New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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.-Ml 'Z^'ils^A'S B10it BHObBD. ; DBAUATIO. IWfS2i»SSnth»T wold b6 Mo to ■tud It Wmr Otlauu ou. urAlT rapport on* plMs .oi ^'artoow. wd ir» few tiie vytfttfiMWlU (oAr bafoxe in!''fi!i!r ttfinliiatsa in<''f*?!r termlnatM. - OUT aomspondencs from than Is down jStiaa out iHrto bo hoped thtt the hoUdaja implored tbingi K^'tT^FioTOitliUr. aiOTsr'fl otrttbU weekithUWaah- ^SIIfSStre. Bea edTertlMmeiit. .. ^ ^ I'^iS^b^ Rained hime'omiDr'numJfestaitionBof -popnlii .ivr^d of Irlendly enconnsement, thftt he oumot retain ""IhS oabUolr wknowladglDff Us sppraolstton of Undnasses "SSiltaTt auo«U(edwlth bis nOsfortone more ^tcfol lemem' «t><^^r Donosal and pabllo eateam, than lils ilobest pros- •"S^ Tat convoyed. B affords blip, nnder these otaonm- ' P"^ . joao otatiaostlon to annonnoe, that the Intermptlon •?f^'iiK)fo»8lenM Intercourae Tilth thleoommnnltywUnioof <" • t^.VcaaUiiuince, and that the etrljr possession of a new and ""iSrAnt-oUsa estftbllBhmont—onevortbTthedlgnltTof tha "iIS^dUi-wUI enable blm to lenew, and with Inoreaasdadvan- <°^Viaffoils to doaerve the liberal anpport he has ever re- at tha bands of the Trashington pobllo. The most pstntol jjjjient oTt'he disaster la the heajir—Md, .In aeTeial Instances, hiioftt bTlliedi 'f^^nt.' Their oase Is one of slngnlar and ezcasslTe hard' ""^mUo— losaoa Imposed opon the dramatic-company, mem- i'^Uia orchestra, ondDVobantcs attached to the ettsbllshment ruitdostracUon of tbalr wardrobes, mnsloolInstmments, and iZisZ and by their sudden loas of en«agomenU at a iiMMOiillarly aUBoolt for peiscns of their occnpatt hMsflt and !^ to the attention of their friends and the pnblio, tha claims ' SS^Ihelr milked professional zeal and fldelltr, and tholr prl> n^oilh, give them upon the kindly eanslderafaon of those for SAuenlanalnment they have ac anccesatully labored. Itvrlll ^^m« sincere pleasure, to co-ope^t« In any dtaisnre looking talbalrrallel" IbiT Frovoat Is the star of attraotlon this week at arover's ffuSigtcn Theatre, Wsshlngton. We think that lllss Provost ab please our 'Woablngton fHends. Job Owens is drawing wall at Pord's Holllday^treet Theatre, Sililmoia. OiBatsrday etenine, Jta, 3d, Mr. Orover placed hla theatre in VaUngtcn at the dlBpoeal of the snfrerera by llro of Ford's lieatta, for their benefit. We delight to ohraniole rach acts of Din BetoheD had hsd.bJs benefit at Orover'a Ibeatro,Washing- tog,P. 0„ on the 2d Jan. vjack Bheppaid" was glTe]i,with Jock Urlled Into three parts, Sophie Oimber appearing as Sheppard Istba first act, ^te Donln in the 3d, and liotty Hough in tne 3d. gddiaU woa the DIaasUn, Hinaier Wbeatley biUUantly inaugnrstad hla season at . the BoatODTheatre, Edwin Forreat anf Ur. Hockett, while there, dnvandtancea that fairly tasted the oapaclty of the theatre, and oiaaraial occaaioDS the vast auditorium proved inadoqnata to Iba dtaand for even Blondlng room. "Metamora" drew an im- nnie house. The "Broker of Bogota" was produced In tha qimdld style characterlatlo of the management of this house; ml ]Ir. Forrest <ron now laurald for his performance of a dlfll- coUpa^ . The play was laatprodaced at the Federal-street The- itiic In that city, and was comparatively new to Boston. theatre- inn. Oany Hough, with bis comedy company, ran oppaalUon to < Firaon BrowDlow, in Eantra, Deo. 2$th. Hough Is a bard cus- ima to beat, and with the party he boa drawn around him, itould make his onterlaiaments popular. At the time wo write, Jan. S, we uve not been able to ascertain tbtiharthe new theatre in PhUaddphia is to bo opened on the Itth ortbeas tU of this mouth, bat we are very happy to an- Domce that our great tragedian, Mr. Forreat, will open the thea- tn (ud initiate the performances, Mr. Haokett will appear on Oaoff nights with Forrest, and contlnuo until Fabraary,.when bawDl ronre, and HIas LnoUle Western will occupy his pbue, pnlndng East Lynno, whiob met with such a fikvorable recap- Hon at the Academy of Music, recently, when Miss Western per- fomed it for n coupio of nights, in Philadelphia. We under. daidthat Mr. John B. Wright, at preaent stage manager at the Eonrd Atheneum, Boston, has bean eugagea as stage manager fcrtha now theatre in Philadelphia. J. Q. Hanley succeeds Mr. Trilbtat the Howard. t Mr. and Mlsa Rlcblngs open at the Arch, Philadelphia, this eve- •111, Jan. Eth, and notwithstanding their losses by the fire at Tiahliiflton, Will play tholr fuU list of pieces during the engage- Beat. The fire will not Interfere with tholr engogaments in any nasnar. This we are authorized to say by Mr. Augustus 8. Fen- Borei, (heir agent. "Satonella" will bo produced next week. AlUoogh they loat the music of three pieces, yet, Phamtz-llko, Dieynup ngalo, aud wlU foUl all angagemeqts to the letter. Hr.and Mrs, Barney WUlJama,' after a'moat snCcoMul en- gig<uent of eight weeks in Now Tork, will open at the Wolnnt itit(l,'Philadelphia, en Monday. January U, suoceedlng Laura bene, JUUSIO HAUbS. Ulis Moiy Walton remains at Lea's Melodeon, Baltimore. BlgDor Bliss is also there, walking on Iho oelling, with his head dovnvaid. He la sold to do this feat very well. Kate O'Neill put In a full week at tha Washington Varieties, vbtre, also, the great Hernandez parfonna. Mlas Bva Brent is iuuranced for this week. They have a most ezeoUent company It the Tarleties Juat now. The new Canterbury Music Ball, Louisiana Avenue, near Sixth ilnat, Wasblogton, D. 0., re-opened for the first time since the aiieiulve alteisttons have been made, on the last day of 1883, in "abliae of gloiy," classically speaking, you know, ' Four hnn- dltd dollars were taken for adoilsslon alone. Agrandperform- taA iCr Udies and ohlldren was i^ven on Mew Tear's day, pror- Iwa good nwcnlatlon, The' proprietors and managers, Ooo, racnal b Co., havo now performing the herein mentioned "eaoit'of beau^:" Agnes Bntharland, the Bcotttsh Warbler; Mlas Xil«Fennoyer„Torpalohorean artiate, both pretty and popular; nellle Tkylor, a charming melodist: and the Misses Jennie Allen, miar Brandon, Olara Berger, TiUy Forbes, Kate and Annie Ha^ luoi, inie Jennie, and LitUo EUo, all clever and spnce-Iooking; Oeo, B. Eddson, comedian, pantomimlst, vocalist, and stage man- am, has plentv of work out out, and dceth walL Tim Hayes, dogdonccr; U. W. Eagan, Ethlopean comedian;-Billy Emerson, IL J, OloaU, J. S, Clarke, and Harry Tolbott, appear nightly in ap.'.'ollo poddrla of corkographloaliUas." How's that for a dlc- uonuy selection r WUlls Atmslrong does the Jugglery aols. Tbs {uolnatlile Md'llos Augusta and Maile will commence going tuongh their poetry of motion this (Tuesday) evening, Jan. 6. we are extremely sorry to state that Miss Julia Mortimer, the mespngstross, la very 111 ot Philadelphia. Let us hope that her iKinsaslsnot serious, but that she may soon be ablo to ro-ap. (nr on the stage to which aha was always so groat an ornament Tha Canterbury and the Mew Canterbury, Philadelphia, are jijuilng a strong opposltlcn, the one at five and the other at inean cents. Both nave large oompanles, and a hard feeling ■Mniato exist betwocn them. The Canterbury will bring out sew atois this week. . ■ The CcnUnontal'a houses have boon very largo, and the num- ■wotits patrons are on tho Inorsaso. Mr. Alms is a •■tandenf' vra^d ma^iages this large Phlhulelpbia house with groat toot. w J'?'' ^'"^"i PhUadclphia, there have bean many changes, w.iatoa and lady have gone to Washington, and their places osje boon in a measure supplied by Miss Annb Chester, a lady n iKauuitii flguir, and of fine qualities aa a dansense. Mian Jn- i!* *^h has vamoaod, and FatUo Stewart has returned. Mr, "neteu will probably go as flutlat ft>r tho now Tbontro.^Mark '>Miiar cannot get a more oompatont one.. I bnlsa PayDe haa yielded her Philadelphia Varieties to Mr, J^^oer, who now S'ves a fair show Lonji's Varieties has ^mny Oihnore, who has gone to Lancaster Sarah Duval «« Deep very ill, bat has recovered ralBolently to s)ng again, . ^'^fuungton Varieties is doing the best buslnesa it has done uTjV.!! °I'*'''ng. During has'been cnimmed, l?5£>^7 O'Mellhas been drawing like a loadstone. She has hhd S^B^ftecoptlon In Washington that she bos hod in this conn, uj^ Bbe has a new oomlo song, "Uiss Judy Barlow,'.'which lSrV>« audience rcoring with liujjhter. Mdlle. also ^ Bua^'t ^ much admired for her chaste and graceful dancing, ^,^°8 also made bis first appearance there on Doe. 30, and naSSK*.*'?*.'""" 0' best eemlo slngoip of the day Her- SrSr*?' his pantomime troape, wore to leave there on Botur- 'WaBtent, and Ward, the cloud awing performer, com. SSSi'JjS «»nday; Jan. 8; Mr. Pilgrim now tokos entire AiX. «"',"'.?'*«• »n4 8«tieral bnalnees. on iS. Mllwatlkee, tho foUowing performers were I-a Oonta, B, i. Llndloy, Billy SSu'.vA '^*"«>o> and "poUte Uidy waiters." Tenoonlss UTdvh^?'".^ at Helena, Arkansas,. siu^t be doing a very SOoSoSl!;''' '2' advices repreaant that there were over ateaBlS!i """o ^f"^ *• •'B''* gunboats, knd twenty !r!???»V'>» "8ablo Harmonists," performing at the half, l<«kap harmonious than ever, slnoe bnslness began to c,'2^','*^!t''B herds wind slowly o'er the lea," somebody ssid SJ?vJ,''5''8' oBof'buttto"atilmiloa''havenot gotto anStii!i?;°*°''"' 'n Baltimoro, yet; for there, wealth, fashion, dj|2^>^°y..looklngon ana<llat«idng to the tasidliating so: ani songs, at^^l" ^ sreat nulsahce at music halls 4hlchonght to be ' aT^»:i''''^''> »nd that is; the porsUtcnt. encoring of ahttost r!??,»"lS>nd evoi7bod)rontho bUL T* be ante, performem fa^ K. T^?" Vlli lb* compliment of an en»r«, but they dd not care tnv' -^^T'uiuie ecmpumenioianenoTre. in»iaey.aa not Care iStaJ,'J^od 'iut three and four times whenever their turn to thlB« .S?',''"Of""!' * good caUin'. A ' <AAb}lng to both peribrmcr ond ondionoe. This gful^B^ntDqalneBa Is generally dcnd byanumborof admirers ImS^J" uaiperformer, and oroatcs a spirit of rivalry and bad nji^A?* "«B0 as well as off. It frequently leads to qnar.. MMHuir •ometlmestoaomething worse. Quite a dlstutbanoe ecB?<%?i?°^'^*^ OUbert'rMelodton, Ban Franoiacd, od ke- '^ti>(th«penut«nt«no«ilD«ofHi«MoratlCMbyapittoflhe andlanos. On her/mtrtt appeaianoe, another part. «f the andl- •noe hissed, and a row followed, ending in the arrest of 'Several ofthe psrttaf ooncemed. Would It not be wise to tone down thls enaore 9uisanoe,,and'8ive the perfoimets a little lestt Thliikofll,frlends. . .. They have a grade of prices of admittance at the Continental Xnilo Hall, PhUadelphla, which suita all olasses, high and: low, lloh and poor. :Let os see howthey run:—OaBary, 10 oenis; oolored gdlery, Uots.; colored boxes, Slots.; parquet, 31 ots.i cnhestn chain, 37 ots,; asais in private boxes, fO ots.; qpper private boxes, 13,00) lower private boxes, $3,00. Here's a^huoe for all, both great and smalL A tree concert aaloon has been started in Milwaukee, iaa base- ment, with lager bier and'-walter-ghrl aocompanlment. The company Is composed of Mr. Clark Wells and iSuDily, Uiss Ma- rion Webster, singer, and oil Charley ibbot, fbrmarly of the old Christy Minstrels, as violinist, the proprietor'a ume Is Byan. ^ CadweU's Music Hall, hi Mbraukeo, .'conilsnea to dowelL Ida and Boss Bnval will remalntbere three weeks longer. "Porker'a Varieties and Shelley's Opera Trcnpe" occupy Frederick. Md. Manager Shelley continues to saerlAoe himself for the public good, and with his present eombhiatlon gives a very good "bill of fUr"bdlesand muslo; but the receipts, we regret *to hear, are not as lively as they would be u tho pay- master would only make Me .first appearance there. Why, even the patients Ia the hospitals havo not received a cent of pay for tlx months, and if. ever a soldier iMeii money, it Is when he is sick, and in wont of some little dainty which even the noble Bonllory Oommlsalon does not furnish. Let the already well- paid contnfotopi hold up a Utile, while the soldiers get a ohsnoe at the greenbacks. Father Abraham should sea to it that the pavmaster looks in at Frederick, "Just once," Agnes Sutherland, the Scottish Nightingale, has Justtennln- at«a an engagement of four months otthe Oanterbnry, Washing- ton, D. 0,, and wlD be disengaged in a few days, when managers con secure her services. Bee advertisement Capt Smith had a benefit at Twoddle Hall, Albany, on Mew Tear's night and a good house and fisir performonoe resulted. Mr. Bradford was unable to moke anything out of the Olympic, Philadelphia, and it is once more dosed as a muslo ball. Nelly Howard, the celebrated female Jig dancer, will appear at Lea's Melodeon, Baltimore, on the lath. lisoso imraBiuiUiTi Parties wishing to engage an agent for a mlnattel troupe, or a mlnatrel performer, are requested to drop a line to Fted. Har- rison, BlnghamtOB, New York. It is rumoTOd that Buckley's Berenaders intend to locate permanently in Bbaton, and that they win open a new opera house .there early in February. In ttie meantime,.the troupe win perform in New Tork, and perhaps in other cities. The hall qirmerly occupied by them in Boston, will shortly be opened as a vandeville theatre by Mrs. English. Hike Shea,Jig dancer, formeriy a Mew Tork boy, is in Blng- hamton, M. T., having juat returned ftom Waablngton, where he has been "heeling IV' for Phelps, of the Vorietlea. Bom Sharpley's Uonstrels are rushing things in the Eastern States, and Bom Is- trying the efflcooy of printer's Ink with a lavish hand. His bills are now up in foiu different States, viz: In Maine, New Hampshire, Maseachuaetts, and Bhode Island, and he don't shirk the Eaatem newapapers either. In billing, he spreads twenty-three different kinds of bills, the cost for which, we are told, is tSOO per week. And the hest of It is; Bom finds the "ink" a profitable investment and so would "any other man.". Sharpley's Minstrels began the New Tear at Portland, Me., where they received calls which brought to tfioir treasury nearly $100. Of 'course, it was a holiday night but "that's no matter," for holiday money is as legltunate as our very popular greenbacks. They finished the week out at Portland, and Oils week start on the bac^ track, performing at Portsmouth, N. H., on the Sth and 6th; Manchester, 7th and 8th, Nashua, 9th, and LowelL Mass., on the. 10th. We might here take occasion to mention tho Itivor with which the name of Gen. McOlellon is received whenever mentioned by our minstrel friends. From Bnflalo to. Portland, even in the strongest abolition towns of Massachusetts, the merest aUnalon to Little Mac Is hailed with the greatest. enthxislaam. So in "Iron Olads," and may yon all have a "gay and happy" New Tear. We regret that our minstrel friends arc not doing a very good business in New Orleans. Bnprez & Green's, lunstrels still remain at the Academy, but trade vras only' moders^ at lost advices,' date of Deo. 31. The holidays, we hope, improved matters. Moderate business at the Academy. bow<ever, would be looked upon as large in many places, and the boys are doing about as well as they would do North; they will probably see the winter through at Mow Orleans. - When-they cloas thore, they will visit Cuba on their return homeward. Duprez k Green's company wore all well, with the expeotlon of Guatave Bldanx, who was quite 111, and unable to do anything for five days prevfons to the date of our correspondent's letter. At one time it was'nt a sure thing that poor Ouatave would'nt peg out He Is getting better now, we bear. The oomnany is weu liked, so far, and if money was a little easier in Mew Orleans,- a snug bnslneas would be done. In the midst of war and rumors of war at ColumbuS; Ohio, Bomethlng of the amusement aort occasionally dropa in to distract ane||lon from the cores of every day rumen. Arling- ton, Leon fc^Bonnlker's Minatrels, looked in at' Oolnmbss cm' the 30th and Slat of December, and were rewarded with good nouses. They wore liked. - ' :' - Oampbell'a Minstrels, from Palaoe MtasIC BoU, New Tork, 'went through" In Umo to Obieogo, said opened at Ihe Dearborn Street (toera House, on Ohrlstmas eve, the receipts being $2S0. On Ohrutmas night they did still better, and nearly $300 was "in." On tho 30^, the houae was filled to its utmost capacity. George Gray, Ned Davis, J. H.JCllfford, Eddy, snd our old Mend, M. 0. Oampball, tho manager, hod been well received, and weri nightly growing in favor. The haB is a pretty Utile place, about the aize of Bryants before the late alterations; it is weU lighted, seats cushioned, stage 30 feet wide by 18 deep, weU found in scenery, etc, and altogether is a snug Uttle li^tu of a placed The Campbells Bttnf to please the good peoplo of tha Garden Olty, who say the troupe is among the best they have ever hadthere. A new qtiiokstep, performed by the brass band at the end of the first port of the entertainment is said te be very fine. The Campbells wiU remain there three weeks certain; and it may be, much longer. Wo are truly glad to bear suoh good reports of the boys, and'trust their present prosperi^ may continue. TiKok Dobson, the banjo player, is ini Baltimore, giving lessons of lusfauctlon ov'de old Cremona." Morris Brothers, PeU and Trowbridge's Troupe ore drawing Immense houses in Boston, which is perfectly right considering that Artcmus Ward has said they were the best troupe he ever saw. A "New Torker" in Boston says:—The elegant pantomime entitled the "Magic Horn" is presented with scenei7, costumes, tridiB, and appointments, whloh would be creditable to the managers of any of our larger theatres. Mr. CarroU la the harlequin, and Mr. Queen the Columbhie, both of which charac- ters are rendered with much artlstio sUU. Billy Morris as OoUghtly the fop, is irresistibly amusing, but the clown of Lon Morris is something above the usual rendition of thatoharacter. In aoUon, dreas and aglUty, his portrayal is'jaald fo be the best ever witnessed on tho Boston stage. The house is'densely packed long before the rising of the curtain. This ocmjiaqy has commencea to give afternoon' performances on . BMurdays. Nol^thstanding the imm^e competition lo the sbow busl- neas In Bostonat present this temple suffon no.dlmlnatlon In the number or character of its audiences. Wood's Minstrehi, the dhaw party, gave two of their.'p^erm- anoes at ZanesviUe, 0., Deo. 99th, 80th, and were to open in WbeeUng, Vk., on the 31st and In Pittsburgh, Ps.,'Jann^t^ Sth. The companynow comprises the foUowlngperfoniien:— BUly Palmer,M.Hons,Tim Woodruffs Que Bhaw.BiUy'eweal^ man, Frank Berger, Frank WUson, 0. W. Morgui, Ferd. Bhlne-' holt ^> Scovan, M. MlUer, 0. Cook, Master ^ilUe; oria .Phn, Dlopeubaoh, >l>eing one of the largest companies travelling. ' A party assuming Uie name of "Wood's Minstrels" have been showing m towns adjacent to Bostoit during'the holidays. In the par? ore W. H, Brookway and George BaU. H, Sprague is their agont Hooloy's Minstrels, at their Opera House, Brooklyn, were fla- vored with more Mow Tear's calls than thoy weU knew what do with, for almost everybody reserved this popular haU as "« good thing to do," as a finale to "the day wo oelebrate," Brother Boeoner did wall, but Brother Hooley knocked hfrn sky high, "as it were," nobody hurt on either side. Wm,' H, Lewis, tho contralto vocalist is soon to take a benefit at this house (not Boecher's,) and as it wiU be the first time in some yean.we oust ho' may have a crowder. Several now burlosques and comic acts have been added to keep pace with the times. This secret bf fre> quent change of progrsmmo has made Hooloy's Minstrels "a flxedfk9t" ;_ cmovSBis, , Henri BbUande, acrobat and gymnast Is a plagtnrist of the worst deaoriptlon. A few weeks ago he sent us a pleoe of poetry, fotinded, as hoeaid„"onan inoldent in the present American BobolUon." "These linos," he wont on to say, were "writiefi Impromptu, and havingnever before appeared in print ate re- spectfully Inscribed to uncle Sam MiUor, Esq,, of Philadelphia, by his eincere Iriend, Henri BoUande, of the celebrated gym- nasts, the brothers Gulllaume and Henri Bollande." '^The'pfeoe was enUtled the "Two Soldiers," and though the ]fn<a lemei famiUar lo us; we took Mr. Henri BoUando's word that they hod boon written impromptu, and had never iMforo appeared in print and published them in tho Ouffxb dated Deo.-SO, A cor- rospondont in Qnln(nr, HL, at once pronounced Henri Bollande a plagiarist snd falalfior, and informed tu that he, tha corres- pondent had in his possession an annual published In 1885, oon- talntng the poom claimed as ha\iog been written by Henri Bol- lande, Another eorreapondont in PhUadelphla, sends us a leaf cut from the "Toung Ladles' Ohiss Book," and on this leaf is the identical poom, word for word, sent us as original by the "cele- brated gymnast Henri Bellande." In the "Yoimg Ladles' Class Book,"Ihevoom is oaUsd "Tho Sword," written by Miss Landbn many yeara ago. What excuse this BoUande can have for prac- tising such deoclt upon us, and upon the readers qf tho Ourrsa, we know not Whether he la used to this sori of business, we cannot say; we presume he Is. If his "gymnaatlo ablUtles" are .In keeping with hie "Uteraty oiforts," Ihoy must beofaveiT weak and aocoptive character, and will not Doable long to'Stand the test of pubUo scrutiny. Such imposition may very readily be'pnicUoed upon the editor of any paper, but the readers of the Curtea are too numerous and wide spread to permit such fraud to esoapaUUmateaeteotlon. "Uncle Bwn Miller," of PhUadtU pUa, to whom this, Itolbmde has dedloated VUa poem," bu oul! lynSpathlM in his ''sadtamvemsnt" ChK^ Woodruff who has arrived uh in fhUadakphla, as- {MSMS his hear^t thaahi to tbs proprietors and members of Hable's circus, now in Chicago, fbr their many acts of kindness to Urn since he met with Ihe aeeident which disabled blm. Bead his card In onrodTartialng department '<>l>n Wilson, the great Oalifcmlaohrous manager, has aeon- muUtedthesnugfortu^of 91CO,0Oa A correspondent in San Ranolseo says that Mr. Wilson proposes lo invest in an operatic speoulstlon, Iq oonneoUoa with Manager Tlbbetts, of thsMetra- poUlan, Ban Franoiseo, SebastlaB, the bsro-back rider, and the Orrta Camlly of aoio- bats and gymnasts, were at last accoonts traveling In LosAng»> MS. on their own account 'When last heard tram, they ware doing very waa ■ W. T. Aymior, the, olroos man, has come Into a streak of luck, If we are to credit the ktast reports firom OaUfornla. It U sUlsd that tha wU of the late Sarah Batehelder, made at Lima, Pern, andoertlfladtobytheXT.aOcn8nlatOaBao,onthe 9th of Goto- her last has been filed for probate. It bequeaths to her mother certain monies in the hands of a friend in Nashville, Tennessee, andglvea the balanco of her property, including her house at 839 Play street Ban Francisco, to WUUom T. Aymar and bis wlfk, in consideration of their care and Undneaa during her laat iU- ness. Ajmar Is mods sole exeontor, and required to bring her body to Bon Frandsco, to be buried beside tuot of her deceased sister Amanda, the name, age, and date of death of each, to tw Tecorded upon the same monument Aymar left California about a year and a half ago, with Dr. Bassett's olrous, and Is waU kncwn both in OaUfornla and the Eastern States. Frank Whlttaker, oqueatrlan director and master of the whip, snd a capital one, too, fdl on the Ice in Philadelphia a short time go, snd broke one of ^is arms. A benefit is being arranged for m at Oardner & Hemmlng's Olteus, wheii a host of vcltmteers 'Will perform, and Frank may have an opportuni^ to see a/ew of his friends, for no doubt the house wiU be crowded. The Brooklyn Arena did a fair business during the hoUday week, and hod a crowd present oh Mew Tear's day. We hope the Brooklynliea wiU sustain this ospltolplace of equestrian performances. A redaction has been msdein theprioe of ad- mission. Charley Bhay, and hls' trained tain-terrier Fanny, appear at Oardner & Hemmlng's Amphitheatre, Philadelphia, this week. From Oallfomla we team that letters have been received -in Baeramenio, which state that John B. MaTshall, formerly of ihe oirctu firm of Lee k Mamhall, and more recently proprietor of a Melodeon in Sacramento, also proprietor of the Natlo^ Theatre Melodeon on Commercial street Ban FTandsco, has met with a severe loss. At WaUa Walla, in Oregon, W. Peoples and two others were behig hung by a mob, and Maishall want to the rea- cne of Peoples. Shooting took puce, and MarshaU was shc^ feus or five times—his anna being ao ahattered that both most be amputated. FuU particulars are not given. SnSOBUbAABOUB. After the first few performancea given by the ohlldren under the direction of Messrs. Geo. Sheldon and'flood, at the Academy of Music, Philadelphia, the apactoola of Cinderella failed to draw, and the speenlaHcn, taken aU hi all, has- bean unauot cessfol. It was rather bnngllngly got up,.and disappointed those who attended. 'Bamnm's new establishment in Boston continues to. do weill, but if it was not for tha various curiosities the place would not take. If the dramatic peri'ormanCes formed the only attraction, Bamum would very likely be out of pooketond outof Boston before Feb. 1. * Uadome Anna Bishop was announced to hold forth on ihe 4th of January, Amdoy, at the Boston Muslo HalL Tieketq, 35 and DO cents, and no theatrical performances at the theatres In Boston on Saturday nights. The worid moves on Its axles, and so does the "hub."- , ' The Carter Zouave Troupe were in SteubenviUs, O.i commence ingSOth ult The ABeghanlan BeU Ringers, open in ZanesviUe, 0.,.on the 6th January. Frank Blvers' Melodeon Troupe have been entertaining the MichigandeiB, and this week show in nuhols, opening in Chicago, on the 5th of January. On the SOtb and 33d Dec, tney were at MUes. doing weU on the first night; but on the second, "letting down" a Utile. They were at Jackson on the 33d, MarehaU 31th, Esiamozoo 3501 and2Sth, MUesa7th, etc. They wiU remain in Chicago during the present week, and then proceed to Madison and MUwaukee, WIsccnidn. The performances are aald to be quite entertaining, and the dancing of the Misses Montjoy and Johnson really good. A. C Stone and H. T. Madge execute a double clog hornpipe, olean and neat Stone Is a pupU of Johnny Booker, who first introdaced him to the stage. The Hanlon .Brothers ware expected to open in Lima, Peru, Deo. 23d. Bjf a letter from Mr. M. L. Finoh (their agent), now before us, and dated Lima, Dec 13, we leam that Mr. F. had preceded the brothers, in order to innke arrangements for their appearance in Lima, which place' he reached by the steamer Pen, on the IZIh of December. The Hanlcns were phtying to crowded honses in Valparaiso at the dato of liis-departure, Dec. 2d, and their engagement there was to dose Ob the lOth, when they would immeolatdy aall for Lima. They have d&ne a splendid bualnoas wherever they have appeared, aud have met with quite an ovation in theli tour In Bonth America. .'We are glad to record the enccess of thqse unassuming young men, and artlBtlo puformois. M. Louis Amot's Kaleldescope is exhibiting at Blnghamton, M. T., to excellent houses, giving matinees Wednesday and Sat- urday att^noons ibr ohlldren ana others. A JiibUee Concert to cdiebrato ''Emandpation'iDay," .waa given at Mnaic HaB, Boston, on the 1st Inst, under.-the direction of a oonmiittee indudlhg Pro£ Longfellow, .Balph Wddo Emer- son, and others, ^e inslrimisntal moaio waa "done" by Carl Zerrahn's Philhannonic Orcheatra, ' Father Gullck's Old Folks hod a pleasant time in New Jersey, fetching up last week at Camden, opposite Philoddphia. Among these oU-ashioned sinners—beg pardon, singers—are the Paige sisters. Miss Georgiana and EmBle. These are weU-reod Pages, and as tjaUadlsts, are aald to bo remarkably, dever. Fatlier GnUck now takes his old coinpsiilons westward, thrgugh Penn- sylvania. ... Carter's Zouave Troupe, who .met .with rach a tkvorable reoep* tlon in Indianapolis, Ind,, have been equally well received In ZanesviUe, Ohio, where they were perfbfmlng during (%ristmss week. Their last entertainment there was as largely attended as their opening, and but for engagements, previously ;entered into to appear elsewhere, they ccula have done a fine business for somoUme longer. In another part of the Cuppkb wlU lie found 'notices of tho Carter Zouaves, taken from-Indianapolis and ZanesviUe papers.- In oonsequonce of the death of a brother of CoL T. Allston Brown, that gentleman was obliged to throw np his engagement with Mr.' Mlzon, Having attended to the laat sad dutles.devolv>, tog'upon him in'the interment of the remains of his:dsceased brother in MewburyportMe^,, CoL Brown is now at leisure, and wlU be happy to connect hlinaeU,.as bnslness agent or treas- urer, with any theatre iZL'the country, or traveling agent for any kind of exhibition. Bee advertisement' ' : Joseph Ohio, the Swiss Warbler, in a letter dated Ban Fran- oiseo, Dec 6, says :-r-"Dais OupPBs:-1 drop yon.a.few lines before our departure from Cdlfomla forAustroIla', which takes Slace to-morrow; Bec^ 7,' on the 'barque Gertrude, bound to ydney. I take with me my wife, the Bearded Lady, and Little Esau. We have oonduded a very sattsfhctorr .engagement with Mr. John Wilson, aikd-.we are going to Australia on our own hook. In 'Oallfomla we have been quite auocesafoL We exhib- ited here ten weeks, afad travded all over the Btete, and in Ne- vada Territory. Weinterid to stay In Australia two yean, and then,'lf nothing happons. return to New-Tork, where we shaU be happy to meet our oId.firlends again; Hoping to read the ever welcome Uttle OuirrBB on our arrival in Auatralla,' I remain Tours truly, . Josefb 000,-Swiss Warbler, In a recent notice of HeUer'a non-appearance at Brentford, 0. W., as advortlaedi we atated the cause to be "empty behohes," Mow, in Justice to the people of Brantfard,.who are as. ready to support a good "ahow''^as anyothet town in Canada, we should state the cause of the empty benohes, whloh was as foUows: HeUer's agent did not bUl_ Brantford until Thursday ni^ht, and did not a< *" """ . - HeUer.or theyh6ed .. . .. .. Fruik Blvers, Ahdergon, and many others can testt^y, A showman 'named Chorlea A. Bnaw, sindhnownin theEastcra States OS the "Bomum of Down East .has been visited , by one of ouroorrespoudontt, F. B., atBlddoford,Me.,and afowmems; oonoomihg tho showman forwarded to us. We bavq been com-, pdled, however, for the want of apace, to abridge theartlde. Our correspondent'who dates at Portland,' Me., rays:—"On my waylilthor, Istopped over a day at Biddefcrd, Me., where I.made the acquaintance of Charles A. Bhaw, known hereabouU as the Bamum of Down Eaat and alto picked up many items, whlfh Were new to me, concerning shows, showmen, and the' show business genoraUy, which I 'wlU givo you some, time if opportu- nity offers. Bhaw is' da«)ldodly a genius of the first water, and here let me say to aU theftateml^, 'Whenever yea go 'to Maine, be' sure and give him a oaU; It won't take yon long to find him; he to the prince ot good foUows, and wlU treat you like a Ung: Charley has bakn in nearly aU branches ot ineolianical business, but nothing took his attention tlU ho got into the show business. He bought the panorama of Pilgrim's Progress; then thepano- rataia of TTnole Tom's Cabin, ^nd the Life Of Christ aU of which henttw owns, and has run them aU over tho countiT; became in- terested in a circus; bought a smaU caravan, oto. He now owns latgdy in two circuses, and to intotested In any quantity of other shows. He has been to Europe several times, and haa probably traveled more exibnaively in both countries than nearly any man of Usage. WhUe at hla reddenco, he ahowod me autograph letters ^m John Bright, Charles Dlokens, and Bxilwer, who are tinder engagements to blm to come serosa tho water, and deUver a series of lectnrea in this country ahould.onr UtUe war ever end. Bright may come, war or no war, but probably not ontU after the Uttle mUl to over. Artemus Ward became popular as a vMter. Charley saw money in hlm'^ a lecturer, and Imme- five A. dtoteW engaged him at a liu^e salary per night for seventy-f oons6cntlvo nlgbte, rUn cr shine, Sundays excepted, and Ward assured me that hcwsa put'tbrongh tn'/, Probablvno othtt lecturer U the countryevcr lectured so many nlgbte in staocesston, or drew larger bouses, than ho did daring tluil time. Bhaw-sails he SrUl draw better than any leolurer In the country firasooneenislMnx** Ifhe«tooifliiT«in*» L^Jiilll- andouMedly make Ms mark as aiholJiiS? «n«inga;> • I The Conn. pear _ wpearanees; Bev.Beecher, walking nIle;L,P.T«aUtro,utllliy; ^^^^ edy. "TheabqveaiepoWi^e 'ubM^^Ms mark m a rtSSiSf?** a second seaaon Of tha Touni MsD?vn.ui-, «, „ opens soon with Hie f^SS^J^J^^-^'^^^ '/OocyandenhoHiw mfe; L, P. Todstro, utility; Oliver Wendell Hoi^;^ wXC '.SZ! edy. "Theabmuenv^enosiied.andBM^tS'*''"^ StwlUi olSio? SWtSrBaili?'^ »*gotUtions are pan*. -Woodroffe's Bohemian lYoupe of Glass Blowm. i. ddpUo, at ths AMembly BnlliUngs. are in PhiU^ ^ Mason Jones to to"&nOMtte 13th, at Trsmont T.m«i-' BMton, md Henry Ward Beacher steps In at vS^L affi'S the ISth, for one night only. MISS JENMIE mOBT. fmrn Us OUoo^ Poit, Vte,_3B, tktX ibows that he -to sendble to the last Charley Isoply tw»nly.elght now, owns tha best teddolco in the d^. and keeps the best team, and to rated among tha AwvM mm of hu town as of the abUity of the young artiste. Her performsnee of JCsoS lue was warmly applauded, and was enUrdy perfect THE OABTEB ZOUAVE BIBTEBS. ' m— « <*< (JndianapdUt, Ind.,) PaOji SatUtuL Tffl Oabxib Zooavb Bisms—The andlefioe at the attraeths *'?'l?j!#T*°JV'"™'^^=^~»*^«tolnai«a8easthliriK ing Uttle band becomes better known. There to a grace and nSl £°'JSJ'"*'S?^?°™'"''^ rardy, if ever, iSan equalled/ S?itf^i^^'"*^J«!2'' ThelrChinesedanoewdthei^lsSi drin to the very perfection of eiaot and regular movement OU roUlers wradm how it ia posdbto to hmdOs thdr tiny mnak£ vrithsndiUghtnlngnpidlgr as they do, and we heaidamnSdd SSS^^r^irS iTv"""^ bd'uttorly impossible fcH compmyof men to.stodi arms as rapidly,or movewllh th» cderlty of the misses. The ether pcrtloaa of the entertUmnmt are also re^ good, and the show to wall worthy of the mtn» age it leodves. OiBTD ZpuAvrak-Odd FeUowa' B^wasagdnSronoed last evmlng with OUT dtliens. No troape for y»rs hasjraddsS? and deservedly beoDme so popular in thto ci& as the ZouaveSSt ier& Nothing that we can say can add one Jot to thdr renvf tlon here. ' - FOBlBIOH D&AJUTIO ASD SHOW mWB, The malto from Europe not arriving nntu the 6ih the dar wa go to press, we must be brief; bnt tolhe potot with our fiiiete summary......George Lawrence,who calto himself the"Si- llsb, Iriah, Bootdi, and American vocaUd," was performlnirb the British provinoes......G. V. Brocks was to take hto fimwsa' benefit at the Cily of London Theabe,cnthe31d December. . Mr. Sothem's benefit WBS fixed for Deo, 33, at tha HaymarkUL London, where he baa been perfoimtog Dundreary for me yevL In addition to Dtudreary, Mr. Bothem 'was to appear in*'AB«c> ularFix,"aB Hugh de Brass Miss Edith lUmerstcn toe- ing entertainmento in London, giving very deverimitetlons of Mrs, Barney Williams, and others.Hiss Avonto Jones' bO- eflt at the Addphi; London, was not very largely attended Tom Bayers was to make hto appearance on the atage at the BrU> tanto, on Dec 33, on the occadon of Mrs. B, Lane's annud benefit ..... ;Dinnont the young actor charged 'with an attempt te mur- der U, Tranok, another actor, Of the Ibeatre Mon^Pa^lasae,oa Jaly.O.'wasoeqdttedof thatohjaKS, butfonnd'guUtyof MlfoIIj' wounding, and waa sentenoed to four years' Imprisonfneiit Fantomimes for Boxing Night and the Christmas hoUduva were being prepared aU over Engtond., In London, almost everr . place has Us new pantomime, \nth its curiously sounding' tlilsb ' The following to s list:—Boyal English Opera—"Hsnsquln.. BeaulT and the Beast or tho Gnome Queen .^d the Good Fairy.'.' Drory Lane—<'LltUe Goody Two Bhoesj or Hai^ lequin and Cook Bobln." Hayniarket-~"Baseelas, PrinM. ot Abysainto." Thet Princess's—"Prince BIqnet with fha' Tuft or Harleqia and Old Mother Shipton." St Janles's— •■Ooldenhalr the Good." Olympic—"Bobin Hood." BondctnU'a ' AsUey's—"Lady Bird, or Hsnequln Lord Dundreaj?," Th* Strand—"Ivanhoe, in Accordance with the Spirit ot "this' v Times." Addphi—"George BamwdL" Sadler's WeUa-'llia , Bose of Blarney, or Harlequin Daimyman; or Any Othsr Man." The Surrey—"Harlequin Old Mother Goose, or iha , Qnee^if Hearts that Made some Taris, and the EnavS of Hearts who Stole them." Mew BOTdty—"Harlequin Hnmply Dnmpty, or Simple Simon and the Maiden Bluelie and the nlries ot tb» BUver DeU." Victoria—"Edward, ths Black Prlnoe, or Harie- Aime Botevn, ihe Fair; or Harlequin Bene the Himtar, and ths . -Good Little Falriea of the SUver Ferns." The Queen's—"Hai>- lequin Eentlworth, or the Golden Days of Good Queen Bess."^ Britannia—"Abban Hassan, the Sleeper of Bagdad, or the Fain- Elves of the Enchanted Mosque." - Standard—"Oheny and FaV' Star, or Harlequin and the Dhnoing Waters, (he Singing Applet and tha Little Green Talking Bird. ''PavUlcn—"KingSUlynlnayi who Bold hto Wife for Half a Guinea, or Harlequin. and the En- obonted Princess." Boyd Greoton—"Harlequin Number Nl^ or the Spider and the Fly." Efflngham—"Horlaqilin and thai'. EnchantedPiincs, or tlieFuryof the Magic Grove and thqThies Biumny Brothel* ot Bagdad,*' Ganlbk—"Tho Boy in Bln<, aUK the Little Girl vrith Heart so True; or Harlequin atad the Faldss at the BQver Fctmtatn." Anly a fcimidable list of hoUdur attraMtons Charley Hdlh, an Eiultoh down, stfles M>n««if the "great comioolown." That's right notUng like letting up know when a clown it oomlo...... .John Clark, offers to iMck hi*'. brother Alfred to ride over five barred gates, against H.W.' Cooks.' .... ..W. 0.'P. Wallford. "American vocaUst" and Mrs. WdUbrd, "late Malame Tlnswcrth," were singing in Liverpool........ A fire broke out in a house tdose to the Addphi, London, on tli*'-. 16th Deo., and the audience had to be dismissed, but the theotr*' did not take fird...;.. A totter from Waisaw atetea that the PoUdh portion of the popnlatlon, particularly the todies, keep doot Iran . Uie theatre, notwitTi standing the attractions presented. ApoUtt- od demondnitlcn Is'impUea in thto abstention 61varl,iha' cdehrated vioUntot the pupU and friend of Paganlnl, te OTMUnil' a /urare in Munich Dion Boudeault to out in "a card," la reference to Improvamento in the ventOation, eto., of theatres. Vta. OtSBHSz tint TouMa Qir.nwsriWvx's Fivx MiLB-Biaa— Mat. TBS WnonKo MiH.—Ihe ohoDenge and conntor-olianaiigw.' that appeared totdy in-ourpaper firom tnesetwo somswhatnotaS runners, resdtod In a matoh being made to run five mUes Ott'' Monday,Dec39,supDOaedtobefort300sdde. We am in bUa*-'. foHgnoronce about the apondulicks, whersltwas 'pntup, wh0 pceted it or anything about the finanoea-stUl, for aU that, it mar bedi right a Mat got Xcnr hundred dcUan, he ought to 000. gldar himself very luob these times. We fcnowthi raoe iama oS; however, and as thS te the most interesting, we put it on (h* Teoord for fUtnie reference. Ehn Park, Bloomlngdde Bead onJ' . Baventy-flrst atreet, was the trysHng ground, and they ran on tha 1 Indosed track, hdffflUe round. A pretty good orowd were pres- ent condderlng the dark manner prdlmlnarios were managetU SdathalfpMt1hn)eth6yBUrtedonthdTjonrney,Oasddywesp.. ' Sm s whltaflannd shirt OU. merdy a cover fcrthe hips anl . SfchB,and a diecked body vest P»/.>^,,to g» round tha S^'tStimes, Casddytiiingthe Win dltatthrw . hdfm^ and Winning by a fuU quarter, in a UtUe over thbtar mtoutosrAccording to GUderdscve's statement he seemsto hare been under theimpresdon that he hadto run anotharndto, .wr«i?iffiarviniihto steam tUl ths tost; healaorantouitttha heSd better speed in him then he exhibited In any of the p»> . ^oSr(^ults'^esuming thto to be redly so, we suppose sa. ' TttS? SS?hwillbe^!wded for "satistocUon," whdi OM"*^ ,. sleeve wiU probably be in better trim, A B«AV« BOLMBB WoiJin)ja>.-Brig. Oon. ^.^^i^SSl. FiJit^^ewCwas diotpi;ettybadtolnthetog, atthetofc ^ ffiburSdtoliter. HtoregtaentbAavM noblTlnJ^ SbMomimbered daushter, but esoaped without toeing a mat. . Borne fifteen were sU ghtly wounded. ■ , . . BIIUABBS WB SoAP.-A bUUord «?»7»?.S1H2^ Mess .won by 333 pdnto; ... . ,.'. • A MrnniB Mm. between Dick Fdlojra'aad JJOook, »J«k atBub^TKSMterdiire,Eng.JbrMMnItec^^ ; ta'B rom£, occupying la minutes. .; Shorthand Sweet. Bd^ll^ *°A trei*tookDlsoe In England on 'jon, 17, f^ *35 a ild^ Ojea 7. McDondd," with hto hondsome pony, was there. mn PAN0IER3 OF THB .OAMB FOWIa; AOTPOOTSBTBBEEDEBBOBiiBBALLT. 4have offlSSd ™ld* a v^ toe tot of flteg. ^ SieTlMsaM aUdubbed and in good heart pSSto ^^^^ehOn«to^1. « would be d^Md. nnnnhaaBiB to make early appU<iatlon. Bcmeoiineoiara»"" ,ieredzo'fidedr?d,. ^^^^^^^t^ riAM) PHOTOQEAPHSolHoMrlh'Boelebrjto^ U tais of BEFOBH and Aim, 38 dseact AI^^ ^thSudofa BNOTFBOX. ftlce""jSTl' ^Sat" 55d,by J. M. 00^ 84Massan atreet M. T. riABD PHOTOGBAPHS, all kIndB, wot P«!» (J Mcentaaadi. by J.M. 001, 84Maasaud£». ■i adder to theprtattogandmaiUng<J»»»7S,tl,• thS "fledei Otrcutor Letter^" tt«y.'^ SJliTtaBP to OMt bSSby DaT the Aathor-PabUabsr, WlU be sent yon as soon as wody-. inn, and '11 8»-li , ,