New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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^«aoTi<:.-;PpiPT»»».' •Th^, Bor. ;^>a got U-o1>. t>« ■ -: 'TotMbi'BShBMlHlraon; - ..X«B>« gotr-«lii:.4M airty OM— AbSAS^INB fOILED; •■Ob. don't,. OB, FBIBini, . •. AtmiAiw :ahi»^hib .•btbadfa^t \ f~v.v:(>.«'.vr>.;:/.V . - JU V(iij'..'--J'^'-^.' ■ ■ ■ ■■ " ■ aiip^p . M xmUBZiT rOB TBZ BKW .IDBK OZJFFEB, . ': , * TfTAifar'^r thirty Teut (go, tb« Tlolnl^ of tbe ptoMnt floniiah' ' 'iiig'«a4-jra»i«aalTe town ot Sairltm wta » oomiihratiTe moarataa. Htrlam. had no high hridg* then, and If tna lover ittaqwtlaa iriahed to mtSitj hla piopenaltlea In that hl«b^ Uter- 4lUnfl ipoit nipn Ita iunona rli^, the paaa-wotd 'woold mOia ' «BpiopnataIr .M •■low bridge,^! imrtoaS ot .high. Torkrllle So«<l waa IhonHhe ab<^e ot ba)l trboa,' rata, and other Intsreat- ^'v' f U( reptUes,°rather than the leaort of old aporta \rith their two- V^^T■^'>|k|foltyploetB,uld stfUah oatflla. .There haa hean awondeifnl ""tfunge In nuttan and thlnga genertUr oonneotad with thla V . x«alon, eTanwllhlntttepaitnaltacoreofyeai*. , At the Mdol of whloh we wrlto, a gang ot the most nnaorapa' I'aitddeapteate midnight atabbers,and plonderen that eror MA the {dKud of Manhattan, hannted the neighborhood of ^ L Old 'Boaton Bead. -SiVTlng eheaied the gallows and the «lidB of Jutto* tfjt yeais, they beoame -peittetly reSUeaC In their OspredaUoBaiBad no aot or crime waa tea bold or fearful for them .to attetn^.'or pertbnft. Those Kew Tork bandits wen Ij^ided and led .by a noiorlona rotDan who Bad won for himself \a(Va TllUlnoas ei^leUs, th« nsehTlsble oognoman of Ont-thrott BOL. Ho one Uilng Ih'this blty at the time, btst knew him by .tty pth jr nane, and there were Tory few namea that oarriad ao weight with them, for itwas a perfeot tenor to the qnlat «hd isspeotaUolnhabltanla of that onvot-town region. ; 'This crowd vfsre natnially and InitlnotlTely Ughwar rebbera «t.the baseaiand most comtemptlble oharMtar. When they .flQed la fUllng open richer apolla, they made a raid- npon the AUdens and l>Krn yarda of their nelghbora, and carried off their nttest and inoat v^nable fowls. Their captain waa an expert In Ihe ttada, '.Ontrthroat BQl had, some yean prerlons to this f <l«ft hla' cormtiy for hla connby'a good,'' aa - Bhake- " It, having been transported to Botany Bay for Is of the most dlsgnstlng and heinous crimes He anoijefded, howeTor, m maUng hla eaca) Is^'hla .prlaon aenttnd. and plnnguig into tL. tnr-Wipt» tsaooed, in a nearly dying condition, from awa' ttfj^ygwe, l^ an Aioerloan clipper, and conveyed to tfae4o rhere he aoon mt his Xnropean talent ■■In play," by or- , theb^nd of nifflans of whom we speak, and InsUtntlng Jihtai reign of tenor In the Tlolnlty of Bloomlngdala, TlmS'^ler tfaa« &is offloeis of Jostlce triad to cage thla predous lijtfl^ «nd time after time were their^orta trnstrated. Whan the'"pMeia" node thalr sppearanosi BDl was not "at home," althongh' they did not wlah to be denied, and Inatltnted a sWIfl aearcn tat tn.elr friend, he waa, to their ntter snrprlse, li/maL He aade a long ran at this game, and scored many a llAiidred'points. Notinthiitandlng bis opponents' ellbrta to ob- i^kln the one to his whereabbnta, he always ran cot before thelr ionoameitaplay. ' / Th(f'atioolSea and oold blooded mordan committed by thU liaarfDl. gang-were often absolntely thrilling, Imt the manner In ' irhlch .those crimes were effected rteiained a oyatary to ereiy Me who attempted to sclTS It. One of the.wealthlesi and most tespectable einzena In onrdty mlght^be tonnd In the aomlj%, . blngln a ditch, his throat oat from ear to oar, hla body stripped '^eTetythlng TUoablenpon It; bat who the perpetrator of the ^ Itnil deed was, or wlieie he conld be foand, beoame InToWed'tD 4 donbt which ooold never be aaUsttetorlly removed. The pre- ^<jtae^ locality of these mordeions desperadoes had been repeat- eidly trfoad ont, bat no'dae or chain of evidence to the cosunis- •lon'of the bloody deed coold be obtained. ; Theaethleiing raids and criminal exploltalaated a good whUe, Sending at once the strategy ot the cltlsena and oScen of Jostiee tooaptaiethe olhndeia. - ' .'poring the peilo4 of thesa.occamnces, a PbUadelphia mer. wabt came to New Tork, and snrchased a residence u the im- ""lie. vldnlty. of the'haanis-of those ramorseiss mfflans. 'Respectable pid gentleman's name was Ibrk Templeton. ilKuarli Templeton, Jr.,'was one ot the flneat specimens . ^ be^fonnd In a day'a walk; tall, athletic, deep- < th>)*yn1, Mid powaiftil, he might at onco be considered a danger- . ■OSS/tdywta^.Ior any man under the aan. Eowasyetyoong, oat iMpcaMAMuietrae'elementaofagonqlneaport Polite, amiv Us,.and gtuUjoas'wli^uil, as the trae sporting man la ever Jbfajid ti).be. he soon became the idol ot those with whom - he as, tecUted.''Biil Wfayn.Jiis.blood waa stlrrad np, and he was UnUa 'tortlaiele, Iba tendenieaa of his natara left him, and ha |Moam« a ^aguig lion InUs nsaptment . Hkrk Tet^tileton waa<an expert and accomplished gymnaat, Uany pi'Mut ot plsasore his performances gave Us"vlllsge MmpanlcUs.'- He gnw to be a perltet Heranles linpower and ■trangtb, and as-bls msgniaoent body beoame developed, thsre^ 4Fas nothing tio formidable for him to take hold of, i'UArkliada'tnutworlhy, anfllnchlng, and nndanhted Mend, '•%b6.]ra4 .'al*iyi9 .byhlsBlde, andwho, when'any tronble stood .'..ia^the'way, wssatver cheeitnl and ready to assist hla yoang niais^ u, patting it aalde. This friend was aa fine a apeelmen • >.tif thjB oi)iuia'.lilbod aa hla yoang master waa of the man. He ¥aa.'Bpowerfia«nd fall-blooded bnll-terler, reared and fed by . Hulk's bwtthipdttom the time his canine woiehlp first sawthe ' light.' Be caned him Steadlast, and never was an animal more i^thnslastlbUty admired than Uaik Tampleton'a dog waa by . nlnt.. "Sot/etta the,overgrown louts (as the ■'Boy at Benlsh'' .(enbad'the'chkken of Btaleybrldge) owned by the celebrated oOBcootor of whiskey punches in Daane street, was h^ so dA. ' Mrvlng.o(.ot. received more fclndess or attention from theft ... Uollalngmaster,'than Steadfistobtained at Uark Templeton'* ..i]uMb.,'. • .VUailfiDaqw, Iu)wover,.thj^ ha had. trouble onem, ■• twit upon ' tall body guard; 'for, unlike many of .the ao^alled OhrUtlan InhaUtaniif of this woi^jd, SHkdftst was always thank- (Dl tor past fkvoiiB, aad endeavored to return the compliment by / feroi^ hlmtelf in an cases a' true 'and tnsty fiitnd. A feel- .ug or Impulse of ingrailtnde never ente^ the noble animal's .bieasL ;':: ■. '■ ', . • ""A windy, WO!, and oheerleas night In Timber, found -Hark Templeton on hli) way home. It was ob« ot thoee dlsmali' nDBiit «a«8bt liimi.irtthattniflolett-haBdaron-.thsJaggler, hat sent him spinning In the air llks a top, and stietohed Urn aaflttMafloondeionklBbafih.' :' . y.'i<:" This loekdologer was the laitotSpstr Jo*. Falling vrlih hi* deadweight Hat npon bis back, his headloamein contact with a •harp itme,«ad bis skall wai laid open. He nerer''spoke ot aoredagtliL Btaadtait, peieelvlng thia rafBan sant to graaa, and hnowlilg that his maatar's lite waa In danger, retolntely and silently onmoihed himqelf between' the ytrnng Achillas' knees. Taking a momentary survey of the grrfhnd ooonpled by Snity Joe's ooipna, the exaaperated and inoorrlgible mOian, Oat-throat Bin, ooBoladed todiqi^toh his cool and oomagoons antagonist MikwXf Belngotapoweifbl and well-knit frame, be was oer- talnly a fearfnl onsloner to tackle. Hark Templeton himselt aavihl^ and it beoamMilth him a matter of life or du^. The laUnlght aaaaaain paused for a moment; a huge xnlfk wail Inohed Inhls hand, and, a atream ot red light llaahed titm hls.entgiey eyes. Hla teeth were tightly fixed, while Us broiled and ^ed breast heaved with emotions of desperation Tlw^Hark Tsmpletcn stood before a etow^ of desperadoes, pale, bat fearless, with Uo weapon of defence save those which nature had given him. Bat he had one fHend that would never desert him, and he waa a match for the fiercest ot them, Stead- fast stood Intently walohlng Ont-thioat Bll],uiltll the final tab- leau ensued. With a yell of Infuriated aadnets, the assassin threw himself upon Templeton, but before he came within atriUng distance ot the gymnast, hia t&te ,waa' sealed. Steadfast, springing tMm between hla maater'a legs, bfoaght his toll weight and attengtb. to bear upon the mfBan'a cheat, staggering and imooklng mm down, while his teeth were firmly set In hia throat WUIe Steadfast vrss dragging the windpipe ont ot Out-throat Bin, Uark was alashlng away right and left among the others. Thoy fell beneath his blows Uks mlc^ until at .length, those that could escape, did so in foU speed, leaving Hark Templeton alone In hla glory, beyond aU danger. Stooping over the lifeless body of the captain of that .lawless and damnable gang, he found that the dog had not yet done with him. After dragguig out his wizen, and letting' his liffei-blbod flow over the wilheied grass, he had aelied - the wrist of'the Ur saastn's arm which stUl held the knife with a death-like grip. Blaooverlsg that his work was accomplished, Uark took the dog away, but diacovered, to his, horror, that the noble animal'waa stabbed In the bteasi In the assassin's deaperate ellbri to free himself t^om Btaad- fist's grip, he hod stabbed him to the heart; bat the falthfol dog wonld not reUnqulsta hla hoJd^'That was surely a thrilling scene. There lay ibi bloated and bloody bodies cif two of the most notorious robbers aad midnight atabbers that ever cursed a communis, while the pale moon, aheddlng its tklnt Ught upon their distorted featores, gave them a ghastly and spectral appear- ance. . Hark Templeton, carrying his dying friend In his arms, con- tinued hla Journey homeward aa rapidly aa possible. Bis life had been saved by poor Btetdfast, and now he must try If he oan'trsttim the kindness. ButeveiyeSortwasInvaln. Shortly after naohlng boihe,and before he had Hme to relate hl« ter- rible adventofe, the noble and asgao^pui animal explred^cUng and oatesalng his brave and generous masteif's hand. E6 had willingly aaarlfioed his lite to save that ot his always kind bene- factor, and .bitter were the tears shed by the young gymnast <when he aaw that hla falthfol ecmpanion and "slesdOsP friend was no more. ■ '■ • n That dlglit's fital straggle was the last exploit of-those fiends In their old haunts. Their remorseless leader, Oattthrost- BiU, and Dnsty Joe, were baxled by the residents, and the <ilhera fled: taparta unknown. THB PRIIex: EiQHT. . , ,. .HiosiUtXmdcnSi^iinlayJtofaw, JToa. 29.' We ventured to sttggeat, last week, that one way to oheok ^tar- toting would be forXondonera to leam to defend themselves. If a man carries a stick, or other vreapon, ha shonld Imow how to nse it; and if he carries no weapon at all, it la stlU more de- sirable that he should know how to use Us fists. In either case the dlffennoe which lastractlon and practice make iS'gtMter than the milnHlated can comprehend. A proflotent in the ort of aelfdefenee wonld be likely to take an attack by garrotera coolly, for ho wocld InOw that even that omel weapon, caUed a •■knuckIa.dnster,"'6onld not hart him if the blow strack with It feU an liloh short of the featuies It was Intended to obliterate. There U nothing more Important, in receiving an attack, tlian to Judge exactly the length of the enemy's range; and akUl in doing this may be acqnired by fboae wholriU adopt the-ptoper means. It is now some time since we first pointed out that there was something to be said for priie-flghtlng, and certainly we did not then anticipate suoh a reinforcement of our atrgnment as ia af- forded by the present atate ot the London etreeta. Bnppoae that Tom King, the conqueror in this week's prize fight, were walking home late at night, alone, with the proceeds of his victory in hu pocket, and that he waa observed by two or three gstrcterswho happened to know his peteon. itwoall very mach surprise us if the gtrrdters did not keep at a respeot- fal dlstanoe from that nighty arm which made such havoc of poor Jem Hace'a" coantenanee. The garroter would let King alone; and, althongh Uacehas not the same height and length of reach, he wonld be eauaUy anwflllng to meddle irith a boxer of enoh well-proved aldil. Either of these Obamplons qooA so deal with two or three ordinary street rufBans, that'they wonld Ue helpless where they fell, or, if they got away, they wotild car- ry marks by which they mlgSt easily be recognised. Tbat which wonld be a dangerons sdventiire for the ordinary Londoner, wOBld be only sgood Joke; or a preMy little bit otpraotlee for Elng or Uaoe. . And yet these man are Anther bigger tutr more conra- seous than many, others, but they^p^>en to have made a pecu- liar stady of an srt which has been ur too generally neglected. They have fought a very ondltable batUe, and if they u« quiet, weU-conduoted man,-they are sure to derive benefit from the awakening perception in aodetyof the advantagea of pugUlAn. The ourrent of opinion hia been setting In their fkvor for some time, and it will gain strength Itom the prevalence of gamtlng. Everybody noif thinks and ttlks .about a fight forthe Obamplna- ahlp. Indeed, "so widdyapread la the demoralisation produced by these dlsgracefol spe(^es," that ev«n the SteM, from which we borrow thiajibxMe, took 'the opportunity of its publi- cation, on Wednesday afternoon, to convey early Information to evangfUcaldrolssof the result ot the battle between King and Uace. This battle woald have been more interesUns if there Wx taints, that are so fraught with Interest and aatoondlng legani In Irish.traditlon. The Junior bat athletlc-membea ol the hoqee iot Templeton had been detained over hls.nsnal hours by a pies- anre'. of business, and oonaeqqently had to '^vel lato ot a ' sto^ny night," aa the Ouffu's pruo a^pry ot "Andy Blake' «IM»1{.' • ■ v' ■ .T ' Han Templeton had a presentiment. It impressed Itself In- 4iUlbIy on' his mind. He paused and soliloquised; Btcadfkst ■anng lnteiitly.andthoaghtnilly into his (ace: "I abi ont lather ate' ^ttf-.nlght. Steadfast. I. don^t know whether we had better .. tUcenpdartef.,61dboy, In these diggings, jor venture up the 4lt^ tHs tv'ehliur. Bat, damn these SMuy thpughta I Mother «nd th8«itls.wat be crazy if I sUy away all night If I dldn't earty^o much of our money about ma, I wouldnever think of stay- Ing away ftomlhome; bqt I've got a long and a hard road to travel, ' Weadbst, andlf evwyon behaved a good boy, you must screw Stmt courage dp to the sticking, and take me home •attsly." That Infernal convict and thiol; Oat-lhtoat Bill,- may at. took us on the way, and If. we don't display pretty good fighting auallttes, we will both surely lose what is mote than money—car lives." ^ .'Steadtkat wagged hla tall, and Impentively nFged his master ♦oadvande. '■. ' On they sped until they reached the vicinity in which the pteaent Bed House Is now located. Steadfast evidenUy a tndyi ng, now and then, bis mastsr'a thoughla. > S! Uark Templeton, indlghanUy frowning upon- his fathet'a in- Junptlon' to. oarzy; weapons for Uie proteotloa of his life and SNpetty, Uviff replied hf saying: "No gonllemau will ever -put me to 4 Hai of my. strength or power, without sniBclont pT.ovocatloh, and 'If .there ia a neceesi^ for my raising my hand •t lall. Ill goaitntee I'm able to take my own parti'.'- ',7$s vlunlty of TorkviUe was dork, dreary, and deiqlate. Bvery soUtiry sGal in the town or village was scnnd aslen> and Uark .Templeton, watched by his "steadfast", and resolnte friend, pere.the only waketbland perceptible.trsvelen fn' that, section <^ tbo^povntty boneath.the abode of the goardlan angels, , ; 'At* this point a dramatic tableau eneaed, which may be .ieaslly ■qimt^.' Uirk .Templeton Is an easy prey and valaabl'e spoil Ibr. the rdfflaoi who threaten his llfeand properly. They reeolvo 'topbH his annlhnallon, At a certain point Uark. heard a rustlo Ik the snrronndlDg shrabU'eiy, •pdpuclng his wallet in his coat breast pbfket, chirruped Steadfiist to his side. ' The P*lo> waning moon, as thoogb it wire a spedal dlapenaa- ijfou of .KoTfdende, bad fonght its way through an almost over- tiotlrerjngi and forbidding aky, and happily, hod thrown a fittJelGhliipOn theaabJoctT'. " .attt^lbM4t,BlU had, evldsnUv, not held bis adversary too -Ah^plyiforiln.lvrdar to secare Us victim body and bones, he iet^nnlnod-to Isad tho attack himself.. Up thoy rashed, a half a .docaiTof the intistdespeiate and anactaputous rulllans that aver .'4Isgia«ed the srinlUial record of America. . ."jilark .Temdetota,;the.hero of many a weU oontested battle, «t66a there, IS it weM, in the Jaws of death, paUld, bnt fetoless, MMai^ but.tli(hi{/htfUL Captain BUL dlaoovering hlsantago- jjuTlfi^sil imsreonaMe ptiplstio attltade, stepped baok'£id ' '<«t!datM'hla Utit lieutenant-tO; the (tout To thla summons '~ a,"'as he was called, readily re*p>6adedjbyrashlngat 1 a dirk tailfe llghily,oUap«jd in his hand, and foUowed itdeiniuao'ddea^loablo-nail..' Joe, however, toon re- I qnl«tas, lor Uaik «ra« i«6long In the teach to aUow 'td|atln$ls^«. >i ;^fPlH*in got .nUhla leaab, the JUd not existed between the combatants nearly the samedls. parity In size as madethefkmona ifiatch between Sayenand Heenan so UDsatlafaotcry as a trial of pugillsUosklU. EJng la nearly five Inches taner than Uace,-aad about two stone header. Sing's' superiority In length of teach is even greatet' than In belglit and weight; -but kuce is an exceedingly clever boxer; and King ma, and perhaps stlU is, conslderab^Ihfkrior to him in skill, when, these'two men fonght in January, of the present yeu, science proved too much for size and strength, and Unoe deftated his antsgohist after fighting upwarda ot an hour. It Is highly creditable to Elng thathehaa Improved as he has done since that day; and, aa he will prcbably unprove stiU farther, It is scarcely to be expeoted that Usee wUi be able in any farther trial to do better with him than h< has done thia week If two men ao unequal In size are nearly eqval In aUU, it Is oertaln that the stronger man win win; and if they are very uneqad In sUlliWe do not think that the sort of exhibition which they must mske, ought to be dlgnlflwl wlththe title ot a fidit for the Ohamplonship. However, as Uaoaheld the belt, he was bound either to fight King, otto-give It up; fnd if he coohl have kept odt of the reach ot Etna's long arms, while contriving to get £b his own Jiils, he. might- have iradaaUy reduced hla laU oppo- nontaatrengthuntll he btonght himself upon even terms/With hln^ Bat, after trying many fimes in vain. King did at last ano- cecd in blttlpg Uace with his f oU fore^ and no second blow wu neeflel ThuB, within 88 minutes the fight iras begun and end- ed, and the strong confldeoce ot Usee's backers was changed to disappointment; If Uace'bad been more oantlons, he might have fonght amore prctraoted, and possibly a winning battle. ^J'.??!,''" *'7lng to "force the pace, " and, as he hit a little short/ King caushthlm before he conld Jnijipback, andsavehlm. wlthdl the weight of his Jl>ody. a coaitor:hit,^"erwUA he faU helpless. Even after thia tremendous blow.Uice stood, ot tottered, during two mcrercands, thus proving that any suspl- own^™ioh had been ttrown upon his courage waa unmerited. That Uace should be able to come up to time at aU M a great ex- ample of vrhoj may be done by plnek and training; and, on the oUier hand, Elng deserves Ugh praise, for having derived from Us prsvlcns defeat the knowledge wUch now gave him victory. The old comparison between the Prize BIng and the battle-field of life may once more be repeated; for there are not many com- peUtorsJn any kind of ccntfat whomlght not take a lesson of respluUou -tai potspvoranoe from thoboxer Eing. The blow wUch kno^ed Uaoe off hla lege waa compared by some of the spectators to a shot from an Armstrong gait. Perhaps this com- parison was suggested by the scene orthe engigeme'nt. whlch waathosesame drearyEssex marahea amldwhlch long-range S^£'\°^l?'t?^.7*i'"'¥'^*"J'"y««property, fit am- 55^'?^ .thinking .that, where there Is loom, fSr experimento HJir i •ni'Mtt-platod targets, a few square yards of turf may WeU be spared tot testing the powers ot penetration and rMlstaacoottSe human flat and cheek. 'Barely the police have plOTty to do In looking oiler gatioten, and might venture the patrons of this sport that they must sit upaU night, Md ttoalllke malefaotore, amid the fog ot early morning, to on out- of-the-way root, whore It Is onls just possible that the police nuiy be an hour or two behind thorn. If tho art of self-defence laof any value, we must aUow it to be sustained at thehlnheet point of oxceMenoe, by the moans which experience showsto be the best adapted for that purpose,' In every art the moat nrab- Ueal test la the moat relUblo. As EsgUab hciee-breedlng wdold be without the Derby, so weald EngUsh boxing be wlthoat an ocoaalonal fisht for the Otaamplonehlp. be once admitted that men stellkely to wanfto use their flats, or any other weapon civilization, and. humanity reqalze that>they should be tanihi how to nse them. A Ugnal Uiidttstion of the necessity of such teaching is afforded by the deplorable duel wUob lately occurred in France.. We saynothlngin defence of a stoto of society wUoh tenders duels possible, or even, necessoiy; but if a ttsn lives amid such dangeid, shonld he not prt^are himselt t^lneet them oreditably r It is melancholy to read of the poor, helpless' SU. Ion goidg, for tte first ttoe, to k fenoing-ifiaster the day before his meeOng frith an ^advaisary who might be expeoted to know what be was kbont It Is to be fearadthat the fenctag-master's unsnooesstul ettorts .totoaeh hIapupU the' diffetsnoe between qutrli and Mercs only made that papl^^orroiu, and I«M kVI» thtti ^K>>;^ V ^-vr'-(VN* Ji';.'.';5-^^;j?vi,;:^^,' ■ /v-.:-<'.;;:v'^:'^ -;- •; '.Vi : • • .: ■:. ^^;:"^^^'^^v:.^'r^*,■■i?.' ''■^■ ^ . .• . . eviitfa) defend hilsUfk. 'BatwhetharlHUoo taekaatngleleaaon Infksolng, or nose at all, the meeting between him and U. |li Oramont coold scarcely fkU to be'fatal to one or thecthetof them, because ol Dillon's utter want of sUl). A nan who has never had a sword In his hand before, thinks that, by a tndden and violent atta^ at the flnt potsaible moment, he may hit his practised adrenaiTjrhlleexttactlnB' an attack aocotding to the rules offence. Bemethlqg of this Und must have baon intended by the fenclng-nisler, vrno told DlUoa that, by making aptr- tlcolat movement, he might spit his advetsat? like a lark. To giiard against such posslblltttes, the skUled fencer is compeUed to do what be wonld not do against an opponent of equal skill, At the first ruah which bis nnsuoeoasfbl aisollint makes, he te< 'ceives him on his own point, and the sword enters the advancing bodynp to thehUt—In fact, be "ooantora"'blsantagonlrt very much aa BUng did Maco. Thus he inevitably takes life; bnt if he did not take It he would lose it. But where the sword Is in prao* tised' bands. It may reasonably be hoped that "honor will be sattsfled" on leka severe totms. The use of fencing, sometimes Is, that yon mar not hurt your advemry too much; but we do not teoommena boil{igon that gtound. 'On the contrary, so- idety wcnld thank prcoclents it when \hkj have begun punch- log the head of a gortotot, they would not'boon remsnbor to leave off. • - _ OUR OA9UrtoA.G. A LITT-I<E OF Atli BORTB. That's Sol—A woman , says irhtt she pleues without being knocked down for saying it Bhe cani take a snooze after dinner wUle her.lmaband goes to hlsbnstaiess. .> » . ' \ She can so into the atieet without being asked to stand a treat at every saloon. She oan polnther face If it be toio pole, and powder It.U too red. She can star at home in time of war, and get married again If l^or husband IS kUled, ,She oan wear corsets it too tUck—other fixlns If too thin. Bhe oan gc^ divorced from her husband ifrhenevor aha sees one that she Ukes better. ' - Bhe con get her husband in debt oU'- over 'untU ho wains the public not to trust her on his account \ These are a few of the advantages'woman has. WHOtisoHz Pbovkbbs.— If you ^ant git gad oloathes and ed- dlcation too, tit the deaths.'. ' . Bay How are ye? to everybody. Sultivato modesty, but mind and keep a gud stock of Impl- denceonhand. ^ ; - - It you aigy, never git beat •■ ^. Bo charitaole; three cent pieces war made on purpose. Don't take ennybody's adrice but your own, ■ i It costs no more to berry than to buy. If c man fiatleii yu, yu ken kalkerlato that be is a- roge, or yurea/coL , t Eepe both tze open, but don't oee mora half yu notls.' - Job-a Tobioco Cbbwxb.— "There was am^ in th'eltndcf Uz, and his name was Job, who feared OM' and eschewed all evlL" Thiameaiw, boys,'said the master, "thatheoMiewodeTll aa I do tobacco; he would have nothing to do with it '* 'With thla dear andfonlUe elucidation of the word "eschew,".he proceeded, and- a number of verseis were tead and commented on in a sbnUar olear and IntelUgsnt monlner. A' few days afterwards the Boliool committee ealled to make an eiasiinatlon and report ptogieas. - The master caUed the boys up and began to put them through an examination. "Who was theman who lived In Cz?" he aaked. "Job."'"Was he a good man?" "Tes." "Whatdid he do?" "He chewed tobacco when nobody else would have anytUbg to do with it," was the boy's answer. AUiurnioHlAOHniE.—An OUo paper tells a pretty good one of an old bachelor of-that place, who wa«ptesintat abutter fklr reOenlly held'in that State. A- lady, who enjoys a Joke hl1C<''yj "^"^ h'" If ti" wnnM tIfcA tn MA g itillb^nj mfntilw^^i one.' of which was on. exhibition. Hie gentleman ot course slgi^ed. Us assent, when Hia. conducted him to a tar coiner of the room, whete a veir young i>enlOn was drawing sustenance from the matornal fount, and pointing to the ehomb, Urs. aald that.wsa one of the most perfea arrangements ever Invsnted. Spch a tear of, laughter fonowed as .was likely to bring down, tho plastering:-'. ^ . BBOosno,—Aitan' evening party in Bostoni one of the ladles' at the'toa-tsble thought to enUven the oonversatlaa by address-. Ing Ur. Shaipe on the subject of his reoently engaging in the banbtes of honse-keeplng, i.e., setting up"bachelar s hall," endued how he gotslong—If hefdtat home, be "Why, yes,- ma'am," waa the reply: "I oegtn to feelagood deal in the family way." Theladlea bit their lips, and coniuaded the infoimatlon was too good to keep—from their husbands. A PoioTV UiN.—vUy deceased uncle," says a hunioroos writer, ■'was the most polite gentleman m the world. He waa maUog a vonge on the Danube, and the boat sunk. Uy undo' was Just on ue point of drowning. He got Us head above water for ones, took off Us hat, and said: - •Ladles and gentlemen, wlU you please excuse ma?'and down he went" Jdsi So ■■Uy son," said Spriggles senior, to Bpriggles'Junior, thinking to enlighten the boy on the ptopagaiion of the hen apeoles, "my son, do you kdow that cUckeni; come out of eggs?" "Do they?'^ said Bp^gglcs' Junior, ■■! thought eggs come out- ofcUoken^'.' Thus endeth the first lesson.', Obozl.— At'a printers' festival in La Crosse, recently, the fol- lowing tooat was olbied: Women—second only to the Press in the dissemination of news. TO SPORTSAfEK.—The Grand Raffle for tbe Jnest Double Son in America, is POSTPONED tUl JANUABT 23d, 1868. 100 Shares at $5, to come off at HASUEB'S, Broad and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. Send orders for shares (where the gun is on exhlbitlor) to PHILIP WILSON & CO.'S Sports, men's Deoot, 415 fhestnnt st, Philadelphia.' (TaOly list of throws will be publlahed in this paper.) S^at rpHB'PISTON PIPE.—This newly inrented orllcle, the J. only one tbi amoUng that oveioemes the complalnta and objections to every other Pipe on account of the tank and effen- aive ameU growing out of its nse. Jt may be considered a great discovery, giving Qie Pipe or OJgar smoker, a luxury, at. once economical, pleasant, and convamsnt in its use. A BampH vtUl be aent poet paid, free from observatlooi by enclcelng 30 cents, and 4 letter stamps, to the. Agent, J. H. UABTUi; Hawley, Pa. P. O. Stamps taken If new and clean. ST- r\ AUE FO^VL.—The nndenlgned offers for sale his Vjr enUie stod. ot OaUE POWLB, oomprialng selootlohs from the best stock In America, and carefully bred .by himselt 'All Fowls sold by me, I warrant Dead Oame. Befatenee given If te- qulied. Address PBTEB BBANSON, '8T-6m* 1009 Pottland street, Philadelphia. SMOKERS I See Piston Pipe, AdverUBemeni, and Bend totone. ST. ABEAUTIFUL inCROSOOPE Hafmirvleg 600 times, tot 38 cento, (coin ptcfetied.) . Five of dlffecent powet, for tl.0O; maUedfree. AdUiesa . 'F.XBOWKN. . ' . 3T-8mp Box MO, Boston,UHi. (^ARD PHOTOGRAPHS I-ALL DBSCRIPTIONS- ± Sent post paid, tot OS eents caoh, by J. N. COX. W-St * . ' . . MKaaaau s treet, N.T. MA6I0 CIGAR CASES,"coDtalDlnv lioh-gifts of Jew- elry, sent fot tl, by O.O.BEBBT, ST-4t* . Horth Btraffcrd, N. H. THE OLD ES TABLI SHED BOOK AOENOT. Send foradronlar. .HENUT STEPHENS, 8{ Nassau at 85-if [END FOB A HAMUOTH PAOKAQB, aontalDlng -jTonr Fancy Artloles; price 2S cento. Alio, Bnbber dvA foiOentlemen'is use. AddiekSs J. H. FABBELL, IS Ann street near Broadway, N.T. .'j ' BOOKS OK LO tree. No fraud pi 80-8mi* . USUAL.—OatUeinee tent : JOHN'ATOBIBeN," (8 Suane atreet, New York. - N B; L S Q N , . Uonufiactnter abd Dealer in P LA Y 1 a OABSB, , ' ' . And an articles nsod In OAUBB 07 AUUSEUBMj: AKD 0&AN~OB, " 431 Broa dway, New York. .. ..: ' T-n > : ■■ Wo B D ,B N H O U 8 B , ' OOBNEB OF BPWBBT AND BATABD BTBEEIB, N. t, Oueets can be acoonuuodatod with Bobms by the day or Week, nth ot wlthoat board. • QEO. P. WOBDEN, Proprietor. Mm JAMIS GOOlJwnv Oomnhslon Paper Dealer, Ho. 110 JOHN-.BTBKCT, nearOlijr, NewIo5t. News and Printing Paper aianuUitaxed to order At the •horteat notice. * ' si-tl DAYS "SilALED' OIROULAB-LETTBR" will be ready Jan. 1. ,Sand So stamp to. OKAS, EENBT DAT, KewiBaven, Oonn. FEBRETS .FOB S^E.-0. ^\ Annla, Buokiaod, Oonn,, Importer and Sreeder of Fenets. Loiters itill r» cclve prompt attention.. Price, |I0 pei.pair, ' ' (IMt* \TTBNTION.-SPORTINQ MBNMl- A. Send38cta^,andi)onraadroMtoBox99,'BlEIiUONT, UASa, and reoelve by tetutn maU, fk UTBTEIUODa ABTIOLB.. Vt-W SEE AOYBBTIBXMENT Itfk'tke PIBTOH PIPB, '■"y. "' " '-- IN BiLLI ABi) T-ABLBB m ■ OOHBtRATIOH OliaEIONS. IMMlal by Patent dated Feb. 19,188<i Dei tt. ta. .The zeeeat ImptoTsnaats ia thiwe nUaa ouka Umi — ' passed la the world. Xherwenowoffersd tosdsn^n^fi playrai u epmbtaJng wl|k tratit amt X^Si^A any Biniaid table. Alsob "wamiOfc PEHjAira NEW JpOK-^'TOe Game of Bflntodi.* oaal 4th' edlUca, eiduged. levlaed; Otasttated with adUttns^... grams aad a portrait OS steel of the' author. Price. m^SS * ■ ^ «8,W,e7.and«90i5igystis» B B A T BOO K Sll RBW BO OK at HBW BOOXBII SOHT VAki'TO BEND FOB A '0 A T A Xi.O Q Q |, ODB.N^.OATAIAaXJB ROW BEAD7. ffOT raHB-^gOSIAOB TiSD-CS isjiu ejir^ XBS OLD BBZABUSBID iSiO, ONLT BELIAB^ BOOK, ' IBS spoBTmaopoBB Aculaa^ Wlun 0(d*n an pranpUy and iUthfallr .exeagted, Mdiw^ nOlUSOBllBBT. |IaihI«BiilUia«ih t WHaaaa BtneV Harw Tett, THE TOUNO AMB^BIOA FIBM OENEBAL POBOHASINa AOENOT,. CoHsaorannr ' ::' EDOAB, UOBPHT Ic 00., ' . ' at 81 Nassau stteet, .... New Tork, ■ . Are now prepared, with Increaaed- fUUlUes, to supply BooiiL Cords, PxGite, 'Photographs of Btoteomsn. Uteraiy mta, Aotati - andActiesses.'Vooalliits, Army and Navy Offloera, and PagOlsti. Newspapers aad UagaxUes (foreign and domestie^, Hoxlalr aioveS,Perfnmeiy, Jewelry, eto., eta Btereoseopio Ttews, Bong Books, Hoyla's Oames, Boiinf Books, Novels, eto. LONDON, PABIS, BBUSSELB, , am) ' • TANKEE NOnONSy Bend for Catalogues. ^ . Bend for Catalogues, . . Bend for Catalogues. Kcglster yonr money letters at our risk. tf-33 EDOAB, UOSPHT b CO OWSELLINa UPWARDS OF 1000 COPIES PBB 'WEEK. P A TH O li O G T . or TBS BBP. BGDUOTIT E OB G AN 8, BCBSEIX T.'^TBALL, UD. SEXUAL 0B0AK19U. JAUES 0. JACKSON, U. D. ■■The treatises in thla -volume in upon subjects of the afanoM Importance in a physiological point of view, llieae sutrjecte an - handled in an able manner. The authors-are medical men el large experience; and the advice which they give Is sound, and applloabie alike to the guidance of paiehto and to the benefit 'or the ydnng. A perosal of the work will do -muioh -to secars healthymenialanabodllyfancttons; while to suffering humanity. It offetsjudlolous advice, wUch may aave many firom-oompilc^ ting their snffeiings by resorting to quack doctors and empirical treatment"—Boston Journal. i ' ■■Should be read by all old enough to understand it"—Wat« OnteJonrnaL . •■ItwlUbethessnrceotmuohgood; belbepropatediritheat% and ftom abundant knowledge."—Boston Travener, "It is a book for the times, and shonld be in every family."— World's Crisis, Boston. "An honest effort to dlflose usefnl information. Uost popnisr works on this subject are the reverse of thia, and are mete ad. vettlaemente of quacks."—Plymouth Bock. -IA valuable addition to medical ll^tature."—Beaton Turn valuable book for the afflicted, and for aU who wonld aotbi. Its oaoBBtlf are of groat Importance to all."—Boston Oongiega- tionalist ^ '■Oontalns ptaetloal Information that should be known and acW edupon^byparoato aad oMldran, the married and single, ma ohaptors devoted to cUldien and their management onght to ba . read by every mother."—Nunda, T.) News.'.. - '•That this Is a suggestive volume must be admitted, we thln]^ by either a professional or non-ptoftasionol reader. Engaged, as we are. In advocating a ganatal teform of our socB} .habits and opportunities for physical improvement, we haU wlu^eU^t any snga|stlve influences that maybe btoagnt to bear^pon cartel vonto line of ketlcn, come from what quarter it may. We there- tore take great pleasure In recommending the above volume to a iUt and candid oonalderation among aU classes. Every cbapta Is valoable, and all thosubjccteot those chapters areweUchoaea, Boston tejeredt in aU good works.'''—N. T. Clipper. Price THBBE DOLLABB. Bent to an y address. Bend otdea to the publlshet, ' B. LEVBnBIT EhOlBSON, 139 WssUnrton stteet, Beaton, Uasi.' For ssle In New Tork by 0. B. FELT, 36 Walker street, and by , BINOLAIB TOUBET, 191 NaiSBU street , ' j^Dtom ONI omsB Booz, this win teaohthe reader how to prevent, and permanently Oran, zvzdt roau of sexual dj» ease and derangement without toeing or consulting any dootca whatever. No other medical book haa ever received suoh cdia, mendatloiisfirom the Press. OEZ sasBBsr. IS- itrpHE AOTBESa" 191 Doable Oolnmn Pauses, IS X 'fullpages, lUostraHva, BOo; '•Uemolrsof an Aotreas,"I0o: '•Opera Dancer," SO; "Ollfford and the Actress,"/SOo; ■•NewToik Nsked," SOo; "Oiphan Seamatreaa." 3Sc;"Oarollne Traoy," 35o: "Fast Lite."-SSo; Lovea ot Paris," SOo; "Jnlleto Uocre," Uc: "Boxing," 18o: ••KateTaagh,"IOo; ''Ohalley Hunter," 11 en- pavings, 3Sc; "Daring Deeds of flood and Bad Women," 3B6. Our aealedOlraalar letter, 8o. Bendabove prices to 81-tf OHAan. DAT, t<ew Haven, Conn. BOOKSI BOOKSII BOOK-SMi- BPOBTINa ABTIOLES, OABDS AND PBINT8, ' J. H. FABBraX, BootaeUer, IS Ann atreet, N. T. Book! of every variety, either Fotelgn ot Domestic famished on appUcatioa. Parties desiring books 6f any desoripUon, tn sending address, postpaid, will receive immediate attention. AS Books, Spotting and Anoy Attloles you may see advertised, wU be fnrnlahed to order. Oatalognea aent on appUcatldh. Adliea% J. H. FABBELL, dealer in Books and Fancy Axtlales, No. li Ana s^eetiNewTotk.' SS HOW TO WIN At OABDS.—Send your addcees and two red stamps to HOWABD U. OBA'TOS, Now Xotk OUf Post Office, and he wlU Inform you of-a BDBE method of will*' ningat AUi the various games. Try it and sot an answer tV .' retom mall. i 8Ma* *^T|0 TOU •WANT v rmdymtR no. mODBTA- .J^ OHES I"—In 18831 first aaked this queattod. Itwsaan- aweted by numetons people; andlaaklfany of them ever knew my Ongoent to tkll In doing sH I claimed for it; namelyi thatH vonld oomjpel the Beard or Uooataohe to grOw npon the smooth* est face within eiz wOeka from the first appIlaatio& Llk«^ sa» i ^Msltil Inveatots, I have had to contend with a host ot tmltatoA some ot whom even go' ao far as to oopy myadvoitlaemenis. However, truth Is mighty, and wW ptevtill i and you, my bearj^ leea friends, wiU find thai my. Ongnont is tho only thing that win Teallyfotoe the Beard togrow, and will neither stain or Injaia theaUa. I spud It to aiw part of the ooantty,free of pcsteM [10-lt*] B.O.OBABAU,No.lO»NaMau«tiee1bN.'K fbrtii "XT' LNT.—Rednotlon (n Prloo, Gar Famous BUoa ^ Fanoy Package, with "addlUonal attraoUons," containing fiketches^BooDS, Jokes, Tgatls, FIVE BOOK CIB0DLAII8 and a ^OB^TINa, seat to any address on receipt of 11 OOLOBED Cento. NO HUUBVO. 394t EDOABL UOBPBT & C0.,_ . sTHassan Street, New Tork. BOOKS, 8PORTm6 -iaOODs) eto. S«nd for a qiron<: lor.. P.O.Box 1386,N.T. " , 8Hf _^ ri.AM6 FOWL FOR BALB.-JONATHAN' fiOR; \jr WABT, tadeaator, Pa., Importer and Breeder of OAUB gWLfl. IettoI^ .wt(h ,8 cent staSp» wOelve Vtomvijl^ ■UrOLAXa TODtSIT, _■ .' . . MLHAflSAU BTBEBr.- aXNZBUi AOBNZ FOB THB NBW TOBK OUPPEB.