New York Clipper (Sep 1862)

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Solel-roTiletor sndltaiger. f VAHOTHEB GHAlMJ ii^Mj»»n5tuio<« that OB THE MOVB-HOMB rr r^Afr: .. tbetof any Artist*) erer lmown in ^Boston during tne Bummer Season, are now on their way back to New York, and win per- fonn m 'o^g^jjpgu) gjpt ioth «nd Ilia. HARTFORD. Sept. 12th and 13th. vNBW HAVEN; Sept loth and 16th. A. 1L HERNANDEZ, ' The Out ' ""THB'GRBAT' .. joBB ADAH ISAACS MENKEN, WU1 nfaie her r»-entre on "'" Wlu ™ MOHDAY. BEFTEHBBBUtb, . In a now SENSATION BPECL1LHY, irri^Um expressly for her, entltledthe WABBlbB 1 SHEPHERD I A Grind Historic*! DrarAa, in&Aots. W t Let Her Go, «c ChSlCTFOX, • ^ . SBATOBBOWKB, • tLABBOOO, ' 0. HENRY, t H. FLORENCE,.; J. GABATAGUA, E.HABLAM, V M. LEWIS, ' and the entire Troupe'in new acts. ■ '*-*'flSf8fl^'^S^ oMMr - turning thehameoj ' Mechanics' HalL «2 Brpadwey L abov^Grand street. HONS VELARDE, . VpNB LEHMAN, . ,t HONS A. BEGRIST, HONS P. BAVEL, MOMS P. BERGRR, HONS DEVEBNI. Iwey, ^■YAHT BROTHERS, Proprietor*. JO] ^ffij^ffl&FSS&L- W^BIMEKOWirSD T~ BRYANTS HntSTBEXS. „ " _ - :XHE'EXOELSIOB TBOUPE OF THE WOBLD. ^(torSwiscompbiedof toe fouoviiiwtetoted Artist*.-. -™™ DAN BRYANT, HETL BRYANT, :.ii k- tamo. navPMT.Ty BOLLIX HOWARD, ■ if;" Tpm aOTMotnL . o. W. ttOBrmN,, ^U-HOBM. O. 8.FOWLER. • J. J. SIVOto, SlTaoirams. g.w.chables, J. v. btlto n, '£&ntiiKt?. SmobwbosT J^Kraraofl. EX KB?* ^ FBANK LESLIE, LI1TLB MAO. T- GRANDER-OPENING . 'Ti&^'ntffr of Be *Jp*nro*%y*&?w>r Parti; mm. ™ . v. .-. „ tf HN SIMPSON, Treasurer. A. BOBa Offioer. of Bongs, Dance*, Burlesques, Plantation Particulars see bills of the day. Tickets .28 cent*. JiOBBU ^lEUyrHBRS, FELL 6f TROWBBUKOB'B 'A'QPERA BOUSE) BOSTON, MABSr ■ - - j»f establishment win ■ -■■''•■" ;• '>OKHxAa> THKXB RTXTB BEOULAB OUOK IBBOTHEB8, FELL h TBOWBEIDOE'B HTOSXBKM Oaulat of the to! '■$> hJXSR HOBBIB, 3,. ; ; !BILLY UOBSIBj JOHNNY PELL, 3. a TBOWBRIDGE, : V^-A-W.-FBEflOOTr. ; ; J. L..OILBEBT, P^-FJIPBBS , il ; , tr i.' ATJOCBT 80HNETDEB, :D. W. BOABDMAN, Otnttemen: BO WEBB, V. LOTHIAN, B. M. OABBOLL, J. QUEEN, F. WILMABTH, B. IBEDEBIOKS, X J.'BJLLIABD, D. j. Saquinnib, I,. A. EWIBSLEB. I^i^^^ partleuto notto. to tbeUwredlrtn- ..-• ; '';»n.*'«;V'. , r; ) ,; ' ', ' ABLIHOTOH A DONJOKEB'S KTNBTBELB' • ■■ -Sfto Troirpe oonal»t«of the,Tery best . ■ • .' ! -^"'r.'. BTHlOPIAH PEBT0BHHB8, ' ; A«>». 5B?i»a tolntwilnaliia their Bntertiinmento. the Utnemn beg to vT^:^«tonte v theFnhWui*t every energ7,wlll benudto mile It . ~J;v3£iin& the' ■ : . \/ UT^^^ 1 ™ ABTI8TI0 MINBTEELSY, ' «44thit rio extoenM h*e been or will be spued to make this the ,, ; , , .. A _ «. .. jrEPLTja ULTBA ; .;;pi-vi;!m;moH0-iimErAniHBiim . ■tteOmipiOTComprliKelhetoHowlng'Q^Uamen:— ' 1 -WlC ABLTUOTON, J. B. DONNTEEB, UABTEB LEON, WM. 8PAULDIN0, 0. H. OABTEB, FBED SPOBB, MASTEB DUMONTl ■ OHAB. S. WOOD. V • > WBL O. DAVIE, Tretsnrer. -jPHaH, BV WOOD, Agent and Bnnineo llanager. il-tf „ CAMFlBBLX flONSTBBLS. ; ..TEetkeeand Manager....OHAB. A. MOBNTNOBTAB, ;, ' Stage.Manager... CON MURPHY: . ^MuiloalWreotor........FBANKBEBQEB. 'fbt Company eonalsts of the foUowlng talented ArUsts:— •B KELLY, ' A. J0N18, WM; H. BBOOEWAT, WM. H. BUTLEB, a PBIOB. .;WM.,aPATD3 > . ,„ v a ft-PTJBDY, . ;,V £.Hl'STOUT, ' TBANE ANOELO, ". .' DAN Ml HOLT, P„ J. SI PASSEBELLI,. " : . ..'H.VH. .OBIFFnJ,- W. B. MANNING, CON MOBPHY, ' FBARZ'M; BEB__ 0HA8. 8ANTOBD, , 8IONOB ANQELO;- ' BIOHAHD ARNOLD, ALPH BISHOP, " BIONOR BUBBONL MIB8 FRANE OHBIBTIE. ' GEO. K. BENTLEY, Bnslnen Agent lOPOLlTAN VARTBTIH8, ,„., (Lall THB1XBZ.) i..."rXf..U* BATLE8 6...../..*... ..Proprietor. vaXtA-/ ■' jX'.B. WHITE. ;......'.' t ;;.8tageMana»er.-. S^--: ' -, :THE ONLY FTB8T OLAB8 PLACE OF AMUBEMENT IN ' * " , -, DETBOIT. ■ . ; AND BEST. COMPANY IN THE WEST. I BEST OB0HE8TBA TS -THE WEST. I MOST COMPLETE BTAOE AND SOENEBT. prominent Stars of the Concert Halls treated with on , Oommnnlcatioiifl from the Profession eollalted.-- : L- M. BAYLE8B, .. . . ■-V• ■ ; '»*atropoUtftn VarleUea ( JDetrort, Mloh..' m&iiBaiB?tSS HAJiL, ... Z'^\: ; ;frj}&--*tooBkim. k.t. - ipiM new and Commodlons Hall, Just completed, is nnsnrpass- ' W.i^dfoi^ JUdblUona, Concerts, .Lectures, Fairs, Parties, 4o., and thelargestHBl ln Westsrn New Tork. It has eonneoted with . - •it, Bjlltsof Booms.for'dresslogand dining purposes, together ..^w^.o'ther modern imnrorementa; and will be rented at prices ' vfhttMU induce the pnlllo to prove its aoonstlo propertiee, which .are 1 pronounced unrivalled.' Address. .' ' : . JABEZ OOLLINfl, Bochester, N. Y., ' '' comer Main and Clinton streets, , or A. E. FULLEB, Agent WWB BT TH BA.THJl.:gT.- LOUIS, MO. r/.v C. .7. E. SBHEB........ % ....Proprietor. " im'".' V' •' -OHABLET LEWIS. ...'.StageManager. ij^^ii^'W'fpnowlng Lsdles.and Oentlemen are now performing at IMABON, J. T. BOTOB, ' ■ ' THOUPBON, CHARLEY LEWIS, QBA, V, .: J. 0. CAMPBELL.' ., , i<xx .__|FOBD, ■ , EDWABD OBPEN, .^ft||IHi;«W end-. • ;. ''" Kj^i^j' ^iOBEBNIEB'S 6ILVEB CORNET BAND. 11m ttd flentlemen ipplying will address fc./^l*:--.''.'.'.' •// " ••-fiB, ESHEB, St. Lonls, Mo. 5,.„. ... aTTOW'SJlii PBTNTIKa ESTABLISHMENT IN THE WORLD I .. ' v<V-V.C^TO£A'JIBI ..*>• BE ILL E Y, ' .■,*,'";•'.*"•» "•»;).'"•> (Saooeesors to John E. Bsoon.) ■ v i'Vi* 'B.BrS*.BBs:.'AirD • enobavebs, •.■ • M*nd If Sprnoe Street, New York, '.'JWpartioular attention to getting up all kinds of •■ - ■ y. a. HOI BBQ.W ■ BILLS ' ■ivelllng compainlos, and have on hand a large and splendid !r assortment .of lam and small' 1 WOOD OUTS Mttblefor Orousses, Monageties, Ethiopian Performers, Oym' - IsMHf 'Ma^latans, 4c, 4o., wfiioh oan be printed In one .or more 'Mlorsf'to suit oustomors. ' ' jSr A nepodt required on all work ordered. . - ill orders addreaeod to "OLABBY k BETLLEY," Bacon Print* jog and Engraving establishment, 13 and 1* Sprnce street, New .-.Tork, will be promptly attended to. , ... *i*f '. eelebrated Irleh Comedian and Vocalist,.son ot the late Ttrone . Sower, Is now on his way from Australia. Managers wishing to -realise the above ArjnsVfor nights, commencing.on,or about -luguit 1,'Will apply to JAMES OONNEB. Theatrical Agent, sl*X OBMadway.''' . . v ^ U" AOADBUY OP VlVBIC, CLEVELAND, OHIO. : i The Uales and gentlemen of the ^company win please take no- . -ttifi that this' theatre will open ■ on: the 6m of; September, and be ■ in reidlneu for rehearsal on the Ma of said month. v ' vJ!i'v7T>'. JOHN A. ELLSLEB, Manager and Proprietor. ',' 1 '.rwrlD ImiEnuTXLT,—A' yottbg and attractive lady for ehanv ^t'^MJ'i: -Iwnalds-rmust, sing. Also, a'lit walking lady, heavy man, 1st ■>: «?!t-: - ... B^ars llbfrelly treated v/ltb. ■ ~ ' MLLE MABIA ZOE, MONS A. OB086L M0N8 F. BEOBIST, MB. B. "YATES, MB. JAMES PILORIM, MB. W. DULAHY, — . • M. JACKSON HAINES. : , OBAHD O0BFS DE BALLET. : The oelsbrated ■■■■ ■ ■ v . ™ BAVFX PANTOMIMEfl. '.v'KEVfeAND SPLENDID ATTBACTIONB ■ •' . ■' . op' . •'• ">'''->T)V EXTBAOBDIKABY BRILLIANOY ■■ '" ••' . ■' . BT TBI •• •''■■' COMBINATION OF STABS, '. who are acknowledged to bothe „_ VERY BEST ABTIBT8.0F THE AGS, • ijtf ' JAMES PIXiOBIM, Business Manager. VAR1BTTEB THEATRE, _ LATE ST. LOUIS OPEBA HOUSE, After a most suocesscal season of eight and a half months, is n0W °M^^ 1 W^ C0,n SS5s LIZZY WALBY, mbs mTdbew, miss lida htbbabd, MIBBO. MOBLEY, u MIB8 BOBB DE L UCE, MI8B FANNY THOMPSON, MISS MINNIE LANIER, " EDWARD BERBY, E. N. BLOCTJM, J. BARNCT, TOM CONY, ,J. OONKLTN, GEO. KEBMTNE, WILB. SERB, . P. OONHXIN, . J. JEROME. • "T :r?7?. A LABOE BALLET TBOUPE. BaltotMaster.: SIGNORO.CONSTANTTNE, Leader of Orohestra......MABITN FBEBEBTHYBEB. SoenloArtist-TH08. NOXON. . . GEO. J. DEAGLE, Lessee. EDWARD BERBY, Stage Manager.''' These, with many minor members constitute ' mew, / MONSTER COMPANY. " Who are nightly drawing crowded hous-s to witness their " i CHASTE AND BRILLIA NT PE RFORMANCES. T Hk VARIETIES . ' IB THE LABGEST, HANDSOMEST, BEST APPOINTEp, « 1 illD XOST O0KTOT1BU 1 iMTJSIO HALL IN THE COUNTRY. Parties of acknowledged excellence desiring engagements, may ■■■ Address. GEO. J. DEAGLE, Varieties Theatre, J3tf - Bt Louis, Missouri, AMBIHICAH THEATRE, . ' SAN FBANOISCO, CALIFORNIA. I W. H. LFJGHTON Bole Lessee and Manager. 1 SHEBTDAN COBBYN, Acting Manager. Xhe publlo are respectfully informed that this beautiful Thea. has been opened with the s. iSBEATEST COMBINATION OF OPERATIC AND DRAMATIC TALENT . . Crer eonoentrated In any Theatre In this State, including". MBS. W. H. LEIGHTON, MISS LIZZIE PABKEB, Mrs. J. B. Saunders, Wme Sohwazule, Miss Mowbray, airs. Burrffl, '« ■ Miss J. Land, ' Mrs. G. E. Locks, . Mr. A. B, Phdpe, . Frank Mayo, John Wood, B.W.Leaoh, . D. 0. Anderson, E.N.Thayer, ' G. E. Locke, . 0. L, Graves, W. Sehrao bstadter, Big. BoncoresL sad a POWERFUL 0H0BU6 AND ORCHESTRA. Artiste visiting California should visit this magnificent Dra- matlo Temple before engaging elsewhere, as it is by far the larg- est and moat commodious Theatre. Tae Management of this House have also the control of the principal Theatres In Stockton and Sacramento. &2*tf GAYETY MTJ8IC HAJLL. HABBISBUBG, PA. BOB EDWARDS ....Sole Lessee and Manager. Admission .'.20 cents. . GREAT NOVELTY CONGEST, BALLET, AUK : ETHIOPIAN MINSTREL TBOUPB. . 33 STAR PERFORMERS. ' MISS LIZZIE FRANCIS, late ot the Pubis Ballet Troupe. HTBS SATE ARCHER, late of the Bavel Troupe. '; JOBS MOLUE FIELDING. Vocalist and Danseuse. ' 'MISS JUL IA EDWARDS, Oomlo Songstress. DIOK REBTHELON, Champion Bone Soloist. ;-. DAN HOWABD, Bsnlolst .HJAKE BUDD. Oomedlan and Tambotinist BOB EDWARDS,; general Comedian and Danoer. MAST. PERRY'EDWARDS, Violinis t and Vocalist.. i EDWIN HYDE ,.the Comlo Dra matl o Si nger; and i r.. : WEBER'S CELEBRATED ORCHESTRA, WV WEBER, Leader. ■ BOB EDWARDS, Sole Lessee and Manager. : N.B, None but .tint class Artists need apply. aa-lt* WETROPOIJTAN THEATRE, Montaomesy street between Washington, and Jaakson straete, ■-. BAN FBANOISCO, OAL. . ■^:3»BB™^^^ rie ^» 41 ^««- " i J..B. BOOTH, Stage Manager. J. 'X; SCHMIDT, Musical Director. . ' ; " THE STAB COMPANYvOF CALD70BNIA. ; ■ '■-'■". rsoxs o» mineaioK. *. Dress Oirole. ....^V.. III Orchestra Seats ....H Parirnet..': : ..SOots Second Circle............26ots • : :PrlvateBoies....|Sand»10. Box OiBoe open from 10 A. M to 1 P. M. Beats Beonred<three days in advanoe. ■ . ■■ ■ ■ . N.B. Stars visiting California should remember UuMIr. Mv guJie is also proprietor of the Varieties and Hayes'Park, Ban Francisco) the Metropolitan Th.eatre, Ssaramento; and Theatres InMarysville'andStc^ktoni ;.• ., ; 10-tf FB4N0E OF WALES THEATRE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. This truly elegant and very beautiful theatre is kept open dur- ing the whole oi the year. ^ ' AMERICAN STABS, of acknowledged position and talent negotiated with, for long or abort engagements, ai mutual int erests may require. '-' \ Address, . . f ALt^ HENDERSON, ;«4^TV. ' Bole Lessee and Proprietor. CAHTEH3TJRY HALL, - • WASHINGTON, D. 0. . .THE MODEL CONCERT HALL OF THE WORLD. ' The Company now engaged at this popular place la ONE OFJHE BEST IN AMEBJOA. vjg- Ladles and Gentlemen of acknowledged ability wishing engagements wfll address i.:. ■ ' , ' GEO. PEROTVAL k Co., .<.. u: : ,■ ■ f, .. ■ - • . Washington. D. 0. :LIBERTY HALL, Alexandria, Vs., , . , ; Under the same Management' ■All business letters for both places must be directed to Wish- ington,D.a y-V . 90-St ; WANTED IimBDIATELY, for the Fan and Winter Season, an Old Mm, a Heavy-Man. . and a Juvenile Man. None Utt' those of acknowledged ability noed apply. State lowest terms.' Address D. HANOHETT, Theatre, . 20-*t'" \. ■ Cobourg, 0. W. Son cob, cuum "^s^m-iKm^o. The werld-mowned a*Jonb^- CHRISTY'S MINSTRELS, Under the direction and^ejiun^ement of and successor to the late '" 'i . EDWIN P. CHRISTY, ' ' TBI Pioksss or Nioao Mihstbxlst. ■_• HI MONITORS OF M1NB.TBELBY: Christy, Herman,,Gray, Baynor, Hunnyman, Wuson, Easffliead, C^biu, SchratIA, Brtesberg, Wood, Waddleton, Oldneld, OOn- Tirse, M*ste»£ddle, Little Bobby, and the nondescript wonder, .Tt Tiin Msi T0ID1D7* . . this Troupe iAriow permanently esUbllshed In Brooklyn, and ouftnnlng Co LABGE^ND FASHIONABLE AUDIEN0E8. Commenoe'at 6 o'olook..: Private Boxes $8. ' • M.'E. CAMPBELL, .;<■:. . Business Agent he itaoageffent takes' pleaauT^''azmonns^3^i to dedde Which Is correct Gen. 'Corcoran wis presmi? tothePnbllo Iatb, and the house was crowded. Gen. Meagher'iS,? bl»hoo«eatlier in th*s*ison,-snd the. Florence bent£ also weP attended,": Beyond this, "things wss loose." '•Oeieylsiamo ^r^I^BmSEH^BT^T^BROOK^/M^^^ OOUBT AND^BaK^jrTBBITS, BBOOBLXW, »• ttaff £„ tne nro^iSint vocalists being Messrs. Ah! _"6sUbuioplltotsV.' They are at**2 ^^n't Minstrels. What lt'is.wedMl we binnot teE. Everybody should go, m<u for themsevei We dropped In at Wood's pleissnt isd bJl little temple on the sin, and found • large audience nrtaMl ladles being the marked feature of the attending aV' company than Wood's Minstrels was never organize?, composed of the beat musical talent to bo found in then elon, both in ,the vocal and ltiitrumental department*. Boors'open at 7. Admission 2t oents. 224ts JIAOIOIANB AND SHOWMEN, THBATBIOAL, MUSIC HALL PROPRIETORS, ■ 'AND PROFESSIONALS,. Will note this fact; that a rare opportunity now offers to those who desire to engage in the most deceptive, Intricate, original, and attraoUv* tetcke in the Art of Hagio, in alrlts varied phases, a profession in which' Hermann bM scouted.» &^f''^g I fo rsiualto,°and trimsliia sails to meeftbe blast. accordtS: Anderson, ■Jacobs, Bliti, Heller, and a host of others haye all "^JSJ tt t nex t week'may see all our theatres opT» ■■ ■ l - tt * ^ UUon beverysplrlted to eeewhlch .hifi?is singing, the prominent vocalists being Messrs. Abeccei and Henry, eioh being good In his own peoullar style. gives us the dashing and spirited; Percy, the tattehrj artlstlOi.Vid Henry,theeweet and plaintive ballad; ul J those one' voltes combine ln*lhe ohoruses, with the otl>» i bers of .the troupe, the harmony is most oxcellent and c And tho instrumentalists should not bo overlooked, ti_ ttiey'materially assist in giving due effect to the conceruS of the entertainment With P. B. Isaacs on tho vlolS a. tagnaon the cornet Hsslem on the flute, and Aboccdnl harp, all solo performers, our readers can have an Idu^l talent in this great band. Charley Fox and Eph Horn U,, the fun "between times," and fairly divide the honors wju sentimental brethron. A fresh programme Is prcpomd bit week, lntroduolng several new features, new ballade, tai 2 ' word at the head of this notlco. [arry Leslie, who has been rope-walking during the has returned to New-York, and joined Butler's forwtTJ Broadway. Harry was making arrangements to Btretthg],. 1 across Niagara River, hear the Fslls,,but Unole Bam rota i] In onithls sldo of the line, and the frail bridge was noflM aorois* • The Bavel party oonclade their didoes at Nlblo's thliv The engagement has been successful, considering the «>»it condition of the troupe. The. performances of the boy.'^jJL i Amerloa,'.' atone for some of the shortcomings of othsa bid party. ' • * Here's a go. Manager Wheatley keeps his weather tjt, the competition must be very spirited t with the biggest lot of postage stamps. Our seneltfopiS sional friends will bear in mind that in using the word tt£3 intend no dlsrespeot to any stick in the profession. ^] second sight genius, ' robert heller's, entire cabinet,of wonders, als, will dispose of the same at leas than one third ol cost to any person or persons who desire to enter the profitable profession of a Magician. The extent of the Cabinet imagined when we state that it nils SEVENTY CASES, all elaborate in design and finish, and splendidly arranged for traveling. An entire newspaper column Managers of such places might profitably purchase the same, and engage a person with it or perform themselves. '., .'■ A full description sent together with the moderate price re- aulred. by addressing D. BID WELL,-New Orleans, aa-2t» Or J. R. O'BRIEN, Waahihgton, D. 0. TtlEl FALL AND WINTER TOUR ' OF MD3S OABOLTNE BIOHTNOB, • imis BI HEB riTBBB, •■ MB7 PETER BI0H1NG8, Commenoed at the. ■■' '.•■■■■ ■' ' L_'_>" METROPOLITAN THEATRE BUFFALO, MONDAY EVENING, SEPT. S, 1MX During their engagement in that City, they win produce their SCENIC. OPERATIC, AND DRAMATIC NOVELTIES,. SATANELLAt ... THE SYREN, •■ am> ' . ' ..LA CmOAflSIENNE. AU letters of business to be ad dress ed for the next four weeks to / AUG. B. PENNOYEB,"Buainess Agent 82-3t •. . .Metropolitan Theatre, Buffalo. WANTED^-A FIRST CLASS TAMBORTNE END MAN— To commence Saturday, 19th. Addre ss, s tating terms, W. A. OHBISTY, Christy's Opera House, Court and Bcmesn streets. - Brooklyn; Kri. ... ■■>: iWit 421 OALLOWHILL STREET. PI ■ ' Will open on or about the 1st of Sept oplin performers, Danseues, Vocalists, Oomedlanf, Oomlo, Gymnasts, Ladles.of theBiTJst sc., Ac, wiehihg' engage- Ipl apply Immediately to ■ WILLIAM BUTLEbT , Ueloaeon, ill OallowlilU it, tpmi*. " .->/jr;.'ti«..l , rV.'!'ii-iV .>.<**1*.<-^'? ^?si;'«»»<;;W*M;^i« 22-lt*, CARD TO TUB PROFESSION.—This la to certify that I have this day copyrighted. In the Clerks Office of the U. 8.-Dis- trict Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, my Dramatl xatlon of jiWHolmes's greet work, entitled "Tanner arm Subsbxiib." Any infringement on my rights, as are here set forth will *w ^""^t'to'y proceeded agains t •__ PhUidelphla, Sept X MM. "WATTTE BUSHEB. SAM 8HARPLBY, • THE DI8TINGUIBHED ETHIOPIAN COMEDIAN, ' ■ Now abont eloslnga series of successful engagements in New York, Philadelphia,Baltimore, and Washington,, will start on a Stirring Tour through all the LoyalSates. Managers of The- atres .Minstrel Halls, and Concert Saloons,-can. address him du- ring the current week at the Melodeon, Baltimore, Md. '■ 22-lt* THE FAMOUS COMEDIAN, Harry Hough; has opened for a short season. at'Oswego, with a fine ' dramatlo company,' amongst which may be found the names of Harry Clayton, J. G. Lester, and a host of others. 22-lt*" OUR LETTER BOX. ag- We hivevletters for a theatrical wig-maker. HaEry'GossIn, Edward Ellis,'8. H. M.HaBMisa Anna DillliighanvMlas Ida Grey; Fred. WUllams; W. 0. Thompson, Memphis Theatre. Wm, M. Lannler, Prof. Wyman; J. H. BoynoldV Minstrels, 0. W, SUles, Charles-Jeffrey, BUly. Plerce, and Sylvester Bleoker. - THTATRICAJj MANAGERS.—SAM CANTY, Esq., the Veil known author of several of our most popular dramas, having Just completed the patriotic sketch entitled^ 'The Traitor's Dream; or, The Reunion of the North' and South," consisting of a series df {Scenes and Tableaux,' with, 1OO0 Lithographs repre- senting the different Tableaux, is 'now prepared, with his entire Troupe,-to take engagements for six or twelve nights, Managers wishing to engage the CANTY TROUPB, can. do so byipplyln to J^(W1TN^ ie-tf CALIFORNIA THEATRICAL AOBNOY^SHERI. DAN COBBYN would respoctfully Inform monitors of the dra- matic. Musical, or Equestrian professions, that he hoe established an Agency in San Francisco, and Is prepared to nogotlate ongtge- manta and transact all othor business pertaining, to the pro- fession. Address SHERIDAN COBBYN, San Francisco, CaL- N. B.—All letters requiring answers must contain a stamp to pro-pay the same, 464m- BALTIMORE MBLODKOIV,—First class Porformors'of all kinds can secure good engagements, by applying to ' < •,j' ALBERT LEA, Manager and Proprietor Molodcon, '• - .; ' ' Balumors. . N. Bi.I win pay more salary to good Performers than any other Oonoerf Saloon In AmerleF' . ' 'ITBORO FERFORMBRS WANTED^Three or four good negro comedians wanted Immediately. It American , WO'/ MAWAOBBB.—MISS Apply to B, Wv BUTLEB, Ian Music Hall, Hi Broadway. (TA BOBDWELL, VooaWt, ^ and Negro Comedian, an* Mr, W.iBOBD WELL, Oomlo Vi „ are at J!*f t V M y ''l^^i an a* pcvnt/ui wi iuwbs^jw. ibeit ierylo^i' wfJl pl$ai6 nda^U .OurtsB QffloA> , snotteitf B&vels at Nlblo's, where he is to open on the 15th, playovi] nights each week, the two off nights being occuplei S i Hsckott.who has kindly consented to be "dove-tailed" t>3 time'only; Yon know that Tom Thumb and Commodore Nntt htn ■ showing off together at Barnum'a Museum; and you knsr.o .. .. ». ^j..— ^v.— was to get $1000. w^ tf , found to bo lmpoulbl was the best feller; sol goes "to work, increases the pool to $1500, and at an "e expense" induces the two dwarfs to keep on doing another week, the best feller to rake down thowholo pile-, lad little CUBSOB are supposed to have scouted the Idea of dlrUlql stakes; so they went in on another week, with double ntton] advance, but tlUO at the dose of the war. TheywalkeXaf they talked, and they ate and drank, ogled tho glib, n_ danoed, squirmed, and did all sorts of dorseys, and ittbsejl the week each dwarf is supposed to have claimed the rnkpsf prize. Here was a dilemma—but Bam tun can do thlnp ui as any other man, and he decided that as it was lmpoaalbkfc J which was the better man, he would keep the supposed r himself, thus proving to a moral certainty that, the shot himself is the best feller. The little cusses hive dosed! performances at . the Museum, and the dramatlo season ■ mencee this evening. . ■■■ . 'AU them passengers which -has not yet purchased I tickets, will please step up to the captain's office, and« their fare." Ting-a-llng-a-llng. Two compllmentarletinl the schedule for to-night Its crowding the mourners s if but we're used to these things now, and can stand a duetts 'pllmentaries as well as one testimonial. It would be beU ' us aU, If we could "bunch em," and have one grand go lsO Park? What do ye'say' To-night Nixon has a compl'~ at his Garden, while Mr. Fleming will accept a teat! theAcadomy. Wo presume the occasion will be the "1 moment in their lives." "Tickets for this occasion a . cents. Both parties announce hosts of volunteers, andlitt come up to tho rack, fodder or no fodder, they ought to i decent sort of show; but theatrical volunteers- are 11 fluctuating," and very apt to -evado the draft" . Bryants are meeting with their usual success, their k being nlghtly-orowded. The new members of the compel coming Into favor, while the old ones retain the good c the pa&rons of 472 Broadway. • . Fanny Forrest has been engaged by Mr. Butler, for BUI Hall, and she appears there this week. ■ W. B. Harrison, Impromptu singer, la atBarnum'sl Edwin Booth win probably succeed Miss Batimin til Winter Garden. We are promised something new as ansa* I results of his viHtto England. ^ Somebody said that Nixon had taken the Academy to pkjl opera company, but somebody else says it isn't so, oi| believe It _ Adah Isaacs tMenken is still in the city. Her en the New Bowery commences on the 16th: . Speaking of Adah calls to mind John 0. Heenan,oil reminds us of a report Just brought to us from London Units his been united In marriage to Miss Sara Stevens, ferns- 1 " this olty-where she Is weU known ss an actreu.-butnown in London., We are Informed that the twain are really r wife. It win be recollected that whllo the lady was pi Laura Keene's, a year or so ago, a similar report prerilWJ it was then contradicted. '- ' Wluie Bornosmore Pape, the youthful pianist who I the greatest works of the best masters with the utmost s has returned to the city from Newport, and will appoia Academy of Muslo this evening, on the occasion of Mr. r benefit - This lad, who displays such marveUoui abilities, is a native of this conn try, and Is now but twain; I of age; and yet his performances on the piano are aw iual to those of the best players of mature years. After - CITY SUMMARY. ' ' ; ' MoHMY, Sept'8,1862. -Notwithstanding the war, and rumors qf war, the crooklnga of I the timid, the Ues of the grumblers; the malicious assaults' upon McCIeUan, and newspaper ■ capture of Washington,. Baltimore, Cincinnati, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, we. "still Uve," and move, and have our being. It would be supposed that with' »■■-» ;— _ >- all the adverse circumstances attending the recent movements; Adah Is re-arranging her repertoire. Don't forget us*, of cur army, and the attempts of traitors In our midst Wcreate I Menken's ennagement bogins on the loth inet . a psnic, our places of amusement must suffertenibly. Yet we WaUack's old theatre, we hear, is to be ocoupted by 18 hive the satisfaction of placing upon the record the fact that lost Onora Company next week, under the dlreotlon of Carl Ats week was reaBy one of tho most profitable experienced by The dramatlo entertainments announced last weel % I managers for some time. True it is, and yet how to account for Atheneum, Brooklyn,, resulted in a sort of . fizzle—iMp it we are at a loss to know. The affairs of the nation never I didn't turn in, and the actors hid to turn out looked so gloomy ss they did last week, and yet nearly all our theatres, minstrel hallo, and music halls were weU patronised. When, In the latter part of the week, it became known that Gen. ilcOleilen was again placed at the head of our grand army, tho enthusiasm of the people knew no bounds, and the week olosed with a firm reliance In the ability of the government to send tho rebels bock to tholr own treasonable capital, instead of pormltUng e/short time in this city, it 1b his intention to mike a too' Oanadas. opening in Toronto on or about tho 22d Inst The "Warrior Shepherd" is tho title of a new hletorloua to be produced for tho first time on the 18th Inst, it Ml Bowery, by Miss Adah Isaacs Menken. We are glad totsJ Fanny Denham, having left Pittsburgh for tho purpMl Seared at our New Bowory on the 6tb. in "Our GaL' r "J i certainly one of tho.gals while singing "Annie Lasnj "My Johnny wis a Shoemaker," Fanny made a big ail"] Oth Inst „ J ' The "Sea of Ice" is drawing excellent houses at the HK*L ery, Its scenlo attractions being the principal cause, aiu*. them to menace the loyal States. The elighest reference ■ to lng, together withHhe modlocre character of u>oplaylwl McCIeUan, at our theatres, and other places of publlo resort, was not praiseworthy by any means. Boniface's mannentoj ■"•'■"''■ unworthyjm actor possosslng the talent he does, and UJ|J1 characters are faulty in their rendition. Tho "Sea of Isn] strong contrast to the "Peep o'Doy Boys," whloh wu rj~ crodltnbleproduction. 8o long, however, as this sere draws as good honses ss it does, we presume thituwi played, is that Is the prlnoipal object aimed at scarcely a seat Could bo had In the lower, portion of tw* 1 Tho "Boa of Ico" and a new spectsclo aro on this weok, The dramatlo company at Darnum's Museum comnaMiH regular Boason to-day (8lh) with a now adaptation of JJ*»SJ lng French drama known as "Claude Marcel, or Tfieiwa troubles, and the gloom of - the post gives place to harbingers of I Tares." The original adaptation to the EnftUsh stage W""" - a bright future. ' ■ of five or six months at tho Surrey, in London L wherei There has been no .'strong demonstration by Mr. Wallack or • - - - • Laura Eeene as yet ' A Uttlo skirmishing' has taken place be- tween those two opposing forceo, a sort of feeUna each other's tnat estaousnmont, guiacu oy ino arauuo juu B iu="-^j position, but no decided stand.' Laura has orderod her com- Taylor, who rotalns position as monitor. Tho niece 3 at once caught ujf and applauded to the echo; and the wish expressed that the triducers of our young commander might be hung up on that "sour applo tree" alongside of Jeff. Davis. Snob company might be a Uttlo rough on Jeff., but "wo must be brief when traitors brave the field." To look in at several of our' theatres and.'halls last week, one would not have supposed that a destructive civil war was raging so close at hand, and yet the hori- zon was dark, and clouds wero loworing, butlt was that dark hour thafherslds in the'approaching day. Wlth.McClsllon at the front we see our course dear again; confidence Is restored; tho people once more look forward to a euccessf ol termination of our or Shephord & Oteswick pi oiucod it with their usudan*! so. Uborsllty. At Bornum's it Is prosontod with all the f»o"»a r's that establishment guided by tho artistic Judgment u>j| powooa, out no uwuueu buuiu. ijoum una uruuma awcon- Taylor, who rotalns position is mansgor. Tho ploce piny to meet for drUl on-the 10th; wo expected to see a notice what may proporly bo called "effootlvo situations.. BJE"JJ from Wsllnck convening M) crowd for the Uth, but as be didn't costumes, eto., havo been proparad oxprosely to P"JL| show his hand, wo presume that he fears Laura may bo only dramatlo Justice. As for the dramatlo company, thoy»n»7j making a feint to draw him out of his polish. Theso two fight overlooked in .the eoneolcss verblsge of Musoum P™"',", j - • - " " • - --• ' 1 that vory reason, we dejlght to, honor tbolr *<K^0t show his hand, wo presume that he fears Laura may bo only dramatlo Justice, as ior tne uramauo compaujr, ">»j « making a feint to draw him out of his polish. Theso two fight overlooked in .the eoneolcss verblsge of Musoum P™"',^ J shy of each other. It is said that they ore both going to run on that vory reason, we de)ight to, honor their ' n ^"°'7j,3 the'samo track, this - season:, on -the old oomeuy or lAffiHmAfu I AtiffrairAta'mfirlta.'. Amona all those "aood nooplo, They keep .tho numbers 'and ability of the! e skillful generals, they don't blab; Liura is afraid that I mo sterling jjnagmon, mo —„ v ,i~hb»5 Wallack may ohtico away some of "her'n," whllo he fears that Obtrke, oto., ss so many "agrooablo samplos to tasei J™Sj s/la moy capture some of vbls'n;" so all is quiet along the lines lh ill artieao merits by such admirable ladles os MpMJ; ^ | of Broadway. From a contraband who como into our camp a I" "•— * *— day or two ago, Wo learned that Lanra expected to opon on the 10th; bnt contrabands lie so atroolously that we oan place Uttlo or no confidence in thelr'statcmonts. A prisoner, captured near 18th street, informs us that WaUack pnrpoies making a.forward I ^novoment Homotime next week, but we bolleve this report Is I started with the objoct of fooling Laura's position. Should any- on -the old oomeSy or legitimate aggregate merits.-. Among ill those "good pooplc, - niAfl systom. They keep .tho numbers 'and ability of their people handsome Jamison, the folloitous Naale, the unoluomfl'^ qulot; Uke sklUful generals, they don't blab; Laura is afraid (fist tho sterling Bridgmon, tho' osolrlng HavUand^ the 1^ " "Clarke, oto., ss so many "agn In all ortlstio merits by such aomiratue uuies an »v?^rr j. I Prior, France, 0. Alford, Jennie Walters, DouglOB, WalDj.^J W. Carter and J. 0.'-Morrison, rooontly porrormlng Smith's MotropoUton, Buffalo, were to leave this lln In tho pockot ship of tho fitb, and wo presume uoy »" "on tho vide and hopen soa," .inthU 1 " Manager Onrr (como by tho cars, wo prosumo) w ff ■- latoly n-om Buffalo, looking for rcoruils to Join his *« thing turn up before we go to press, our roadors may rely on I thero,'whloh opens for biz. on the loth. Thomas Uis having the latest news, if, Uke the diUloS.we have-to manufac- around, oaloulatlng to make tho "BuffalolgsU come.oui\ tttreoUtileoursolvos. , - : night."' . ' ' .nffar* Speaking of WallAok's Thostro, wo might horo remark that tho Wsllaok's old stand seems to koop ' looking ouii»» Florences olosod tholr disastrous summer season; at this house Brougham to rclurb. but it is not a bright look ou H'LJt on the Oth inst In, tholr closing advertlBcmont, .tiie young ent means, for tho pu " ' J couple state that they are proud' to announce their engagement As lost week was it as "In 'every Way brilllsnUy successful" and whloh they "claim tho Walliohlan temp si the most remarkable 14 the annals of tho American kind of Florentlnefun, end blizbd out with s """ S'^llj flago." WeU, now, if this doesn't belt the. Jows. If thoy are Hlbornlah proporllone, by onhounoin'ga "surprise^ **-iM proBddt an engagement by which they have lost several thous- himself ot least a weok bo/orohand I Thu is the moi>> Inds of donors, ffie^ ore tho most "rcmirkeblo couple In tho on- "' " " '■"" ' " nols ef tho American stage.". Why, at times, the house,wasil- most ompty, and It was ploful to boo tho company performing before suoh a beggarly accouht of ompty Mnohes; Brit there Is no accounting for tastes, ,The Floronocs sre proud of suob lamentable business, and as they havo had to pay the losses, no one else should complain. We only refer to the subject to 'mako our reoord complete and reliable;.' The Florenoes claim their en- gagement as "BrJlUinUy suooMiful;" we say It wis^dlimally blmsolf <A leasts week beforehand I This U the nioit^jj 9 kind oi s "surprise" we ever heard of, end It wiw ocUUons of "Jce MUler" boyond tho middlo or noxT„jn eome paraUol In the^Yankoe girl teUtag her ™°'?% l «r* done, thon, a kissing of mo." :"I ain't s ho. "Well,bnt I know vory weU you're* goto » w ' "tton^night Sepiember ,1st, fa^JgR "Bosa Gregario, or (he Oorsloan'Vsndelts," ^.JJpJsW tbTwintu Garden for the flrst time this season, W r -of-r.-' :';,! '-'•■: -■■''; ff.'!.i.W4*!i-;?iv , A" ,(.1.1*1. ■'■; \ ,T ' v.--.'--' ■■' •»Wl»>i'fl!