New York Clipper (Apr 1862)

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10 4tata«,tadI'winactiikseeBt . Ihou^ yon ii6 not gOfifl'loflMTH ^Ub Bndn'i week of Mb«rtFlMWir™«y aSfl* flUnW t' fMiu«> that pMtod Bniln'i tern of mttIm tasd anlnd, tod ttue date o< cor irtcoT/whn Tin molTed to give BMilBhidmonkti^^ k« M not iMblppad utliL Tkn dealied no other obun^on M MeoopiaT turn b tbaTob of eUutog San Glluk'i tna B«d^ S&'i £m lioiiM) tna BnUn. Ibitu:^ lilmMlf witti • w ■iliiir of wUdcey, wUle Tu IndTilgedto a Ismoiude, t^eirran- SoidH ooaEu«i54M>i«t ilMirt iometUiw out: b«t net a SsSKooaniMTOBiff^Siit^ "£?,'?iSiSS SMgaoB, tiia ImDy pimp of B«d-liead Bin's e'tft'li^I'E^*!^ mEEt Ba^lwt Sttoed a cauntnnun to to back (fltton, (bo «BtidKtigS«f fwtat' ■ • iilw -Mt^lrMta aa iiMliU^'l^*«.''f^S!''i^ atev, on* Uai Soaan Patao.. Do yon tao^j^»»SV-., j^k. "J^yS^Sre al^B%w*rt, aa yon wo a meaktag tWtf atfa ^tuSmSJuto'lKtoffi'i.ooortS'"*!''*''^ «Si5iTO£»i^SiStoSwtf w ■oriaMt^hlinaelf on m«»<J,.*o», «^ "^SfPSiEJ^JJ*^! wat^lra^ one^, WShi litai *','^^fy,;^.^^ SSShSShS\S^Tl£tBnr» tilaiiB looked on^th imtxfi^ S^^WMt«iMtdtot%^!«ip«^ ^Wfd ^^iKSiMiilnii mnilf tn^itetitoitan tones, <H3omeon;lito a SdLlSS^if4Mmaf »?ntl^ lUOru. andklisvten. ^TBaw. Urname'agrain tlta^ar" .j'lT n ! ;''>!' «o aa ouaiuuu). I:. iiuBDXY, ASKOi u; 'less. J .11 n >i. — , ., ,. ' ''D/.C^Barui'ud kaddeh Aniflbt alx CJn vllUIi IV niondi were contested. WtnVoTtmh^, 18U,. Jem Kellj and ' t neair .Ilelbourile, insttalia, and the 4 uid )UI«an ntonies, that batog the , lattite a4ur, howerar, bnt aeTenteea deal Of ttote betog wasted to spairtog, 30 .snOPftiv'Btr Loola.—In pcBilooi lisnea of the w«rbMov*V>.'SlI the iafoimailan on the snbjeot of the Sty's TlsUtD'XiiilanSithatwe wen topoassalon ol Itlsaald •athols{(^,|akoatomi tfaraoghflwat BritatotoooapanywlUt a droa; bat.'tte general toipioaalon la, that his rul errand Is' 4»BMet}^||n<)*. j VebaTeiebrredtotiiesabJecttothls Isne. BtiD>a;^aEiIaad;—'We prefer not to dedde snoli ooeatlans, for -V«BuyIi^iwA)Bgtiioar«etlinateofthebnslneBS. itlsamatter — """^ amons those who are better q^nalifledtojadge ■-to be. Ve atioold advise both parttes to draw eaaAi ii ui T MUujy jg tax iobbopoub. ■iCE QffinnEB HD unBrnoH TO'idsl! Tdk bot. His fc^AIIifiJNOfi TO THEWnOJiR. JoeNPL Hnm. who lafi' this port to the ataamahlp of iy Ui't^U-Mdinf kariih. aixlvod at Uvapool cia theil of ApillJ When Ve waa met by f^ nmiber of MMdi, antt soon after leli foo-^ILond^'where his aiilTai had tteated an totenae deg(M'<^~«^i«(n«iii.OwXsndOB Oam^^ toahBrtMjc«<(»lptto.asttTateI«ttar,aay»^:^^ _ ■■ ; •'..i:'';'' ' i.. " ; 'Loawwi-Aifllf ■ Jnit* Viuiiik^-^^'an'eidiamn iit reia-. ^on' 1o the anabnneement of thb 'aiTi<^; of |iMni|^ ^"f litowW^eM to SM tottia eonntry agatoj-^Sbwe^at^'aB aotts o^ fl^'trbnoraj^regat^'to tha ot^ert/o^^^ sD potot iojii'i^teh irltb lUee, ttw.pnMBt'cqjmii^ iVtioagb ifaeetnay hare e apt eaaed m'iviitita seet Bwub,-'^ ' ' ' tha.Ai. ■H. B. HT-A'.' Walihlsg<i)n.-:Oar Impression Is, that the "smoke fla^' at C|le ^hJ^estofrs, Hue., Kavy Yard, la «( 230 ttet to •aWbt. JPeriiata'MineDf omr.readeis can poatns. .Uu suuni- Tbw, Ncipie oi'ty.-Jaok In hmd does not oonnt as soon as '»ad& aadt.tit€(efo(e,yonrfpp<m«nfah>wpntsblmoot, andglTer WattegaasL.'/Wbpn tonwdTip as tramp, JTadk la aooieaiffl< •rtlatdjr.i;;,.';;.,,.-,., Boom.—4. Ur. Orelghton ^oesnotiecelTeiiajfarhlsservl- MaiapiteSs^fi)r:iiM'BxoaIsfor (Sab. I The Ilenkm-Eeenan' dtroMe was. tMoght-ahont,' probably, by Hesnan'a desertion of VMsr, Ofiiofainaa—V4 ikfi .made oso of sama of the Ittnis. flonaBMjmto'yovoasunaaloatfonwas toaobed apan tooiir FiBC.-;]^ Of hetf toih Bides of the dlipnle, and than we may to aUa togtrera deetalon.. Aoooidtog toyooi drawing,'arery -Wag aeeajs to be .on*«lded. X B. Boar, Boxbnnr.-^tlBh "Baal Bporis". Is a g^ wmfc. telaottfaokewho.adnrtlae boakato.oor paper may procmfo it JUU. iuY.d.jkmUjrn:'—Onr' adilce la,to let the.<hing pass, for wordaigMn'Bidie. Itwonld nbtbenallthsrtotougttiasab- itsttopabltoaatlae.''';.' KMnraa^ ifaHlinfrm Trni anst have orarlociked vartof'the ■aaiiiaij, nr jnsntlanwas madsotthilae plaoea' ranrredtoto, janr letter, ( ; TtiUHTiWi', iBoatoB.—Toy lettrt ttwrt hare bea'wirttienbefbre T—aaw oor last teoei'lbie groond was pretty wait oorered to that tmoK BBDR.t-Va 'd'oE't Itoow where - yon ean proeine them. aaatec< ot^.l^TjtrtUartm^aoooiBmodateyaii. S..A.,8tu'IrOBlai-r'!oaE.o(mumnilaatlaB .thiawa no now light •eoatoasoI))e«ti'bqriaesij'yan8iTeas aonama. '' .1 B. d V.-UidniHiaa'Ihem to oar, jplap^; «U( .if yon dtf not seetwllhatastamtevwewlllni^enochai]^ W. BaBinliii.^Ban Cannt beat .'BrinqrV' i lhey tbnjjiht iei ~naDdi, to (neholirlandahalt Joaain Oiinrma, BLLdnfa.—VenmSea hare aenc been run' BoBrBT,Veaiia.—VehaTo'two works te''bradna, bnt niaie ui' vresOtog. ^etoraeriM^cuaendyra'ftirUoaniaeaoh. W, £. B., Bai6m.^I.'.Tiie area' uiiga and two tinn wto the pool X HI;d9(»notj^et!^u>;^ W. B. B.-r^W? iuve a snat many of soeli aonga; moio, to Ihot, 41ianweoai^9ii|d,loctn&ir.' ..u ■ ■ ■ • '• W. P., Itaitrek-Tha Uerrinua, w«' MUiiTOils a Wto^ wtid «ianthelMnitor.' ^- ^■ ■'^^'r;,^ ^-.- HiBBT Bir.'OLUii.—If the' three aoMiWaie art baok^ j»tr,thelU*piunUIi»taa,.,.;/; f;• ■ ■ -v-/;'' jod than try and work yonnelf op. Burni, BtfUo^^ItanUaifmight a d^wiih/Olm^jWalitf T., Oalro^g|iai4^1t'|L|oog,'andl^^ Itaj^aeg. OaDEBtB;(||^.^'jbook dsaiar irlD pn»iira than fo^ jim, & F., lodpart^Anlight, bn^oomj^ '; I. f.—6e«'<hii 'taj'fToMixy.ik^ Beoord,.' > Shop Bo^l^T-Slta'XI^.bf- WeQIngtonwia an irlatiman. ■"■ J, B. B., Saioin^'II; J.—He shoold have another Urd.' A Tiao, OaAiiii^~Tiiaiism nam—}|'ii|;Mt;(ioodWagb for palAaatl^ '.J-Wtn^nlreatottt ft. ' ■' ».'^TB^yed; ad'.^«, ihanhfc .. ' : " L'^-Seekiiswer tb.J. B. Bhay.-\ 'A^pija),OF'.,TniBi... Ifa go to jiroB; ajtttla'earller with thla lasae; tn order ttut' bar -Uanda niaj^jiJM'dt the ahlVai ot.^e^nan in Englaad^ and of hia MoeptloB iii:<iahdta;'aIao that theymiiy lie'the ohal^eitige tiwtukf Tom Sanm^ offering to fl^ winner shoold Heatin ahd Jboelum aMblal |n''.the,qhiMBpiosdilp^^ j.ijiMe.whp find tbia^ ftTon HunoilMd.thii weA, wCl t6 attenflM.toitii mb.'next,', "Hnmi Vaa^twr,'.'—IMS ettabUahinafll; looated bn-die ikini'er of .Tth.imn^gid.4adatra|)l^.ai!^ Broadwi7,waa «penedmi T|iM4y; Apra i7tb, fbr the toa^aatlon of ]t la a fine two^ory building, enllnly'af brlok, with, an areia c^. 300 by 180 feet IdaMe the wan*; ,'wlth high .oeUtog, and enoted with spedal jfWeiilon; to light, VentUaUoDi and sewerage. She ataSa are of .extra wldthj andad)I^r«Uy ananged tBrthe heaUh and oomfint of tl^e Mnti. Bem^ ide« may be formed of the dt menslons, whijn wo'ste^ that there are ample' aoMBtmodaiioilf' iu two hondred/'sad il^ head; wlfli their natal etdlpmenU,' On the flitt iMor iirelbqateill (rfBces,' dresatog too^, with eTSiy (oonrvenlenoe for a'tinUni after a dlr^ diive< a ntlrkig room for ladMs, with a separate antiiaoeltoim.iad'streat 7?othlng,lnli«ot,' baa be«D segleoted by Oio make this place what lis name Indicates, one of the first of Its olaia on this oonUnent' Qn ttie seoond st«ty an eitenalTe rln^ iki bieeh 'mide for exefdse in Miny weather; .|«h^e'to'^tbe r«if are'Tabant Iota for the pnrpose of walking st^'^pt ro^iilarly ddTen..' Tliaproptletois, Heaars. Olemons b BadthaW, have reaotted to hold wMkly ano^on sales «f borsea, btnuMf^ j^-t.Ufi t^ey.hsTo ftoUtle*/ and most hare faUgntUM ait the attondanoe at thelrjopantog day. The Mddtogs wmfiuipi^'and maiiy;;pniehaMM Ijad tbattiui^lMiib iMestat!' A luije iiainbeiof olrena honMa WHieaoIdtlia^jfiHI^^een tipi^d. ont aU wlattt.-.thelr o6ItaW«N ■oAgb, of whlAAft the knowing <nM8 to honi^ileUiitoo^itdVant-' Hf, ud realis«A,<(ii(ttilU.toi^ proprie- tor waapre*«n^,^l|i4^fMtMT«r^^ onM'hsme,.anltootilB SiioMioth«atB«r.'.':'i M .--m,-*..', ■. — ■ TBiWa ttk^fiS^tM^ '*6'"paWyHdaaclp^ Hod, mtum^ f^Pb/sMi pi>Ul«i«d-ln'neat ttmn' iv BetarsoB JBMtRis,. of PbitsMtfiia,,at .the. iiuXj.erfta ytfoi ,o{ it)[ffa<TJfin.itoaira .nlA'<l'Kii itj I 'C^ ' ,1; H iiyxIlctK'l" L^N C I dirabt ihat he erer sospaoied the gay Boy wonld laatU'whUe' hls'(lliue'a). three jt«iM|^oti>!r^inn*)i|p' aeired otit If I weieSeenan I.dioaU rather one aide of Baiyeis; for,>« loses all.«iat wondesltal aoianse.when hehaas:man'i)efat«i him who w^'Wiy'^ death a^^ loand, liiateadof adnnnp like tba BtalsybrUgei KaM denHUke ti«ingtii^>i»Ki| and OTaryme knowa that BMBan'U^VMtrl It is aatd that Beentt to in tto HetKvUls whfle I w^ not seen Um, and'am not aoie that he la to'I<on'dMi ifai^ bnt'wlB betomorrowiu 'helsnot abaady hare. Ibera Is another nmor nan^thatBayert/taU.of' ,<.'go";ta:ihs Me Bto& bnt I knownot wh$t tmth there is to these r9Pii^; -.. In Bty next, I hope to gin yoafUl psittoalsn'of the Boy's 'si. tWal, hfs 'reeaptlqi^ y^id'^ totesUoiis.. i'mail tUs to-day, to' Order thait It may go. by the steaaur wfaleh' iMvesIitfeipool. to^ ow. ■ noiitindlaatlon*, thare win be IMy times this'snm^ aer. Toai< " "'" HaoJiios. Bythe]>>pd<Bii3^o(<%'X(r<i'of lean'that Beenan had reaiihH Ti'^fl"";"" ff^ '■t*'"') t^^j^m,^ ttjikimVmaiir^ 'wbo'if Ml^MiMtoZjrsprinlonaly'st To Jndge'b^ 11^ artlcta to lUirliondon edttat 'deeiian's vlalt to London la fbrthe aipreas purpose of fluting VemHfoe, and.toto optolon to ftemsd, befna ^the' Boy hiu had timatodadlm Us totenthmB.'..In'exp^^ H(«- uui'"eoi|ics fbratgiit,'' Kaoe'bad written that he wonld b) i<pl«iu)ed; prirad, iuoid happy to light Heenaa.'"' BntihejnioM' smprlsiag'part of the 'nofn neelvad' traahlng Heenian'a; arrhnl, la the nhaTVmge from. Tom Bayeia, who.has <)aimaaat baldly,ui4 qffnato ths winner of the prqpiosed matdh twtween Heaum aii^ Bayviv.' Tqm'a dhallenge,,wbioIi''we gtre bdow, is Inserted to'th'e 4>*<'<<iy £(|('V and bears tte if^^ anihentiatty, bat It seems somewhat strange that alter all the obr JeotloM.TBiied^^ltlniBt aienewal oif the yamburmigb Tight-that hajmsbannddown nottofl^t a8a^7fa^)w,waDU.Jtef^ 'mvUr:^SMi^r}i^) <ii'l>i-^«i^^ iuw 'Maa ■Biagv''»i*,i'ela;^^: duiqll ao^e ^ at tbi|| jgarttoqlar ilme^: wta Is dotog a most etotDentjbastiiM'withhlsdroas^ and'alggn^^ bto^'de^to'llglit ffiba iuitmi^ erer ahoaU. prore. the winner,' BoppiMln^ 'ttpt^tiM twb'lattar oome.togeO^ inan-IntaHiatlanal: Oontist inaprl'ratoa((totoiu,OBrootr<w^ thattiimi to a disposition to glTeHMiiB abetter diawth^ time; '>tia whenever tbt I W hwirn g h U^cjis bro^td^ tin Boy saeoa lib have altoost as many sup jo^Mjis as' Tom BayM ; I fM'.'satti- 'ibd.that ^ itpminr of.toiiaaiitlal men wUl a«e to'it that fUf' play 'dta^ VTif iVp frr^'T f thftTftinniatiifflal yig|ki"i' SttlsiSMDoba' nted by sdme remarks UfbaStBrtkg jOA 'altij|eth jr,''i]^ jls a:f>«i(e^ ^Iqositton^i vpamt^,:maiiugsted t^^ .. Sow, in regard to^yers' «haIl|BQge,.there iifa|r ))a'M>ethlttg ^'ititiiiptuitniBUereaiiBotoompMha^ Itmayb4g«Bato<,|CT ^ toay ta a ftngeiy, pat ent t|!' al'toiln'^f^.'soau not 'dreamed of by the nnlnitlat^d. in Marip«tifMi i»f ^iTi««^iiig>^' 'twm lia^ andBeanavtto oddaueabady^ftuedonthe Boy bf a to l;.alibwlng'a giieirt dl^^ .lAen bis thentopponent waa the'a'tb..l.:' liis'nbt .^..baei^eotedthkt.IlBoe.wU iasas a ohanange,'for he stands opek ;to^aoMpt',in.that ji^ <A'eriIegllimaleIr,'toiightforthe dhampUnthlp, 'Reltber ls tt to ba 'sappoaal'thatHeebah w^ ^aDenga Uace immediately, althoogh ttut hewfll dosb'is the tmpresaibii in cartoto qiorUagdn^ tosae, however, w:e dull^ be; able/pifobaUy,' to get .smse dellniie' dittos of.whatia to ootaie ontof iUs sranewhat nnloAed^or. sp-. peajmM i^. J^ to the homepf pagtifaBa, lbe (}^at oityofiiOQd«£ ■ i>■'■.;■ ' ""■ .'„■.',■'.... 'JJ'''■:!.' 'I ■' .. ■ .- • ■'• fi ' ■ ■ .';The folMWing arttols OB the snbleet of HSMLan's aMval to'fi^ the XeidoniSjMrM^xi^tV Aprils:—^ ■' Haroir.ione of Bia; heroeA'oif the ^tUe of ihrhtiniwMjti, i,'.. 'aqri^^BnglandvrithUiarap^^ ilitit, the lireaeat holdsr of the bait, and determining bis right to be oonaldered the dhiamplbn of the worid. On the'lTth' of tiie l^iea«(itiqopth, .thp aeoond 'annlversary of the important light be> twasn tba Benida Boy and Tbm Bayers will have arrived.' Sayersi' It was tmdettlood'.l)sd' retlMd frodi the P. B. torarer, hear- ing of aprobtbla ehMnnter lietween Heanan and liace,'has, to the' Inlnlto, snrpilse of everybody, issned' a ohaDiaige to .fight whoever ahooldpMVe vtotdtions to ihe proposed .oont^t.- Som's t<iriuluiddijn«ngewilib6 fbi^^^ .Aftersoalmastom ^ aald to bo immtoent, and the dnlaeas which has bf Uto perva- ded prlu-flghtlag ^BUrs is 'snddeniy [relieved b^'the^iqbahililiy flif .a paiiiage at iirmi not' only between Beenan and.'Uaoe;but ahiiolntaly bptwoen Bayers and the Benlolani. This tolei)igbsce wiU ondOttbtddly eanBe atremQhdoaa senaatton thron^tnt the ooiB)try, aiijl''to the-event of either or both these fights being bron^ to'an Issne, a degree bf pnbllo eicUemeiit wonld bo en- gendered eioal, in' Intensity to thai which was manifested two ye^frs atoce, {irhijpL'i^e splendid battle of I!anibaiMngh en^rosaed tliethoBiatB,of ltog1ld i in ea and Americanaalmost'totha ^winri nn of OTsry'othetf'^ifc.'/' S^^ Heonan's r^tnn to hlii native oonnby, he appears to' have lad a gnie't and modest Hfe/ and haa acaroaly ofaihided -hlfflself before the' ptibilb, eteept when iU. adTlsed by hla lirKmdii. d'. tbe tfip»Atiantlq apbrttag . press. UaoahM oVer and'omagato 'sipreased his wish to flgfatHeenani Imi. jtem moat In aatUilsh'sd 'at thh sndden, Iptfear^e'e of "ibe Bo7,f'-wh«li*V8,^nb'tiotl^'bf tils ni^ ha'pjaoedhls ---^j^iftiglilah'BolL,.-' 1 ..',;■.. ', .; a^ihe-tnterval wttls& cUpUd'' btlfrted uiileiiiUti bf ^^^f*^iMi^m*m^ . (1.7) I v. liiif. .!"'> 1 .;«!< /o iil:\'M uni-iiiftu/i:!,! o-(!iJj'.i'iM t^/.^l'i; an ohalleag^WglWLplsljtot*, littisdiraya ifijderstood thathatotiBiadferevi^da|t^tar- _.the'^(im'a TilR'...At preaent, we oahaot aaioane»' aaj^f**" llminary step* towards a matoh between H«enan and lIaoa,bat the Benldan'a airivalatLiverpool,totheOjlljr^of'Waahto^|^m.. on Daii«diy,4hows jSxtiii 14 ikla^KMH; BlWlQ-be reii^bn«a lhatVi4 iMo6ioad ln4U<Solfamfis,'VtBHie flgM'betwjeh.lUui: and RlBg, that Beeaan's Manda had leaolvedtotodnoe him to '•oms over, and have another try for the bdt, aa they considered Uj^ had not Boatatoedhls rfpn^tttop^'snd that aa eaay trinmpb WbiUd Vi the'resnlt of'a ilghi between Ihesa gladiators. Prolwr 'tdy It to npon some snch representations sa thes^ that Beanan has 'baealDiaeadto r»«n)earthna anaqibotodlyi bat, to any case, light or hot, hto visit to bglmd 4nrtog the International ExhlU-- (ttoinnMpcove agreataonreaof Mtonlleratlontoblm^as spar- riag M^agemanto at higb sateriaa ham'at onto beeii elTared him* OoBOttntog TOm Bayers* ehallenga' to taeat either Beenan or llaee altar ' thoy have fboght,- BnMh>imbettatoty''maat aiiat.' ^^m'a tiackers have always glv«&'itont that lie riibnldneviw fight agirin; and, Indeed, it to khowtt'that the trttstaes of bls aano^y hare bcnad him dowD,'OB 'fbrfeltaia bf iilS' foitanb, not to angajs'to any fraah battle, llr. A. Bennett' and otti'era have oonstanlly. declared this, and ^t^ramkliu to be 'sWa'wUiker Bayers itui risk the less'of hto annnttgr; to hto tore oT ttnie'aad ambltioa to regato the: title he biloe''ao'bnmly"deiABided,'is Ohunpton of Sn^and and the worid. - Itiat he win be able' to fight U he dallrea, to oertato, bat, to onr optolon; it wooid be mptt ijliore«t'an4dignllledtor«stnpon Ualanrfis.' ^ 'I "A'Wen-triedwaiTlorvrt.Ulgji>M^ ' Ibe^<t-dlspatedh(mpioof,tl[e'fl .;. iXhodgh two years have barelyeto^sed atoee th^flghtat Ftro: bcroogb) Bayete, we feal'convlnf^ 1^ nqttili^ tpin'he vms whan h'tfs^oadqpwttbrtohimpuallfAedTalarfaetca^ Tom'a iangtheDoia'career, the aevolty of hls<l«st fight, and.Iatdy bls' weartogjikid somewhst barrasalng life aa a oironii' manager, most )|kvb 'left'their mark, .tfipon. his oonsittntlcn and frame. ' Still, a letom to strict training and regtmen might vvbA wonder^ and once sioie enabl^ him to show a bold trant igaiait either Beaiqian oir lilee. ;ilth'ongh.a nunber of peqile, to ihe prob- bblUtles of a fight between the two last-menttonad athletes, are givatly Uassed to fkvor of "iiierBoy,", yet there are nnmber* of BoondjodgeSw^o afllnh that Beenan winfind<Jam atramendooa. lyton^cnstomertodlspoaeoC OerialiiIy,IIaee did not light in Us best WbrmV with King, yet eyarythtog was ag^tost hlm,'anl he ociida nbi display, hto sdeooc qnlckness, or delbnce, owtog to the'.'lnitlary"natar«ofthegroimd. On the other hand,'It most be borne to mtodthathebeat Sing, aflne, itaehyoiuigfignow, jaon than the eqnal ot, Beenan to length and rvaoh, bysheier gamenein and endnrance. It wiU not'do for the Ameriouk'a friends to dehide themaetves that ihelr manwUlbavaan aaay ]obk or that It la aa aa a .'Iwalk over" for the belt' We most eontoaa thatwe are glad to welcome Heehan, whose manly bear. iag and gantlarrianly adAass yniu hlni no end of adaalram npon ila first visit:. w» retom wiih llghttng totentlanB, too, shciifs tbat his eowfldanwi to the frir plsy Of EngUahmah is not, a* rbp- resiuited by B'J^ortiaf)' of the'imeriean preas, antinly. ezlin- gnlahed. ■ • 'At the battle at Eambororigh, itilstakBsaiid aoddebla ocenrred, Bad wa'have alwayia insisted, tli|U tha.toterrnptlon oif . the light alrose tram no direct wlah to deny Beenaa-'Jostlea. Itwonld, however, be worse than oaeless to ^eonr to the old grlevanoea on thai scon. Blioald, Beoian' fltiht '.a<^ niMn Engllah Boil,.-lie nMd nft, we aro.asisnredi feel any hedtatlcD.' He to inunensdy popnlar-to this oonatiy, and hto admiteis and parttsahs majyl^ nambered br handrada of thonaanda. . Since hto Uat oontaat, the'rBlea'aftfaelUng.bave been revlaedand ameaided, and the barbarons "hngglng" mpon the ropea bean rendered IHegd, There can bene tolse Impressions utd argomantB, therefore, mnn tbat matter, and thto, at least, Ua ftlenda moat ooaaUer as an advantage on hto aide. Tbesporttog Wld toanzlonatobaare a decided tos^!«( "Heesati'a ablUty,'andIf ha.oan wto the belt, evoybodr. 'woold be rejoiced to aee tiim wear' it, and SQioy the boaore-andemdnmentoof ito poasesalon. Bhooid tbeBenlda ^oy snboeed to maiking a match with I(ace, 'and ahonld B^en afterwards fight the victor, we have every oonMence to seeing this conttsto finished with ImpaitlBUty, and the American dciwel )>^i^^'fleidj^.noAybr.;' ')Ii)ca.'ssgenthas wiittta tonafrom jph-'»^'''''-' .«"''*»r'<*«*J"™ ii««j<ti|f rf <ti» i»«»ii at»' tt., j ik y |»iwt takes the immedtoto opiKirtantly of tafbnUng the wc^ he wf^ feej'ople^ed. pipnd, and happy, to.'light Haeoan,'.' which to the one desfare of hto heart • .' iHBaaaii'fl aaBiyiz.,'jLX..LrnBfooi^ .. - The celebnted - Joim a Heenani aeoompanled ^t^ his, brother; fames B^naa^ arrived. in Uveippbi ,on Thiiisdagr, April Sd, to ttie "dtty of Taahington.'' A^ won aa It'becamegenerfUy known fliat he was'tp arr|xe by that boafa great nombar.df'bia friends iod' admirers asMnUed' to give hlmshe^1j:'gi<Mting 'to'oU Bnglanil | He sppfared In exeeHent health and splrlta, and bean no marks. of.Uadevoltontoths'ttOble art"' Hesliowsiiotrace of )il8 terrific, contest at Funboroagh with ,ih'e redonbtable 'VToin."; |Beeban'B aecond visit to England^ It H ondentood, la toianoonnter Jem Usee, the preaent poaaeaaerof hto long-oovetod prlke^ ^"tlie bdt and the Ohamplonah^' of England," and his. li'tezpom friends appear'very aangnlne as to Us saooeaa; • ■ ,.■(•* •[ wrtntw 'nr Lpirpow. ' Eeenan'a appearance to the mstropi^ has, :of eonrse, created mnoh in^^rest, and wherever he has shown in pnbUc.he has been snrnranded by crowds of anadona' fpltowm.' -Tainwllately pipbabto ^conntsr between the Benlda .Boy waa fllwimaafl at the sporttog-bonses, opinions were at once prononaoed which eho'wed that the "tdeat" were Impiened with, the Idea ibait It to.bdds on Heenan,'(^d at[bwen,Bwift'8, oh Thnraday.nigb.^.8 to 1 waslald on him s^inst Uace, sbonld the men meet to light for the Oham'^ ploiulilp.' 'We eipeot to oar 'neixt tiaat>tf''to ai^ match lias been'airanged.. .Of:.bbnrse; needleaatoremtod bnr readers Out Compelled to fight Beenip, pi ''any otli^ ei^tnan/' or i^ealgn the belt, ^t ;7affl^B totwitiqnl'.aa Us agent's if/Her pircves, to to Hgbt to. tiie lasi to defence of the trophy of pagfUatLoihamplonahip*. " ' ^- f. ; ' The'followtog,ls '' .,', ' ,',. ';'..,• : . . ■ ■-. ']•'•.;■ TOM" aiTn«'oaiMJwi*. ,,'■. /. Sb; Ea^tDg .iMm in .yoor paper of .ifato day.iUt It to the toteni.' iton of Besian 'to contest irith\UMe to'jtlbe Ctia^i^nahtp'of Bi(^d, t b«g to inform.^.I win i|Jghi''aie'vf^ important baitlis for die'aam of iSOO or jUOOaslde, as sotttvafter tbat event as tha'wtnner'thinks fit '■■ ' '.'„;''." ! ■ lapi;sir,yoiiwr«speclfb]Iif,,.V;i'^ ,'!' '■'''" . .i»«.B««tft'■ , ' '.' Bx-OhampioH'^.EBgUBdlaaPrn^ I' " iltoiObjitBpiohdlrcbs'oifaieWorii^ ■ ay,-Aprl^ X' :;';:-. ". '.^,^.,, , .:. ; . , . ;■. t'edtil- IVOBlTl^v iMli'ftitt, 10Uohad Ihelaa,.. the tomoas billiard player and tobto maaofkotonr, waa take^17^ ^ —• "han JnvltaUon to meet a atimber of Ua friends and^ JLJUL.«,l i!jsr?3?^'' to Fonrtoeath street, wesi Brooway, iet tae purpose of giving them an oqpottnnity of 1 ding him a cordial frreweD, and tearty Ood^peed on hto ^ Callfbmto, for which Blato he'dijparts'^ tti^ .stMoier.of jl At the appototod hoar, the gaesto hav^ assemUed,<Hhl was oondaoied by Ur. Nell Bryant to the seat bf boner d bonntifally laden with choice edibles—which, aided by i aMinA {nfioeneea of'g^talal-^d Jovial oonveaatloni 1 of "KoittobeIto,\ and'V)therS{generoas sttmolants,' patchedito a maanj^ t^K>«niAy^.lBaMrated.^the^b^ good thfiiigi, and Wmj^^'intt''t^ea, poa^^ Among those preat^mme^^nla^l, ii( addition to i chief, the fIimniar^(U^^(«|U Reil Bryant,^ (_ Conner,! Fhmip Tlei|U>li;^!pYfley Kavanagh, Uesstsl( sense, fteeman, a'aVO)impben,*b<ery, etc, et».T-] adding ^ the reitohy t||if^past,'IIr. CampbeU adig, wen taujwn styls, t](A«)i^i^ ^iab ballad, "Hbraili UcL ^oh wu greatliyVfi^vied. After the tminAi doth, ^d doriiM .i^^qn^iiiij^^ ^the. 'Aninbi'-^ responif to the toast of «^^tfe;qtirf>> by Ur. ineman, whldh was drank with aU the honisTwi. Fhelaa f^ve a brieft «ntsrt(|l|»Jng;i as# hnmoiow .Koonnt^ hto expeaienco in the biniard world np to the present Ume. The" flntbOlihrd tobleheeTftaaw'(ao6ordtogtoUr: Phelan's rainaik8>*'^ waa. at honse to Ualdan Uae, for a long time known as ^ •SaaAeknd Brown's," wheko else he'inade hto fint essay wiDv the encj There, a|ao^ It appeals, .the. then ybnng riiehn, not- ^thstujdtog the oppodtlan of u elder brother, soon'leamM to dlaoomfl^ aU hto opponehto; and htt^ too, the thengtit Btigges^ ttsdfthattheoonlfmabh.lmproveontheoldfttgystjleefbaUartf ' taUea.' For this, on mitnttviilng.U iq.those of a/'grefb bid see," like k&!dt)ierrefbraiers'and improve^ he was..cid]r iaa^, and the Idea pooh, pooh'ed; bnt thla, did not deter Urn f^ stlB: pondarliM on the mattar.'and in afnr'yeare fcnin ih'ni«». ■ altera, trip to C^omla, and other advientaroaa eplsodsq, lie, to ooa* pany with Uessrs. Conner uid Oolishder, manafkctored the ft^ table wiliiFhelan's improved oombinatton onahlons, eto. 'What dlfflcnltlte and oppodUon tiiey tnet 'with, t/a only 1)^ ondeistood by tiioee|Who have toaveled in a similar road.' Baflbe it toay, ' then; that from that flret.ialA^ oommenoed. a pros p e r o u s career for the.llrms of O'Oonner k Oollender,'and later of : Fhdan 061-' ■ lender. On reaomlng hto seat, Ur.FhelaB 'wia warmly eongr^ ' tnlaied on hto snoeeas, cbnaeqnant npon bia peraavertog oTorla.' The sodaUUes of the evening oonttoaed to 'the wise' ama' hotbw •yani.thie twaU" to the most agreeable manner possible. The manner and dronmstanoea of thla "recepUoil" pnistBafe beeo .higbly gratlQing to Ur. Phalan,''oomlng, aa It di^' to io Impronwta. s'manner, from friends who heartily wish him saccesstoaUbto ondertalElaga to life,' and that Us pUgrimage toOiUfbmtottiy:!^: salt to sdccass, and to Ua saft retnm. Be totendsbetog absent ebonlfonr months, webeUeve. :.: r . r Suia or A Ohiss Puns.—Oeorge B. Derrickecn, a member, of the; ShOad'a. Oheaa dab, and an able' cOnUbntor td 'thbchei^ daportmentotthtopqper, dledtothUdty, on'theMthlast Bto remains were taken to Philadelphia,'and the fnnerd took i^iaOa from the Kosidanca of Dr. S. 0. Bdd, cm Batorday.sift^oon, 19th.'.' Inst The deceased was to the 18th year of Us age. Be waa an inienigent yoong man, and much beloved by Ihose who bad formed his ac^aatotonce. ..^|4mn^,—Bd..^ffii4^ and popolarprofessoir af the ait flstlo, and-enoe tn 'epj^niUlit bf Btoiy Oribbln/ opened'ills 'bostolrte 'at tfeejfLfwken^ M.'^li),,wbe^[he >wlll,be:on iiand ^ mtU ontto'ali thosefriends who will ptoase to faM^hliu thei^the oholceat bever^es,; eto.',As|)^^ ^!^ottm(^to'en(^)i. to bebTttntWt tost ^,'lt is t^'be^oped tiiat Wiiaoh wiU.have a racbeaaftl^Reason to -make npltor bis losses. Boys, :don't forget' Wll«mand|weehawk«B. :'■■;:,';' ■'..' 1.!''■:'•'■''r :!:i l;,'' Pom va; ExTiiuoB'.i-^TIie third Idftich'^bl^weea', tiie^'Wo. playeke for ^,0|)Q,'i8 ilk' Uke'pfac^ inBafialOrUio iattar-liav-. tog the prifUege of naoiing the - doto. between the llli' of AfQ and six nioi)ths from thU' Alto- ' tTniie^ the oiNiiinst4ii<|bJ^;t^'[u therefi^i^ highly grobktje',t)ut! ihe latest.; dato'ipbaslUe will'bb' named, (oastoma^iiti^bssibls for UK JFhelantebepnIsttt bn UsrMnm<^tte'(Wdrtfliato;. '');:,'.;■, ', ,' ,. ' ' ' ' 'H ' ', '" ' ' ' '* ■;' .■■''■;■';''..'''..' - BowLora.j-ibe foilbwUg ;;adtertU«i&4iit^^^ Btoglintoii, % »„ isiii&teiiw- ' Bowuaoi-Hlss aoyfc thb 'eeUbtiited ladybc^ the Alleys Idthe rea^ of iUli B^cshAngbHoUl, In; 'm thlaf ba Utodtjr as ^ fli^ cUsA 'B<-"" diihg* fietSTBIsUtodUd. TA.^^%l<toM.« Bowuna.—Those , gentlemen who oontemplato aUHHirt Ing S' dabforOievraatloe of thtogam% and taking a bond In-at'tri^- llng the llgnmn vMb, wiH plwa'sa noto that ah aJlonitiM meeting to tobehigld atthe Hooae of .Lords,'to Eoastbn street east cT' BioadwayrOn thaSSdinst Everybody sad bto'fritnls are bm- dlally tovlted to attedd.: We hope that a goodly company'will be ' on band to aaalstto ftirthering the enterprise. - '" ' -. '' ' .' ' '■ ■ 1 - ' ; -. — ' . » '. . ■. i-i' " ■ " TBS OBAiCBisai^ a.dpqtesitonpvd of red.Ufa,by Urs. Bepry Wood, Joii pnbUahed by Petanon Bros., of PhUadeiphls, to vair . intanisttog, iMth to {dot and detail. Price, W cento. P.- A^ : 'Brady, a^tfor New-Todt , . '. r : - ;>v» ' , .BBOoplBS^ Look qoT.—Persons who "go a gimato(f,'',.irillibear.^.. in mind thiait It to'not rlj^t to'lifn.biae blrda, swanofB,.ro|btos, br:.-. any other'Inseetlveraas'Urdsi' Btfoie shooilng,overliaiil .yoBV.' book, and see that yon are alNmtbfkUIaccordtog to layr. . BILUARDS. PoiHiKa SBon.—For a long time the legUlmacy of what' are termed "poshing aboto" to the game of billiards, has been ' doabted,floodplayers,'aaagenardthtog, bavtogcondemiiedtb'ein " as marrtog to a great extent, this, tmly edentUo pasUme. Motr •' wtthaiondlng sneb views have been entertatoed, the oastom has been kept op; nntu It wonld seem slmost an ImposslbHity to dls-' card it; bat coald the legltlmaoy t>e annmled, oOld .tibe'roler - ' framed so aa to forbid each practice,, it would odd vastly, to the- beantles of the game', and lead, eventually, to a mach more sUB- falhandUng of the cue among our best players, who all' admit'- tbat bnt:llUb aUn to required In'making one:of these same " fnia AwnA^lanm. A# .InlnM HM.M ..W&W Al.J_ l loahtog shots." The expediency of doing sway vrith tUs sort,,'waarepleaso" " rtenV in billiard olrclos. The ffla«ie shot'ls (ke' shot utogelher, to, 'wa are among the "u] shot that ahoi _ ray witl ileascd to observe, betog canvassed I oiiilard olrclos. The vumt shot'ls (ke' take Ito place to most instances, and'wheie ttiat.-^ would not serve, on additloiisl Impotaa would' be given to the player to> stody aiigte shots, and &ub, as we before remarked, mnoh enhance the beaatles of the game. It baa autprleed, 'bn ' atthesametlmedeaseduB, toleam that to the proposed third' playing nlatohes, we have no doubt bnt that amatena wlU soon follow salt By all means then, let us push sushera and Doahlnir' . shoto oil the statato book. ' . ' ' "' Tbb .FibtST or Uat.— Thls^-one of the greatest' ^ys 'on this ' cdendar, for Oothamltes, when all hands seem'to ba'setoed with- the nanlq for changing their places of residence aodbaatoess,' ls, close at hand, wben the cry of push along, beep movtog, toV pretty generally qnoted. Borne of onr billiard friends'totend to follow, the custom, we nndeiatand. Uessrs, Fhelan fe Oolleiider '- ' havug given up their rooms, comer of Tenth street and Broad-, way, lhat estobUshment'Is to be presided over,by Uessrs. . Kavanagh and Freeman, wha wlU leave their rooiss to Fultoa Street; while Uessrs Phelan b Oollender win confine themselves' to the pr<OBecutlon of thoir msnufsotnring bnatoess, to Orosby street, lb. Elldnff, of the Oolumbla Booms, Mo. tM Broadway,, also totends removtog to the south-east comer of Twenty-second' street and Broadway, the fliat street bdcw Us present locsiioii. Uto to. be hoped that he vrlU find no faUlng off tobostoess,. thrragh his removal from his preseht'Uttle snuggery. ; 6POHTS IN pAIiIFOBNIA., doBS playen of ,that dty, pUyed a match iathe ofto HaD, Feb, whldi the «Mmar proved the wlaaer by 100 pototo to ml . 'Annexed 14 the table thereof >- . . ' a 5' : :M:i,< . ., U. 7'' m,)mp un»-&:.thi torn, ¥MtU*tm^ ■ ■ Tn.:!^b 30 suj^U «"!«•»"«•*,'-ti