New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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30¥ npHlinOHS m THE PBIZB BIHa DTOKO THB lEAll IBM, nut<»..D*o. ??d«?l'B;nn«tt, lirMiUbid, OmwO., »110,47 lown,' Boston, porsa, 18 rounds, ^■>P°Sohn. b«at Johnny Heittaon, SUtoa lalmd, $100, ST bSS. wa Toinnw CoUlii«,.di»w. Bia Pwnotooo, Cd., ''"BiSnutM.Mronndg,Junes. . . , >. ptTta^SrSSSTom D»:e7. Eort Wlnt, (taLjlOM,« mlautM, BUottJM?''^'^ Hm WinUe, dr»»r.IM mlinite», 9S r<rand«, -iiniLSm! best Biff BaUey, nsar Bo«ton, $15,4 roimd», Not. 16. SSirffi bodt ABidy LOT*, near 8t louU, Jl nilnntos, ^^^'m Tonndi. Jnne lit. _ I. . . '•• --nia bMtBUl Boberte,Hnnter8'OhapeI,T»., 67 mlnntea/M ''^ronnda, Jan. 18. ' . » «a i jl^; beat Keenan. Weehawken, Jerwy, 00 mlautea, 60 ronnOs, t*vnta*JlittmT. andM. O'Bonrke, draVr, Hewport JlewB, 38mln- ■'^^rtar^l lonnda. Jan. 2. , iimnrNM.boat Joe WllUamy, near Toronto, $100,4B minntee, 01 rounds, Jan. 14. ' ^ * ^g,t'J. a.jl^jWm. Bttaebaob, Madison, Ind.. $200. 11 ■ •iMco'BdIlpMTentedii ahootlng aftay betyoon CpLKerrigui 'uS a Bonthemor, at WUUrd'a Hotel, Washington, Jan. 81. .flnillby, beat Alf Walier, near areenwood Cemetaiy, 00 rounds, «)Tei,°oia Bin, beat Banegee Gardner, 3}i mlnntes, 1 round, Oot.3<l.' - BRITISH FISTIAITA. DOIHOB IN TBE PBI2B S^Q OF OBE&T BBIT AIN IM 1603. oonriLSD zxputasLT roa las new tobs cliffzb. iaAtnan, beat Ong; tniBonroear Birmingham, £20,83 mlnnlea, 26 rounds, reb. 28. Bindoff, Ben, beat Jack Hopkins, near London, £20,67 minntea, 28 rounds, April 3. ■ Bimtlnir. Geo. beat Johnny Wslder, £10, 226 mlnatea, Jan. IS. B^oof, beat Jack Brooks, near London, f60,130 minutes, 74 . rounds, April 0. * Srovn, Tom,* beat Eammer J)aTl9, near Birmingham, £10,88 mlnnteSi'lS rounds, April 21. \ " Burgess, Harry, beat Patsy Uarley, noar LlTeipooI, £100,81 mln- nisi, 01 rounds, Jnly 29. ' BariM fo^' (Beare, near London, £10,68 mlnntes, SO'ronnds, fifept 8. ■ Biook, J. H., beat Joe Atkinson, neer Bradford, £20,10 minutes, , 19 rounds, SepL 11. • ' BnuninBgem Oeorae, fend Dublin Pater, fon^t near London, jUO; 133 minutes, 38 rounds, Deo. 26, 1661; Police inter- fered. Btmhrook, Joe, beat Uo. Thomas, Anstiallla, ilOT, 3S minutes, 10 ibnnds, Oct B. nettl^ Bob, (ought Jack Booke, near London, £1000,92 minutes, % rounds, Dea 81,1861. Police Interfered. Jtoettle, Bob, and Jack Booke, draw, near London, £400,100 mln. Ti ntes, 4 rounds, Maroh 11. - Boyle, Andy, beat AU Owen, near Kanohaster, £22,83 jnlnutes, 69 rounds, Nov. 17. ' Booth, W., beat ftank Walker, near Hull, £10, 8 minutes, 7 ' rounds, Jan. 1. ' Ottney, £ddy, beat Fred Carney. Tork, 4S minutes, Dec 30,186L Okamben, beat Foxall, Qrest XarmouQi, 34'ronnds, Jan, 13. Oewusbaw, J., and J. Smith, draw, near Birmingham, £(0.142 mlncies, 132 ronnds, Feb. 28. -. douilng, Freddy, beat Wooden Albert, near Dudley. 60 minutes, Feb. 28. ■ ■ Obampney, W., bcat-Samuela, near London, £10,60 minutes, 20 rounds. OoTeney, Dan, beat W. Donohue, near London, £10,48 minutes, 83 ronnds, Maroh 24.' Oonina beat Tom Frost, noar London, £10,80 mlndtes, 28 rounds, ' June 30, ' , Collins, Jim. beat Henry Uorrls, near London, £10,40 minutes, 14 roundi, Usy 16. Gross, Joe. beat Smockey Blahop, near London, £10,31 rounds, AprUea Drew beat Porter, near London, £20, 26 minutes, 13 rounds, OcL 21. Dawes, T^, beat Jamn Erans, near London, £60,102 Ailnittes, , '.' '60 rounds, Aug. 16. Diyer, £., beat J. .Hurley, near London, £10, 133 minutes, 86 ronnds, April 16.., * Dillon, Jem,, beat lUck OockUn, near London, £60,118 minutes, 48 ronnds, Jan.-Tv,. -< Dunn beat Holllns, Comock' Green, Staffordshire, £10 108 mlU' utes, Jan. 13. Brans, J., beat J. Benson, near London, £10, 38 minutes, 34 ' rounds, Jnne 18. . - • Ikeeman boat- BlmpUns, near Biomford. £10, 90 minutes, ronnds, Sept. 16. "' '*o Foley, Bill, beai Jaok Fatrlok, near BUmlngbam, £10, SOmlnutei, 10 rounds. Not. 34. Foley, Ulok, beat Eammer DAtIs, near Birmingham, £10, 41 mlantes, 90 rounds. Cot IS. Foi; Jem, beat Freeman, near Birmingham, £30,87 mlnntes, SS ~~ rounds, Not. 4. * , Hsher beat Brannan, near Oorontty, £30,- 60 minutes, 41 rounds, AprU39. Ooas, Joe, and BlU Byall, draw, near London, £300.198 minutes. Feb. If Gosa, Joe, beat Poeh Price, Bionebrldge,.£60,108 minutes, 91 roun^ Not. 26. ffloiter, Jem, beat Tonng Whelodb, near Birmingham, £8, 70 , mlnutee, 80 ronnds, Oot 14. anen,Wm.,beat olarge Todd, near London, £10,84 minutes, 38 rounds, Jkn 16. . „ , Gannon, Iill<^ey,'beat Jotse Hatton, near London, £100,63 min- utes, ffir rounds, April 39. _ ' . , Zaidlng, GaUat, and Dymock.'draw, Wall Heath. £10, IS minutes, 7 ronnds, Oct 13. Ball, Nobby, and Peter. HUIard, draw, near Bmninghanv £106, 336 minute ], OS^rounds, Oct 7. Hleks, Jack, and Jem GoIlagheBi draw, near London, £300,107 mlnntes, 68 rounds, Not. 2«. Solden, George, beat Obarloy Lynoh, near London, £80,84 mln< utei, 64 rounds, Deo. 34, 1661. ' Hartley beat Stiff 'Dn, near London, £30,148 minutes, 83 ronnds, Jan. 3. ... Bardlng, Gollat best Dlmmook, Four Ashes, £40,68 mlnntes, 61 . rounds, Jan.—. ' Eaitoo,0,, beat ltoblnson,Eln8WoodOonunon. £30,198 minutes, ^' 96rounds, Maroh 17. . Befferan, Bob, beat Dan Koefe, near London, £20,88 idlnntes, V 81 rounds, April 3. Hampoge'beat GUlbank, near Bhefleld, £30, 48 minutes, 89 touids, April 17. . HiH, Nobby, beat Ohorloy Wilkinson, near Shefileld, £100, 347 . . minutes, 43 rounds, Uay 3. Hawkes, Jerty, beat Harry Morris, near London. £18,80 minutes, • 26nunds, JuneU. ' . ■». . Hunt, Joe, beat BlU ETons, near Birmingham, £M, 33 minutes, 13 nnnds, Juno 30. Bines, Joe, beat Geo. Soboley, near Hull, £80,63 mlnntes, 36 ; • rounds, Not. IB. ■ ■ ,fuy, G., beat Jack Polno, Norfolk, 30 ttlnutes, 4 rounds, Jnne'ST. JoqM, Harry, boat George Barton, New Zealand, £100,70 nilnUtes. 311 rounds, July 8. . »- # : teardon, Patsy, and Georgs King, diaK, . near London; £100, lit ' mmntes, 14 rounds^ l^roh 28.... . . ... • ; ' BufflciiPi', and J.Lucu, dhw, near .London, 103 mlnutos, 03 Blohards, George, beitt Joe Lankey, .near ^fanohester, £10,106 mlnntes,103 rounds, Bept 38. ' J . , Stanton beat Halkln, near BhefileU, £60,14^ folpntes, 6 rounds/ Doo. 26. Ball, BodgAr, beat Pusy Cope, Abbotts'iSromley, Btaffordshin, 40ininutes, 14 rounds, Uaroh 39. • . bddaQ beat Clayton, (Hty of Sugar, £30,.46i9lAates; 5 rounds, ; July 31. , . BnlliTan,'Jerry, .beat Ohnnuney, near Birmingham, £6,74 mln- ntes,' 19 rounds, Aug, I, Smith, Bill; beat Jem HIU, near London, £20,106 minutes, 89 rounds, Uay 12. • BttlUVau, D^y. and the Black Diamond, draw, near I«ndon, pnf«e,'108mtnnteS, 67ronndSjtroT. 31. SulllTan, Jeny, beat Bill Ohalway, near Birmingham, £6,11 rounds, Oot 0. - , Thew, Bob, beat Broome iLtklnson, Morpetfa', .£80, 6 rdnnds, • Not. 14. ; " • • , Tmokle, Tommy, beat IkeyBlng, near Portsmouth, TO nnnds, June 30. Thomas, Dan, and Joe Nolan, draw, near London, £4p0. 00 mln* ' utea, 20 rounds, April 3. ' ... Waldron, Joe, boat Jack Bees, near Cardiff, 21 minutes, 3 rounds, _. Sept 16. wUson, Ed^bcat Paddy Booter, nearBlrmingham, £10,9Munds, White, SsTe.'beat Jack SuHItod, (Light Weight Championship of Australia,) Victoria, £1000,88 minutes, 37 rounds, Aug. 13, .about WlUo j, Caggy, beat Alf Simpson, ling's Norton, £10,180 xaSa- utea, 02 rounds, July 31. Wilson, Osggy, beat 0. FItzpatriak, near Blr^lnghAm, $10, 37 minutes, ^14 rounds, March 24, ilBgs and Smith, near Shofllold, £20.88 mfnntes,' 23 ronnds, '- '3iilyl4. Police Interfoted and both arrested. Iduuon, beat Johnny MoGrath, WakeBeld, £39,33 minutes, 0 . .rounds,July4. alng, Tbm, beatJei ' . Jem Uaoe. (OhmplonBhin.) near London, £404 and tho belt, 38 mlnuteo, 21 rounds. Hot. 26. uony beat Oook, near Birmingham, £80,21 minutes, 0 rounds, ^. ^April ffl. ■ " • . . . aenrlok,b<at Uoseley, Brampton I«ne, Torkahlro, £36, IS mlU' . ulee, 81 rounds, Deo. 2C \ . 'UBe, Tom, ind 'Sam Harris, draw, near'-BlMOngham, £10,80 . ainutes, 37 rounds, Oot 38. 4Meb< Oeoige, beat Jenl Paul, Wind's Point, Herefordshire, £30, „ , 116nUnutee,70rounds, July3X ' ■ ■, Peter, beat George HoUon, near London^ £100,190 mln- •■ utes, 66 ronnds, Aug. 28.- «eu beat Morgan. Langsett, Torkshlr^ £80, 69 minutes. B4 „,,^n)nnds.Beptl6. '^«Uj> Peter, beat Jaok Hartley, near London, £80,187 minutes, »rotmds.May7. • *t?n>on, Ted, beat Toq Parker, near Bawtry, £4, 60 mUutes, „^»»nnds,Jan.l8: , ■ ■*{i»Jem, boat Tom Elng, Ohamptonshlp, near London. £400 vut..^? ¥°''^^ P8 mmuies, «2 r9nnds, Jan. 26. , Ww.vttt Qredan,boat HaiileT,bear WolTerhampton. £30.40 M 36 ronnds, Htrcli 36. Vamey, beat W. MulUhs, near Birmingham. £10,160 lies, 100 rounds, Maroh 17. « Joe; beat George Byder.'noar.LeeOs, £20,130 minutes, • eaioiiBds, Uay81, ' . "ineriTom,beat Dan Elley, near London,£20,176 minutes, 'atton, °Jaok, beat Patsy Marloy, near UTetpooi, £80,91 mln< Win '»*».l8xoh9dA8ept30. \ ' 'otiaa, Morris, and Hany Allen, draw, near mi^iinBbfTn. £60, ~, Hatautesi 87ronnds, April 13. • 'seian, Uorrip, and Harry Allen, £60, near Bliningham« 96 mln. iki ^> U rounds, April Or Polloe Interfered.- ""^ ^h, beat Tom Allen, near Birmingham, 66 mlnntes ^wnnde,Jnly,38r ^ ^r"''''^om, boat U, Bniko, Plymonih, £10,63 minutes. . . , '°*'o^' Watty, beat Tommy Brown, 60 ifalnntM, 36 rounds; u " . Not. 17, ' ■ geeee beat Uttlidohn, sear Portsmouth, £10,8 rounds, June 60. '*'*'d6a, Pat^rJ beat Bob TraTsrs, near London, £300, In^lrst ting, 87 minutes, 7 ronndsr second ring,: 346 minutes, 63 rounds, July 16 and 16. . ^ ■ Si Jury, beat Barney Begui, near London, £30, SiraUfliriMi •l7tottn4s,Aug.3. ■ ,, ^ A liITTIiB FIOHT TAIiK.. UAOB, KING, HEENAN, ETO, FoBT Wins, Ind, Deo. 31,1863. Dbob Olippeb-^Ab you hsTe always glTen^th aides their say, perhaps you will aBow one of your old subscribers, and a Mace man, to say a few words. Our confidence in the late Champion of the World is not In the least shaken (by his being placed tort du comiat; on the contrary, in haTO more conSdence In him than eTer, and belieTo in the oTent of another' match "he will snatch the laurels tram the brow of Hitter Elng." Johnny Gideon and Mr. Blchordson's opinion are worth mdch welabt "£80 to £6, again shrieked the Bothsohild of the ring." But neither Mc- Donald nor any of the Kinft men took It op. Mr. Blchardaon, King's ttmpln, than whom no better Judge of mlUbg eilsts, sal^Usce'conld not lose it, unless br some extra.: ordinary good lack of the enemy. It Was a splendid flaht as far as it went Jeo'e magnificent science and greosed-Ilghtnlng-two- hsnded fighting, haTe neTer been excelled. That he Is a tremen- dous bitter, no man can deny, for a man of his T^elght Ho pol- ished Sob Breltio ofl; with scarcely a soratch, in 19 minutes; and Bob's' nob was allawed by those who wen present, tobe one huge black bruise, and eTery hit as bad as Heenan's was after Tom Sayera painted it Why yon conMer him inferior 'as a punish- ing hlttm to Bayers I can't concelTO. Bam Hnrst according to the ^rOag Life, looked SI If he had.boen dragged through the shambles. The most enormous flattery was heaped upon the Btaley Bridgo Infant after he defeated Paddock; and Big Bell said he was quite sue Sam would proTe a thorn In the sides of some of the fancy. He might haye so proTed, but there Is no mistake but the accomplished Jem proved a thorn, and a prickly one to boot all OTer the Infant's huge carcase. .1 will Tenture to assert, with- out fear ottrnthfal contradiction, tUit hod Cobum, Eelly, Orlbbln, or any of the New Tork Irish boxers made snoha fight with Eing^ they would hsTe been landed up to the skies. Why the Ameri- can people were so anxlons to haTe Mace defeated, I can't oon- eelTe, unlesa it was a sort of left-buided hoist tor Heenan, to SSTO nlm the tronblOi te. It IsvTCttr generally known that Hee&anwUIflghtno more; that he will fighino more In EngUnd, Is certain; notwithstanding the sensation paragraphs of your respectable (?) contemporaries. Should Heenan offer to fight Uaoe la France or Belgium, he can be accommodated to any amonnt up to £800. I see by last week's Olifpbb that the Sjonrting life and Bdl't U/e differ by six pounds as to Jem's weight Which aro we to belioTe 7 Bell stated he weighed Ust 41b.; the Sporting Life lOet 121b., a se- rious difference. It must not be forgotten that before Uace be- came Champion, ha was able to reduce himself to lOst. 41b., and fought as light as 10 stone In his twenty-sixth year. Think of that, ye detraoton'of Uaoe, a man Champion of England who I must say, yonr paper Is mora Inclined to glTO the dsTlI his dne than any of your contemporaries. In ftot I could scaroely faelieTO my eyes, the other weeki when yon stated in theOuFisB that justice was dealtout bi rich and poor alike, mon equally in England than in the States ; that if a man had money hare he generally got oil; &o. We Britona haTe been held Up by some of the American Journals so long ss obleets of ntfer abhorrence, that we are becoming used to It .Tour neighbor of Antl-McClelr Ian notoriety, says the only thing that will ssto the Union Is im- mediate war with England. How the deuce can any internation- al matdi bt brouight off. when the editors of sporting paper* write Buoh trash T Ijnah left New Tork ond fought manylM^ ties In England, and flnaUy mode it his home. Hedlan oannot tuTO such a bad opinion of the little Sea-glrtlsle, o^ he would not staythen. fC ■■ " Tour Cabin Boy's description of his intervleicwith the accom- plished Phil Samson was first rate. He most enrely haTe been upset since Ills youthfOI dan, beoanaeBoxiana glTes hlshelght as 6ft. lOKln. (Cabin Boy Bit. 71n.) Phil's belt performance was his first battle, with Big Brown, ot Bridgenerth. Phil aoknowl- edged that Jem Ward was the best man In England, but he aald. he was "Jem's foreman; Jem was A No. 1, hu^ he, Phil, was B No. 3." Tours, &0., Oaawm Downs. SPdRTIBO BBlilinSCXiH'CES. Nsw To'sK, Deo. 34,1862. FBiEHD QuxBr—Does It not oft appear to you, in Jhe manage- ment of you paper, thataportlng Items, narrating efents In bnof that twlsplrsd In this and othar oltles, preTlous to the suooess- fol launch of the Indopendent and sauoy little oraft that Is hon- mti with yonr command, conld; by a little oTarhauIlng of "past dates," be placed beforo your readers and proTe of general inter- est t My opUiion, and that of many of the Olifpbbitis on that point, is in the aflirmatiTe. Many of the Cuppib's weekly "gnetls," In possession of facts touching pugilists, pedestrians, oricketers.boatmen, actors, eto.itbatflourlshed In'years gone by, oonld, if dlsppied, Aimlsh any quantity of squibs concerning them that would be of great Interest to you patrons, as well as being peouliarly adTontueous to ^e Skipper's • ilong stooklna" In these drgenerate days of intestine strife, ehlnpUsters, end tm- prindpled papermakers. With your sanction, lH set the ball In motion:~ • ; In thopresentstoiyof theOLmBB,whlchJnst suits theboys, the author briadr alludes to Jack dark, the "LlTerpool Lightweight" To witness Clark danoe the LlTerpool or Sailor's - Hornpipe, or to see "put up his hands" in a friendly exokange of ttiumplng compliments,' you would perform a mile of pilgrhnage, bare, footed, OTer a stony road, having onee seen hln. Jack was a na- tive of LlTerpO'oI, Eng.. and emigrated to this country about-'Iha Sear'1846. The first notice I had of him was at Boston. Maas., 1 '48, -vhero he proTSd hlmaelf a ekllfol boxer at a sparrhig benoflt, glTeu at Bland's Old Coui-etreet Adelphi Theatn, to Jim Stewart, the «oi-(Usan4"QlasgowObamploo," at present resi- ding In Benlola, Cal. The renowned Belcher Eay, of Boston, ap- peared on this oocaslon,' and sparred with Jaok Bany, a pet pu* glllst of. the Irish population of South Boiton. Henry Floyd, a aparter of some colebrity, hailing Irom tho Dry Dock, New Tork city, donned the mils wltti J. B. Booth, Jr., the actor, who was knexcellent boxer at that period, and "biffed" Floyd around the stage until he made the b6ys UTftont qllt their Jaws with "lof- t^." They era both oltlzeni o< the Golden State.' Olark ap- peared in the Trind-up with Stewart astonishing tho quid nuna with the rapidity of his hitting. By trade, Clark was a steam bpOtrmaker, and was principally employed In tho.Uorgan Iron Worn and tne NoTelty Tnrd when in New Tork. Ope day. aietf years subsequent to Stewart's albir in Boston, Clark, with seTO- rol other wotkmeui was sent aboard Of a steamship docked at the foot 6t Eighth ikraet, to perform some repairs upon a damaged paddle wheel. As a oonTonlent means of aoces; to the Interior of the wheel box, wherein the work was done, a narrow plank was etietched trom the otring-pleea of the wharf to on arm of the whtfel, tlie plank running under t)ie gnard, On thie plank the workmen, going on andotr, crawled on all fours, to save a Jour- ney, to the shin 8 deok, from which they would haTe to take the gangway. Jack considered the pUnk arrangement tho result of a laay man's labor, and vowed "thatlie might be cursed if he'd onwl on the d—n tiling I" Betnrning to nu work, at the dinner hour, one dayi Clark for tho first time cnwled the ptant, as he was Inahurry, andjustashoraaohed the spot beneath the ship's gnud; the wheel KTolred, bringing the pUnk upwards, and orushing the poor fellow almost to death. When exUoated, he was hisenellble, but upon his roTlTal no bones wore dlsoorered broken, He was "as good" at the end of three days, and upon being asked how he felt he trailed—"Like a fiddle; 1X4 dtMMm^emm'lkillmel" The/next day.ho took passage to Boston, via Ml Blvor, and died on board the atoamer fWm ihe effects of the eruahing en the plonk. - Should the foregoing, suit the oorso of the OUFPKB. count me In (or another "IIR." . ■ Toms tr^, JoHUNi Dvos8.e ,P. B.—AsyouhaTo a '-Oobln Boy," It i» no more thanrisht that you Bhould employ a foreoasUe youth. How'e that, Captain f • "Johnny Ducks" in the name glren to boys aboard ship that play finnkey to the onw. BxTBiOBsniAaT B'nai o» Btmhoih.— A French paper un thitatifemtol!rvr(Aube).abullattaokjrt .theItoer'sIrik who had gone to Mto the oatUo.out of the orcherd^^The woman's Ufe would have been saoriflcod but for the atrength uid braTery of one Leptae, who was employed on «ie farm, This man ran to the assistance of the woman, and being muob ex. "cited, hs selred the animal by the hoYns, and by main strepgh,. .threw It oyer on' the gibuhd... Then tsking .thejwmsnjB Ui arms, he carried her oot ofthe onhard befoM the mrage^ bull oould rally fMm his dlsoomflturt;. Th6 wommi Whose, name wat Flmla Labrun, la setloualy hurt, 1)at it is thongt^ she*fflt»ooT«if.> .',.*..• s . ... , ^ BFOBT IN HOBOKHH; A BOnSljrG. GAME iX FOOTBALL. Shortly aftte .the brilliant mOitarr aehloTements of the noble General George B. Mcdsllan in iTestero Virginia, a party of young sports residing inths upper part of the ot^ nsolTcd them- •etVes into a body, fw the purpose of ornanlcing a club in honor, of the'hera's name, to be known as the "George B. UcOlellan Boelal and Sporting Club," whtoh is now In a flourishing condi- tion. This organlzallf n is composed, of as fine a looking body of young men as then is to be found together in this d^, many of whom belong to, and praotlce 'ln, tne Tarlons gymnsslums In this olty and In Brooklyn. They oooupy a large room, which is ;repIeto ivlth cTery anlcle necessary to tkeh: amusement and comfort doting tholrlelsun hours. Dumb-bells, Indian olubs, boxing-gloves, and other appendages of thegymiikslnm; an at their disposal, wheneTer they take the nbtlon of nelng them, and their meetings are characterized by a hUarity and henlthfnlness really commendable. They get up Impromptu, little gamm, which are alwaya performed with a dexterity and agUlty which would do .ore{dit-to far more pretenUpus athletes.. Football is a faToritebame'with them, the majoril? being quite proficient in that healthiest of all exenlsea. ' On Friday, December llth, we were 'present at one of their private obntests, and a flmer treat in that sort of sport we have seldom enjoyed. Taking odTantage of the lovely weathor which then pnTalled, they seleoied Wost Hoboken' es the scene of their explolte. A finer day conld not be dealred,and although the field was rather soft their splrils'wen so bnoyaht that they flew OTerithe ground like deora. At one o'clock P.M., they wen stripped and ready for the trial; eight stout strapping fellows being appointed on each side. Alter tossing for Itho'Tantage ground, the ball was sent wlilzting In the air as "high as a Ute," and then the sport commenced m earnest Bach shln-dlgglpg, running, coBar-and-elbowlng, and e^ert ondloftyldoklng, nOTsr was seen In the "Jarales." A Judge and referee were duly ap- pointed, who occupied the groater part of the.tlme In dhipenslng choice lager and other Inrigorating cordials beneficial to the In- ner man. The grahd stmgale progressed In the moetrigorons manner, each contestant benaring In the most admirable and expert style. It was surely a Unghable slgh^ to witness the mOec that ensued when the sixteen etordv fellows 9ame together in a bnuoh. Ton con bet yonr booto then.were some loud ex- clamations uttered, while stentorian howls o;( "Ohl.-myshln,'" and other loud expressions, rang throngh the snmtmdlng woods. Then the circle was broken, and one of the fleetest of ihe.orowd took the, ball with a tnmendona kick, and followed it OTer the field in his own direction, hotly pureued by one Of his opponents. Just as the first is about gaining the run, his pur- suer OTertakee him: A trip, a hoist and a seen flying heels OTer head, and measures his length on the ground. Then the ball Is recaptured beforo the fallen hero can recoTer his "poor feet," andthe nsual straggle ensues between the combined forces. Thus the gallant humorous, and manly display contln- ned from one till half-past four, when the youthful athletes wen prettywellusedup,andtheconteatwasdoclared<'ad>aw;" tlv Slay was ordered to b4 renewed another day, and the "George B. [cdellan Soolal and Sporting Club" returned to their rendez- Tcus, merrier and healthlek men. , . )— '. —. :—■ OBAJBATIG ABD OTHBIK BKJSTCHES. IfBW aEBisa.—lTUilBBB TEJRTT-SBrEHr. xnmssu ron m vev xobx glifrs. - BT OOL. T. iSASSaS SBOWV, ■OB^:«BA|irKt!Diyiad MP6BTB n VBB ABXT. «.^'2fSSiR»i°,SISSilSi"*l^ splendldly-drmea- soldlen and th«_€0mmandlng hnpreaslon they make on ttiU^ or guarding sotao «T«l^paWJUt thSn do wT^e iSSST pomp, and need not cai?4r- ImlUte them. Stwidiig armlea tralnedto. loSukT uniformed ram-rods, but ou boyi, inriead of the Ineeasmt drilling, prefer to throw tn a llttleyortXi"er" ni^SSS: asthe annjxed comnmniMtlon from a "tone blue."undertfi» algnakre of "Sapper and Miner," will show-and fight nra*r the worse when the tag of war comes, from the benefit of thi» recreation. But we'll let him speak lor htaeielf and the «bn.n partners of his tolls, hU fieellngs, and hu fame:''- ' Pousxi, Oa., Deo. It. FniKX QrasH—Iter Sir: Ben we are at PertPiilaakL lar. risoned by the Forty-El jhth New TorkVolunloen, with company G. ot the Third Bhode Island Artillery end umv^ I of Bemll's New Terk 'Tolnnteer Engineers to do thewnUnn narL - and, if needs be, fight aUo; as. they ore ot tho right stoA. and ■ from the right place. Now 'rorkc%. We had abig time hen on ThanksglTlng Day, let me tollypn, Tho ofilceis ot % gtrrlson *' got up several very lotcreaUng games for our amnaefaeit and' you wonld have found It a difficult matter to tell offlceis from priTates that day, so lively did thoy fentor Into the spirit ot the conteets. Then was tho Greased Pole trick, with a prize of fUi' won by one of the Rhode lelnnd ^oya; and a sack race, tkWe 5rises, wherein some of own boys came off victorious. Of urdlo racing and taatefol shooting, "then wis no end,"'as the saying goes. The main feature, however,' was the rowing. . Then wen three prizes glVen for the crack oarsmen, $10, to, * and $2.60. Distance to be- pulled, throe qusrters of -a mile and return. The flnt prize was faken by the Bhode Island crew of four oarsmen and ooxsiraln, who pulled handsomely; time, ten minutes. The other matches fell to the lot of some of Forty. ' Eight's fellows. To show the Interest this part of ou sport created, the gents made up 660 to be contended for on the 18th inet by five out of comjlany E. and five out of obapany E,, this time the distance to be one mile and return. It came im yestei. day, the boys doing their vrork in a whale boat, steerug with a rudder and agalnetUme. Company E. wer^ the filat to start, getting off very nicely and pnlUagweU together; theyieaohed the stake-boat In five minutes, tide with them, and the' staitlns point In' thirteen minutes, forty-two seconds. Compaoj^ E.9 crew then got at it reaohlng the stake-boat in exactly the «am» time as their opponents, but coming back ttiey had a hard road to travel, for the tide was running very strong 8galnst'ifieffl;but' they perfevored like Trojans, and after a desperate'stnjgA) accomplished the distance in thirteen minutes, twen^ seconds, beating the othen by twenty-two eeconds, and ca^ryug off-the^' "greenbacks" amid the hearty cheers of both oflleeni''and privates.. Then is seme talk ot more rowing matches, and if anything turns up I'll let you know. If agreeable." pt iHO b» soreeabfc, and we shall only bo too happy to pnblUh the dolng» of ou brave soldier boy«.—Es, Cup.] . -. ' ';< 1 MATHiDAHEBON, ' Bom in Labby Vale/ Londonderry, Inland. Came to the Uni- ted States when very young; became the pupil of Mr. Peter Bloh- Ings, and made her flnt appearance on any ■tage,,Feb. 17,1661. atthe WalnutetreetTheatre, Philadelphia, as Blanca, in "Fazio," for the benefit of Mr. B. Jonos, prompter of the theatre. In 1863, Miss Heron left Philadelphia for California, in eompa- ny with Geo. W. Lewis, hsr agent On the passage, Mr. Lewis jjai, and ou heroine arrived in San FraneUoo, a stranger to every one—not even known by theatric ropniatlon. She, however, soon found frisnds, and on the 20th of December made her debut ^t the jUnerlcah Theatn, San Etanolsco, as Blan- ca, supported by Mr. Lewis Baker, as Fazio. Her success was unrivaled, and her whole engagement and a eucciedlng ope at the Metropolitan, won for her an enviable reputation as an. actress. ' Her chief merit wi^ found In her perfect satnralnees of man- ner; the total absence of. those screamlogs, rantlngs, and gestlo- alatlons which have grown up rank and deep-rooted weeds, on the diunaUo field. , ■ ' In June, 1S64, she left Oallfomla, and arrivhig In New York, commenced a starring tour throu^ the coontiy, irtilch proved highly snooessfnl. On Bnnday, December 34, 1887, Ulse Heron was married to Bobert Btoepel'(leader of the orchestra eirWaUaok's Thea^,) in St Ann's Churdh. New Tork, by Bev. Dr. Gellaudet At present, Ulss Heion ocooples a very ehvlabls poeltlon ipon the American stage. As a star, ahe has traTclled throughout the Dnited States, playing In aU the prlndpil oltles. InCamUIe, and such like dellnea&ons, she Is without arlTsL She has Just concluded a successful engagement at Nlblo's, |Tew Tork, and la now perf^irmlng engagemdits in tlye West liONB. aOQZXE , . Was bronght from England by U>. John Fletcher (the celebra- ted pantomlmist and original representative of the LlTlng Stat- ues,) in 1831, and made nla first appearance en the American stage, NoTcmber 39th, at the Tremoni Theatn, Boston,. In the pantomlmlo entertainment called "Jack Boblnson;" made his 3au< In New Tork, December 13,1831, at the Bowery Theatn, in tde "Island Ape;" first appeared in Philadelphia, January 3,1831, at the Walnut as the "Island Ape," . This extraordinarily bitted man exhibited one of the most ac- curate pictures ot the peculiarities of the ape we haTe eTcr yet irit- nessod; the v^ohdertnlflexlblllty of limbs, the perfect scqusdntanee with the most trifling habits ef that anljnsl,l>eRgara the Imagln- aUon; and the pathetlo scene of his dying, in the entertainment of the "Brazilian Ape,", stamped him a man of most aonte genius and observation.' .... It would'seem that, either from natural conformation, or from ahigh degree of pra^loal discipline, he had acqnired such power over his luubs, and .could throiw hlipself Into snoh.posftlona. ss could appertain to no human being, furnished with but an ordinary quota of Joints and tendons. The muscuLur strength manifested by an individual of such comparatively Inslgnifioant dimensions, was In Itsdf a matter ot great astonishment UADAUE G0I7FEE ■ oome to this country in IBSMnm England, with her husband; made ber flnt appearance on the Amerioen stage, Jan, 24,1833. at the Camp-street Theatre, New Orleans, OS MysB, in "Jocko." UISa-LIZZIE GOBSON ' Mode her first appearance at the Aroh-etreet .Theatn, Phila- ddphla, Maroh 18,1850, as Barbara, in "Rookwood." On the 4th of July, 1867, she was united in marriage to Mr, Ohos.-Stewart. She has retired into private life, and beoonie a member of the Methodlat Church'. '. , ' maS XTDIA EBLLT. "Beauty of fact for thoso who tread the stage, - Will often compensate for talents rare." This lady is the ydhnger sister of the distinguished English, actress, Ulss F. M. Zelly, ^d niece to the edebnted composer, Michael Edly. Shewas Iwriiatliondon, Jane .3, 1796, and at the age of thirteen aoeompanled her sister to Olasgow,when she made her fint appearance on any stage as Louisa, in "The Do. sorter." SubBeqnently, on the attainment of her Bfteenth year, ahetpadehordcCiit In Loudon (October llth,)''at the Lyceum Theatn, as Boslna.' > On the SOth of September, 1834, she first appeared on the' Ame; rioan stage, u Letltia Hardy, In the "BoUe'e Stratagem," itt.the Ohathom Theatro, New Tork; First appeared in PhUaddphiiB, February 8,1826,08 Letltla Hardy.; In glTUg point to wit the bite and laeh to aaraasmi and Ufa and splritto the scenes ot fashion and high life, the powers of this lady wen oalled forth in the pipst .4ttraettve action.' Men suo; oesafdUy the votary of Thalia and Terj^chon, than Udpom'enb, the ruge In which she appeand, may Justly be said to hate won their propitious smiles. She redlzed a hands6me fortune In this country. In. 1833 she ntumed to E^if^d, and retired ftom the stage.' - FOBBIGH rTESIB. TnontHo n EK0I.11ID7—On FridayatlemooilVov. 7, a.very interesting trotting match took place on the Malloa road, near Tork, between a horse belonging to Ur. T«Ellerby, and one the iroperty of Ur. Dnflit both gentlemen rinding In the neighbor* ng village of Whlfwell. The match was tor a small stake, and the condltlonB vren thateaob ahould trot seven milts on thS' turnpike road. Each party drove a light gig, and each carried s. the nferee an equal porUon of the distance. A good start ink : ' effeoted, Mr. Dufflt's hone nsdnally gaining the lead.'w^ was maintained thronghouti and the match was won with't good distance to spare. . . Ik Lues.—Harry Oloapef, the famous oarsman'and boatbuUder, ins honored by, a pnbllo dinner at Newcastle, on Nor. 37, t» oommemonte the opening of the hold given him and' his heba. fonTer, by the "Claroer Testimonial Fnnd." The estshllshment lsTdnedat$S600, Then wen present at the dinner, Measn; Wm. Newton (chair,) Harrison (Tlce chair,} T. G. PIshstt BobL 'Wlnshlp, Jos.BagnaII,'Bobt Chambers, and about forty othen. We gues) Claqier oan keep that hotel, any how. Xwo Mnxs' WaiiSnro Matoh.— A wslUng match of two mile* took place at Hackney Wick on Not. 17, for £60, Qetween J. Miles of Brixton, and Wm. Hjitley of London, the former glTing a lead oflOOynrds. Hsiley won easily In 18min 28 sec : Noan Geobob Afro W. Btak. £6 A smz, ax ^tr. lOis.—All th'» money has been stsked. and tha lads sn weU under weight. They meet in battle array early in the same week. Flood Doxotah Am Cuhp.— These parties ore stin busy In oonnectiofi'wlth the money market and their fortheoming matoh. OoLUMB ASD Hattoh's Btidzb sIbo meet In th» same ring as Dillon and Beardon, for a stake .of £10. BOSE UEBBTTIELD, iriglnalrep- le ner flnt Aroh-s^eet WeU known as the edobrated Bose OUne; was the ori rcsentatlTO of Topsy, In.'tTnde Tom's Oabln." Made appearance li^ PhUaddphla, March'4,'1«(H), atttie A Theobe. In the farce en&tled "New E.aotman.'i Thta lady Is' an intelligent aotress, md a beautlftil'woman, Shereadelntdllgently. and with'kpod taste, and her action is easy, and for the moat. part natnraL She has a good Tolce, an expresalTo fkce, and sings charmingly. Stnoib* Of A Wiuui.—About two'^eks alaoe, a whale, of the ••OalUbrnla Gray" species, made its appearance dose to ue South Farallon, and after apparently reooanoltering for a while, started "head on" for the sharp rooks on the north side of the Island, and 4f course was 8rterdTF»""*«*>- This wa roneated seTeral times, and flnally the whale ."turned up" dead, and drift- ed into a email ooto or gulch, when Mr. C. U. Underwood, one •of the Ufht^eopen, and Mr. James .Green, an employee of the FarallDnEffS Company, seound him w;the rocks with a hawser, andTallow water, euSocbdod with tteCsheath knifes In lucldpg enonsh blubber tram the careaks id make six barrels of olL un- fortunately tor thom, howsTer, as the ttdo rose, tho wind and >ea rose with it and the hawser parted, the .whale-whioh would probably hsTO yidded soms twenty, baqrels ef oil more-:djrlftlng 9uttosea. •' ^ T^ 'WasioBl—The toUoirlng'n6iia« mlidit have be«i peen 4ome weeks 8ao,:sta<4 nD ta«<ion«tmaka^ window In 01asgpw4-"^»OT**«fladla stays hero," r*-- : TRUTH AND FOBTKY. Tell me ye angdlo hosts, Temessengenof lore, Shall swindled prlntan hen bdow HsTs no re^ts aboTe ?. ^ ~ The shining angd band rolled, / ••To us IB knowledge glTen, Delinquents on the printer's books Oan never enter heaTen.1' Loonna dro Tbiiios-— Panon Brownlow has been "around" in Washington, adding to his knowledge of human. aatun as it- It, Hearfclm:—'•Washington, ass dth hasps;noncbanns for me than in farmer days. The populsnou' ls sald tobsrdouhlv what it vras when the war brake out- Bneonlstoi* and swlndleia have multiplied at a fearful rat^ and afl trades and pnfesdon* an UTing' and flonrlshlng at the expense of the govemmenl^ And OTcry varied of histitntton Is being run hen. Then as* >v five theatres, three monkey Shows, one etrcns, "the negro mta*- Birds," 100 houses of donbtfcl utility, and an'lndefinlte numtsr - ef UqnoT diopB, to say nothing of about fifty gambling hdia, all' in tul blast and all doing a profitable business. There are ola>- cersviough in the hotels. In the Halle of Oongreas, In the street . ctxa" and carriages, In th» liquor shops, and on the streets, smdilng dgan, to officer an army-large enough to tako'Bleh. - mond. These is a s^w loose somewhen, but I am net able to • say when." - ' .. . What are ■■houms of donbttnl uUllly,''and howdia you gekati i. ther nnmber. Parson 7 And, do you number the Capitol amon^v "gamblinghdlsl" If not then an about flfty^ne^and tiigr Btske it is that is then being played for. . "Tbsbsbt Haxob a TAiL."-4lie latest Munehsasen steiy wi» related bya boy who was begging In the sbeets of Plymonihu Eng., the other dsy. He saldlhst he was a oabln-boy on bears on Amsrioan liner, and for some of his misohttTooa nnnks 11» was headed up In an empty water caak, with only the imng-hoI«r; to breathe through. On thefdlowlng night a squall oameiun. the ship went down with all on board except himseli; the caak' oontaimsg him having rolled over into the sea, on a audden lurdi of the vessel Fortunately it kept ••buns up," and after thirty hours flosUns' about he was out on' the coast, when;, after he had made despente efforts to release himself, hs gSTO himseltnp to die. ttme oows strolling dons the beaeh wen st. traOtedtothecaak, and, in switching around it 0^ of them ae- > ddentallT alisned ber tall into the bnng-hOM, which the boy ^i^^ediUnmedlately, and kept fast hdd of with adniir«hl«>< resolution. The cow started off, and after mnnlna three or font- hundred yards, the coek struck against a rock, and wu knookedi to pieces. After wandering about fiir seTerd dais, he hailed • Teud, was taken on«board, and oarried to lUmoutli,- noa whence he proceeded to Plymouth. ^ . ' WbatMusou! oik D0.-A^ender youthllfl»dfor Dr.tniyhip, in the Gymnasium, Springfldd, itaas,, MO pounds withonj hand. A^blcw ot He.iSian at the "m»J>p^ "P-• . snringi was 660 pounds. At tho dege otPdermo, Goiftaldl vra» SSons toploce a gun upon'a rocky hdght to whldi access wt* d8F^ ^fivo broSSs fooked at the gun, and thra one <*lh^ • bent over it and took it upon his shoulder, snd the othwtpok., tte canSfiL md Slently ttey wdked up theprocarions fiytlnfc Sbh^rtSlSb pouiids on his back. Gailbda w» •5»a>d.. - Sid wen^: ''mndlng luoh men here. 1 need not to ttave brought'any." «nw Abx Tou. Psaitots?—a couple "of Idle feJIows streDea into^oo^Si^iotHartford, •few«^«»>»C^i'2;A*<3Jai'' tS^Tihn hiitiihsn the colorsdmhilster roae up to preach, befol*- ififSr •«;» de Lor'hsb aaeroyon aU do IaflMs,''_ Botomn "S? dS Lw-Sb meB^ on de peanut ertwibyde- P ■:aB^oSg ^dianotwlltto h earths benediction. ;, before she was recvtored. SlulStaflame agoing tBXong mjaUOBt. a^^ 'S^^ , ^gds. Lwon'titoTtsuphInlUmaiabtoanddan6ero.ns„»?^"«if. Into my ertlblishmen t tt anjr risk-no, sli l". , eaie as though,lt.were ^-unoh sugar. ' XTday? »iB<>ft» t'^"^^'' nmSSKsoflnfonnatlon. of,a post; master, heidoes the fem «(Bcer.!i