New York Clipper (Sep 1862)

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T«m T n what aniuttdnt. must old' Stonewall Jackson and hla J£jn fact^ebti _,_,-41Ut-«vtr woe . labored uridor a very «™ "~.T\.^ ^ntuiA hfeiaan? ^v'oly.thrdughoutltae.ontlre, «• W 'Lob b?.Uu$^^ «* "we nav*Itaotofbre gUta theplbt o» Jlpwrripa, asdc' ^^.^^MccThip«tWonwonia;lH>irapeHlaoTO,- Bono »&'3MhS« ; j3!* hwoio. dar^in., tamtfew <*i"Sulure»tthe lostaot,where.flha«ounto.;hsi; Jibing .a* S.<ifiiMlni -.0/ rtosonwold.'^ .phw&g; ffmerwasj^arrlsgbbell, .This, ovoiu*g.Adah;WT»arB' 1Trovwhew theAdolpbt has .been wi&mJ$*<#> end ! ^thotoigood people,were UMy'-Se* o^totte^^ ^ E Dodgehas been Ja-town fura;ooupleof-days,and ^Bolton on Oie.^O.R D. to prcpaffiig for.hto- "•^l^IuJa andextractive lately bnt at Sf, Panl. In Min,- r^»KV»'a stake V the,rjational welfare ; Aara BtocTMoiid Dodge came smong^TprkerB, and. „Koye7rs worn to have made him tanyeare younger,. J5 to tho East and jlay In the Weat have evidently kept Elm |£MSl?*ofent atinst--Ool. £ Allston Brown, of Phila-i Lk£-wbohaa been and gone and committed matrimony, on' JSui with Miss Fannie A. Bockley, of this city, The Colonel. ■mat man'for traveling, aa Ma business reuulres, and we IJlnatbiBpathIn life, may be strewed with bouquets, bril- St) and Immense/posters, ,'eo that the happy couple may never a themselves In a brown study. ■ '■- . i Kt Bryants' and their associates in the art of .amusing tho Mbuamto retain 'their usual supremacy, notwithstanding nSnJSo competltlon'golng'on In Broadway. 'At «73 the fact' lit doors being opon signifies tb».t.philosophy and fan are nb be agreeably combined to their 'pleasing programmes, j lhepUbllo soom never , tired of redprocaong with such ^tftlartlBts.' 1 : '..:''..,.. Mhare a lottor for John Hllan Myers, comlo singer, yet un- Jdftt, ' ' \ '■■ ' . '..'' .',"• - '....' ^ Orotsen, formerly'In If). HahoVitt's Dramatic Company, atsreaentmthis oity. ,- .-. -.- >• .. .. U pnnously hinted by as, Manager Hooley has taken the hall &> corner of Court and Bemson ^streets, Brooklyn, ana it is bimoab Improved before he caters for the pubHo again. ' Hit report.ebout James Maeder opening with promenade torts at the Derby Gallery, 826 Broadway;-seams to have some otabllltj. Bad for Lau ra. ... DRAMATIC 'Uy View," thus reviews the theatres of Ban Francisco, writ- jto Aug. 25th:—Theatricals are excessively duU here now.- San tadseo la Just feol the.presaore of hard tlmos iVl baa pervaded tho Eastern theatrical world; and many of t poor professionals hsrehavo.a hard struggle to hoep Boul i tody together. At the American Theatre, manager Letghton j obliged to succumb to. hard timet, close' the theatre, and re up.his lease. He Is now In the mines, with a BmaU com- ' n the joint stock arrangement. ' After being closed a few this house was opened last week by .0. B.Tnanie, with a ^company, tho memueresharlng pro rata after dead expenses e paid; bnt, thus far, little remains for division, though the ans are wellprcsonted and well acted.... ...Tho .Union Theatre under the roanagoment of -MoKesn Bu'bbanah (or old Bubx as- ill called hore) on the Joint stock plan, and there remains a luce each night, alter expenses', to divide among the company,; ongh-I'm afraid they don't realize full salary. The company gtodfor tho class of dramas producedi-whtch are doctdedly of and and bluo lire tinge, but they draw the only-paying houses In*city. ....'.At the Metro^Utan -Theatre, 1&e last operatic uon was brought to a-sudden close by the failuro of'Big. aachl to pay up tho salaries. On the last night of the season In Parker took a farewell benefit, as she is announced to leave, ortly for New York. v "Lucia 'dl Lammermoor" was. .per-; rnjedi.ltlss f arker appearing as Luola for.lhb flrat nme. • at las' irter has won hosts of frloqds here by her beautiful singing,' d wDl oarTy with her. East: the good wtth'eslof all. TVe bespeak t ber great sncccss In New York. Hons. Edouard' (or Mons.: gourd Herman, for he has been advertised here as the original eroan) has .taken;the Metropolitan for the past two weeks "under the managements of Mr.'Andrus, Mons. Edouard's I, the business was fair at first, bQtitgrewbeautlfully less last nlgbth'e clos'od, and Monsieur goes'to tho country.- lo who have-seen the real Herman say Ma/oa. {klop*rd lB in iay comparable to him.. I nndera^d.anothaNqiMmodto jupt la nudo at. opera el^rtJy^_The.',(^rm»nP«rfi}nn: tea at tho Amor(6an'ax6 r glvm oBrB^rj^y-iilgbta^buftlneaa nd, houses crowded.' . •&neca," writing from St. Lools, on the leth -Sept, aayS;— to "Seven Sisters?'was. produoed last nlgh^ at tho. ^t. Loins autre, to a very full house.' To you. who nave seen It done at aftltre, vj u toaj iiui uuwni iu fvui aara Keene'a, It 1b useless to mention ,any partloularaof .the iete, or say mora than that It proved a success last Highland 111 probably be run for some days or weeks. "Camera," one of our correspondents,^^at Troy, under. date of Mi Sept., eays:-rJ regret, that; (hero, is almost a complete agnation in all Boris of amaeemerit&'.bnt I proceod at once to u. Jlratly then; our protty little Adolphi. Tbeatrei Is oloeed. Ir.F. B. Convoy openod it only B^hirday oyenlng last, with the Pot o' Day,", everything being produced In lavish style, and urfj$60 tamed away iromtho doors, so great was-.uie rush ouequent upon Its production. Mrs. 7. B. Oonway and John IlikeDEon were In the cost, and the remainder of the company v very fair,' Mr. Oonway, having previous engagements in lewyorkand Vaehlngton, left on Tuesday, to tho surprise of usy, I understand he erpreissed a willingness to assume bugs of the theatre, upon a slight concession of th$ ; atook- oUanv vho, by-the-by, seem unwilling to enoourage a first olass mtgoment.... '. .B, a. Manuel, late of tho Adelphl, Is making wparaHous to open A first class dancing academy here in dober. He has been a favorite hore, and will do well without nbt...,. .At the oloao of tho' Adolphl, tho "peoplo" dispersed i (bOowB:—Mr., and Mrs. F. B.Conway, ijb. and Mrs.. Ned topeon and'daughters, Guatavus Clarke, fo.NewTork; Fred |JEent to Memphis; John Nlokenson, Miss Phillips. O. F, Itflonald and lady, Evors, and Hlgglns, to OlnelnnaU. Mr. liked remains for obieots above stated, while the minor people we.v'vantohea Into thin air." . Ia making room for the following communication from ."Now Jd Then," one of our correspondents in Pittsburgh, we-do so Ittoiltany other motive than-giving the ourrent neWBin.con- taim wlthpaaslug ovents. There , is a sort of "old grudge'! £° 80 ^ '° observe) between managers and performers " West Tho former say that performers, do not abldo ■ good faith by their engagements, and the .latterraay that augers got thorn away from, homo , and subsequently treat Mm. anyhow. The present case , (if as stated) Ilos betweeir ■rues,well ablo to tako core of their rospoctlve interests, and „ wo hope no harm oan oconr from giving, it a free JotUation beforo thopubho:—Pittsburgh, Sopt, 17,1*51.- Deie uppsb:— To show your readers how many Western managers psometuncB put to their wits ends by stars making positive "jgajemennv and thon treating them in the olcvonti hour, UOTr meto state a. plain case In a plain way- whloh came to my f?°*™8« throngh-the troasnrorof tho Pittsburg Theatre during flatter part of tho past woek. About the mlddlo of last lr~ 00 Manager Henderson was East, among' other star "gagemonta, he olosod ono with Mr. E. L. Davenport a* his orajanps to cemmonoo.on Monday, 15th inst, and continno for an nights. Mr, Davenport was to bo the first star of tho season! «aaB ho had not boon in our olty for a long time, and as the SI? ir?f y " gota °1 1(8 "rampaeo rt when a first class legitimate iTn^l. U9 ' '.°. n raayrost aasqrod that tho manager anl«ll jmosl concerned calculated on eoolng orowdea houses dorlhg m«i« a °P8*8«niont. Oonslde'rable'preparation had beon annoniSJAJ*?iJ« of looal' arUolos'wflttep pj roportefa »ffiSrS 1 .JS* t ' 1,10 « w » t trdgodton would sirreiy apposi on wmaay night, wem Mn™n to ,bo published r; as no one contract, ' Butmorkhow another's Interests; On sKiVS T^SSSf^ '^mo people art of JMday,thol5thi r ^.;.ih A ^ t f;„"^^V "Wing letter, whloh t «°Py:-"BAi,TiMonBjBi ?mog to the faa^,io^Bfnte , of'So"roS^ fowtoBi^r^riMJ 118 menagemoht were inrocoiptof thofoU ^'•'^ir^^o*??^^'- 1 !? ktadly porrnlttod moto )(BopV8,18()a.'-W; HBHSzasox, Esq., Dear Sir: ef Pennsylvania b •hnwrlon of tho ie rebels,the Immediate aipDotation qf the do- phl"aaTriViir.T^^*¥^4™~»dfa^lUesbe^ hvnimi)Wbf^? 8 ii!? 0 * ro > ,, b«ll'y'ef 'martlalJaw' belngdoolarid NubsnoIohb?^ ^ »hopoBslWUty of places of amusement «E«S ■rt^S?^S? M -5'" 00,, » 11 datyto?orego otu ^letotSe ^ 0M K tlll 5 atM noxl ^ poslpono ft untU J^edteSnt!^ 'arS & i*? n f ta *P od 'ff.' 11 ? 8 emooUioJTlls ^•fallalra, ,edunt ] ^torJiffijii?^ P' 'fnn«Tr,.agont for & L, Davenport." .a.SnT^S^-Plusod at tho reoolpt of euoh a letter ateuoh PortTat T« w "Mernont immediately telogranhed to Mr. Daven- SilofwhiS^"^'reot.Theatee, PWIadalpila,wheShethm id' P o7Bfj 11 ^. lmow < ¥i h0 toUdod to break'fee .ongagemont" <eUa'wS.' S£" w "^Ht ehout elflht .o'olook, .;*»4EiW the And'ThS"^ feWpcabTe>to "ehuk. 1S*-*»» m end. of lt./At that.^toto rnnment,.ordor« E, lb DAVKifponr,'! given to ehangi MaroaUyfiio for, Monday, slahL v afad ^ to^jsfiMti foeuitlos' dMtroyod,''UdoadT :Nowj} "Kept Mr.'DavinporStrtm'yr'' w r wi e r e g' Ba W'v^B^jp^h^yreWof :thfftfBg<aa^nrwB•ar^^^ > teii.-Trr"ThirDi sfeaj'tO' bm Mspedi a 1 rm«k«t]afld^heJpM )lbyimai - >hy ,iht,i iway.l'fifli ,01 wiajii-, and ™%mmm 1i/;Ueoshou1d'tai4rp.''bcniendoavo'rw ---'-''-^-^--^sent.Bcaji^pBatojnW.v^ annonncomenU.T-laai year the - - luted in a iilmllaT' Alnner by . r- . ,w J br' nonimeUt >erBohs^lri 'the profaralonu aodrtouldiitlbeprattlcea'-muob bftenex, the pubUo nti. ar^»i^tl^#ll!it«» d^/tf'ffieT^fwJ^Jol hVblglen^'oi^'th^r^orplei day night, 14 new aralpa 'entltlea'"The .IdloUof tUe'.Motmtain'. ItytMizt^M MrpiMMti/mviiM audionce. Mr.O.D, •^featW -' ^ - oto(4 c^mpsnV, ^whd ere . „ „ .otre-floore.lvTo-nlBhtMr. Will Benderson appoare fOTltKO^flrlt time In the dllHoult.rot»bf Hamlot, and en Monday .night, ,we are proDjlsed Mr. Proctor..... Trimbles, 1 VorieHtis has boon doing ah increased business this week, oVor last.' JttanaSer' Bmy theVhas a good OOinpany colleoted -together,- arid oertaloly gives'a very oredltablo performance foi 10 cents,. . .. Hoping tp M able to teu roa lnmy.neit that^Mr. Proctor.arrlvcd and.appeared on tiros, remam yohrs truly,, .: . » Nowam> Theti; yte nave' mnbhv to Bay-about tho livoly old Holllday-etreor,' Bal- timore,, and on^ correspondent 'Tits" has aont ue eomethUg. that Just (brat fits at thc-present time, so here we let him rip:—' Miss Annette 'Ince, the traglo star, Is now.performlng at^thls theatrei' The H.olIlday Is a favorite place with all the stars to'aot in) its breadth.'of stage', and space before ahd behind the onrtaln, la ampin forvaU'the req.nlroments of offeot, the actors, and the audiences, .'...'.Tho lessee and manager who have snocessfBDy carried on thW Place of amnsoment for years, are also proprietor and director of Ford's New Theatre, Washington; D: 07, and Jno. T. Ford's name lsjtood 'for 'an attraoUve entertainment at both houses.Mrs. Ohapmon (formerly Mrs. Sllsbco, relict of the famous JoBh SUsbee,) to at this .theatre, as one of the company. Miss Annie Graham, .a Iadyllko actress, is also here. Bishop, quite a humorous actdr in hto way, to tho col solan. The other members of tho company we intend to mentlo<i as soon as we see farther of .them..John E. Owens will succeed Inoe. Owens was always. favorably received in Baltimore, and we trust he will be more "so than ever this tune.'' The pretty Fanny Brown la booked for one of Ford's theatres; elthor here or in washing'* ton, we can'i decidedly say. Fanny's indeed a. fair specimen of female beauty; she (peaks w.eU, laughs well, acta weD, dose well, and looks well, '• ,' '.'!'."'.;■ • We'Jjarn'; with pletsuio, that' Ha^e.'iBr^Une, of tte Uvlstowskl Family, to now engaged among- "the' new 1 recruits" for Pike's Opera House, Olnolmlaa. We hope the lady his or :raay arrive aiafelyi with Mesdames Farren, Sloan, eto., who in- tend -"serving in the same company.'-' . - '.- The engagement of J.8. Clarke atTord's Now Theatre, In Wash- 1 ington, la now followed by that of Maggie MltoheD. Manager John A; Busier la In the fiold with two strings to his bow. .His Athenssum, at Colnmbus, Ohio, has been Improved' and freshly decorated, so as to bo well adapted for any kind of musical as well as dramatic performances. J. 'A. E. also has the Academy of Mtuio, at Cleveland, Ohio, where the next dramatfe season commences on the 1st Jan' His present company there is doing well, and ."TheBeaof Ice'.' seams a seasonable favorite. He has Mr. (stage manager) and Mrs. James filokson, Mrs, Effle and Uttlo Erne EUslcr, Mrs. and Miss Bradshnw, J. 0. McCollom, Colin Stewart, J. W. Carroll,' James Lewis, Jeffrey, TJhL, Phillips, Volts, Lockwood,. Bogers, Poroell, Jones, Charles, Sands, Elng, Foster, Johnson, eto. Mr.,Q. Bosch, formerly.with tho Holmon Opera Troupo, Is now treasurer for J. A. E. G. A: Hough's Comedy Company is around the north-western part of thto"8tate, and were at Oswego, oh tho-18th, with the probability of staylng. although not obliged' to stay. 1 Q. A. H.,, Los James Ma thorn for atago managor, and Geo. Stone for leader of orchestra. Among tho company are Harry Clayton, J.' t. Ores- sen, J. 0. Lester, C. OonwMy, with Mesdames' H.-A. Perry^ Eate Burnett, Emma Mathers, etc Mrs. H. A. Perry makes a pretty good Sophia Snowdrop, "fond of waltzing, and apple pie./:.. Wo. have mot with just such girls, exactly., James Mathews can. touoh off TimOthy ToodleB, etc., in fair style. ' '" Manager J; 0, Myers to sure to do' the handsbms thing, 1 and awakened up old Provldonce, B. L, on the 17th, with a benefit tor the Volunteer Fund,. All. his old company, with Bldeaux and Lewis's Minstrels, Bhepard's Brass Band, etc., ware among' the volunteers for the benefit of tho fighting volunteers. ■' AD right •Od,pliesjand bagnetsl" After all the rub-a-dub-dubs out . , „ by Mel and Jones left Npv.-Torfcpn th«JSth\.and arrived "in good order and well conditioned" on the 17th. On the. evening of the 19th all had "arrove" exebpt'Mlss Anhlo WDks, and no doubt she was notfar onV..'We may now, therefore, give a complete lutof'the company' who are to enliven this establishment: Lessee and manager; Wm. ; Sr4res;-Btagi manager, Robert Jones, DramaUo company," Mesar*. QeO. Aiken, 'J6hn B. Nlokineon, 'M. V.'Tih/r- hatn.J?. ST-i fWllitfe, H. »J(ar»haU:.0. Hale, W.';WaM^ : «7fl. Higgtns, E. Gross;. B. 8. Manuel, J. Boynolds, 8. Canfleld, F. Howell,'. V. Porter, M.. Wilson, W. B. 'Burt, T. Morris, J. Barnesi B.' Btahton,' G. Marston, J.' 0. Wilton, I,. Connor, H. Howland, eto.;-;with .Mesdames: M, A. Barren; A. Sloan; Emily Thome, MatUo rPetnoyer, Zavlotowakl, Mary Bigelow, Annie WUks, O. Phillips, Nelly Stanton, Kate Scott, Annie El- more, Julia. Fisher, Lucy King, MoEUo Senter, Eate Mar- shall, ' and Little AUce^ Honesdale, with Peter C Byrno for: prompter; Orohestra—AIox Halgh, s} Butlnger, F. Shnaser, L. Brand, L. Ballepberg, N. B. ■ Oouneeht, L. Hneabel, Gi Bloss, T. Kuhne, H,' Kobe, J. . Euhne, M, Eingsberry, &- Steele, with' BL' Hahe for leaddr. Ballet—Fanny Vernon,' Lucy Miller,'Amanda Wooten, Mumlo Woo ten; Charlotte Moss, Carrie Bradford, Ettte Wilson;-Annie - South, Emma -Keith, Jen- nie Brown, EUa'Waterman, Ellon' Walsh...Frances ,Fox, Jane Ford, Sallle. Rose, Sue BJchings, Josey Frost, Emma Howard, Kittle Mffls, Battle' Skerrltt, Molly Taylor, Bjste Stevens, Esther Boberts, Effio Dean, eto., led by M'dlle Christine; soenlo artists, Wm. T. Porter, B.. Farren; maohlntots,. A. G. Boeder,' D. Daf- field; costumers^J. Saunders, Jx.,Wm. McConniek; property men; 1 J. 'Baundors, 0.'Wltooh; genoral auxiliaries, C. Lowk, P. Franots, E. Downing, W. Marsh,. B. Mahsell, H. Morton., W.-Oowell; G. Elliott, H. Boss, B. English, D. Endress, M. E. Flint,,0. Harris, B.- Orossman, B. Foster, 0. Ormsby, H. .Saunders, 0. Brown, B. Harbaugh, F. Mitchell, N. Thompson, L. Bartow, B, Miller, D. Powers, M. r SimmonUs, "A. Abrahams, J. 0. Ball, H.'Grever, M.' S. Btono, G. P. Koys. 'N. Spencer,' H. Franklin, A. Pratt; Gi 8. McDonald, A. Lloyd, M. Nlohols, 0. Francis, B, Johnson,IE, B, Johnson, 8. Louohelm, A. WUlloms, M, Toohoy, J. Thomas, eto. Here Is a pretty fair dramatlo detachment 'to take care of Pike's Opera House, and defend It "against all comers," whether roys- toring : rebelB or bluedevlla. We look for good Hews from that oltadelpf the mnsea. . . ., \ -. } The "star system'-' does not appear to anlt onr Boston friends,' Judging from tho houses lately at the Howard, in that oity. Not' even the'Webb Suiters could overcome the difficulties in the way. Well, nothing llio proving the pudding. ; 'Th'e Walnht and Aroh Btroet Theatres, Philadelphia, are both: workisg along under the star system. The Arch commenced business with Miss Mltohell, who performed for two weeks; and was riot reengaged. -In this tIme, sho produced her vorslon of the Orlaket, of whloh wo'have alroady glven an eiteaded hotloe. She wbb sueceodod. by Miss Jane OoombB, who, like her. prede- cessor, has not created much of a sonsatlon. More"experience upon the stage'may ,make~ this: lady 1 moroacaoptahle as a star,' Just now, she is working up hill. Bho, also, wUl probably bring ber peiformanoea to an end here at the olose of her second week, about the 27th.' On. the 23d, a boneflt In aid of the Association for the Belief of. the Orphan Ohlldxeh of Soldiers will be' tho Arch, for whloh • dcoasion Miss Coombs volunteers her «ldj A worthy aot towards a dcsorvlng objoot The Walnut openod with Mr. and Mrs. B. .L. Davenport, and they, too, dosed after performing two weeks. Tho'y wore succeoded by Mrs,'. Emma Waller, the greatest Lady Macboth upon the stage, lrj whloh oharaoterpho appears tola evening, Sopt>32d. During thd past week she produced tho "Sybil," and the, "Duchess of Malfl;'! the latter- belogf one of this talented lady's greatest offorts.. Bui hor Lady Maoboth will probably moot with greater snboess than either of those plays .we have mentioned. Mr. E. L.'TUtOn will appean as Maoboth, and Mr. L. P. Barrett as Haoduff.....;.The Oontlnontal' has opened under the management of Mr. Bandall, anfi'thua-for' has- had a fair share of patronage. GalelO. tho danieuK, Is hare;'. Bho Is a splendid dancer, aha a hard worker; M'llo. Helone Is also here, likewise the etotert' Auguatt and Marie,' aU-axceDeht dancers. Mme. D'Ormy and Mme. Vbn BeS kol do theoporaaoB, and Maffit and Bartholomew do the "panto nilmios.'' t . ...... , ■ ... •. •.> . .•;««.;•; ; ; ;•:• ' ■ j Miaa Eleanor. Ward and Mr. E. A. Botherh (Dnndreary) wiB please accept our aiaoere thanks)for their < ebtto and auto- grophsjustto,handirbinLondon. >. .-• , - Cincinnati tn,ust'- have been hurt badlrln ber < amusements, during tho reo^tlhrcailenod tovaslon by the rebels. ItlaBUted that In a oonvereatCoh, ono day last weak, afrlendsald to Mr. Piki that tho robols,wou)d mnko use of the.Opera Honao if theyshquld suobood In gettlnrt' into OinolnnaU.' "Wet." said'Mr. V.V "le> them take It' If they rent it onb- season; it wilt' hanknipl the donfederaeyf sure.". We believe the rebeU didn't tako It. , , : . i,Tho now theatre in Philadelphia is progressing favorably, Oii walls being partly up already. -Thellmo of opening-has ho boon doolded upon. At flrat it was thought that the place mlgh( hDnnlahod at the opening of the coming year: but It to not cer- tain that it will be completed by that time, and the lnauguratot+ ooromoniee may not take place till Spring,- Mnoh will dopena npon tho war, and the prospootsof tf tonnlnatlon.of the reboplou! ' Thb AdMpty;Troy, romel4sclosed. Hore Is aohancofor some enterprising'-"kuo' 1 (nyew siaUJng for '«ouss,"> '^The dramatlo folks Lave loft for some mbro cphgehlal olronmnlanroa. ' Sony DaVonport did riot arrivo la tjuobeo nntUl the lBth. The house was to havo'Oommenoetl'bto., on tho 11th, with'AliceFla- oldo oa the star, but Dolly not arriving, the conronenoementrwH postpWtnVtliiJtolSthT , T- J . , We thought, j; B. Otorke was successful enough whDe atwath- lngtoh;'but bis-Baltimore'engagement nt the^HbrlUay la mort mphaot than ever. - Ditto of Femny Brown Isses- SqulreBalleya pf;thto^jrbjl)U« o*jo4saarBou( ■ •ijohn H. AHenl Itth.andjlsfoUd ' Gabrlel llavel] tones of tho Bol ■' AbelDfako' Museum. - Th Bill's verelpn: Eaach ah(l^ai.. Warren Is atloWe How very - "Frc Mr. and Ml and enjoy un tiuhly entitle Manager Hi nated from Denrerto Central City tlonal on the Hhwlth. 1 'Satanfn Paris/;. Kelley's New York Dramatlo Troupe dp Brantfbrd, 0; W,', oh the 15th, tor* two wee night "The.Btringor" and "Family Jars, that Glitters Is Ait Gold" and 'Toun Wfe'sjo Daageri" drawing food houses, Jhe troupe to composed of M)jts:-.(^bnto^Mra. oohg, Miss Dotglaas, w. S. Forrest, w, H.Dayifl.Master.yonng, ,W.H.KeUey,jJo,CoUlns,elo,' . . B..E. J; MUedstUl graces George Wood's, Clnolnnatl,' In horso pieces, hotwitlstandlng that cavalry reghpont he-Is engaged In forming. Heailames Maoarthy snd VUicentaieanxdng^.treaJi attractionsthljweek. . , " ■ .r,,..: J. A. Neafleu the big card this, v/eekl at the Nltional,'CirJolD(- Aatl, but M. W. Ftoko continues to B6 the big oard lxt the comlo 'line, afterpleoEs, etc "Mose" la inaklrig triendai'ainsiiaVi..- '-. . The two boieflts recently glyen by-Manager. John 0. Myers, at) his Academy bfMuoio.Prpvldence, K. I.. fortb'e'TolunteerFuiid, tiavA t«*ii7as one 'thdueend'and- nfry-eeveh' doBars^the first; second 1607.- ' Wen done, good' old 1 Providence! magnaninous Manager John 0.1:*,,) ■-. .'.' opens the Washington Theatre on the 29th,- it, having done Louisville, dtfeB fl^.^LoulB ori the ln.L'Tho.-Lllila^ toWWxeJltl aiUe-WaahmgWiJ Parkatbafl' K.V t^rmlrarlng on th e lfllh with heTtegtment; a bon.'sttbe TlJeatreBoyal.Moi . on the W by Geo. Pannjjefort. his , '^OTingiii)erloa vf ha,ve'"r<-- i! Thfcatro, br}t tnuift soon'leh+er. ^wife'are-BowlaidonimeiheSattheBoeton' ook' begins . with.'fJeanhette/fiito/, 0><BMton elgnoldsbave the,bnrdeji of tho piece. ana,W, a rest. 'Olaii- to. •be'. rralter Bean inihe'ca(i y" Tremont BOW is becoming I chings ere now in their third wtek! at Buffalo, ilsbed nopaUrity,.ao their sterllog morits-oer-' artistsitoreoelVe. '."' ' ' : ■ m's Exostolor ; riranwtiorCempahy Wave "alters , aUa'!0penedatthe'Na> n ; ^al'iu!by : HaU,'ln s,,pro<laolng the first '.and tte sooohd "An .^atilKWk'-'.wl " ' ^ dancer; tots;'r«(nas > iOtttani)|t,' WWfSRS'ft'W' Xobson BwSS t'EL\l&3K t> *'Q™\* Edgar, principal 'jwffiWtHncer;-W.H. Donaldson, rope Mbrrte" BrothersrPeU^'Tro'vTWgy^^Sty rS'SostoD, riant r opposite the Old South, keep np :: th4ir ^ninnllig flr**f laaghter. causing novelties .eo .well, that-the more<the Dnblleigio tie more ■ people wantcto go,, Lon Morris: has a new song,! thlslWeek, "The yankee Volunteom."' Ed.Bowora'flaewscng; '*mM'Mndiais are" Coming," to now bvlta second weekwand-is betlar ^tkeo every •'. Th»*.!'h>iMili4<)i'!.of ".Original Campbells)?» and«X>Va]lager 0, A. Mornlngs1ar,,did weD aa LHlUoiapolla, andannOVr Is LonhV Hr*^ fhOT return to IndlanapoUe, and porfonn therttdurJilg the State Fair, after whlo h they lMond ,«raUng'tpifl.,iqfri j ,oiaciiaEB;''' ff:$«i>^ '"The Bern" write «t toe;from 'I6iii»^'^.^'iM.-«tt(>-' Sept :—Robinson t Lake's Combined- Mena«arie,,od .Oirous, having returned from their tour through theCtnadae/arerioWtA Indiana. The company comprises the foUowlng weLvknowrJ per> • have reaUa HBO, and i and well don ,H. 0. Ja MaryProv) 29th. I . - - -ill .' ••"«<. /.' • t- .- J MUSIC HALLS,.. "M.," welting from Harrisburg,' Pa„- on.Btptember 18th, says:—In the way of amusements hereabouts, we have the Gaiety Mnsio : HaB> and Sanford Opera .House. -Thd ibrmer.'is under the xoanigemeht of Bob Edwards, iwsll known la your city* the latter Jl.occopled at present by Ufe./'gay. and .lncomi— g BV B. .himself. Both establishments ore>»oll'patr , The 1 suoceas of the Gaiety to attributable not only'tt Bob's clever, management, but to the superior excellency of hie troupe."-: Flnrtj and foreipoBt among the ladies la Julia Edwards^fthe .pretty wife of toe proprietor—whose vocal prformances and personal attrabtlorls are much admired. Julia to assisted" by Mpllle New Tork favorite-^-whUee pleasant'voice,'sunny charming "make up" bring the "bora" down^with a e .corpj du baUtt proper .comprises. Kate Aroherand Lizzie and Kate Francis, Lizzie, the,eldest of the _ fine blonde of twenty years or—thereabouts 1 , with a irtloned bust, plump arms, and though'hSr "waTkerB," elavlahTy displays o laCtlatt, are of rather an exuberant Je, yet their symmetry are unexceptionable and beyond £ori sister Eate made her dchvl here last Friday night, now the "bright particular star" of the establishment, og immense- and enthualastlb audlenoei, ^who.are com- pletelyicarrled away with her beauty and genius'.'. The male part of. the! troupe, beside Bob, is composed of , Dick Borthelon, fivmoul ou bone solo, T. H. HoUls, Jig dancer, .'aid Edwin JEFy'de, comedian. Wceber's orohestra, the best in -the State, odtsldo of Philadelphia, furnish the music, which Itself is worth the price Of adjnlaslon. I shall , allude more parttqolaily to : Sanfptd'a estabdshmsnt'next week. ' .-■,. ■• Ty View," thus writes from San Francisco, on the 25th Aug.: GUbayt's 'business fair; Sherry Oorbyn has assunedlheoutside J jement of this place,' and has Somewhat taprdved: the business by Judicious advertising. The,,Worrell Bisters aro the pruqcipkl arbactloh. GUbert's. Winows give three weekly after- noon performances, by the Melodcohcompany,.....BeUa'unioi); business .good, houses crowded nightly as aa'nal..';.v.Opera House, mdertho management, of W. H. Smith; Is doing s fair butnot paying business. Birch and Cotton are. the chief attract Ooie, '"BlDy O'NeUl appears, when he Is sober enough.' ..' ', ■ good view of the rdnslb halls in Detroit 1 has been furnlshedus by "Mohawk," writing on the lTth:—Mr. L.I.M. Bayless.generously tendered-the prooeeds of lnitFiiday evening at tho Tarlottes to the "Soldier's Aid Society."..' A'very fihebUl was pTesentcfl, ue'rjautlcarcomedy'of "The' Middy Ashore''— the military: drama'«f ',*at»^totL'B'-Oia. Gnara'.'—tho farctfof "The Old pic/i/'-andtlie^fahtfe^r^.'ThB.S^ool Mastet"— also Ihe'beautlfal \Mil^siMfg^ffft/tt^^^t>^\K^^\'^iB. which was some very nne pOlrpa^^^S^ble&tabyJthe Schultze Sisters, Miss Julia HimUtoh'ejro^ffl^HSrrnlCPit. -This,'together with singing and dancing, niau>jtfr^jhiiavir tai.f,gr One-rilgtrt Ulss Usne. Sohultze as, Harry i Haleyon, the Wddjr,' with songs arid dance, was*uWdedly daaoing.and breezy,-end looked yery; bowitcblhg In sailor "rig." Mr.-J.'R. WhltffKsTomOrlrigle, the: old boatswain, was of the salt b4a—ealty'("&»ve a obaw.tobacco, marm?"). As Haversacln the old Guard, Mn ^White cwae very nno, playing with much..feeling, and-.cfl'oot.. Hiss Sohultze as Melamo was excellent. Lord Boauville was wejlrehdejrod by Mr. Frank Bosworth, who kindly , volunteered hii iervfies for tho occasion as Bobby in the pantomime. Mr. Edeaoa, wtui'' 'Moh ibd racy." • Indeed the whole 'performance waff -.tolte: worthy of a first-elasa theatrei . All honor to Mr. Baylese And his "goodly oompanoe," and may \heh> daysever be long for.tholr kind efforts td aid our-hoblo soldiers, Mr. Bayless has'mad'e a'-ten strike" by .engaging the'.'.Queen-bf Bong;" . Miss Eva Brent, who «01 commence .at the.Vjirletles about the middle of. October. Miss Emma Wlnth'rop,'late at'the Varieties, has gone to, 8t Louis. Messrs. Brimmer and Pell are also gone and aro now "holding forth" at the Cleveland Varieties. More novelties' are in' pre-' Belter's Ooncert HalL - : Miss Clara Sartcn (Jig dancer) made her first appearance last Monday overling. . . Mr,. George Miles and Mr. Lew Benedict wlB shortly appear. The Metropolitan Melodeon, Sacramento; has bad fair tunes lately, .with Mdme. Btocscclantl for tho principal attraction.. < '.■ '. The Canterbury, Ohlcago, has loBt T. W. AndxeWB, who opened at Mllwankeo on the 15th, put stUl ;the place thrives. Some^ad- ditions have recently been made, and tho company now atands I— Messrs. E. D. Goodmg, Joe OhfldsJ-W; J. MacV,-D.''W. : CoUlhB,' S. 8. Fitch, Charles, BlchL Schubert, eto, with ."Mesdames Box, Eate Partington, Julia and Lizzie- Sale, Kathleen Q*Nell, and Mdlle. Elotoe. On tho 15th, James Arnold, V. 8- Wilis, and Billy Pell, made' thelf first bow-wow at' the Oanterlury, and were Well received. ■ ■.. . .■.<: :,■ •■' - ■;'-■ - As we stated lsstweok, OoL Horry. Howard, at the GsyetyHa- slo H^ Albany, is making: it a first-lass plaice of amusement 'Seehlsadvortlsome'nt. 1 Pending tho new arrangements for Mead's Minstrels, Gustavo Bldeaux and W. H. Lewis nave temporarily formed a parlor opera troupe, and appeared at, Manchester, Hall, paotuoket, B. L, on the 19tb,"as a sort of .experiment, asstatedbjiBonPeniglni, pi- anist. ' A' capital idea, and likely to have, ah agreeable, fruition, as both Gns and Billy are capable 61 giving eaUsfsotlon to the moat elegant audiences, and report speaks well of - thejilano playing of MoatrpDofl ; Eoruginl. . ■ .... Manager Oampbell had o grand comp. ben^ at Harry sbward'e GayOtylluklo Ball on tho 18th. All sorts' of oxfras -wero on the bflf, ana some of the best talent In Albany oontrihated volunteers. Bam Chestnut sustained the character- of'Jerry Clip, introducing lmltaUohB of Forrest, Booth, Maoroady, G. V. Brooke, Davenport, Eddy, Bornby WUllams;' and Billy Florence I ' The Melodedn and Olymplo, Philadelphia, are in fall swing agaln,.the former under tho control of.Mr. Wm.Brrtler^the latter updor tho management of Mr. W. Blanobpls. The;cpmpany en- gaged at the MoTodeon embraces' the. nemos' of Mies Eva Brent, M'llo'Sophlb Nellson.-the -Fbrrbst Bisters,'J. 8. Mafflt, Denny Gallagher; Fattlo Stewart, Jim Bndworth, Tom VaUoe, -W-'Btr^ tholomew (Maffit and Bartholomew, seem (O^he.two turns, each night, being also announced at tho Continental), Charley, .Gard- ner; the'Del'eVanto Brothers'; and a wilW oorjsj Under Paul Bfll- lant.' The Olymplo forces were as follows:—Misses' OUfteni Gardner, Smith,.'Marahall, BnUer/Duprer, Lagrange,-Cafllne, '' ■Olymplo < "to .considered by the pu'bilo tobcthooniy legitimate, place of amusemontlnthe clry/'i So-thohlll) teU-usji,.-0i-M6Mll.' Ian is stage manager of the Molodeon, and Wm. Wolf business ■nohageror theoTympIo':... : ..Long's'Variet^'lh'thtflbvfefsoei. Uohor the olty, moves along In afloiet :rnflmorji(Thaoompahy porformlng hero numhors' in -It Mlsaes.Bayio lli^aJ.-MaryiNejf- ton, Carrie Corson, Boea ,Volai\to. af,elIndo'^aHlo, tho Wollaco Brothers, Jimmy Williams, J. 0. Kecho,,Wm^WsTrw,H.'Mcrcklol ahdBUW-'Ohamb*re.<'Thishbojfe <'mflOB«rOp(itl\ton'.'' - The JColodo blades havo. had to part wBh^'ttio «lnging< and danping ff Mlsa Ada Laurent, as.ebp lAnow^tArrlB'g tot Manager Carr, .By.theway, Blake aha Hayes are now. lrltho.twenty: woeavof.a "slashing" soason axniong thb Toluo biadcs;. : '. The Baltimore Melodeon,' under. Ibo-'mragftmoutibf-Albert Lea, la, doing a "big.illness,'.' and bis be^,tnotlri«hstandlng the exelt^mont cauepd by.thorol^l>e>BrooUrfia l loa.. .Manager Le|l, aksisteabyhta'buHboe's^raadagor, J.' sbon .to Open the BUtfmore'Mugeum Vrlth a ammatlo cottipnriy.'whon It Is not apprehended .that they witt be wroolod onVa lee ahoro; ' »■; jtei^tw) riiAtitiiiw'Blii'l'.f> , ,. Frank HaVes seemsanxious ^ '^' ^ ^^^'^^07'^ laibpr oouW b« reached by letter, as Fratlk -ha* WrBeVlmpbiWu't ,-newa.fn* Dan.,,Frank has a emailimlpetrol pjuiy 1-1 " b'ifmt aJolerahlyJUr biz. aniiong,' , ''JohxwfBbokhr^aluiBtrels ppehec 'OV.otfilfe'Mtn,' and ere now "feeling . . , "winding way' 1 to BL Louis, luteniUng to brjmmaiic*'as- aobn aa ja^^T^nartyw^athebj^annual formers: Mile. Alice, Mile, Acnes, Emma Lake.'rA^darnb John Bobinson, Wm. Lake, Willie Armani, the Bolaud Brotherlu P. B. Seamon, Slgnor Hernandez, A. F. Aymar, Bamuel Bnlrl- hardt, 01 ark Glbbs, Ous Shaw. Harry Keys; and Madame Lake. They perform fpor days in Indianapolis sit the State Fair. oW- xaehamg on thelMhof September, when they- would reouett their friends to.write. '' ^"-.r - Levi North's hoy, Master Henry, recently'tm-ne* up v»t—<^» r •' while Mr. North was absent from home. He had on ' W-«f Koasnth hat, brown linen coat, mdroorduroT.'panU;:he is be- tween 13 and 11 years' of age, of light complexloh, and la well known In the profession; £a he Is an intelligent boy (.and. very clever in his business,' The boy is said to have been spoken to by a man, some time ago, on the sulbject of gomg Into Ike D.-8. service, and this man gave Jrbn soma money aithe time, and he is supposed to have followed the:"teaohinga!'. of this tndlvldnal, ' for no trace of him has beea had since he: left his lome.. It is - rather hard ton have men coma -among fatntiiMj and Xntloe shah yovmg chBdreft tolcave their parents.' itv-:, i The oircus season is rapidly approaching WfinHU, add soon we - ehallMve our traveling" friends with us opoe xdore,'ln the cities where show people most do congregate. Borne' few. bare made, money;- some will como outof the camfialgnwithoutlosB-.-otrrer*,- agaln, riave-Jo^giBlnce^en.back^to dtoordei^hdle, %re are plenty-niore b^^unf otrfS the laatWihehcpeW f e tr l b iSg part i . have been Uie most losses. Canada and-the Brittsh-provinces ruvfliable.spoty.dnring the season, wo ehoald Judge., .yan Mbtofe, wheax, has Bone very-well, and Lent has autocomejn for agtJod shJ^'of patrotLSge.' Dr. Spauldlng, too; Vi'sreifn-' formed, has majle money with Dan fiJco's.ooncornv orVwhfchftha Doctor to.Andhaa^een/erspmetlme.thehead. Thethreat invasion.of t^sjfree.^utee, has materially interfered.*rlU prospects bf'ehdw people',' and the area of their travelp'oar' somewhatnarrowea:"">"■'■"■> ■ ' ' • • • ■'■< -i-i-.'l- De Haven's Olrcns Company showed at-Quinoy,.HI,- onvtha lath, and are:*t present in jHavenport,-Ipwa, after wht^htttey mbveeouthwards,pnnt'reschingBt..I/iuls.' . ,.' ,,' .''','. , 'The OoWwih * Wflderand Art. Dab Hlce Combmattbh' Bh'*fr aretobeatQaeoeb'oh XSi Mth. '■■ .-• >« k::.'«I*»iji . \ 1 Otoblnsotf.* Toole's Olroha.arej around BraotfoTd,/^.Wi bjn ^.correspondents do, no^epori any, good tdZj-jTor them. ; . ( ;„ )-..(!' iV„-v'. "- :■'--inselELLArfEOTJff. " 1 f^n-i ti»' Professor Anderson, the Great 'Wizard of the North,'was atflW Town'HalI,iGuelph,iln Canada; on'the 17 th land 18m,;ind(4emed Ukely.tojjBtpy- ir>-,that quarter. He is bulldlng.a Chmeae^pagoda. opposite the Sosslyh House, and bis Bo'n. wlo lus'Meilperlom* . ing at Kingstori; will soon Join hlm in'their 'usftal'iWiibrrnancei,. Already^ Mtos- AndsTaon's-' second sight tHc is' an-impOrtaM featurj in U^Profeaapz's, {'enchanted evenlngi". at,Qwlph. U( ,\ _ jorSl MOanada; and was at thi 'Town Hal], buelphlJbh-aieiatiVi 18th. "He.intends to tonoh-.up ventrUoqnu^im/lprestlbigttailoBi neoTOinanpyi etc.>;-4uting ;the.. vpei of the,,Pro^ol4 JelliTl • Y^keV aUJler'B Par^r'Sraraaa'aeem to take weli W'ihe'rowrnl of Michigan. - Mr. and' Mrs; W. W 'Biley are retagatedl'/'BuS gopdiVand 'even, Ooldwaibr ^ave « cordial reception, palling aUla gpodiplxllSi and nobody."riled" more than,they wished., .,, ' Hubbard's Mirror of the-Americah War Is doing a.faU Hi. In -thd^towna aveted BOsftni-fiLTil HasHo-Uf tte-rocamt: ; « -: 1 Woodward's'-:Panorama' of- the- War 1 to among the' town* ■ m ,M(*saohuflettfl; L John,p>vJas, formerly, the ';he«Ty villain" of V xmthTrespeA! to-ttu;Vlori(raB'.'ilrids of bAveBng 'cdmpahlbifa* present among the interior towns of California; we' obtain a glimpeo.-of afow;of <thsm by a letter from "T^Ay View," leaving Ban'Franclsco on the 28th Aug:—Mr. Leighton.'s!company per- formed'at Jilcksbn'bn'the 23d, at Aub'urh ott the 24th, and- next ' atPlnoeryllle...'. ..Ah opera troupe, under: the management'of ; a- 0. Nprthtup. le Twrambuloung tho country clHes. The. prin- cjpals.are Miss Barker, Slg-Grosai, Mons. Charles Heir. Sohraub-. stadten,,Mohsl Roncorleri,' and Mad. Klebbs. They performed at San Jose three nightA last weeif; arid go thence to SacraroeUto, FalBom';land iPlacervtUe;..'...A' vehicle' dontalniog Murphy At Baokue', Mlnstrela, fourteen In number, was upset on the 23d, wtiUe ascending alittlo bill noar'San Juan. The parties were all thrown, out. Edmong bad'one 'of tils legs broken, alias Lonlfc*. ParOr'herfathef, and Joe Mnrphy,werobaay-bnilseJ;.'.v..The ' •Naodti Trimcript says Sam Wells -has visited Nevada with] ( com-.' pany some fifteen or twenty times, and invariably, qo. matter' whaVmonth of.the year,it has conlmen«ed'ral41ig...'.'..Joe 'PenQand's Olrcns haB made a'good thing at Maryavflle', Bed Blufis, eto. ■'; Bartholomew's -. Circus was-' at- Colamhia on > the V 16th Aug The "Panorama of the Y^ar on Canvas" to at-Sac- ramento :the "London Stercacomo"-is at Grass Valley. ' J, W. Whlston, tho America Huteorlit'wis at HernsBgvflle. P.o^tamvule:'Nundai'ahd--Mourit' Morrlk, N. T,v bn the' UthTi7K-i 19tU^and20th;instB...- • I , ••. -;r7~ ••Camera.;* writing from. Troy on tho 30th, tbUBTCfieots on MUM' of the neighboring aide shows:—WoOdrohVs Bohemian — of'Glass Blowera'navo been announced for Borne time,'but'are '•* BtiB holding forth at Albany.: They are IxomenBefavoHtM'xfete.. '"rv Sr^aMhg.of glassblow^rs.'tbelr geeUemaniy.llttle agent, Ed. 7^,. / White, "allowed" to me the other day that "fakirs.' genenUy.v were exompt from the draft, on the ground that the law recog--'' ' nlzes"strolling players" ss'vagabo&dsl'' '- How's'that 1 ?' ■'■ . !,, Mons.De;Lave and family,have been meetliig wiih eonsidery able success in their ropo-walkihg exbib]tiohB,at Cohooa Ealb, 4H»«W tbe.pasttwp weeks. ,A fine braes and string bandimaln attendance, and a iotiUon party succeeded the rcgulur rope pe> - - fonn'once." Hto evenlngi p&rVortoancea, with iflwworhB;' eu.. were considered as being .equal to thoaeiof-Blandln.- -iyo , A company entitled the Lyrlo.8olp and.Glee Bnigj),. with. Urn Sara E. Btono.asthb'Soprano'; Hessrs.'DeVeie^nndH,xSsgUL'-; Tenors; Mr. W. TOilm/'Barltono; Basso/Mi; Gwi Wrlght/K:' • Pianist, Ohos. GJrntbcmb/bavo boon downEaat'to tynn.Aalem, —.v.. w,;fln*rhusjdan», " - war with the Putnam' -,„..,. . - , —1 EDgt., of Mafs;, Tw- >.' u^tebrs;il > ■• : •>/-' 1 ..;'l .'-1 '<••'.•' if " - The Peak-Family have'/fpaahed.-lnto". Bohenootady, Troy; ete,,' and aranow/'poilrlunl'^.t^Eaetern SUtes, . . .„ „i r, ', , Th6TremalnoF i arpyare'njoly;«f Vup ate'b.f'butremahvwiBi' 'na,'Hwe bbkerVo, mygifre a'eoncortvlry^BiioSoasM&'M SchenocnyayontlfolOthv. < e-|**'i»? .\*h i-.R-.-vTr^TOtr-f*.. ■■,; BrnMii-Holmes'LPaaornma^if-.the War haareturrnd torBortan.' - : after a vory fair run of success while on thoir,tnvels.r. Both,\th6 proprlctons have caught the war feverr-talking so'mucnaboutlfc. ^rnaps-althohfeh thoir lectiwr, t&lehWetoffirtorrX^ Ikpditoo mueb,T^rhapsv'rumalxu.bythoobbUDrh u ^^v^ ' mains of It—In Boston. Bruce has Joined the Borne* c^vti that tho dombatlvo WoodTof : ttWBxtce*'wUl W~ HolmcBes would sooner fight tat bur .homesithonfe. frtohds-mare of :the vanorafhA.' <T W«Bhall'Bee: n '■ Madame Anna Bishop, asslB(adhy ifi«em^;toa Gtist»vo'ti i^areweWrfKi* ^WWiftf:>)B|l,p;'ttJ ■ 5'WaTTS«rhPah'bTam» «J'tft8 : fieWfflon'ii' among 7 «W < lrAma^xa : BhoaViMand. (Uk.persoh%h'o'cAlhr-:rJrhaelf>'l(oiu^^ i?eW,fhW^fnjb^r^ing,andBho* wnJun<rtlcm.wtULthl( : rrom^tWweOTo^es — ^ '.W^^^fijJfW? ^hosyfa]lboughame^«femptiwa»'m>Silry !V% on l»'i>Idjapproprtato the vombhredrWneflts nanJj^crtjBbg., Bu^9)e.0flwn«itlm»/l jbWe F51'8 ! BavBl wo tontpredto of%a^repu|S( eoon foundovr; ibv* Mils Louisa'AndMuonjfot oight nlghw Jf the MtaJ Bhw^ Panorao^.o/ «fe5o^iftipdj_fat. BK Lawrenci i lebturo'defl .. No woSdttJOie away.' on .the.j ' ib 'T >iHirskbir WoW «Waa, J andIWbl -.^IIIJijiUpaT,bntof'.botuWlhu.,.-, ' — - ■ -x,iO(f *W) ■T.V,kV,. ■ .1'