New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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. r: ;^:iV.-jr: vBX-.Oro OAWH BOY. THE GAME OF OHESS. -snnoR'^i^lnhEiMtHB maggot smo-VHEBB thet ■vr.. .>!.> ■■i.Tin AiTTC- ynjn'y i nrgm T)BAn. . ■ ''*~'Vtfilijimi»ii^o(STertoi>Ttff«ef ^oaielliafc'iuidrilttll ins#$ir{o tfili qaesUoa. ErCTjbody'ftl^tart Vnifl «Tei7bod7linagIneBbe'aeatiBn iotiiti. Not luilMiff'Hl JOUI tkBoyimprtaalona,IoaadlSlybsUsTatbstone- ~ ^ ''j«aa]rioUln£naUaidtlone M"BTaitoD,*'«i8ii«TeT _,BfiMmneaotUieTUUee'l<ieir,foTlt'snnthU8tata tltB^Sdife'UtaciU. It thiie uIdrs ben, whait mnBt ttat-wmli'tdal Mo, all; I wouldn't np mote belliretbAt, ttMT^fVn Vood'klii'tapat-ilot-lolndlTllaal. BUU.peibops, jUBKt lijlke&Qab dlffettncewben ons iMvJa It's all right. For -'W8aoe>^Ueii. my flnt experliqent on li)ta<btled cboeae was '. ujH;'l t&taght It -was aUTlng, until a Mond piodaced a Ught, ' ,wd^«Uiiblted myrlada of llttls oie«pen, "all alive O." "San aatU lht hnanringaof—ooteonaolance, exacUy, bntot my stom- .' fMplfalt *■ ihoogh ao'annTmieinaiaUiig and connleimarab- ' Jaf tn'oter nly Internal miicblnoT};.' Mow, Utbe conspirator (for .-mh be wM)' hadn't told me ^er were ••maagete" (a lllthy ^ord, ''' to liigr the beat of It,] maybe nothing of the Und wonld have btp- ■«e£a Don't ^ see? Eiactly, and that'a'why. although yon ' bM notlndulMd in the real Everton, If It tasted as good, it ' ''M^tntlotuniabltof dlfforenee. ^Thlafamoos little village, -Mtha genuine artlolecian only be mannfactnred, Is Jnit on mliUnaof the to^, and a pleasant carriage drive from '«n-8qDare. Nothingpeonllar marks tbo place:yet it Is aa ««T M hoasehold worda all over the world, Jnat the same ais ^Bruilon Is, simply bocanse Bteptaen B; AHlgator Branoh made a lOBlmage there to find'ont ttie Bx-Chlef M. Fs birth place. ' JSoBUbilSk, BtephenI k iaigt burial groond called "The Mecro- ■yoHs," oinSmentrVie plaoe ttie same as Oreenwood'Cemetery •dams' the oataiUrIa of Brooklyn. The expense of fitting np .-thcjla'gionnds', containing 2i,00p anperflolal square yards, coat «m IW.OOO. ^bont a quarter of^'a mJle farther is the Zoological 4laManb,» favorite place of resort for tunllles in the summer time,' and other gaidena are wilhln easy access, for alL SH^jtUat oouiai—iLM ioton's loira—comm iul wiih a solho- . (tat BOOIU B^T. ' lAolit fliVtt miles out of Liverpool, we approach^ the Alntree HaoaOonne.. Nearby stands tbfBefton Aims, a luge and.oom- noSlbaa hdteL There are aooommodatlons for flfty4wo horsea, •ad Moms over the atalla for the use of attendants. The comae .Is mile and a half In length, with a gentle rise at the coming in^^ia tarf is alaoyery llpe, and notUabla to much/change by daM wet or dry weather, is at Bpaom Downs, they have their ~ ~' QdatAlnttee (itwould bardlybsrecognlsedasarace _iont Oat,)'and several oUieratanda, the adnjlaslon to tU a'^eap rate. I've not t)ie slightest idea Q]iat the tar- Srts^oi^^iha QrandBtuid, but it was fu beyond my Income to pa- < j^anixoiuoBT.—We congratolale ourselvA and ooMWden ^t'we axe selaoted io preaent' to the Obeas world, the lAaaterl^ Mt^agemwhldi graces this oolnnm, and the scarcely Ieaa.maa< terSKssay and CrWcus mhUh accompanies it. In the ftmner, the most&llfU will assuadly' find food for many an hour's re- flection and dtUght; In the latter, the expert will reoognliea 4ell-dlgested and well laid down code of laws; the student, an excellent and welcome Initruotor in anota matter*—and all a apa- olmenof sound, afearahlng criticism. TTa enjoin Its caiefnlpe- nisal, and olose by requesting of onr talented Contibutor the baUnoe of "A Pboblui isVoi ih Btii>.0Aiai," wherewith to m- nament otir column and ddlght our feaden. - . AuBBiCAK Pbobleus.— Of AmcTloan contributions to tho World's Congress Problem Toomev, tbo .iaih sett selects as a final (and last) competitor for tho four-prizes, was "Of sudden and portentous birth," by Jacob Elson and Jas. 0. Warner, Ihll- addphia; fffd John Scblealngor received "honorable mention" for bis setf^'A Pbobuu is not is EmD'Oaice." No other Ame- ricans are mentioned. We should be very happy to be bvored with a porttou of the first nanied sett for pnblUbtlon. and osoeitainlng their true merits are otTered (or problems, I shanld si Fnn—That ohe^ii>rpbIemlsta, ani lOintedoi PBOBItBn Ro. 361. A.oompetttor in the late' World's Congress Problem Touno/. "A Fbobuoi IS HOT ui Eini-OaiB." ', BT JOBH aosLisniasB.. '■ BLACK. o..Ktmites." And'thls Uthesolntion *o•'"Wie Pwblem,''of whShHmrioewenihal lajit "Itta lupteioptotlle Sdaadfth ••il^il&S^ffi^ipenta-yhomiiw^^ ^SSSaWttbleif rin^.tJ? ai-W'fiJ'p^iS- _ notdieas pUyers, b«ap. 'Ki^?tS£^S&. instesd otdxpodUons, fbm i«tL ^nS-Tbat when the oompettttons are^ nnmerotu, thirt should be 18 (and. If neoessary. M) aialyses, tostoad « »• roratH-lbat ihe soluttois be sent to only too of tbotiom- twenty uv™~-™ .- Paulsen OWb,. Ipropos^ nolwltb theideathatany of my porittmsue wo^^ ofpi£e!rorUiat there are not plenty more worthy that honor, bat merely for the sake of test, to ^ ■ ' OEilXINOB ' Mr. J. a CampboH, or any other pUyer. In Europe or Amarloa. to solve ths problem at the head of this column in forty^lgnt boms after it comes onder Us notice. Newlojfk, Deo. IS, 1863. On scconnt of gWng the necessary laelUty of roferono* to the varloda points ofTh»>aboye searching criiijiu from our able con. trlbutorfwa oheerfaiy scoode to. his r^est by oloelng this column by repeating th» ' . WOiUiP'B CONQRESI^ lat PBIZBl PROBliBai. BT I. OUaUl OIVFIIZU, X8<). "Ourriouluin.'* BLACK. the first stone under this Grand Stand one very ooM iTebrnkry, "somethlrtv years sgo," as Cool White might vVflnly be didn't that I knowot Since that period over nc^OpO hare been spent on this oourse and that Grand Btandl 'iT^tr expensive, wasn't it, Al Conrey], "Al" ought to be a ' yntty good Judge of such thtngs by thls.-.tlme—a perfect oracle, ^ WIDore •<expresa".lve—and all . you've got to do Is to. go and crokMoestton nim to find ouL There are three meetliigsat Ainr tr«ir,«iiing'tlu year—in Uareb, July, a«d October; private' ■■•ki*^^ are also run bete. A steeple chase takes plsce annual- . lr>tniit^,toM the leading sporting afiairof theklnd in the In WeltOB ohuroh yard, a couple of miles from Alntzee, is the toab of MK John Palmer, a celebrated actor, who, while enact- Jnf Ihe'.'Stranger". In the Theatre Boyal, In the year ITW, fell -dtnhilifeless on the stagMThlls utterly the.W!0rd»-"0h,.God I . Ihei* la another and a bettetf world I" s ' .AUdrt dlstanoe futher on is the "Ooun^ Jail," with bad '. Mai ^paid.(B(nkw and muUi) fpr fourteen hundred sdnls, if pan-. ^lott. are- permitted to have souls, dood-lookliig. resder. were jofever "sent BD the river?" (It's good/ fbr me I aint within cannon ahol^ or Va get rata for asking snob an Impertinent qnes- Voa,) Hist .isn't what I meant exactly: "Were you ever In ^SiUont" Ifyoiuwasn'^Iwas. Bold on a bit; don't go to say joi^H aeviar read another line of mine, or do anything rash till you bear iaore.' Whatwonld Bachel . Isaacs say If she knew Td hMBthrough BlngBlng.7 Or Nellie Ward? Or JohnMoD'agen- / teOidghteri: Or Lydla Thompson? "There, that'll do—you naedii't'.taU, everybody yon happen to know)" puts In some ddliermlt who don't know }mw to appreolale woman— Im)]/ i»- aso*;'.'■Oletpnt, oldSeallngwaxI" Toprocaed, SBdsnmnpIna i9<Worda, vide Ex^Judge Phillips (he's ons W 'em,} I wiS throw aywor on the Und indulgence of tbe court and simply state that I wM merely on a visit to Inspect ths prisons of Sing BIng, and .Hif^ulta enough to cure me of bavlog any hankering to be tha|«./Tb^'saD—so, gals, youneed'tbe ttffSil. that I'n)'some daapalraao,' obliged to leave good old Mew York to "flee from the. w(«ame.'^ It's no snob thing. Ilsabaaa oalmsBr.ftlse •»->»thal'aallrigbtl" ; a^tamlng to Walton, andadoptlog the road tuingth* church taCMe xdennonied', leads to Bootle. In BooUe Bay Ihsre are two tsBobaUsh oaad'ss r.nrtm.rif. erected In isa9. And About 100 ft iUGuv. Woudjuvv ollmbed 'em, But they wonldalt permit It st ,tt3>MraIsr'tla.8. - ..TT- ^fOM-.n-^iiy inatm aoaa lo 'iunn^BOW xbx xinm • '• iumoK—iHB utsxrt miHjtmtt>. 1 < bths OLiFte of December t. Just received, is a very sploy arttils, headed, . "How they go to. bed," meaning the girls. Ilow'.'boyii miiniger any amount from' a laimer to' "ten-pnii- 4snJ^ that that thing was^wrltten by a woman. Just read It over utJ^Ud think over every word, then tell me who but a feml- laiajeotdd write it Married men don't poeaaas enthusiasm f^mffl\ towritaaoabont their wlvea, and no shigle one could - «id;l!ie.sBch a wretch as to play "Peeping Tom," and afterwards - '4alp>«iataly perpetrate that dooume^ I could- forgive awo- »a>,'bntlfittrasai^, "we, tbe people of Liverpool" (myself f ^ aiJ. ^endenon), demand Informed who the auuior- '^oftUsanbJeotwas, andallaboat.ber—wedemand It in the . .aima j)f tha Qaeen, and more too I' inutlwdsgolnsteaay.lSAWordor two about "How they-ge ^ lDJB^l^"theladleaof Uverpool-tUs Is a deal easlerforms to enlslnflian the other: in fact, I'm perfectly innocent on that Ml4eet'*''Jw8i'John's Is the principle manet, we'lltak^that JDoelatton. Nearly every monilng It is perfectly aston- WHITE. , While Ip play and give mate in five moves.' . KSSATjDflT CHESa FBOBUBU8. ^ al IpHH SOBLBmCaBB. To XBB PBOBIXUtn, OBD ilX' IIRBBDtZD Dl TBB'PapBLEII ntuBHZi oomnanD vrmi thbioib Wobu>'s CoKqaiss. In the An of Nov. SOth, under-the beading, "Avrard of Prizes in the Problem Tonzney," the editor remarks:—"No event in connection with the lata Oonjneaa has excited so much intenst amongst players throughout £nrDpe'[and why not say Amenca, also ?] as the competltlan for the Problem prizes. MuA curl. OBity iraa BStnnlly fait as to what nation the palm ahonld fall to; and, partloulatly,- as to what individuals the highest honors should be aooorded—and this more espedally, as some of the jnuter minds- in tblabranch ot Obeas were understood to have entered the arena." . • ^ I am confldant that an problemists, and more especially those dfeetly Interested. wHl coincide vrlth ths above views; but If I am to Judge from the Price Problem below, by J. G. OampbeO, to wUob the palm was accorded of being the best problem out of <M, It wonU aeem to me that the Committee could not have bden alive to the responslblllly devolved npoB them, or able to fulfil tbe task they bad undertaken. Doea the Ocmmlttee Intend to tell us that the Frobkm below is the finest one ontof 4U po<i| Hons, oontributcd by the greatest masters on the globe? and. If tUs be the ease, doea It pretend'to know what eonstltntes a line problem? I was ^ways of opinion that deganep of eotdmottoa, etc, was of minor Importance, a eecondary coaslderatlw, com- pared vrlth difflcnlty of solution, which should be the principal requisite in a flMt class problem. Only few positions very we- aantly oonstmcted are dUBouIt'to solve. I think the "Indian 'Problem" Is the bnlr one extant- oomblnlng all thesa qualities. C(rt^nly there ore outer problems wUch deserve ninoh credit both for beauty of construction and difficulty of solution: suoh as a {-move poelUon byMr. Boaley, dedicated toMr. Morpby, stid the Sd of Herr WlUmer's Prize sett in the Ameriean Oncaa Congress Toomey:— BSIQHA WHITE. White to ^lay and mate in five moves, |N.B.—After onr oI)ess oolnmn had gons to press lost week, we noticed what wa beUeved to be a correoUon of the above prob- lem, and insetted It In another column. Aa It-may poeslb^ affect tha.above criticisms somewhat^ we have thought It boat, in tbe atnence of our chess editor, to republish it here.— Ed. Cup.] Mb.'Sdhob— Sir: I am sotry to find that in my Fiobi iem Mo. 3, wUoh appears in last Impreaslon of Tke An, there Is a White P omitted on WUte'a Q B 3d, Please to rectify this serious error, and oblige yonr obedient servant, J, O. Ooidbzll. A remarkably wen conducted Defence by Herr Andensen <«. Geo. Medley, daring the former'a late visit ta London.—Sdl'i l/\fe. sooioH oiHBrr, Andeissen. Medley. l..PtoK4 3..XEt-B3 8..P-q4 4..KB-B4 S..CasUes 6..P-qB3 T.sQ-harEtS e..KtP XB »..P-EB4 10..QX<lKt U..BPXP 13..P-KB3 13..St-QB3 U..St-QBl 1S..P-EBS PtoE4 . Q Kt-B S KPXP EB-D4 P-^3 Q B-KtS QBXKt QKi-K4 . Q'KtXB .Q-KBS Kt-XB8 B-QKt8 P-EBS- - P-KEt4 ?-KKtS . Medley. 16. KtXKB 17. EB-B3 18..BPXP 19..E-hlaBiq 20..E-bIs2 ai..Q-ber8 ' ' a3..P-KS 38..QB-Q3 34..P-KB0 3S..E-<)sq . 26..KB-Bsq 37..QB-Ea 38. K-4)Bh 3»..P-<)B4 ' Andensen. K B-St sq P-KEte OX KtP + BPXi* P-Q4(e) Castles, QB Kt-EB4 Q-EB6 K^Et04- EEt-EB EB-Et 7 EBXP EB-bis T B-KEtsq BOMlTIOn OF FOBmON m '■'• SI t.'t. MX. ■ \ ' Whit* • • . aa J.; 1- B.,93 ; .:i..u- , B..a4-., e.v $ 7..' 9 . a 17 • ■» 1» , 9S and<1flss. ^ <o 80 1* •Il- ls 8 33, ai . u ?* u BpIiVTIOir White. 1..-9' a.. IS 9.. 8 4,.II 6.. 13 ^ OF H. L.'B " OOBBZOTED SOamon.".- Blsok. •White. It SO d 7..83 e..80 o.-as su*. 83," W ond wlok,' FOSinON No. 30-iTol. X. TUB 103d POBITIOI ' ■ OP8TDHQB8, BUCK., BI 0. It. WttSBB, BLACK. It wiU be some time befbre the ball playing ccmmunltr vm l> I gratified by -witnessing the aUn of such an admirable iinii ul Orelgbton, the noted pltober of the Eicelalor BaaeBaIloiikl(l llrvaih [lOtabk Brooklyn. Amoro finlahed and gracemi fielder, orabelteral mbre effective batsman, or sncb au accurate and sirilt pHc^ I we nev,er knew in the base boll fraternity; and his muan^all and gentlemanly deportment -withal, was sudh as to wlit iJaSI respect snd esteem of all hit ccmpanloDS. Take Us^ for iihl aU, It will no doubt be some titae ere we look upon bis Ukt in^ I We give below on-anslysls of his play, net only as a btUtSm I but as aotloketer; hebeine,at the time of Us death,the noain£ I Inent Amerloan player we nsd. Though a tegular member olik I Bt. George Orleket01ub,wer(gT«t to say tbatnot only was UfatM I a solitary member of that club preaent at bis fnneral, aan Uakl worthy profcaaional. Hairy Wrlubt, but to our knowledge, Mt|u least acnon has been taken by the club In reference to>lila daft, hi the way of resolutions of condolence with bis relatlTea.^S least that could have been done in the cose was to hold a ipt^ meeUng, as the Excelsior Club did, and adoptsome reachlkH in regafd to the sudden loss^of to valuable a member of their dtK Crelghton'ajiverage In base ball tUlspost aeaaon, wu tkeloi of any we have ever recorded; and boa he lived, we ban u doubt it would have been excened next aeoaon. He waa Uonably the best batsman In tbe country when he died. Ite foUowing are his batting averages since 1898 :— Outi, AtangtiMt, S\m. AttrajtSai]. 19 3-1 over 18 3-) Rsl {6 2-I6over 47 a^eral 7 3-1 over IS i-l onl ' S IrO over aa t-] mttl 87 a-19over. 97 »ionr| Ineriakot^hlssvriftbowUnK made him to be a dreaded om I nent to ordlnai7batsmen,andonenottobetrlfledwlllihttl best defender of bis wicket in tho country. -To "driveUrn'I sbout the field was to do something worthy of special teaitk; I the moat runs made fMm him being from '.'aUps.^' In taUgt, I he ahowsd byhls fine detence agalgat good bowling In themiiti I between the wniowand'Bt. George Oluba, that all he needed ni| experience to place bim at the head of the ranlia ot aU Intda cricketers, ana in fielding he was a model of grace and aUljIi fiwt, he waa a Ihorongh boll player in every reapecL - Hlsaro^ ages in cricket were aa foQows:— Biiliatik' - . Atengtpg Jtatdits. iiui'tt. BUM. lnIn'gi.AJfatcH.yotOtU, Imim. Maieka. 1819 8 1860......30 1881 3 1863 S Total 84 . 80...BlatPXEt QPXPi and las of London go dashing along with "tbetr chariots and horao- 'auntba|iap("during the opera season at Oovent Garden.Thsa- ta^'ond must say, was never prepared to find a similu scene ammd a fish market Tbe first time, not linowing anydlffer- mop, I aaked Phil Sampaon who was porfonnlj^ at that Opera Bowe; and if yon ever beard Oiinan laugh, It.was .this man—I **"lg** he'd bunt bis belly band sun, while I fould slmost •wrtir tbat Mrs: Bainpson broke.her stay-Iscof, Tea,' the codfish aailttterooy of this .place, sU do their own msrkeilng, and go ■ouddlng'aldng with their ellks and satins trailing in tho filth ad grease, witb'all tbo nonobilonce, of your own door lomba °pawMt'-iB(oadw»y;with-their dry goods. Alter "My.Lady IBpanketi'walketh "John Thomaa. (not my old friend of l.uelebrlty), the lackey, vrith his uniform an^ a big baaket; ' " ■ " ■ ■■ ■ ■" irlos- "gan- _ , - .-, nthat r)by;ir to spend It for {hem!,) That's the way &ey do it, but t'4'no-'sMOnnting for .ta8te8,a8 the old woman said when ' aed her donkey—original. . XMmething abont this market before—not mneh'thongb, jTobn's.^Hatket was erectod t>y-the Corporation of Liverpool, iftui'eiptase'of'$181,066. .Itwas commenced in August, 1633, and 'oompleted in February, 1832. The'foundations, bofnlcos, ■nd',efatnndes, aie of stons; the Vralls are constructed of btlok, InlMigUi ltlB 183 -yards, in breadth, IB. yordi, inclosing a cov- ./ ereA-spaee of nebly two acres.' All the markels ar» closed at WBnL.% TL, except Saturday^ when they ar^ bpan tllllO o'olocki Inilia ihornlng they ore opened at eight in -winter and seven in SBmaer;onmMket'days (Wednesdi^ and Saturday) at five In ■ammvand'slx In winter; a bell is runjp previous to oloalng, ~ tnIsa;]('U close too. Good evening ! * Don't Ifeiieve a word of it Our Cabin Boy I* either getting iMsi omyiu asdiHi, or else lying—under a.mlstake. A OOBEiitBUX iiiiuTEDit puotXiisr Laii On Two GAnBomk _ia in inManee'of the. ai^vantags of kn9.wing how to strike out tKin th^ abodUer, vrith n^e to book It up, we give the foUow- IngcemmuaileMonfrotn'lMi English arioysflloer-sod old tint BMNB. Tbatmah, we bet,'*Iir always.he,able, to give.inye;: . ihw blobdhonnds.ail Ui'ey bargahi for -mthont.any aid' from the' *<Mbblea;7 who are Jtlst'aa sfoioe in London, wl|i^ inost i^ied, aa OiM'in .In Mew xArk. - But see. what be soya in the SparUng XMofMoveiabfrUiJt-* < . >-13ie bther evening, abfu^ half post eleven o'clock, I waa '—n home, when I observod two lung-dog leokliig-fel- J about atx paces behind me, I bad passed them , and I thought tiioy scannod ray fitci afieptlvely, 1 the.atresttharogbehigbiavy. thinking they would pur- wii^'oounu. but I found they oroased siso, and laawthslr, itanl«i;oblIqnely towards m«. I began to eUpcot thiilr -nd walked -up to a door and pretended to knock, ^ red .tbe f^Ws stop too, andlhamlnute'oreo walk BtM' Ims standing, I now made up my mind for An d'«raa detenqlned to opw'tho ban myself, so I boldly hid thAMi; and aaldi "What's'year'guile?" ' They an- •wefad, "Do von llveln this street?" I fepllad,'VWhat's that (a 70ir?**"'Flndmg thoy still remahio^ standing before me, I fon- .»v~.„.v. Jteybotb took to their heels and wereloalin Uia vapor., 'lAdlutoiMUMmnnl'neTetmat for.the'.rest ot myJonmey, nor :4ldlllium«b IMtng-pauime. bal.,ohe.'iiian :.tief&re I got-to ray Be, sei. - "BXBIVX TOB HOKOB." BX BXDB BUDOUPH wSJiHBBa. # ^ -gi k ' k atblsEtS, herS, gst4, EB8. QBd, E4Ul #4^1 i1i i athlsS, QBsq.gStsq.QBS, QS, QS, Ka, EB4th. ^ 'ffUto to play kttd'gl'^e mate In four moves. But nob problems areVery rare. / The question to'be determined seems to be: wUch should ' the palm—• problem which bas^^n elegant outside appear- _ J, but solved In a abort time,, or a position whloh, though It hss not aU the gnie of the former, ^efof wUch it is extnmely bear anoe, hasx. „ .. . dlfflonlt to discover ^e solnUoit? I should award tbe prize to the latter, and I think most problemists wUl sgree with moi Having spent much time both in composing and aolviag' pro- blems, I hope I shsU not appear pieanmptnos In - ^aentlng my bumble views - ' WHAT OOMU'lTl'llTEB A FiBST-iCLASS CHESS PBOBLEH? FioST—That the fint jlcce moved ahoold not dlreotly Influence the mate; as Is the'case in the Indian problem, Jn wUoh. the Bishop, being flitt moved, threatens, appanntly, nothing. BzooNDr-That the'fint piece moved ahonld pot threaten to be employed directly Itself, either on the next move or the one fol- lowing; ss Is also the case in tho Indian problem, in which thi B does not come Into play again until the inate Is given. (Che summing up of these two nqnialtes Is. tl^t yon con nover solve sudh a problem until yqn see all the motes.. TniBip—That a.ohsu should not be tbe fint move.- FooBTB—That tbo defenbe should not be £breatenlng a conn- ter-oheok from one or men quarton; ibis would only make tbe problem easier to eolve by fdmlfhinfra (dne to.tbeaolnUon, Beglnnen will do weU to remember thla rule; idl such positions are like many persons of an agreeable ontoldo appearance, but wlthont much depth, and devoid of iniereft ■ ■, . ■ iFUTB-That especially the line blece moved, and if possible the Dthei;s, sboiild be guarding (at least to all appearance) some particular aqnOre, and not be atowed away in some corner; u la again so happily Ulostrsted the Indlap problem,'ln wUoh the Bishop and Book are pnventtng the EJsg from moving, and are atOl emplM-ed in the mate,: . .... BnzK—That a problem ahould have more thui one leading variation,. • Bevfhtb— That the constraoilon should be original—at least as much so as possible. BtoBTB-Tbat only the pieces actoaOy neoessary to.effect the mate remain when the mate Is'glven, , : ' ' . MisTH—That tbe poaltlon Should not be what Is generally termed an impossible position. . . . Tsuth— That the flnt move should -be the moat diffloult to discover, 'ELxvxmH-Tbat ,lhe appannt ways of soInUen wUch do not lead to It should be numerous; tUs Is one of the principal tea- tuna of bean^ in a problem. TwxLna—'That a pnblem ahould'be, to a oertaln degree, ao- ourotei and. If posalble, elegant oonstmcted. Now examine howftt Mr. CampbeU's problem oomea np to any of theae requirements. By caaUng a gluoe at the diagram below, the mere tjro will obeervejthat WUUoannot af. ford to let Blook check him without taking the offending piece, forlf hemove his E,Block repllee PtoQB8a,,and chaokis Sain throatened.i Mow It b evlaent that the Queen Is the only see that can take the B, and the praotlse^ problem solver, be. llleviiig the poalUon-to have Acme little merit as to dUBenlty, 'wbuldFUyl,,QtoE4th, Bnthe soon obserres this Is not cor- rect, and the only remaining move is K sq, not only guard- ing against tho check, but threatening mate with tbe Q hetself- the fiist piece movod: thua the solver bos already discovered the first move, not by Us own iDgennity, but by tpe generoelhr, and, as it were, by the kind Invitation of the autbop-andthls in a 'prise-problem, the best In 461.1 Wbltenowpuvs 9,.BtoK3d, thNstenlns mate with Et next inp7»y-B must take B; 8..EtoQB0, PtoSB7must;4,,lltoE4, , „ , a variation "OS old as. the bills" (vide Geo.'B.Derriokson'e a- lunae, WUilWeiw ueltlfltenUOUI leave for yon to Jqdge. Had inov^(,dedl«^;to "Phanla,'Mii Ciam PnoniiXotnunT})- and '-,lJ-.-i;'f7cM: I'i.-'-i .-'-•.-.'Si ■ . I . ■ '• . ...ii ,■(;■-, J/,.: ',..,•. Herr Andensen wins, (t) Theoondaotgf all this Defenoe is.inly obarmlng, and every move Is a fond of InstrnoUon. OHEQUEBS OB aDBAUQHTS. TO OORIuiBFOniSlIITB. ALooKZB Oa,—It's 0. K. tills ttime, eh? , 0, H. WiLDXB, Peteiboro', N. H.—Tour PoaiUon this week' completes the batota. .—Mr. BeCon desires us to inform yon thai he com- mitted someblnnden In recording that game: (asd Game. YoL Z,) .not errors, but blunden; so be writes. In nply to your qnnty. "How 33 to a? draws," be replies thus: "I acknowledge my inability to tell him, because it waa a meresUpof the pen,, to. I now assert that 33 to 27 loses, thus: If 84 37 10 10 23 16 9..10 10..16 ll.,U 15 IB $3. and wins. MA.TOU OAUB). BETWEEN OBEBH MOUNTAIN BOT AND AOOEPTAMOE. Blaok—a, M, B. , - White—Acceptance. 8,.S 11 39 a« 4,. 4 8 24 ' 20 «..ia 18 .-^ 2s aa OAumjio, au—voii. z. > UJBD umuksn. The.thlrd in tlie set-to between 4he two Dons, lor ths honor, and the lager. Communicated'.i/"A Looiter^n." WUte, Mr. B. BartT...... 1 Blachman.. 1 Bridge 3 O.Clover.,, 3 W, Clover.. B Gray.. Haines. B. EeDy,... T. EeUy... W.Eelly.. Muison... MoCartbey HcSweeney, O'Connor. Doynolda. Booney.. Thomas.. Wright Black. Mr. A. .11 to IS 8 - 11 1. 3. >.. 9 4..10 7 6.. 4 7.. 0 8..11 9,. 8 10,.'9 11,.,8 13,. 14 13.. 9 14,.11 10..18 16,.IB- as to-19 13 17 ■ 14 h 11 IS 16 10 a8(d) 93 17 10 as 97 29 31 33 ' 19 37 33 ai 14 S3 99 17 14 10 aa - 23 25 97 19 10' 33 10(0) 19 Black,' Mr. A. 17.. S to.9 18.. » 14 19..14 20.. 17 31.-. 28 23.-30 38..38 34..39 2B..19 26., IS 37..18 38.. a 20.. 7 80.. 14 31..10 33.. 1 36 38 •14 SB 9' C 9 IB 35' 97 13 8 24 10 sod Wins. WUte. Mr.B. SO to 26 98 14 91 ' 6 Jo. IS ,94- 6 4 19 18 Kotea, by "A Looker On." (a) Same as previous game np to this point In tho next move, .B Improvoa somewhat on nia opponent'a 81 to 37. fb) A weak device; ought to loset-ll to 16 better, (e) Decllnea the praotlcal for the pretlyi 34 to 19 would have won, - ^ . . , ' (d) Hia taoUity with wUoh he gets into a tight plaoo is fnlly eqnallod by tbaf Oiiplayed in getting out of it (<} Didn't ae8 tbs "anake." 10 to 8 would have drawm. OAUB Ho, 40^—Tol. X> Played reoenUy in Scotland. OOMKOKIOATBD BX ■ZS.BBI*; BBOCklD MOBLB DOBIOak . White.. 31 to 14 .38 94 94 30 '<a 11 "4' 8- 31 97. 11 IS 16 19- 34 39 10 19 18 U .. 4 , : 8 . 11 .37- 94 16 11 20 16 10 18 30 1881.... T 1862.... 7 Total " — Avatage.aa 14- 9 U 34 17 88 134 2t9 '97 37 41 aa 37 4L. « t-t onrl 9-1 oral 11-3 onr I 8-17 owl James dnigbton.. BOWUVO AVBBIOI. Jitnina. ■ jJtielieU. ..'..29 134 AvZBAOZs or TBB-KiRio Babe Ball Olub ioi u: 6) ^ Ig o ' s It 1 4 8 10 IS 15 4 15 10 IS 15 ao ' 7 7 8 4 8' 1-6 4-8 9-3 8-1 8- 3 9- 8 4-0-' 8-0 a-5 1- 6 2- 1 8-9 8-1 1- 3 8-0 2- 4)- '8-0 3- 0 4- 0 l-O 5- 0 1-9 1-4 9-9 5- 0 3-3 8-0 8-0 3-3 3-3 6- 0 3-3 1-4 1-0 1-0 3-e The fint nine of the MyaUc Club have played 4 nutohei.'tf wUoh they won 5 and loat 3.' The clubs they defeated wenua Excelsior, Jr.. twice. Unknown, Niagara, and Junlals. W matcbea they loat were Uioae vrith SuBenloiaBoysiidBMa Bin clubs. ' . Tbe total number of innings played in the 7 matches wu 57, tu the total number of runs obtained 170, giving an avenge jj>' runs to an innings, and 24 rona to a match, with 3 over, nu total score of thedr opponents was 108, giving an aveMsn' run to an innings, and 51 ovor; and IB runs to a match, t^>' over. Of the fimlngs played, then were 14 in wUch no iMJ ware obtained, giving an aveiaae of 9vto a match; there ""fJi of the eame inbfnfs charged to th'iilr opponents, on average n' to a match, and B over. v »„« Tho grenteet number of innings in a match in wmeb M iw were Obtolnod, -was 5, that of their opponents bolu^ i> . J, Thore were InflvUoh.doublo figures were "W"^ single Innings—their opponents only soorug the same u wo match. The Uahost scon in one Innings was 14. that of their-on** nonts being 11. ..^ ...n. The hisheat score obtained in a match was CI, that«{' ponantsbolng 33; tbe lowest score being 9, and thatof tlouop- ponentaS. ,^' ' j '•- to two matches runs wow made in each innlnga. .«» The first match of the above aerloswss played June oio^toctso.: AviBAOBS 01- OODirr*! Clots.- WenoUcod tiatlntheliTMtgJ of the Snlokerbooker Club, of Albany, that was sent to «• wiek, the dub faiatobes. "married vs. single,", were in°><^^|; the averages of the plajen. We have to say that no """"^J those made In regnlar olab matcbea an admlssablo, opf fote aU those who took psxt In the ordinary pnxUoe B*^- shouldbeleft out. -Three Is a flntrato average for a iww^f few but 4. The auch batsmen aa Orelghton or Wood reooh an»w»»'^ additional aUUatioa ore based upon tiie regnlar gn°, pUyed, and are tberetbre comet; but the batting not ihose-aeadlng us'their averaffas win K«»»?Jf?mei5 tbia tact, ahd only Include gamoaTetwoeu the t^^^; oluba, wUoh are the only matches to be indndod In a Daoui— averages, -,- .(a) Dtfloeat tm af gome in tlie books, - Not a vbbt DitoiBUi BiBn>jwoB.«-From tt*''=?S2«i-' (emalesin OaUfomls, some queer goings on take P'*??|?rsdf ally. We'veheardteUoTaMrtainJoluiBchultsgrjntog^^ alve oontrolortbe penon of his wife toB, Benson, foto?' j,,^. tor five doUan, duly receipted. Don't say anytblig »wui Tork lager beer saloons alter tiiat, Ben's "ffotSf^^Sralgt*- mint from the ssms Bobult^„whiah further lniut'»!fJf„ toua daUonond loir life of Uie gold dlgglngo. It was written. OUef of PoUee: • - . ^.u.-aaiMi. BAK Fkohoiboo, Ootob«30, flmir BraHB-Doar fllr:-The present Is to Worn /J^bud. tbo boy sent to ma is by tjie adlusband. I am ™'.y-?" Bbi. and do not tiiink it reasonable to support other ebU"Sid. B» mflalewlfo, has' money; lot her udooan of nf,"rdseeii« nam* (oUld) is Benry Bompsra. Lot hor ^}^ff>L!mVtt-. husband Mo; S tak« can of Eli.'.. , . iSSTtiV' .; Hosswbiuttts ought to tend all their sniplns l*in»i«» , tOrtalA, jul0 fflako.phrltttans of thenii . - , > .