New York Clipper (Apr 1862)

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St 14 BoTcUr. I HABPBB ft Co., BIU PMtarii Ho. 19« 6rUi KM Aim? .fi^S/^-frH*.-.'^ — S-rf iifBaTAHTW OPBRA HOTO», ..^4., 6^1 VM^ .TOJAB8«naBB0HAHAN, nBh««. A; BOSS/OlBctt^ ' -//v<I&doa^Vl>ootDDtetdof tboftlkmlngtalented AiVOvr- w^i-'' ■'.i^,'> i - EC a'OAUPfiLcaX,'<liadliUngalilMdBiritons: ! iifii^ ■IS'h. BlVoii.'.. ■ . W. L. H0BB8, O. 8. TOTO KB. V .5 W.-HIWMr, . . . ■ B. H. JLOREHOE, T. OBTnNGS, J-r-: 7 HOBBOONi J. OABATAQITA, FBASS LBSLIE, • 'o i» M.'^' .-7^-r«KIl;BETANT.^ ■ ■ DAB BBTAIIT. tii tih la.B'iiaw. vul^ of Bodgi,. D4lio««, Bwloaiaet, FlttUtlOD ' uwA .iflwa^ to;, to. vftr P»««nli" we Wito of the a»7. - - . > TiQlnto-3o oentB. ' ' - '•'^"iSiiSxl , *** Hi:. AamaiOAn Kvaio uai,i„ ' BBOADWAT; «U BBOADWAT. [QlOf TBB'aFBIBOaAlIPAiaN. ' ' ^ QLOBIOTI B'OOM OKMTBATIOH OT VtiVtVrOB. ■S BW A MD BPgEBB ATIBAOTI0H8. - a^-iT tana r lBEHOIiD TBB: UBT. ABTISTtO KXOEUiENOH. ■orfw^'ji.(rJDMh»*d«T«iToneof'^oiBl»' ■ ■ :■ ^kh'iL ij.iTl AiStAB'OBii^TiBsi HAonrnm.. . •: HUS HABBXEriA BAVEL, , . -ir TheoeletotedBptnto hDenwe go, TOSf -fiigSO^^ OHABLET WHITE, . ims BmnsnNE se faibkb, g,>7. '.■'OHABIiEI OABSNEB, BOB HABT, sauLTZE, MBS HnxmnoBA; . iomsimLDB, hastes tohht, __IU. QABDKEB, loss AHSIE LHKi iA BOEOLTZB, sate HABBI0OK, B>A BOM^ IVBABKMOinEtL, HIBS AMMB HABBISOir, .1 0OBP8 DE BALLET. . ■ - ' ■^'r V?*=iT^.'-TLi MOMB PAPL BMLLAMT^ : ■ •; its ^ iiro'THE BEST OBOHESIBA IN THE OITr, o O ft.J^i'A j.^' ^^I' tr!^^ ■ , Lea by PnA FEED VOH AlKpB. A SsatofllpTeUlei in utlTe pr«p4ntloiL •ocH : TAlT' AilBOBOH ft CO.'S _^ < J ■ A. < . I >... T""'.„^ /imZk unSTi I and OBXAT HOBAIi EXHIBITION. H. raOST;-................ niget.. . ■' THng) 'AMD LABT- TOE! PO MTIVmi Y, THTBD. AND. LABT. VSSfi fOamVELY, i ,, - - TBIBD AKD LAST PpafTITELT, .1 Of tlie lugeitt odllsotlon of llvlna wild ulnult la AmerkA, tad the new P»Tllllon, the U rgert to me irold now trtvalliiial . ., . LAST mSK OF raS'WOBLO'8 FAIR, ' In ITth Street, new eth ATonoe.' .;. LAST WEES OF THE WOBLD'B FAIB, ISlTthStieet,netr6thATenat.' . - Al*o to'be eeeo the Qtett Bastant on iij land, the aixjUWiedi Uunmolh Tent, geiDr-deeonted with BeTent)'«li Flaga of all Hattou. , I "WkH AHBfDBOB.BTILL LmS. I HAOTflBAL STILL LIVES. . I . UPPO BAIB.STILL And otn be leen time timet eroi; i*J imtll Satnrdar, th» wth last, lain 01 ehlne, oold or wann, with ajrwarda of one qoiiana and fUlr Tare, TalaablSi and onilons anlnula, from thi .Fonr Qoarten of the 01olie,"til far the tm all torn of . I ' >y ' TWKK TT- FIVE OEKTB. 1 TWENTy-FIVE CENTS. ! ■ ^ -r - TWEBTI-FIVE CENTS. I OhUdien under nine Jean of ogA; Fifteen Conla. J _ Thla M'fa'MAM zoologlotl OoUeotton may be conildered the . KODEL SHOW OF AUEBIOA.' >' UODBL raOW OF AUEBIOA. . . ■■■ HODEL SHOW OF AUEBIOA. ' ; ' DnrlSA the past weak it has been Tlilted br npwtrda tf; T l^fSnr-TWO THOUSAND PHISONB : . TWENTI-TWO THOUSAND PBB80N8I 1 T?rENTT-TWO THOUSAND FEB80NBI . ., AndpioBOoncedbitho OtogT.Ihe Pret^and theJKteflf ttlj Clt7,% be the most complete oollectlanot aninuJt erer eiUbttsq In tte United States. ■■m^^'rr.^jt The Oolden Obarlot Is the only one now trat?IBng.. The TaB«| and Detia are th4 moat eoetly erer built, and the iiilsg •niHnew. Their hortet , _i . ONB HONDBED Aim FIRSHI Are teiny worth teettig; ^ ^ LAST WEEK I ■ LIST WJIER I ■ LAST WEEEt it. 4y^iiSji>^ .PtiqHa>«*} OtIlery.Mctoi OrohestnOhttn,8S«tt. ''$^1'v^'^t^--. PrlJats . . S:y^A-T- " . bobebt w.butleb, soiePropiietw, I'^^^^fli lUtbife erery Saturday iitomoon. at »)i o'oloafc, 'I Xi*,uf>t, iflV>l>>'< -llOBBIS'BBOTHBlRB,FBUiL ft TROWBBIDQB'B -is'^TT^ OFEBA HOUHB. BOSTON. «iiuc viin host :HAaNJLiri(l£NT IDNSTBEIj TEMPLE IH THE . lisW rftaieJoenery. TiHis, PKipatIe«.0«sltetnej, Betj^^M- <iii!!CM;atMk and Teottlailan,'wlDtle sneoesatally with taa Thsatreln ^ iuiliun f'lUt eomtiy, and Is mowded nlghtiy by the elite and Ikahlon.. . S') ^''nie Oonmtny oonslBto ofIhejbBoiiliigwen-knom '«y)j <>^MSItOBtklS;'> XBOWEBS, HAST. LEON, ' .t^d!> .'aUX.UOBBIB, J. B. DONNIKBB. B. KELL T. rt'>«Ti OBRRZ'PBU,, J. P. ENDEBS, AUOUSTBOHNKIDKB, ;v.v rliif. a TBOWEBIDaR; B. W. PBESOOTT, A. LUDWId, . m ..^i J J imif.TATO F.WILHABTH, D.J.UAaUmnS, Tntfaeotadonn the grettest array of Stan erer betee eon- OMated In toy almlltr tronpe. UlT^WI . -v . - LON UOBBIB, Utnigw. C '.MK'.f.-t - . '.'i . . (Late OATEry THKATRB.) ■ ■,'» ■15. a 0 ■■ a' BimBBT THBATBB AND COBTeEBT. HAUL, ST. LOTHK-UO. E.'ESHEB.......Proprietor. I JAUESBILKT.Stagelbnage] JOHN mSNABD, >...Uastoal DlreotoK ^ADUDSION 10 AND IS CENTS. The f6Dbwina arilata are nowperfbrmlng at thlaeataUUliment: MBS LIZZIE DAVI B; ' UIS8 FBANE OHBIBTIE, HEBB SPBUNQ. . JOHNNT.CAUFBELL, J. OOLB. J. 0. OAUPBELL. • , can always leenre an Proprietor. 47 oBZiAV oARTigRmniT mratcBdiU,,' ^ ; • v - fl*rt((^;*^^^^OApw^^^ WUh the best oomcaiiy in America; - •> ■> , { ■ EVXE/naFOBUER A'BBIOHT STAB. . ; ^ niMEH SB ABB AT.OF TALENT.^i ' / '■'> : THE BEAUTIFUL ZAilFBEITA,''1" ' : ' The Oreatest Female Performer on the "light Bope In the: Wbrld,' 'rHEOABIiOFAUILTf . . > : : ;.> ;, '. • BEUtr BIBOH and BEH COTTON, • ■ XATffitBBN^'NEEL.. ■ ■ > ■ OUBTAViIDIDKAUX: ' ' ■ ' the 0liff0bd.bibizb8, ' ' , . U'UB ADELAmSPBIOB,'and the , ,. .. CANIEBBT7BT UDISTUEU,. in tsi'entlre change of Piognimme, Inttodnalng'teieralnewfat^ tores. . . - BOBimT FOX, Agent',' ClHIIIS..N0BBIS,,3tetaiirer, . m" ' . . ; 'If' I- OBOTEB'S TBSATB&: ', (The Sew Na^onaL) Beats XlahteraSondred Persons.' - NewlybnUtandfit^d In. theUghest style of deopratlTe art, will tint open to the pnbllo the night of EASTOB UONDAT, APBILiU, m Wlththa OdutlnBtaftM^'^ ' - v . JOHN OOLLtRB.-. ' ' «nda OPUEDT OOUBINATION eftho • •' • ■ - - SABBST BXOBLLBMO& LOTTT EOUaB, 'DA^X SEICBBUi, t HISS JENNIE PABXEB, , S,,L. TIjmtN, $ Asstrted-to a A ' Ufiaz DBAUAtu) couRurr, . . . OftheFintArtlrtsbstbretheFabllo. .„ • ■ 4ir' 'Artlsts;esgagodwlB please tworesent at the Theatre the iMhugof ApruisttL. i^vlkma«>ym,Z7 Jflt*; Washington, D. 0. liaiUJirB, TBIAIi .'DANOB.' . ' UAIOH FOB tUO. - niaDancliig Hatch between . T. J. PEEL AND B. .U. OABBOIX, FOB ItW,' Win tike tUce at > Kaiy 1 ProTost's Theatre, Broadway, near Bwome stre et, on ■ . WEDNESDAY AFTEBNO<HT, Itth Inst In •ddlttod fa> the Hatoh Dance, there wlU be a farletr Of otbev pwbnnancep, which win commence at 9 o'clock, P. U. l-lt ,_. led flie Acajfiny on^ondey, Apr}' nott 'of their Aral apptaranoe', Bal the '•tn leAnsof:ttaglo".toned battob^'<pUoon| 7!^^d.exoe]ienae, for we ]iave nerar wltnosaei S^)>t*,*t,slelghtof httid,or a gietterfkUore t '£i'ir>>iw'. programme, than were, the etb) Bnt^ieratOTlTdthe ~ USB'SALCXB HABON, , maa LEONOBA, THEODOBE TH0UP80N, JOHNBEHABD, . Ik DlBUBOEB, . B. H.COUJNSL I«dles and Qentlemen of knew n aMUl engagmnent by addreotlng, J. E. TO SHOWBmiT^TOR 8AJLHI. 40 UFE SIZE WAX FIOUBES, Oorreot Likenesses of the most prominent Hen end Women, as wallsaNotinlonsIndiTldnsla. A&b, FOUB PANO^AUAS, SuBnoxB—Kane's Arctic Voyage; Oalia; Whaling Toyaae; tin Plctores of Scotland, painted by Bartholamew.' ' - < Ttie abore win be s^ Teiy low, for cash, or ezchmged for per- 1 Wairen Bqoare, Bc^n^ rnalprroerty. . Address, or si l-lfi OBO. K 000. n; v.s;r^>':.-''^.IV".BBrWEENBBAVEB AND HUDSON SRtEEiS, 9 cfr'VwV- . ■ ' ■ ALBANY, H . T. c v..:>.' ,'THE.ONLT HiACE OF AHUBEUEHT IN THE OTCYI , ..I, i„BilB model Hnale HaIl,'candaoted On the style of the Qreat muOmttrbtary and Hdodeon, New York, Is BOW open for the season.' ^'jtBs soooess Is.nnpreeedanted, for the resaon bat we ohj^esge a'-ii«enpetlttan. and nightly prodnce Speetselss, Tableau, Panto. ijU(;fl>lBUB, N egro Hl nstrelsy, Farces, Bmglng, Danolna, Bnrlesqoes, .v.,to., to..:nTZPATBIOK, HOWABD ftUliaBira, Proprletoia. 11.T Btage.Usnsger....CharleyLewis. I LeaderOraheatra.X.Undsmsr ^cjiTwasiiiui...JJamea Hall. |Uaahlnlst...aeo..W. Winiama ■isiV.^Fint class artists wishing esgagemoola win address, ' a:. .ViMtS. : ' HABBY HOWABD, Box B4t. BORTIB'T'AKnBTrBS, BBOOKIiTH, OOBNEB OF FULTON AND PINEAPPLE STBHErSB. : J. L. DAVIBf. .....i......M anager. ' mUENBE ACTBACnON THIS WEES I ' NEWFAOaSI NEWA0T8II EVBBI THlNffNEWI 11 We stin adhere to the old Hotto—FUN WIIHOUT 'VULOABITT. Horaltiea. erery weeL Songs, Danees, Operatto Bnrlesqoee, to., to. Admission, 10ota.;OrcbeBtn8eats,9» Ota. : SOtf BBAIHABD'B HAIali, . OLABA SUliiES, jpLiA HA ynaoM , 'HLLB JULlElCTL^' ' HLia VELABDB,'- ■ (Late HEL ODEO H.) ' OLEVELAIID, OHIO. 1 ^:.L-il.TJLBIBTIEa mino HAIi2_ I -il.wi-.W'.: . .LATB^BT. LOUIS OPEBA H0U8B, ) (KiT'xtVow.lnthefanilde of BaeoeearDllnulneas, > c;;:cviXBBLABaE8T,HAirDSOHEST,ANDUO8T00UPLETB 1 j7x;7,i'r UUSIO HAIJi IN THE WOBLD. I jiirjr.'itthe.Cnmpany at present conala ls of •,r ;(- HO»W>Ny,^ • W. U.'BEEVESL ^!. >B>.BEI(BYv.,' : J. W. COBOOBAN, n\ /T')>HiHl BLOCnH j. SA M WBL ZHB, .'■i. ; ;. J/B£MDHBHy,- O. PETEBS, ' B. S. PUBDEY,. 1 < HIBS CEEIA UOBLEY, LIZZY WALBY. And ma ny nriner memb era,- - ^ .TOttETHKB WITH A L ABOE BALLET 'I'BOUPK. ] ..- .SiaHOBC0HSTABTIME,BaUst Master. , ,. :. ■jOtjhsstn—Frebetthyser'a Corset and StdngBani' <.' ^ ';'tl*Ui»oiiiDam eineHence daslrtng eogsgemaatB, mar . -."V, \ AddiM : OEO. J. DBAOlS Varieties Hoalo Ban, . '.'^ BtLonls.MlSSk : .1K ii^S'V »r"v;'^ ''i C: ''"". " • BETBOIT, UIOHIOAM. '^Inkldlttsb to the.regnlar standard and effldant Oompany at this , . POIUI^ ■ • ;'^d"''an.tetra aiiay of .talent has been engsged. so that the fDOowtng ■-li';":'^MMTiM^^^ 4 ivK The best snd most popnltr Han In OON0EBT8, leotubeb; And Bddbittons tt an Unds. Beats easily, UOO persons—wel. soppBed with scenery, A& Address,'or apply to ' 1-U>. S. BBAINABD ft Co., Proprietors. gTOmWl' H I ATS ' WaT.T.^ BIBAOUSE, N. T.' .TblsHtB it 110 by M feet, capable cf eeatlQg'easily feom UOO toUOOpeiaans. BeceotlmproTemsntariBndertttiqerlortoany Han In the Inteilorof the State for Odnoerts, Lectures, and Ex- hlbtUonsofemydesorlptlcD. (l^nOworthofsoeserylstttached to the stage. Apply or mrect-to OHABLBS B. WBIOHT. I . basiAir li popea; •' ■■■ " •■: . ■ ■ ' i AflSIBTED BY THE EBUNKNT 'BAIXAPOT, WHiUAM^YWABD, .1 1 Is DOW entertaining his old New England ttsoids with his SOCIAL CONO^BTB. I Down Easttts, look ont for ^ OflSIAN E. DODOE and WILLIAM HAYWABD. S3-lt* THB SnCOND BieHT. MTSTBRT BJDPOBBDI A. fdD axpcaltlon of .thtawonderfol ptrfmnanoe has Jnst beeo pnpllshed ma pamphlet of twenty-fonr pages. BeUfTeeby maU on receipt of Fira a cent ttampa. Address, l-at*, W; a UOTH. Box4«5, Plttslniigh, Pa. THE IiAROBST SHOW BILL PBINTINGI EBTABUSHUBI IN THE WOBLD J OLABBT ift^BIOTB Y, YSnocessors to John E Bacon,) PBINTBBB AND -ENGBATEBB, la and 14 Bpmce qtreeU Hew YoA, Par paitlmilat attention to getting up an kinds of FANCY' SHO W BILLS For trsrelllng companies, and have on lumd a Urge and splendid assortment of large and sman WOOD 0CT8 Snltible for drenssee. Menageries, Ethiopian Performers, Oym- nasts, "»B'«'"'»i to., to., which on be printed in one or more colon, to inilt onstomers. A deposit required on sU work ordered, ■ffloi- ireiitprestldlgltetenr Ht (.Dt- i Sann. l-U* MISS EATE WAI/IEB8, VISS OLABA BUBTON, una MONTANABI, T. B. SZQLLOSY, ' FBOF. UONTANABL SILLY BOYD, . LEWDONELLY, - OHABLES COVELLL ..ifmiPaat 4(-6BBBirB <0BI(UNA£1<HXW OBLEANS AND UEIBOPOLITAN BUB- . K.fV^j^ USQUE PPEBATBOUPB AND BBABB BAND. ut<t amntsucoeasfnl toorlnths British , - Tirifltfifil and Ktstam States, win, felv ;: . ^ ^J^^^SSlJ- OK A . ^'■'•'? /' Aad glTe a series of their ■ . v , .• > ■ nnuiTABLEPEBFOBIIASCBB, •?;*''^a^tBtfiri^ i-'^'Hl.Us DUPBBZftOBEBN.Propttotors, telSi ■*:'<»n«PC*"°'' Prwrietor and Manager. . ^'3ia#iBfoB.lUe of saooeasful bnslneas. Noreltles ereiy week, '■ ,. . JSONOB, DANOKS, PAHTOMmEB, fta, ^ of tdpijsslns—Orchestra Chairs, 80 ota; Puqoet, 90 di. r, lOctS..' Iben.d the pro&sslon wishing engaaementawm desse .. . , J. SIDEOTrtroT^igw. iSSt ' e iin>) 'nWTBVIB' TARIBTIBB, PHILASBIiPBU, ; \ii(0 ■aia'-'r ' '■■ ' ■ ■ • ■ l Ate "AUAMBBA." :<) v^l 1:11 I - ' ODBSTNUX ABOVE BOTH SXBBEr. vir,9i:roLiiaAA0'BUBTIS.. ; .Proprietor snd tlanager.'' '• L. B . PACEABD...;..Tteasorer. • ntl) ntHEW/FAOBBI NBWAOTBII BYBBY THIHa NBWj 11 -fa.iriWe BiOl adheee to the old Motto—FUN WITHOUT TULOABITY. . ol^xiJ^I^Kndttea^m^ week." Bonj^Danoes^Oftiratio BnrleSfute, CUTBIiAHP AOADKMY OF M D9I0, aLEVELAND; CBIO. Oils besntifDl Theatre win opea for the Bmlngand Bommer sesson,ctt.EasterMonday, Aprlfai,USL I«des sndOentlemen of ^jioInBlonal reputation wuhlng engagemants, win please ad- dress, ' JOHN-Ak.ELLBLEB, J&, 4Mt ■. .'' Ctoraland, Ohio. WTMAlfBHA IJiA liPgPIiBironiMOBBlTM. AIiF. BUBNEIT.. ^lessee and Manager. . ST. LOUIB, MO. Engagemento made with an flrst-class performers, either on lary or shares.'. Address aa abore. N.B.'The beat and most popidlarHsn in the City; }.2t* TO OIROUS BUKAOBBB OB BTAB8. . ' J OOL. T. ALUIONBBOWN, ' AlprasentTreasnrer snd Adrertlsliig Agent for Tom Elng's Circoa, sow performing In Beltlmoie, ynH be dlaesgaged on snd after the Ulh Inst^ Olnras Managers wishing axreaanrer or •wrltar,'^ or Start wanting a Bnslneas Agent—one that has trav- elad end had oonsldertble experience, wiU address me at 313 Catharine street, Philadelphia. n ttum itAwni varibt ibb. out OENTBB BTBEET THEATBE, OUVELAND, O. Members of the prpfeealop wishing enmgemenls wffll please address raOB. J. QUINLAN, Bnslneas Uanager, - P. O. Drawer, 8M. St-tt Clerdand, Ohio. don, 10 centat'OnhoBlraBeati, 10 cents', 'fit/ IThea- .1 .^■.:^<: ' ).i,vj'-lilAVaBIOAH THBATRBt " •• ' ■ii^ ^;fi"'^™*S0I80O, OALIPOBNIA. ' ' .itn-f < '■■ ' Wj H. MBLMTON.; ■ i Bole Leisee end Manager. .111/19 k^'BHmiDABOOBBTN,'. NotingMmager. ^^J*e pjWlo are remeotfoUy inltormed W oH .oin.<l*»:l>»»'»««h opened w«htte —— ■ „i ,irm-ii iv...,o : •■':r:igIfflA'rfflT OOUBlHATI0K aP ■ -vii^f ■>.'.!'.« •'. ■ • ■OPEBATIO AND DBAUATIC TALENT ■ iK,„i**r<wnomtajtrttaigj^^ lnolnL_ .awa^rii JfBa W. HI LEiaHTON, MIBS LIZZIE PABl :li(B.J.B.8anadere, ■ MmeBahwiuraie.'^^ . .i.Siiii'rclBmWif^i • His.BirTin, ' ■ I .,ol, .^,.'MlssJ.iaig,^.— ■ Hrs;o,E.Loo>e, ' .''ohnWooA S.W.tSiiih, I D. 0. Aaderwn, B.N.lffiawi. ■ :( .. <:, o.«, Locke. • 0.L.(^S!JI ■ ■■ >.M .|; A... .w.Sohranbitadtsr. BlgtBraMresl. HaSOVEEOVL CHOBUB AND O^CEKSTBA: ■y"*^^"'^ . vsinu itIWs .Tlaitlng OtUfomla Uumld tIsU this mignlAAait Dra- : «t7<fB^'^S> iMBim engagln;g elsewhere, as It Is iCTfarlhe lars- 'I.WiD'^AhdiBost oommsdlons neatie. The Mtnagemtbt of ttb B^ose^re siso the control of the prlnclpia Thsafies tn BtooktcA ;.«<B!*'W8«r«mento. .■ ^ ' and.Proprietor. -- ite^aJkTpt ^seildliu^ his address to Wt.Kaff>toikOlty. lOuvilA T BLK> orders addresaed to ••OLABBT ft BEILLEY," Bacon Print- ii^ and Engraving eetebhshment, U and 14 Spriue staeet. New YcUfWUl be promptly attended to. ,01 OABD TO SURAOBSBB. MIfiS LUCILLE WBSTEBN, The most msatUe and talented artist In the United Statee, Is now faianing a most hvOllant engagement at the HolBday The- 1^Baltimore,it.beinghersacondengagementthlBseason. She win cotitinne In Baltimore ontU the laner part of May, when she win hATS a few weeks to spare, prevloos to be; departure tor Gal- Ifomla and Anatralla. Managers wlaUng to negonate win pleaae addrtaa, J. H. HEAD. Bnalneu Agmt for Miss Westein, Mt* Holllday Street Theatre, Baltlmoie, Md. OHAUtBirOE, . ' ' TO FEMAI£ no DAN8EUSE3. WUh rery few excepUona the Jig Dansenaes of the present day style themseJvts, when pisrfoimuig in places of pnbllo amuse- ment, '•The OBiMrun;" and 0L,iiiaMO roa Mrsiif raiT nru, (wUeh was awarded to me In a trial match wlth three rival claim- ants at ihe Broadway Paiillon in the winter of I860,) and being dealrons cf taUsMng the public to whom that tlUe rlghUy be- longs, I hereby offer 10 dance a straight Jig against any femde In the world, for any snm that may snlt ((lelr mollnatlon; each party to select one person to sot as Jndge. and Ihe JndgM to soleot another to act as referee. UtSS KATE STANTON, ' FemaleOhamplon JlgDancer, Novelty HaU, April 16,1861 t?-l*] 618Broadw«r, NerYork. _ ' BISTBOJPblinPAlS VmiATBB. • -- BOOHESTEB, NEW TOBK. Ihls elegant esUhllsbmeat bar Just been entirely re-fllted and re-modeled, la now to rent:to.Oper)tTronMS, Leeturee, Minstrels, Dramatlo Enterlalnmenls, tia, on Uberal terms. Apply to •Mt. ' W. HEAOH, Osbame HoDse, Booheeter. VBHTB lLOftPIBM PBRFBCTI>-Whlakenln6weeks, Qreat Arta, Beorcts Bevealedl TerrlUo alarming Wonder I to., eaoh'80 eta., (ooln,) aUfl. E. MTfiTjTOt, Hamden, Del. Co., N. T. BABBT BHCKLBT'S addrooi litHidred for inonrlasl, is Delavan, Wisconsin. - * OnrV BUBQIABT^ ' BiiuiDAT, Aprn 19, '61. We are a UtUo ahead of time this week, and mske in> ou sum- mary on Saturday afternoon. For the bnslneas of the week, we refer to the annexed soihmary, which we introdnoe wlthont any OAUFOBNIA THBATBIOAIt AOBVOT.—8HEBI- DANsCOBBYN vronld respecttliBy Inform members of the dra- matlo, MoBltel, or Efuestilan pnfosslons, that be has estabUihod an Amnsy in Ban FTandsoo, snd Isprepsed to negotiate engage- TO BTABBf^The nnderelgned, having leased Ihe SyrSouse and Oswego theatres for the spring snd summer seasons, is now prepared to negotiate with first data stars on Uberal terms.. The spring season comm ences at gyracns^, March 81st. Address l-lt D. HANOHEIT, Toorhees House, Byncnse, N: Y. TUB "NONFAIUQIL" DBAUATIC ABBOOIATION ineels everyThnrsdayeieningat No. TBTartck.street iU commnnl' osUonsshonld be addressed to 311 StbAvoDoe. 4S4m •. H.BOLPB, President. 'WAN'l'BD.—A f^ first class drcus Performert—Qymnasta (referred. Also, a few Sttr Minstrels, flonsbutofacknowlsclged ablUtr need apply. Address, O. W. ftiEAVENi 1^ l-»* . Freeoort. IIL , ■ FMopprt, IU, 'VHOTOOBAPUB of Mr. uid Urs. Bsr^ey^^BamTTsep- ejate and togeUwr,) Joeeph Proctor, Mad..Ponlsl, deo. " ' ' Dan Bryant md Eph Horn, (in group and soperste,) Oeo, to U-dianttere, Japanete TomtoT, and In7 ohartetcrs, Helen Western, IsAol Ouea^ Lncmo •Western, Susan Dinln, FAnny Pladda, Don Juan Xlmtoca, Ii.B.Bhn OarkSi ss Toodles sndTmrBlowboy,! „„„„ Bosa Wood, AjlMWittosjOLis. Mathews, T.D.W, (Jim Crow,) Fanny Morant, to. W. H. Bmltb, Mrs. 6ladstane, iGty TMtor AimaBlahop, Edwin Booth, J.W.Bocth. J. B. Bort^jSlifiSy kA.t. 1 — .— gotSa, Pcuton, Mrs. Mrs..Vernon; Sara Stevens, JcBsB. fiarrow. Fanny BrownTA H. Davenport, F. B. Ohan&au, Qougenhelm BIston, J. 8?oSrkt Mtai Henriqnea, Agnee Bobertscn, Mrs. Oeo. Skerrett. I^ter Hayes, E.-A, BolherSfSZ^J^gh' am. Viol* proper, £ph Horn, Mn LdjBton, hire, J. a sSSfi. fi.T. Baniun, Commodore Hutt, Joe Jetfeison, HoiolomlnlVS a_OaimbeU, aeorge HoUand, Marr aannon,Oharlotte On^^ Obas, 11^, lbs. Hoer, and hundreds of others. Price 9Si«nS tedL or bean^^ coJomd, to oesta eaolL a^ Atdomfi s««t to anv addreat u isceirt o?a stamp, ^^^sr^ondiy, Hat Inst, is to totrodoce another season of Oisu's Italian Opertf, at the Academy of Uoslo. Slgnor Tombesl, tenor. &cm Havana, ta to show, and Ulss Kellogg, Ume. De Angri, and Slgnor Ferrl. win also sppear. in the onera of BIgoletta. The Qreat Canterbny is gdng ahead Undy. and now gives one of'the best entertalnmeutaof the day. Thffplace ta crowdeM nlahtlr tnd It'ta not to bewonderedat, for the company em- bncaa talent of a teiy high order, to the various departmenta. The three 4's—American Musto Hall o onttonee to thrive to Bclta of aU legislative oppaaitlon, and if some of oorwlseaoret from Albany 'would Just drop to there for a abort time, we doubt if thnwoud be so bitter to their oppodtlcn. Mattoeea are tven, as msuiLon Baturday afternoons, to the amnsementof uninea and children. ' Ulss Sara Stevens left on the lOih la the steamship Oily of Baltimore. She is under engagement to Ur, BoudcaulL of the AdelDhl. London. Ur. J. 8. Clarke was to have saUedto the same steamer, but we learn that he has deferred his departure '°B*mun^cometogriefuato. This Umehe mourns ihe loss of his seal, which departed ■tnlsUfe onJUonday night, 14lh Inst TUs seal was an attractive feature of Bamum'a show, tnd was really a great ourioelty. The ••whale," however, ••stln Uves," laAibt Mstyhipp<Tot«m'"H^^Ye* Minilngly well. Our 'drcus friends are leaving the dl^, pteptrstory to Jotalng the companies with which they are to be connected the coming ietaon, ^iere have been quite a number of tho prdfeadon here durtoR the winter, many of them dolno Utile or nothing to the war of active bustoess, bat preparing, themselves for the travel- to/ campaign now at band.' The're haa' been a great deal of motaoT fended in fllttogcut (tae Ttrtoua ehow8,.and gone of ae moat t>eautlfal and coaQy eetabliskmenta ever turned out wUl benuonihe road this year. ItisdUBonlt to foreteU what Is In ertorefor them, whether success or falhoe. It seems to bo gen* erallr conceded, however, thai the comtoa season's buetoosa vrUl e^dblt'an Improvement onlaat year's, the breaking out of the wiff'Inst' as Ihe travelling season of 1841 opened, tolerfortog aadiv'With the prospecta of our friends. Things look better now. The rebeUlOD Das done Its worst, and the leaders are being MmeTsd In every qntrter 'Of their Oonfedente strongholds, n^ta^i^g (rfttie eaA peroeptlbIe-conildcnc4 to thesbUlt? oronrBOVMimientto oairyout Ito laws to once more rtetcred, MA Bvervthftig gives token of a revival in bustoeaa of aU Unds. lihamiuitrTmUBt and wUlhave Ita amusements, and dropsos iud other shows •win strive their, best to ploasa and smuso the •'^J'Hanlon Brothers, Thomas, wmiam, Oe«rgo: and Mffed. riiS for OaUfomla Monday, aist, in the steamor Otunplon, not h«liiffBUe to peifeOtthMr amngomenta to time to leave to the ■£l£er:of the lUb,' as ortrinanyIntended, "ney aria under en- ^mentto Mf.UagulrejUto of the Opera House, nowof the %vMlltan Theatre, 'Ban Frandstis, andwUl remain to that SSSt^ a^nt eto wwke, retunitag to New York to July or SSiS?"hon ftta prbbable that one or two of themwiU T^oMtdto Bnropo, to engage other talent of a high and varied ShS?JJtor?*Uoh!MmblnSl with the Hanlon forces, wUl fonn a ffleto In th0B«avoe, cad wlU, which they wUl tnako n toiSrof the United States, oommonotog to Now York to October, tolbtdr trip to Oallfomla, they take alf the necessary apparitue iSd^pjUaiocs for * proper dleptar of their moet aitonlablofi and dSBouft performances, among wlil$ ■•ZtmplUaoroetetlon''wlU beone of tho great features. As the Hanlona have nover yet boon In the QoldonBtato, their appearance thero wiU create a eensa- Uon for their reputation la aaweU known thore,iierb>p>, as bore As artists, we have never seen them 'excelled to tholr aaneTdbusinos8,tndtothotrspedelactawe have jot to see tholr SanaU Our Oallfoml* friends have * treat to store to the com- porfornumoos of the Hanlons, and we rewmmend our young onutctto to tho bvorable notice of the tohabltanta of Ban Frtn- ascoT Mid other dHos to which they maj omoar. If Uyy Mo nolsSl we represent them to bOiWo'U stand "areon Seal" for the orowd. A safe and prosperous trip to tho Banlonsi • The Xnbln BnSffersirooentlyadVMUsed f'sarleaof "flrand Soirees liagl(iaei" ' termed *fDa|Ui dsjr," ThsM Ugl iwMmiwtfeainre of>the isntortolnment was tU'.'exoeUeiitl Mrtortoknces of Dodworth'S'band; aU thOestwasa'l clumsily performed tricks, such as form aTcAipltal of al ttavdtog-museum oosttuor. Not a etonlQMt of the i but.what was marred with some bliuder'Or other. ^. teuvrcs werepUlnly porcopUblo, and asfdrridghtof lu .wa none worthy ol fba n*mo. The Italtan Harisquto formanee that la quite lUmUtar to the hoys to the streetal don, Md we have seen toflnltoWbotttt; Marionette acU^ that^ownby Jeronie Inbto. Whethorwe Jndgethem t tadlvldual eUU or the Ingenuity of their mechanical uices, we flnd eqOaljiMiio for-oensurc. They were suoo but one tt>lng. and that Is to snouriiig a good orowd for t night Bod their sblUty as artiste a tS Berxmann at 1 commonBurate with their Now York *aurano»—for they If to the manor bom—they must have susussed aU IL prevtouBlr appeared be'ore a metropoUbfiAudlenoe.)] second night, Ulh, the attendtnea was very j^nall, tod on the 16th the Academy was not opened *t all, (' :s<;aght !a«ipttteii8e there finding th6 doors olSsed "at and the house to utter dtrkneas. And thus ended tertatomento, ?From what we had hoard of these tatci peota to wltneas * good entertainment, but aU sua One!' vanikhed with the opentog performance. The ttme abrupt termination of their perfonnanoea, we Itod' IS lowing card. It woul^ have been better had.thls oard ~ )rBased before reaching tho publlo tbroagh the presb . rantparent Bead It:—••!» Lusm Bbothkbs— A Oau PuBUO.—Atthaiaesslng soUdtaUon of Bevcral promln' gymen, and numeroivi patrons of the Academy, who maglqueexhibltton'an'eiitertahiment'iiniltted to the aolm. aster of Holy Week, Ihe Lubto s have reluctantly consei4ed pone, nntU the doee of Mr. Qrau's opera season, the rei sdrees of their, contemplated series, Deeply regrettliig avoidable dlsqipototmant caused to Iht pubUo, retuntogi for the generous recepHou acoorded to them by the pr dtWsns of New-York, and hoping at on early, period to their solre«s, they have the honor to remato ue pubUc'a servsnta. Fbedesioc iin> JxBoia L Mr. Edwsid Lamb has Jotoed the WbeaUey and Dv Combination, and left here on the IMh for Boston, v ~ opens with the company at-the Boston Theati«i,on Ur. J. W. Wallack,''Jr,,ba8 drawn out of the "ComT and Jarrett, Wheatwy, and E. L, Davenport wlU hen togaflier. John Owaiis, we hear, takes the place of T. the company. Den Stone left the dtv on the 16th to Joto Utble's which to shortly to'stut nom Delevan, Wis. Ur. W. Ueech, of the Boehester and BuflUo theatr town last week. His UetropoUtan Theatre, to Baoh( been re-fltted and re-modeled, and can now be rented oerts, minstrelsy, leeturee, or dramatlo eatortatoments. P. Antonio, of the Antonio Brothere' World's Circus, town laat wefk, undedded as to his fntnre moreini tucthers are to the Western country. The beauUtol Oubas leflhare on tho Itth, for Pittsburgh,! she opens at Hendenon'a Theatra Uonday evening Slst Anston Brown, advance agent, left here on the 16u, w^ Addis, who is to attandjo''Oubas' stage bustoees, left v lady Saturday, 191b. Xuntoaa accompanies them, and balletcorps. It to totendedto produi» the Wicard BUH; Spy. Uasanleno, Devn'a Daughter, etc From Ptttot party vriU go to Bates', OtodnnatL Usggle UltaheU departed benoe lait week, itor where abe opens at Wood'a Theatre, on the list tost A match Jig dance, for tSdO a side, tcoft place atWi theatre, Broadway, near Broome street, on Wednesday leth, tothe pnaanoe of every targe number of speotal boose betog very nearly foU. The oontastanta to thb were T. J. Peel, of Biyantt' Utostrels, and B. U. OtrroIl,d cut performtogatCanterbnry UusloHall. TheohaUengt led to the match waa Issued by Carroll; a few weeks ago, ' did not permit much time to elapse before anewerlnglt being signed, the time snd place named, and Judges.and seleded, the man began to prepare for the event confident to Us own abilities to pull blm through' the audlapdhlmavrtoneTOf tho snugitakeof 1600. TO' Fed. uid Oarrdl appUed their leisure time-to praetl various stops which each Intended to totroduoe to hl« when they should appear before the pnbllc to eetUe the fr of Bupremacy. A good deal of toteroat was evtooed to the by the profession generally, and also b;4hoae who adr'' terpddioreBn dl^lays. The amount of the stakes, been deposited to the handa of a Mr.'Van Tine, who was stakeholder, and so far everythlbg seemed 'to give an oiedanceto the etatement that It was a bona/da mateh; ' aflemoon cf the leth, the entranoe to Wallaok's began to veated" by "aU manner of men," and the promenaden of way who were not posted In the event on hand, looked to derment at the crowd presatog to, and many toquired the i of thlaunoBual gathering of the •'gaytwysoTNew Ysiki jtome of them, on being told, invested the price of a tlek( "went to," too. By 1 o'clock, the houM -was well nlgb oompclaing many members of the theatricalpr with concert n^ pooflo, mlnetrals, aid aporttog man inj dance, an aftemocn periormanoe giving the profeBdon a to aae a ebow for onoe, at least There was a smsU or present end between 4 and 8 o'dodi Ihey opened the enl ment The cnrtato was then raised, and Master Oeor^ , of the Canterbury, made bis appoamnce, and tang a for which he was encDrot. Then followed a dog dance,' Oettlngs, who was also favortbly reoaivod. Mr. Oi oomet player of Bryanto' Utostrels, then came forward, formed a beautiful aria, with variaUoDS, upon his valve ment in the course of which he totiodnoedanovelfr' imlt^cnofa distant echo of thetoneacf Us own ins He first puformed the melody, and immediately changed- isoft and delicate notes of the tcho, and no dever vns the " that many persons imagtoed that another performer was. at a remote part of Ihe theatre; but it was aU done by Mr: tagna through some contrivance to bis oometbyteui' vSvebywUch the change of tone to effeoted. Tha.whr formanee was attantlvdy Uatened to, and the applause wt lowed told how weU ue audience appreciated it Oi BIdeani, attired as a French Zouave, vns the next to Us bow, and whUe he hpll a large American flag, he ••Mareeiilea'.' to French, wilh charaoterlgtic energy 1 tog. We' have beard Urn- stog ft mudi better he ""B It en tUs oocssIod; but he was encored, and ed Apiece wllhont the flag. Mr. OsppeUo went thi number of contortlonate exercises, some ofwUoh were dertol to look at During the aftsmoos, Mr. Haines spr ion parlor akates. He ta evidenUy a profidant al 'pleasant exercise, for he moved EJana with oU and graoe imaginable; but the best part of his scene Us imitotlCD of a person Just Isamtog to Skate. u| one of' the best and naost truthful caricatures witnessed, and dldted roars of laniliter. Mr. Hatoi be lemembered as one of those who a&acted ao much aMe at Central Park during the skattog carnival last wtoto. He Ibr a Bkator, and no mistake, But what's aU this got to a« the danotog mateh.sayyou? True enough. Sowe'U no you Slabout It Ur. Bobert Hart Jndia tor CanoU, earn ward and announced that the dance would now take plan he would respeotfaUy requeet that no applaueo whttever * te manlfeelad, aa the Judges would be unable to arrtw atriotlv folr and Impartial decision If any marks of apprpt or disapprobation should be shown. In toastog. tor choloi OancU was Ihe winner, and his opponont was sent on to first Ur. Ped Is apparenUy about SO years of soe,^? sltatore,andofalIgbtV5ld. He was attired to ptak e&lped dark blue vdvet ehorto, or knee broechta, wUte etooUng black pumps. Ur. Frank Converse, one of tho host banjo pf toluie oounby, also appeared with Ur. PeA took Us seat So uwer ride of Seltage, with a "ta«Jo Ws tnd another to his hands. Ped then bio^fl''<'»',^?lS! s paper of sand, wUoh he aoattored on ttolower side oftto wfieStho principal part of *be «anotog took^^ preparations were gotog on, the utmost W''" *?°^ Iho auditorium; wUdi waaonly scratch by a gentleman to tho draas olrde oidalmliig. JTs five ^uSs tSat Pod wtae this matoh." ThMe was no resj^ thdr being hut lltUe « bottli* mosto^^^^^^ see every mvYuuioiH, r. -ziLy^'^ju* other flow odoulatod to mar the ohancee of aucoem of tneoa And now, tU being reato, the \rord was given, Convene s "de ole bamc" and Peel steppod out to the sound ft tneD Eta podtlon w«a good, and Us style neat and dmpM, was woU kept up, tho iteps varied: oOBtinnaUy, tn* kept won tolls wo* dtliriigb a norvousneaswas and peSoepUblo. During tho danolug. a dog ^JljifAXS parmlttod to make l3s way uponlhe Btage.,""* «J« *f>'™ atncer; and It is awondortliat Peolwasnotthrownoffhls The oailue was eoaxod off, but tgtln m**" tothe annoyance of the Jtncer, and tto Uagwi of^^ At the explriUon of 10 minntos 4 <^iS^S,^^^l^ was taken, the last movotaonf of «f»?S?u,SS^S!dl Bfc.PodritlrodamldoporfootstomofiOTUM^ l£SX) tho danco,and whUePed w^^SSFttar^hSruii iS S?h^SS^u «d ctffc thrown om»ir*>clo>Ing awUte' iMB toonSas^ of lEe 1 WorTtlght, but iaomowhat.looee upw» !5hi^\J^S^ wdbUokpntnpp. He nlsoBoatteWd,4ol *'!**,i*^SS^rVl& lMa7 Mr. CahoU U older thin ssK?.-i2£r ^dw&rrkir^itvai *i* 50^ B?a £2\M!lMhl» tnnsoutfhnn kii^J** »^