New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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N E W IS O B wE : G11P JE> E Hv T Y > ■ BOW in tt« ainiiy-'-WlSr HMten;" « "-^J?,? iSlL *nd on nUnnar uSiits It IB most dooldedly impleuuit |o sSSewithdeUciSJiDltofltoi*!. • Thlili »hoPl»<>J A«ft«a«» ori«8 of AHotot Out rsg," »nd Taiiom othot wkeM oj «ta^b4ti(m when ttiakporUon <rf iln.-geiiefous pnWlo" who oetDM thli p»rt of the theatre ctnntft command an ^"WJSjg iKw of the Btage." •■Moke," "dlsconntod iilflg6r,"&d •dlvete oUiar oompltanenlary namei, fly round thick u enolrSikes on a %lnt«T'a dtT. The nmaiks and orltlolaiku on the peiformancea fc~.j«ata.n«flh.lheBame Btylaaa thoso in the. pit Borne pi ^^oMM^SStifkljiaiA to Tlalt the old Broadway, are lond In th^iaiiSiMnaid^iaA'a Whoatloy, heotiue he doea not Bl««ihSni^&r.e WeMT3dFoReet,and reaerre a portion of , sLi third tier of Hlblo's for the uao of "ie«poo>lile oijUnftiPiw. TBttC* ■ Th6 JlniQOrlal pige' feet aeem to he in as greaj demmd Jn thla poTtlcatof thia UiMtfa^ tnr olhar./aoliiB down the adleir (talis, about ereFy *t«p Of. which haa its own (arttonlar dnoslt of fUth, we t.\ ia«t roach .the atieek, and onoe more taSatexniealr. This is no fanoy atetoh. The writer has not ~ 'ttBwnon hla jmaglnattoD-lnasingleinatanee. TOCTerythlng jj^Hi^pfimied, hewaatneye-witneaq. \ , 3lii!E W f O R K q la IP P (& R. fiATDBDAT, JANDAIT S..1»8. itBabtni<ni,FhilIaddphla.—'<i amapartyliiteiested in a andadUBeidtThaa ailaan In, Mgaia to apoaalblllty that aaayMonr; and a dlTonlty of oplmipn exletliig between ae^reral ■atntleoisn npon the nbjeot, we nam oonolnded to leave the .^Wootoyon. I have two throws (aay In lOA); in both throws I .^areiniade, say, 51ln each. One^ther pereon thtowe,-and 'ties la'Ybokh of my throws). Kow then, I wish to know whether I ■M entitled to the neond throw, if the other party beats my 'Astthrow." '. Ton •!« entitled to a fresh throw forjiachof ijoor ilea. If yon threw off one of your ties, and the other jr^*"*"] In throwing' of hla tie, beat year throw, yon hiye •Hn another ehanoe; yon oan throw off yon^other tit; ' OkiiB^miaddphla.'—• Br'o, end I> pUy at orlbbaae, A and B, ''icndB'beuigpartners. A deals. B,0,and D having dli- D cats the pack; Atoms npi having htmseU; however, Inadvertenoy, faOed to throw oat under theee oir- )e* Jiine not either,'. B; 0, or D the right as a qnoatlon of i/to dlilm a new deal If ao. dlaposedV.'--'..•■Neither i^ylenorBohn throw any light npon snohaoaestlon, bnt.we jtTort op&don that,-as A' and D'were equally oiupablei and as It ^raidd manifestly .unfair for A to have the prlwege of'disctrd- Uj^nnder snoh olronmslahces, a newdeal oould be imperatively 4tabandedi A to retain the deal, aa the .error did not ooenr 'Hikm^h.a ml^eA- . . ^ X .B.'WAninB.Sd'& I. A., Hilton Head, & 0.—"A. B. 0, andD jmpIMng Enolure^'A and B partners sgahist 0 and O; Adeals, tuy U pan, when A ptoks up the trump, and says he will play .it aJonei O says he will play It alone agalnat him. 0 makes three |(jfjU, apdtaay he aooieafonr points for the euohre, while my '-optfihsn^ says 0 Is only entitled to two points. It Is left with .livnlo decide whole right." Ton are wrong; the*endhie jpdr entttlea 0 to.two polnte. Chad aorlght to go alone, aftfr 'AllAiAMtBolandhla IntenUoh of so doing. The player maUiir 'fljja '.trump, o^derln|r It up, or taUng It un has the privilege of gobiil alone, and hb only. ' .tk 'W. ft, Philadelphia.—"Is the Ealamazoo.Oonise, on whloh jnon T^pipIeiTOttodaBillelnliMX, amlleln length, or not t" f^.'.;.Velu»e beeaassared that the Ealanuzoo oacklaafnll Mils.. At thatlms the little mare made that extraordinary time, .«B snggestad that the eonise mlghtbea "UtUe'ahort at one end.' ViTs leeelreAaeveralletten in reply, atating that the course wis AAdl: mUe. ';.. Among oar oorraspondenoa, was a letter ftom a 1 eonneotod with the press of Ealamazoo. Had It been l\'that the conise is abort, no donbt^we ahould have I of it :1ong ere this. Further than this, we «annat Uy, aavv hayjtog seen the track measored. :- -ir:t. 'F:; axn'H. p.—"W. 4. p., beta H. P,, flve dollan' that H. ft;'oanh'Ot olalm'ai new leal at Enohre, nnder the following dr- «Dmstanoes. Fotir are playlng-rW. 1. P:, deals; and dean this tat two roiuda of cards, singly; H. P., ini^kea'no objections nn- -Uthe tnmp Is turned, and he has looked at his band. Can he, B.'P.'/'^dlalma hew deal}"......Udder the'dnsmstanoee, our Million la; that B. P., cannot dalm a new deaL He should have «l)eetedlMfor«16ohlngathl(hand, tomakehlsdalmcraod. The ynpernieUied'to deal, is, two cards and then three, out aa no 44eetion waimade to the single deal, at the tlnu, Itholda good. ',Ai^.S',,'.TaUe7fleld,o'E.—l. At your request, we credited Jet^ atoiunt at So. 33, and'malled accordingly. 'We aris equally Wm^ent'vthat they were sent from oar office as you an that they tjltvqr reached, yonr P.,'0. 2 It Is imjiosalble'to aend them Wurlle'rthan Taesdity,'oar publication day. a Have aentBec 18 aD4'iip.'w1(h the prennt lone. 'Vrer««fet yon ahould be aodiar 'apptrintedi . * . . 4>itoxairrE., Army of the lotomao.—1. Hie Jack la scored wban^er ...turned np: we have always so decided. It Is one of fhs "perqnlsltea" of iht dealer. X The mlea In BIoff say that ^Where "two flnahes conw toaether. It la dadded by the one hav- ing the highest oarda." $, The - player on the left of the dealer MS the pnvllege.of going hUnd. Xit^ Z.,'Ohllloothe, 0.—"Please dedda ihlf bet:—A bets that ^flaysialsan Irlslimaa; B bets lhM|M Is in.EngUshmaa. )tti.tIia.wlmierfV;i..'.Bfstha wtDftitt^aoooralng'to Tom "%'dwn atttamentihe, Overs, being bom at Ptmlloo, near Ion, En^and* • « . ■ > Nbwbold, London, Bng.T-By thla mall Ed J., sends a c(mtalnUig snm Utho^phs, ud the post If)R<vt.*^a«iiuBnnlkae'hia aeeh pnptr to aiinune the r»> spiaslbdlty^ thiute jlbaater atEkederidtsbarg,-aDdiheAby takwalOAddttbeihotddeiaof^he adminU^aUoa;'' In retarh for this great tavori the Piealdent.Tety gradooaly tnfonna ua that in the'kttaok on the entrenched enemy, at Frederlok'at;arg, no,e^. ^.vWopamltted.' 'We]],'~U'*kia'dln'th«adin^^i|tiontoeaae .On^ minds on this tiolAi TTe all imagined tSAtiTseridas blonder had been committed, 8eo how easy it is to be mistaken, ^ell, what next t 'What la the nexk.step in thb x<ililoaIs'programme f Having got thus fur wlthont ai^ error, where win their ."vlgorons movements" oany oor'army next ? Oome, hurry up; UoOlellan was dlamfinedfbf 'being'filatory, and weliave a riSht'to demand qnldk movamtnts,^now that ht la^iof tfab way.> 18^."—Here we are, upon the threshold of a new y^, with a-dvll war upon oar hands, and everything as regards the fkitare, imsettlsd, andnndeflned. Near^ two years baVe we .on,'and the ebd la not yet The year Joat been one of them'dat gloomy, most bloody in the erloa. ^y the year we are Jnat entering upon in store, and bring peace, unity, and proe- once more. ' - I'Ued ani tnuty Mends who have stood bythellHte Oiitm alnoe It first aaw the light, and to thoeo who have sweDod the ranks of its patrona dorbig the .7^ of war and desolaflon'we have passed throogb, we, tender.pur slnoore and heartttH thanks. To one and aU we wish aa happy a new year aa thetrialtherepablloliinownniergcilngwilladmltof. Uayhealth and Jtaroaporlty attend' them through the Incohiing year, and throngh many more to foUow. . Obsixoio at Oabsi.—a Bio TazB.—By recent advlcea from India, we learn that groat excitement prevailed in Bombay, on account of the dlsooveiyjnst nude, wherein a British officer Is charged vftth cheating another officer at cards,, oat of $12C,OOOI This rather kiwoks onr gamblers, who neyer get quite such a big poll ss that 'Engllab soldiers in India must be quite /Inah when they can be cheated oat of snob an immense sum at cardSi Oois'at a Pasmniir-And no wonder, for those whol»sonled Callfomlah folkhaveljaat put $M0 worth of it on a roiewood cane, a^d throogh Ujr, F. Butlel', presented It td Mr. Hlohael Phelan, oar eminently worthy BUllard>ln.Ohls( as a mark of their admiration of him as a gentleman and a player. The pre- eentatlcn took place on Kov. U, a few days prlvr to Mr. Phelan'a departure. Capt Semmes prolonged Mr. P's voyage home spme- wbat as he should have been homa to eat hla Ohnetmas dinner, and' his Mends wan exceedingly anxious. Be Is hen now, however, and snoh a weloome honie as he got was enou^ to give any one a new lease of life. The veteran looks weU and hearty, otUed on .us to-day (Monday), and ahowed us that oanei whloh we here approximately describe ^^It is of highly C"ahed Oallfomla rasewood,.the lernle being of gold, and the die carved, also of maaalve gold, embossed In* the richeat manner. On the front of the handle an .two billiard cues of Ivory, croasM, fastened with a mby, and above them -two dia- monds, and below two rubles, the four npresentlngia set of IiIIt llatd balla.' In the centre of all, a chaplet of dlunondis. The cane was mannfkctaied by >Ieasn. Barrett k Sherwood, at a cost of $410, and the work in connection with It, la admirably execnted.^ . . THE>RING. ORT S AB Rp AD. istovwhatyoa will do wllh tbem.' y .AHi,B4wE,Iiondon,Bng.—Have Written yon, too. . .■,4> AsiiPT..r^ohn Brongham was .the flist' nisnager of 'Wal- y old iheatn, in Broadway near Broome atreet - He was not jofoeaatnl as a manager, and the theatre aoon piaaed Into other ^^lldS, i' ■ - ..;.'!'.'; .'v. X<7.D:-^<<I>ld Hammer Lane fight twice With TankSse Banivau . ^^so;wllh'.what'resiilla}"..':.i.iro. Hamnibr Lane fbnght ' MUvan bat.bnde; on the Ind of Febrdaiy^lSU. at Orookham r.OoBimoB; ^s side, Uroand^ SI minutes. . .r*' 'tiniPDaiL,.ZaneivIlle, O.—Tea, Mace and Sing |iave fought be- jtare,..Tom Sing's other battles werewlth.TommyTnuue and ':. I ff^^fmm, Phnadelpbia.—Oeorge Semxd ran lOO yarda"ln 0 se- |>agdajln Biiigland-. ^ean not aware that his time haa' been liOM P OBonw), Iieaveavrortb,San>as.—We had a letter from soar place, in type^ when your communication leaohedns. Ve aaA prMonaly, however, given a list of the compai^.' ~^Ji H. 0Anu,'Betr61t—See n'6tiee. Ve ean't Tnake bead or tall «r Mr. Bayfeaa: "We have written to hlni nIpeuSdIy, but can got 30 aaiwer, so we have oonolnded to let him slide. . j'R^,..l|ew Tork.—We believe the Eokford did not piays match •pUtLthe Motoal'ln ISSt; certain It is, we have it not on record. 4)ee yon,Aotconfounding the Mutoal with aome other olubf vfl mmin t A Caag, before Frederiokaborg.—'tonra onlt received M_we were getting ready fertile press on Monday. WiU appear A'enrjiext' '■■ ■.- ^ iii ■2?iF^jt^''!f^ Pa.-TliB ,Beore.taiT of .State is'lkr. Seward; mtf,.War,Mr. Stanton; of the Navy, WoUes; of the Treasury. 'ftyChaan; *to.,- Is this what you wish toknow?.. ^ ^iwrtfSsto wl&n^onf '''^ ""^ decided by the :&' S. B.; PeekahllL—It is ont'of oar line; and fbr that reason ^jpieaVxsTma. ndy.'-^Kotfiing of the kind reaohed ns from Mj^r^nera,'/m tut yqq^^ "BbeoiDs^ OIeveland.—Toor last reaohed us too iate to be of •l!r7lM#a^toahqews..,:.Wegotopreaa9i Mond^r.evenings. • 'W^-H..'<Uifrnir, St Louts.—To^ letter was forwarded,' on the malpt of your lint note. : .' . C^'Bi'D.i^rlU|gton,'lt.' y.—ll' Saysis waa t>bm' In England: KomiBey In Ireland, and Heeiupi in^Troy, KeyvTork^ ^daw'TiIIi, TMsport—Dpmp htton the scaled and yoa -will ■ten And out her welgqt. ::..:, ba Boi!is,.ChUaddpbla.-^Tonr tetter dld not reach us uAtll Itb 38d; -Taehdsy. We go tO'PTe(s,.alwayt,°on Monday evenisg. ' S. 0;, Walortown, jr. T,—l^e hnite jiot heard tram Mr. Beyer sjtaiM he left here for Baroile. , . ''". ". ' , ''Bf6b.— The arUole is an advsrtlsetment As yon have written il^ it would cost yoa two doUara; ' ■■ ... i. B. 'B.—k letter' will' faooh him at' Oolnmlos, Ohlo^ See Mtuementi. ■ ■ JO.'0:0 , 09,1; 18th Kiss.', Tolsl—1.We pnbllih no^ pictorial * TM;;gqMfor«Um<tnUMr. ,^; ;^ '; W., Tktmloni-^oiuiiiy A not dead. He was in SigUadthehs^wo heaidof him.' ..•.... r\ .. ••*iMo», Boohiatar^Kone on hand at pr«eht '„?*?*-^'^--'!»;ifomlalo^rHjryp)j.' •. '. ■■ ■:• '/;<'.■.'.. Y I [ '' . , .' . . . : ,'. StiRS*^ :W '™.' tBO»iaiioH.-r.In onr tbeatrioat leoArd in this : ^StSi' we give allst of the deaths whloh have o*. . 'rt»d.'.ln'. the.^-j^trlsal and aWpxbeeaalon dorliig 'the' year am;f>.fhr;ai/theyhayeoome to oar:-:knowledge,. The illetln. Sf^'^" ''^■^ and.elsewhwe, ■ '^™*..^?s!.''J>**5^. ')*nie«,' some eompdtted suicide., while 44heii«ww»thevlotiiMof.,dMt^ Thetiwoi', ^'fvf^'*''? f*'f«»ni»». the mlnatrel, ihe magician;.the ^f^>.^ ^i(fF> *^ >|ip'f esented In'thla'.oat)dogbebf deaih'a ^t^ &the year lg«>. M Biy n^esare oiiltl.djthey^be Mded to iht'Ilsi'U soon aa retielvM. ' -'■•''- ■•-";■""■■ "'' •■'' '"' '-' I ■ • ' ■ ■ , ' . *;]'^'.'miikM'^^ '<»* flnaBt''double.gun :ii .#ta)ert(iihft .po«^e«:tIUfapnary 32/lew. See advuttaimenl •»0-»hhteflict-»lI«*li«W.''"'':.*.'/' • ■> ■■■<I i.'iv. • iliii oifr' .vlli.'i v.i'i t-i''..;-,v'<l'/s) • 'u:-.; i ...M.ii; i' : I . ■ ■■■■ ■Hl';lf -i./il V I '.ti -i- V...... y:.: (■■■'-,■.:■. 1 OltABKBl'B B AJbOOIT—THE OEM—Qomer of Hons. tonandCroabystreetStNewTork. Thlsestabllshmentmaytrnth- fnny be termed th'e Bjo r t am sn'a OaUeiy of Art as there la to he found the most eitenmve oolleotlon of the kind In the vltf, inclu- ding plctiires npresenUng the most important sportmir events, and the portialla of most of the eminent eportsmen Intheir sev- eral pmrsnlts. Vlsltthe ^rtlng Picture Qalisry, to which acme ValuableadditlonabaToieoenlly been made, by ail meana S-tf THB ORIBNTAIi, No. 116 BoWeiy, between Orand and Hester streets, ITewTorfc.^ The aubaorlher respeetfuUy Informs his friends and acquaintances, that he has taken the alwve house, which he opened on Monday evening, June 9th, 186).' The Bar will be supplied with the choicest'Wines, Uqnors, and Segars. The Piopilmor wlU do everything in his power to premo to eonubrt . 19-tf . . JOHN BOqHB. TinO DEER'S .HB&S.—JAOE BATH'S house. Mo. 2S Houston, near Oroab; street la the stopping place of an who love "goo^ cheer and good beer," sparkling llquon and prime Bav- anas. His portrait ganery haa everybody worth seeing on exhi- bition, and Jack dellghto In explaining them. Fun at» ftoUo the order, day and night . '..\ : <<tVZI H'l't^ IilinC'-EASBT BELL'S Saloon, on Hona- ton'atreet^anjoya'th'epopnlar patronage to an unpaii^eled de- gree.' Thetinihis,Eranytl8acap|talftIIow, andsmoStncAenrAc catenr: and bence hla almost unptededented popularity. We ad- vise-all who dealn to: spend a social and dellghtfai evening to Tlalt his admirably oondtioted tteataunmt and Saloon. 3a.3m* - ' , ^ PBIZE FIGHT IN BOSlON. BlLLT BolinZLLT aBD "PUKOH" TEX PmNOIFiLB. We had an item laatweekabo;it Billy DonneOy'a being sent for, to go on to Boston, aa herthoiubt to light a ^ove fight No- thing loth, BlUy went on, spent a few days, aeelng the Athenian 'flepbant and generally waiting to see the gas putoot'befon he 'went to roost This was no way of getting into fix, now waa it? No parttoular incidents transpind until Ohrlslmas Day, when' a number of genta, expressing a wish to see a glove fight made up a purse for Billy and a tight bnllt little fellow called "Punch" to contend "mltdermlttena." A room was selected, the boys 8ot at It one round was got through vrith'the gloves, and then liev let the cat out of the bag, for Itwo'uld appear that was the plot'to Stan otr outslden and the aathariUee. The bantams fought ding dang about an hoar, getUng through someseventeen nunde in all, BQIy having a decided advantage, imtU the fif- teenth, when he came near "oracUng his crown" from a torrlfio thnw (this waa aU that "Punch" depended on for victory)^ Be rallied, however,eind after a couple'mon nunde "Punoh" siiook hands and resigned the contest Donnelly caUcd' at our office on the arth, two days after the fight little or nothing the worae from the battle; he had a slight scratch on his lip—nothing far-' fher. New Tork thus scores another victory over Boston. We ■believe It Is Billy's Intention to go on'there again and take a benefit pretty soon. Jess; Conuii's Aipua.—Th'erels to be a sparring exhlbl- blUon for the benefit of this Fourth Ward boxer, at the Shake- speare Hotel this (Taeaday) evening, when, it la hoped the boys win rally around him strong, Jernr has been veiy sick lately. There's any quantlhr of names on ^e bill, (Including the aristo- cratic Milage Cornell,) the locality Is a good one, and there'e no reason why it ehouldiVt be a Tattllng1>oneflt Jerry Conklln and the .Unknown are to wind up. . BbiiBTBiHO Ni(n.—Mr. WiUlam Clarkb, of the (Jem, has Jurt Imported a number of fine twUled handkerchletB, with Tom Sayen' portrait and a list of his battles, and John 0. Beenan's, sniTOunded by stars, underneath which is printodi "The FViar- teenth.'Star of America:" that's big on John- 0. Wo believe Mr. Clarke bos them on aale, and at' such a reasonable price, that everybody. (^Afford to eport one according to hla or her fanoy. The pair would make a nfoe New Tear's present, - . . ..Left Towir.—Tonngpmmgoole went oa to Boston last week, for a little ploaann, tiat will be pretty sure to have a turn up bo- fore he comes home. If Drnm woald only look 'a little more to his own Intoraat he might oooupya'blg poelUonin theP.B. When in proper fix, he's a hnnimer. Tfss, yes,- Tbb Laziatis am DaiLn Maxon.—There'; no bameyabont (AJsafEiir; and everything goes on swimmingly. Johnny writes that after NewTean he Intends going Into eWot training, and keep rfght to his work tUl March. JoeWtnrowhas taken oulto anoUontohls pupil, likes his stylo; and thinks be can bring him out the pnttlest epeelmen of what training'can do that evor won prunella. . Joo's a oood man 'to have aromid. Peto Dalley, too, la in apod hands, t/m of confidence, and eager' for the fray. He and Johnny are not stranger8,by any means; they went to Boho^ together In the Fonrth Ward, ofton came Into eonislon, and took It out in punches. Now iltat they have arrived at the age of puberty, when they meet, somebody 'wiU.get hurt, sun. • BimjBT A^Hni Town.—The "iitar of the West" la on here for a short time to see the'boys, preparatoiy to settling down la that "gymmynastum." . Perhapa Toung Barney may lend a hand stJony.Gonklln'a benefit, If £e has no objection. Do.young .niii SniuaiH Eota at Last.— After a very long and tern- pestaons voyBgoaorpea Iho briny sea, Dan and the ship eooceed- •? making port a UtUe the wone for wear. He appean healthier ^n ever, and the trip haa done him a heap of good. We haven't yet leaned whether Oosgnve is hick or not Probably we may give a long ytmi about them next. week. - . A Oa»D.-iaiily DonneUy wishes ns to return Us Undest re-' Krds and slnoere thanks to Meisis. Tom Orew and Oodfrev for e many aola of kindness ncelvod during hie recent trio to Boston,. He wlU always endeavor to doaerve tholr f^leddshlo. ''"■ ' :_! . 1^ ' BU<IiIA!RDfl.—AjhatouTa at bUlIarjih willfind ton firsi olaas Ql'oliii Tables at the copiit of Twenty-ninth atieet and Broad- way.' Ihe roonl Is pleasant and well arranged, and Is nnder the personal supe^lilon df the Proprietor, THOUAS'T. BIOIIB 7eU known a^ one Of fh'e oldest and best billiard players In tho ct)bntry> who Trip be>p)etsed to receive a visit frem his friends both ofdand new.'' .,'>'.,' ^ N.'B,.T^rderii-received'fbr'tnyllilstf in fonneoUon wlih Ih* THE Kttta, "•• .' "'"* oallaht fIqht JfATST'BBAltDpH 'ANi) jpi XUXOiN, . Fob *i6o a Sips. I^ BtU'f Lffe, Da. li. ■■ Wo have noit to record one of the nloat gaUant and herolo bat. ties evor'foilght'; a.batile which entitles the belUgerento to be looked upon as two of the most fearlcas champions that ever en- tered tho ring, mie few Oorinthlana preient were so enthnalai- tloally delighted with the fine .milling quailUea displayed in this tremendous battio, that they again and again, during the pro- gross of tho contest staled they would nothayemlssodbolng present on any aoiotmt Beardon was first introduced to the metropolitan ring by Dan Tbomis (tho Welstunan.) and th'e gallant Pritsy, who Is of Irish parentage, made his ddtit in the Hjng on Jan. 27, 1869',' with BUI Smith of Brighton, for £11 a side. Itere wen 43 rounds fought In es minutes, whan Smith, who had not the remotest chance ogalnst hla powerful opponent was compelled to cry, "Hold, onongh."' After this, Beudon waa matched tgalnst thb gallant Jade Booke of Birmingham, for £10 andde. This event came off,- on the home circuit,'on the let of May, In the same year. In this game passage of orma there were 30 rounds, in 75 mlontes, Vhen hoatHlUos had to bo sasponded, as the police made their unwel- come apijiearance. The stakes wen afterwards presentod to the belllgorenta by their boeken aa s reward for the gallantry they haddlaplaved. .' . The next time Patsy entered the ring was with ShIpp, in April, 1861, but owing to the activity of the Wejah conatabnlary, the afiUr ultimately terminated in a draw. On the 3Sth of March lost, came the mooting between Beardon end Oeorge King, for £60 a aide, but iheleaat aaid about that fanloal affair the bettor. Patsy waa nest matohtd against Bob TnvttB, for £100 a side. The mill between these men took place in July last, when Bear- don proved the winner.-- They fought on the home circuit, on Tuesday, the ICth, end Wednesdity, the letb, of the before-men- tioned month. On the fiMt day there were aeven rounds fonght when the police came on the ground and cattsed a cessation of hoUllltlcs. Oh the second day there were 68 rounds, making a total of 00, when Beardon was hailed the vlotor, the contest (ag- gregate time) having lasted four hpun and five minutes, the g<u- lant Daikoy, althoogh defeated, wiimlng for himself onlversal admiration for his Indomitable pluok and perseverance. It wiU from thls-bo seen that previous to Tuesday, Patsy, had appeared three times within the ropes, and had foDght three drawn bat- tles, end won twice. Dillon Is one of Old Nat Langham'a pets. His trial battle was for £10 a side, with Dooney Harris, and place In the aame ring with Mace and Travels, on Feb. 33d, 1800. There wen 63 rounds,.oocnpying 9h lOmln., when DUlonwas hailed the -winner. On ttie 38th of Juae, In the above-mentioned year, Jem met Hill of Chelsea, for a pnne of £35; and, altor a gallant hard fought battle oflh ISmln, during which there were U rounds, Jem was dndarod the viator. The third time Jem entered the ring was with Mike CocUln, whom he defestod on tho home clrenli, on Tuesday, Jan. 7, for <36 a side, in 46 nnnds, occupying Ih 6Smln. Dillon, like his brave antagonist,' 1^ o( Irish parento, being what Is termed an Irish Cookney. . Early In the month of July, Dillon signed articles for a matoh -with P. MlUard, for£60 a aide, at Sat 9U>. but as Millard forfeit- ed when a fiver had been staked, Jem once more waa oh the look out for a customer. About this time, Beardon having settled his dUferenee with Traven, seemed to offer a very elldble opening for Jem, an opening of which he at once availed Umselt Arti- cles wen entered Into at Nat Langham's, on lUdoy evening, Au- Sat 8lh, and the contest was to have come off the aame day as. e Championship, but the day was snbseqaently altered to' Tuesday last In due time the men went into active training, Beardon taUng his akerdse at Mr. John (lamtt's, Wandsworth, and DIBon at the BoUean Arms, Bammerpnlth. At storting, his training iras entrusted to Charley Jenklnson, who, on prior occa- sions, had brought eoveral of Nat's men to the post in tip-top condition. Charley, however, waa not to see the finish of the mnteb, fcs ihe poor fellow died from' an atUok of bronchitis, on Monday, Oct 18, at Mr. BeasOl'iL the Borse and Oroom, Broad- mead, BriatoL Jem, after this, neglected his work, until Jock Smith, the Begent street Pet waa-requested to take him Ih band, but it was then too bite, and, we understand, Jaok had no little tronble In getting him tohlawelsht In this be succeeded, but Maater Jem. who wante a deal of watohlng, waa atlll anything but fit while -Beardon, who la always steady to his work, waa aa fit aa a fiddle. The combatanto were confined tolOBt31b, andon going to scale on Monday, at Bob Treven's, wen only Just with- in the mark. • . At thU meeting, Ooss and Mace "channted" londly, but could not come to terms. By the backenof the men. Measn. Ward and vj"»(r>'«»", the'moat satisfactory arraDgamento possible had been made, they having agreed upon an aqnatlo trip, and for the purpose of taking time by the forelock, bad fixed upon on early atort DUlon and hla frlenda atarted from the last of the London Slen by ten minutes to aeven o'clock, and at Oreenwlch, Bear- on was sMpped, and now away went the bellJgerente and their frienda to the aeleoted scene of aotlon. 'When the landing had been effected, the commissary lost no tlme'ln forming the list Patsey being the first to throw, in his cap. whloh, however, was Boon responded to by his opponent Beardon, who won the toss for comers, had lOr hU eeconda Oeorge Crockett and Jack BlohK while OUlon had rotalned Bob Ttaven and the eccentric Jerry - Noon. The betting was 8 to 4 on Dyion, and there Is no doubt a deal of money depended on the reeult The inijer ring -was beautUUUy arranged, and, although there was s deal of uoite- meht among the "opposing divisions," yet then la one clrcnm- Btanca that most not be forgotten, and that la; they never at- tempted for a moment to tnapaas npon the "forbidden ground," while the rlng-keepen did their duty with praiseworthy aeal, the first ring, for order and regularity, being all that could be posal- bly desired. The receipts for Inner ring tlckete amonnted to eiaotly £5. By eleven mlnutea to nine oUooh,.the men had re- ceived the final rubbing ^.flram their seconds, and their toil- ettes having 1}eui satlaf^rily completed, they were«onducted to the scratch.' THE nOHT. Bound 1. Patsy having won the toes, had the advantoge of the hlghergronnd, and this aavantogewasatoncedlscernod.' Bear, don etanda Sit 7Kln., Is 33 years of age, and is one of the finest made young fellows that ever entered, the ring, allhongU about the hips and thighs he is not quite so deeply set as his antago- nist slllcn atonds 5ft 6Min. and Is in his 36th year, and Itwas appannt he was sot In anything like.condition. In moke, OUlon la extremely powerfttl. Bis deepest and brood, massive chest his weU-developcd loins, bis Immense -wldth-pver the hips, were aU polnte denoting fine physical power, end hod he not nos. ^ _ —, weight and the puU of tho "poU" he acquired by the toes, enabledliim to cover his.ontogonlst in a marked manner. Beardon was a little more showy |D his sttltade, as DUlon haa the habit of thnwlni the shoulders high up and brip^g thom tooronhd Itwonld be simply rMlouIous for ns to dweU with tedious dronmatan- tlallty on ttie mere fioorisheau-aa to how the men sparred got here, got there, feinted, retreated, weaved together aaain! rubbed their arms snd breaateaa they felt the chilly eltectcf the morning air; or how they occasionally had their booto light- ened fromtbe paeto that had got dogged In the spikes, owing to their rapid action. There were, during these movements suiny attompto -made to get weU home, but neither man was sofflcl^tly well to distance to do so with effect At length, after i deal of mAnamvriog, they got woU'to nnge, when oiuoi. daahed out the loft at tho mark, and in doing so. brought his nob forward.. Beardon was not slow to avaU himself of the opening, bat deUvored both mawleys on the top of the oranlam. The men on the Instant drew out and paused; when, aftor again diminishing the perspective, Patey, with the left foot got weU to the toe graft and, with a stinging left-hander, administered on the nasal prominence, whloh caused Jem's nob to hound back as though the springs of the neck had been nnexpectedly ex- tended. There was on the instant a slight diapUiy of the ruby, so Iteardon gained /nt Uood, After shlfUng, changing, and taking l^h poallions in aU parts of the rlaa, tiiey again got weU to'measure, when Beardon, in loading off the left, adminis- twed another hoavy hit on the kisser. DlUoa, on the instant countered with the left on the right cheek. Again and again, in this long bout they countered and broke, taUng new ground, iteardon being effective with the left, whUe Dillon, once or twice, used his favorite right At last they made'up their minds to go to work in earnest Patey led with a lelt-hander on the mark, and then drew out There wae, however, now an impotuoeity In the movemente of the men tbat could not be m'staken. As Bear- don topk new ground, DUlon dashed st him, and In the moatdos- perato manner they fought left and right to a olose, Brardon get- ting well oh the right'oheok, mouth,, and top of the head, Dillon doing execution on tho noacxlght cheek, Sind with the right on the left aide of the pimple and body. Tho men in this fine rally got near iho ropes, and Closed, when Jem, finding he was likely to get Into on awkward position, got oloverly from his man, shd wentdowh. This nana lasted nmln,. and the men, on being taken to their comen, were loudly ohcered. . 9. Thsy caqie flram their comen on the first caU cf "Time,' smlUng, as though they, enjoyed it Immensely, and when they had Joined Issue at the scratob. atood aparring and manoDavrlng as in ihe opening, boot At length weUwlUiin range, when Jem led to the left and in doing so again ducked his head In anything but artlaUo stylo. Beardon, after-exchanging-wlUi his antagonist, got Jom's nob In the left arm look; hot Dillon ex- tricated hlmselrwltb much agUlty.apd gotweU away. 'After a deal j^ore.sparring and monuavrlsg. In whloh the - belUgerents got In all parts of the ring, without anything-effeotlve being be- 1:1 shifted, Beardon followed ud admlnlatertd anotUer of his fine, eUnging left-honden on thelV9rlee.: Thlssllmdnp Jem, snd in anomer terrlfio rall^i in which the men's mawlays,feftandrighL fnovod like A coni^e of battering rams, thoy fonght to a close, Jem; for the moment got his antagonist's nob on the right arm rip, but, finding he cpuld not hold, they broke. For em Instant jiev stood atvlde: rango, when, having'pulled themselves to- gether, thoy once morewent rattling to It in the moit delef. mined and reaelnto style.. Beardon. with the left, delivered a floe left-handed shot on the mouth, whloh leftan onmlatakablo ^nprwlon, and with the right alio in telUog it^le on the top of thekaowledjebox. iWoni.withthe'JrtghtcntiiA^^I^ .«ve exoonVon, ^hUe wUh the left heij by no mi'''' deed. In angther brmiaot raDy. Ih-rtSi wu iSJkf' ^ and.teko oh theffioit'feorleas prihc^STttSfo^S^^ mrt'lon of sU, to a dose, and wont to mlSiS » J&^'jtollf the belllgennte, the atehes had to be allghtlyl^oLT ■« all*e,sparring Patsey ddlvered the lOIfonthTiSSr''* As Jem shifted poelUon Iteardon foUowed,whM «f tte ropes. DUlon, who had hU back on tto «1 to get to an awlwart poelUon, but he cleverly .^'i,!'' rW. 0>fy'onoht Ipff and'right.wlth both mate odmloletering the cayenne'on. the 'month wlS^JilJ^ tte cheek and fore^ with tte ^Sht Dttton wS* doing duty on the side of the nob, while wllhXuS' dellYered somewhat round, he was far from b.iir' In a struggle for the fidl Patsey tried the ba^ succeed, although he brought bis man over in manner, Jom fUOng on his fOoe in the centre cf th. !. 1 4. DUlon l(ad a lump Jnat over the left eye. thr.i.vt watout whUi there w&e other marks on ffi pbSjfe^ » bore undeniable proof the bitting on'the part ofwr''^' had been of A flz^g description.' Bonrdon waa •).a<'''}'>^ marked about the dial. DUlon, after folntlna Mlh«.7?!^ sUngIng right-hander on the hodyj.Baardwi connuSi?^f nny.deUverins the left with such force iS CffiSi' tho mnzznrd,'lhat Jem's head went back with aiV™'' now steadied themselves snd again got to moasom n!L theloft with a cross flreiadmlalaterlngon the lefinZi?' dellvorinoon the right Ohedi. After theae {obSSS' again broke and took new ground. After some Bhoirr»SL«l ing, they oltend aotlon i^m^ slow to fast time ^ if"'"' npid manner, and with the same dauuUoss naohiH^I fought DUlon with the right being very efrMii?J'''S sUngerontho leftside of the pimple, whllo Beartm%5x, amoattelUngmannor. The men fonght right aoron ih!!!^ the ropee, when DUlon, who had hie back to the cordTT hi was Ukdytocome in for the bond screw*, Bllniied ik^ position, and got down; Theoentest had now la<i>S~T and one minute. . ■■ ' ""i«io(« 5. The combatante had got thoroughly wntmcd te ihnu and how the features of the batUe assumed quite a dU-M.;, pact Beardon, who was fint at the scrateh.'had no somS met by his opponent than he went to work In thenflii!i mined style. With the left he got home on tho ton onT.- and with Uie right admlhtetered on the left cheek wtthiL fecit Jom waa for from being inactive, for, In a ralk U1^ -with hla antagonist Uke a Hon, getting homo the leftcai u. of the head, and right on the aide of Uie loft listener ' nSn worked hla antagonist In the rally, to bis own comer wbm Ion, who had unqueetlonably noelved by far tbe moet U share of punishment finding he was in a dimgeroiis angk ped, and went down. . . o"^ e. No sooner hsd "Time" been called than the belli came with, the utmost alacrity from their corners, n after getting close in, dashed cut the left and right| bat < execution, as Dillon, detecting the movement, drew wtl his man, and Jem, in retreating, got aU roind the ring foUowed with npId acUon. Having again pauied, Uioj themselvos for an instant and then went to work In the plucky and resolute atyle, Tho exchanges, left and right, a bead and body, wen deUvorcd with the utmost rapldlK;« the most effective manner; and in this fineraUy'thtr<' here and there in aU parte of the riag; uiiU they got I roiAs, when, aftor some mug dippers a^ hnlf arm, Bctn' ministered a heavy apank on tho Jaw, and DUlon waa down near Us own comer. 7. Both men wen bleeding from the month, and the ance of once proved that In tbla epirltcd each had put In for and received heavy damages. Afttta maUoenvring they got weU within distance, when at It Uin DUlon dolng.offectlvB service on the ribs with the right, a the right cheek snd month -with the left Iteahlon, In tha changea, also getting on the II(ont of his man's dial, and o left Bide'of the Jaw with the right Agdn, in another > rally, they fought in all paria of the rijog wlUi that slti., yielding valor, that gained the admiration of alL Theism pause or stopping now nntU the bout ended by Jem beli» \ tremendous left-hander In the mouth, which sent, him to p Dillon for the secand time being knocked cleaiVcf hla: Thia was Indeed a aUnger, and the gallant Jem, aa helaldoa ground, pot hla hand up to his mouth as though to atnn seir he was not minne any of bis grinden. The frleDda ol don were brimful of conQdSnce, and so prominent a lead « considered to have, that . Mr. W. Blchardsen offered f ' odds of 10 to 1, but then wen no takers. 8. Dinon, on coming up, hsd on ugly cnt on the top Up, had been done when Iteardon knocked him down b thi ceding bout Patey, acting on the advice of his aecosdi^i to force the fighting, and, after some exchanges, DOIii « therones. Beardon, thinking to pin hlsman intheaim J[ot hold of the top ropo for the purpoae of tightening hla' n, when Jem got deverly out of the dlSlonlty, and weal 9. Jem came from the comer bleeding from the o noso. Bcardon.waa likewise dlstUllng thttlruecllilr L.. snout wbUo both, in addition to .this, had many otherwd in Unto on their dials. After puUlng themeelves weU togelL. the oentro of the ring, they once moro went at It In the saait lent and determined style. Patsy, with the left Allveieda per on the right cheek, and foUowcdupwIthaahottton right Jem's head went bobbing back, but the gahief scorned to retreat and fonght hla man in the most resolids vrith both mawleys, and^was very effective wlttihlsdfil with bis right on the sido of the Imowledgo box snd ribs, mutually drawing est and taking fresh ground, they once resumed operaUons. Beardon put In a fine left-handed the mark, when Jom shifted and retreated -with more tpctd dMnlty. Iteardon, determined to bo thero, followed, aalliA got wdl to range, delivered another of his sUnglDg lelt-hi on the month, when DUlon slipped down. 10. Beardon had onqnesUonablyhadaUthobcetolUislt ing, and hod a strong lead;stU], there was one olrcumilaaco" could not fiUl to rivet attention, and that was that DIU every fresh summohs to renew the contest, cams from hla 0 with the ntmoat alacrity, and was as strong ota his pins asi commencement In the counter hitting, RcarSon admlol. a fine right-hander on the left Jaw, DlUon pbnting a sthigei the right cheek. After breaking and manccuvrlng In aOiails the ring, they'agaln got to distance, and Jom dsliTered a iltbl hander on the body, again bending his nob forward aa holetli^ when Patsy, vrith the left admlslalerod anoUier Ai thelopolt.. cocoa-nut ' One mon superb rally; the combatants nilh ^ greatest nptdlty and resolution fought with both mavleis h and there In aU parts cf the ring, untU Jem, In getthig fion I man, went to grass; amidst londf ehcera.from allpartaof theito I 11. DlUon's left peeper waa Ihst cloelng, and Beardon altoW the eahieogloln mourning. Jem, taking the InltUtIn, ledUa loft at the mark, when Beardon shifted position, snd loot nw ground. On again getting to range, Beardon gave aiMbt BtIhgeT with the left on the right Jaw, nncLfoltowed ipnlam frdm tho right on the body, when DUlon, In his ows corM', wiantdown. 13. Jem was unquestionably distressed In his pipes, and It™ apparent he was now sorely feeling tho want of condldoni with a gameness and perseverance tbot. was truly admlnne,!* csme from his comer with eager wUilngness. .In leadlagMf* on tho mouth, produolng moro of the carmine The measn* at this, moment meet fmproporly hampered byttiehf aeoom when Patsy, having got free, followed bu man np, and deiiT«» a fino left-hander on the nozzle, and got well away. ^•J?*' batente, on again coming together; exchanged heaw. lMn^ from superior reach, being most effective, when DlUoD,lngtia« lyom his opponent, went down In tho middle of the rlog. . 18. The men were no sooner up than DIUon popped lo > vrarmer wllh the right and then dosed, when Beardon, «m n* much the finer wreeUor, threw his man a heavy back fall. 14. DUlon stopped a fine left-handor In magnlfilient aM»-w deedihe proved wondortally quick and ready at Umes m»j" cross guard—and then, iis his opponent draw cat "WJI^^n. pllo-drlver on the ribs wllh the right Tho men. In "'''"'r mente, were here ind thero in - all parte of tho ring, iw''^ playing greatagUlly In tho use of his pins. After stopping on the part of Jem, and heavy exchasgee, >i^'^ fought In the most dotermtncd monncr wiUi boUi ■■>?^''^aI hltfing being in favor of Beardon, untU, after being «U ring, DUlon went down. , .uiiwf 16. DUlon, who waa ihe fint at tho mark, deUvoed aww muon as xo warn mm tbe aucuoneer -was • "'"""e,,^-nfr Beardon, after fOUowIng his man up, and gelling to d<«°'*J'y got homo heavUy loft and right on the head. Thefflen ^^, Jem'a comer, when, after a atrugglo at the ropos, down, Jem nndor In thei fall. . ,. j. nmd* 17. DUlon homes heavyriffhl-handeron,theboMrW^ who countered, doing execution on Uie dial, "SiiflrSBl* slinging severity. The combatants dosed, Patay tnoa w v the arm lock, but DUlon broke, and got down. , ip. The combatants oame slmultaneonsly from tneu »^ Alter a lltUo sparring Dillon Kinged out the lelt ^^^i ih finding tho guard off, ddlvered-a tUe-shaker on tnewp^ hoAd.. After again getting to dlslailce, Jem, Jrttt ^J.,^* right admlnlstend a fine rib-bender on tho body. ««^, ^ the counter hitting, doing execution on the heao wi" . The boUlgerente now. In flielr slashing, nnflft«*y£,*' Sen'i* mined style, fonght right aoroas the ring t» th» dose," wentdown, DlUon under; Jem, however, when down, iw man over in a curious fikshlon, and got on hlsKueM. . M. DUlon opened theattook byleadtog I'.'hrftllo** tho right cheek, when, as h* broke groyiV^iS noelU* Jem, bdng too near the ropes, shifted and Vhrt* and again and again iloro wOro'bomo heavy ox»^Vudos> *i the men, the hiftlng being decidedly in • ^|"»'"'/Sa aW tS Eimlshed hlsantegonlst "evenlyabout thohosajW ^^y^ I a right-hander on the body. DlUon,'\iftor 5?i!!„t Jotni'^ on the top of the bnast got from bis "i"), and woni ^ 30. Bcidon's lamps, kllhough ^"BlSnfcdli'iji good; whU* DUlon's left daylight wse dl' bi'U°|l'''tS5 pwij tto game bit of stuff was .mJdipunia^ea aboutmo J^,^ nomy, although from themannor IJ.'Won ■JJJSfBeartS'i appannt that he was sUU strong on hlM>lne, wbue w t£[snspodtwas, from hlsaoHon,ne firesh BSWhon u . - ,:ir ..r.