageTity. ' The trite pn^b that "an wori and no ;^;n^i^ Jack a duU.boy/! emboidtes wbolesme adrioe, aind to its t^appreolatloa genius la iadebtedforaIa8ttagTl^J.'|T)iougb these'Wraths ^d^eUy Ustqnus, it li t« beInifple^ that, ta our 'ccftmi^y,'tlMlr<((nojre^,'mn6tso.nam ''^' ' IP li/M Wi^'r-Aller the' retreat |£bia 'j^ttabdrgb j]iaadiafij; tbjf VelBls iaade thair way back' lei Oojiuiiij ^hen £ey ttf aow^ntty'' alcely anrrouaded, Beauregard was not kUled, as roportol, bat win be, probaUy, in the next^i^gig^gnt . ■ 'v^ J The Uetiifuo f'<Mi9o'o>atj['.aad;"V|^nt in" agaiii. .Oor Monilor unilenlood th's game, and ^rew away.a usdess card. When the proper opportsnlty offers, she sod her sss'lstaata wiU play their tramp cards, The time has not yet arriTed. Uodionaa is bnslly. eagagod'bi' "doalag in" the rebelvat York- town,, where thoy are . Ia strong foroe, aad weU fortUed. Ho- Olellaa's poll(V if to arbld, oaaecessary aaorlAco .of -life,. aad this is 'why his aioTimenta aite somewhat alow. He loyi oat his 0aas oaMoIlyi and takes time'to'work them out saqce^ily.:, Vew Orleans an^.QayaluthlwiUso^be'inppaseesIon of.o^^^ troops, if. they are aot atreafty,: '"Thus ikr the wo A goes bravely on." . i.i.<: :-: ,, - • . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • t ■. " I - • ■ I The OnrAiii' Piaa.-yTbiii ftTqrlte sammer resert tn'O^S' dast-begrlmed oiUxaiit 'i^ 'ootbam, 'begias to look fresh aad- gieen,''aa4 '4iilte^lB^tjaig,>) .'visitors, wheUier pedesbiaa' or equeabiaa, On Soadj^^ bat hoadreds ofpeopbi were wisely gty-^ lag themselves an airUg, aa'd the As^ stook, both' in wagon and bafuesB, that were beln^ trotted out, were numerous enough and good lookiog.enougb'. t6 satta^ even aBeeoher,'«rt]iomoMIa- veterate admlrar of "good 'oaa to gb.V - It la looatsmplated, we believe, to add an aviary, add' a oonaervatory to the other attrac- tions the fark; if ao, oar dfiieas bave iadeed aoiaeUiliig to coagratoUta 'thamaelTM| apoa, W their ihaaki are- dine to tlio Meadeurii proj^itcis )tf jhe aaois.' Oupra'-fbl^ are to have a diaace, also, ws onderstaad,; aad atbletio^imes, sildi aa cricket, base ball, bowling, eto.,.are. tO'be iatrodnoed; and U to these, anhary forthe ladies, be added,'tiie Oeatral ParkwlUbeaUve soitofplaoetog oto., : ' , Thb FBtLasatiiBU SuTsto Otus partake of their <»«»m«i dla- aer, oa'the IMblast, at the Waahlngtan House, Obaaaat street . BiLUaBOSifeLimaFAUjs,'N.T.—ThlsUtUetowawssanex- ottemeatoatbeMhlnst, iaantioipationof.amatoh to come off at Smith's Union BlUlaid Boom, between Uessrs. J. B. eieete, of Uobswk,andO.Amadoa, of Bome.' Fire huadred points, for IWaslde, weiertae terms of play. At the appointed time, (B o'olook,) tba parties assembled, the room being orowded 'with nteotators'to wltHess the trlAL Order being restored, Hr, James aot was selected as Ur. Steele's umpire,-and Hr. Amadou chose Ur. 'William Boise, formerly of New Tork, for bis, Ur. BeDln- ger, proprieto^ortbe Benton House, was appointed referee; Ur. James Uorey acted as marker. At sn t. u., they strung for lead. AmadOD gained the choice, and scored six, bnt afterwards missed, by a hair's breadth, hla easiest ahoL Stede fbOowed. making a ran cT IB. Amsdon now succeeded lii maUag 38. 'Soth continued to play with little eflOet for a while, Amadou gala- lag aUghtly until ihe first hundred was aooied, when he was 30 ahead. Steele appeared tMuva bod luck In going into thupocket after niakiag several good shots. At thd end of the second hun- dred, Amadon was M ahead, but the game aow took a tora. By caretol management and akllltal playing, Steele contiaaed to gdff^and when the third hnadied liitd t>eea played, Steele had IB points the best ot his opponent. Tho fourth huadied was 'oaatioaslyplsyed oa'both sldev At length Steele got the balls "Jawed,'' aad made a raa ot 68, which placed him 18 poiata ahead. The baakers of Amadoa aow began to lookaUttlebltae, the iMtttag being a to 1, S to 3. tec, with ao takers. Amadon, hWnTer, instead of gstting dlaooursged, aeemed to play better, and succeeded in malBng a roa ot Hi, for which he was loudly applaaded. OorlUvtbofonrthbuadred, Steele freqaeatlypook- eted bis opponean. ball, and when tbere waa no prospect for conntlna, played'the. tiaUa into the string. The fifth and last hundreo, Steele contiaaed to gala oa bis man, and after tn«ving 30, flie game stood—Ibr Steele i84; Amadoa 410.' Amadon now made afourahot, and tksnext^y, want into the pocket Stede then played, aad connted 18, and waa declared the winaer by T6 points. Bn.T.TABnfl Di DkmVbb Otrr.— a match gome, for }ia a aide, came off at the National Billiard Boom, Denver 01^, on the lltb nit, between Dan Doyle'and Ben Soilth, resulting in fiivor ot the former; who won by 31 points. A return game, for the same amount, was pbyed on tbe ISIh, Smith this time proving the for- tunate "baO puncher." Denver is a "fkst and Sourishlng town." iTn Anaano Otus.-The'regolar monlhlv mmtUHMM iv 'S!.'"^ia?, """"P'on Bmo^ Olub^w^M^^THf ?*'i4t W Avenno. B?l>ouSS ou^KdiSr s™5 •lag,-Al)ril tth, aad tbe fonowiag geaUomen^ie ntfSIrK offlceiB for tbe»asuinByear>S*eaiaont p w ffiSSS"*^ ftesideat, Tho. B.yr/dS;'B^ti?J?^^^ ?nfi±,^'^^^fS*' ?ol«ff»t«toOeLvoati(m° I. OBrien. Auditing Committee, Uessn. B. l S2^yrpU»eirX»'^Sdf^» .quite an intere^Unif practice game. »^?.*^'^^^?''!"'~^ cojsequone'e of the indemenov of th« ■weather last week, the openiJf day of this club tSs oMSonod tJ large tura outaf the Jilaylag mombon aad thelHsSds. ,2JSSt!i™?»*?»tW'-The snowetomi^^ last week .tortd^tart^ed-^rtiTh^^^ J^5?e^ttti»»^ »rf*"enownSetaqistSrS." SShTSvJSS^ 1 *°*°"ly on such grouads'^as the Stoi Club occupy, that any play could be had, mo o»ii The Bio« OLOS-LThia dub wlU oommeuee play for the sea-l JOB on their grounds at HobokenonTueS^. AZi mToS?^ had their annual meeting on the 9th inst on wWcb^iiiS of the club duJbw.lSMi-Presldent, PhiUp J. Oozane; VlceftS^ dent. JenUna 8k^; Beorotary. James O. ^ets; dScIotJS!^ Ooiaas, Thomas Howe. T. L, ThoibMI; Delegatea to thsS^#ln ttoa-Hesars, J. f Uottand W. A. Peai; oMtteS TlSS^^. B, P. Simonton, E. U, Hussey, Ji B. Ourty, ui^auy- Tb* HniBT EoXFoao Oiub.— The members ot this dub "win commence pUy on the grounds adjoining ths terminaa of (h> Oreenpolnt City JlaUroad route, in Brooklyn, B, D., oaTuMdM April lOth, . ' ■ The JamaaoH OiaB.—The foUowing la the list ot ofli-ora nf this club for 18«3i-Preeldent, K. iTlHedden; Vloe Pr^Umt: Oeorgs Starr; Treaanrer, Joeeph Randolph; Beoordfaut SecretSv E. B. Ojinor! Oonespoadlag Secretary, C, W. KlrbyrDdogatoeto the National Coavenfioa-^-O. W; Kirby, J. Boss PoeUey, prol oWbie that the tune reCerred to wu tbie! ,ko9ioe-7AU ii4bt ''We have uace mailed a jpmf'eddtito. ■.'. . ' .'. —■ iiOf '^(^o,—W<e kap^if otaone iluiiDig oat 'foir r 'was aaaager of Nlbio's (tardea duriag thi' .... ... ..^ , ^ 'c.-v l/i./ ■ . ■. . '. I ^l'lfl^ytWKS,'/Toroato^lt vrt:tild •Abt bo' advisable tor" yoa to coiie ' ^ffl!t^''*^'°'''^^*^'<'°*'^<^°''^ iii a coutle ot nloutha. '.^g^^ty';^'{leford.7-^'Ffcdra^ ' I^PM^Jt^&i CKibnrg.—Becelved, ta igopd ooaditioa. Thanhroai' '>^'ij[: fl()b^, ^<Mtoa;>-iF6^yandEavaBa6ban'both of Irish blith: . ij','-<vU>'iibTMto.4The artiale.'waamlslaidia the InterlaL " Biaaia-'iBS .Tam^a.—'Itis gentlemen engaged in Jheiaafc et getUng'ap'Viurlesof Aulnga^ CM the don- lag'season,liaI^aiiotlieraisetiagiathlsaityoc(ttie^U^ It is add that snba«rii)tions have been recdvcd sufltcltat to aaiaria' som^ raices in'IUIadel^biB, New Tork, aad^Bostoa, sad that the first win take place some toe la Joae^ Peopleareao'deeply atv sorbed ia aSatra ot the naUoa Just now.that they seem to exhibit bat iltiie iiitereat ia aaythlag else.' For this reasoa,' lliose ea' gaged la the ellairt to revive radng at the North haveap-un work of it The aam^ of aeyeral prbmlaeat tuif-mea are meatioaed iacoanectioi^ with the propoaed aieetiags.aad it iatobe^op^ that thej'great expeotaUons" ttom. the aaa of their nabies aad lallnenoe may tw reallaed. If we could Im aasored that alegitt- niata reyival 'of turf matters Is the sole'6b|ect|^ view, doubtless maay who ate aow Inke-wirm oa the sul^eet, might be ia'dnoed to't^e aa active part ia briaglag the. affair to a aucsessfal sola, tloa; bat there,have been, ao many proiniaes held forth of late yetts, uid so'fowot those pnotlses fttUUIed,that bnt little reU- sn6e la now placed on paper programmes, wbilch. are sddoih earl, ried!d:at. Uaay ooaslder'ttiat "ooatribntloas" for such thllags might be osed to bettor advantage if givea to aUevlate tbe snffer- iags of those wbnaded la the defence ot theU ooniitry, the recent battU at Pittsburgh Landing calling for aU the aid that our dtt- iuis liave ia thair tower to bestow.' The ptoapeots ia tibtting are not .very' brilUant,. either althoagbi-some'purees bave flUsd .up. Bee elsewhero. The war and other thiags comblaed Operate against tprf iatereeta hef«iaway,aadwe oaoaot look foraretuAtof lhe good Uifeaot <^d aatil thsrq is a prospect ofa settlemeat of the dlfllonltles aow detracting the oooatry. ■ la this ooaaeottoa, we. might aieatlon that tbe.wdltiindwn hotel of J. 1 BnMlcori om'the BrboU^ and Jamaica plank road, a abort diataace from the Baion aad Oebter- villa Baoe ObnnAis, is oSiired for sale. 'It Is a flas place, haowa to.evOry sj^rtiag aiaa ia the countiy, and it the signs of. the times pohated. to Iniak buaiaesa oa tbe traoki)^this sesson, it would be tony for the preseat proprietor to dispotie of it BrOBfna bLSBOxiiEW,-A raclag p<^ tho servlce of the .Church of Englaafl, ta a CKoucesteishlre town, last ^y, startle<| bis flock by mviag outibr the lesson ot ttie day, inatea< I ofaaasnd, "thelastBundsy In Itplphany," tho'i',/lntSutlday &e- jmlU Deiy," and did not pen;elvanlf awkward (Ror anllf hie ;iUsd was recalled to'tl^eaUDjact l^ytlie eonyuisive [oougbs aad ptoas groans of thejsong^gatloa: . . i ... .. It is to be hoped that Brother Btsecherwin notbe'ganty of a lajimi liii^tm oa^Oaday next (we write bii Satoiday. 'Ap:^ l3)i .and aanouace it aa the "secoad Bnii'day'aftec.ilie blg.bjUlarA' toiiAameat" '■ . Old OonsiBX.Tau.— Dub Ouvfkb: I liave beea reading year correapoadent's, Edwin James, letters with muoh iatorest I hope'he will vlalt the Obrystal Palace, and give as a foU occouat otihe eights.' He appears to have the.orgaa otobaervatloalarge- ly developed, and as all astlona wlUba represented in tbe arte aad sdeaeea, a letter from him oa the aobjeot would give your aunierous readers great sstlatiictian. Tour letters from tl)e seat of war an not bad, and- not a whit mora egotlstioal than those ot : ronr contemporary of anti-Brltidi notorieqr. I snppoaeiyoa wlU IM able to'give us seme Information' regotdioa the intentions of the Benida Boy, and wbat the "accomplished Jem" thinks about It Heenaa'a return to Eoglaad must ooaviace the moet.veaom- ous of the antf-Brltlsb that bo did not have euob bad nsaae, and that lie knows where the money is to t>e made. - It wouldbe waU tor such to remember the fair show that Deaf Burke got at New Orleans with tbe Irish Tankee O'Bourke, One ot your contem- poraries, now eitln'ct, stated last year that British pugilists were coarse brutes that dressed in fustian. From your correspoad- jsats descriptions of Tom King, Jerry Noon, Jem Usee, be., they appear to be perfect Beau Brummels, with thelrehinytUes, green klda, peg top trowsars, ko., (vlllainons word "panta" anobbish, too much Ilke''.'mst") I hope Ur. Edwin James wiU be able to visit some substantial yeoman ot a British farmsr, or some true sportsman, andget some Insight into English rural life, Hla let- ten are much auperior to the vile slanders of some writers now In your dty, but I do aot quite sgree with him tliat the middle class bold eTerythlogAmericaainthe "greatest nverenee," fedded upwards of eight years in England, and althongh I am Bee to admit there is no such pr^udice existing sgalnst Tankeee as then is antt-Eagllsb fading hen, yet niaeo'-nlne John Bulla ont ot a hundred consider their institntlons superior- to what the; an here; and the most intense radicals, after being la \he Btates a aumber ot years, become mora conservative. ... "Blus BiBD'B Eve.>4 for e; ' If .'irinSBiaB.'r^ right') Letter forwarded. ' oa^, (^;pv^i<fji.>i)o,lu:ain.—By^tf^ time, doniiileis, .^eeiiaii aiod 3lteitbe(tla,to 'oaiatshuid'sach other's latentloai; and the obaa- :Moa.of Engb)ad bs8 probably Had aa opportniilty afforded him ' i.g.^j^toB'* a nutcb yrith'ihe Be^|iblii;^. ;,'<^ coaiiM,':it'iainot ' plape to issde a oballange'.^h4l/a.iUnio(>Bais(^ .'.Of jtagUmdi.boaad to accept aU legitinatevhalUiigest'fqd'apIipld aS^mk Ip'tli^ Bdt agalast aU (tonwM.f'^flinlii^ ddaiestiti.''; [jKaiou OoritopoitjUdt laUiuutes. ti^ ~_.ud a filling out, aad do aot puU together'aay ioogeria doable Ma.. r We hope, if tbla. ruaor ia correct, that it linnet a pre- ludS^ iaoys toward a|ffestl 'itatcb between those two with A Lib.|(h^t the jlio^ ^e^aaa, rimioD) of vrlliPM iflibpide^ 'for 'SBgUad wore'tifolla eoitaia drel^intontoi il. ^'^l^. 't,I*'■''^i^r possible that we. may learn pf M'ottti ja tlm« ^ ./iiuioi^ it in aeikt week's Qtoni, ■hen in qnita aitiiioBi apon'tha sabjs<4 tad thaasws luMirttMUMlobVMtorwithd«^lat«rt«W'.:"'' • _ Oi^onira or TBx^qaoR Sxabok,— Thafrleadly aiatch'wbloh had. 'tiefii arranged, for .(be. purpose otopeaing the sqaaoai at the ^Qolt Shades, .313 Bprlag stnet oa'thenb iasti hafr beea post- poned naUl th^^l8^i,yhen. a very, ebrpng '''gatheria^ i' th'e'r, gUher,". fcom.ijewairk, Potersca, etc., have proniiaed 6). "inak tha! :dl)adt jink'*A'.didjUs.'' ..That faow storm oa ths Jthiod 10th' 'halla UttIe'tootau6h'ofthe '"Bighlxaia" about It ' f!-.'.'. " :' ^-^[— ''''' ■■ ' r. ■ A JAB' ^iiiw*" Ooai'io 't«^ ilia».-^j^ t. i)tyi$, iha flal. JfOralaa, one of'the fl6etest foot nUtin of the day, has eaUsted' Ja.fh^ aixth WUteojiilnToluBtee'rs! aaU.'wU'provVliiiaseif * use- fOlsoldler.intj^siagiip.theretrMtlBgjrebela. , .,T*siira. p<HU.--TOaiiJae tbis.Btete wlii'.ila^ thekfttp.: iBg of dseless ddgv'.sbmewha't. expmstve; .'for. In.' additica to the Hatload tax of oae>doUar per head, ablU Uoj^ la onrBlate'legis-; |atnreWhiohlmpos«ratas'bt |3totf ' .. '. :", . ' . ., .'! I.." ' ., ' i .. - QLiniFaD.—'^sUadNo. 10'''followed,siilt tothe iards lately led <by'^e' rebeiii'aitiA'iMtaa takea t^ .dv trunips.'Foote aad Pope. The.Tebeb' baad Bmii be nearly playad oat by this. lime. "AU's waa'thatendi'Iwi:!'''''' ''■ '' ' ORIQKET. \ ;,ttMpBiiK,x;[>l4tfA*>>^^^ aponing iH^ds/Oaplala. Loiilif/BleraU, cf i^e.Odllornia'ragiaieitt, who wfa'irauaded'at| ^'sBlotf, ia<i\ook'aii'actlv^!l^ Itfresonliigtiie.bodyotOoL Miom SI PBiL&sBLFaii.—Tbe lovers of this flae game have made aa eariy start la the Quaker City, as two aiotohes bave beea played thus early, between the United aad the Laboa Olnbe, at Camdea. The ant nutoh.waa played ca Tuesday, Uarota 3Stli, tbe result being! a draw,'as then was no time to play it out. ^o ntiim match was played on Saturday, ISth ult, the Laboa giving tbe gome no. after cneiaaiagsbod beea played by each dab, duriag jrhicB ttie TJtalted scored 119 to their opponent's' Sl rons. The homo and home matoh be tween these dubs win be play ed at an early day.. The AlonioOrioUetOlub, of .PhiIadelphia,'liasreoent- ly re-organlied, and Uitead auktag aa ^Uve seasoa ia the way ot playlag. . ..' ' SaTXixm OaioEET OLim.—At the atmaallfaeetlaa ot thia olbb, the foUowiag offloets wen elected tor Ut3:—Preeldeat Thomas Folia; TicePresldent A. E. .Watsoa; Secretary, T. W. Uetcolte; Treosnnr, J. H. Booth; UatohCommittee, Uessn, S. Watson, T. PaUn;.and'B. Hurting. This dub was quite succsssfbl la> the way of. wiaalag matches duriag the past year, baviatf played sevea, sad lost out one. : ■■ •. ' Wiii.ow'bBiatartOLtiB.—Atameeilagof tblsdab,ofBrooUya, the toUowiag olBcera wen deotod;—Prsalaeat T. O. Teriy; vice President, Joha QoiAOi Becntary, Frank Ppsrce; Treasurer,'Jao, Jol^; Uanaging Committee, D. Peerless, Wdter Swift, H. Tor reaoe, and J. H., Sdemer:..' £ur'WiLLflkiaBUBoa OniOHiT Oltjs.— At the aiiaual meeting ot the East WllUamBburgh.OricketClub,.the foUowing officers were Obosen for'.ilie coming season;-Preeldeat J. wTBadfieldi 'Vice- Preeldeat Boiijoniia Ward; Becntary, Henry Badfleld; Uatoh Coaunlttee,-James. Tribeok. H. Samper, Oeorge Saville, Thomas Ward, and'J. W. Hadfleld. Oommualcatloas should tie addressed to the secretary, Beary Hadfidfl, East WiUlaaiabargh, L.L. ■ CaioKsr m BoisTON.-^Atthe first aaaual aieotlag ot the Bostoa OrickBt Club,'held oa ihe Tth laat, tbe following oflkeiawen ohosea:—President B. Fraak Crockett; '71ae President William' Silner; Troaeunr, A. J.' Uercer; Buslueas Committee, A. J. Uor- oer, B'. Frank' Oiookett, U. Dohatty, W. H. Joslyn, The club Is la etceUeat condition:. They hive several good matobos ia pros- peot aad expect an tnterestlag seasoa. Their opeaiug match is to be ployed at their grounds m East Oamliridge April 3Sth. Tbe WObo^ CaiaaBT OtaB.—This dub appean dctermlaod to coadoot ite oSaiis ia regular order, aad, to that end, lias adopted'aa oxoellent'codeof by-bws. That is right; law aad order an esseatial to permaaeai anocess. . ' Taa'di'iliitiEiiT daioBET dim or PmOiAOiLrBU.—'this dab was organized oa the '0th of Uay, 18ST, Ueesrs: Bobesoa Lea, aad Joseph obd John UcEboy taking a prominent part Ip ite forma- tion. In .April, .1818, the dub bod twen^-elgUt memben;.ln April, 1889, forqr-^igbt members; la April, 1660, sixty-dgbt, and in April, 'OljAeventy-aik membora. Daring this period tney play- ed some forty-tight matches; winning thirty-six ot thom—a very UUertl proporUon. At a meeting of this dub hdd on tba 3<lh mt; uresolatloa'iVaa possod dccluing the dub dbbandod, aad the tSeaiBen Odlottnied rine die. A club which oaa exhibit sodl'a steady aad gtatltytng increase ot ite membora, aad who won so uaav'Victories, ought to do something bettor than dls- '^weaaoring" such a.trylng season as that SlJS^»-- »V''°**l!'''^*»~>»»°y800dorubs who were devotodtoont-doprsports, We also obeerve that thoCaescent bad a Bbongor roU.of. members In '03, than at any provious Ume, have la prospect, Ipokaollttlo sitaagei aad we hope that Mmo of "'.'"5?*?',?'"' ">««4blologethW, and K^raaSS the . Tassleaat ..W, T.Bab. THE TURF. TBOTTora.—Prepatattoas are belag made for aa early resoma- tlon ot Trottlag.oa - Long Island, and quite a ntamberot puses *e been offered for competition. ..The following entries tt is Lid, have beea made for a series of trote oa ths Fashloa Oo'arse ■ No. 1.—none tSOO; aille haatvS la 8. The bay man Priaeeas w<aeateredbyOeorseUarray»Naavs Americaa, byS. UoLaugh- Iln, aad Qray Eddy, by James D. UcUOaus. - No. X—Purse HOO, mils heate, SiaS, tc^boraess; for horses that bave aot trotted, alngle, bdow 3.-34. Friaoess, Native Ame- rican, Orw Eddy aad Buaay Side, by D. Pflfer, wen catered. No. 3.—tUadioq) tOOO, mile heats, 3 la S; tor hoaes baviag trotted ia 3:86 or less, the ChestnatUan, Widow Uachree, b Sam UcLapghlla, .Oeaeral UcClellan, formerly Heed Not by B ram Woodruff; Panic aa4 Tilt by D. Tillmaa; Oeaeral Butler, by owner; and West FhUadelpbla, by J. J. Berias, -wen eatored. No. t.r-Pune 9300, one mile and npeat to 'wsoons; for horses that have not tMttsd below 3:38, to wagons; Widow Uoobree, General UcOIdlan, Panic, General Butlec and West Philaddphla, vAro entered. No. 8.—Pune 9380, mUe heate, 3 in 8, for Gentlemen's rood lams. Teams entend must be owned and driven together at timeot entering. Pag and Pauline, by John Ferris; sell and AUdo, by W. H. w.; Panic and JUt by Tillman; Hawk and Buz- zard, by T, J. Tall. « No. 8.—Poise $300, mUe be^ts, 3 in 8,. to wagoas, for horses thai have not trotted below 3:83 to wagoas. widow Uocluee, Oray Eddy, sad Oeaeral Butler, wen entered. Mo. T.—Purse 9300, aiile boats, 3 la 8, tohoraasa; tor botses that have aot trotted lielow 3i36.' The soml aion Lady Bmno, by Hiram Woodmir, What Is It? Bed Bird, by D. Tillman, Oea oral Butler and West Philadelphia, wen entered. No. 8.—Parse 1300, mile heate, 3 In 8, to wagons; tor horses that bave not trotted bdow 3:38. Ony Eddy, Sunny Side, and Native American, wen entered. No. 9.—Some' as No. 8. Ony Eddy, Sonny Side, and Native American, woro entered. No. 10.—Purse tSSO, mile heats, 8 in 8, for aU horses to saddle. Native American, Panic, and Oenerd Butler, were entered.' No. 11.—Pune $100, mUe heats, 3 la 8, to wagons, for horses Hiat have aot trotted for moaey.' Iddyjjlacola, 1^ J. W. Hlg- rina; Nimble Dick, by UcLaughUa; JUt,'and.TOa Uarp^, by [), L. Potter, wen entend.. No, 12.—Purse $100, three miles and npeat, to harness, for borsea that never trotted for moaey. Lady Llncola, Nimble Dick, and Tom Uucphy. . NO. 19.—Purse $100,' mile heals, 3 la B, to wagons, for boises that have not trotted la 3:00. Lady Emma, NUnols Dick, Jimaiy Lynch (by B, Wdten.) and JUt, ,wen entered. No, 14.—Bime as No, 13; two allies and repeat to barneas.' Lady Emma, Nimble Dick, Jlmaiy I^eh, aad JUt wen ealeied. No, IB.—Pone $100, mUe heate, 3 ia B, (9 wagoas, fb^ bortes tbat have not trotted below 3:t8. Lady Emma, Soml Oeldlpg,' 'What Is It? (by B. CroOkB,) Nimble Dick, Bay Hone, JUt' Faany Fera, (byT. J.VaU.*) No. 18.—Bame as No. IB, to baiaess. LadyEamia, Whatlsitt Nimble Dick, Bay Hone, JUt No,' IT.—Poise $100, mUe heate, 3 ia 8, to wagons, for hones that bave not trotted below 3:40,. Lady Emma, What Is It? Bed Bird, Nimble Dick, Bay Horse, Faaay Fera. Baonni—New Toaa Bfbimo UsEmia.—A meetiag of the tJnioa Bunnlng Assoalation waa hdd at the New Tork Hotd on Friday evening, Uth Inst, when the programme fOr the Spring meeting at New Tork and Philadelphia was presented by the Oenerd Uanager. Two or thne days extn rnaaing wiU lie given at Bos- ton,'Providence and Santoga, It ia sold, and if desirable daring the oampdgn, three days at Jomesburg. The first day ben vHfl be sweepstakes for two year olds, oae mUe ont; $100 subsoriptlon, $30 foifolt—five nominauona to flU the stakes. Handicap (EngUab prinolpie.'reduce or add weight for age), two mUes out; nee for an ages. Among ttie prizes wiU be the TliEaay Prize—Ladlea' Oift A magnlilceai eaameled gold watoh, richly ialald with diamonds, obaia sad watch, free oaly to saddle hones, amatear rid^n, weight to be carried 180 poaads; holt mUe heate; vdue of wateh and chain, $180; entrance teee, $18. Four entries to flU the race. No horse wlU be. eligible to contend for this prize unloaa he slian have been osed as an ordinary saddle horse, nor wiU any hone be eligible that hab star£sd for a public pune, dtber in the United Stataa or Canada, witbla two yean. Oentlemen maklag entries fortblaprUe^riU be requind to pledge themselves tbat in the event of'wiaaiag It they iatead maklag it a preheat to a lady.. On tbe sacoad, third, toarthahd fifth days, then wiU be paiMs ot $200, $300, $000 aad $1000, and aeverd sweepstakes OMn for entries.. All the.entries for the stakes ayd hondloape willo^cse on or about tbe 1st ot Uay. . . Tbe Donagsr further etotedthathe had assnraaoesfrom Ur, AI- ezonder, Ool. Ward, Ool. OUford, Oapt Uoore, Dr. 'Weldoa and other geatlemen of Eentocky, that they woold bring on the flowsr ot theur sUbles to engage ia these races. He fdt satisfied, thai the meetiag would be a magalfloeat oae. Joha Huater, Tios Presldeat uadered bis reslgaatloa, which was received, and Charles Astor Bristed dectod la bis stead. A'Bas WALEBa.^ame pute of Illinois must' tie la awAil aeed of mlssloaaries. .Wehave oauUoned.the folks "then or ther«- aboute" in nlatton' to the pretended'"Jack.Bheppaid, who fUi I Indivlil. that Iralaod John Uorrlssey for. UU that he to tbe same fight wlth.Joha 0. Heenaa. Aa the tralaer he oUaSes to is now la .England, we would aot give "shucks" tor tbe rascally pro; tendedsIwaes if John Uorrlssey ehould happen toget ca tae same war path with him. Not baviag board (Br some time of ue tbat the ■ 'hnadred-hoor moa" who preloads to bo Bngppara, onai HOaiilton, the trainer ot John Uorslsaeyin .the fight atorestll. and who now oaUs himself "Jack Bhoppard," hod just ."de- ', boU nut printer's blL to walk oat als hundred In short the — parted," leaving behind his tevem bUI, Lui nut printer's eto;, unpaid, and especially forgetting towi" houn, except when be walked out of town. tended trainer Incontinently, "skedaddled." ProbaUy be met with somebody reading ttie Naw-Tonx Oldfu. Let the folks'In too West bo oa the look oat for tola wolf ia "Bheppard s' dothlng. . TaaTacHT AKEmoA.-The Port Bbyd co,rr»S?o?^??' New Tork TrUnm gives the foUowing oi^oimt of tte funoas yacht America, Utoly rafied by Lieut Stevens, of the Ottawa, oftor hav- ing bee^ sui bvthenbels 'i>o^<>ffi^'i^^.^^^3^S^ Uonal Jtrlde idenlUod wiUi toe America, g^J on i^Uonal Inter; est to tto Inoldento in her history.. She woO purchased of her EngUsb owaen, by too robd governiuont lost wiater, for ^foTO, and wos'browht "erefor ^ •„»B'»"JP«P^ oartying Mosoa and SlidsU to Europe. Whea they took aabll SSkVSF5iSuw»detorSnod,to toatcargo she was to have soUed for Eogland not long otter too eiJJJSuon under Oopt. Stevens 'g"SfJ„^» poMOSiIon of Jaohso£vUlo. Thf Bten and Stripes, trndw whJob ■hn illnbuiuui Urn htrlttest veSeel that England could boUd, Mlor- woriTSbaUod bi^BriUolTenal^ In ite turn succoedod .ta ZrebSl^£J>ofegover her agdn,.never bo removed. ■ ■ - ' Xhw Wew Toak BfAiaaroaTsiOM'sOLnDaMembloatBoflhos; w ^l.^httothlid.Tueadayln Joao, . Thqfi?UpwUl|^ed pUverl)^, j! tj., if V oh IbethlidTuaadayla Joao. Thofi . SSatoiwii WimtotloB fwMBiloa Soffit BfjSdMa. Joha Ocoek, A. J. U^HfOS.mBt^W--'