New York Clipper (Sep 1862)

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VOV-i^ y ' *•■'! -^'^^'' r -tp>twlol'(^'BfW^to^M^mB'ttW. Hr Were'to undergo"* partial:'twJoIn^wK,C • JfclskBD BALLS IW MAVANAi- .. ., . ; ' , ■ OOEBEBMlfrKHOB'OP THE ilEW YO&E CLIFPZB,' i V' ''V-". :', - \-~. —" -.i'; ..'.•• '.'■ ■ ■■ ■ Half>paatten o'clock found no entering the'ireoon/' whose im- mense parquotte bclug floored'over oven with, the stage, or. I M.T<: v;».]ffl|iIilIS0HN0B'OP- ^BUCpSfctf'^IUB: ; : - • who iaf* norexperlenced in the coJrM of their ftrdine'ty onwards, some 1 besetting sin of-ambltlc^promp'^ng' then, towardsiheBublinw-,eom«: hankering ttfter aa.ocoaBloi. 40 dlsplay'tbem'selvoB In shining odloreto toelrjeaa girt M feJlownjerrfBl^', Perhaps, thert^jis beYe*/beffl:jS'te^4 TrdttjU Bdurce" of gratifying 'this'-de'slra': |n.. jpdtUpl breaflts,than the munla for theatricals; i.ant there bayf probwly beeumora- victims swriSeed aVtbe phrlne of MerprXmeue thbrj deto fever-offered rbnppeawaoy offendj' ed .fleitji of antiquity. Amongst the cjeefl QftTnToHilpiBites vero Americans, todwosraL_ . . . TbodincUg lidf aVerthrtsa andvdaptUcraB'jSHarscter.ofl . tarried to'altdal thdecoWy, and nionttt' If 1t wbtfld be tolerate' dsewhere.''The rnbafc- Is characteristic;' the' attendance' large, Ind the costumes' hetorogoncoue. I give yon;»' description ;of uTeB&'e'to'vef^ \fhleh, lt cjhorme^t; to-fartrftataL.. | 1 iSiaitfel) BALLS''IN EAYAXk.-:] K ^ :•:••)' J*K W M~ VoUntee wltliotit'trutnoor js-.-" :"0 if,? i'iT orhBbJbgthWngh'eadrietferft, ■' r. I Spliehlng mrfd anA soraptngNWiieels • ,;■ v t I 'OiilneFeterVthlBg they meet; •• TOiito mendrpBoeditHo niggers, V? "m'v . 'Women large and .MnaH.T,,:...':.. v\ j.' • r llnarilugtownrdatoe'^toii.- .'.I... i: • !: <And£Kwriza>'a"QalL q , j -n. I'.. ... .. ■ •: ' 'n.. •„ . .., . "WomenVlthorltitunber'' :< '> 'lOf-every tongne and age, - flood and bad, Tfellwand Joor,;-' "Meet on the T$con'i stage. ' ■ Hen of ovcry-'style and size, i'^iol-.: -Without a tbongbt of pride,- Dab and low, Mond^or roe,' 0 Are danolng.slde by aide. Iti r;v< 1 nTherp.'e anaDgrl, gotup. i ,.\ ii iWthqpt regard to cost,j ; n. t BqreJy.s.9jne poor devll^ o t r r. i ' net has lost) o t. !'I0IWI ahe Isa VmpdtstoA' o i; ii ifpr.CMban.nnes ore kind, u ; ; And go / unadorned r - ii i^Vheno'er they feel inolincd. u 1 1 : . . II li ■) . 1 U' .'IT.... ... . . iO»efl(«hj-ll(Ue angel,- >>, <s ■ - As through the umce:slie.lxmsoafl; Bcgardlcsa of all tono and.Ume/^ ■ ,'$sgardlessx)f~ber:flaanOos; - v.-. ^See, the giddy fteahire..: .,< > . Hasglypi»rtaniai:tUrt, And aomothlng very human . -;■ Is Been beneath her aUrt, . •iviUv. n>.-iv?.;. '. ph.;'J ;Vil; ..• : 1: : VAnd treading dn their feet— ". ' v : -.Wffljw.flwupjuio WBii.;vr.TC'. r :::..i And lis .very plain to soe, . •,. In the future are hi*Uop%s ' ' , ) .■ .Tqiwlna'legaoyii^e||I'Sce):c: X » .'i f.j'- • '-.>'1Jt n: • '.•?«.!-.: *< i,The frtlow,ln:»red,ahlrt,- ;i ■ ,:;..: .< . - Qultox, and allof that,, ■) . :. .;•, „ „■ Bittingby.the.falryV..n , .. , ,Wlth (i-plumo-within her hat, .. , i.iWnks he looks. the.bandit :i. . ,..At««orykUUngrate,;- :■ ■ ■■ ■ffhO.'d.thinkhoFasApedUr! ■ .: - From, old eNew JerteyfltattJ. • • VII.: On ci hVr, De'artn steaUng round: IJi* mereebary mant i BtUrpracUslnfe hls'buemons'' To take In all ho can— - - ^hoiritarla yery tight. .1 ' i.:•!!•/x ■■ - i. .!&-., IA l:;li.'l.- | ,' •: i •/•>.! ii':.' ••• ell V' .!■>!(.: • •(.;•' -•■ioj]ii! .:.:.('.i or .>•■ ••.'.ill :.-iJi.\i -i • 'i» ; ■ yondergooB on ancientkfiJght,.,,.,,| :i. . ^yerytoUimd^ln,, ^; : ; : !:;,- :.••'..>:: ■»■'■ ^W^fAW.looVbw.ftlimer.. ; Bhoud plthoriglTf up bnd segora^,' ,i... ;:<>» ifs^if 'dto«»^;,....^.ji! •x >■.■[.;.•■ i-.::'.n .i.'. ■■: i-i.l ii.i: :i Ihejookoy drtased lnired tlghla ■ •la making lovcPlafonlo, ••:'.'().■..:•;■• •Eegardlcus of;embroldoxed coat - •> '« I. AndooUoxno Byronlo.■: ■■ <..'.) <Vselmg.Uko a'Peacock; ■■; a • <<■•■:■ ii Ptebioaiato'ernUodwlthprlde,- - 1-- Be^thlnka-he's lust about' the thing • For Kitty, by blselde.. < ^ ■" v •.: :>l,-.i...; ' Vi ■■ ! 1 . ' .'•!//(;: •••••Jill'.. 'i''"> frKe.orb'^keepj'nro'Wbig'tn) 'r'^AndHeATonf priht o'dln I .i.v-J v.:i Of'tnffiio'.iifia'baiSn)' ..Jtlookstb'DrVellke'maglc ,' n, „ ,w ,,,,C' .Ifci'aab&'lA'abdb a. muss. i in', q ^^Wobld'niUrb a fts? marf* \- I'll -yi'.l nio.-.'j .'-n I 1*1 "T'/'l-l i >/.'.. Hi . '•! :'.:»il:A-iJ ■.<■...:•: |; 0 . . : . '.':■• • i;'^;i«i-ii.'n..-ii ,:■>..v.,i: . • !.• : ' 1- )twt,A\ WpApapk; the-ehajlp pi him who,,«ald—•,. j. .i:,. ,. W .JT;./W.TOe,TOrM^but>atiT«; l ;.,pi,>- |: w "0,^l- ,, ( l!rttoe^opnc^.tr^a...' .•..>■-.( ,n. ..i ?• *H(«!jSfW«WftWM ' :■ !l .' I>: ^i.i^^*aplfean.m»y see, , ■,, : in <. ,i .- ""tt'a stage, : the world» • .■ii(i ■ -MiT "1 I • i; ' lldirtte^ Ji" 1 ! 4 eWrolSb-.' tldtoK "is, Wf *tliV : ■5Hal%u fn r e meul,.h the .beatindolganoo ofHbe '.J^™ r l L ea i ri " oed by:a w«)glit«t .the obest ir<M ImiSl ■^LS?*?? n ' of '(MA,. TheNo/bbM^tlofyl Bhp'ly , e^oe- , WTO»tt<(, the pHMoBBlon that they oatf uaeHfielr menSl •or bodily powara In age as in youth. . , 4 my. AraoDgat the claes of npforlrlnat \vhoVhhYo '•M'tW..ctt'p, of Hope d^hVd'tioip JbelF.MjB m)ii\t.cTWews^)f;; .J^^^^ e"OA goDlnfl. Itselfi/oan always csoapejthe ornelbaiid o Patjf. :'«traclfi at an early age; with the'm'anaeb^of-tb' dr^^^'draj^^deeply of the spirit of the/gre'a^ba^dj qni j'ObB;,e'veryftOlipbrtunlty of gratlfjlng. my t^flfe: forjth pianos.of tho stage; bdc|,'Bb I.adv&need? in ^.aate,iao- dli my.akmiiatioh "growwith-my grOwUi,-and atrengthci Wth'm'Jf;Btrengtb''» till at length'I fortted an Idea or' ber vdm\%a;6'9,hm6teM hlBtrloDio.f4nje.f' ■, y • I .'. I had.wita^Mditbe efforts bf,.the,.gre«t'M.torB()f-:thi day as. they took their tour ot the'oountry; I bad seei TbiiDfe'fl ZmpL 'itf i i^\i)&4rfhk : frt&'-&,M ier ■WM.|i'Mte«iaJjy. yirgfpIna/e^;,,W41l^hiV M\, 'm eHowed with his patriotism arid bla energy {:. and: lastlyj Ahad-.eeen -the-jglorlouB .'JC«oir%,>Biobardr.and Othello;, .whilst my heart'throbbed and 1 '* ' " * " " ifdJto^B'blB'Mre'fci'""' my'.bewildercd'« nights' I..passed, -.after.'.witnwalnf;' tbelr - pecformance'e; in lamlQRtlbg how muoh I should like to Imitate"tUerJ. Olten id my dreams'lfre "ploadlt'e I' bad; heard beatoweij on those ^eat tragedian^ ,the,'f|>itterJng.upptioa to. mj:mb?. .thatf might,beoomb one of them.- I was not long iin fdrmlog tbe-resolnrioDB; tomake an'attempt, and'thongh manydlrBcBftles lay in, tW,iri7,,"jM my '^^t:1ina(^°)>»i'..foiufd^4g^aiViB:- : U> •OTWeomttbtnitlL'.. „ t - ' -. -.:. |. rWas at thlB time ai> humble BDprehtloe,in the city o|f 'PbiladelDhla.'whiph had alteady'^derj-'eo'!n^BTjjr .oriia-. 'menta to, the: American's^ billtiy/ 'Siboat"to" produce another..-: 'I broached my thotiBhli' to tf fenow iipprtntlce, who, I knew, hada taste for flieit-, nca]4; ind;hje'at once, entered With ardor int-9 my aotiefes.: Qtheljo wasi the play seleoted for the'obcaBlon of.oEriflwit .essay,' as haing- the most dlffloult perhspB, in.the wbolje : drjimay bnt one inoet baloolated for the dtspliij iff '.tajcht. It lB'a'Bibjra begin^Den/chboie; thic moat ptomjnent ohara'otete'to oommenoewidi^dependinjir apon their own powers with too'muoh confldenos; bat in mjr'piise this *as pardonable, lor the'reader, mnet do 1 me the^'redlt^^'tp.Delfeyo thatjl.posaewed hinate.talent.ot mr ordlriary.idesorlpiion. . I felt-an inBplration'nrgln^ m'e; oawarde.'and I.abeyed'iw enrnmbbB. . 1,'df,'Was tb -Abildt::°^jm^'lI6or4' Baj»d';ni7''11rreiit|''W"' •r^ :, '^'to"ipla.y' jag6/bwao4e, ae,,i .told hfin. be looked /the-Villain ao .welL-uThia oomplinseit was tikvnin 'g'ood part, end he i-i.»4.«.«>i., -We.ab'on fopind'atplrlng ypong gentiemento y : 0tiB^terB,. J ond .'ikriB^^obta fibre made'tb eon«eb . r .^^ : ptlM«jMwl»-<'fiiR -6ne : nl«h.t»! 'ambition In' >'fair. way Of 1 being'" ~ t«r to ,the fbbttighfts'hMa,'< /es, looklng : 'j)lejfclMtT tpe awlal fblin it Mfimiwm k Sis^WeBinoWd' ual Id whom' I yeo%Hze4'tn$W atboa c6rapletely'! |etrlfledi- : like : Mtobe'tti?WSerI he en bonotered ttie*^laring>gei4 of the'm'uraer'ea' Ba'^do, with eyee tlxed ott tne ejbpalling flbedtac'le. - Bt looked Vacadt- ly on me,"whom- hewdghtj wltbont recognieldg; the well known ieatoree nndBrihelr sable hbe,/ -Tdared not speaK, tor he wodld have knowTt my ivoloe, and >! stbod -fixed., whilst thooghtB'shoflike Jightnlng through my Bdronlssd brain, ofthn riifoppolnted hopea/acd blighted ambition'-' "Othello's ocoopation'sigoneyJiiwithoutrspeakiog e; woid .Tbe ; .aadlopoe, .aUa.takin£.m.f i'at.tUude^e.0. 'Unlikbiwhat they bad Been ip,.any former A'bsllo) fpt a sodden iaepf- rwion of genlqB,.an4-fli new |dea of th.e par't, ; pee)»a,.-rn| witi.^rMnd.Vpf ,apwa^ ecai>t'ei;ed awns.; Bqd.'my!flrBt pffp'r( flMto^fa* x $V\ iade.movement,.nvirohlng>Blo;wI^ .fii'ike, who; together with <|ie' ^epajtbn .%id>'tbo 'au^tjiM. wereipuzzled'S'tbW po'vel d^ wero'ata-loBs'wneth'er' to' cobijinet jt aVimbrqveirjeBt'ob. Itot'-BaVttiS'tt^J.'i^ -sb^p d'lB , peUetf;whb& J I u wIilf • fcef ed In the ; ear of ihb^jfeVel^^BW^ffldide^tti > oanatfbf my %irp>Ii>V>r'' VHk Votefllite^aiagTB 1 : the Hob i' took up -"thbj blbbdjr 'btfdK of "laW^'nBdef hlB'arrli; ab I walked 'oft•nhrf etbge at a ; very bbfltgnlfle'd pace',-aa'd'th !■ othBrg followed' :Wb j 'esample.^ 'th& eseohtiveV'Beelbji l stir, i^pped -nporrthe/Btage,' fill lowed "byihe andlenb! andnfy ornel.'nittster; hrmdlyaemandingibis Tapprentioi A fcane of: dreadfol oonfosi'oi^enBntfl/ the ;astors aeebln : canity ln ; fjightv. rHui ; was. Boderigot bnallyi employe I' rubbipgvtie paint-.ofFbia faoe', /there.iCas;fb..dodgljjg. tb: ••man of-iOffloe'*.'rogpdy'the,iwipga-; :Qerdemonn.' in-. by,a t^.iMj;Bml).la,w*iging( her,-bandai, : and,,^WadB«flf,(iW P?«». >taWng..shelter, under, th^.^ea^v ,;jagp /l waB 1 .}he f .fir-'' to. make, bis .cecapft, aj|d fl.e.w.,u,p the,t>rjet. / b^tly, T pnr/'ue{ by.h»lr»a-dcjzsn. iiwecpa, «hftijliug. aftp^Bo.noVjl a jSgmA jtlftKe goj fafely t.o a.publip 1ij>ip^iil^fej$fab$'jh beputjiujo't.|i^.cgal-ce.lj::r. * '' " -ana more ,«nsfBO(lon : . ,tp all bono>rned^ U ifbrventrwfrh that in timet ;t{iara will-be *bll'egeB.Vfjoi IgtoOBMcbnd atblello'BpoVta'ewiy'where, bo. thafirjot : Jbnth Vh.o' may -not : haVo wppbrtninflfBt rjf oarTylng'dut' M»»»r »horpnghiy,.^8y;it:i J ea8t (iav^>;cnWp#ef amying-af; Bpme. poiq't of co^fTbn; It.^Ven remo|!lr : ^Qm perWcttorw On an inqulry-z-betng mBdei mMTlw^ fy$AWf? MM ' c > f ' 6 '>u) wb*t *rttie;he-WBfitBii4be:*ns«er Ihv^iaWy'bt'.ihat he+eqTilreb^rmtffoTBts fraJMflg, whii;h ,will »ary. Xipm,*,.month to tftiMMtik; vOtAa Boms .inata,noeB to.mof.e.-r.tbuB.prt^ hM;BborreOTe^;the*phereMia^^ exertlof/B. hii* ha'a had' the ■ berffeCt 1 of'prevlooe turlnlngs, 'rr/aat agairt bndergA' tr/i pleterayBiemtof mafl.':to,laP^^ prjsparatibnliflijw.ell'.i a , ^ r __ , rallyr devsjopejila. ^imlt^^'^Tpe nJm.op- in'-Ja.'ft'*vordB; training bVa comp' diet and. exercise, duly carried -out 'and-BtremtraBljrMid- fy> ''T^^^ythe'UtWne nbdetgono byitlriJtorth AmtteatiJtiiUhY, a* welfflTnoBf.'of the teVaire^rlb* I W»weUflPll.)(aHB<lJfy4b#, WPW<A, UBtlUtleiilfi.'fcnni- ing into coBtactwlthiiBuiopeuiiH and paxtaktqK'pt'Stoir vice*-, they. bc^ina«i«r.vated'. , nnd«t oCtheto«re- vlone attrlbntce,. and in oonsciiuencij ■ of: their, exosejes, f>otn '4 ttatirArdf.TWacrlonii thiay-became. a .byewocdraxid ^gAiif.BflAA.3 1«A\ H a ..^ ll^U^Uitl i/.VU.L.rliyn . : r n v 4 * : «tfed be pnU.ujp tjifii coBMRljar. .I,,waa p'repwog. to. foll.o .m bxampl^, when I .was ar^ the executive, who wflijldl pot^et'Bb.iemarKabTr"""''"" 14 an6*er, and 'keeping- '■ip.the 'dlgblty 'bt my'character, ,1 retlled. in a theatrical' tbne, '"i am th'ut apprebtic^.V "AVhut P ,! eaid he; ttith nn irio'redulotiB l6ok, l,? yon''my bn- prtnlicel Bleea my bouI, the boy 1b bo altefeoT^lMlHaj) roUr'fiealtrf «"W tW^ training at pi ■m,*thWx.... .. - advance, or that the same methodi..eonld;nj)aer,^ny.j4r- icmmslanBeArbaTa&Mettfttli'^ a BpHnt would CDeni'e' Silbb'eBsib-a'Bevewitroggby.ofitBJi -Hodr^s''drfrBtto^<WonM.4B-%q«nlly'-/prepoBi^ "elesrtbe ground-work of the routine orfete*: frbfrf^^Ifie irtvde'rlvetl^rffn'r'o^'rJlft aleVBnd'Bleady^exerblBe; cloafc aod oonvey'ed home to : be cleansed from my.Bi Bumcd complexion'; .for this.purpose I tvafl snbjeoted to the ordeal of tbe pump^and .as the cool, itream descend- ed in tprrents on my. devoted beai/jcaahing offi.-lfce bor- rowed jehades'from SDd;my,Jhear.t.. ^pkliigsvltliin jmy. and.-. *hat' -itviglU.aiia- vivid, of; inspiration, whlqb ■had-: bnt j.aat:^fqi]B burnt-wlth anon..ip^nse energy,, was ppw t fliokerjpg : witb ■one nl«h.t*.:.iNQK. JWBdnv, l^^,m^^>:^?i Wddy 1 Ba'yf part;;«rlth"tathttjl! T „. ji#til^,^Btor^%o^.i«>l|ed On tbe eea- eh'pre dprlnp the' comrnpHon of the elements, In-order to strengthen it' voice weak by nature: and- thodgh I'bad'nd beach to perarnbnlatb. yet was ! wont'to seek the ; '(bl|t'ary mead's' of an,,evening,, visiting, eBpeolally,. the vlqinity :of a qnarry. ,6ri the neighboring h|lb), ; where I oould give anoont'rolied vent, to my pawlons, and exercise my lungs to their futl .extent. - Here did I: often, remain ill) nlght- 'Mt'iaaUiig.'the Ifnde caves'wit^see of my^pB'Bidbned ^tjpuriigB,^ wnlph .ephoed' book' the divine wordB of'the poet'in.aooeutB wild^--Blood,'blood; lagtf'—"Dawn her, Ie1»a:mmy , -|4''Whip 'me, ye'devllfl. from, the'pps-feBefou. of tWrh'eaveiily Bight," - tbbB'' ,, makirig"nigli't' bldepu'a, and .those fools.of. nature'! (to wit, the -owjIb,-, bate, and..other lhbab^t^e'bfi 'tbose'hitherto undia^nrbed': letreate)'"sb horrlbly :to shakP with thoughts-biyond the' reftoh df •ft'elr;tonlB;»-' - : '"<•••' ••'•:. '•' : " : ' ; ^'" ;1 1 fMUm^m'-^s. «o: wg wttb: fate, anivE::^*; Mfeot.Mi'the letter with my part, and: ifUU: of .hope.' Ill-, aeid.'my p'ert'ormanceaot therbhearea)lB ; fv,'erep'^ ;tb; be'flrairrate,'^ly ebonld uhdbubt.edly. make- 'Mjr &eV'wai,-.'60n'Bldubg' all. ,thli)gB,, tolerably, good, );In, enthnBla?in<.tI- -had Beljedi a-jatgnttgown of:my mother's, -and quickly dH- prlved'it of the frjlls, and other; UBelesfl appttida'ges, in ^ln'd i Wg.^;A'e)e^eo.';ihad'c^ with' Bppflgjea;' and g-l\tt^rIng^PB'¥epta,.thuB'oonve'rtlb,g:S,t Into Biniexcelient tanldi A'ipatr fit' old black pantaloons, with tbe<lege tini r off,'Bbd1)ladk'Woret^d Bt'ookiogs «u«Bt|'tuted.,riiBjJ<f tatnOu* leggings, wlm'whiph. '.tbgetHer with a ' splendid mknt'li,. lrfwa''w ;!LiV i '.\ ; ; ht4" dressed IagO,.beaatifully.. -Aoling ppnitbe btnt 1 gave him. that be looked Jlke/ a villal^ ,e tuui madeihlmaelf a complete bandit; with long sbag gy hair half waydown- his 'baok; hto fabe- oovered'wltb palnVof.'varloua'bdlore. and a long oavalry yi^ordi'tbat VpWd^lrve'blM^Bllip^J^mlteft ^'g^ l '-:h'si,d';,p^eBBed: in ,a ptyle fqually unique, s.ftje' iDgentle Detdemona" looked obarmlng In a rfarb of Virgin white'.'Brid Btbt'lB plnnip arid ioliyi '"■Wjw*K« r " ^,i^^t§w» , pM^oi^; ; th»;b:' ^ • i burnt cor] iny . ^urcBogradrially lost their original color, so did my oolerinoreasejtlllwhenitho operauon f WaS:flnlBbed arid I;16bked.hB'^laok' aa a; ooal^l felitH'M $wu. n'6 l longBr ^elf; b,a^'tA$; Ubor, and .eit' that moment J. ooold' .^enaot wonders;: Alas I hpw little did I »xpeqt the disappoint-; nMpte.thlfiawalted'-nie; little did I dream that there wi an ooemy io' the bbmp in the Bhape of an' envious fellcty At'.iast 'the. oiirtaln 'rose,.' and - tht» play commem What deliolons moments.'as I waited wllh ImpatleriCie fpr my tu^nV nnd' ,l I, heardv.tjje, applause, bealtow^d: on^iliOje whq^repedp^ibi.o t I had arranged that I should.- make my first Bppearanoe.Id :the :8onato soene, as being mo^p effeotlye;; i and on 1 marohed, Jull of oonflden(re. .maklrJg' my dbelBBOdA to the Senators'; and 1 eV good-lboktiig-B6t tHB'y v>ote, , ",It IB trte.'. v .they , .p;«fle'nM..^rath«.,;eV,,.mb'^ apppariando, being envalopBd In . oldaks of. different oats and: colors, Bdme I with ■ dog-Bkln oollars, otbere with double oapcBt - here .one with .the 'ihort; SpibiBb, there ao'6fjp,r''ifflth 1 r/:fad^:oa'mlet; wbllBt''pne'.6r two.'appeprtfd \u .drab'greavodatB |. : b'ui It must ,bei rememberod tb " they Wore oalled np,bn panlonler'bnBloBBB ln thVrd|" AflA of SbpriB-.'put 6n\tho ; flrBt thing that came to'hai. ., '.od'l^eri ( ' > tbe,'Di^Me.lpokea excellent, bavlpg bdrrowed-'a'. ^Ingi-Biohard'aidreBB:^ And now, hsorlogj my'pue; 1 boldly''8tepnod : fbrward' ib' OommBpodr '•Moet poteht; : ^A^jldWerfiritf.Selj^ ~what a (Jght presented Uss|f to my aslonlahed gaeel eld my hopes of fomb ; abd 'f«rtu'ne' : at "ode fell' swoop';}', who thda- dpnbtlets/deprived' the m'gp''qf'ooe°or ltt ^ bne"bf'lit brlgMe^f ornameb^Biid tr^e hnmdrtaVdram'a^df gbrik^- lpWfef'of - doe'" df' Ite : ibosi-' jpowe'rVul '-repreBentativefc 'ra/caJ'bBl(W'*'DT*tfg«'trfd:wbH 1'^' 'MaM'bWtroWt<tf.. tne rafhor ileriVe hirb to time:, Bnd^fhe'o'om'pnn'MloSjB' vlfitinge-ofoobFOienoe, and'endeavor;td'-oondble< myself with the:idea tljat perhaps I might- have mistaken-rny' powers, and thuB.have been k saved Irom the oonsequenceS of* mMplaoed oonfldenae. y. . : •.. ; : 'V ^ ; ;T ; B ; ArifIir(J); : ';- ; 'V:' ; ;' 1 ; '■•' HO'Wv'' ) WTaBirlf,' •AND :; WtlA4f ''tio''"66i ' r-r ■ > nv- nwtwT.Bn wiwftrAT.r-"' - , Tbe.want o£ o stogle:woit«ponitralDibg--havIng!bee^ long felt/by: the muliltude.wbo domot contend for, gal A, ajiddb^refofp.are nqt'ln a ppaltlnn^Orseourathe secvlosi of a paid trainer, has induced us to publish the present woik, .4wblph- pnly treajta,upon;the most.elmple.forms ft preparation upon an'v of •»?&8wipV' lowed;>out tb' iiy/iriftOL r *Mnmgr.tettoo|ttfJce8»;of :g^kg tbAmaa;Kho.hB.B'to UJ , - .... ...... ..... i oontend iil:^yritieaoBlrtau'/jH>^^ no^bow jiim ;■ bttt-oomp. Lwlllvput a atop <o aeedings ict the •futareI'.*a5 -now enveloped Id.}; boaltb, which Is' shown S»BSb, activity, wlnd^anjJ.pBWfirjif^Bopport, continued exertion at IhMop.of iis speed. And .,tp Mlv dktelpn Jfctottttfh wnlcKl8*tt"e" cb¥r«t^deeli^a'fBn - oflhe moW qflaflfles .combined, that enables the peflestrjan to persevere in ''desrjrio/.oi^ vtob8 : Btteb¥on-t'o : ite ,, admb^ Mb traiher;: i woifld by iXi iama 'tftfo'liWo 'tleei!? nMljr prbstfiW.''^A-teT? wo^'addre'e^erT 1 tb ffie ; traiflet''wlll tootftd TJrit'dfJTflaje, iO'mubh:depBBdlDg ! n6on -blB-ifay-of' treating->bto>au lbdebefldent-:of , ''blB daily-fontlne; mam .whoJigops idto^trtlnlbg ^alckly l8 aike:>a' nnbrokeir:ooolt) n'jThe temper; of-tbo - ped'^nght'to be'Stndled. as xarefdlly>«B that of 'the'qoadrnped, Bo>thot Warmind caotibe nftte- 1 fully preparea for hi9,'BTduorn eltua,tloni .witch:Is.flte of.abetinenoe,'Bnd In some. nlwaji tliafl lb''' i'i»»»«iiw e'i'il fninmuillli itltft J.tJlUllOf .thd-^h^ittant jvrh'0; m tbeea-oosee, *b9ul'd b^^cfltrragjid' hp.ByBleDvpreBorib'ed.- '''.Efei^rlbiaiBmY upqii thajbdnidn-frflme/.ts .of.'.mp's.t r vital, impdrtanoe keeping tho required equable balance whiob tshbuld'exlet, iu- every 'cdn'stttdtlob,' 1 wh'etber.'robust 0/OtberwlBe;^ k. to the pedestrian, whc(.he^^^ma^nr.djr pnifeaslonal. h*~' longibjee'ntsgulre^ as duilng their i^«> T yj^.(n^^'a.(Oifl''dr foiiiijijB; n$o*, WM.Aer./or,e fo^C race i|d' ; aby of'.ljB b'r^arjbis)|^'6V < arj | eno,c>u'iiter In!t^,_--_ or for a trlftl df'eklll lnlTbont'rafie; hab ubdergdhfl.a pom plete'rdvdintidn.' Arid'lbat tl\e db^dtfebBB rjp'en for'Wff.^ be'ttirV tbff : 'faBttrtlme;-whl^ ltf dll branches Of ; tbe ra'anly ppd'rtb-in which tifflMB a1n|y 'briterlonj-ltr toe 'p'oBillv'ff 'Wootr O'dod trainltig 'is as 1 'rcqblslte to ahy 'nfan^bb WlsKeB td'^Xcel'Wit Is'td'tbje thorougH-bW *lr«idHig for-viotbry-ln 'the ! national dor)- :test'fbr the Blue'Ribbon'of the taU, In"Whtoh>rape'every competitorhaaibbd tbe advantage-of Jiavlng^eeo dnder tbe BupcvvelUandoof.themoBt valued trainers in England, ,^pd, oup6equtin% qf. the^wiole- wprld,.. A- »au,.n>?hy flnd.obeBe,.Jnlght.a8 compete with 8,mU- tt;ained inan as the. pnlmaT who.^aa.beep.fed. for.a jrido : flhdW again to e'hter th6 . llat^ltb^td.lita^^pdllebe^aAd. w T M-tiaid'ed'd;dri|einpr^ .coax wifr requlBlte".Kfl heatih,- strerigth,. rjj'uhi, _ .. bone, and til other qdallBi.atlqnii;'b | ri'.;It Un l rali|'ed'i the^a qnallBcdtlbliB'are' of no veluf'i bb lii'.eve^y )netin'oe a dfon f or'lr^;'.wen'iraIii«l,'of mAibfrtoltabr po^er^MitJlii|»ye" baderthe olroumelKbfleB'prov'erl'the' vlStbr. Good con- dition, whloh Is the term Oatf'by'HraitierB'tO Ibdldate the. perfeot state-of pbyeloal power to Which the athlete baa arrived,- Ib : one of. tliq greatest safegaards to bis health; aa in many inst^npeB geyf r.ft.and lpng-opntinued exertion ,wbdn nnprnpaTedhaa^]had ; Bn r .lpjprlpuBand qontlpuqUB effept.dn'thq oons'tituMdn, end, in Rome.fewjeolaled 6a««> pWooed'tln^tt-wM^P'-^*^' Tbereiew.wor^sote jiot. .qlpup iutended. for tn.e'rAau'Vhp. hae to^compoto. at w,e)l wt his lirulner,;but. a]BO'fby.','tbe 'fijei 61' hTs backey .<rf baokeril/to whom'the 'sudcefs or' defeh't.of their mm |b tbb'adfaroB of !.1om tie' febl#'a«d" aU'well. to'^tlje. grepief portion of mankind, who. go. through, the regular routine mueple .w^iph..bas pajiefd _8omapOefijr^ Mttj pUsb.aln^dat' appajrentlmpoBalbtlhie's. ."Sncj^ wdftbi ahuyidreq who'hayeno jy.rtgmentin Iperggbjeil . of .the .woik whioti a man jrpay.takb wilhqntin.BTby 1 'wfey 'taaklp| 'fiiip. .usloas'. to .'iflfojn Madnt^;' dr .to wrn Bbl- Idn;: Let the trajner 'Veit' In : 'mind' and 1 always' remein- ber. that a' flt df temper'^B as li:}n'rlo'u's to tM man-In fraining as any'dther' exceebj' 'and In many'lnstances fi : onr ^.np^MBed'-'^n'ronDdrd' ; o'a'ugB"of : fcflfflplRlnt;o a dbbtintfed oivil war hbs arlBe'ri-ln the'-cabirfet', -'which tkBV-ne^''Oeen'^inn«bT pcrliapt; WBH> thb'dlB>eiiBfdn"]ias-. : had 4 very serioOB'effeorAin 'dentroylng=thtt'peaesttten's oonfldenbeMh bib tralDer'B-capabnitleB'and ,Wabtof Jteffl- perv'Bs Trail w throwing, bnoteibe: trained 'JSaBcnibttania-' terially ln;btf'advancd towardaoOndltlort^ •..NpwjrIliplBBB,: he^Bionld^'Jrmrltt'blsrrflannorrintelllglbleln^^xri nations,. and.byjjjoimeaos ; iblgotcd:lii iiB.f»vor|Ue,,npi{qnB iretpcollng:tbtt'DMi of-.apyopvtioplap^modlfllnp.or^fnoB* trma".whioh'he may think. flajbbe.-eqniMte^.to tba wel- (ftWfto/ibteman, -(SIbe.tralper;j <}f^^opur.B^iB,knqpn,orjnp-'.' BW^^ bftofi l^rllpgjntegrttypqud.'.qp, mp^j^fif ,ReW. n ^-.4.«P^8.. the.moiie^ ^Is ( backftrB,. J .;We.arfl sorry, to.nwe tq mfin^OA ^bat.moli a rnan ; Is^ r^tjplBite'aB a gainer; lput cqneld'ec "fy ^neceiisQry tvBfr,teoeJy'ed.'.on entqilng, and .slowly raising, my w tralrllfltf os' tbb pt'bfcs.Mddbl^hn'.^at 'to 'VtffbttVoW ead to lake a glanob,at.the:brIUIant and urowded audi- BrduouB"taBlffagblnBt'*imP'brV^rtt'Mtag'o'n|tx,'wd rf dq enod, when—"Augele and ministers of grace defend us 1" - - ■•- ' '"* • " - "dfdte'd. i ptyjpesB^ not ask or expect—bis occupation would not allow the entn& "time—bnt-we^do adVanoe the aMertlon that .be of no' BvaH. HrtvibP'arrtv'fa' tbue furj'we' have'eJid'wn tb'at' , tbe' J offloe''bf 'a'^ trnlner is'ind bed l oti'dee8i ! W rrraet be t yiallant night and : day', never'lcttV*'his -mtiflrtfld, Kb fjk. rofpto etated,' be:mnB't qd't adddt'drfig-^dbis pfeaoh- ng„.apd. op 'aa-nbaUnilduB,',dV;..h'e^ ' whom ltr is -hts.duty 'to: enooufago ini.Imprdveme'nt^to'.. ch'eeY : wben 'deHpondent,' and to ohooklf'there Is <at>any r tlf b^mpt'oinh^f^. b'feSkout'lrpWtb'c bJpB.ltf|dddWS— :' hut at p)l,-ilmes:be.mrjBt,'by' anecddtol^d.v^Bfn'the'^ oibls'mah amused; sothati he mayvnpt'.-broododver ithe ' prtvB'lIdnB'fie' H Tibdergdlog:-' -LSt'tbe' Iraifief femflmber • tb'at.cUa^'fnvBsl^ a«d'B|rio'lly.:tor^mbmbeir..'thnt it|ie^b'':eMiOfi^jip)bvri V bin mania any eeoHoa If only dbeprmmibrf'iaiobBervied, \ MWeyB beering in r^ihfl'that lt'lh'apfeve'rittf«Vd l, lbB"rtad- • of B' ptovooative'td oblda^daffirrlis; , Bba i '\M» , IOrJg''lIet of V< ill»'kttei)dant'tltl6d 'B'sildden^hllll 11 THe^diratlbri'ofJtte \ bttb is, of oonree,-to- be lhnttedr-end-B-brlsk rubbing with' N coarse Iken olotlrsnoiil.the enrfBPe lB;ln p>(glow.!Will WByB.bBvJonnd .quflcle^ danger. ..Of, ootiree, : tba,*inqw},ti,of,.pbxaip will df.pepdjipoji.blB.opnsHtijtJon.B) wfiljisjae Iqwncw.of hlflneryonB Byste.m„Jn, Bonje.caBea %re ng no,ocoas|on to admlnlate^a puruatWp. But theB'e'are. is times whob tie.tkTlXpUrie.&ci^ Bifiqn, npd.if he kopwe hlp business, he„wjll in these In- atanoes glvq'his man stlbn'atlBg, and geriertttfi'dlo't until he , l8ld l a'f|t'Btatd"t6 u'uaer&^bo'neJo^sa^trTvalilM' WM jaWjH:¥'fli'attto' i '{6Ve' cftjle'd ; up'wf to wdrk f to geHtito'condMoh;. 'Ifi nainbtAn'fie iB'td'td'-allowhlsrlllin to aweat the daya qu whip 1 ! hpjios.tahen a purgaifv^oB In many InBtances men faavq been- thrown back in,jhelr tVdpB^tl'qHj^r'.e^l'f^ ThV'pcet tert When''Blr thb' ,: fliVperBrithjB' flesh' 1 'Has'been. ' 'traWcd 'dff by' Wfiatlhg;'''with lofit ; Walks 1 dr'-'rbnB/as ine'bbkdrlwyfetletak'^lroffi^ ■ 'V. liess of the BjkJai Jjilflh..ip.. tt„oirtHin.6HtrtrfOdf s8-w^ll. as being of a proper lejiniiewT Before" We 4f&rlbCL aotlj- oTimmont tipdn Ae.p|^4St''By'pt«m : of p're>fpWD;,^d will.,,. • s gtt(ra'Wo»h'oullInrJ;i)f ^be Wd.- nWdMn •mOiit'eat|B9lBr «arded.ralesl.vJbJoJ[js^jeb^ ns odf*w*P>..,'rivmoi • - - sbeete ln'^onSeonenoe of thesoarolty ot Frlnters, a greut maqy ^,%nom have volnntdered for,thbwar. ■> '■>>.,