New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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" ■Ui il l ' - . .l. ' . irr . .owir/i.i'i ,oJ;iJlli'!iUHBI'BIHO.'' -l.llifXiti o'jfiAiovf.-ianiW* wo, , On'W«4aMlte, Dm. 10, ■boataoOpttwtai'leftlltSitb'erieF, al -meMteSrUilwkuai'Bur.i' ji'dJaluMot thlrtr«ila til n wuwra foMf^ obts open, ire mBy: Bw. wtnoQt lear 01 .^--~Man, .tl^t-'ik.ibfn.^etoTiniiied nUI t£*]i,Uis one which- io<41lfBMlittliD«a:iO;^tweenOc(t.£lohuda Biia J, tyoBB.tqV £U|Vldd»^«MaliHnJght, lut saldoai l>een irttnosMd.' B1cIiu£l irbblMOBiMitWen^wiba yeiUB df Bgo^ bad tokAmpbia aoaTtois ^ rtWflDRlW m' of'-goahdiy-'rtr«it He bad pAiWoaaly llgcitd -thiJVIlltii'tai tbe'Hnk. Bis fint 'eaeay resnlted In the defeat of ltakqr<' He neM Mat Bloaiut,' In ten rAondi; 16 mln. Hb then mat aM again daftated.J. Unbey, In 1 hdnr 4S mlbi, lo; lonnds. ' Bat hlftoppon/snCI-yoas, tnade Us maiden appeaiance In this aftne.yoongfUIow, tnnedtwentyyoaraof a^e, and ■iter:lhjm hJa'antagonlab > Lyons Tfas "prepared" at .diwn" af'Hr. Oeo; Hardy, the Btaing Bnh, Bfan'de .....^ A place the alght 'before «aa Ute^y besieged hj the lai^i«Mar<o:taiow the'where*bants. On amtlog at the place •pSMnt(tIi:theiopes and stakes Treie soon' pltohed. The weU- ■tafl«m;(8wanhey.0rei»*a" was ohoeen referee: tyone iras the Ani <W tmi^. o« In the ilnef > Blohards soon followed, and won ttt4pif> and ai .onof ohoseUie higher gronndi which was cer- wa]j,« gnat advantage.' .'Jkyona' eoroer soon' became a - com^ Tlet«;ii^dlei fi!om the hesry win whloh m dnrtoit the whole of ihe.Ks^«KW sight,' Ijonta had Bill VergtisonYortfneof hla at- tendann, while Tim Bmnnan and Hany Carter nndertook the like offlce ttt^£ldhaid|L, , .TBZIteHT. , e oommenolhg.openttons^ the combatants bet- stlU, Lyons seemed as llrely as a oat At twenty -We,f>:clpol^; Uje m/a^ .ahopk'hasdSp^aiidtaMed Bffe., aichij^ aoon let. out, bnt was short; dr^^Jng first blood, when Iijpns bla n^jilii bleeding; Bldiaida dialed the: olfeat, when Blohatda oloaedand aCUthey 'meutmlaohteC landed which (old a tale. OAnof a to 1 on ■^sMs^'^\j^fB''^m''' hi" eye-' Helet Jh^SptWahor^j a cloae,when Lyons.threwhlm. ■^iS&'H^ ySr.'r'S''}'J'^<^ ^foa was down. ,W*J*j3 M» f*^ tme, and Jost ndaaed a waU- :i Hue.mnlnm, wheq they went at it ding dou to id.Silchatds got dow^ . , ^^rj*, '"'rfl'iil'? Hlplupds on the oheii: LyonaiMn kUhUg; at length,'Blqharda caught hm •teakee -lit. exiuungae on the'ilbai .Lyons planted on' .^yftwhanfflphimJeiarewitnT: -^Ti, ^^^^^»jm:anil^og; wlth.ont,« mark, but reoetred a frctaB^Md^pnthehead^whlohiWis retnmedwlth I^niPjWho laiLded a cracker on the dd eye, ai^ Bloh' diaijMe(I.beajfly on Uiebody,when'ihimo(iin. ya^tdLXens fell down from the sllppeir state of tot; tpaorlni for wind; Blcbsids deUvateda SZi' yjloh "Mi'lyons staggeringontotheropes: fli, aghtji)g,.whanXyon8i landed-another: On the " <ffe* .. .... (.. 3-. >n«hthlimanaamapk on ibe rlb«;:whlch sent' *?^«?n».BIcha»ds.naUiped "^K end Iffons then got di^hT I o? the.«to-eye. Lyansdown in^ i,»nti)lit anoth'et on Uieno»,:aad then threw Bloh- atdfc 'S&^Xfe'*^'. ^''»»'J*,do,; bloWibr. J^dSIS*^-''^*!* uiftnose,whei Oi'ey dosed, Ly- ™A6wih»rtfl4hUug.wheB;Blohatd8thi»wK 1^ iSi^ih Ji'*'*!!?*- WohMds then lent home f.. ■Lyons landed on the nose, when they dosed, and -ipPe, and ^Weharda threw l^ons hea^.T? ™ «iatlloHing;;Iet ^tn'i^^^ BOlng.npTmchaids ^^1^:^^ "^J?^ 0" rVoi^ ^ then thrtSrSr- *°ofl~*5ir.liir.'TiSr':r?""^ oneieo oasichaids,-. i4l;,?gt2SSf?o;'S.S^ ttSM^^y^"'?'"'/^^^ ow'erwtte daydnrina aU Ue time elanied be&re "the Nobby one" lollowtd having MttclMed'U i Aed loM dbuhoe olC jUtt lie did.'be had'br'- <<«a4ei1t<« Jem'3in,or Chelieaiand JtRU^w. There ^asno (Uhlff .fWI :iltk MMilt anif Mam ttavlnw lahaVArtJfiBVi^a tuun. imie hlt< tniains jem' iiiu, m- uneiieai ana jaec uraw. -loere was no belttag on tUe leinlt, and the men, bavlDg<ebaken''bands, aon. meMedta etocst/' Byant who weighs Bbonl'8st,Uood'taliichlbe more arUstIo; while <le»rge,>ho la aome lOIb UekTler, steed rither wldt.'' They bad ntfltooner raced each other than they rattled awajr, eaob'doing hisotm«t,'bQt Ryan, wh6 wasmnohihe quicker; havlDg all the Vest or It' 'After flgbtleg alxrasnils/the po11oe"agaln Inter- feredi'add bnelneas bad to^Ve suspended: - Analn a moVfwas oiade, ahd onoo more the lads faced each other, and the rett they had hod »»w ...v.^ uio UKBll inula MOO uujur, auu uju fOBk Hiajr umu JJIMI seenfM to have made them more eager for the fray, fbr tbty oom. nlnioed flgbllDg In a most dftotmlDctt nannef; the llttle-'Me, bow- e^ei', taking a decided-lead) batOeorgi took his gruel veiy gamely. In the tweUtb roond, Ryan galsed Oret blood from a bit on tSd hdhe, asd icepton pe'gglDgaWtlyBt the tore epot, varying the'i)t)ii«Uoa no# and then to the niark'. Oeirge', allhoagh be repeaUdly' (om- tered his .nan, etlll left .nb maiUi.- The ring,from (he'^etpesaof :tbeiiro<ud, badgotlD a meet^eplorablo stale, apd the. tneb coold bti^ly 'stand to bit each-other. Niaerblis appeals were !made to the referee on'the groabd of Ryan going down wllhont ablow.'biit niegroandwag'eo bad, that every exoum bad to be made, IttDs, tha lads kept mllllng away until the end of the. twenty-sixth reoDd— lime, SOmlD.—when, bn time being called, Nobby had to cry enough, and Bjan left the ring Bimoet wllbont a mark, a dUcbloraUoB of the right eye being the only one vlilble. Gcorgo, however, was heavily ponlebed. ■ Orr-EiKDin Utu, Hoin Camrt.—Oa Saturday, December e, UorrU, of Brighton, and Tiiweey, of ITtalmlnater Jnught'offhanded for £fi a Bide. Uorrls was seconded by Booney Harris and Poggy White) and Tnwtey by Job BIwards and Old Bob Croas: -Korrb won the battle In tUrty-mlBOtpg, during which time fourteen rounds wore fdnghk ' 'Horns got the first knoek>}own blow, and Towsey tbif llrslblood. ' ■• ■ ' • - ■ ' J. Houos (iuis RouoB) or WoivsnAiiPioir jum lox Prick or Bnoos.—These men met on Monday, Dee. 8,at'Dtmidaie'Bridge, four miles'from Wblv!erhaiiiptbn,at catch weight, for £10, ■ stdo: Holmes has Hgored In thsBtogon two previous occaitoiis, and waa fortuDale to bring both avenls off. He Is maeb yonngertbai Price, and'Wts on the present oceteC'n In flrat-raio trim, - Wite has re- peatodly figured SoforejIuiviDg cpnicnded with Qcss, Paget, UalpOs, With Varied-Buceeag. He baa not .csfcMly trala'oa. 'avd'i/aa de- cidedly too fleshy. ArlDgwaa'qulcklv pliobod,a referee selected, Bid'Ptlce, attended by E. Boldcn of Walsall and J, Oi^ of Dllaton' Quickly entered. Holmes, who-followedlmmedlate)y,waswalted n^ by AiVtek'of Wolverhampton and J. Holdeii of Waliall, A Bevere and'WAll.'ftontAllfitri 4ahl unafi^ri.'nrnfLir mubI nn'Tinth •! Bplder,IOr it a aide and-a purse.' Solllns waa sNonded ty-Jack Bloksand Job Oobley, Bplfler by Jessie Hatlon and Gallos. After flghttaigone boor, and twenty-five' minutes, and 22 rounds, Collins was declared'lhe winner,-,' . jVo« Oe Spcrting I/fe, Dtc 17. ' - ,' ,' :HACB AND 0088. . 10 imt ZDTTOn OP (THE BFOBinta UIE. Blji:—Seeing anuich emanating,fMm JoeCjoss In yonicel- .nmna, and -moneyv^poelted to make It,' ftom some 'gentleman on mv behalf, I:.beg to say the affair la entirely wflhont my sanction. I can only inform tfc^ that -I will fight blm for isOO 4fid the Ohamplonahlp, at eotcb-welght, as the stakeholder atatta men cannot fijjbt for the belt at a sUpnlated weight As lam BtUI Chomillan of Enghind, and must defend the belt, I wHl fight |iny,man In the world for £200 or £{00 and the Champlon^p. Should Ooas pairtlcularly wish to fight without the belt belna In, I will fight him, £600 to £400, three months after my next fight fortbeObompIonishlpof Ehghmd. Ifours obediently, ™ « V ■ .sJm MooB, Champion of England. OInns, Notthigham, Dea 16. tnimlngiuitU one mile bad been thvaiMTt rtUoh wairnttln dHtnie'iiarioi^^ mln^X *ee. The- conrae now. beM to'otit np, and bedtme )u)U <tt«iSns" «?3JS^l to ttoae^ rathWhlavy golng; thl.,_l2wv^ wiiyonrwaBtemarnurhas \MiKtrirrm'^k^^^.**^ivuZ- fiU their posi tion. bSS^oMblS tC5S?t~bo^&»?P^' ^ manderdoes not posaesatbeoonfidenoecfhl?^^''"'*'**^ mlt there's sUght prospect of anocessT" We l^o^Si ^""H ^■ leave him alone, «d fie will oa^ithe wJfL?S,?'»J.*Sl vrith leas loas of life than any Qenernl we havS mibJ^f."''^ change docs not faanaplre, the North X b?^JSS.?'5:.»» pewe-no matter how obtalned-and they ^ d^Sfv?!.* '* njattara go on this way Iho^rospeots of ii%8tabltoh.2'^^f? " Oonfaderaoy on'our aoU are bflght and •'STrtaWTt"''''"' aUow them to have It now, without nselesT shed^I ^ •» preolons blood, than to oury on the wm for . ^1°'"""w fonger, wasting treaanre, mining the oomtry aSd iSil°°"*«' pelfed to submit to the dlsgraoo- nltlnuiw; gloomy enough now. Heaven grant the shadows ma^hr*.*!? took, the swelling mnaoies seemeato itana'Dntuxe Doaaeaoi oak. This order of rnnnUig wtt balntalned-throughout the aaoon'd and third miles, whloh wefe done respectively In 9 mlo.' 4i lee. and ll'ifaln. Bl soo. In rotuding the pagoda ram in tho ^anty-flnt'Ia^,' Hilla oame In- contact wtb a tree, which aeveriuyaut his shoulder,and tuned him half^nndI'This gave the Qateahead bero' a lead effbhror flve yaids, bntin going along the atralght, Teddy agsttitdoknp his former position and ran BO close to white, that twice his knees came In contact with the tatter's spikes. In the twebty>fllth lap,' Hilla, stridioi ont • little further, come to 'While's sbonlder'on the OQ<aide,-bn opiy for A stride did bo remain there, for no sooner did bis opponent sse him than be IncroaMd tho already bet pace, and again forged-ahead. Blslngthe bill in the twenty-eighth lap. Mills ag^n went alongside of bis man, bnt this time on the inside. This once more had the ofTeot of moklns-White increase bis pace, and it seemed to be.Teddy'salm to poab bla opponent along at the very top of his speed. On oomlug to the top of tho hill In the next Up, Mllla went up to White, looked in bis face. Mid smiling, said, "We have now done four mlica," and dlreotto dropped baok Into his former position.- This ellolted loud and Eroionged obeerii from his Ilrlends, who called to the gallant ttle fellow, saylna, "Ton have him all right, Teddy,-keep him , at It;" and beep him at ithe did, for he'never allowed him to Mttle in tblrty-mlBOtps, during whloh lime fourteen rounds biad by more than s yard. The four miles were covered in 20 fonght; ''Horns got the first knock^jown blow, and Towaeylhir min. 1 sso,, and any 'oddswere now offered on Mllhi, who, even ilood,''' - '' atthe great pace tbey-were going at, seemed to berannlng /iTiAB nmTmt\ A* Tir/\Tvvnriif0vA« iwn Vmt' thitM Aw Within bimsolL ' Tho fivc mUsB were run wltbont any chango in their relative J^altlona, in 29 mln. 12 aec. And now began tho moei exolttng-part-of -the contest thoae among the spectators who were notobeerlng, holding their breath with onxlonsex- pectdUon and excitement and expecting each-stride to see one of tbemto "oraok;" but snob was their superb condition and stamina, that the great efforts made by each did not seem to have affected them In the least and they careered over the contse, lonnd after round, as fireab as at starting. 'Whenthree hipa only had to be run, Mills gathered' blmseir together, and, with a dosb, came shoulder to shoulder with his man; and now com- menced a most detwrnined etranle for the lead, each foot of the gronnd ^belng keenly- contested, and the exAltemsnt of the BDaototom atnlned to thn ntmont ihn aKv Munnnillnff witl, ,t,aI«. ufiuu ojAi^MBeaoi noivernampionana j. uoiaenor waiaau, -A B^vere and Well-'cbnleStcdfight ensued,'pretty equal on'both aides, groooa -iDeuig aeeniy- oonwaieo, ana tne exeitemsnt or the bnt after rotly.five minutes the want of condition of Price b'rgantc speotatoie strained to the utmost the air resounding with their oil a'nii-iTniniii'<hiin_i„.nf> hi. »ii.k.j ki_-A,r I. nn encoursging cbcers. At length, as they -ronnded the Pagoda turn,'Teddy broke from bis opponent and eidoavorod totake' the Inside place before he was quite clear, and rallght collision ensued, but it was of no moment Snterlng the stralgbt for the 11,. <i.i.,». .(qQj ]ap,'vniite again ohallenged , in wresting It from bis oppones carried on the running throughout the tfext lap, mills seem- -«%ir'?*^ "caught dk threw hun over the ropes, - - - ' „-./''b'e landed B led, and Bioblrds 1U«^X aWMeCfr ^*'^'-^^^ 4,a'"^3'oiss,"bKrovi^^^^^^^ 'S^'"-^'.^t'^«A'™°'' tS^S^^'^ti^^ WphirdsgBvebimone. ....... nsWAltira . * . " Bo^ HM^eeter, whm"IM. u A»8<»nbly » <U»Pl»yof pinok .:ti';l ,fifi;V '" '■-.' . ' ~. —-■ ■■■.l-'i. . MEBBT MM, ki^:'^S^i^^'^^'f««i*at, tori m. toaSmmmWSnftTa^rW^S^P^^ aelUe It In ]. OAME UHIi IN, THE BIBHINaHAU DISTBIOT. . Oh Monday morning,' See, II, two yoniig Emeralders, J. Uoran andPataey'OIynn, metat California (a fkvorlte mining localltv) io settle their otalms. for 119, /it catch weight Moran, who on the'piesent occasion was U' no eondiUon' at all, and alCogether nhfit to be nUced in a ring, foUght a most brilliant and deter- ndned' battib with Kenny, the Sboeblach, some months - since, and-WBS evidently booked as'tho winning man, Olynn bebisan untried aspirant - to flStlo fame. Having arrived at the selected spot before nine a: M., s ring was soon formed, when thoae un- welcome vlallors, the "Peelers," put a att^ to the "little game " and a move fbrther on was the only resource: Having traversed some five mlle8,''s holt was made, and a 'second ring vns formed, into which' the ooib'baiants entered irlthoat d£y, and their toilets having been performed, by aid of their seoonda, whoae namea, from prudential reasons, we reserve, they stood np for TBK'VZaBT. . Bomd L Moran's appearanda did but Uttbi credit to his train- ing, but Olynn was remarkably well brought out. After a few minnlsB' sparring, Olynn commenced forcing the fluhtln'E bv bmdlng a feelor on the chest vrhon aome very heavy exobuiges su^eeded, deddedly In favor of Moron, who at length landed a rattler on the left eye, whloh sent poor Pat to mother earth. (Flntknocik-downfOrHoran,) . ; - _ 2, Both up lively as a lark, and bent on mischle£ (6 to 4 waa here offered on Moran,) After a momenfa sparring. I^taer led offwlth.astlngg.ontheUaaing tnq),from wbiobBir«i£»S 5?J£i (S2*JW.*>»01jiM'.'h»I»ncIngaceounls.l Tor this .vMtatlon»»tBey received a tremendous nut on the nose and left '£'5.°' S" — "Sin to puff; and, after some very hard hlttlhir On both sides, was again fioored by a "buster" on tho Jaw . 8. Moijn, ta.thjs round, visited Patsy's phyteg most nnmerd- t^;^L.''iflf±^'"^ points, ogBln floeied^ man in lieautlfai style. ' -. i andjost Moran now took the inltlaUva, and got all over the Slilfi' j 'S'SnSC'?^"!' ''*'"^''''*' "»* Idle. vlslUng -the month and ohest wl^ teBlng sevirlty. The superior tacflcaltf MorM, nevarttdeae, were &e theme of admlriton aS^nnd . 3*^8:. and, after a splendidly fought round, he again dls- 5:iftii*^ man to M hih4*d dtut On biiSg 'igSfan^ again, Moran, strange to say,'refUsed to leave BJaeome?- and to the smrie^of jD,*JnSt'as1l was my odds m *^S?S*^V^Kl!S'^ '>'^ aftflbute to his nh^Sant" S^2£)."v'2l'^l^« pbmlcaUy iec(i|iable of prolonging the conteet ^^thstandhiff bli hitherto brilliant perfo&n5ices. G^ J!5'«*°**"^4jffi'?' unexpectedly proclaimed victor. Sler fighttngeiirt^ten minutes. Betting: a to4onUorM; , . . BEXABHS. . ■ LI We cAmment is needed on this mill; The fiibiina. whUo It iMted,: WBS'tarriflo, but, without ddnbt groatfy of SS'^iJS'i'i;'^ .^,~feqiaTto l5a ojMiSSt'S: there oonld be but Mttle dOnbt the result- '. vtr^^t ^, .'.PBOBlBTBIAinBm. , ' ' . BIZ MILES CHAMPIONSHIP BAOE. ,^-frlsrMrrTnd!o»Bi'o6ni>: On Hma^.'lfM; liii.dens,e'drow.di o'f podestrluu'and vabloles rti eyefedesfsilptigii, wended.their way to thq,grounds bf l£ Banin,;fiac*^ sWe.and ttieObwipJoh',belt ,The competttoiB wereliddyiffiji gojmg EngUnd),: the, holder of the belt and J.^mTot 6^tesh«j«d; Erom tliemaUng of the maSS.'muoh Intoreahas been eidted,oa;acoount of t£e well-known, merit! S^he^on hold« ofthe some trophy, together ^ the fonr.mOes bSt and ton taUea pup. In consequence b? iUneae, he lud^l^tei ttS ^.V>^''- A'}iJ^ belt'ho.To'^y"! voauw, Bufc n wma oi no uuiaeiii. janeruig ue scraignc ror uie finlsh bf .the thirty-ninth lap,'Wliito again ohallenged for the leafi, and -snceeeded in wresting It from bis opponent and carried on tbe running throughout the tfext lap, Imbs seem- ingly content with running at his shoulder. Now, however, the loatlap la . commenced, and at terrific speed Hills went to the front Bis spurt was gallantly answered by 'White, who dashed along abouttwo yards in the rear, nntU reaching tbe straight Tun-Ur where Mills oame away, and won by ten yards, in the shortest time bn record—30 mln. 9 sect White waa much dlsiresaed at the flnlab, and was compelled to lean on the rails for snpport Mills, with the moetmanly feeUng, went op to him and shook hands, and then, as thonob be bad not done a mile, got on - bis toes and ran Indoors I The following' is the oorreot time:—- . - miles. 1^. 2 ... 8 ... mln. .. 4 .. 0 .. 14 seo. ax 44 SI mtles, t:: 0 ., mln.' .. 20 .. 26 r. 30 Beo. 1 12 9 AlV «OI>D SPORT" TO THE "OUPPEIRITBS. ThB SEASOKOF FsmVITIBS aPCua JtXD "AX HOHB"—ADmH I- OP Sour—A "GTaliaBT" pob .ihb Assent— OHSisnus Tbbb — RabsFuk— A PnoiLisxta Sbt-io — ^Dos't kbow who WOH— THB BOLDISBS oh BUSKBISB HIB LATE Uovsuent — McChllak the Choice of the Anin— Tecib Tbdst hi "LrrrLE Mao"— Sbxlteb Tests— SLEBrma "Spoon Fash- . ION"— Bow TO Chonoe Baxb im Bed, btc, Ert. : HEaDQViBins SiosLBs'Divmox, i Neab FaEDBaioisBUBo,.'Va., Dba 28,' I8C2. f - . Fbiesd Qohkh:— How aw. yon, OupranES? for ifs'some ome stuce I communed with yen, old sports, and I'm anxious to taQWhowyou propel up there In the States, and everywhere else where tbe Cupfkb oircalates. Hope yon passed a morrv Christmas, and may enjoy all the. happiness aUowable by law. and generally associated with the holiday week. By the way Just plesse to.pnt hi an '.^extra lick" in behalf of Mends In "the armv, and navr for three,year8, or during the war, unless sooner discharged;" for, 1- assure you, that we axe experiencing a d,:-d , (eiouse me-can'thelp it) dry return for the holidays out here— nothing to remind us of the season of festtrity and jollification, exceptbig, perhaps, the nnnsoaUy large qoanUty of bottles, with contents non. aU, whloh, in the "early mom" are found strewn promlscnonaly in the immediate neighborhood of the quarters of onr gayjnd fosolnatlng "corns.," affording silent elucidation of themyaterlousnolaeaheardby "nocturnal rsmblm" In that neighborhood. Yea, one other matter aervcd to reiAd ue. per- eomOly, that tbe occasion was of more than ordinary imiiH- we^ Just been freatod to a cup of eonp.the Ingndlonts of Whloh were beefi potatoes, and onions. Now. I don'fenJedt mV "vet-' to believe fills, bnt It's an honest Ikot The uMni^l tloned, though allowed several times weekly, m tteJSSffl, tell the reason-ask the quartermaster, he can. ThialSre l^v appear common to you "oils.," bnt It's a luxury eeldomlSov^ ?^i'£.'^?^','f-:^"''t°y". ^'^^^ yeS8o.fHendrdo^^ bb^-W^hV' ^ exta "nip" for na, and by 'aU moank let It I must acqn^tyou with a bit of pleasantry whloh transnlMd to tbecunpof the goUant First EiceUlorTJn Chriata??d^v cOTcqoted £y some gay lads, who wen relolvod^p^havtoo some sport at . an hazards. ThepromlslnR yonSia ?b ovShJSS put their bnsyoranlnms togetba^^^gr a ftTm^fSS^*? liberation, conceived the idlk of getting up a "OhiSSS^tS,?" turning.with a young pine, which they nroceedefl to^l™'nt ten J"^ f*^ OhriBtS!7fu^,S?S thoXlsU * consplouousspoton the main avenna iinclfiilly decorated with ''square idM^m^nAw.,.^''' porkaSy"s.lthor«,''acoJ!2W -ready for contribuHons-and a canteen hanging upddb doSS^ wlUtheblinkWndThn'gebo",^!;;"^^^^^^ sign ourselves into the arms of tho adorable "SfrTi?-*! It's a pi«tty tight fit too, and In case 'Se ofd^Tri to°S^'" base furing the nighfhe awakes the balanoeTslnm ont 'wSS lace" (sometimes occasioning a row), and oww m ..5r2' aether," Oallus, ain'tltl But this Is an ontrMoS!u5, w .Ij- fer. and If you'll grant pardon for sobering CTi'SS'*; tostanter, wishing the Ouppkb every suaceesV tte mria .2 Itssnbsoriborss-fliU share of the goodthlnra toU^Z!!^ this mundane sphere. ., Youft, etelT'^ ad^« THH "BSD FA'TOB." , . A VOICE FBOU THE BATTLE FIELD. FiBsr BTODtHNT New YoBK VounmtEBs.1 Bejobe FnajEnioEBDono, Yir^ L ■ _. • . CmasTiiAs Eve, 1869 ' 1 DE«OirppEB:—Tb«JoDyFmeI,tho'^m^oMlln^ttud(^oodllIml«. of which aro seldom disturbed, less, in honest virily. by fight than A bad dinner, over which wo occasionally have swear, has, Btace the affair at Fredericksburg, rcsuiedHaeaS? im^ty. It didnotoven.wslt forQenerid Ord?™,whloh^llkS other generals came to time tardUy, to aetUe doira iSto !Sl f^'i^^VT^^^ itself, though, of dourse. Its pridTwu hS gratlfled by the many fine thin™ which those gey "oldliSSa? b^adlers Biniey imd Barry, wko setonr squaSrSns £i tKflSd had to say of ne. The "Bed Patch" has Shaved itodfnobb' and henceforth it must flame luslroualy-lt has been feme to Z memory of the ohlvabrto .KoMuey-and though the iuevlUUe "Change of baao'' has brought us again to tbe north bank ol Se Bappafiannoob tho "strategy" 1« none of ouia, tbe dlMiice mm of ours, nor yet the responsibility. ■ Ijetaipetuons spirit that led at WilUamsbnrg and Fair Oaks- H^nJi'ir.'S 'i.'"^' •t Chnrtes^CIty Cross KoadT^and chSSS: rioualy the flushed and eager hordes of the enemy; that hovow ed-an inaplration of Trtctorr-over the field of Malvern hS: that advanced the right nt Bull Bun. and held the field aRoInit IrifS,*' S . 1?" "'1*5 <>hw«4 to the ddfence of Wash, togton; that triumphed, and dled'ot ChanUUy; aUU Uvea in Ue hearts of his "vaterana," and they have sworn to bo truoto hSI. snd preserve untarnished tbe glory of his name—the briiht«( beqnest of the war, o-«». ..llT that the paaUme which engages us nationally, at pie. JS?*.'v*" toof ™»/ » suhJaet for my pen, and I havoliordosbi to cut the owkward flgnrp, so nsnol, of bnylng an ol*phnnt-a UtUt indiscretion, 1 am led to,snppose, umctcdu muaf feel vorr son abont Just now, "considering bow the tfines go," Im^ tilk about the wisdom and: the superiority of the "hlnh nootf • of the nineteenth centuiT as much as you please, bnt It la cer- tatoly very hnmlllatlng>that to the mldat o! this "wide aw^' period, wo Bhonld be at such prodigious trouble and cot to find put what was known some'years ago, viz:—"Lota ahoAiniir* sU* to his awl," with theaddlUon-let a toUoF^hoU frJtTiS' needle, eschowlEg the sword. mi«iinou» Therefbre, give me for "headquarters" a log of VllgiBla pine on the flanker front of a bivouac fire, rather than "heodSi? the saddle,' andwhUe I emphnUcnlly Ignore tternX may tho good onools proaervomo ttom a too ambitious use of T^i^l£?JJ°^ BoppMo that we arc occupied with Chrlaf. SJS. aeplorable mistake, I regret to state. In ad- ffcrS "® onormOna expenspof these mlUlary mocbloatlona. P"*""* 0 monstrous euapenae, that ^ whVJh oVl^S?"??''' tojay nothing of the knick-nacks, without which ChriahnM Is no Christmas at all; In the infoniil amoke ti^^niiTw.* camp fires, Jnyvleu'al orba have been obscured fh^wL^'^'ni'P'^u^ have been conatrainca to abed, and the blesaed snnUoht baa become a dubious and unreliable thbg. '"".^ ttonshtaafeUow in this condltloa ™S £d«^iS'??,'t2M''» eenerous contrivM^ advertlsod far md wide as "eyo-openers," &o.. recur to hbn, ffj. Agents and Itallrond Superintendents ^iV l""*"? banded us over to Johnny Bob, o^d tte dS? '^i' *° ftnilly J" among Ihem-commnnK; poSmges^'' not imdertake to "deUver of flH^*i!?«"''~''''"^?'''l«**^'»''''-t>'»tftmons method m jfi^'wL*'°i'*" "'^"K. Al"' Vou call to mind the Chrht- S?R^n?™?SI!.'*™ '."'y^'J'ff'"''8° QIggee-"thofnnof iwS^fi ~^ir^?* thopostof Newport News,bringlag , ?h.^!5.S5"' ""f ^ «e»tlon." aspille evaaupci Sf» .'r*®v"'°"!?^*«»' oldOoneml Mnnsflold, andaroir from the buracks, and mnltlfarions "cabange" of that cele- Sf''th:?^2SS^r*i*"'.*^"°'«" heard on ttsdidS SLSi.^bS^S? "'* Conneas, lying in thestreara, A rare rMOlveito defend, but was defeated by'twTyrde'byPntow who. In tarn, resigned it to "lltUo IMdy." Doerfoot w^tifi tbenMUlBhMtwicebenfenW.Langforit Thisbrinmustotha ^^oStXaH^^^^"^' P'^^''•■ "^'^ White hod^d^ta^ Sfi^^f^^i**'eyoproeorgeMartin,and c2meto the post fit to run for a man's llfe,i^ugb be stated t£it tor the ?'J^ ""'f fror-alUgbt (SS. He rjSt tnfned twenfy-four years of ago, stands 6ft 2 Kin aiia waibi^rS SiS?*/ ^^1 " ^J«"steimi; "wwapMKsSpn? ^'^J^V^fS' <^^^'^7. but up to thi hut^iShtffi ftfni JKtf rannlng exercise, fearinrttat Us plen^; and. as far oa condition went was perfect Hels S^iin'^vK.riS"''??" ^^tooUaty,^ aetfor*^h'aIf-ps8t'Um 0 dook, but long before that hour, the Surso was onofroled by a ■iS5iS^„'5j2;"3 aces. The betting openied at 6 toTon mSi. SlS^iJ^S?' Jnringtbe runnlnft.lo a to 1 on him; but «m S?L^ Sttf '5Por<»nce of the match, vary little botHng^ok place, althonnh thA fr nnili, n# ih. -.11./. llu'i. uiM. "".r^ "'V* Sd ISrt^g-STrn^r i'wo"SSSil'thf Si^ f^H ?Mml.*'.'^f°f*"- Ukewlso^bw^uiiJffftr'S Si ,SS.ii= »bP honae to dlerobrVmibln a th?r^»i?n'n,M''iP"""?'«* tbe compeUtora cameMto SSiTr^^^*".?'/'""^',"!* S'O" mterost was mim^tod to Obtain a vlow of their conaiUa}£ MlUa wm vMcji^u^a.^ Barker, and White bad for his attenZ^tXeM'^f Tooomjlototho dlstflhco, thiy iSd teSavono^? ,2^ tlmM and 1(W yards, thuiiavingtopaS K« one times, Tho referee (Mr, H, Holt) bavtoo lX5 i5= V,.?i^ jWmfto^thUuff and tie™ SSk, MUtanow offered to bot^hlto bis abaro of the galo-monrar Ital wiSia Jllnod.saylnj bo cbuldflpt 0 to 4 to^hta monV lu bd?a to roaainess, a Seep iUencoVevoUed for some momonfe-4o dee that a oto mlirKt nlmncf ii„u/, h.... i,™J 1. ."™»"yuw-7B0 .oee, thSt^pinilSratam^ by a buret of "poy;re ofll" and off they waitSa pa" bSowh to: take, one's breath a'SaV; .Mills taking tho loiid bv aSnn?? yalrd.and dAsbing alPng fc'tbouab^'isWviMwa? omUu '.""i??,^" fi^'i.'i?'^ Hound tholop . bend cTtoe conSSi idown the etojdgbtforthe firstttmoaid-JItUe Teddy ontbSttte }!??5?f',WiS.?""'""ff """B'b *la track rlstogSoKirto of bip man, feU back and White carried on the ruhnlnBiS they sped round the Murao.' the stylo of each was superb and i'niJ^JF'^^T Po'^Mtriad!. were ievar Beei"3s"S ^'??' %iP5S5*. "l"' the excitement InpresMl and Mu^ J(r|«te^ Mi*rg7, fqp >)» /«( oaoe plaMdi> gap of a wple ol^SS 'MVi: ,1 :'■<'■: i .-. . ': ,,1', ^flr. I . >. . .. '. • came In.'- Oh, Whitoheadjh^^™on dStt' ""o hugh Tpre agreeably entertained and amnsS? ObriitwSJSTh^ S Se°&"tol2f^''"^ oc^Sired tatSwo"^"'^ S;v!«.PS?^4.!?'Jr''7*"'» '*«ntleman frwtbe duSo M^^.r&^t 'o,;^,'t^5SnTj»i^S Bootohy. Tho Ifflouity occurred aboutTtog of wo(5l*fth^^ &h'?t;-*H» bo™,".whoirthikd ^^^^ tor I cannot describe the "baae^detaj But five iSSSS" lajftogahontton.mlnutes,werefonght Ittaam?5teaque^fe 'Ji«b won;, aome say Bootohy came off "fiist best*'Y«i tSS "Chief •• assorts that fee oontrtby was the case" and tells a?m?5 We on Scotohy, I guess, if the Wweretol* ttefliht teSSl noted by-mutaal consent;''aln'.t it so? Jim a»MltX>'t SSt tejv-ho brought in the wood. 'How are yoreyebw^S^S^ |"^po^fS?t?p:L^'Si^2i herd. H?wmnW^XfvS?^'^^^^^U^hSvIb'SS^T*" Uuown np works, and ''dug''tt? tabs'ont BrSf 'SS" VU"*? iS-"^'^lrS?»C.rnSS^S ?il£'M«rwS^^^^ ^Abobasb,^.comjd.edUb^^^^^^^^^ wpower atWnabington;4iad hebson WalonetTrfoolS H«2 Prided rapidly elough for any rea8oiSblo^°<S°"'^o^^^ MWlellan Is as pure a patriot as ever breathedTuidl thtok ^0 people are fully convlnoed that as a Qeueral, hi toflSS* anperiorolMTotbermlllUrybommandorinthenortbSrnnr^^ JfiiT myoplnlon la shared by flve-alxttSof thSSSv M least The eoldlora have more oonfldotoo In 'OUtUA m??! Uum ever, since the bte batOe, and It is absoliiloS imnSeiM toda stogie indlvidnal «howill acknowMge hLlSff^S^Bmi?' dd^ advoeateto-day. As Sunmer truly »emik£-iJiiVa2?iS; aMBordlted, otherwise than that they iSSto c4nfl5o^?i."fi Bnmalde"-nor they flbvat will. : ' • """luoncelii . .Butthegre^t ««.or*tdf pttt lUiiiooessjHpinghpnt tbli atrt^. •nnS.iTiT* iiT^ ■' ■ unDseji in no eeieem at an, ana ihl?25?^^-*'"?!°"*"f°*"'*"«"<"ne°twhIdiblB toislit- ^Inii^^h."??"' They are oU gone now-OenerU , ri?" ^'F^' tbe OumberlSnd, and poor Bin ste. /S" ^ flno.'Pnn^extonded on tho grion tu5 of BuU SSS'nrt hi^J^J^*^* 'J""'?' *bo 0f"b 5f batUa wUrUng ^l2St«fcff"i, . 9''",?.** fiwPPPMeeaed thocompoeurep^ d2Sa •S"^ 5 imagined bebaTmet bis tt? tot!„MMn" I?*' "bo fdi on those twb days, on Sl.v^J^?^i? Jghtno one was oftoner apoken of, or more •Si wif f«°L*S^1°' beloved "Yoridt." Sow csA wo hare, our JiS!v.«„'S'!t?^,2 IS?*" 'b.'it wlU conatontly remind us of ' eJl.S" *bla "devil ma' cars" style of u4ig-a style of JL»„^*"^.°J'"S.PI'^'"J«"»* barbaric than yon can finJany w^i^t^^ l«^o4 tr"*""- . •i^ihnHv.'J"' ■?» flan of trnco, and as I don't want to offlS? I^.^i°.°?l2 f'*'bnt ish toproorosttoata that •Sa ai?^„ffi'7"'"'?'J^,'^ 8""" yo" tlmo'tobury your dead .S£it%?/h J,"^'"*'0' the ieit oDgoge- ■mpnt With sentlmento of high regard, ic, I am ypurs, SrHEBIPAL CASE. BOW tBBl COROOBAir I^ElQlblV SPENT THBIR - OHniSTSIAB. ^^P^'Jw.SL COMPAWr SlBBBTS-BZAOTilDL WEAIHIB- ^wTV^Ji^ *^22° W-AHOBSE Bacb-Cosco- SpoRTs-FAimerio PAnAnB-OAPnmB or tbe CPiaoB Ann thbib Tebbisu Pdmishueiit. Sun B&6. Cpbcpban's iBisH LxoiPV,"l n,™,— . ^'K*roBT News, Va„ Deo, JO, J ™? ■r?.H«"^S5' bright aun ebono on tho camp of the Corco- ran Mslon Obristmas morning, and rovoolod to our eyes a JSSfm»«».*2?''"lJ'S?'"".'!^- Tho^todqnarterBOf tbedlflMent roghnonte were Voky prettily decorated with arches and bowers ^'KT' ,S "f the componystooete, were various de- ?i2fj S"*.* J"?"?"* eolored shells, berries, ete. Company H, ?m.«t^fniEmanrlce anO&jmpliyA,oftb^M- imenthid their stroete looking like fiilry lond, and rnuij* blushing maiden would have ohippod her bonds with delight if sho could onlv bsvo seen the rough soldier's oamp. After "roaal beef "-nary a plum-puddlnB—the sports com- menced 'with a flrat-rato horse racoi Seven' or eight animals. H M*ak-««»aiu uvAmj tHi;o, OOVOU vr OlNUIr II ?»J.l"v!J"'i ^""l fe?P' 'bo old gray nag riddonby Can. Oo> ootan at tho battle of 'Dull Hun. Some of Uio mustangs showed Ponelderablo blood, bnt all hod to sncomnb to. the proweaa of "Old Boll Bun," for, after a woU-cont«slcd race, be succeedsd to boating theni ologantly. "Jlull Hun" woe mounted by CaptM. l>orah,-104lb negrmont, ' - ' Tho dny-dossd.with .whesl-barrow races, aack races, ohaslng ™oyoasodplg^fdotra4os,'jumplng, etc, all of which oauaed a irsat deal of amusement, and helped to posspff ihodoyui.a nappy manner. Thcaeneral oud bis lady were on tho ground all dflV. Anil fin^An^;! .U. A.. .1. 4t '~—- WW gatig through tuu iiotia HI uie Tjiuuu w. «ews, and ssfonaded theQonoral at his quartois. The whole larty woro afterwarda oaptured by tho Provoat anard, but ror eased by the gaUant Col. MoMahon, on condlUon pf each man drinking a tln onp full of brandy. Tho boys did not aoeoit of nieir patolo-oh, nol. A grand race li on tho Upls fbrNow tear'a. " J. S. R . jKua Ball . m OjLiiivoBMiA,—Two jpiobod nines of the B MUb, played a mateh:at'San-Fi»BoI*09, on Nov. 27, in wl mw'd i^lAe beti Wade'i >y,;8 ruu,,,, .