New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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; 5isr iE:]w:. m.o^ii:;aB:^i:.<3,&i i¥P::e]II; m5° n^.7noas to our flnaDOlnl oxchoguor .aenerallT. On ' fSMWubmed of.. We keep mum on ttta mtjeot, thongh, WSSieu oreabiros did not forgot our theatrea, onr minatr? 1 SmLiii other eihlblUona, but, aa if to make np for bolng de- SUiof seeing the ehow on »ow Tear'a night tbpy orwrdod H^nlua of amnaomont In toira. That'a -Ho. At aome of tho f^iKoT ontnumbered the men tvo to one, and the week oldsed {Tud animated on the 3d, the vorlotia houaea being all well ■P-^S^ ,n that night, too. • TTiiiBtweok'BOupPEB we ahowed where a Sunday paper, of aSmt in Ita anxiety to run taoff the iraek, In the theatrical 'SSnau. manu&ctuied a letter In Ita offlee, and atgned the mm- 'UuMoI one of our corraapondents to It, without hia sanoUoa !^Wowlodge> Volntlmatea that Uauoh a thing was done in Hlv^iuice, it waa doubtlees.^onein many other Inslancaa. Sf/STnot i^Tethenameof thla 'unaorupulouB Sunday paper, therefore, unlntontionoUy.itnplloat^ all.' To mAke the z^a dear, wo ought to atote that the Jodmal reforrod tola the ^^MaeiKV, the proprliators of Whloa 'pTibUah tkne diffeient iSSn and yet are endeavoring tooruah Uie life out of na, that ' ~ alao ocoupy the ground now occupied by the OLmsB. Ihe Infonuatlon of .thoaa of the- profeaalon who may bo In-. Sed iDto'aendlDg thorn a letter now and then, let na atate that letten io not amxaf in On New Fork eiiv tdillm, at all. Ther in prinled In what (hen call a "ebuht^ edlfioo," for euch "small Jnu" la Philadelphia, Boston, Olnolnnnll, and 8t Louis. This raointiy edition," published on B/ltnrday, for those placea, can- ■ idle M in Hew Tarkcity. The proprietors aeem to be ajshaatiii ifoieillthoreln NewTorkolty; ao thait .the moreiaaoU Ai the uoIWBlooi'eo for oa they are mentioned In the ebrreapondence I'S BtM "country edition," are not aeen bT th^ New Tork public: i|;«)rbrief extracts may bo tnade trohi )hem, suitable for this ' i^iy" market, and that U ku. ^hat appears In one copy of the CurtEO, appears In alf, without.eurtollmeot, or alteration of Q^Und. in'notioing thia amill business of our neighbors, we do sot attach any Importance to the atuff thoy dish up aa thcat-i dialneva. ^t la a stupid mess of traah, the editors s«emlngly ijoUDg more to quantity than quality. What appears In the' qofebU reliable and tothetKilnt, Easing made thIa expla- uHon. in Justice to fklr-deallog Sunday Journals, we drop the ■abject, and move on in tho oven tenor of our way. At Wallack's, the "Invisible Husband" did not dttiw much of ihooaeon Uonday; but on the following evening, the theatre nt veil sued, the ploy being the "School for Scandal." Any- Uilsg with a little scandal in It, will always draw. After Wednos. diy evening, atanding room, even, was almost at a premium tin, the ladles oconpylso the soata In fuU force. Ha Jlddler, Mr. E. MoUenhaner, annonncea an oporatlo con* eotlbr Jan. 0, at Irving Hall, on which occaalon Ilr. M.'s now iBflo opera of the "Coralcan Bride" is to be brought out Talb- tsg of fiddling, a mualo teacher once wrote that the "art of ilijlng on a violin requires tho nicest perception, and the moat omlbillty of any art In the known world." Upon which a bother quin makes answer that ".the art of publlsuing a noTS- itper, and making it pay, and at tho same time have it please tmybody, boata flddlln' higher than a Uto." All of whfoh we plooaly ondorso, and "ateadDutly believe." .Iks Forrest divorce easels settled at lost, we believe; tho emit of Appeals, at Albany, having affirmed tho Judgment of (he other Oonrts, Sac. 31,1662. The "sympathy for tho woman," ibkh waa flrat aaUtd hero on tho trial some ten years ago, and ihleh waa then worked Into tho Jury box, with what rcanlt we mall well awaro, soems to have been carried along from Court lo Court, until "womanly syilipathy" reached tho Bench at tho Ooort of last roaort, and there the man's last chance waa lost. Te believe there is no other tribunal here to whioh tho case can be curled. Tho doclslon grants the divorce to Urs. Forrest, allows larout of Ad poekot the aum of t3000 yearly,'and aaddlea a big bll) of coats upon Mr. F. Sut tho people will render to Ur, rnieit that Justice whloh .the Courts, In their sympathy for a vooai, refueed to accord him. By . this last dooulon, Mrs. Itoiest may marry again, but Hr, F. may not many, according to oyr laws, whllo ttuit laay llvoa. Although divorced, lie U Del to her "nhlll doath do them part." "Is that the law?" qnolhenr readers. Tea, Terlly, it la what la oallol law with na, ballt la the. most oUtrogeoua violation of a mon'a rights thit eu bo conceived of. Hero is a woman divorced from her huband, i\nd yet that man is atlll bound to her. In the oyo of Unlaw, as h'ur husband. She may legally many another, yet |ht''law" still regardathe first aa hor hneboiid. lu a certain leiiae, It Icg^laoa bigamy and proatltutlon. Such law la a dla- ince to any civilised people. "Ohi do blessed Iamb." "Hear 'nm talk, hoar 'um talk." "De nigger Is free—halleloo." Such fun at Bryants' lastwsck, jca nUght have thought the "nigs." there were genuine DOkea, Included in yo honest Abo'a emanolpallon anecdote. Ibey're only tho counterfeit, bnt that's Juat as good uow.a- dqra; and tho Bryant boys havo done the darkbualness so long, Uitt they're as much at home In. black as In white. This weeL UiOf are to "Wako up William Honry." ' Qo ace how the; do It. TUUhg about "nigs," ono of 'om, at on emancipation celebra- tion tho other night, very wisely told his "cuUud bniddets" that Mcaoao they were ftco, they "mustn't Tattoo tree." Ah I ah I ISat contraband, like Jem Bags, "knows the vally o'peace and qiletneaa." ' Ihia Is the eighth and also, tho loist week of tho engago- Hint of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Wllltams at tho Winter Qardon. .Uelr business continues excellent. Barney was to havo ap- pealed aa "Sir Fatrlok O' Plenlpo, tho Irlah Ambassador," one .nlgtit last week, but It Is^^ted that Mrs, Ohantrau, who woe ^cut for an Important port in the piece, vfalled ^ connect," and tka "Irlah Ambassador" waa not performed,, much to the dlsap- PObitiaont of a h\rge andlonco assembled to see Bninoy do the itnteel thing "fur wonst." It is announced f6r this evening, towevor, "honor bright." "And ihere were giants In thoao days," says the book of holy ' nit—we lAinA It may be found within the Uds of that book—and neie are giants in these - days, as you may see by looking in at : we Old Bowery-this week, whore Monsieur Blhb, tho Belgian want, la adver&sod to appear in the pantomime of "Jack and . ueBMnetalk," Whether it'a the veritable Belgian or not, m ..■ dcp't know; bnt Belgian or Oolgerhio, ho's a ripper, and no mls- .Ton know what alze u«are, don't your Well, he actually laoia down upon na, Ho's an owftit big thing. . ;:«F^nat and Marguerite" bod alarge number of calls iit Mlblo's, - UM.wesk, and all aeomed pleased .with thelx visit. The grand Weetaole is now in fine running order, Oie putoblnory and fixings iweially working bcautlfiilly, J. S, Boberts'Mophlatophlles Is toacaded to be the best wb have ever had hero. ' i J J Aout time thot Bamum put an end to his deceptions ? : wes It look mnoh like gentility and good breeding, for one >Vi»nialngtobaBlady, add a fashionable ono, too, to be a paid ; ^ '"'I* deoeptlona ? Last wook ws made montlon of a : «UU woman, a aort of dwarf, called Warren, to visit whom, at '. ™a Bt Nlohotoa Hotel, we had previously received n elrcnlArof inmutlaD. Thlaolretlar atatedthot the woman would eall for <jR»)pa on the IBth of December, but she dldn'tgo. Apaltry ex- . ^jftwaamadelhatfaer "Jewelry" wasnt flnlahed; then lettors 'r'J'otposod to have passed betweon'her«nd Bamuhi, tho latter - ':?™h8 al>ogusofror (to appear in prlDt) for tho taahlonable :?!|^toahowathlBMuaeum, whlehuor "Intended departure" two iXilsh flpmedlaqii. a. Rlgga and: Ji 0. Waltaoe.' Drop In early, Uyppnaa, for the whole entertainment la good..s ' .; i .It Is npttnie.that Adahlaaoos Menken has: retired from>the stage. , She la ptUl in this oity, when aho has been apendlng the holidays In a.quletmanner, but has noldeaof leaving the piofos* sIon., Bhe hss had aoveral offers IMm-pianagers in ^^nlavllle, ChIcago,,Baltlmon. Waahlngtoo, eto„ btit a/s yathasnotdeotded whioh to accept. She will rssnme bnslnps* a( an ear^ day.| ^ M*Me», ofBeU(»'sMnslo Hall, Detrplt, Is ln;toWB this week. Mr, Beller is one^of the moat honorable and aqnare^eallng men in the'profeaklon. . . . , " Manager Fuller, of the LoolsTille Tbeatre; and also lessee of tho National, Cincinnati, will be In town this week. He expects to commence tho aeaaon at the NatlonalrOlnoinnatl, on the leth of7anuary, with a now company, and prices raised, Qran comrnencea anothorspasmofftallah Opera this evening, 6th, At'the Aoademy. The opors Is the Martyrs; in which Mies K<aioggwlll appear as Paolina, supported by Brigtoll.^Amodlo, and Baiill. Miss Kellogg eoon leavea us for Buropo.- Qran de- serves to succeed. He poshes things, and - gets siong with his troupe much bettor than we over thought he would. They're a hard crowd forimaman to tacklo, Anllallan Opera noupe ought to have at least six managers, one for eoeh of the principal singers. Isn't it ao? Hwry Hapgood, well known in profeaalonal drolea as agent for theatrical peopio and minstrels, is Just now playing a new line of business, Harry la now proprietor of the " Waltonlon." a very neat little saloon at 8S9 Broome street, where he will be glad to welcome his ttlends "or any other man." The Webb Slaters, who havo been fuUUUng engagements In. various parts of tho country, sailed for Havana ana the West In- dia Islands, on the 3d insL, In the British steamer Faolflo. Thoy vlait thoae plaoes on a professional tour, and will be absent several months. The Webb Slaters played a very good engage- ment of eight weeks, recently, at Uanager Bubkland's Montreal Theatre. A prosperona trip to the Sisters In our earnest wlah. Sometimes our professional frtends are at a loss where to pur- oluiae dandng and olrons pumps, opera shoes, eto. Let ns tell them while we think of it, that Mr. Semers, of 378 Bowery, man- nfactnres all deacrlptlons of theatrical, circus, opera, ballet, and other ahoes,' and at reasonable rates. Bee Mr. Bomers' adver- Uaement .■ f Mr. H. S. Bnmsey, the great banjo player,- formerly o'f the Bnmsey & Kewoomb tOnstrels, has been qoltolU In this city,, for some days, bnt is now on the safe side once more. . The Treasurer of the Fire Department ofilolally announces the reoeipt of $I.En 09 eta. sa the proceeds of the b^efit «lvsn at Mlblo's Oarden, Oct. 25, 1862, in aid of, the Widow and taihans Fund oftheFhre Department. He obo acknowledgea the receipt of SlOO, as a donafioh from Mr. Wheatley, matlager at Nlblo's Oardon. ' •■ " ■ ■ . TheUtfleplam«WWWl9 .B*rawmore im.'m. give his first concert at Irvlug Ball, In this city, on We&iesday evening, 7th llisl, when he wlU perform a number of his best pieces. This .lad is but re<!ently retained from a musical tour In Canada, where he met with very complimentary patronage, and received numerous Introductorylettors to Influential parties In Europe. Master Fspe wll probably soon leave us for a visit to Europe, where his marvolfoas musical tolents will certainly ensure the young American a favorable hearing. Exit "Blondette." Tills abominable "What Is It?" played It- aelf out long ago, but waa kept on the stage forthewant .of Bomothlng bettor, nntn after the holidays. It waa given for the last time on the 3d. Mrs, John Wood opens this evening, 5tti, In "Jenny LInd," and the "Invinclbles," atLanra Eeene's. Buckley's Berenaders dosed out at Palace Muslo Hall on the 3d, and take possoaalon of Btuyvesant. Instltato, Broadway, op- posite Bond street, this evening, 5th, where those who did not core to walk to Sixth Avenue can now see them on onr groat thoroughfare. TheywlU. require more stage room, however, than the Stnyveaant con give them, we are Inclined to think, Buppoalng they conttnue thoce capital burlesque operas with which the namo of the Buckleys la so eloaely associated. We went one eye, the other day, on a at girl exhibiting at "Museum of Living Wonders,'' on Broadway near Houston atreet. The tat girl weighs six hundred and futy-two pounds, and a allm one, her slater, "Just eighteen yeara old," weighs hnly forty-eight pounds. Atthe heavyweight's request, we felt of nor musole. Now, If we hadn't another object In our eye, we jntght have been fiiacinated; but only tbink of the cost of hosieiy and dry goods to keep such a heap of flesh and blood properly cov- ered up I Could never atond it—never. She then conndentlidly told ua that Bomum's Fat Oal had the consumption—that "her arms and breasts were quite aoft,whi'reas mine are like cast iron. Feel 'em again I" aays aha It Is needless to say our fiMt essay waa quite sufficient, or that we'dldn't comply a second time. 17)U go see her. We made a oall on the animals at the Zoological tnaUtute, or Lent'a Monagerle, Broadway, on Mew Tear's day. In this show Mr. Lent has a very fair collection; he has eighteen cages, containing an Amorlcon bison, Anglo Indian bull (said to be the only one in existenco^ African powees and white guinea hen, blue and red macaws, grey parrots ana cockatoos, blne-noaed mandrlal,half a dozen monkeys, and a fonr-flngered ape (not the What-is-It,) Bnrmeae cattle, Olrcaasian goat, anotted hyena, oce- lote or tiger cats. South American puma, black bear, prairie wolf, South American peccaiy, Brazilian tiger, ellver lion of Bra- zil, African lioness, African leopards, Asiatic lion and Uoneae (two-year olds.) grisly bear (stono blind,) African lion (twenty icars old,) and tho elephants—Antony, Oleopatra, Tlctorla—and ilory, one old fellw, having BhaoUcB OS.' Thay ill of lood alxet and WoulCmake very good subjects ftr dlaaeotton.' Hi enjoyed onr vialt very muoh, and after seeing these huge' natural curiosities, we resumed our calls Upon the ladles, some of whom, by the outlandish manner in which they were fixed up, and tittlvated off, made Juat as good a ahow as tho Menagerie. Wo saw many a bore show on Mew Year's day, and all for nothin', with refreshments thrown in. It'a good to do Mow Year in Mow York. The pleasuioa of "Merry Ohrlstmns" at Horrisanla, M. Y., were added to on Christmas Eve by theatrical performances, etc., at the Atbeneum. I'The Young Widow," "T&e Many Cib- blor," and a musical olio, comprlaed the ^programme. Mrs. E. M. Greener, Miss Adah Ogdon; Hiaa Minnie Martin, Uias M. Hoyt, and Messrs, Sam Lathrop, O, J. Moddox: Williams, and' others, enacted their various choractora creditably.' In this connection we might state that It Is thought by many,of the "oldest inhab- itanU'' In tho vidnlty of Harlem Bridge,'above and below, that a moderately sized theatre, with a good versatile conipany, could do a good business there, as there are many patrons of amuse- ments living In the neighborhood, who do not come dqwn town because of the distance and trouble of getting home at night Somewhere in the neighborhood of 12Uth,slxeet would be a good Ideation, and if the present could bcL made ,to pay, there' would bo a fortune in tho future, for the population la Incroas- ing'rapldly. It la worth a thought !tilL'Sif!5?i?y'S''J™»«'>'np*n«Jn«*i, and on some nJghti itwasjjfflitiittoo^ iaeat fiUiit thol^imanceiSfrorttS :I5gm^^,Oh*dotte to matogmerry Md^T^.ha? «iSS?,.S:.?J!"^' I"**!? M Horry BlranUln, ayonngBal- 22."?,??i?f*'?"i-*l« »tt«*ad-to Alexander's Bitlkore bS- fore send It.'-'l'wbnia have' tebi 'th'e who"la -imr i<nt iti..l' bajto tern MarwAM .that voi iSuJJM m^^ thinkHw^rHafsarthyjaeebdow-ED,l,muit^vororeaa ' 'Sm dwarf oxhlblts herself (ndor Bammn's management ''r gl* nusoum, In ats olty. We Judged by tho womiia's manner r<>ea:St. Nicholas, <that aho -was above such trickery as that which ■ ™Jiga her to public notice. , We perceive we weremlstaken. " , ^""f Intlhe Bowery Is eertelnlya novelty in tho thoat- ■■ £J~ Jwld, and yet a portion of tho oolobrated llavelTroupo ' Stf.!^ engaged by tSi, Llngard, of the Mew Bowery, and they ''w.^'I'S" atthat theatre all this week In pantomime, the open ; boing Jooko, the Brazillnn Ape, in whioh the great origl- ;. Z^lv^ns. UuEettl, will ape the oharaotariatlca «f the ape, and ■'- 2S3f°i?"?" marvelous feata of agiUty for which he is so '' Uareottl will also perform in the pantomime, to- CIS?! Tr' ?on«. llophoflnnd others. Now wo may, in reality, ' wol rtoJ^r?L "* pantomime according to the unrivalled •'■■fehSiSSlVF'"'*'" Mlnatrole, id the opera of Dlnomh, is not 'SmtJk.?5?*^fc.*^"r"'*<^l t* no truth in tho atate- 1 iSS .t"; forfoltohialeaao of thoestabllehmont if onl- ,;rS!~ointtodncod'«n tho etego;-no auch thing. Webellove ^ a uaute la in the laws governing the Aeademy at Fblladel. fi« th(iro the obJcoUon waa-walvid in consoauonco of ..Zwyouo's oharaoterof Hr.Grau's goat and other operaOo a «D5m'..C?.*'" '^S^ goatwillhold on,and the greatbufiosque ' fm.!£°^*''.'>^ eonttnued another week. Moat of those who nor- Tmvv i the origbiol voislon at the Academy have been to 4IU "f burlesque. BuShil and Brignoll were present :i«^n!7!^8 last week, and none seemed to.eiijoytheito and I ehHfur^'n^Blo ot the pleoe mora than the great bosao and the nrrST'.tf'S'* tenor. Theladles overrun this hall last week. On 'l^n k i}^'?*t< ATen the np stairs part was nearly taken by BaB^.^Yr^SPSidon.-we moan Ml Broadway, hod it* thou- aab^^' ^torslMt wa«k, and this favorite muslo ban gave its fain^i S?"' 'liow aa tlieTBeldomwltnosa. The great ballet SajSUSSf the boys, *M tha gUrls txi prttty, havt pretty udsnjandlngs, and prettily use them. Tonon^tosealhem^, ~r *n^>.T« muB, zUi ireek Xo^yU «n tgttlii^ aaA tu DRA1IU.T10. Quadroons and thqpe of darker ahede have aeparate placoa aa- slgncd to them, at the New Orleans Varieties, as wlU be seen by tho following sliding seals'of prices now in vogue there:—par- quet and dreea circle, 76 cte.; family circle, SO da.; white gallery, 20 ete,; quadroon gallery,toots.; colored goUei^;25ota. We see no place allotted for Bouoloanlt's "octoroons," and ther presume they paas in with tho white folks. J, H. Haokott dovc-tslled two nlghte In at the Academy of Mualo, Frovidonce, K L, lost week, including the laat >ni{^t of the old year and the first of tho new. Onrnovldence friends seom to be a punctlUons sort of people, aud'their Academy. cuqU to bo n very quiet and orderly place, for the blUs annotmoe that no ladles are admitted unless accompanied by a gentleman, and whistling and all other noises are strictly prohibited. A little rough on thalsdles, and not vieiy Inviting to thoie ad' dieted to ue annoying practice of whistling. The company heretofore performlng'at the Aoademy of Music, Cleveluid, are transferred tola week to tho Aihenenm, in Colum- bils, Ohio, which has been fitted, up In good stylo by Manager EUsIer, -vt'ho wishes to give the olllzcns of tho Capital Olty a place of amusoment that will bo worthy ot their pntronago. On Saturday night, Deo. 27th, a compUmontory benefit , waa given at the Academy, Olevcland, to Mr. James Lewis, the ^bpu. for comedian of that eatMiIlshmont 'Wo are pleased to learn that the house was crowded In every pa^ and a more brOliant audienco Is aoldom gathered to do honor to any bencfiolorie. Our correspondent, "Rosolus," says .of Mr. Lewis, that none:have ever boon more deserving In all respeote, sa an aotor; and 'as. a genial,' nhobtmslvo genuemau off tho boards. Tho crowning fcat(ire.of the benefit was the presentetlon of a diamond pin (val* uqd at $100,) by a nnmbor of Mr. Lewis' I^l^ids in Cleveland. It took'i^e boy'': down a little, as U was a surprise to blm, and to most of the audience, but be rallied; aa tho adjutant of the "Slim Brigade^' should do, and replied In appropriate terms. May he long Uvo to wear It Is tho wlah and hope of his frldtads In'Cleve- land, as well as In vkribus«ther parte ot the country where he has appeared more«r less during the past ten years. , . Hiss Uzale Parker wostonderod a complimentary benofit at tho Metropolitan, San Franolsco, on tho 0th Deo, A Canadian gontloman wishes to obtein a sltaatlon as agent for a ster, or a treiaurer for a theatre. Seo advertlsomont ' ' a. A. Bough's company opened' at Elmlra, N. Y., on the 2I)th Deo. Mr. Harry Clayton Is his leading man, and Mrs. lA. Ferry loading lady, Acoirespondent in Elmlra says a rumor Is Eievalent that Mrs, Ferry and Mr. Hough have boon united In 10 bonds of matrimony. Is it so? The company under the direction of Mr. J. 0. Eelly are per- forming at^wn Hall, Peterboro, Canada Woat Mr. Eelly'a ef; foctlve foioes now oomprlso, Annie Dougtaas, Emma . OniOunan, Mrs. E. T. Btelion; Mosare. E. T. Stetson, T. E. Wolfe, E. D. Colo, ihan, W, B. IToirost, W. U. Yount, Pemborten, and J. B, Brown. Mr, and Mis. Stetson do tho loading business. Tho "Maryland Brigade Sramatlo AoaoclatloD,' now steUoned at Maryland IIoIshte,ls oompoaed ot tho gallant Ecnley's Mary- land Brigade, and among whom are savoral members of tho old Sludlsy Dramatic AsioelaUon. of BaWmoro, 'Thoy had a atage ereolcd at WiUlamsport, Md., and a number of scenes paintodf Jennie Hight on the oocaalon of her benofit at^oTIckM'sjTbh atro, Chicago, on tho Oith Doc., H>P«ai»d as Joaephtoe, the Child of the Beglmant whioh she performed with muoh taste and spirit Bee notice In aaother part efthla Issue. - •Thalaba; tho Destroyer," was the show piece producedfor the holidays at Manager Fullar'aliOuIatUle Theatre. Itwasttioiight that the plaoe would run into the new year, Hr, Hacauleywu <h* Thialaba. and Mr, Martin Oolden ih* demon Abdalda. ' . Xut W4»k, at ths nttsbnxgb TfaMti*, Ulif Obatlette' TUoBp. "vS^"' o"iI>eo.3Uti butthe-destruotlondfi 'tl^ ISltl.J.^??,;^;v*'l"' »v"-P'-irontedltsconwZn to » ™„il!ir.K"°"S^' """^ ■» •nay df namsa Is appen- ded to a congratnUtory card to an actor or an^ aotress. wo have S^jS".Syfi2f.^ 5^?. correspondmcThrSS^CwSa fS^riL"?* .V «oposterity, for a votameMMaS To Miss Carol^e mchlngs. Ford's Theatre.Waehlngton, D. 0.1 . _ In appreolatton of your meritorious genlns, both as a vocU and drunado artlsto, and of your flattering'succ^ia, as primadonni w..ifitaJf"'i.°^' yonr present engagement In the city of Washtogton,'ths signers whose names are hereunto apsended^ congratulate lou on your professional trinmpha, offering a souv- enlr of their best wishes, feeling amply aainred that your merit genlna, and moral worth, will always command that Just ackaowl- edgment whioh has been .so unlveraally accorded during your performance in our dty, now extended Into the second moiith, Satrpnlsed, admired, and appbuded by the most ori^ and re. ned audiences—Indlsputabla proofs of the germ of genlna and skill of merit In confirmation of our appretdatlon and respect you are hereby tendered a compllmentuy tesUmonlal benefit, to take place at snoh time as yon may deem propU lo designate be. fore your departure from the dtyi Beapeetfully, H.BiiiLDi, Vice President of the United Statea, ' SEKAIOBS. ■* J.P.Hals, . Z. Chandler, -' H. S. Lane, w. K. WllUnaen, •" JamesHarlan, . L.M;Morrell. usHBBSs OF coKonsas. ■ ' ' ■ " • O, A Oniw, Speaker House of Bepresentatives, E. 0. Spanldlng, - E.H. Bolllns, WlUlamEelloggi B. P. Granger, 5^a.Phelps, F. A.Pike, Cyrus Aldrioh,' j, b. Blair,-:- - F. W.KaUogg,.:: J.P.OhamberUln, B.L, Casey, ■ .J.?. Famsworlh; opncBBS im VBOuniEHT PHBSonAOEa CelonidWebb,:- - ■ . ■ ■ J. O. MoOulre, - J.M Boltoler,'- . - wmiam wntors, John Coyer, M. EL Boyden, , H.H. Stanton, ' ■' Samuel Phillips, James a, Davis, General BufosElng, and others, Matioiml Hotel, Washinotok, S. 0.,> December 27,1802. J To tho Hon. H, Hamlin, 'Vice President of the United States, tha Hon. Benaters, Members of Congress and tho nnmerons Sign- ers of the Grand Complimontery TeatlmonlaL Gentlemen: With' conflicting feeUngs of surprise and pleasure, I aaknowledge the receipt of your compllmentuy fhvor. Yet all I can write would but feebly intimate my gratliuda at the high hon- or you have ao generoualy bestowed upon me. The tea^onlal you so kindly tender me I grataftilly accept gladdened that my profeaalonal efforts to please hm met with that universal suc- cess, approval and respect that your complimentary fkvor leads mo to believe. Your flattering testlficatlona of esteem I trust I inay ever prove deserving of; respectfully suggesting Wednesday evening, the 31st Inst, for the consummation of the grand com- pllmeniary tcstlmonlaL Gratefully and respectfully yonn, V. ■ Cabolhiz M. BioaiHas; What do you think of Mazeppa tearing around the dreaa'olrele at the FrontatreetTheatro, Baltimore? You'd scarcely believe It would you ? Well, It Is really said to be done by B. E. J. Miles and his Minnehaha, "whose torrlfic flight around the dress cir- cle and the extreme height of the theatre, startlea the audiences,"- according to the programme, llrom their usual propriety. We don't wonder at it Adah Isaacs, whertfore are ye idle, when Miles Is getting miles ahead of you In this Mazeppa business? Awoke I awoke I or be forever fallen—figuratively apoaUng, you know. But Isn't it a prime go—this Mazeppa'ssnsatlon? Wehaveadvlcea fntm Caufomla to Deo. 9th, from which we opine that business waa not very bridi in the Golden State. Our correapondent "Bay 'View," gives us the following items touch- ing the theatres, etc.; In San Stsndsco:— "FbiendQueeii- The German periormances at the American, Sunday nights, centlnne to be well patronised, and they richly deserve the liberal support bestowed by our German and American population, as the daas of entertainment given la superior to anjtbing presented at the present Ume In Caliromla. ' Hr. Bene Omanwald has Joined tho company; and- Mr. Emll Klemeyor, late of the Now York Btadt Theatre, made hia first bow before a San Francisco audience last Sunday evening, as Heenrioh, an author, and a crazy beggar, in the comedy of 'Lorbeerbaum and Bettlestab.' Mr. NIemeyer made a very favorable tmpiesslon; he is a comedian of muOh merit and wIB be an accepteble addition to our already-splendid German company.' Jf«(ropoI<lan STA^otre.—The bnalness at this house has improved . uringthepastwe^ Bsvenlof the comediesJuvi(.lK«n pr«- dueea)B^oo4ame,bUtI{earih^tnAltA^ haa^ot'pnt muoh money ih his pniwfc-' -Miss Parker has loft Usgiiiro's, and is en- gaged at the Metropolitan, for the prodnotlon of EsgUsh opera. •The Daughter of the Beglment' Is In rehearsal. Mlaa Parker aa Marie, and S. W. Leach—by far the' best elnglng and aotliig bari- tone In California—oa Salaplzlo. It has been a loDa time since we have had an Engllah opwa, and tho' scaaon no douot will be suc- cessful. ThoN.are mTiiots of new operatio rcorulte from Now York for the'MetropoUtan. We need a good tenor and baritone very mnoh, for Italian opera. ira(;uiK'iQi)et'afl<>u«.—Since .Mlsa Parker left,'^the house has been devoto^'exolnslvely to thomMtrela till last Friday even- ing, when the opera company made Ite K-tnirtt, on the occaalon of a compllmen^uy. benefit .to Manager 'Mognlre'. Thehouaowas well filled, and I'undoratand a hirge sum of money was realised, Since then, !the opera oompony have opened In portions of opera, in coBuecllou'With'tho company'fcomprising nearly allotthe oli I Mclodeon odmpany,) caoh l^imlshlng a portion of the perform- ance. I give you, as a cariosity, the programmo at Jugoke's, Sunday evening:— SAGUmE'S OPEBA HOUSE. Immense combination of talent SmtnjlT, Deoeubkb 7,1863, The performance will commence with the aecond act of ILTnOVATOEE. Azucena,....Slgnora Dlanohl | Manrico SignerBlanchl Leonora...... I' H'me A. States To be followed by tho third act of - ;'.' EBMAML Eniaiil:.':..,..Signon Blanchl I Elvira ....U'me A. States Alter whioh','' Comd Bono '. .Mlas Lotto DounLE' Jio.;.'.'...'. W. O'Mell aiid Tomniy Peel Coiino AOT—"Abraham's Daughter" .Ben Cotton TBZ.BEa, THE Sea....:'.. .BamWells Imsa BcoiKTnioniEs....'.... .... .'W. O'Moll'andTommy Peel The whole to conclude'with' . A GBAMD PLAITTATION FESTIVAL, by tho Mlnatrel'.Company. Thoro is an'entertainment for yon. How would that suit Irv- Ing-placo T Califoihla Is a countiy. The opera troupe and the mlnatrols Will open la connebtlon during the week, ana mon- ster enterloinmonte are promised, AfZfa rnton ifdcidcah.—Business has .fUlen off, somewhat, ot late, owing to a ptovalllng acarotty of green-baoks. Hme. EUza Blscacdantl and Geo. Evans are engaged at this place for ono year, and are the jn-emfer attraatlons. Omtri't Mtltitm does not Boom to feel the hard times, and Manager Corbyn has such a host ot talent engaged, that the houae iB'crammod, httoly; to ite ntn^ost seating and standing capacity. UeKtan Buekanan remains at Sacramobto, and Is said to be do- ing a fair business. ajU^i«i&.bly,t,:iuM^ ^^Wexed are '^6lii^^^u^^'p^^°^^Si^ BIOEMoifi> ypiSaHUSS. (Late PranUln Has.) - '' One door below the Exchange Hold: Acting and Stage Manager, •... .d. orsey Oads& TuBSDAX Etsbiho, December 23,1863. » " BocondNlghtof thihotr PIat ef the ' ' " •OUB^IIEAB.' 'ponfedent69. Captain Arthur Douglass....... Henry Douglass..O.fl. Mortori Blanten Douglaas..,0.. Morton Lieut Ogden ;F. M. Bates WiryWlUy e. Gorman' Jim Gently W.T. Wirt Clayton q, Beckham federals. .....Walter Eeebia •Jerry (servant)..J, VI, Then* Jack e. GrishuK Mrs. Douglass.. .Urs. .0. DeBar Bom Maylle..MleaEaUo £atell» Ellen Oraham.Ulss U. Jaokata Mr's..Bs;Finond.. .UlaaDenhaat jPfaU'i Ainu Tktairi, In our dtv, Is rapidly appnaohlhg comple- tion, opened by W. U. Lelghton in a few flays. It Is to bo called the 'EOroka Theatre,' o£d no doubt will be well patronised; as the location la superior to any thcaize to the dty. ' A medley party, called H. B, Gates's Parlor Edtertalnmente, are -now 6n a tour among Ihe mining towna and other'placeainPenn- sylvonia. Thoy had oecn in Tapiaqea, Pa., and expeoted to por^. form in Wilkcsbairo, Pa,, on Jan; 1st Tho company constsla of H. B. Gatea and lady, W. W. Price and lady, BUas. Marian, Mlas Melville j Lynn Vem, acting manager and comedian; T. J. Old-' -field, E, E. Burke, W. H, Hough, cto. They 4o comedy, fkice, and Ethlopeanlsms, - ' Ur. Forreat took a benefit and made his lost appearance at the Boston Thea&o on the 2d Inst, in his groat character of Sln^Lcar. Ur. Oouldook was ihe Ndpleht of a beneiflt at the Howard^ Boston, on the 2d Inat, and appeared as BIohoUoTt The cngago- Uent oloaed on the 3d. Business was not good,we regret to stfSo, ' Jas: E. Murdock, the eminent tragedian and eloouUonlat Is about to stert on 9 tour, prompted by patndtlain. We honor tha .MnUmont and hope it will rrovo successtuL' W. B, English caters most llberdly for the amnsement-lovlng Subllo of Boston. Lost week's programme, at tho Mattonal, was ooldedly a-'big thing;" viz., "fourteen now singers and dancers, now playiB, toot races and tebloaux, three fast mon, forty female inlBBtrels, grand maroh otiunazons, two groat plays, eto," Sure- ly, no more, nor grcator variety could be sorvcd up on one diah, ' We havo nows from Blchmond,'Va;, by whioh wo learn that two theatres are now in full blast in that olty-^theBtolunood 'Va- rieties and tho Broad-street Theatre How we got hold of this news, and ths jprognunmos whioh wa glvo below, is told in tho following lettor tsom Dan Worceater, once first old man at the Old Bowery Thcairo, and olsewhere, but now Istseijaant In Co.F, 27th Beglment 0. 'V, Dan waa among those who fought bled, suffered, and almost died In tha cause of our eountiy at the bat- tle of Frederlcksbuig, Vs. Hero Is Ihe "old man's" letter:— OAUP NRIS ttSMOOTB, Deo. 28, '02, Uk, QocER—ftdr <9(r—Enclosed j6a will And the progiammas of the Blohmond theatres, taken Ihim the RtAumi ExSnina; of Deo, Ud,' I was on picket duty yesterday, on the Bappahanheck Blver, andhadafewwoidsof convemtton with some of the rebel plokets, one «f whom gave me the Blchmond paper rafltned' to. ItlwaihtthetbMtriaa) portion w«aU tetoitst yoi^ andtliM^ Ua). Gen. Premont.J. Harrison I Fremont's Orderly..E.j.Brow» ^\ Stevenson BlU Si(«es Q. Uaxlmaa Ma), niton H. Smith Wills Joe 0. Wart«» S^oB ; .....Uias HaryParttogton Mlas Bosimond Oomcross To commence with „ lOVE Df ALL OOBHBBS. 1 ^™™»on—Fifty and seventy.flve cents. ... ./ BHOAD STREET THEATBE" ' IS.fSSJjli'i'''?!? J^ndseme daughters aii# biavs sens or our beloved Sratfi, to baatow their apprwlatton and.appUnsa m HAERY MACTABTHT, - m.«>...ii neSoldler'a Friend, ' ~ Who nos given over Nhie Thousand Bollara in aid of our stdes^ Go See Mlas LOTm ESThS^^' ' And Go Early ^ ^ ^"""^ *^ National Sosgiw MwS'Si Servanta, fifty cento. Seats UK- served for hidles and gentlemen accompanying them on]|y, _. „ , JoBK W. HoLTiBD, Buslness Agent. . T ^,!;"Sy '„'=°??f°y "PP**" »ln»to nku. New Havm. Ot» Si?^™ «i? ^""'I'S'y n»ven's iivorite, Ada Ptan- kett nowMrs. H. P. Gratlui,. A niece of Chanllran, the comedian, was married in Hohokea^ N, J., on Mew Year's day. to Thomas H. HaU, Esq, The wsddlM is said to have been a mamlflcent aflah;; the brido'a dreas. a vow eoaOy one, wasj)urehasedtnParls by her lather. , - Geo. .'Vandenhoff, who has eatled along very pleaaantlr hcoelo- fore, ','as he read-as he read," has at last come to mrief taST IjCuIb and Chicago, It appears that while reading HamleFiB St. Louis, one of the reporten then charged hlmwRhlnterpob* Usg a flhig at the people of the Eaatem Slates. The pissass In. Hamlet which created the trouble U where the grave dtoier. Is.' the fifth act says:—"Hamlet madnesa- wlU not be n^eedln EnglaiajieiMUKthenthtpmltaTtiumaiahe." Itlacharsodthai Vandenhoff read It JVew^gland, as a alar on the Yankees, Vm>- denhoff, we boUeve, denied the charge enjphaUcBlly. There was troublo in St Louis about it and it Is add that on one ocoasleB he was hissed, but on the following night .a party attended hto reading, for the purpose of supporting and applauding him. The rumor of his "Secession sympathies" did not lose anything in traveling to Chicago, and we hear that Ur. V. met with sons- rough usage In that cl^. We cap acarcely believe Mr. Tanden- hoir guilty of the. interpolation with which he la charged, even to suit aeccaaloh sympathlsen Ip St Loula. Were he reallx guilty, however, ho would be as nlad as those the grave digger so., glibly prates about - MlSs Bateman parionnod at the Brooklyn Academy on Wodnw.- day and Thunday, Deo. 31st and Jan. let I^ut we regret to state to very poor houses, comparatively, to what she has lately been in the habit of seetog. She was ably supported by Messra, Wal> lack, Adams, A. H. Davenport, and Mr, ^. E, Owens, In tho. "Hunchback," Mr. Owena' Fathom, behig quite a feature in the^ play, ao admirably was the character auatatoed. The aceneiy, for once, was appropriate and good. In Pauline, on the lat of Jan,, Hiss Bateman drew down the houae by her -acting,- aaC Adoma also created a very favorable impresalon. On both nights aho was called before the curtain and londly applaaded.. Ford's Washington Iheatre la no more. It was totally ds- stroyed by fire, on Tueaday evening, Deo. 30tb, 1662, betweea- the hours of five and alx o'dock. The building, with ita contents^, -was destroyed, the fiamea spreading -with great npldity, anoi bafillng all efforte to save the estebllshment Mr. Ford, :Wtr regret to hear, la a very heavy loser by the fire, but . will no doubt go to work at once, and erect another theatre on tha sito of the ruins, or, if possible, eeleet a bettor locall^, John T. Ford Is a worthy man and manager, a ntsn oC energy, who, after- seasons of adveralbr, was now on the rise, and dolu a aplendUK business at his 'Washington Theatre, This la said to be ths- aecond time Manager Ford has been burnt out Wehopeltmnr be the laat The last periormonce given In the theatre took >hice on the 29th Dea, the play behig 'Tashlon," with Ur. and. Uias Blchlngs in the cast; andwearaaorry tolaam that thos» artistes ore great sufferen by .the fire, the greater partofthe-. wardrobe and mualo of the specUdta of "Batanella" and the- "Enchantreas" being daatroyed.. The company are all losers to- a greater or leas extent, and a benefit waa (dventhematOioverS- Tbeatieonthe8d...ThewaIlBofthebnlldinghavebeanordenft . tobetaken down, topreiventaoddent Itwasafoitonate thing that Ihe.fln did not break out while a performanoe waa in - pio- greas, for in that case loss of life might have boon added to lesB- of property. It la steted that Mr. A. S. Famoyer,'agent for Mr,, and Mlsa Bichings, succeeded in saving their own private ward- robe. Speaking of the fire at Ford's Thoatro, a correapendent^'ia Waahihgton, writing on January 8d, aays:—-"It broke, oat. at exactly half.paat five, and ftom the time the alarm-ME:':' nmg till I reaohcd the spot (only two blocks ftom my-- hold), tho whole theatre was enveloped, hi flames. -WllblS'- fifteen mlnutea firom the flrat alarm. It was one completo furnace. I never saw any place bum ao quickly. - H is a- mercy it did not occur later in the evening, or the consequences might havo been dreadful. Thdre is no doubt itwaa the work of antocendiory, as it first commenced under the stage boxeSr- doaa to the metre. The heat melted themain-pipe, which was lead, and then the long stream ot baming gos aoon set fire to the whole hulldlng. Ibid the main pipe neen of iron the thea- tre might have been saved. Mr. Fora pnte his loss down at $20,000, (16,000 of which he is tosured for. ' Mr. and Mlsa Blob- Ings are great snfCenis, as they lose all their wardrobes and!, music, bnt, by great exertion, their Jewelf and private' wardMM" were aaved. Mr. Fendon, the leader of the orchestra, mdums the' loaa ot a very valuable violin, which he has plaved on for 30 years;. All tho other Instrumente and mudo are alao lost What money- hod been taken, during the day, for engaged ssate, was nearqr bat; thvy hod Juat Ume to get It and that was an. All the mam- ben ot too company lost every aUtoh of wardrobe they-had:. There is a beneflt for tho sufferers—that Is, for those profession- - ally engaged at Ford^s Theatre—to-nl^ht (Jan, 3), at Grover'a - Theatre. Messrs. HambUn, of Waahlngton varieties, have kind- ly permitted Uesats. Hernandez, LaPeUte Halols^ MdOc'-Zoe, Ben Yates, the Budworth Brothers, PaulBerger, Mo:;s. S^Ilosy, . and Mdlle. Oeraldlne, to give their serrices.' A portion ot'ths i Canterbury aio also gotog to asalat Let us hope ihev will hsva - a bumper. Every cent taken is to be banded over for the - poae abovo mentioned." Lann Eeene'a company, firom. Mew Trfrki eonpoaed of Tf. K' Blake, Xevlok, Peters, 0. Walcot Jr., H, F. Dalley, 0. Wheat- lelgh, and the fair "Laura," opened' at the Walnut PnllsdelphlB, on tho 29 th ult, and continued through the week, playing to ieitcol- lent houses, the attendance on several occaalons being vai^largsb Thosejood old-fBshlon$d English comedies have held thii.Doards!, and,wrth-ona or two excepUons,wen exceedingly.we]I.,<!asL Laura Eeene hcnelt mot with.a hearty welcome, and-'yobuK Walcot also came to for a "show of hauda." ' It was MArod thats disturbance would ensue on the lint night owing to some.oo-- called-fOr remarks made by Mr. Blake a few yean ago, Whtiii he r and a portton of Wallaok'd company performed In that dty,'biii: wearohappy toaayttiatthe good sense of tho people of ^bUs- dolphla prevailed, and for the Sake of tho fair Laura, Ur. B.'.was "let alone." On Thunday evenhig, Jos. lat the ■.•Heir at taw"- was givon, and a correspondent who-waa preaont stejea thAtMr.-. Blake waa eltoer lU, or actnethlng else, for he did not should his -. usual form, but on the contrary, could acarcely bo understood. It Mr. B. hopes to meet with favor at the hands of - the peoMe of - Philadelphia, he must then, as hero to Mew York; "act wd) his- part," which he can do whan so toollned. As Dr. Panglo8S,-Mr.. walcot Jr., was entirely out of his line, and made'a fine , bnr- leaquoot tho part' Mr. Leriok waa out of hia dement asDlok. Dowkss. Mr. Blake enacted LordDubnly in adnblOua manner. .'Wheatldgh, as Zeklel, and Laura, aa cicely, -ware' veiy good. The company remain this week, and the comedy of "No Beat for the Wlcked"will be produced. The noontvldtof Ur. J, C. Myen' Froridence ooqpany^- Sprlngfield, Mass., waa .ao flattering, that thoy have, occttpted; an tovltetlonto re-visit that pboeforten nights; eonuiendng: Wednesday eventog, Jan. 7. - Mr. Mjera' company Is aald to be the best that haa -nslted Sprtogfield for a long time. Annie Eberle Is the leading Udy. B. W, Bealtle; acapitill old man, is atlll with Mr. Myon, and -will rtm tho season torough. -' Ih; the - abaenoe of the dramaUo cohpany, the Academy, at f ivridepo^ will beocoupled by the Perdan - Ooujurer four nlgh'ts,'dn'd.tha Bedouin Brotoon and Harry Gilbert for one weoki Mr. Uyen irlli rotum to Providence to time to open with Maggie, UltiuisB and his dramaUo company on the'19tn, ' ' >l<.«>, ' Mr, Joseph Proctor was to havo succeeded Ur. and;.Wa- Biohtogs, St FOrd's, WashlngtoD,'bnt tho destruction of that building, by fln, pute an end to (Aol engagement and Ur. 7. en- joys his home a llctls while longer/ „ '.m^'-L^ Mr, Hanoholt and Mlaa Price are tho attraeUona At the Metro- politan, Boohealcr. - : Mr. Eddy Is Btadylng the part of Jean TaUean, to L<s Uf^an- hies, soon to be produced by that gentleman. ' .\ - ui J. a. Hanley, now with Myen' Providence ooopMiy. ™'"r gaged for three months, and, supposing that wouH Mid JBjmj- aon, subsequently engaged with Vreeman M»»naJVas.g!«» manager for toe Howard, Beaton, to take dfeet to two w« when his engagement with Mr. Mr«".£i"?'-f2,ij- ' aoter, and a worthy gentleman, andMf- ' has to lose him, . • ,,,.J^ priMn'iMSa^T'iaS!^--