New York Clipper (Apr 1862)

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>r.l,V<-/Uiy !:- "^T Kxir■• Ana,' SmThomu uid ^Toa Nolui-XDOO ailda,' tttn UII),' Pi!>v)<Wci!ii„»K*m(lOI»dQlt •: • ■ /ii-ilii- 2l>^nujii^^M^Ho^UDSp£l() k Ride, e«UA «il«nVB<>>B» o^iiitli.iHtttei & Dwyef-^ » Uiis iaoma oirottli. • VrtfJ-r-••.,•.■■■.;.'■>/." v.- '-^J^'mJ' ((t'<Ui(>:<as6BaE'EIN0 AMD BBABDOH. TOB XlOO. ', - Xiwi "*';.'-- il«»rt<iv:i(rf, ■MwA'M-l- W-iinlf I(>c*fcl*r.fOTtort>lPrtw<»«B,,P»*!Sr:BMri and ' n mng, tt fl»tdi-welght,'«>* «M » *»;S;tl^ yM««r- i(«Sl& fiw; rt» <1ot ttUt ba ilollwMi igJtoaiilno* T<m l«tta..AMbn Jonrt l5t«Uttt«frniMnoi«Utf biWo. Adj«- ' H' tt U>» kWKhoMerii - *^ Mdt> Usi^' leapeoUui ths tu; \rlil«h WVi idHlBa, (Iter • irotdr.'WU', Flem- ji'<''MAMr>glTlo«'Ba*riai> £10 for<ttadlo« '6f gnraiid. IttinflMfeMUTto glTa'tt* -patlbfElummi'ot'ilia men,' and eontant onnelra* b/ M^taj tort Eou^ra waj laok BridoL and trained at-lpr'/ Tnvper'^ th*. Swan Inn, Aih Com' 1MB. Aldarehot Catain, ondef the aaptrtleloq.oX Johnnr Walker, UifUV b> lOat' Sib, and cerUInl}', Is ^oint of candnlon, be kMM<Ul''bitmlgbt" peiurlTed ai'.'Hr. Tapper'a, In London, OMuAdt}'nlRhb -EliooHm^ere a graed aflk bandkerchlef, ^ttbVarimgonbaruid awhita border. iSlngwas backed'froiA MAi ttU%id,''aild tfdk bli breatiilnM at .Sontnond, nnder tho cMM OaorM Crookftt His etandafd was white, with a ohooo- UtMAMiarand'border. 'The UWngwaa 0to4 on Baardon, bB'fltU'lk merely a nomlifkl i^aotatloii, baiely an; monor being 4he( fliM traln fiom Fanahnnh atreet waatheSitareforthe g, wbentU "olllce" ofiha mode of tranalLwooM be known SaltlMde, idlhonghdf ma w(ll nndetitood on (ha praTJona |r.lhe«ij^iiMoatS'tIiat'a \Miter trlf wkp in penpootlVe, and,, ^nna made'bj Ur, nemlii^, » wa^ noxttoa' Tlhat the.idlll wMld ooma "oS. <- King was the drat to a^' itn at vuf atattoK'atteindod b> his pTlncipBTbscker and frlenda,' ilfWXak.'t/i!'' Baudon' did not arrive nntU' ten minutes padi leMB, Vlth I^F. tVsftvc, Vslker, «nd 'sereralMends bmk Bristol: l£tl6ltf'inatiMea irero iikdo respecting the pTl«e.'of the ' 4ar naamer; whleh cansad maiur a heartr loror of a mill D/' li^tllm tp his pockela to realat temptation and depart, '""j^'nieUnobolT looks at thp many gronp he was obliged hlni. Tne moirding 'ivrj mlsly, bat toe snn, Jlwi\j tionr.-gafe promuo of a fine day. : On ^ling nftMfdb'lt waa'dlsooTorad that'Sln'g was not On board, ^grttMs-weiaVentadln (be aippiehenslan that It would iideUy- before startlDg, but on Ur.'Ilemlag saying that lraid-"Uiip" at TQbniy, ereiythlng again beoame cavlair l^'Btarf OB, i(lth the rones an^ stakes, hailng been taken on board, ttdtri weie gins for the start, which took place at a anar- taiHpiist nlnK '^rith' ona of the most orderly cargoes that haro been terw^dfU-amill'^B^atlme. As the tojuunira steamed doim tti^w«e>the"snn.'fhoaa magnUcentiy, and. Barking, Porfloet, CUM/V£iirai« passed In ton, and the aulhoi^tles fonnd to bo UllBoju^XMOitiMvtK, ~'At XoiigBeaoh.Honse th^T mustarod li>0lMflliilik'anatolltay specimens of the "Invlnbles" were ni i iitiii ' B me tb time on theJook-orit. TUboiy was reached at isB'ttEfatrii^'to'eUteta, when tho steafaier's hiadwas tumed'to ttdMiiffbiiiiU'tbont waiting for King; who, accompanied by Bob TAiM(iil''wijs 'shipped on board at uree mlnutee past aleTeh, vMcvha shook hands with Baardon, &0.' There was also a Udy, mdfHrUrthi'frlendsof both man,, who prebtied a Joomey by (HOie'tsdloas water trip. The poUci again mnstercd'ln pairs i»*«hHjaWtherlTer. ■ . . . „, ..' . ~^0r wxmrred; In oonsoqaence' of thomanagtre of tho ^Stit I 'ob-'Hha'fiorough D'Onuiy," who was one of tha seconds ijlhg bis urp, which was demntrbd to, such apro- 'without a precodeht, and out of all ohanutar. _' dliinisslon, tho S'Orsay was sent for, and on his t hoard,'the'Teasel was again under weigh at a qnarter n; ;"^e Urict letter of tho law respecting the boat and ncintii was carried put Bereral who thought that by . atago' of the strong e)>h tide they could drop down arsTesond, were most nroperly disappointed, for nothing linHha tariff would ba'aocepted by the commander-ln-ohle£ mtf l^)|et an example worthy of being followed by all fals suo- aqtaora;'' Southend and thoMore Light were passed at the beet pfitjl tiitll at a qnarter past one o'olock, th% anchor was dropped iltj) the Isle of Shoppey for the 'flnt pltoh. The ropes and 7,'Wlthn(«d'Oliver and'hla aaalatants, were the first boat- t started' tbrehote, followed .at long tntezrals by other 'ded iflth thoeo who were 'anxious lor (eira fima. The Jjthls jOme was .6' to 1 on .Baardon, bat spoliation wis ilted. Ac,twenty minutes past two, an attempt was made ht.rlil^ onadiy spot In themldstof amanb,lLnd no ha''WiB''16nl9-pnttlng the arena into ehip-shap^ form. During the formation of the theatre of wAr; the few who had arrlvedS the oommeBoament were aagmented, lutll there could' not have baen lasa than a conjila of hundrod round the msglD circles BaMon Attd'Elng anlTad'atIbftrlng-aldaat thsMffletlma-^ tWBUtf<tt > « hUnntfi pasCa P. BL '-Ths raln,'whloh had &Usnit tUdaa doring .'tha tHp to the scene of action, had noi^ Ininieiased, aid-threatened to ma heavily. BUly Duncan, the P. B. A. Ih- ailettt,^ irilh hla. aaslstants, Jack arant, Sooney Harris, BUI OUlcm, OotUfn, iand^Blmon Flnlghtj, well' kept the Inner ring. Tha jMttIng waa.Kto'4on Beardeb. Baardon ires the first to Hftow Is hla cap-, bavlnff the Boroogh D'Orsay and' Johnny' WalksEforhls ■eoonds. King soonfollowed suit, having .Oeorge' Crodkett and Sob'Travels for his advisers. Beardonwo'n the 4aa»i6t'e(irner<,and the referee having bten'appohited bythe dUtahdlde^ no time was lost in arrangfiia the toUeto of the men, and being ooqipleted, thoy s^d np at ^190 :^' '■ ■;:■'"•*:' Tax nOBT. ' .Bmmd'l. Aa tha men were delivered at Iho scnteh ^halr oohdl- Itodlwu '•ageVly scanned, more 'aspaolally thatKing, who, iroBfich^eld tip his hands, showed hlmseU aUnbstthe perf^ , ttbii<of<aondlUon,-'as^waU ss belng'one of 'the' beat made men at Uat that'has be^ seen for ^mo time., Hla chest Is a study for a*^,BtUI|tl^e'shchildus bsliig.'weU corerod with mnsole, and itepeomb and' bleeps folly develqiod. Tho loins are of great width and atrength, bat below, although his Isgs are of the aver- SMllmmy badanappeoraheo of slovmra^ iwd«tat'i)y thkuaaner-ln which he attempted to dellrerat long BKpli/:''BeaidoQ;W«s ratherfleshy, but sUlI looked the gladiator aUOTe^THa waa of ai mnbh heater build than his opponent, and 'Wik tnorotaghl^.d^veloped In tho chest and ahouldera, whllo his Iom''|ka<l!ls«B ■*era qnlto In ptoporUos, Both etood 'with their iSIJlHfi*^^^J*^"? V"* ^8ht across the body, showing ttattUjr.ahilerstood the 'prlnuuy rules of the. boxer's art A ^Ma'anence-nlgned, around, avory one expecting to soa both «IKt»t6;eolbQtaenoa hostilities; hot Instead of that^'caution was Unorder of 'the day. They commoncod sparring at a rospecttul — "j^a .Elng gelUDg within shot, Instecd of letting Ioobo , , ne felhted, at the samo time Jumping back. Uore caUloaii'tparrlng, oachln turn feinting' and getting away, and tMabaaSif diveralMng .tho perfonna)ice by elanillng and look- '^" Bt^aehbth'er. ' Those manamvros wore dlaplsyed until fifteen AtWI ha4' been cut-to v^osto, when Boardon tried hla left at ^iad, .and, pnttlhg on tho double. Just eacceedod In planting it'one bn the rlba. Fataoy, Ohcosragod by this slight advan- ym off. wltU the lett, biit was wotuny out of distance, notr itandlng whlOh King was very active In getting out of shot •pairlng'to vrltbln dlstanco,'Pataey again'placed a light lnd«ron the. loft arm; more oautlons sparring,-imUl Emg Undad a , very light one on tho chest IJis iiuno tactics over J: Beardon, not throwing a ohuice away, dnly fought at the ','lthwe'be was invariably sloppod; tho' blows only gettlhi >.ih« Ieft,>nn, when .King got away. Uore spunng, nnu ^_4i>>'foUowod,Xtng Into ms o^n corner, where ho delivered tm left on the ohi>ek,'and his right on the ear, forcing exchanges, itf-whleh' both- fought at rpndpm, Eln'g gotUng' on vBesidon'a diaek, and tho latter oiS the'Jaw. They.thon Sojod, 4heu' Kiiig, who waa much the strongdr,' threw Boardon and foil on Mm. ' Tlme,9Bmln.. . JK'ffw ""io np'to time SEilJIng, Klng-sleft ear was flushed, 2S.rTil*P'''i!™^' Beardon .had a mark under the right SS.fiff The same cauUhn was'repeoto* each in turn fe&t. ffljf^dgeWng out of distance, BOaidon fighting at the body, re- a«ulii^wh4pha\<aBtbort^, Eln'g ohly feinting and getting out cgttjge* to his Mm ctamsy (tola, fime ^r time dldlt appear tmraey had mtde up their uunda', but iiO strehaoos exertlonB Inof 'and gd; holding Um; &udly threw him, and foUon Um. SaaAie ganta wos'playAd, neither evidently intending to -pace.' Beardon, however, finding that King couldnot ht 00 jUqi^lod off. vlolonsly with the left, hutKlna duoUng, t'ctoaped a hot'un, whon ho (Sing) rushod in. uO, after a t|ia'pfoptt|.handcd attempts On his part, oaughthold 'of Bear- tJi^i^jm^ashprtstnigglo, throw sheer strength. i'nlen,.aii.Uioy cams up, 'showed without aby marks, and they .Were urged up by their 8ooonds| neither man would ' TOat oauUon was dlspla/ed by t>6t^ Baardon .off, b^l mrji Ami, alter which he go^ his right , 'a' forehead, the letter Wtonung on the nosoi and throw Beardon heavily'at the ropes. Tim?, 87 ^. .. pi bji flashed itom their oxe^ns at the finish of Uolia round,' and as they faced each other, rosumed^elf lof|,.eMh to turn fotolihi and getting away, and idg-a^iood look at eaoh other.) Boardon was the i6d operations, but appeared as'lf he was shoulder* "'""1. H,; Instead of ^Ihelr getting falrte on ih^ "T wero landed either $h t£a'fhea^'>'>'T9>' idlilg looking at oOeh other for (oijqo ttoVi ^ , .when Sing landed^ Uttle'/ope o^a # return,.. Ai(«r'ipQiyrprao(lM tK . 'BMI.ItTlllfl flfllffl-g il«m«iin«<l-«Wrtti«. Jon tha^ Ktog foronoe led off, forwhloh he oaoght t/atto i'.r«Mi o&rthk'tfote, Vais«y tuMia t|i(biSt k Mtufi. "r, emlvAiad'lly-the Meoe^sor the prerlons 'att«nlpt,'trled illh.'MMlila'lfflton th»*heofc'and^ Kto*, •ri»teffi|^gattlngh''iim<r''onaertdaofthihoait Bpaiilng ddkhel]^febaatlharlilgMlllo&a-hou« had eu^*oo, andno oamaga done, niei samo oantlon was dlsplayedi'neither appv jSiUy too ahdons to force the game. Alaey was'tavarfably short inhls dolivDrieSr-tofaot, so ibort,' that although he got on firaouentlyi ho did no damage. These frequent pInUng»-oon- tiSf to the exp^tlons of King's friends—did .not raise the Virlsh American's" aandef, for. If anythUg, he fought more caa- iloualy, and as the rain fell to torrents, it no d6Dbt hdped to cool each man's coorage. These perlbrmanoea ^is oontluned until Beardon landed a light one on the noae, when Klprmahed to Open-handed, and, elostog,.caaght Beaardoq. round the neck, and Dy aheer force dragged him to the ropes,- where he sorowed hlmdownandfeUonblin. Time, 1 boor 19 mtoutoa. T. On coming up, Klpg's'Ieft cheek was seen to be flushed. Beardon's hoea allowed marks of his opponent's lumdivrork. They coihmenced the old game of spaiilng, fetoltog, and getUng away. At length Beardon mnstcred'up courage enodgh to.let go bla left, whloh aUghlod on Etog's head! This brought them to a olbae, and after a short tussle for the fhll,iKtoa was nppermoet 8. Both looked excited from their Aon/work to the praviona round, and Etog for once led off with Us left, but to ofar off to do any damage. Beardon replied by a amart connter on the head, and foUowed it irt by a IWendly tap on tho loflxiMek; and, fa getting b«ok,«Uppeddowii, but got up and renewed the round. Etos dashed outhls left at his opponent's body, whleb got home heavily. Beardon: raturaod tho favor bya flush bit on flio fon^ bead, and; mahed to a close. They struggled to the lo^' and to the fall Burden was tiodermost. ■ ' ; _'. . ' 9. Beardon's chest showed.thetoipiesslon of mug's left, but as a setoff, Ktog'a ttr looked ■swoUoB,-aBd Us cheek was enlarged. They treated-the spaetatois to a bout -of sparnog, in wlilch neither seemed tocBiud to go' to to wto, but both had a quiet lauRh at each other. Beardon, howaver, as if ashamed of thla lort of fan. dashed out wiOi both bands, bnt vras short Ung fetoted, and Beardon got bis left on. the note- to tetum, when Etog rushed madly to a close, dashed Boardon down, and fell on *'lo' Both came up blowtog, and by no means comfortablo at the work that was set before then^ and notwithstanding all the ."Jolly- Ing" glVon by theur' seconds, jm attempt waa made to. force the flohtliiE, Sparring was the ord^r of the day, and that not'of a flntdara o&ncter; bnt Beardoniflndtog himself dose to Etog, daahod out hla tbft, whloh laaded on the.po8e; Beardon getting away without a return. King aayage, mUaed a very wfld right- hander, whichswung him,' King, round. Beardon taking advan- tage of the poaltlon, dared tojdant ai^other Ieft:bandsr«n the nose, and agato on the arm. .These liberties housed Elng, who gotdoae, and good countera -with the lelt took place,. Beardon getting on the chin, recehrihg a "hot one" on tho righ(«^ which raised a bump. Etog lAlssed his tight, and 'th.en j'l^edtoa dose, and holdlhg Beardon by sheer strength'for some t^e, he threw him, but almost hinnlesaly. Time, 1 hr. SO mln. £ . 11. Thecautloui tactics to tbis bout were carried to'the ex- treme, actually approachtog the confines »f co^dlce, for Etog, when he delivered nis left, drew his body badt,. ^)ilch more thui nulllfled any vloloua atfampt Baardon also fonhtwQdlT, and missed a conplo of round ruht-bandera. Both ajp^peared saUafied they could not wto easily, ther&fore discretion was. In thpir opto- ion, the better part of vdor, and so cauttdha were the tactics ex- hibited, that the reftoie, after sometime, ghta them tti ttimiiex to commence pTooeedtogs, or'h» would restgn-hls offloa and'declare tbe afldr a drawn battle; . Mot a blow was struck, and at 'the ex- piration of the time speolfled- the reterea -Htlraif, after they had been to the ring^ty-tuom{niiJa;' the last .tuen/y-ttco Viinula viUkmt dUaiii beinfiitnuU Aseene ofoonfualon, of oourse, occurred, the backers and seconds of the nlen themseltas'dedar- tog they wished to conttone the fight; and would. If the referee would resume his ofSde, whloh, after-soma persaaalon, he did. Caution was still dtsplajed, until counteii were delivered, but Only lightly, 'when tUey elositd,- and breaking away, both slipped down at the ropes. This was the which neat expectations were atogular- 1f doomod'to dlaappototment. Both men seemed as if they nally meant mischief, but subsided down tontUk.and water. ..Hie usual ^^ormance was agato gone through, until they dellyeied a ran- dom blow or two, and Beardon, to. getting on the ohlD,-and re- ceiving on the head, aUpped down.:. 13 knd 11 and last. Irhe <ame caution was displayed during theaerounds, until the referee, finding that his, "good nature" hod'been iioposed upon, oaveaiueAtrCaimimito, atiha cohdu- slon of'whlch,'he (Inolly-ieslgned hla otloe, and the aSklr was drawn, after the men had been to the ring two hours and 21 mln. P.& ' Dan 4toTU>*y wah'-aAtedad-liy ffotion' mltSSS _jat^r TheaeoDQd vfera aatlafkcton, n/i Ota man A more, contemptible exhibition than thla so-oallsd "fight" never disgraced pugilistio annals. Both men came to the soratch to perfect health, and condition, and stood up as a mockery, refusing to use'thelr fieta We have had so much of this kind of game lately, that it looks very^ much like one Iwing frightened and' the other not daring. Beardon was fdlowing bad prece- dents which the pnbllo have been' made familiar with, by the "aham flihlB" between Brettle and Booke, Ocea and ByaU, and Tyhir and Shaw. -For i houra and 30 mtoules these men, Bear- don and Sing, etood np to a roped ring and fought, or rather got through, fourteen rounds only. . Stog,.nofe contented with mak> ihg an "exhibition" of himself aa a pngUlst abeolutdy beneath qolloe, iMhaved to a most dugoettog manner, deriding ue adrioa ofhlsseconds, and neetlog.ibalr rapostulotlonBwith,the most, ■bomlnable behavior. 'Beliu no aarthlyimtenslon to flghttog ability, as he oonld ndtherhii nor stop. ontw>sgaoa.'at getting away, which seemed meet congenial to bis nature. Boardon was almost "ditto repeated,", except that be was somewhat more ortlstla, and, bar.disobeying bis- second's orders, was not gulltj of King's disgraceful conduct In vato did the seoonda implore their men to fight, and Uvlaed them aa to toctlca. Ughtthey would not but etood looktog at each other like Qoakeia, instead of men engaged to a demonitratlon of pugUlam. Such scanea aa these are enough to doom the P.B., and leave it vrithout a stogie ^abon beyond "fiannd Jackets.". Fortonatdy .there wen few of he "gentleman" present to witness the atbir, and the only won-, der is that such sony porTormera should find backem at uL All the old rtog-goeie and the right aor^preeent expressed their un- mitigated contempt at what they saw.' For fignttog, Lucas and Bumes, who met and foight on Monday for a mete "fiver," put Etog to the blush, as Bumes went to lUce a thorough game-'un, usU)% an almost broken arm for. upwards of half an hour. Yet here were Ktog and Beardou, who setup,a pretension to tho character of piofeselonal boxen, refusing to fight as positively as if frightened of a black 070 or bloody nose, we had enough of thlsktod of thtog to Biettle and Books'srecentmeettogs, and begin to tear that the. good old days of science and dogging have gone forever. If pugTlIirts who have recently resorted to.thesa "won't fight and don't like" tactics, would pemse'the reaarda of bygone mills for the Championship, .which we publlab firedi time, to lime, they would learn how, to the Augustan eia of the Blng, men fbughtjrith hand and .heart and upheld Instead of degrad- tog their somethtog below the uotlce or even conn' tenance of tho admirers of pluok and akllL It Is our determina- tion to expose all these mockeries in the name of pugilism; and wo only hope never to be pesteted with either names or toten.- tloas of theeo men. Of Pataey Beardon we certainly expected belter thtogs, and todood eveiybody has boon thoroughly dlssp-'. Kitoled to their, expeditions, OS it waa liellevod thatthla would >e an out and out pnnlahlng battle.' After what wo have said it is almost usdesn to add that neither exhibited marks of punish' ment and that they loftthe ring: almost scatheless, wo shall ever uphold puglllam when carried out by manUnees, courage; and skill, bnt like all Engliahmen. we dearly love a fair etand-up fight and have therefore no sympathy, with the burlesque' enacted between Beardon and Etog, v^hldi no mots represented fighting than a tea-meeting. 'When, to addition to snon instan- ces, we have men matched for heavy stakes mitotog away from (heir tralntog, and dragged from dnudienneas to do weir duty to their backers, wo may well fear that the noble art has fallen firoQ .lahighesUte. ' '• ^. ' ' ' BiTTLiKa Uni, Bdtwi^ J.' Birnua' asD J, Lvoisi'-Thesc' lada met on'Uondaymornlng last to the home district, to settle a sdiall dllBoulty.. The time. named waa six o'dook A, M., and, frith commendable punctuality, both were at Ihe'ajtpolnted spot After seArchlng Ihb country round for'eomeihlhg Uke ,a dry spot, the ropes.and stakoa'werepltohod,and the men entered the tug. Bufflos was seconded by Snort U'PanhOh and J. Eeefto, Lucas by Sovey and Boweater, and dt twenty mtoules to seven, A. U,, thoE etood up for Bound l.—Tbero ,was bnt little dlfferehce'to the weight of the meni dthongb'. Lucas was much the younger, and hod tho' advantage to loilgth of reach, aa' well as being <>doveter." The fliarfotu. of Avo rounds were all to favor A Lucas,'w>o repeatedly delivered With both'Binds, and got first blooltothe'secondround.. In.thotlxin round Lacos hart his band, and Bufflestook tbblead,.and thus they fought oui fifst one add theh the olher, getttog fhe best. The ground was a per- fect qdsgmlre, tho mud, each time the ;pen fell, apbuhtog over ihespeitiatorstoadreadAil,manner. In the seventh round, an appeal of ■■foul" ;waa made against Lucas, on . the ground of his strippedfOrlhto work. 'Oo.vopey toobojit twen&-ono yaan of aoersfbettlnoheato height,' nhd oij^thla oooaaloh at least weighed Ust l>ohohne is abetlt I feotSJi toihes; lOst 41b. towdiht and will bo twenty-one years of ago on the 38th of the current month. The battle oommeneod a( a qnarteivpaAl ten to the motnlog, and Eeefis having won the toss br oomen, placed hlf man .with his back to the sun and wtod.' Oovenejr, whd was much tho longer to the reach, took n decided lead 'frtmi the' fitst, gradually and surely tooreasing his advantage to each snoceasive round, very soon 'gatoed the first two events—"first blood" and the "knoak- down.". AAor fighting elx rounds, IMttohno'.tried shitty tactic*, but ttlU this did not improve his ohance, for Coveney was muoh the stronger man, and almost tovarlably aaaghtlilia,ashewaa going down, and then givlpgblm a friendly hug, very amicably fell on him as he threw him. In the thirteenth round, Donohue etood up and fought detsrmtoedly until he was fairly beaten down. After this no fell several.times suapldonaly,.and was cautioned by tho teforee who aUll,.however, would ootdedda' agatosthlm, notwithstanding the'appeal) of Covenei'a aooonds, until tho thirty-third'round, when .'Sonohua planted bis left heavily on the body, stepped book, and, on Coveney follovrtog, fdl deill^etatoly to a^old. Jemmy' Horton made another appeal, and the referee dedded .thatDoiiohne.had )oet the tiatUebya dellboratoi0nl,aftor'tblrty-thraer6undshadbeanfought Time, M mto. The winnerwas not mooh punished, although Donohue had been ve^ bosy at Infighting, sonohue was nearly bUnded with iMth eyes, and, bar accident, must have lost the batUo had it ooiltisaod longer. Be Is a game man, and, no doubt, resorted to shifty tactics to save .his friends' money and bis ovm reputa- tion. That he was ove^matabed theta can be no. doubt but if niaw)ial agato, and that vrith of bis own sIm and wAlght it la outflrm oonvlotlon that th^ same oauUoiis taoUoa would not bo repeated by him. Themannertowhiohthe;nen'wereeeqalred was a treat, reflecting great credit upon the seconds. ; FiOBT roaif AKiDXiM XBi.BiaiiixaHAK OmopR.—On Hon- day last, Caggy Wilson and a.Fltkpitrtok, met at Elng's Norton, about eliht miles from Blrtnlngbam, to contend, at oatch weight, for the above amount Caggy bad for his attendants Tab Allen ^dHlUy .(hl8 old opponent). Tom Hurry and a frlend^tad upon Fltzpatrick,who, on stripping, showed to excallant con. dUon, snd, being two toohea tailler and oonaldarably heavier, the disparity between the twd«1utery great - Against thla advan- tage, tbe superior generalablp of Cany, who is really one of tbe best lefthanded fighters of the midland counties, made the par. Uaanaof both consider the match avary equal one; toproof of which they were backed at evens, bvt had not cohtestod many rounds when the bottin» veered round to 9 to 1 on Caggy, bnt no lakais, Caggy .flnt.shlad bis cap Into the arena, which was speedily foUowed bybls-athUtlc'adversary, who tried every point to get on, bat found it no go, Caggy planUng on his miaa as be liked, vritb scarce a return. Is uie second round, Caggy sent out ateniflo left-hander whloh landed on the mouth, drawtog first blood, and receiving eUghtly on the ribs. The third and fourth rounds weie fought with groat gomenesa, but it was orident Ftlz- Mtriok, notwithstanding hla superior bulk and length of riach, ns over-matched, as he was unable to get on to hia man to any- mtog like an - effectlva manner, while Caggy was aa active as a Uttui, and dqtog oonalderablo execution. In the fifth round, Caggy sent his man to grass, thus gaining the seooud event Uke- wlae.- Trom thlajperlod up to the foortaenth round, Caggy did what ha liked vmn impunity, and eventnally Fltznatrick's soc- Onda seeing their man-was nearly bUnd, and bad no chance, threw np.the aponge, and thds ended the contest; clearly jnovtog that.slrengtfa and weight done are no match against aaperior Menca. Caggycame outof the ring eeatheleas: whileFltspstrick was much dlsfigarod aboMrthe fOcOi and greatly mortified at his easy defeat which completely astonished his backets, who had booked the aiblr as almost a certatoty, another practical IBustra- tlon of the old proverb, '"There's many a slip 'twixt the dap and thellp.". Time, 37 mln. U rounds. Sah Taoma hid' Job Nolim, £400, at Bar. 10LB.-^For the above exciting match, deposits to the amount of £185 a ride have been duly staled acoordtogto the 'orUcles, and the final, of £1C a aldc.haa to be posted on Thursday next at-ITatLangham'a, the mitre Tavern, St Uartto's-lone, between the hooia of eight and ton P.U. The mill baa been post^hod for a week, so as not to toterfere vrith Korthampton races. I ^BBSEBTATiojc ov A Sh,vsB Cup 10 Jiu Uaos,— On Saturday avantog last a large number of the admlrete of the present Champion attended the large room of Ur, W. Oowbnm, Xands. lane, Leeds, for the purpose of witaeasing the presentation of a niendid aHver oup, which had lieen porohased by the friends of Jem Uaoe to Leeds, and was given to him aa a.testlmonidfor hla abilities aa a pnglllat and pedestrian. On the cup being presented to Hase, he acknowledged the gift in a few appropriate exproa- sions, to whidi he stated tJiathaappioolatrathaglftaBliwaa from Torkshlremen, whom he should always esteem fbr their to- vaifabls vin*n«— to him whenever he visited that county; addtog that thto preaentatlon ttom the men of Leeds, the metropoUa of the ooonty, would be an additional stimulant to do his utmost to Uphold with honor the laurels he already poasessed. He then ouled for the cup to be filled with champagne, which having t>een done, he drank to the hedlb of thooontributorp for their k|nd present The oup was then handed round, and many toasts were dmnk to honor and praise of Jem Haoe, (he Champion of Eng- land; We are Infonned, daring the evening the cupwaafillad with the same ktod of beverage not less than sixty Umes, at the ei^anso of Jem'^ admirera, all of whom appeared highly gratified #iQi the ptDoeedtogi of the eveinlngi and separated at the usual bOOTi ' - -V' .'r/.v-ii '- ■':- - -- ,^ .^'r:. '■- .PEDiH'TBI'AHISli'. QaBAi Fooi BAOBr-llATOH roa nZ'CHAKnoH'a Bbltt am £SQ, Brtxxm. JoHa BaiaaiDii, of Nobwiob; ahd W. Joms, or ISLmoTov.—Oni Monday, March 24, the ndghhorhood of Old Brampton was a scene of great .excitement; vehldea of oil da- saiptdona ware pouring dong the road leadtog thereto to n eon- ttoualstrtao), and byfoor o'clock between 1,200 and 1,(00 per- sons bkd airembled at the grounds, to witness (he race of four tnUes, for £25'*'side, and the Champion's bdt,- This bdt aome tw6 years sIMe, was given to. be run. for bv. Ur. Boberia, and ' las won by -Brighton in Whit Monday, 1860, beating W. Jujkson I nd H. Andrews.. The conditions upon which the bdt Is hdd are, that the winner sbolT hold it for the space of eighteen : nontha ogatost all coment and,'shonld be keep It that time, the MUtoliecome'hla private property. Jdhn White, of Oateahead, gaye Brighton'lmt Uttle time to reet on his laorels, for he at once challenged him, and (hey ran' for it on August 3T, in the eame ' rear,' when White was.the victor. From that time nntU last ! ■'ebruary there has been ilo race for it dthough it has changed bands, aqd at that time-was agato held by Brighton, who was chaDonged by Barker, of BUlIngsaate. The first meeting of these men came to nothing, for the belt not betog (aecordtog to oondltloiu) In the hands of Ur. Bobetts, Sam relUsed to etart and^the Toee was postponed until Feb. 8, when Brighton was once mote the oonqnoror. The eUpnlated eighteen months having nearly expirad, a new candidato for the belt was found to W. Jonoa, of bungtSn, who boa latdy shown great form, and the easy manner to which ho defeated Barker iif n two miles race, about three weoka back, cauiod him to be much fancied for it The race on Monday' last was s«t for five o'clock, and, as that hour drew nigh, offers to take 10 to 4 on Brigbtofi were made; but It having oozed out that on Saturday last he pnllod np to bis trid,'beaten at two miles, theM offers were not sccepted. A few bets at 3 to 1 on him were; hbwover, laid, atad at about a quarter past five the men entered the Course, Brighten attended by W. Lang and Jesse Smith, nnd Jonas by John Smith (the Begent- streetPet) and Bains, After Brighton had taken hla prellamiary canter, the batting, from the easy manner in which he wont, became a little moro brisk, and 3 to 1 was freoly offered on him. The referee, Mr. H. -HoltliaVIng'token up bis post, tho men stripped to the buffi each looUng-fltto run for hie life; Brigtiton navtog won the:toss for choice of rides, placed Jonw on bis left hand, thos taking the inside:'. 'The 'ground, which was. tomoatexoaUent dondition, la exactly 440 yards round, andhnd to'tie traversed sixteen tiues to cbmnldtethe distance. Ong^ ting the word t6 go, Brighton dashea off with the lead at a tre- mendous pace, Jones about a yard' in the rear. They ran thus thk fiiit lap. In gotog down the Ixfo^ stretch in the second hi] 'Jones tried ib close on his mdn, but tne Norwich hero' would ni have it and agato went aibead, and fiuishod'that lap a yard in advance. The pace at whloh the men word now gotog was very severe, and the apeotators loudly oheeiod them. This Scorned to Inspire tho competitors to redoubled efforts, for, going down the baok strelob'to'the fourth lap, Jouostnsde a deaponid spun, and tried to take the lead; but no did not fairly get to Brighton's shoulder, for on roundtog tUo bottom tUm, Brighton mado'a rash and got some five yards ahead. - Comtog uptho stteight however, Jonbs agato got to hla man,'and (hoy ran so until two VUcs had beon completed, tho totcroet of tho lookera-on being heightened at every stride. On jiasstog dong tho top of the course to the ntoth lap, Jones spioad out hla arms oa If to show' that ho hod his man safe; but Lang doolug thfii, called upon his man to "go on," and gallaotly did- ho'(ms4ror' It, for he spurted from Jones as though hd had been etandtog bIUI, Jones, how- over,' ndthtog daunted, stuck to his work manfully; but the coco ^"«?^ ^^SiL^Jftf *> "umtog 1 toUer4(^(! inie-,41ftanaa xtctapiliad.'^^ithirir^ix^A^ punotaaUyjUiattoie itatad the Uaa ap^edfhlwMi C22^*!!&%"?*"'<»* jS^foot^rSSaTirtSAwir/' Indian third. Hie. second round aaw iMoabTmiSiZC^ mI . oompeHtoi^ BrightoalSu kwto«toe^So?d i£SS55^'*JSl Beerfoot to tee rear. The ri?£^if plS^i^^^ffiSiaJto DeeribotgenoiS^ prefSfig ; (he baok ground, but 1 fine •PUrti la"thr.tadP°nS3S.^^^/f5^ him, they were unsuoceaa&l, and thrfdathot wm , heada of tha crowd soverdT^ffda InidiSJi St^^ ' for Bocond place was shrenuSnstFconte^^^ SL^5' •l^»»«»frighton appearedthe«;voritSft?ttSthJ^ Jackson, noUiing daunted, flnUhed the distance, aid dUioSK' long way bohtod, waa heartUy obeorad with the othtti; Drntoa ' hla progress roundthe oonrseho frequenUyputu someto?. mendpa* spurts,givtogsome Ideaofwhatha ooUlddd todava ' gone by. The time waa stated to be abcat SS mtontes.' Jnf Maoi A8 PibfarmAR.—Salfbrd.Bbrorugh dttdens vrei» known on tte tutf; It hiving been anaoinced ferfadTeral dan ptevloadT that Jem Mace,' the Champion of EnglanJC#onll a«i. teat a bdf-mlle spto with John WhlteT of aateshead.TTUa^Sa^ I'^/?'*?*»"'4«.'''aChampion leceivtog forty yafSiiBtarito haU a mUe, aa above. Boon after 4 o'clock to ttia aO^mm Mace appeared to radng gear, accompanied by hU dlihUmtlTe ' opponent, Whito.^Mr. Jamea HoldonT Jr.,was referwrOKtBe fljBt attempt a ataii was effected. Mace spUintog away at theltm' of bis speed. •White kept gradually oreeShig on to iSm, iaSi'tn ' tte completlph' of the flrof las, got within ten yards ofSlD, ' From thla potot Mace seemed almoeV beaten;and, on MvlngB ' tha atrdgnt run home, it became very'exolttog, both b3w"- almoet breast and bieast; however, Maoejuet touched (he hum'' and won by a foot Immediately afterwards, Jem showed tolEd wrestling ring with bla Champion's bdt the bdt fdr mlddU. ' welghti, two sUvar oops, and a aplendld topkard. Bwankar' Oreavea appeared next to order, accompanled'by twoBovliiasof - the noma of Booke and Manh, who gave a good bout at fliUmifli^ alter which Mesan. Murphy and Donovan atepped toto the rliiA and had a merry set-to, the wtod-up betog between Mace and ttia - African Otaamplon, a man'of color, standing e tt' 1 to«ani^ - Judging tmm the manner to wUdh ha'Stood the irivMtukak* ' aystem with such a master of the art as Hace;weulubanif ' yet be heard of to advantage. OOJDRAOD'B UBRARV OF'AplOAHqB. :J HELEN OF ISOT-CANTO XXL Tho fbnrth, and lost for whom I have the spaoa. Was Isabel, a merty-hearted girl— With llght4>rown hair, whloh strayed odown bar Caea And ivpry neck, to many a wanton onrL . ' Her nimd form aomewhat wanting in graoe. But many a brato her beauty'caused to whlri With mlnglad admiration and sntprlta: • She waa so fdlr and had such luatrous eyes I Tha loveltoeas Impartad to tha ekto by tho fine use of D& . OOUBAUS'S exqulolto ITALIAN. UEDIOA'TED eOAP, aatfr supplies any defldonoy to giacefulnaas. The horde of outlcuw blemishes—such, for instance, as Ton, Fteokles, Pimples, Bd> lownoss. Sunburn, Pustules, Baaheo, Btogworm, nwliiiii and Boughnoaa depart flrom before thla wonderiUl Soap, 4a tha (aak night dews are dlspaisod by the morning BUD I Its soothing and-, hoaltog qualities make it peculiarly vduable to the tender oUna.' of Infants; and for the purposes, of shaving or tiathtog (either to hard or edt watorHt is loat the artida wtntedl GOuBAVD'S PODDBE SDBTILjE Is th« only depilatory extant whldh *ill uproot superfluous hair, wlthontlnjoryto the moatdelicateaUnI . OODBAVD'S BAIB BSSTOEATIVE vrUl make wiiy hair aUkr and glossy, foroe hair to giow where it has fdlen off, and ptevjm hair fhim taming pramatutely grey I OOUBAUD^ LIQinD BOnOE D) a beauUful artlds for atolntog pole chaeka and up* ■ delicate rose color. OOmtAVD'SLlLVWHITElsthaonlyatWl* Lidias ahould use for whltantog the complarion. SB. FEia GOUBAUD'S really valuable pEepateUons ate cob to be had genuine at 61 Walker etieet flisl stere from (not In) Broadway. . . Agents—Callendar k Oo„ Third and Walnut streets, Phnadek ihla; J. a Bates, 139 Waahlngton attest Boaton; BUoi, Spring .e]d,&o. I '.|>W| .,7 r('•^t1>jlJlft h i.'oi.Vi.."«:.«-, i7'l '.'/- .' became (odious, loi, ftoin tho nalnrd bf the grouno, neither man could stand Uhlt his antagonist'thou^ ooch did hla ntmost to Wto. In the 8lstroUiid,.BufBto throwlils man heavily, and fdl on hl4| and, h^ the ground been hard, it must havo told tales. Up to uie sixtieth round no gioat )aad was taken by either, bnt now BulSes complatoed.of his Icitt arm, dud Lucas got on severd Umes .with effect aud gradually im'prbvbd Ula chance. Until it eeetaied all over, bar kn .accident; and no doubt tho deconda of Bufllea would, to. a short time have thrown up (hdaponge, hid not Mo gentlemen to blue loomed to the dlatoudd, Boetog this, they sent ,tlielr inen ogdU and a^ato^ ubtll'tho pdllpd caaenp and put idt(n> to it, oner they had fought ninety-tiro'rpunds In 1 hour, forty-two mln. Thd'f ereted, who refused \o act iany' niord that day, oraered thomeh io iiiedtat onrcfllce!on Friday next, at onf o'cjfooki.whfn a day will be pamdd^for tho renewal of (ho mllL ,1 ^ ;■,.; ' ■ |.' 'DakjCovsmr ado .W. DoHOHUi, £10 (HoKi daoinT).>-iDn Monday.laata-UvelymUliforMraride, took place to-thaHonia Oiroult between son Ooveqey and William' Donohue Tbolh realdenis of the Bastrend); who a fetr.weoks prOViond j had uUleb oat and, Uhe Engliahmea, endoavored toisntiB tholr differences in a pioper manner, but unfortunately, tho Sattto{itlss'toteti Idred) '.'Tba tridnds of eaoh iiUb,'.ankMua tb:8M the'ltaatter out to a straightforward manner, deposited f S a aide at the 4»»f<iv IM oOMKirt Jllrtiasd-ulp^h^'acoaiidlos'to:Uta newrtletcf lie '»''i.M I .'I'. ■:'..■ :;^tiJ .n-uu.'i..'..-.. . BILLIARD TABLB8 ," 4*9 ' ' ■. > . \ (WHBINATIPN OUaHIONBJ . ^ Pre<»oted by Lftldii Patent datdd Feb. 1», UM: Oci 3X latt., Deo.S,UtT;Jan.ia,US8: Nov. 11,1888; ltatob3». UtSiand'' Beptember38,18<a < The reoent Imptovemenla to these tTables make tham.aifii> passed to' (ha world.' They are now offered to aelantUto BUBaid' playeia ad combtoing speed with truth never belimoMilnedia. anyBilUard table. Also, >HELAN>S NEW BOOK-"Tlie Oome of BUIIards,!' 4th ediUoo, enlaraed, revised, Ulaatrated with addlUoaal dt^ grams and a portrait on steal of the author. Price; one' daOai^'' elegantly Irannd, sent byDall,-po*tage:ttee,onieodplof prloa> ' Address, PBELAN k COLLENDEB, . 88,«, 8T, and 69 Orosby sttttt. NBW BOOKS! NEW BOOK0II ' DON'T fail' TO SEND FOB A pATALOCkOB. OUB NEW OATiOOOUE NOVT' BEAST. ... BENT FBBE-POSTAOB PAIS-QH APPLIOA'HOII.; THE OLD EaTADUSHED AND ONLY bpJ-taiit.w BOOE, ' :aNS PPQBTIMQ dboa^ AOENflfl. Where oMota an piemptly and blthfuily exeouted; Addreas, TBOUAB OBMSBZ. Hai^s BuMlngs; .'•."• : , .'. 88 Nassau Street, Ifew Tort '.' over, nOUUng OaUUHnl, a»HW» w uw nwiB wnuiuujr I WUI. »BO LIIKU WIS too ftttfot him, and on poaslbg the poet fdr the'nlnth ume he looked much dtetressM. Brighton, findtog this to be the case, made tho pace still hotter, ai^d on entering the atrdght to tho tenth lap, poor Joho^ had to giVe up, ddad beat leering Brighton tholiolder of the proud trophy, which has now become hlsowa The foUbwto^is tho ootreot time, (eken byBeniaon'i marktog dbrondgraphi''- '!-.'' Laps 1 3 1 8......1 4......1 b;.(..i1 0,:..i>!' IK*. 1». S IB U IB In. If. 3 9' 8 91 D3 '47 4 Lapd T Im 16 k. ' 6111.101, • 8......I' .17 9' 3S ' 0......1 19. W". DO 10.;....1 IB - 13,- 11 'And the 4 miles Ih 31'"(6 PsDBSTBiAHUK .i^f ■ adstbaUa.— Fresmao, Of. Bathurft, and -'■ —' ran a'race, for £100 d aide 1^ Sydney, on Uoif, „w— -Webater todk'thelud afid kept It to the endi winning by three yards ani 1 thtee-Qoattera, Tha. distance to this rada U not stated, but, fromtbe VWi '(flftoeA Beionda).wd'Bhould Jadgd It to be It i yards. - Al'tha .oonclueldn Of the raoe, Freeman offdrra id nm Webater SOOyafds, for £200) but bis banter'iras not'acdepted, '.. THB/lKPIAir 'AT 'OliuBD.—DxmOOr, BnOBTOK, Lako, asd jAoisoXi^Deerlbol, ,:acoompanled by: the above :wdMiiewn padestrians, vtalted Oxfoid fdr the fliat (Una oniWadhetday, IMh Uarcb, when taretil thousand parsofla iwrnnWaflln Vx, StdVtu* V H D pi R B A T B O 0 K SI.J BO OK SI BOOK Sir BOOK SMI SPOBTINa AB'nCLBS, OABDS AND HBDnS^ J. H. .FABBELUBookaaUer; lIAnnstraetK.T. ■ Books of eVery .variety.'dther Foreign oF:Domtatlo, (UmlalMA on application. Paftlea desiring boon of any deaoripUon^ tf sending addreas, poatpald, will receive immediala attention. All Books, Bporttog and Fancy Articles you may aee advettlaed, win be furnished to order, Catdognea sent on application. Addraiil' U. fabbblL, dealer to Books and Fancy Aitldea, No, U Ana atroet New York, 1 ■ BOOKS ON LQTE, free. Nofhkudpi ,. B, AS UEUAIi.-rCata\oraes MBk nicllscd. JOHN ATOBIBON, saDuaneitroetNewTork, . THE OLD ESTABLISHED BOOK AGENCY,^ Orders tespeotfullysolfdted. BenditoraOIrcalan _ ii-tf' HENBTSTEPHENa, 65 Nassau street New Torfc, 't-rpHE BIGGiaT .THING 6UT.»'-;s«ad twenty-M J. dents, ata4 phwure Our Qreat BtJoU Paetaga, epnUtotog Sketches, r -...^ . ». dmca tho t Gay Boya. Bam'ember I descripnveCitddgnesaentdn Application toil. ... _ . 83 EDCniClHmFET fc Oo.,l(o^ 61 N|)a«an.a^, New.toik, MTttt, ata4 phwure Our Qreat BtJoU Package, epnUlBUg IS, BongL'and a ^oh Plate, whloh alone U vrerllt pn* M mown together with our Catahignaf of Oay Bodn m n, ^'ember that ddrPriofa O%n°t Be Beat PorlVS* JAMES GOODil^lN, OommlMlon' taper. Daderi No, no JOHN .BTBESTi ntar.OllA-HaiT ToriL . • - Nowa and Prtottog Paper manutaocured to order at 'OM ahotiest notice; ■tTTANTEli^OllETHmG NEW I EMPLOYMBSyil W EMPLOnmKTIIl-HUe and Female Aganta waaM'to every Town and City to the United Btatos'i 930 toKO.psr lomlB can be made, and no humbug, BnstoMi easy, reapeo tahlS i J go all done at ^ome. It requires no capital, vriU nottoMtnn with other employment Thla la no book agency^ nwtnni'Ufw any ktod. Nopersonwmregrethavlsg»eBlf6rthlBliia»maw^ let his employment be whatlt may. FnUpaitioulan given to aB who enolciemtounn, and addreas, . -b a ' . B14t» • . ; HABTBT BBOWN'ii Oft, AtoOdkaag, H. H, . HOW TO WIN AT,0ABD8.-Sana^ jwir «adr«8 and two l«d itaitaps to HQWABD M. OB^m H«Jli*S City PoatO^Bc^ and fiowiUi&orS^udfV BTOB mettj^ winning at ALL (hd various games, Vn i*! ^'1!!'!*^ bytetummoll.' <-' \ OOO EACH (SllvorO-r-MlbrbBCopehMn^^^^^ for circular. F. E. BqWEHfl..BOT yo*^'' M***- ALITTLE WOltlCrglrlni_lnforinatlon worth k^wln^i „. A.stol than half of the human snoer. by.sddrcwliig I . .. T.-fr-FAlK (. M-lfs. '. . , ... J ■ I whloh Ji perusal or Iks Unas, and moit ptevenled. .Bentfla* Bos BioAdwiJr P. Ov • ■ itre,B. Lockwo4d, Haw .Ton Bb Vi TTIiHtt^t'^BlMTSBi 4^- AAN 'IT.', *tti rMMK 11.-'...jr t/. ^. .11 I.',.'.' .!i"!.' , ■ " " .. . . . ■