New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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m » •ai j- il iii'! ,•. -I' .>2fril;J.:-': It.'.' !■) '.wtiotiVi.r; .1. ■■.»;-jJj<'''-"'"' wlMa:lM»:: ■tatendit in ngud to triMidaiatiilicltr. - ,wiip™,iBj««»« -^^noo^ I mill* ttito tha IbriBM by » score of 7i to M. A. ^f^'^JSi^*,^ to lwlhSb«iieflt of Ui nmnawv ■ooioontho^riimlngiiae.andMaATOy'Blfoni^^^^^^ ■.■l Jr.-, ,■ a»olirtrtilji>»topr«f»nonli« . V • Onco moretodhnM bwa*^ . ,V,,lli«»rtth»»n»tewBl<>h«)i»B»'«.l .T>ao<S,/^.A>'y:..TikwthitfonttMilni •; • .vriiiClnlv ■« •'ii6o^l,rtrfUi8P«nodtliii*lMi l^..vf.'1I.T^.^;'l.. Ngjf^jjjlljf mtUnnUkUi; • ■ r-vv • ^tSelie«ftd*fwrttoMUu>ylot(v- /intaW,.0.- ' A0iUJ8T10» . i<(.'.'uik'-.,^t'>fa,i|'|weatATonr WiitlftilBtr*^ ^'."-> . •'' ^ tioti ffioluntiit toe like klUt; B «im wb«r* I «1U> vbste'er I.I On «bs J8tb or Ootober, a matoh pUyed on tt»^*^5S?X noondj^ for tba benefit of the profaadontfa of ^ ' • " the conleat being bet»eantwo^eUTenB S^«tga,'ana milow oloba, the c-; of tna of Hwr York and Long Island, «bo nanlt bang tte mec^ lalandarabyaaooreoi 131 torn, with rix^etato^^ am'i M iraa the beat aoore on theSe^rlork aide, and Hudson a '"ma^tte'aSS?inthl.^olnlty.«.dolo..dthe season's O^CECBT iBABOn PF 1669. B«iiiwv«gtf» abtl«f Tasndla of the fiitUlaTen matohea that haTtbeennoordedlnihe Oumathlaaasaon, Indpdlng thoie .feoa otbai plaoe* than NeirTorkand Itavloinlty. The aeuon of 1860 ha* been one of the poorest we ban bad to reocM lor many yean pait. bntiBtUo inleieetbelng inuilfcatM in tha gta byibemamMit ot (dabs ImmedlatalyIntereated. Theattendt uee «t apeotatoia at the most nnibaionate pataonliad matohea, ha* nerwexoeeded a bandied, aomotwenv or thirty loOkeiMn being about the mn«ralfl*n«;panjata» pteadied against tbiae irere only about a sixth of the nmnber webave pievlondy JjJgJ^ b«»»w™» » n plsyof 18«3. XHB FOIiPIT, AND BVAOB. Onnningbam. a provinalalaotor, onoeaent the'jUowlngtoa ^SMdmnSemm who pteaohed against the bypooilsy of aIUrylu(dd:(eafa. B earn where I will, wuaw'er I.may see, A bnaaoE athonie, afreet ATjin,' .'tis thee.... T hat foreUMt wlll rank in Metaoty's store, T omt of poetla Bhakespttteaalore. ' . 0 ^ how it apetka to the sonl and Uie eye 1 ■ w M, otewhatagiraeeflilandaiaiAIy air, ABfwarlngthe'j^rtof'^aAgelfklr, . T ested in tow.«r and apire, that greets '.'.r- 'O nr <lew4(oiB iaany a point,'aina entreat* . . 1} arei Hue to forget while the heart beats. r oAnt of poena Hnaaespereaa lore. ) ne ttly not gazi wlthodt a.aad thrill i Jndlng the heart at thbng^t of •■Sweet ,Will," i )'winfflug to dnstr thb obnrobbu&by. «een'vresent on these interastlng oooislons. Therpisno.dotibt that Ae continued adherence to theaystemiottedlons deiayaand male of time In orloketmitohei, which la bo oharaotsrlstto of the BbglUb manner of plkylng the game, baa a great deal to do ^tbthelaiik of Inteiett manileated In regard to oiloket in this ooontry. The average of the matphea played this seoMn Is Ave .hows and a half for eoob . game, thd yet Ujere were fl»e guaes played that oocnpled .two days, when ali boon at the ntanoat would have sufficed.. Ibe roles' of the game are nevei^ adhered to, and olnbs act In this leapeot as if time was of no more Talue in tbla country, than it la to the olaas of arlatooiatUi drones that bare so mnoh lelanie In Eoglaod. UntU thla grsT« dtfeoVla itmedled, it la uaeleB to expeot to see crloket aa well patronized aaBaae la* The flntiragiilaT contest was that between the Kew ToA and 'ViUow doba, wblob took place on the grounds of the latter, at Bedford, on th^SIat of Miy, ihe resolt being a vliito^ for Oe .'.(fi BBBPNISOBNOBB -'^''^.'^^^MiBxlB'sn^^ XHrn'm took oupm, 'BT JAOOB PEROl^. V'lBulBg =thiB latter part of Pordy's .management, and.alao du- 1^ the manaMOienrof Bell Oarr, I was m regular tre^eatar'ot . <ii^ ^«tlim«t.flfc«iitwi, nftiaitfolnff there fonrdr flTetlmtsa WeeM. .f^kaito wa* *-<g*y>oroMlof'boys who used to make the old the» rwa<ti:bBaflqnaHars at' thai time. - They were Tory utafDl to -.ttflrbanaMment at times. One night, a certain actress, well dMWn' to eut4ldeis, andwho is noted for the! beauty of her cvb9inaIploporHonB,whlah.sbe displays without much reaerre L>fii'-4h*'<mn(fli ^y" and "Vizard SUfl;"wa8 performing the 'l'«idlt-of Haob^ Wltohes were scarce, and the singing was ■ laiher poor. 'Thig boys sawthe trouble, and (wUhout being ask- i!«l>V*nerou'elyTOhintseied their services. Boon the witches' ''Choms w*s awelled To an startling degree. Every one sang in f.:lH««*m Hmiy ana to hie own tune. It seemed aa if all the In- .rAittabt Pandemonium bad been'let laoa^ and that they were "laffUtF.'aV'Orsnd Amstooi Concert" on their own hook. The n vtt'b^is, astonished at such an Innovation, upon the usual order .(OfitUng*; soon began to make remarks, In'their usual style, and «U'/ttieiriisnal lloweiy lingnago'. -^ Oancame around.'and ,-<BiBlMd the amateur witches - to stop their nolae, end was there* . >:«iaoil rte^eotfolly nqneated to b'etuce himself to a locality more noted for warmth than comfort, forthwith. The lady manage- ■IMir thsn put in an appearance, and begged fOr silence, and '.^far some lUgbt demure, her boon was granted. . :*>'-^fben Pnrdyliad the theatre, thejre was en individual In the -^blt of oomlng there who went by the sohrlqoot of "Fish." e-tigUb." walr a singular specimen of the fenm homo. He was ' viboot five' i^t one Inch In height, and very thin. He had a very .ledfkce, which prodaoed a plentlfal crop of pimples. Bis hair ^^wat the color of plno shavings, and as straight as it could posal- I'Mjrbek Upon bis upper lip he had some twenty or thlrnj)sle >: wlow hairs,' no ttro of which grew in the same direotlon. These nw hairs, "Flib," In the exuEerance of his delight at poasess- .-fngi^ndh a caricature of the real artlole, Invested with the title :■ of/• moustache. "FUh" had rather singular Ideas in regard to , dfahutlo pMbrmances. If one of Bhakespeare's plays was .■ilising :penbrmed, he would surely be asleep before the conolU' aloh of the Second act; but U snob plays as "Claude Suvel," or c^.'Ihe Scarlet Uantle," constituted the evening's entertainment, r iB'WOuld bU as If spdl-honnd, and, on looking at blm, one woulc I .'iBlmoet be }ed to euppo'se that he possessed the extraordinary fk- ' ctiltr of listening with bis moutL Broadsword combats were . bis especial delight On oneoccaslon; In a revolutionary drams, can actor, personating OeneralTrashington, fought a desperate t'iieiid>a^with three buok muaaled Heamansi "Fish" was in his I'.gtoiy.'i. EDooiUi^ notkeepstllL Hetwleted and wriggled on Us L.'Mat^jiidlanSry muacle In his body seemed to be working.' At I Jatt washlDgtcnvanqnlshsd his three opponents, and -the our- , iitatn f^ "Fish,"irlth hiB eyes sparkling with pleasure, remark- .•jigdrtoone'ofhla companions:— , ■ ■ cffWhatBiflghterthatVashlngtcn must have bean. I,et'a go „-4akie»dilnk." ij';'iuAUhou<b:Someof blsbearemmlnhthavebad a poor opinion ■y -iUfSUSVi' education, on account oi.hls Ideals retard to wash .^duiMUSOt one of them deoUned lila Invitation to «smlla.v Sin. ,;..' Owinlght, aflar jPurdy bad gon^ home, one of the nshers of ■.. ttis theatre (a gentleman who Creonently appears at sparring ex- li .Ubltkma), allowed "Flah'' and four or five otiien to take pos- } ; •esslon of a private box. "Pish" bod been out the night belero,- i^vtlsltln8:scnn of the picture galleries west of Broadway, and In ^:,«aMBguence thereof he was rather sleepy. Now, when "Plsb" nMnnttoaleepbe—well, beilqit. h:.^ tbis occasion even, bis llUng for a blood and thunder mdo- c Anwpa ifhloh was being performed could notoveicome bis incll- , BtUon .to visit "Dieamund." He wss soon in the arma of Mor- ;^ .pbW, with Us bead resting on the front of the box, and com- ' Bypoorlsy'B Son, Bo more ot your fan, A truce to fknatlcal railing; \niy live at thb Stage f •Tla known to the age, ' That both of n* live by deceiving, '■ 'Tla froiiaently said, 'That two of a trade ' yna fteely each other bespatter: ' Bu^ trust me, they're fools, mo play with edg'd tools, 80 Ist'a have tao more of the matter. BUU> PRIZB FIOHT. We telatedifi abort tbne ago, a "sorimiiiage'; between a Jay MewTorkei*, do game being deolded by the result of thoflist Innings, the HewXorkscore^tielngiei. and tbatof theVmow jji^^ „d i ooupte of woodpeokera, in which the Jaybird was flO. Bharp led the sooie on the Hew York side, gelUnB 34, ud ^„ted. We have now to record a sbnilar alblr, wblob took Hammond onihealle of the Willow dub, his score being 13. p]^{i^ Etanolsco recently. A Jaybird undertook to pick Be made ST in tbe 3d innings. j ^ up a few stray ants that were mnning on one of the trees, wboi OnlnnothelBth, amatcbwos played between the 'KewTorfc ^i^,^o,;{|p«akera immedlataly attacked him, and drove blm to and American dnM, at Hoboken, the result of course bebig. toe Uj^, ground. Be alighted In the dust, nibius some of bis feath. Buccess of the former, whose score in the fli^lnnlngs 'was 1^ Besting awhile, bo again flew into the tree, and was again toatotalof.TS inbolh the InniiM of ibelr wpponknts. Hud- Ugggugd'tarionsly. He bdd bis position manftally, and with hla 8on'sMwaatbebestBCoreontbirNewTorkdde,a&dBralnud'*^piot^gledbyabuncbof th^ foliage, be gave full swing to 19 in the second Innhigs, the best on the part of the American bis head, and the way the feathers flewttom thebscksof the idub. ■' jL.. ^' red-h&ded6u)kuAader> was a caution. At last, having made a On the 14th of June a match took place at Pblladdphla be- p„digionBiasgewithbls bill at the head of one of bis assail. tween the All United and Osceola dubs of that dty, which re- 2],|rfbe Jaybird's foot slipped, and down bo went, half way to aalted.ln fkvor of the Osceola eleven by • score of 81 to S3, the vio- (1^^ ground, before he oonld recover himself. By tbla time the ton having one wicket to fiU. Bull's score of 13 wss Ihe best on re^.^eada were upon bia baek. and peeled, him well, before be the Osceola Bide, and WiB&t's 10 on that of'the An CiUted. reached ah adjoining tree. There he met with a new opponent, On May Slat, the OUppewa chib, of Pblladtipbla, and united, g]j,p, m old woodpecker, who seemed to think his pro- of Trentos, bad a matoh together, in which the Chippewa came Nopip^ve mansion had been intruded upon. Hardly had the oiT victorious, by a aooro of 77 to 76. Hunley'aiawsa ttebest - • •- v-v„.r Bcoieon the Pbilado^Ma dde,and Bloom's IS on that of the {^^^j Trenton deven. , as If it would Shake his own from Its spinel Junction. In a On Uay 21th, the Jenlore of the Bast New Tork and Queen's fg^^ more the othere were at him, and Uie Jaybird hod again ■ " .V-...-..i'■^—'.r—i. _vi,i. 1 . . _ . .. ibjgtniokoutforalongilgbt, andehotoir Els antagonist* pursued, overtook him in _ ji'sll came together into Judge Stout's gar- 33ontbepartofEastI?ewToik. - - den. There, they were too much for blm, and the stelned pin- On the 37th of June, a match took place between the Median- mage of poor Mr. Jaybird abowed that bis wounds were severe, lo's and Chippewa olnbs, of Pblladdpbls, the result being A vlo- JtUst be sunk flat to the euth, unable to make farther resist- BILLIARD TABLBB ■' in ■ ' ; ■. OOHBmA-nO* OOBHIOHB. VNteetsa by tetfen Patent dated Veb. 1». Utet OeL ■ '(jS Sea Msnt JaiLia, l&Si Not. lei Uttt iln£Sia''<^ Bepteabar3»,U«). ^'"««»iW»n| The ncent tmproTaaeata in these Tablas aska Ui^ I passed in the world. TheTarenowoOBied tea«daD3r>9ik pUyenaaeenblnlng speed wUh truth naret tSg r5S.M> W SSyBUliard-tobErAJa?^ | PBELAK'S NEW BOOK—"The dame of ] lib editioB, enlarged, revised, fflnstrated with ta^S^IL grams and* portrait on itedoirthe auttior.'' PrlMT^lL^ I W.W.W,ande»OrSS,n^ B .B A T BBW 7 B 0 0 E ail BO OS SI MBW SONT BAIL TO SEND^ BOB BOp-tlll A OATA&'Oatl, OUB bBW OAXALOOTJB, HOW BBAST. BBMT VBBB-IOBTAOB PAID—OR APfiaugg^ TBS 0U> w""*"'"*"*" AHD'OBIiX BEUABU B0()^-.. . ASD BPOBTma OOODB AOIlo^ Whm taim m vnnptly Miiy^ibftillr SBeent*^, uinm, ZHOlUB OBMBBT. UatbisBnOai^" t MHsiwnBtw*,K;i,:)a tory for the former, "by a score of 133 to 111. Senior's S3 on the | one of the sesasslns coolly mounted upon bis back, Ueohanlo's side, and Barlow's 38 on ihe part of - the Ohlppewas, h^ieoed blf daws in ^ his feathers, and throwing bis head back. words as fhr as the leverage would permit, came down with bis bill upon the Jaybird's skull with such force that Itulercedat once to the brain, and laid him out as dead as Cock Bobln. Thua ended the tray, and the woodpeckeie flew back, with exultant clamoh to the trees. 'What will the "respectable" papers say to this "bi^td display?" Death or Bulob Jack.— Jack Cooper, familiarly known in the early days of "Verba Bn'ena," California, as "Bailor Jack," died were the highest scores of the match. , On JoIySth, a matoh was V>ysd between the Benssellaer County club, and the Harmony.dub, of Oohoes, N. Ti, which xe- anlted in ikvor of the Oohoes eleven, with six' wickets to fkll, the total score being 133 to 130. Adame'acore of 89 waa tlie beat on the Beniaellaer aide, and X Wbitehlll'a 28 on that of the Oohoea dub* On July 9th, the Batdllte and Boat WOllamabnrgb dubs bad a match together, the' result behig a victory for the latter,'«Hth MlJo1,*r«ienKM \B.E TOUNG AHtf'BIOA l^lBiI .iin> OENBRAL PUBOEASNO AOENOT, OomUOTIDBT ' ' EDOAB. UORPHT &i!0., at 81 Nassau atree^ - ' New York, ' Are now prepared, with increased uoUIUes, to supply Boik Cards, Prints, Photcgrapha of Btatesmon, Literary men, Ad«q and Actresses, 'Vocabsls, Army and Navy Offlcen, and Po ~" Newspapers and Usgazlnes (foreign 'and domestio), ] Gloves, Perfumery, Jewelry, etc., eto. Storeosooplo Views, Song. Books, Hoyle's Qames, Bcib^' BookSi'Novds, oto. ^- ■ ' LONDON, PABIS, flBUBSELS. AMD TANEEB NOTIONS. .. Bend for Catdoguea. p Bond for Catalogues. Bend for Catdoguea. Beilster your money letters at our risk. ^ £DaAB,UOBPH7A00 opponents. On the 33d of July, the Hff">'«w«'' olnb and East Wlllla^ps- bnr^ played together, the latter wionlng with eight wiCketa to &1J, the totd score being 83 to 19. Boyd's sooie of 33 waa the bast on the M-"*««*mn ^dg, Pink's 18 on that of the victors.' On July leth, the Ucdea dub and the Dorian, of, Havenford, Fa;, bad a contest together, whldi\ resulted In .£nor of. the former by a score of ie in one innings to U In two, the Dorians buxyliig ground ot the Ulsalsn Dolores. Cooper arrived at Ban Franoltco In 1833 in a whaling vesad, and in 1849 owned conald'- eiahleraopertyinthevlolnl^of the present location of Pcnn- eylvanu engine house, on Jackson street. In the rear of wblob was a mnmng spring of pure water, around which he bad plant- ed a row of ines, and erected aeatsin the diade. Hoatof bis property was cheated away Item him or passed out of his hands, some of it going Into those of Palmer, Cook k Co., but the lot ad- sceieof 166 to 87;. Hammond's (9 vrts the best-score on the Willow side, and Tan Borien'a IS on that bt the St. Oeorge olnb. . On August the Sth, the Faat New Tork end Si Qoorgo cluba played tocetber at Hoboken,.the result bdnc the defeat of the tatter by a score otOSto 01, GeOne WrigUMUBl'wa^^e 'Ueft score on the BL Oeorge aide,'Old' Hudson's;3i^-'on that of Bast New Tork.' On Ananst Sth, the l^ecbanloa and Chippewa dubs, of Phlla- ddpli%aad tbhlr return game, the result being another triumph ror me Ueohanles by a.score of 187 to 66. Pratt's 33 was' the Mat score on the Chippewa side, and Benior'a .18 on that of the Uechanica. On the 19th ot July, the Titles and Amsterdam dubs played together at Utiea, N. T., the result being the success of the Uboa eleven.byascoreof i6 .tol4. Slnlmond's .7 waa the beat acore on the part of the vlotois, and Kevin's i on that of the Amster- dam dub. On Jaly.30tb, the Bast WllUamsburgb and .Satellite dnbs ; )layed a niatob together, the lesult tieing a victory for the , , , ^.-^.^ ,,,formBrbyaecoreote8to77. Wsrd'a 33 was the best score on .■i.jWcedperfCrmlngaBOlowltb bla nassl orgm wblob it would' the East WllliamsbUTgh dde,and Paller'B 13 on thatof thdr Meztremalyhard to equal and almoet imposdble to excel. At — <- iUjing iix men only at the bat in iadi imilngs. 'sillford'a 13 i«}^B the P'^^^l'"^ J^bv ^JthitoS ?f was^ beet score on the Uedea side, andArMllford-B 10. on bta name.. =«"'.^nsi'^"?^,^^ '"^' »' "°« that of the Dorian. | bis death was seventy-throe years old. On the 28th of Jqly a matoh was played at Hoboken between anEnabsbdoveno(theN6wTorkdnb,andthIrteen Americans I uAMrinroa A*m /vphotq uriN'rim ofthoBtOeorge,EastNewTork,aiidQueons County dubs, the rpO DOG FANCIERS AND OTHERS.—W AN'TED. result being a victory for the Hew Yorkere by a ecore of 131 to L the use of a wdf-bred Black and Tan Bull Terrier, or Terrier 19, the gome being the first innings. Badler'ailwas Dog, IBlbswdght Host have dark tan, fine hair, the besit score on the Bodiah aide, and Boblnson'a IS on that of wide round head, large full eye, round-and shortsnout, fine theAmericons. ■ Umbs, full Cheat, and a fine tall, not too high on leg, with a pluok. On Juiy^th, the St. OMrge mdWindwdubs pbkyed together, thatTvelgbsaton. Any person having such a dog, wUl confer a at Hobaken.tbe result beCig a victory for the'Wiltowa by a great favor by addressing ihe subscriber, with fbllparaculais, a* — - -» — ' '• 'to dog, pedigree and terms. ■WILLIAM CLARKE, 89-lt* Box 120 DanielsonviUe, West EllUngly, P.O., Ct OW SELLING PPW AKDS OF 1000 .COPQS FB ■WEEK." FATHOIjOOT . 0» IBS BBPBODnOTIVE OBGANS,. . BVBSBIL T. TBALL, U.D. . , : ', THE gBXUAL OBOASI&M. nx JAUES 0. JACKSON, U. D. IMPOETANT TO HOHSB FANCIERS AND SPORTS- UEH OENEBALLY.—A cdebrated French Secret, by whloh, "The treatises In thl* volume are upon subjects of the ttHt importance in a phydologled point of view. These subleeta m bandied in an able maimer. The authors are medlcu Baa'4 large experience; and the advice which they give la Bauiid;Bl applicable alike to the guidance of parents and to the haiBit of the young. A perusal of the work will do much ttf Horn hedthy mental and bodily fonctldns; while to suffering hnmultr, it offers Judldons advice, wblob may eavo manyftom oooiito ting their sufferings by resorting to qnack doctors and empiied treatment"—Boeton Journal. "Should be read by all old enough to nnderatand it."—Wda OureJoumaL "It will be the ssuxce of muobgood; being prepared with c&% and bom abundant knowledge."—Boston Traveller, "It is a book fbr the ttmea, and should be in every tusDj,'- World'e Orlsls, Boston. V '' "An honest effort to dlilbse useful information. Mostpovdn works pn this ButiJect are tbe reverse of this, end are mere id- vertlsemenia ot quacks."—Plymouth Rook. * 'A vdnable addition to medloal literature."—Boeton fim vrith a allnple preparation, the wildest horses can be rendered iiu. ,. „ pcrftotly dodle. To be obtained oin.T by endosing twenty-fiv^ "A vduable book for the oiBletod, and for all wbowonld noita - A- A. AU. ..... .# n.— jwtn nr.u..,.. Vaoa . 89.Xt* ..««..1a A# mwaf ImMv^Ani-a in nil" Hjiatnn fJillluMl. cents to the oare of Box 479, Worcester, Uaas. ;V>i*w>i matters on .the etage were conducted in a very looee ..yiQanner. The heavy villain of the pleoe having to fire at tbe Cr-'flrtqonslOTyer,'.'and observing'*nsh,'''made a rush over to ..x'Wt side ,of. the etage, and dlsohargedbla pistol so dose to ij,.^<<Bi«h'a"'bead, that ue flame ficom the muzzle einged bia hair. i::-'<;inah"lazily opened bis eyes, and gazing around, sleepily said (. ■>)4ihls Qompsnions A- .v!?>%WBqT you fellows to stop fooling,''and again sank into bis ilfotajer somiiOlent state, . ,. ;1wl> ?urdy was adzed with a religious fit, snd dlowed a rell. ;^ gwiu'pangrfgatlon to use the theatre to worship In on Sanday ;'^«veiung, there was aomebJgh old proceedings. They had a new 1,.; j^taetontbeatage, and aamall foot stone for the minister's .^-'.sg^iUl'uss. There were but the house—about . .'[i^imtr or thirty Jadles tieing in tbe first Her, and about a dozen ^ j|i4f|iBa In the second tier private boxes.. As therewere but few '^.^wpiiien, Ihe alngbig of tbe hymns would have been a deaatdlure, ',^|IiM lt'not been Ibr the disinterested kindness of the same gen- u.;j|feg>^:Who lent their vduable dd in Uoobeth, These gentle- made every effort in their power to eupply the lack of fe- Aials TOlces, with what effect may be Imanoed, but not de- ii^stlbed.. Afur'the hymn waa fiAilahed, the uithfDl were aston' • .ijtwu^lbj bearing the most furious stampbig,.olapplng, yelling, l;diMrlng, ftomthe pit. The mlnlster.starled back aghaai; nUed bia hands and made a motion for alienee, but It was of ijnll; the taolse increased; and one youth, ambitious to dlstln- rhimseU; I eapbose, ■ began crying "Eddy, Eddy, Eddy," t^ ahaip tones, while a sepulobrd voice on the other side 'onsa drswied'out— n-ston," "John-slon." ;aeie'names ware mentioned I cannot ImsBtne. The proDiably did so from mere force of habit. BUenoe was se- . /at IssL and the minister began bis discourse. All went on •vgmeothjyt^ towards the dose, w^en tbe minleter, "warming i,mli his eilbleot, began .to sp.eak loudly (a low murmur com* t'..alienoed'to.anaeilromihe p|t). Here and more eameat grows , ':.9ti hilnlster^liis voice grows louder and louder—his eyes Sash , . geaBdnlates'.frtldly iflth lils arms above bis hesd (the mur- : MOf grofn louder and louder). At last, wrought up to a perfect ;; sarozysm of rdljgious frenir, and shouting at the top of bis '. T)t(W, he seizes the heavy, bible ^th both bonds, waves it thrieo :'. ',1^ the air,' and than brings it down on the toble with a tremen- .',' dous oraahl This oapa the climax; tbe murmur, which wasUl die tUhe^inareaalng, now breoksArUi into a perfect yell of de- '.'.' Ilgfht xhf bojB, by round after Tound ot applause, testify their ';,'!bppreolatlonof the speaker's oratoricd'powors. For thetinle '. .twng, J, E, Allen is placed completely in the shade. ' 'While these proceedings were going on in the first tier and . pit, a performance of a very dlfforont imaraote:^ was in full blast .' In the sooond tlor lobby.. .In this place they, bad a nann' ; triumpbd prcoesEdon, ot wblob atCertatn indlvidod wbomi will call Jack Anderson, officiated as .Orand Jiaiehal, and 'Of whloh , . the tank and file waa composed of small boy* with faces more or uss'dirty. Andersen bad one American flag wrapped around ^^lllm, aiidlnonehandhe waved a second. EvU minded persons '^nUl'have Slid that Jsok hUd been looking at tho oolllng ough the bottom of a tumbler a little too often for perfect so- ity. Aflerko got tt^ougB with his procession, ho proceeded live a grind acrobatic performance, the priaolpd porformeia -|g the atotesald boyfi. They twisted and tumbled In various l/>ii*omo time, and wbon their spiriU began to flag, Jock atlmnute them to farther efforts by unllmllod promises ■ifllM. When the porfomumce waa over, the performora for their numeger; but Jack, like a great many otUor . . maiwsnL (whoso nine la more wlddy epreod) when placed In fbSMmiposItton, wasnonot, , . - ^ .•• ■ ' itf!!/^j5?*5'?? bta performers, a young man, who, it was ' Mid. tntendsd to fOUow the legal profession sa a means of Uvell- boodi.oommmiod to exert his eloquence in endeavoring to po^ ',/AadilAfiMuUqof dubiousohatocterto atand on herheadlbra ; : ,t«np«ikt ptiMie,; The logd genUemon bad almost succeededwhon opponents^ On Aug. 13 and 14,a nand matdi was played on the Bt Oeorge rounds, at Hoboken, between an eleven ot Queens County, 1.1., and an eleven of Ihe St Oeorge dub, the result being the Blgnd defeat-of tiie Queens Ocnnn players by a score, on the )artof tbe St Oeorge olab,'Ot,318 m one Ihntngs, to 89 In' two nnlnge. Horry Wright's fine score of 70 was the best on the Bt Oeorge side, end slso of the season's pUy, Byron's 14 being the' beet on tho Queens County side, OnthelOthof 'Augoettheretam gome between tbe Satellite and East Willlamsbnrgb dubs was played on tbe grounds of the former, the result being a decided Tlobiry for the Satellites, by a total score of 317 to 71, fMrinniiua being played. UltcbeU'aSS was the best single score on the Batdllte side; and' J. Hadfleld's 8 on that of their opponents. On Aug.'31 and 31,theSt'Oeorge°dab visited. Boston, and there enmged in their return match' with the Boston dub, the result being a triumph of the Bt Oeorge deven byas«ore ..... JsokAnda^son^s ad'^T^*:*^'»''^^<* the-Ouwin. •Be need ^. l^«yei3^, Bund^.mo^ 'Mlii it H^M AOV w Ban Brandsco, Oolifoiiti at>and nno SPORTSMEN.—The Grand Baffle for tbe finest J. Double Oun In America, is POSTPONED tlU JANDABY 32d, 1863. 100 Bbaree at tS, to come off at HABUEB'B, Broad and Obestnnt Btreete, Phlladdphlb Send orders for shares (where the gun is on exlilbltian) to PHILIP WIUON It OO.'S Bports. men's Depot, 416 Ohestout st, Philaddpbla. (Tally list of throw* wifi be published In this paper.) 38-3t &AME FOWL.—Tbe nnOerelgned offers for sale bis enUie stock ot OAME FOWLS, comprising sdections from the best stock in America, and carefblly bred byblmaelf. All Fowls sold by me, I warrant Dead Oame. Reference given if re* quired. Address PETEB BRANSON, 97-Sm* 1009 Portland street, Philaddpbla. HOI YOUNG MANl-TboFe horrid BOILS, PIM' PLES, fcc, on the FACE, CURED t Aotndly ouredt No Humbug I Full medicine, with Instructions, sent to any oddrees on recew of Twelve Stamps. Address J, E. UABTIN, P. 9, box 13, Hswley, Po.-^ 30-Ot* TEE ANGLEB'S YALUABLE SECRET, on a trial of which can be obtained large quantltlos of tho red genn- IneArtlolo. No humbug. Address, enoloalng 96 cents, to the oare of Box 479, Worcester, Mass. 80-lt* It* connsds are of great Importance to oU."-Boston Cosgisp* ttonallst "Contains practical information that should be known and ui- ed upon by parents and children, the married and alngle.. lbs obapun devoted to children and their management ought to be road by every mother."—Nonda, (N. Y.) Nows. "That thla la a suggostlre volume must be admitted, we thu^ by dther a professional or non-professional reader. Engiged, ■ we are, In advocating a general refbnn of our sodd hohuisid opportunities for physical improvement, we ball with delight on suggeitlve influence^ that may be brought to bear upon ou» voritalineof action, come from what quarter itmay. Welhe» fore tahe'great plcaaure in recommending the above volome tos fUr and candid coudderatlon among all classes. Every chiptar is valuable, and oil the subjects of those chapters are weuchoiOi Boston is'great in all good works.'"—N.Y. Clipper. Price TBBEE DOUuAIlS. Bent to an y add ress. BendoNM to ihe publisher, B. LEVEBETT EUERSOH,, 119 Washington street, Boatcn, Bisi, For Bde In New York by 0. S. FELT, 30 Walker street, and If 8IN0LAIB TOUSEY, 121 Noasau street • .•_ 49- Urusb iirt oiBEu Booe, this will teach the reaSenie* to prevent, and permanently Oroi, rvzsr ronu of eexndj^ ease and derangement, without feeing or consulting any docw whatever. No other medical book boa over reedved aueh oa» menditlona firom the Press. Obt tbs Bzsii 1^ . of 166to 148in-four innings. GeorgeWriglit'e scoVif 28was 1 T^®?^f''^'''','''™?®5°T'' 'rS^if'l*"*",!?!?"* the best soore on the' Bt Oeorge side, and O^Bilen'a 16 on that of -L lOconts for sample and parUouIan to P. 0. Box 131 Olou. castor, Uaas. 39-lt* ABEAtrriFUL MICROSCOPE Magotff log 600 times, for 38 cents, (coln'preferted.) Five o t diffe rent power, for $L0Oi mailed free.. Address . F, E.BOWEN. - 37-3mp . BoxaiO, Boston,Us|)r. C1ARD PHOTOGRAPHS I-ALL DISORIPTIONS- / Bent post pdd, for 36 cents eodi, by . J, N. COY, 37-31* ' . 84 Nassau street, N. Y, MAGIC CIGAR CASES, contatobig riob glfla of Jew- dry, sent for $1, by — 8T-4tr a. 0. BESBY, North Strafford, N. H. TIS OLD ESTABLISHED BOOK AGENOT. for a Circular. HENBY STEPHENS, 86 Nassau at Send 36-tt END FOB ;A HAUUOTH PACKAGE, containing Four FABOy'Artldes: price 36 cents, Also, Bubber Ooods OenUemen's use. Address J. H, FABBBCL, 16 Ann street, pear Broadway, N. Y, 8&-tf Boston. On'Angi 18, ihe Amsterdam and Troy, N. Y, ', clubs bad a match together. at Amsterdam, N. Y., vrblch resulted in favor of the Amsterdiun chib bystctd score of 161 to S3. Young's24waa the best score on the Amsterdam Bide; FMst's 7 the best on the partofTioy. On Ana, 36, a match was played at 'Oamao's Woods, Philadel' phla, between Collls's Zouaves and a dvlUan deven. In whloh tbe Uant Zouaves were bandied pretfy rongblybythe dvUlans, the tone of a score of 191 in ens innings to 13S in two on tbe Zouave side. Collls's 83 mta tbe best score on bis side, and Hol- land's 43 on the part ot>the oivlllans. On Aug, Sth and Tth, a match was played between an eleven of theNewYorkdubandaudevenol AllUaasaohiisetts,tlleresult being a victory for tbe Massoobusetis deven by a acore of 188 to 139. Draper's 23 wsB the best score on the winning side, and Byron's U on that of New York. On Sept lOth and Uth, the grand matdi lietwoen Canada and tbe United Btatca took place at Hoboken on the Bt Oeorge gronnds, tbe result beug a vlotoiy for the United States deven I by a sccro of 190 to l{n,!wlth five fdL H. Wright's 83 was the best score on the United Btatea ald^ and Captain Pcm- berton's 97 on ihe other. On Sept 13th, a game was iilayeA beti^eon an deven of the Ullitaryof Canada and tbe Bt Oeorge dub, the reault being a- vlctoiy for the Canadians by a scdre of. 83 to 86, one innings d<v oldlni the game. OaptabiPhllllpa'a 83 was the best score on the Canadian dde.'Olbbes'lO being the best on the St Oeorge's side. On.Bept 11th, tho BBteUile and Favorite dubs playeo a matoh together, tho base ball players ot the Favorite deven being de- feated by a score of 73, In one Innings, to 36 in two. Burring led tho score with 13 on the Batdllte dde, Bowe'a 13 being, tbe best on the Favorite dde. , On Best Sth, tbe Osceola and Oblpiiewa dubs, of Phlladdphla, played their return game, the result oebig a victory for the Ohip- Sewa by a totd score of 163 to 170, four inning* being pUyed. [urloy^s 83 was the best score on Ine Chippewa side, and King's 16.on the other. ' On tbe 18th of Sept, the return gome between the Willow and New York dubs wss played at Uoboken, the resdt being a vic- tory for Now York by 103 to 79, cue inning* being played. By- ron's 37 waa the best scoro on the New York side, and Ham- mond's 30 on that ot the WlUow. On Bept 2Slb, the Willow and NewaA dubs played their first fiamo togelher at Bedford, ihe resdt being a victory for the Wll- owli^a score of 18$ to 41. Sharp's 60 was the best score on the Willow side, Petty's U being the best on the part of Newark. On Ootober Sth, the Chippewa end Young America olnbs, of, PhiUdelpbla, had a gamo togetbor; in wUah the Cbippewas 17\EBRGTS FOB BALE.—0. W. AnnlB, Buoklaod, oime ofl^ctOTlpnrbya Bcoro of SSfltp 1?6, four InnlngB "belnB p oonn.. Importer ond Breeder of Ferroto. Letters will re- playod. jArvla'sM^asthebestscpre.onthewlnnbigBlde.sad odtepromptattenUom Price, tio per pair. ' . 88-4t* LsTge's 27 on the othor. ';.;.:.,-. | ' ■ ; On'.the 0th df Oct, tbe Willow: and BtOeorse dubs played BOOKS ON LOVE, AS USUAL^atalogaes sent tree. No fraud proetlBed. 86«ns* JOHN ATOimON, 98 Duane street. New York. M OAUBS N B L 8 6 N, Manufacturer and Deder in PLAYIN.O OABOB, And all artldea used in OB. AUUBBUBNT AND OHANOE 431 Broadway, New York. 86- WOBDBN HOUB OOBNEB OF BOWEBY AlHp BAYABb B N.Y, Ooeste can be aooommodated with Booms by tbe day or wad^ with or 'Wlthont board. OEO. P. WOBDEN, Proprietor. (Mm JAICES GOODWIN, Oonunkslon Paper Dealoc, No, 110 JOHN STUEBT, near Cliff, New York. News and Printing Paper manufutuied' to order at th* Bhorteat notice.. . . . tboir xeturnglme together at Bedford,'the lesnlt bdog Ihe eno- oess'of Uio'WJUlows' by a 79 to 70, ,Orelghton's 38 was the .best tcore Ob the St Oeorge, aider abd Torrance's 18:on thatof tUs Willow. It was lb this mAtth .tbat .Crelghton . sustained ihe " ^|liAl;Utlih»U^,0A9M4;|!lB,de»^heraptntb^ ^J.^Wi-.'Mi ib;^ ■.•/i':.:vj;'li'y;il'.viU .■:•'. ABTEBEOS0QFEi;.,aiiii 1^. Hiknat Colored; Ylen^ , oomplste; in a neat oase, by moll,>free for sq .cIs; Addrcl* 88-lt* JBBD PAB8ELU k BBO., Box 1886 P. 0., N. Y. Oily. SfiND f OB. A HfidEIPT... to make' Hair: onti. . IC oestsj ..: 1 P.' N. ZEBLYi- AlbaUy P. 0<>" - Only. 8Mt* MrpHB ACTBESS." 191 Double Column Page", W 1: faUpages, illustrative, 60ci •Hemolrsof an Aatwo,' ••Opera Dancer," SO; "Clifford and Ihe Aotrees," BOo;'•Hewlcoj Naked," 6O0; "Orphan Beamstreas," 3So; "Caroline Traoy. lH, ••Fast Lite." 26o; Loves of PariB,"60o; •'JulleteHoore, 1*. •Boxing," I80; ••KatoTangh,"10o; "Charley Hunter,''UM- oravinga, 36o; "Daring Deeda of Ooodand Bad Women, Kc ijursededOlronlarlettar, 80. Bend above prices to . 84-tf OHAB. H.DAY, New Hares, Oons. BOOKSI' BOOEStI 1 _ _ _ BOOK Sill ^RTINa ABnOLEB, OABDS AND PBDTn _ J, H. FASBELL, Booksdlsr, 16 Ann stre0^ H. X, Books ot every variety, dther Foreign or Domestio, fMaui» on appUcoUon. Partioa desiring books of any desprlf tlan, n sending address, post pdd. will recdve immediate attenUm. Books, SporUng and Fonoy Artldea you may soo suvertisw, w be furnished to order. Oatdoguos Benton application. Aosinj J. H. FABBELL, dealer in Booka and Fanoy Artldes, No. U w* street. New York, . ' ■ *_ HOW TO WIN AT 0ABDS.-Senaypiir8dan;j^ two red stamps to HOWABD M. OBATOS. New ]<»^ Post Office, and he will inform you of a SURE method orw ni^t ALL tbe various games. Try it, and get an oumw^ »T\0 YOU WANT WHEKEBS OB iOVBTl- ±J OHBS»"—In 18691 list asked this question. « «■ • "T>0 " ■ " this qnesnon. " "T^ Bwered by numerous people; and I aak if any of them •^f .FTS ■ ■ >d f«lt! "Si myOngnonttofolllndolngdl Idaimed loru; '•'•^l,;:^ woijd comjd Oie 5?"* OT M<matij<^e to grow mx^^^sS """" ' ' uSa'hofltof iniltttoj 7myadvertH«m«* _J and yon.myWMe less Mends, Will find'that my Ongurat is ths only thing ou" - est face wifldn dx weeks ftom toelirst'appiloattoiL Uto «U ■ cesstul Inventors, I have bad to oontond with a host some ot whom even go so fkr aa to copy myadveruseuwr However, truth la mighty, and wlU prev ' redly force the Beard to grow, and will adtherstabi or thesUn. I send it to any part of the country, ^°f',>!? forfL [l»-lt*] B, a. OBAHAH, No. 109 Nassau street, n< ■V-I«NT.-Beauotlon to Price. Oar F««no'H^i?2M A. PanoyPookaae,wiih •'addltlondattraoUoM/'Mniu^ Scetohes, Bonn, Jokes, Toasis, PTVB BOOK OIROOLABS as- OOLOBED EN0EA71N0, sent to any addresaon receipt 01 - Oonto. HOHUMBUO. KDOAB. MOBPHY * 00, 3»4t 61 Nassau Btioet HewW», BOOKS, SPOBTING GOODS, etc Bond for 0 Wrt*"' Ur. p. 0. Box 1366, H; Y. ■ Z— cent Btamp, rocdvi prompt attention. '. .111 NASSAU STBBET, .J..' ,----•> qbHebal Aoinw fob thb. nbw, YOfflt ai^^