New York Clipper (Sep 1862)

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\ II H0HB8, Cl D. fuwjjm, ■ ••.•>• mvo m kA. GONNBB8, . O. W.OB^HIIES, J. W.'HTLTOl . FECI. <K TROWIUUDOET *^/->rewak*«aWto «C«h> MOKDA.i;EVTOflW?ADall*aii: X'.-.^i-.- - insistof .the -lollowlng■ Gen tlemen i - - . -<iiui. lMBpii/>Al/in i ■fjti'MgXBfftfBUi'im -J o'/ fiT«I .uiv j ■■."■■.i-»MxMrmi«i- '''-:''( - A|:lOrtl lo JplMjmN|'i''f '.v.-t*lj ..X-, ill lllUlo •)!» lTO^ft Mi« tlli;'J tn'iprtXi L.p(r;i>a no B.' ItolDraiCHB/ 'r^ifta/ril • ■■ J i.rtanT.«,T*niyii^agoyT| **--=s t Ra»ili:.«B! if ■!! .1.: u; .-oil v.'.' V ■ -If; , .■>■.<■ ».-',r;->mv. i ittui Kt^V^JBfcJL .BBOCKWAT,: wh.: Wit BPATTLDfiW, |^;JjB%liri*«#^a^ lt#cfin«l! £te i.-: I "JOB MAIBB, j^anagi t Mawiittei 's i'"' ''7'; CON MTJBFHY, f..-.^- ,i Jtfj ..... JMHtfECOi'ftO'^feffi&OBuJ;''-*^ )>fl»lflftHIf:gOBr,-Oi-j ;^omfiBA^ABNOIJ),#:. , >lV ii.'; *JC ff *»W&7itisjMf -Bia^jWillteOlJl'AaiV^piKTIB^..- -.;-.m; .--IBM -'iiTOit tyxft U'JSAi'-iJjCM^ >WW)w^«j« to jiV !•(«! Shwrttenns,' 1 Oommmiloatione froni tb»Jiofatidon $koti«toi 1 dV-DHTBOKT.' .htvf W »t ,'>i'!: u j xs<iUB(»r, > ':''"> '.yi'TV'BOTdB,"''' li-jdS jXHEOi THOlB^ON, I f OHAEJiEr iLEWlfl,,U.Jj!>y> PI • •' MBS'OAioLDTE SIOHINQS, ;'lM J'ftlf/'li^ ! ->!/.'.^i!(W .b-iij.iol ■■!)« Ma.-i5B0!BBriM0BJNil8(ri'. n« iv./fw j '.•ri::i'Oin(rt; av ' ' Jhirlng thai?.eni fATIO.AND JDBAfiCjtTiq NO" ■^'rWdj l j" ; ' ,, '>'-.'-" , '- l !! , !l ^W<*pp».-BiurM. ..... _ , ,'.4x' J -;, X'i-T;'' \'iira^P^u^^c§Efii ■■J-;:-■y^.i-^i.-.M' .1. >;.J)[niTB PEOVOKJNO '..■•-Aim. ;,s.. v Wjo OD.'/fti- m.i hbikd : ' jr^'-'V-''-^ ' HOtDlAT, BEPTEMBEBJ ■1,'1 > ^Afca.'OTen^'cTODiJnr flaring " ;!-.. 1HE 6BSAS.OOHQBB8S OF AM „ 'j.Vmv: )' WUJ»li5*Win HEW AOTS, BONQfl]] IMmdlnuTj ^te JBUdBnBttoi*o.. by.* ' aoob^H^ri'/'/^s/ABSOoo,' ■ ■.." a: Et:JIBS07;ir.l>f '/ ft :E..'S.'I < I<OBEKOE ) J; C 9. B,18AA08y-:■;, ■■>; "aiHABLAJt, Doacvop«Ai>t>'ay^coiiittenoe ti.7Ko'oIook. ■■ : •H6.<ajnn«St!oii»tUi tnxottut Itonp«: I ' Wood'eJOflirtteta.'!;. •,.,•••;•<.••!••'' he(BlTiI LBBOWZB, ; SET,' .• ATAO0A, — li tto. onM oenti. 1 ;:t|tA Dime o£ :;v.. as '■ BlAtf A0HB8 ;ni ^ANT OF AN AGENT AMD ABVBBJTSBH, rm&iito oQfflntoUat Duubom/wUI do -wellto'MllMesi Imme- diately,, OLO^S.; WIIilIAJ« l ;flBltlBibW 1 .Md. ■ M-St : .'/ ! Otht'l.Bl»i(T8R , BOX. 49^r•Jm. : ^^jto.Mtmf.a^tto(m J." ft- ThdmpBon, B. Beynolda, J.'^'JBartel, .'Jotfl tt'ElVeii, (JtiatAVo BldeADX tt^ro. AXBANt; ._ »^d:^;^Mr.:..OOU ; HAEftT faWr;-. , .'..,-; , .':.:,-.JOHS 1 _!»6h*afai'...'.-..".J.-0; Ol j OtlV tilibo of AninsementVi lh< g'ljdfis' and laekrfWoien'iiNi'i I'MASOEB,' '.. BEK BTEVEBi H flsST' ' ' MAOT^DEi . „ .'!jrASr."tM f pirftnnlJ|| it tfo- ' WMor* pi ,«|ght'»nd 3.','Albany:.-. ■month*, Is ' ,. HISS .,. mea: r - A . .'»L S8d. «o! PJ , lEAHNY-.THQl KWfARD BJEWTiE, N. iptt.coinr,.! consjjn.. , -,.0i .BSBB,. : f< ,dOHW4N< ■.JBB01 ' : A i;-..:'* IAB«8 BAIXBT TBOUP] :,; i, WUk )tiMit* f m .,.. ,> .fflONOS O.CONI ,Leaderp<tepheetn....;.KtABTIK FQEB] A,..SpeoJo Apflst. ..(.>.„;;;. .TO0s,rHO?ON. iLu::-,.=--: % iJrt ••«•(..' .-v.. OTO' J» KSafS .^VWiRIf BERBy, StageHavager,; ^ -,He«ft iHtt BWty^nlnflr members courttute .^.•?. : .:ii,!^-.v. ,! A\^BT^COMPAMy f ; jj-. •. v: WtwiarenlgbUy.dcswliig wltleaeUb&lr ... .;,/AiJB^^.Jto BBI^UANT PERrQfl---^ ■•:■•■>-) ft: .''-a M i- fv si'.XBB VABIETIEB ou'' ffi. TJEB,IAE0»3t, H4ND80ME8T. >.v , s i .. VCD HOB! OCHUOTiBI* iiiil.' '•' • :>'.,,;J(OBW HAHiJK.THB CODMTBT. <S wnlefl.of Mtaoirleilfled exoeUenoa desiring i!:;,f«i<*l* ..':.«.«».* VmW 'ASfflBUCJUf THEATRE,'' ■'•' : ',:'->' «• • >aiii wianciboo, oalito: V >■»- WVBi XHHJHTOF,...;.... Bole Leasee ana'lliiijigeT. :-:f ; . . BHEBIDAN COBBTN,'........ :v.Acting Hi lagei, 1 Ha trabUo'-aWKepectfoliy lnfotmed that -this bei ituQl Tbea- ^.liafc^Openedwlthrthe- 1 •••• ~ •J v ^ • - flBEATIST'OOMBJHATlOlf GP , ■ • OPEBATIO AHB DRAHAXIO TALHTI ■WrwnMBitMtoiito Any Theatre In this BtaiW, HjiXEIQHTOHi,. : MISS-LIZZIE T; pMTaUsd .„ ^ v ilghtol' ns,'rebels to tha left ef us, add damnable Mxrandrels la onr 'iiriagt^nabihlng treason against the gfiveniment' and lto..ypiDJB .inllltary ohleflaln/ fruly the week: 4ras ffatfghf iritH pettttothe Union oanse.' Hew-York,:distant as Bhtils ftom the Bcensof stt^fe, yaa riotln wal dangef, yet th era-was a'aomeVhlng ttat fhlspeted of dlreeWla to befall her eh'onld the rebels enoceed in'getting' * foothold ln;PonnsylT«nla; tmtthdnksto Oeni sIo* 01ellan, amiaie*rav6 men whofoUowed' tls-lnstnlotioBB; the Invading fproes haye been; driven avay In oonfuslon and disorder. A'moreesdUna-week than, that Jart pawed ha6Btfttf*en knbvm BlnM-thebrealdngoiitofaie rebellion. >The«xMtementliiiSr«e^ ed as day succeeded day; and hour followed hour, end bn Trlday the orflmlnatlitg- point -wito reached, tlie dtopetohesof QttL lSei- CleHan setting the pnbllomlnd- at ease.' ana giving the people lory enbdgh'tor the time being. • How-rared our theatres all this me? It ana t haTelwen, a- kUUng week to aUplaceS'pf arnose* mint, one-would suppose. 'Brft U was no aaoh tnlng. : Strange •a It may seem, the theatres did a thriving trade,-neaily every one ■being wen attended thronghont the' week. On ; Broadway, Ml»i Jo's,tte.Winter GardeiL and Wallaoi's,^had Immense hqnsee^ while Wood's, , and Bryint*!. MliiBtrele. retained their nsnally large patronaga,: .Howto account for it, w»oannot tell. When the war commenced, the theatres and halls ol'minstrelsy became desottod. Now, when the accursed rebellion la at Its climax, the case Is different, the theatree bolng filled. It may be that ■ the —iple go.there to.-drown their sonowB, 'to lpie eight, for the le.'oftheseabf tronble npbn which qui Ship of State la float- ing, and, to heat something else'besldoli snch tales'of suffering and alanghfer as oar ears have' been acbuatomed to. Tee, this may be lt. The details of. bloodshed''aid: oamage which rUIcrar diSfypmn, elckonand slrrlaht nB; ! andwetnrnio the thdatro or mlnHtrel h'all for relief, . And yet, we .wore Bnrprtsod las( Week, at the wry large turn-ont of the people; and tho crowded state of bnrth'e*rtes.'' WaB it leglUrhato? . Was lt the thing t .ror (ive'ry 'one who passed the narrow entrance, was- there a cdsheoulvalent left at the box office? • Did e'Tor : -" / —'—'— -— ■-••nZ---- -«■ the port hole,-sock " '' In? Wdfear nbt may, . yHBSv Urs. J. B.BannderB^ . Hiss Mowbray, •■'wm.-UaA, H'me Sohwaznle, His. Bnrrlll,. ,-,-'■'''ftink-Ma;' ' jQhtt-WdbdVl; ; : ft'W:' V.;D.\O. A«torsoni / ■;■ H. NJ _ -.Mr. A^fifpili 1 /■ •Oda PQWEBSTIIi 0HOBT8 AND OBi ' tied' ;.' Caftfojrnla Bhonld 'visit this AiHsl _ ^ r ^tfTempletyeare engaging: elsowhett. ssitja'tnrntr.'tM'] Bo^ha^'Uso^afatMl of the mrlicdpal Theatres n?Btookt<m '^ W? J^J_D : . *€»,. j4) ^ j»j^Blp^ p ^^Wfl»>w and'l^anagortir 1 * i^'X.'BQHMWCi HnslcalDirector.■ -. .■• -. ., U fU:i' J rr.'i5^WAB 1 COHPAirT-,CW .0AIJI0BrnA. •. V'f. : ' , :".!"[ V '.V.!;' !WK8,.0r;AI)MISE(0)f. • . ,: v» IftieM'gbihjK.. ':i„;.. ,a. •<• •tl.1 Oxoheatra Seats.;,. .gl, P^irqaet.;>iij,BO 0^s| Sj)con6\Olrale.,„...'.... ..» Ota '!.■;• (! /■ -I..K..«*!«»*• la««v..;.tt mdA tU. ■/ .. , : r.Box,Offtopopen.£rDr4'WA.H.to4.P. l M,: Seats;eeonred three; ImVkl&moK <■■:.•:. j-wll.-'l .j,.-.:-... .,•.„-.. .'■>..., i. r-li-7 '. , ; N,B. i0taxe.vlalUngOsjlfornl»:ahouldl remember;that Ktr.'-Ha- ~ te.(s ; also.,proprletor.of the^arloUaa and Hayes; Parky San' nclscoj'ttieieWpoUtaniTljeaitre, Saoramento; and Theatres a.anistockton;. ■■■ii,-.-. .I'Mrtf- ' OAMTKBBITRT HAttl, :•'•■•' •• .Li:.'..! r :-f,!..... t ■.:.-'.-WAflHINOTOMi'D. : 0; «K« '•/'• »•'.;'•••' , ' >.i l ''iTHE'.MOI)fI( (XTNOEBT HAIL Or *rHEi WOBLD. •'TB»06impanynowengaged at tlliapopolarplaoeia " " i. T >y. :.« :»:«£ •■OVBi ; &B'tSE^YSfS'Vt AMEBIOAJ ■ '•••jA. . Kf Ladles and Qentlemen. of: acknowledged ability wishing engagemontswlUaddreag^^^^^ & ^ ■r.' , .;w»ihtogtfc,"D.; i O Ij IdBEBTT. BALL, AlaxariarIa,'Va.V' c ij.'»"11.VI- 'ii... • „'i iiii'-Uhder'ibe'BamB'Hairagemont^iV'^ (lABIinslnesstettsrB for both pUces iust he^lreotedtoWMh-' lngloil, D.'O.'. • •■ .•>"•'. ■■>■-■ • ■■ • am* : '' !^^JU^4^^'ju^'j^niei fy;'.a>^buijws Jd, the.Fq'bj|o ?;:.^5!y;'rji<iAiu)'.: ■i^^mwwnaoiwu 10 «m'm; y: ;ii/(fltfoce«4ors'itrJohn'a Bsootolij f<ite<- ■ ■}■: 12and-llSpruceSfroot,SewToflFifi',,,'1- t.> fe$ nypi^imlar attention toTgettlnaup allldn&'o? ■ •=' ;IiWtli*eth^6fflnp«iileej sjfd hw.onJiaad ailgftejan A splendid /• •.'' .\\ , : ..'-'/ ■ ■ ■.' assortment of largo and small--;. ■ . ..•.(•'• a'^o^rerfbHnersl 1 canibetprlnteltkuosBaa I'r.l (V/ij-'ifW/i>i»111■i.'i'ii! r ork oraprsd. .'t/.^. r t ^_.,_Prmt. .^bV^£mWt, U &a'irSprb^abfteti'lTew ay ttteBdolt'toJii ',.«» wit hki-^)mt\ ■ ■:'J.-^^ia^-U>w^Jw^^-oUW'^otrt>v4. .-' l^utSwWws'SDliJ klanagemefit that fir 10 ViaSbfissUn'Ods: >':• y!.ffie«lo¥«.1p'comfo , ■ v .->'Sl«r>i- tO.J-lyl !>.<i; ■ iif.:)'; flV««aio»aei'BofiheM«r, Wi?T. - :i^8^J^,^ohO ! D^s^et,T^^» \ffl*imm>\. TV-viirf'-VOi' V.':Vi«tMrt«ir%^l!^'l»tirT.; ' 'art ; h6w' : biictn for^enWgimbi Meet;' will' pletKej dross-, iot a7i>'Bevehtt|Avi entiuedthe- W .■'r9t,.„,»,..i-:. '".'^BtiJi'Sfl ,;;^^rii^ftA^"^ 5^'r;heri . rr ,. r . r .. r „., r^-i-i^M I '• -in .!..-.( i- . '.r :-;i '. ii.-t- r.u:;--"-, LI7EBPXK)L,:BNQIiAND.,., , 1 This truly elegant and ver^ beanttM thaatre u) kept,open dnr- Inath»whole-oftth,^y6ar...,.;,.t : ... '<U-.- ■Sim- u:.t/«.» M::,AMBBI0ABt-,BTAB8,-ii of aeknowledged afiort ongagei :;, -^tf .. ■".;:;' '; . ; '. ' '■^ u '^leI*SBe^had■PrOB^lotor. V..CAWPOHWIA: TMJtoVTnipAX Aaww'o.V-raHBini- DAH OOBBTH wp^d wepeptfully inform members of.tho dra-' rngtlo, Mneloal, or.^ostww profisalons, that he has established aDr4genoy.ln.ean FroncUco, snd,ls nrepared to.nogottate.engage- miexils. andtttranwipt ajj.other bnswess. pertaining to the pro- fession. :' Address.., BBEBIPAN COBBTN, Ban Francisco, OaL, . .. ,::iAMBBJOABf BX<tB8>ii , . , . idged position and talent negqttawd with, ements, as mn ^^^r^egte rBay^reyUre. for long or rmmts. endtttrawpt. I ' oslon.. Address.. B N. B.—AUietterti.reaolrhjg janswexs must contain a stamps prfcpay^the.saino. uj^;, iij: „■: |- .<.: -,„: ; .' .. ( ...item; WaamimmedI»t«]y,:tliO;fpHowlng ta)entiforthe oomlng season: two goodEnd Muni ; and Tambortnjat, those who can-play itowsif4nstrumtot8.iwerrod)t ,png emact E.flat, Cornot player, .■whQ.oan play.sooond vlQllnt one eMeUent; and powortw Teno:' wio can sling to B.flat, and- lead tJie./'Or^wn.oftihe Tempost; ;one txtra Flatlat,,who^«m play, • goo^-sjfapta and a brass lna trt. otf and ono jhoavyt.AJjto .singor, ^wno ,oan play-o,gooi B'flat 'enoK ;he Tempost;' 1 ' ,etr No high isajary ratd-^mp4ereilo>:b^t,snreiWcry weofc. BJgh aaUry)»the< couso of so many, f allwvs '.and. disss (era overy yefr,amongUa.vellngM|rietrel,Twnpoa;<i ; Hop*r80nneM unless they are of good moral and temperate habits, and-are competent to fill the place.-. Address, xintll Oot. 1st, to Provl ■ - -obii ■ ~- ;eytirL dence, B. I„ stating abilities; api rlow&sl torms. - Persons apply- ing , for any.^wlll^e "sUont," for an an- —- if ffioVntt^aie nofranWrorea fitha'a wtfek.' :' *;~ " l-S 'H.' t>V*aiEv^iX,'^ia«hi^tsat ' -- ^■ and'Metrop^llttoHInsfrels' ^^rto^sfitf^'^cond'rlan^ ^t>TCffli ©%tW. J'a^^ 4,'<u>„oti)t AOADBftT, OF. jt TaUO .. '.'■-/ • OLETStiMB/l'OHIOl ' " i • , "''>3i!ij* One of'.tbj.:moet flnlahel attd bem«ral straonxtes In thewsW 1 Stars wfU'tsiUse address.^. J03N ^ELLaLEBi'-areaager.;'■;:»*;*: ' /v obi- lelfJaB^^^^ibo, T^uige^erm^dtt, anq ttW.Fislte. ... ADnleB-'Dlllliigl - T^s^k-Jo^ ohMed-wa« Indeed; anjeVehtrol one.. With -the' on out le narrow entrance, was- there a cssbeoulvalent !e? ' Did oTory ''patron ol the drama" approAohi c uptile <f qtllv. n for hla pasteboard; afiaenterj Werame.thatmanyaBbodfedl6w' , passedln > '' •.^aper;i''ihanyfena'dTan'openlng wlthbui'moneyandfwith-! ;price, nevertheless,thererwasagoodlyariikyofpayingftaM-' (uei on handjjihd the week' was profitable. After sUimlshlng and scouting around,-and trying to get at eaoh other's points, Wsdlaoksnd Laora Kcene hive come out fUfcfooted; and how, toe the-theatrlcal eoratoh In earnest ."Wal- lank, adheres to his former lino of operations, whllaLaura ohasges heXPWloy; and adopts that, of the "veteran.'.' Old and Stan Sard comedy, and : tiie.lsgltlnjat« generally,'will mark tho condtlot of ea^'manaffement* m ~~ n '~ 1 - -—-'- * 11 —■'—— "— ^ rvii - - - j tnsreDr 1 - 0 ---'- - Ohase, _ ^ paragraph., Laura 'has marshaled hor forces in line of battle, and has glysn'orders for'ix/opening this evening, 32d mat. She opens with "Old' Beads' and ;Toung' Heartti,"io ,'glve'Blaie a chance to make, a trick against John Gilbert, at the.other',house.'. In order, thatoui friends: may see the "fall, strength".'of each pompany, and make , their own comparisons; -we append, them:— WilXACXS. . Mrs.Hoey, .' , . . HIbs Fanny Herant; .' ' HU^Henriqnes,. IffiSrHary GanuOn,' " '-mm; Vernon, ■ ''Mrs: JohnBefWB, ' ■"-'.ltrevfleeves,-;-' ■■'-< • Mies Green, 1 ' HlBS-Garinan,- ■' .:: I'' lass BAhlenlbn;'' ! .n'tuUtfZaForreftV'' < ■:< Hiss•Obnber, i 1 ' : : > i 1 ■ -j'-'Tohnflllbert,'. Oharles Fisher, ..,, Mark Smith, '.<:, -. ''. .; JbluvSefton,.-. ( m j:.:Hr.Ioung,!-M Ur. Norton, ' ■£V.'.fe-iW? Hr. Hoore, . ..;Mr. Turner, Leader! Gtrflmen ;' 'ZmmaXaylor, IoneBorte, 'Hrs'.W.B.'Blake," ■ Mrs. Bedley Brown, ■ Hra. A! ; HlndV UlnTA^lJaHloklnson, --lUULkura Leigh.' : 'HlssOlarkUlgll' ' ' 'UIsslUrifBrsrek ■' Hra\ ; T WStoddart - : Walter :■ -.![■.•. Oharles/Wni - aiskn,;,' .i.-. , I-'T.JUyniond, H. F.Daly; .,. ... ,Mr-.lie,Tjiok, , , ■>J >:i.tUr. Marlowe,- .... . .,-M>: OMdjtta it WiflackV^flf Leajeij-bJOMj^at'I^ura'^T^^ , .,. ... , ye shall pee, ponder,,and dply,digest In a Week onlle'splHt 53 prjwo..... ....... . .. .. ... . . i .'There- Jalilifly to;be.,a llvejy,competition bn.thb east side of (own, is WeBaa onBrpod-way, for we nnderstarid: that Hr. O. L. Fo,x,haa.rfltarnea i to Mr. Ltngsxd ,thb sanf'of flDOO whlbh'he received fronilrhn' ah tholr dissolving parbershlp, and Mr. Fox Is now *,t .liberty lo,.parforjnwlti)but (ho fear, or an injunction hanoln* over him.' How tho "wreeUe". wUi turn' but, we are atprcsent- Fox will carry the boys, wjlh^bim, and _. -,e.a gppd altendanceln the.plfcj Linatrd »Wuld do the neat b^x business, and as this Is where the money'.'cbmes from :Vh'en ue.pstronage'ls liberal, ho ought to have.a little the boat pf It; bnt Fox, b61*g untrammoled, may sow go to work In earnest, ahd'glve.the public.soma thing that may flu his botes, as well as hlspit <'^6x'iB't^e,aot«r,".as Mr. Ling'ard ohsoryed, whilo the latter Is a' manager. Here weha've It down fo.a dot. Let us e'pe whichiwlnk'tho gome;. ,: ,.'. ;' wood'sMfnatrehYflre drowihg'splendid honsos.' .S.uoh aboau< ttful hall as.Mr. .WOo'd, has added to our great, thoroughfare Is' ovldence'.of. that igentle)nian , 's'. toati ", and,'Uberallty. Wo remember 1 tho .beautiful marble buUdlni be erootad for his cO_ pan^'sbiaoiyeara.agby bhBroaawoy, and wlUx what. 'tasto it was .ntted -up. -''WejU, the building heat present'occupies is hand. sbmeY, more'obhvSnient, ana more comfortable than Uie marble buUding. , Bis present company Is also an lmprovero,ent upon th'e'former one ;,tn foot.'o. bettor one does hot- exlBt. When we hear Wood's, name mentioned' in connection with buy onter- prj^-we'knnw' what to expect Bis' audlon'oes. are of a most respectable and fashlonablo character; while tho entertolnmonta ^freats them, to are of the most varied and pleasing d'escrln- tlon.- pro'p.ln and see thoneivhall, and Judge for yourselves of ,me'performances;; '.Cubes bad a ropslng att^ndahca at hor behpfH on: tho Uthi'at the' Orernornp.. flhd had been'indlsposed for eojno (One, and the benefit proved a b^onoitlndood.',, What will Nixon get at next?, Ho tries ovbrjthlijg. He brico - ■■ ••"asa.olrcueinan- AnvjjhitheAtre/' n . ,vi OtoMOrns'i On.thbhalf, BheU ) ',,ohd lntrqduced elroue, obers.- Oubas.Vburning tsr, ahd high-priced .refreshments. His last moyo is'tho rpnflng of tile Academy of Mualo, for-'the purpose, of Introducing Oarlotta Patti in Italian opera.; Btd sbetns to have'shut' ut) the oybs of tho reg- ,ular opera managers, while going It blind himself. What a go I EtnprcsBorlo Nlxonll Oo long. ' Tho ojpenlng show Is announced for to-night, the 32a, .'^'BonMmb'uIa''bojns the opofo, with tho'following past:—Ainlrla, M'lle Oulotu PatU; FJvlno, S|g. BbrlglhV; OonnrBbdolpho,'Big,-"BnslU; r L|sp 'MIbb StoekUoa'; Theroia,. Mmb.; ivpgardo;. AIosbW, ,Blg.,mr^l; Notary,'-Slfl|.. Xlmlhes; Nbw t>ut readers must nbt lmaglnb—because a clrcua manager' is driving the team—that this l^.o Ono-hbrto ehov/.. I.t'a' ndlhlnff'of the jdnd. It's a ro'gulrir'company; and wo don't aoe oh "Indisposed" ''ltallono'' in %o wfrblo. conbern, Tiokbts, one dotlor bMh, add room for t^o outpours.' 1 , TheForieat-HsokbttejgaWmeht, rocontly arranged: by Mana. ger-Wheatloy'at Nfblo's aarbTon/waslhaugn vtoas announcempnt, on tho lSth,wlth the former gentleman as the pntbstohid Dane in "HaMoV'.and on thd'lOth with tho Inttbr as the sword-hooking- 8l£j6hh, 'FaUtAff' in''first P>" of Klnr Benry IV,. ''A/ BttfrUng Vul/ofe''6hnkoflp^aroiln'.^.,ffie, Mtl brought oh tho "eminently groat' 1 tedwln', ne v I|loheUeu, the 18th as OLhoUo, the 10th as Damon, and tho 50th' Bqufro Haokhtt ln|a repetition of the fat knlolit who threatens to bre^k bii girdle be- fpro tho'gallant young FrlncbHal. If this Was not'A'rl6hweek ln .theatrlbaU, and an almost Bhakospoftreah "ijiiartar/bf thd at Mlblo's Old obnier.'thbn "kuook Us o' the mttiard'* ■:'H.Bt-iv)fllpaym6H : iaI*ry to go^ PerfoTttte&l ,.. Ckw^BitoonJ^trmAmeno^ .'Star* win please i ;'■ v / ! ^ '.:-' .'::^' ••: . i' 1 ' .'V/;V., ■ ^t'/>::y^-. v! \>^• ii'V'Ji'i|;i|i,'»,i'i| : ,b':_;-^ii» oji-fjij jp Tbe'.&amatlo 8easfl(hi<flll' " " Mat t:: - i-I^ORveUte'oVwnni, bnoe 6n the Ut of January, moon' , . , and,"countnaont" whon any thing good Is gOlrig oh rh'future, PerhapsTof aU thoeb dramatic treats, that : of: "Othello".Wis the most worthy, of remark ' In our WooWy. review, espsblaUy wheh we]-consider how muoh Mr.-Forfeit, has imp'rbv6d-'t|bon his ususJW-supiftb rendition of that.flnq'qwaotei',' Borne of his In. vetorate partltans would be unwtUlnji to admit auph ah fmprbvo- memY possible.' Whlld confosslnri' thst wq were surprised our- selves', wis simply assort tho faotthat.we underst^hd Ub sabloot we aro talking of, and thaf'tbat's' eb.'.' As a man of gehlhsthis .rtiei nvu-t kniow,'Wd Would hot',heBl&te: there'W, great ,f :varWp4s toWl>- sll. , Itt' i'sUtton' to our' "mMt" bleiiW 'oo'hdl< In the present instance,. undoubtedly there were oYvbratoh) olroumstanoes, The •udlenoe wis one of " . X ■ , - ■ ■- ' ■ ■'.■' ■ • I •'., -if 4&XflW>Wfo $ik : seeimT> ur> 'be'' trrbi.^9 nter^bot;fasWonkble.'and not Only rasKibffi'W tftemgeht l The*astvrta cbmpb^edof 'gooTnerftZ' aUjadmn-able/and pskflnly weWbsenr'^^ 1 !^*, mgWeiid •Hsrvey &'I^oMh,'-timed u^^f^ ^ vpoe of tho play, upon tho' samo prmolple that ^» » A Us orohostra tune up their uatruments sravinT., ftoht of M ohrtalh.^By the time hla ta&fiSSfflBLN ^? "Wg^ed.out aean overture, our mind vu$r*t hp.Uie MMIterranean ( ,lobWng In «l 70^67^ ,1}^ Wheh the green ourtau goS.T'S'lll "■r -Z.-—1 — TV -2>-l haM of poetryfor rWihui'Sjl classlo and lemj-barbarfo <nr<ramstances of the olda ' "" "^av J.Oanolli Ludovico,O.Klnge"land; Montano?J^oliJS* W, Wbeatley; Boderlgo, Bccia;lago, T. McOuUonoH^I land; .Marco, Browne; Antonio, Post! OraUaho TfiSM senger, Oermon; Desdemoha, Mrs. Oladetano: Em^iul'l Ppnlsl.. The lago of the evening -Is a fellow towiS 51 Forrest's, and has been. so educated as to existaintb^J!! " H properly when placed lh snob., wfos, slowi^omSSl a gbod actor has completely broken, down and hati pariOjrieiJi when sq placed.; We may.therofore oouanhl ci as. among the pjconilarly favorable qlrctunetancea of th7^l engagement tntrlndouly and Independently, Mr M5?i«3 porformance was as fine and iu'dlbleus as any we hava^l and we use those words, w|th calm, deliberation, v thL*J jy blemish, the ."make up" was about fleybn years ii!??' Alfogether. it was an..agreeable .surprise,upon obifci. rioUM. The Desdemoha of Urs. Oladstah'o'Was andlhuS althonahpOt so remarkable, and yet she deserves foil'gjying Uxe oharaeterjseveral now oUarfjs notyet ong the traditionary DesdehxOpas.' Tf4.khew n6fu3!l not, how onr noighb'oribg'orltics may 'speak'of her ettdL^ on this occasion, but we considorHre. Gladstone's I ' Of.a vrtfb.'.rebhlres,ah.'abbess' capable if,ZM*a Ifrbfessionall),.how'Often are wo llielyto mee^>ul? actress In this age of brain-benumbing rcallttest lb? Having found Mrs. Oladstaneeb' vital as'well as slafeL Desdomona, we hereby make a Bnnsby nolo:. Such voarf a professional merit over and obove any.lndlvldnal they may. think proper to contribute, for they roaosi, SIonian our faith in the capabilities' of dramatio art'„ ig all. tho varieties' of charkcter whlfh tniy occur In tfca or tho littleness of poetic porsonllcation.' They can' Jono or a ehsmbermald, and be erjU^lly prat'ewortliy tlve as either. The fairest Way to sum up Mrs.' aUdttttt? demona.'ls to say thatlt^m'et bur mental visioniwluYia pcarean fullness o'f all the most charming graces lnovoti cal attribute. Luckily, "for all concerned," a similar ability was Bhafed In the groupings of tho prlnolpu_ fonnexe.-Bo that the pictorial effects of the performing inoldentsi tableaux were harmonioualy employed -ut the dramatio power of the great'poot'e almost insplrBl.^ This Is not the place to enter into.8 minute tracing of the with which Edwin Forrest is now enabled to pomosittOu wo can only speak of it herb ln'lta totality of epirltsallodt— lect, and say that any nation may well be proud of-ai'iai perfectly master of his art as to embody the lndlvldniUnti bo complex a character.:- and, when we witness those inn passion required by the development of the. plot, tlx "great tragedian" certainly belongs to the 'ertlst who felloitonfily place himself and mind en rapport with ""■"„_ tol bard." : Of. the other characters we are lucky in betngi! report that they were generally well sustained. The C* — W.. Whoatley was very well read, polsod, and illuatratcd; It If it had not been so, its constructive proximity to tat prominent 'characters would have shown as a lamentahlali by comparison. We did not exactly "get the hang" of H tame : out wo are aware that this is a debateable Bnbiecta "the bost authorities." 'Mr.rCanoll's'tBrauantlu shorn? neglect of punotuatlon In reading, but we are glad to sail he stood alone in his glory. While we are pointing Ishes, we must say that the scenery'was the .worst di represented. That "seaport in Cyprus" has its moon v the same age, no'matter what act of the play It is set on for, moon has precisely the samo cook ofher.eyo under Just blond, no ibAtter how the tlmo of the place may hove praja At for aichiteature and chronology, they seemed Ihron entirely.-|n the etsge management. These aro somelilt|i than'blemishes;' At'some other urns wo may have nx ■peak of Mr. Hackett's comlo performancea. "Nevei say die I" That's the talk. All tho votarlMi Drama sebm to partake of her universal and IndcstructlUii This da; (92dj a gallant and devoted .band of "good m notexaotly falriee, bat some of them "fair to lookupcm"-M' from New Tork to fill and ocaupy the dramatio citadel dH Memphis Theatre for the ensuing season of .1802 63. Bq under the guidance of Brother B. It. Uaglnley, whom mlr appoint and invest with, tho rank o| brigadier general froa tune henceforth', and now issue the following Bpbclal edldt and.their, behalf:—To All Whom It Hay Gonoern, This Ult ttfy; Thatths bearer, onr rlghttrustyandwoll-bolovedBik B{&.Haginiey, and his well-chosen band of auxlharlet, **! rrnlted by Quarter-Master Ohas. F. Faroloo, aro free to na Where or to rest ln.any placo where the Drama la oherhM .raUtroaltlvAtedv and true religion faithfully respected, J» grslpliloal nor political limits are to be any barrier to Unfit anrHmeied. right of the aforesaid B. Bi Mhglnly aae'tt ■o^latealiUhe exercise of their nsuol ervocation---golng .ila; idoigoodU' The presentation of: this dooumont (prloetat -per copy) .ihaU be their fall and sufficient warrant for *>sf The second season of Wallaok, at his mwiltheatrevisl menced on Thursday nlgbtt-Septr 18th, the opening plul Enowles's medloore effort known as the "Love Ohose. Oil numbered the reghiar'WallacS company,' With ono or tns tlons, and those favorites" were greeted by one of tb numerous, assemblages of.the eltieof thoatrloal AoWcaa ,ha,ve.seen at s, theatre, this season, The theatre looks flj_ ss before, the only additional lmprovnniont that wo notMl th^,sjlendl4dj6p onrtaln pointed by Tor., A. Borger, »S bn$ of" tho most - oreditablenroduotlohs In that line ef ,h 'ever presented 'to a New Tork audlonoe..'- The sMMi Apollo Belyidere Is'finely drawn, andthe sUk.drapory etlk Is painted with natural ac'ouraoy. : Tho play was presbiUl acting Of.Mark Brhltb andiUiss. Gannon bplng a foarartal Wo ^confess to having seen-Mrs.' Hdey,' oharihlng)ju ill almdst'erery^hlng' sselgned her, to far bbtters.dvantijiti thlf play, and' the samo'.may bo sold of Lester Waust other bbmcterswereweU'renderod, espoolally.thb parti'i' token by Miss Homlilues.. . We. .cannot say that the o J Performances pleased us altogether. There is room foil meat.. At the. oIobo of tho play Mr. Wallack was. loua% for, but Hr. Lester came forward and stated that he bad)) theatre an hour before. -, Ho. rbniorkod that'he shooUri Wallaok In tho'morning;'and would convoy to him thbai tijelr distinguished consideration. Hr. John OUbertislh] opening bow this evohlng. " ,', . ' , r ', At Winter Gardoh,.'durlng the past woek/buameri Ml gbod,.ahd tho honses comfortably full. This was'ti<! , _ Friday.'eVening,' when we took a "back scat" to reokon tjj Bateman'spowers In her "third tlmo on any stage," .uk tho JbkoJ SuakeBpeare's most poworful orcatlon of ufl! Wth.", As'a oriUolsm of tho ploy Would of wurM'tyg It remains for us to say;'moroly; that although hor — the part was praiseworthy, yet thorowaanot that olthsf P Btago bnslness br doclamation that como up to our Ids]: character. Hor sarcasm, when urging Macbeth to,pro«ea ambitious. but wjokod ontdrpriso to.bocorno King of W Was natural enough, and {ho somniunbullstlo scone.wa' 8 ?^ tpautlfolly. In tho banquet sc6ne,'.■howovor,,hpr' plaha' , otouslng Idabbetij's ratings to tho obma^y. andwhei. ' hlmto compbsuro. was not In harmony ,witU,,tno , »a|*» text J. W. WaUaolr, Jr., -was oxcellont as Macboth, ff Sm forcible-end vigorous, he toro nothing to tattbrs,. BdwBff as Uacduff, rendered the part with oomn^oiidtble proolBlbn.' Tho rbmalnlng oharaotors woro modoral -0 to,'and great applause. Tho lady, Wlth'tfle'eibeutol*! aho'^hos, hovo d prosperous : 8oason'»t.U*-* ™ Oardbu. 3 is'fuU of stirring scolaoa'and tabiabhts.'andyput .onj^jS magnificent style. Adah; as Bobprt, a BhopherdBWi^! Tfarr|or, Frlnoe, and-of • 1 '-«««™ snd dlsttuttbtmrabtbrs;- hlfl^' lme*WL The Warrior, Shepherd also gives Adah bvory'opM*'? ) jL ploy. hor natural ability as a swordsman, nluou to tPV^ onr-BBjt , Wdefris J * ria "-' r '-'' our nostside lrleU( bat, eapeoially Who: nesBed to porrootlo'i tho odds, of from two to '.twenty, sgalnst her-rOf always provod viqtor, bfitltis, Boybnd our ooaoei^ ftotrobs of her my«biw bah euBtain sdbh arduous PJRy hlght.' Ih tho lovo Bfcbne'betweon Ubbbrt (ifrs. W. Q. Jonos),' tnbre ls 0 gonHbhess sud dfpt? ffbja muoh at vaflanoo'wHh Other a»4 »bfe ' ono ' soafeely' roallids' that '.It's H16 patto. S8rt" n ' h , tlntf proverbld that Adah's ooetumes are ahiojg "WgU;, aotress. The •'Warrior BhepnSdT'.ls one of*^*9fffVSSV best-written pieces, and goes >4/ikow his vefWiW P"- '•, • ' ;• /./,'•