New York Clipper (Apr 1862)

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fit JoDBUyod »g«me, wUoli wm won ty, JMiitoon. Eaton mw* tmof 18* polnt«,bnl00014not ^In toe game. , ■ Fbbhoh aAMB.-A nutoh at the French BOBo of bUU*rf< fmosTalde waaannonhcedtoiake pIuoh Ban Franolico, BwSi: XZn MidflaUotto, on the eT«iJn« of Ito* : i»noh dosed thon»tohforth««Mnioir,Bnd on orpres^ , aome doion of French bnt^Hlf <iS!SS5! rarod to back their ohamplon. Tnare had b«<m oompm- UWb moMT^et bnTTiood deal waa eipeotad to bo rtaked !hW?W i»>?8^»«l''»'l"' Fielan'aouablonB Ib ' *ibho (isod. ' ' , (loo«Fr«HT—On Batntdaf. March Wi; a number of "rooBtara' ' -i?ttS^2S«;7nfc;53IimSatM«i7»Tine. Ata o'clock a larao • • 2i&^fl<Sj teB??^T^ie cook?lt, corner of Fourth andl) 2S!2l Su^?^a J3^andIeno^ e3lbraolng repiesentaUTes S^iiS'^irt AiS^m^Kto iK; WW prbaenTtlie pit was In line JSL?S3r^wln« lurtUy, and ihocrowd of epeota. ■ 'iJiSIJJnJiSflmltaSbnlldlngioTO^ 'ISSrttt^eJCCimtrTge flnt niatob waSbStween a. gray md no8t«r kffiini blm Inalantly. At this Innotoie a ahed came down, and oaneed about twototy mon and boya to look for other murtua In ahortnoUca. Amatchwaa then made npforapuTBe •ffbrtr daUan.on a dlaputo between* white cock owned by a lu»e SWolan, and8red rooatarownedbyamerch^ Jtta dlapufe^a* of. long duistlon, and cloaely oonteated on both jrta. mnohmonefbolngBtakedonthereriilt a» the flghtprp. anaaed Atlaattbe white fowl kealed'OTer, and waannable to Stand OD to hla work, the hid cock oiowlBg oter his victory, aad ttHxir the pnrse. Various dlspulea then took place be- tweeoarwiety of cooki, much to the amusement of l&e apeota- toivwbo appeared highly delighted with the entertainment. OaBA.T nn.T.i a an MATOH'IJ' BAlf FBABOUOO. .-.',v^:.. ' ' JAUBOR DE^AtB lATOlf. ' : '.BB/^tnnv^ isiD,ili9az oomna TbViiUllard match between Kr. Hany I. Ekton and Ur. A. W. JamliM eame off on Taeeday ertDlog February 2tth, at Ttaoker'a AcadamT'Pt Voile, In lha pnaenoa ot abont foar hendred' epect*' tonTua eitrema Inolemenoy of the weather keeping many away. Ibeie who did attend eomprlied tbennl; and Sle of Ean Ftanetsoo pltTere, aakofag'wEo'm we notleedf Me«ar<. Lyach, Little. Eaedlog, .Jiaoei^' .eairlira. and (Jallotte. The' balaiee of the audience were ' thO'.aaiateiirs wuo thioog the aaloona of cur olty and ipead honn ' eTefy dij at thb moat taMlnatlnggtme. Tbe billiard table wai of the rhelan patent, firam Hnghea' (aotory, and oceopled the centre <of the room, but owing to the dampneis cf the atmoaphete, It was At from being a fait table. . . . .The lodges of the game wen Ifesirs. Carrlere and Uaher. At itso muiBtea past 8, Ur. Hatt Hughes walked to the table and an- nonnead that, the game had been lengthened te BReen hundred lohitSi and sailed rot Judgment as to outside beta. The Jndgu ieelaii)! all enttlde bets off. that had been made up te the time of the anneuncament. Ur. Hnghea then latiodneed the players to -the andlenoe. Hany Eaton u pretty well known throughout the £tate, .a.short, trim built fellow, and a steady, careful player. Jamison la a tall, leggy built man. about twenty-two yean of age, *ai halk from Porkopolls; during the past year be has been In the Ennetalda ooontry and onir lecentlr eame te San Ftaneltco. Hiece waa no tranbla about eholee of balls, Kr. Eaton taking the ' whlt4 and JTamlson winning the lead,' Thegamewent glibly on, seme of the most brllllsat shots we «Ttc,e*w being made. Eaton,* Uttle the bTorltaatflrst;grew latgelf In (arer aa he scored ISS In hli serenth play. Junlton showed no tin tin the tblttaenth play, when he rude 118, ont of wMeh M were single eatomaon the red aad white balls; had he .getthe two.reds tcgetber, he would hare made 141 eiolualre of .<wbatheniadebeforaheb(«n<*n&ntng." EstOnnn three runs .'-of U,'48,.and 41, oonseonUTely, and nude some splendid shots, illie twenty siztti and Mreath nnnda were grand on eaohelde, .aatoa .maklag 41 and C8 to JamlaoB's 67, S9, and SI, the latter In the twenty-oTnth play. In the thirty-third round, Jsmlaon scored ■3Si polntsl Tbli u, webellere, the. grastestronerer mads In any . Butah game. Eaton made TO In his thirty-ninth round and in the iXtrty-seeond round, Jamison faSTlng reached a tbouaand by a run ■ef Ul, aa Intemlsalon of Bre mhintea took place, In whioh 100 to waafteely bookad on Jamlion. Eaton now made four large runs UT, US, 88, and 78, Id oloie proximity, but the Baokaye shook him . .«I easily, running 88,76,63, and than arertglog 16 every time he pUyed. Poor Harry w»a completely tired ont, lud seemed; attar •oarrylng awar hla cne-solnt. In tbe Bdy-nlnth round, to abandon ■an hope of winning. 'JamlMUWOBolererlrbyW points, nuking Bfe shot at the Bnlab, and looking aa If DTe hundred pomta more ' >woiiid not aet him baok. ' ' Kr.-laton certainly waa In hatA luok as regard! the break-down ■olUaeue.' Jamison made'hia thoniaud, leaving Eaton 286 points . Milnd him;' On the Brtv-nbitli pisy Eaton waa -within twelve •einta ef Jtmlaon, whan hls/oia nu oecuned and he waa obliged "teplarwltli aatlokhehad neverbandled before,. Allweeaneey i» tbat Baton hu: beaten hlmaelf to death, Jamison has beaten <BatoBj and tbe ga^niie la be/ond all oomparlson the best ever played ite pnSUo, In America. ' BiOiFimiaziov. BiToiiT-'Wlilte. n^y.. Bm. Ooimt Junaow Bisok Flay. Bun. . Ooont . sa. 49 » 81 «a . 83 108 U8 ■ lis m UT m aa . atT atr ' m 3tT a79 aw . BU . . SIB 888 888 378 STB 480 <BB, SU 0681 888 tiTS' 685i 810 eai 837 . 84Ti 8S4i .-861, 868' 8Tlj 880 1081 i lOOi 1006 1098' .1038' 1068 • io8i; .1070 UMB' U18! U13 ywi UBBI UBS! 1378 ma U80 ' 1984 1810 . 1848 "186a . I .1881 I uu 1418 , 14BB ' 140 : ' 1484 1 '1«B4' 160B il/BiI.I'ii'l-■mO:l in; .■ . Iv.n n-..<f.M .i. ■: . m'. i; , !•■ iu il HiH.A T'B 10 A'L' -RBC O'R D^ i -.ill v! j,:..*n'^w«a,'W'P.I>»«.|lfr.:.i | . ,.,u T i: ' 'msOBUiAiniODS.i" .i.. :"! The .Oontlnentit Old Fidks eitonded thelt engagement,! 4>r four Bighta, at Smith kDllson'B Hall; Olnobmatl, on tbe^iethj Mrs. 'Eonu J; Nlcbola had a bmnper.benaflt on the 14th.:: ^ankee daeendants a "ye pilgrims of ye olden tyme" aebm to like "Old Concord" and the rattling of "Old .Ohlna." - The deep base voice of Father Onllck Is displayed to good^ advantage, and John T. la luat the man to take tea with the ladles of the "qnlre," ntohUid| ontall the "Old China" In town. Wo venture the assertion that ■U kinds of church music never were so popnlar as at the present time. la not this ftot snffldent to prove that all inch matters' are best left to the sovereign people, and let performers enlt themselves while trying to "go up In the class," Ilie Si Oeorge'a Society, at cTevoland, Ohio, give ■ musical entertainment at Trinity Chunh there, on the 33d, being St Oeorge'a Day and the anniversary of Shakespeare'a birthday. Their nana] Fsetival comee off at - the Angler .House.. The beat mnalcal talent In the dty Is to be engaged.. The proceeds this year will be applied to the Boldlera Aid Sodetyof Cleveland. ]^ Oeorge I this Is good and patriotic. ' Tciledo, Ohio, has had quite a flood of amosementi for the Sist few weeks. On Saturday, April'Stb, the Toledo Opera ouse, formerly Bdckney Hall, opened to an overflowlnghouse. On'VredneBday, tbe Bth, that "Prince of Nigger Llone,"mndeU Phillips, leotored at 'tnilta's Hall; Friday, llth, the Oeorge Chrlaty party played at the same hall; and Hernnano was on tor tho 18th, and Oottschalk for the loth. Pretty good for i small town. With the "Opera Honae," business has bean good; the following la a Ust of the present company :—0. W. Blake, Jas. A. Hayes, liew Benedict, J. F. Oberisb J. 0. Gomaze, John Herbert, HuryTaylor, H. A.Flstler, H.Lmoker, and Carl Hnlbert; Mn. 0. W< Blue and Miss Alice Tlotorla. On Saturday afternoon, the Uth, they gave a grand musloal matinee, the entue proceeds goliut for the benefit of the Soldiers'Aid Society. A Danish Opera, Ballet, and Dnmatlo company bad arrived In Ban Itandaoo, from Havana. Beport aaya they are very clever. . , ■■.' ■ Dnring an eihlhltlon the other day: In Cleveland, at Piot Eomlston's, the ourtaln was drawn aside In the midst'of the tableaux, when a group waa dlsdosed, consisting of Br. John E. Ssirby, Poet Surgeon A Camp Chaae, and Was JnllnV. irrigbt, a teaoher in the Instltnte, anpported oh either aide bf brides- oalda and_;gtoomsmen, snd the Bev. Hr. Brewster in th^ fore- .nomd. T£e marriage aervioe was. then and there performed. .Siealbir was a complete sn^irlse to all preaent Bo Cousin Benben and Oranny Slooum, of the Old Voibi .who were the tot to do that thing In publlo,aie no longer alngnUr In their "extra performance." Lee Ualloryla eihlbltlngaPanoramaof theWar; InBlobmond, Ya.. : Matt Teme's Comedians seem to be making the meet thaj caii of the TBmal season up among the monntaina of New Hamjtehlre. With Ur. and Mrs. Teme, Heaan. Iioomls; Powers, Broon, etc, they give snob pieces as "Zeb Stabbs's Tlslt to I7swToi^"ot "Love In a Cottage," with a ideasing etyle. ■ This party vtere al Laoonla.'N. H., on the IBth, and at Plyntonth on the IBth, and wall received. Some dans of thawing ont up there, In onr ••American Swlizerknd/'^ ' Wyman, the wlzatd, remained two day* longer at Boeheeter, N.Y., last week. _ BuBTOH DuiuTia .'Aseoou'rioir.—Tbe performance of this Association on tha 17th inii, at the Band Box, was Wen attended, the "Hnnehback" and "Balalng the Wind" oompleting tlie pro- gramme. In the lint piece, the obaraoters were well cast, with one or two exceptions. Ur. J. B. Ward, as Walter, atflntahowed a little tameneaSibnt aa he gained more oonfldence. Instilled a pa- thos which Is sddom aeen on the private boards. In the last scene he was partloularly good. Tba Sir Thomas of Ur. Leslie was eioeUant aad handled with care. The Lord Tinsel of Mel- ton did not quite oome op to the stsndard. The Uodns of J. B. Sherman was good; this gentleman evidently nndentandlng the oharaeter. Johnny Cooper, aa Fathom, waa really olever; Uaster WlUbrd, and Heartwell, Thomas, Oaylove, Stephen and Holdwell,' were each .ftlriy rendered, as vrere the parts allotted to Ulssos Vsllenoonrt and Ituk Baker. The performanoe was bnnght to a olcae by the (krce of "Balslng the Wind," Uessn. Itsrtln Everett, O. O. Hunt, Oeorgs Oanlner, Johnny Cooper, a^d 0. Lewis, doing their parts wdL UHlle Clayton and Kate Weaver, - > ud Dorable, were also good. - , TBzlSroHFiBZii. Dbsiuiio AssoouBiOH wlU glve a perform- anoe at Dramatic Hall on Thnisday evening, April 3(th.' "Naval Engagements," "Boots at the Swan," and "The Serions Family," comprise the bill. Thb J. W. Ooiuira AesociixmH vrin shortly give a perform- anoe, of which doe notice win be given. ' j ' FOBEION DRAatATiO AND BHO'W N^WQ. Pendlngthe moertalnty of the "next move" on the put of Ur. and Hre. toward Saul, we ai»happy to state that Ur. Paul ^ms restored to his usual bealtb, and inat the recent tonr In Scotland proneased quite saUsbotorilT to all concerned. Tbe s^le of periORnance urns fkvombly established needs some puhUo des- oripUon, aa It is not a mere dnologae, llko that of Ur. and Mrs. Charles Uaihews, but a rich and varied entertalrmient, reqnlrlng the assistance of other flist-olass pertbrmers, and never possible to fall pleasing "sn sorts of an aadlence," The Pauls haves variety cf vuletlee—honestly on the "Life Is alln variorum" prlndple—and liever dlsappomt the moat vonolons demanOa for "foB msason." With Misa I^dle WUteat'lhe j^tado, enA; Ulie Lavenn aa an "acoompllahed aooompllbe" In the comedlettaa and burksqites, their povren of pleasing seem to be muUliaied Into protean perfeoUon. Their onaraioter songs are fall of dramatic tower, and the little drawing-room burleeqnte are the most de- Ightral amnsemenls that could posslblf be arranged, leaving the spectators to awoke in ftom their dramaUo dream and wimder how snob powerful efleota could be prodnoed with aooh simple elegance and pore taste. Jem Ward's daughter Is to play at a ooncait on the asd' lost, in London, ftir Benedlot'a benefit. Tbb Nuoaai.BaintBUtu .OUA-^rObls exeeUent Janlo ' dnV whlehhallsfromLockiMrt, V.T., held their annnaleleoUon on the ej^i4iMofttoUI)i-.lniti>WideIeotedacood;llstoftofflcen or tbe year 1883, Thls.unh ocoiples a,promuient position among the jnnlon of Westem'RewTork, ana,'we believe, sport thelobam- plon-colors f«r.their-oltss. :Ws heme to chronicle a dean record'- for the'"Oatkrsotbbyti" for 1860.'' We' sppend'the names of their ofilceis:—N, JL Sadler, President;.E,.L. Uather, Tloe President; 0. B. KdrthcQi, Secretary; W. B. Trover, Treasarer;'I>lreotcrs— J. W. Wllbeek. D.D, DTalsger, C. J). UeU, W. D. Palmer, and F. H. Qatohell. ■ ; • . ' .; EocroBD Olvb.— The Echfords began play for-tha se^n on Wednesday, April Utb, and turned oat their first nine In bearly Its foil strength. ' ThejOhose aiaee,and h^ a go<>d,: practice game, the result of whloh we Elve below. .The daye are Tnesdays and Fridays, at 8 P.M. 9n u *Beaoh, 0.. WOOD'S sn>B. B..Z* Buirs. 0Gmm,8db. UoAtislan, ss..i *Iteaoh,lstb... eOrum, of..'... B Beaah,'Tf.... Mogor, If •Wood, ad b.... *Bpragne,p..... Cooper, t s lotal.!.... Wood's slde.'^'^'-. MUl's side. I..1 i8 . ..a -.1 ..1 .,4 ..a -.1 ..a ..1 ■6- a 4 9 8 1 8 .4 - .8 a .» eusnott, 0..... *Brownj p..*.. jenksns, Bf.;.. CSmltb, Istb. Devyr, of..'..., N Smith, If.... CUIUS, 3d b... ,«lllls,adb.... •Snyder, as.... eOmphall, I f. .. Total,...., MUX'S SIDE.'! H, t, Btms. 1 1 , .1: ..a: ..1' Bdnts MADB Di XAOB mnBas. . . 13 4 1 . 8 6 : S-» 1 . p. a \ 1. '. 8 4-U Those maAed vMth aa uteclak (*) are first nine platen for this l^BxiBon'Cuni.—On Tuesday, April 18th, the jnemben of this fine Brboklyn dub opened play for the season' oi^ their grounds adjoining OarroB Park, South Brooklyn. The weather was a llttte chilly anduiipleiaant,'or donbtless there would have beensfdllerrepnsentanonof.thedabpieaant: Howeverj sides were chosen tram among the players on hand, andalivuyand InterestlBg game was played, the score of whloh we ai The dlubpraotloe dajBare Tuesdays and Fridays, at SJPv U. . UABSBTS BIDB. B. U BUIIB. Uassey..... Chapman.'.. P. OTrlen., CrdghioB.. BlsseU...... Laldlaw.... Bralnard... Oalpln..... Field....;.. Total,.. aims lusE nr xiea snmoa. - 1st 9d Sd .4th 6th . 6th Tib Btb. Bth Uasgey'selde......6 0 1 a. 4 / 0 3 8 -S-ai ffldonson'sslde.. .6 8 8 . 1 - 4 . 8 S 8. iB-40 Umplre^Ur. Chsdwlck. : Scorer—Mr. DnvaL. Time of game->two houn SO mlnntei. : ' i Home mns Orelgbtop, P. 03rien, Omm, Savage ojdPAede. ' - ' ; ! , I • I Jo]ia.OhamberIi)lD, of BIU>> ■'•I ' \ ;gg.f:;:;':-::.„^;i iSb ' "■"' ''I-' ' ■^"■l.). ,!,'i|iV.!m. BOSmBDKl TO O&ow _ ■IK 'vjil •! i-.'r, I •■" " t''' r'' fi' | |- | '° -i2!Sl5*"'*'"**'**'*"'->*^*«»nmefbotraa« far BIOM. tBoj, tw».w»U taown:i»4«tHalttto.tfc^ BALL PLAY. THE HOBOSEK OXilTBS. I Most of the okibs whose groonds' are located at Hobokn have oommeoeed ploy for the season, and, by the att^dande on' pra» ttee dna, vre should Jadgs that the 'dubs. lnt^d'(o have a fine time of Itthlsaeason. Below we glve;:the:(Dpenlng daysof the Hobokenolabs:— , ■ ■ '• Thb Uira\riii. Olvb.— The memberis of this dub assembled In foUfbroa. on Uondav, April Uth, for the first time this season, and bad unite a hefliby little game among. themsettas. Seorlr all their first nine were present, either «n Uonday or Thuraday last; and we noticed that the meat piomlnentof them-were aa aoUve and effldsnt as ever. Their praottoe 'do)* are Uotadayi and Thursdays, at 3 P.M. . | Taa QoTHAK Oltib.—. This dub win havt their opening day on Taesdar, April Sad, and will no doubt muster well on Ae; occa- sion. . They will have the same effective nine aa last season! vrith oiuortwDexoepttone. Tak EuiiB Olus.— The Eagles win eommenoe play also on Tuesday, April a3d. They Intend playing sbnie first lilaas matches this season, and wUlmnster a good nine,to sustain their wdl earned reputation asoneofthe leading olnbs of TUtit Tork. I Both these dnbs ptaotloe Taesdays and Frfdojs. I ^BE, btnaa Ciitm.-^The memben of this obib wffl m4et for raaotlae for the first time this season, on Wednesday AnrUaH The old oonqneron of the AtlanUos Intend to bestir thnnselves this season, and wlU doubtless contest for the pUm of anperioritv ^thnnusual vigor. This dub's praottce days ore WeimeedavB andSatardayB. i: ■ . . . ' Tffl JBWBfflOH OtOT.-The membors of thU dob are tornlng S?'J^_"!f*??-!?_?^''S?*'?^'J5~?."'"*« have seen of .B .3 . a 9 8 8 .......1 1. d 4 4 a J. 8 .1> 1 .U amoNSOM's side! a. Llamm. Bkaaia Crane Bimonaon.. P ovle. Jerome.... Henry Savage Uc^nxle. nanly.... , Total.. .a: 1 a' .....B: 4, 4: 1' 1.8 to 19 .wetelof tbe sikme sevete teOU>. diUHMsBl each nmitf «dto,;rt»h the ^,t>.v>.»^i^^^;;^^*^iSt 18, Both ap star to the eaS c*.,time, Iho bat fighting fMm the the same hand got haavlly.on to hi mo5£ SdrwStodit^ the.,m6e,.,HeirertttriedWbeet to eorX^^J^^St, »3 oidy'^>ej>\dlghtlv ; he, however, perasvered to> dose. £ whfch'sbjMbeivyhllUng took place. andK^a^t'Sba^^ down infais own comer. Time. 36 mln. The cry of "Police I "was now raUed, and sure enen A saves or eight of th«m were seen noUni their way to the 'rba Ma Tbe oflloerB, on oomlng up, proceeaod to pull up the roMs and stskee, andtake posseeslon of them, but the tetrtd remonatnm- cesofnoof.Pnggyprevallcdonthemtolet him have his oberish- ed dadlngs bock, and a move was made lower down the river After along Jounej a weU-known apot: was reached, and ib* ring agaln.pllobed, and at 1.13 p.m. the lads reeoimeneed tha fight From the strong lead Keefe hod token during the kit tw rounds In the firsVrlng, his Mends were very sanguine, aad S fbted 8 to 1 on him fteely. bnt' to their great surprise HelferBa quite tamed the .tablsa, getting on -to Seefo wlth sUntfog ae- verity, while he, on the other bond, fonght wildly, andthisw many blows away. Hefferan thus ateadlly Inoreased his sdvia* tage, andallhonghat tImes: he got very weak hlmseU stlH he momuedto ponlah Keefia.BO, severelvfbathe waaqnjite bUal with the left eve, and heail7 so vrith the other. At length, «■ "Weh lTiq the tUrty-foorUi round, Hefferan threw Kaafk a olsar oroea-btittook, sad fell heavT upon blm, and Eeefe's second*, oa oarrylng him to his eomeri fbond that, allhongb' he was Bat out. of time, e,tlll it would be useless prolonging the oontest, snd ex» pbdng their man to farther nnnlshmentrthey, therefore, wlaa^ threnrup the sponge, and Hefferan was hoUed winner, atte- fighting In an thlr^r ■ ' ■ r-fttur rotmd* ltt.'I boor atad 96 adn^ tbitlrart, Utita, a» CRICKET. Hew Tons Cbiosbt Olvb SPBoioMEEma.—Thl* event tna- splred et .Ur. HoweB's House of Lords, In Houston etceet, on Wednesday evening, Uth inst, and qnlte * number, of. the rank and'flle put In an appearance, together with a number of reamlla. A canvass of the amirs of the Institution proved every way satia- faotory, notwithstanding the times, and tolly warranted the re- engsgemont of their worthy and weU tried profeasloiud, William Croedey. The famlture of tbe dnb was ordered to be .added to in the shape of a heavy roUer, a watering cart, and a horse to tote the same. That Is enterpriaeofthe right sort; * real live horse, mind you. Now, who saya we shall not have good wickets. "Walt for the water cart, well aU take a ride," that will be the ory now; instead, of eblnulTig It down to the fbrry after a hard day's play. We ehaU take more practice onrsdves, and. have al- ready begun at the other end of the season. by oaloulaUng our averages—fifties In 76,000 are—. Tbe opening day la fixed lot Monday the 28th of the present month, when s fuU master Is folly expected, not only of nemben of the dub, but of their friends, and we are requested to state that strangeis wlU be warmly wel- comed to take port in the proceedings of the day. At tbe meeting in question, ddeghtea were also appointed to attend the anaud convention, should it be hdd. xhls reminds us that UeasO. Han and Fisher, of Philadelphia, have not sotmded the note of naming; whether it ehaU take piece or not We donbt dther the 'Wisdom or necessity this seasoai, but Messrs. HaU and Fisher would do weU to state their pleasure. The Mew York dab have two or three prominent return matohes on hand, viz., with Ca- nada, Hossadiusetts, PhOaddphia, etc-, whloh wlUmcetllkdy be played. At aU events, exerotse, amusement, and pleosnrewUl be often and voit- genttraHyXonnd to be ugrocttHf raixad up on the gnunda of the Hew York Cricket dnl). EasT miw ToBK Obioxet Olcb.— The annual meeting df this dob, for the deotion of oflcen for tbe ensuing season, and for appointing the opening day, la to be hdd at the Howard House, East New York, on Wednesday, 33d Inst, at 8 o'dodc In the evening. Members of the dub ere requested tobeponctoslln thelTL attendance. CqioER at Mew Jbbsbt.— The semi-annual meeting for the election of otBoern of the TTnlted Cricket Club of Tri^un, N. J., waa hdd on SatOrday, April 12th, and resulted in the decUon of the foUovrlng.gentlemen as ofBcers for the ensuing term:— Howard E.Lalng, Fiiesldant; Henry L. Harris, Tlc»Preddent; Albert 8- PhnUpet Seeretaiy; Wm. H. Eatienbsoh, Treasurer. Obioir rk Oswzoo, N. T.—We ore glad to observe that that good organlaation, tbe St Oeorge Crioket dab, of Oswego, New. York, are moving in good season for the campaign of 1843.' A* a dnfb, ttiey have always perfbrmed a llberd share In pushing on thenioketodumnIntheirsectioncrtfae.EmpireState; anduey have entlOed themselves to the good feelings of sU lovers of theu doble psstlme, for their efforts In its behall On the evening of April 14, the dub hdd their annud decUon, which resuUea as follows:—Preddent A. 0. Uattoon; 'Vice President, Henry Qlea- son; Seeretaryandneasuier, Henry Bteveiuon; OrotmdCommH- tee, Mesare. Levy Hampshire, J. 0. Oodey, 0. H. H. Castle, and John Stevenson. oniheabove fight wouldsoaroely be eaUsdlbr were it aolt* point ont to nuay of tha great gons Fhai have b*ea' perfluinlac so dlsorediUb^of late, the good exampla set them by these b*a> tarns, whoae first appearance In tbe rUg taavrefleeted great cM- dtt BOt onb on ttie winner, but on the loser also. Eadh foighft weH and did his beet to achieve the vlotory In a stralgbtbrwari, i>ianlyway,andthe lucky few who witnessed It awarded thde meedofprataetotheladslnamostbssrtymaBnw. Severalgeo- tlemen who werepresent paid Keefe fbr his ooWAthfs^iB as Bh» hadwbn, andthoe Is no doubt but their UbeiUiumra win b* generally fOUowed. Indeed, so satisfied wero his backen withU* oondnot. both durlnghls training and the fight that ther oflbna toback'hlmtofight Hefferan again for £60 a-dde, at Tst Bfe. tC the winner takes oare of hlmsdf and conducts himself la api^ per man^, he win, no.doabt, much improve U* pocUloa. -.- FIOHTS FOB THE WSIS BiDlNO APBtL-.ta, . Diir Ttoau aan Joa Nolab, £100,' m Sit lOlb (TsKiT);—Th» m*teh between DanltioBua. and Joe Kolas, «tBUl01b, ia 4308 <-alde; has aunmad au unwonted latereat, tnm the eloeeness ef the merits: of tbe man, who are eouldered muterseCth and, from the tame thoy enjoy In their respective leeaUtl doubt some heavy belting will take place on the eveut. Bo are reported to be weH up (o the mark, and fit to Biht bra Una- dom. The weighing iraa to take place on Honday ApHI 7,'at lu. W. Blchard ion's .Blue Anohor, Ohurbh-sbreet,: Bhoredlteh (wheiw Nolan wopld take up his qoortera), belweea the heanof twalv* and two pi rn: Pau'Thonias will be Ixated at Nat lianghas's, th* mtre, St Hartln's-lone, on Monday. BuiDor* ABs Job Bowi's Nonos, £10 ia-BOB, omB-wMBffa-JIk* fight betwain these men takes pU«e In the earns ring as the abev*,k anddthough for a tenner, condlenble Intenat IS: Invested ta Ik* affair. ' Jioi BiboiB im TooM Biisoai-fiU i-abi,'it Bst/<-Biaas BMa ware to contend on Tueiday, April 8 (a the bome olndt, and oa both are reported to be well, a good mill la sipeeted. - - UoBaBPEXuaaia E Allb.v— The SghtbeVveenthaae Btmli* bam men, for £26 a-ilde, at oatcb .weight, la exciting eenaldeiabi* interest In Ihehardwa'n'village, and wai Sxed to take plata letweea twentv and thirty miles of bone, on Taasdav April 8. TU betltac was illgbUT In Givcar of Phelao,, whoJt wlU :be reoeUeated, waa In his previous enoonnterwltb Allea. This meet probably oeeeu^ for his being the favDorite.' BoHi men ire paying SiHetatteatI** to.their Itnlnlngj and were reported to be In Bnt rat* toMlliaB. Tbe toai for choice of plooe had beaa won, oa behaKef :f lialaa» by Hr. BrOBwIoh. , . ■, t.- Two N0VB33.—On Tuaaday Uareh .29 a m'vu tedC .tBaeela A* dietrlct Of Abbott'a Bromley, Staffcrdabire, betwesa t«e'e*vle*a. Posaay Cope and Baidger Salt Poiaey waa wallet'OB by Vibbf Murray, while Bodser was sworttd by Billy Beck. Jeaaf Jahasov Wai appointed referee. Soma good give aad-take .flgbtio^ teak, place. In the second nnnd' BAdger obtained' Brst bloea; aad Bnt koook-down blow In theTourtb.; and at tbe ead of the'rourtaaafc nand, Pnaasy'a. aeceads, (eelng hs had no ehoa**, threw ap th* sponge. Time, 40 mln. , . .. „ .- : : HISCELLASBOVS. ' '"^ ' . ikoDr-OiBO) 90AT maa.—The gtaataquatia evaat.ln.Baglaal, between .two-eights cf Oifbrd and Oambndge, la aaaennced to tato place on Saturdsv April 12, and a (mt'deal of latereat li balar conceatrated on toe reinit The Oxbrd gentlemea'cenelided their practice en the bis, on Tuesday Marah 9>tbi aad tbehr beat wa* Immediately started for London. The crew arflved at Patn^, ea Wedneadaraflenieon, sad,'after taking acme reritahBaqt waat oatia Ihelrbastfor arow-over:|tae eOnra*«UalaattU*-ebb,''but la their training, flaaoal*. Ibey set tbatPbe** Mo*t:adalrably, sad 'rowed with t)ie lame duhlog power that achieved tholr easy vle- toryln tbe last year's conUit. Tart of the Cambridge srew arrival at Pntoey, about three o>o1ack en Wadneslay, and the renolndac on Tbuieday morning, and .tbeir boat havlng arrived, they toek their Brat row over the coarae. Tbev bMksd.muebaiiallertbaB their rivala, bnt were In excellent condition, ana eixceedlngljr amait In their a^le of aoridlng their boat alohg. Bethorewswataeutea. April 4tb, the Oxford mia about a inartar to bur, and the Ota-, bridge men half an hoar or more after them, and allheegb th* atylea of the crews are ao Unoenaaly different, bath' fonnd brreab admirers. Tbe following sra the ciews end thalr.^relghti^ u near astfaeyeanbeetlculated:' ' ' : OaiBusOB Ciaw. ''' ' 'at ft 1 P. r. Oerst, St John's.;., .......'^.....'.iM ;B 2 J. Q. Obambers, Trinity ....,.-|..'..ill '| iifS P™<*?? ^ ftey yet had. we dioBU gay that they win prove to be troublesome oustcmen'toevnr dnb ttev may play With this season, and none hot first dau dnbs WlU have a ehance of winning a baU from them. ThsTwiii make a sturdy fight to win the honoraof the sesaon. andUiam who arellkdy to contest with them wlU have ZTSTpwhibt 5 their attendanoe on practice daya, for the Jeffenooa are Dta.%rii thorough training dready. , . . .,. Thb Khiobbbboobbb Olvb.—Wo are gUd to lean thJt the veteraa Enlckerbookers are. going to enter the base bdUrena again.. This season they Intond to playmatches with moat driha leadhigdabsofHewTorkandBroolS^. We shoiSdml to sm the Bxceldon and the'Enlckerbockers opeti'tbt balL £rs oatlyinMav. :Both' daba areontof praoUoe. andato thi.. on a par as 2ar OS that goes. The absence of these twoelubs among those who took active part in the matclies'of lost scj materially lessened thb Interest of the play durlnir U61 Thnv ahonld.both remember that every flnt olaas olub thS retina aotlve ploy, deala a blow at tho piosperity of the game. ' UaaaiBn vs SmocB.—The first of those'dub matohes win t^a place on Mondur, April 98, on whloh day the Uatnal dub wiiu tum'oat theb BsoheMra'and Benedicts for a oontest . Wo give a report of thl* flrat dob match, ; Thb AtLumo CiVB.—The wdl-known gronhds of this miled dnb tat to bere-boeapled this season, bat* change la'the bosl- tion of the base* wUl bb made. The batting cnlhe ilewlvildd out gronnd win be ttonl north to south; before. It waafinm'eaat to west' .We aw glad to' leera that the AUantlce hare retained the grounds made dasdo, as It wero, by tho playing of eo^imy wall-oontested. matches, and the eceno of' so many exolttag^n- testa. The Enterprise dnb win also play o'n thosslnegTonfade The Atlantic* vHlI oomlncnce ploy for tho season as soon'a4 the grounds are finished; which wi& be by the first week In .Uoy;- Thb EmBBrfioj OLtrB.-^ThlB'.olab oommenood plur tbrtbe ieosbn on SatnMo^, April Uth, and they had a good gameoid the ocoislon. Until they eeotipy their new ground, they wlU pIoV on the old Atlantio grounds, -Their practice days an Wednoslon and Saturday,, at 3 ^.U.. . -: ''' BiBB BUA ni pHn i> i>¥r . T BU.—The Oijmpio Club were to .ihelr.' opening game of tbe.aeason on the ailenioon of I OB WMaetdiqr aal Satwlty •ftanooa*. '8'E. Saundendn, (Virpns., :'4W.C,6mylsy, Trinity.. 8 B. P. Fltsgersldr Trinity HaU.,i 6 H. H. CoUfngs, Wnltr : T J. O.Bn'chanan,.TVInlty,.,. 8 O.H. IUobaMs,Trltilt7.... . F; H, Aioher, Corpna (cox) .••a..... 11 * * *«*«'«***U .10. U ' BTILIi IiATBR BFORTS ABROAD. . . THE BIHO. IfWRUT Ain> V>lg|' K>*WIM KI> MTTiT. BBrWBBH' BOBBEF^TSANAND bAN SESFE, FOam , Tbe eonlestfer £10 a^lde between these aspirants to fistio fiune, was arranged to take place on Thursday, April 3,' This was the first appearance of the uda Ins ring, dthoogh report epiAe highly , or them both In some rough tnma up. Eeue, who Is brother to Jem snd Jack Eeefe, 'was backed from Ur. Ulleom's, the Whlto Horse, Orchard street Weatmlnstor, and trained for the event at Ur. J.- Gtmtt'e, Oamtt lone, Wandsworth, attended byDlckOtRattof theEastEnd; ho hod for his colon a Ahooo- lato and whlto checked handhenhlef, and was In eicdlont «ondl- ilon. Hefferan was backed firam Ur. Staddon's, the Adam and EvOi BowUng street Westmlnstor, and had taken his bteathlngs at the Boee and Orowp, Stisligato, under the oare of Slmca Fintg1ity,wbo Bpared no efforts to get his pnf^inflnt-ntB fettle. He had for bis colors a salmon and Dine cnMS-baned handkenhlef. Tho lads were restricted to 7st eib. Thoy. went to sode on Wodnesdav, AprU 2, at Mr. Staddon's, when each .Was fotmd to be wdl'wltMn bis weight Tho rendozvous wasFcn- oharoh street by the first trdn in tho momlng, dthough It was wdl undeistood by tho Initiated that a Jonraoy by raQ would be only the pretade to one by water. On reaching North Woolwich, a steamer was seen to bo in rcadlnees with steam ap aU roady fbr a start, but a great delay took place in embarking, owing to those who had the nunaRoment of tho trip being anxious to ob- tain ss much'of tho olroultting medium as posslblo, and wslthu fo^ another train to arrive from London. This delay, conpled with the tiotof those protent standing abouts In groups, snd those of the noisy and "nnghor" order Indulging in praeUod Jokes of the most bolalorona kind, prcoludes tbe chance of bring- ing a light to a oondadon withont tho knowledge and interior- ance of the police. At length, aU being on board, a start was made, and' away the mpoocun sloataod down the river. The first place stopgpedat wasDagoiihBm/but It was fouad tobo no E); and the epot whereon Bbaw and Tyler fought waa next at- mpted. HoraFKdOUver soon bad tho ring pitched, and at 11 o'dock Eeefe, attended by Oeorgo Orodtett and Jock Hunt threw In hlSoap. It^ not.tmtll twdvoor.fonrteen minutes Uler that Hefferan foOowod salt, vrdled on by Jem Hill, of Chdsea, ' and Simon Fhilghty. Tho betting was 7 to 4 and a to 1 on Eeefe. Their toilets being finished, and tho referee having taken his seat tbey proceeded to toea for choice of ooraors, which waa won by Hefibron, who placed his adveiBOry with hla face to the snn, and at seventeen minutes past deven ttiey stood up for Bound 1. On putting themselves la attitude, a marked dispar- ity was seen between them, Eeoto being tho ta]ler,.and bngeat In thoreoch. From tho woyln which theymoncenviedfo^an opening, a looker^n would not have, euppoeed that it was their finl anpeannce within the ropes aad atakes, and the manoer In whloh each febitod and broke around would have dooe aedlt to many older pncUUonen. After a little sparring to get witbin distance, Keete dashbd out bis left vldoua^, and got home a straight left-hander on BeSeron's left eye, causing bin to Ulnk Stain; ho repeated the dose on tho. body, and got awayiftoa efferan's nium. HtJferiu, however, nothing daunted, dsebed at his man, end a pretty, tally ensued. In which eome goodeban. terit wore ozchanged-m*.^ on the body, EefferaD'oa Iholslt tye and mdutb, snd In the oioee Beffiiran allpped down. '1 No sooner waa time Mlled than Hefferan jumped np, andoa Keefb Ikolng him he n*hed at huh, and ddlvarad both bands at EMUa'ahsad. EM^'tiotU aUbh«kw*rd,Det Um.aadretlm- lliaj'clMit;-ndiSt«lS» ropes, wbsr*, tBTtt* M), beth itaN dtiwa, IMk «Bd«r, edtUtflwMt'SSXj straatUmwf .• a. n, aivavr, i-orpoB (COX/.............*.'.•••.» » k^BMM - .Oiroin Ciiw,! : .. .-iltf J^HH 1 W. B. Woodgate, Braienoss,,., 11 'I 9o.B.WvDne;'^........u \ moM B.W.B'l(;Jaeoba«n,Ch'.Cb'.,...'.u.'......'.;.>'<''>19 '• .1 R..E.UBart«n|Ui*C^..,i.,,>...,'..,«,.n.i«9.,f ^^^H K 'A. VaTrlini: Btlllol ,^ . 9% ^ .1 R. .is. U BartoUiCh* Cl^., ' ' B'A, Uorrlaim;Bain61,.M>» ,-v-r cz-i" 8 A.E.Pecl*rTrlnlty'..'....-......,i..'.;.-....-..;l| i T a A.Oarr, Wadham,-.;:^.;...'..,....:...;..;.!! VH 8 .W. U.Boare, Exeter..,.'..... u..,i.A\ \ F.'.E.Bo;wood,Ob, Qb, (eo)i).,„.,,,,„4.>i,ft .7 » 'Ri'oBiBv.—During the reea'at term at 8b Jobn'aCeUtga.OtBri*^ Cambrldgel a aerlea of baa'dlcap matches w*re plavtd foe the pa*- aesalon of a handsome allvei^Onp,' kladly'pnaanted for comtlUoa bvS. J. Uortloek, Eaq. Tbe entriea wore llmlted'to ih'lrty-tira. The competitors wan hindlotpped byH. Grari.andMvaralTair exciting and tloiely .centeated matehei p^ved the exctUenc* of has Judgment. The final tie wae played off by Meain. IMnld aad Uartlo, and resulted In the vlotory of the latter; .. DOUROB UiTOB Br BuMD HiR.—An Intereatlog match at deal- noes between Blibop of BirmlngbsD, and Perkins of Leads, belk bllbd men, for'£60 a-slda, t«ebly-one ohalka up,.eleven, doalaee* each, donble aliaii, waa played on Uonday March SItt, at tsets. Eng.. Bad renaUed in lavor of Bishop, by two chalks, after a siert eiclUog game. ' , NoBTHij(piojriin>PixoHi«inoirrU««nBa-7^WedMsagj AprU 3d, thU meeting was contlnaodand <^^pela(lei^D2JBsa*- lowing noes:—A Sweepstakes of 30' sovs,, won, by^ toW, Btai^ ford's Sanlto; Baoing Slues of 90 sovs. each, won by OWnt aa Lagrange's AUez-y-mndement; Althorp Pork Stakes, won br Lord Stamford's Carlntba; Earl Spenew's Plato of MO aovB,, won by Mr. Naylor's Blondella: Belling PUto of 8 sovs. saA, won by Ur. Bokert's St Bemari, the wbmer Ming bon^is for 160 guineas; St Lis Haadloapof ISaova. each, won ngr w Smith's Vanooaver ; The Northamptonshln Cap Suke*. won hf Baron Nlvleke'* Oobvieux: aud^e Bdapte Bandldap of B aem oaoh, won by Oonnt de I^gnagb'a Mdlle. d« Ohainplgny. BxeoHD. Sioer Efpeno), IsthBUUeof aUtUs psnvblet byl« JenneHoodin > Bpovte,' Protasaor' ile Maglfie, and inliuslied Ir W. 6. Smith. 60 St Olali' Btned-nttabUigb, M. 'Mde, bM eentor J0BB.OliII^)'u;'tke iedasblaB,■halieeMi(^a«a from «t*'waiK He give* tb* label* Biedtt fbf bMiig>r«ry (hi* tanaeii. ' . .■ , ,.,..: ■ ' '^■■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■" DOB-T SB* *«»W.-''lljA'»>**"^ was sobis to be bung, to the oNWd whlOBnBNtowsar ^b* ••Then-nWno fan tilTrgaB lhei«.» . , . • ■ ->..■., • : :..'-. THRHtf OAt tHmGAil3|tift''piiMlihM^f«V'&^^ 0^ Addie4*;'«dt!8i4;;4!fa'Ar&f,'Miim.' : cents DI>IT GALS ANti'OAT ^0%ti^'M,S^ sndniMlbc-bioy*.. '^HAbWhavetttf t«ht8^ J In stamp* or oota.. ,Boi no Ann Albqi».Mlohl<«n.'. iMt* brated vBUly Be»i4;"lnilto Hij^' J .w r ■ '' " : , I., J.,;., ,1. -i' l J mW_ii.i.. ■ ^ - AMB FOWia, iiGWi!. AND HEBL8 FOB a^Jl G: »8t* 'fDSiXBts wiBsnan, uuntim, »•