New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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314 NEW YORK CLIPPGER, NEW yOBK 8ATDEDAY, JANU. 7, jeia; Anwmui to cofUUBslPoifDKirM* HAS»t OtiT, Phlliadphta.—"The foDoiriiig qoMtloni 1i»tj iMitn laft bynmhul »n««m«st foe the Oi^'* Kli'.* i-lS SS ie Hmiaerie ofSumona, Week» k Co., "Wblted to thta, St^ TheyiSdJomdephute. Huuab*!. Colnmhoj T^ppdo de^t,TlppMlal(Mi;,ipnoXenof ts being 1°^^°^ ■una anecdote U.nMed.l>nt •HannlMl 18 inede tIie_neio. wSoh Ultras'i^^fflS'hU becbme of the mmjnothmppoo Snlten T & When wia Tlppoo B»lb {<«J^^{*,S^J^°JS:^ Sag elophent) w«h T«a..A £oo,. brought ^ thtacom,ti7W.jC0l; ShUB todead. Vligtalae (and his melaPIzerro) WW drowned |ntheDeIa*«wln-lM7. ■WhlchwM the largeatand flnoal ele- phantevereiUblted, andhowdoM'Bumlbai'compare.... 1. TlvDoo BoUata. 3. He died to Tonornela, about forty mfljBa |«mi'SST«»!?.;.pr.yloaBto toippp _ EDgias& We (torn tui bat jnmpad'oirtNrt from the mnd. baTe been in Phlladdphia to that year, no matter.what the bills inayeUte. fuaitowu probably one of that qoartotte. 3. Tip- BOO Btlb. the perfbtmtog elephant. Is not by any means a unall «leshantnov;^e was toiportedftomIndia ten. or flflecn HO 1. Hahnlbal is the Meat and finest appearing .di ereraeenlniUs '.'coimiiT. Old Koiheb, omed-by June, AngeTine tHOoV, was probably the heavier of the two. poo Bill), the perfbrmtog elephant, . fim)hant now;^6 was Imported ftomlndla ten. or fllleeu yean , Titos, Angevliie ZioiDBD BlEa>;.^v}htye lomethtog for yon to deoidei—•Band, iriohei' lays-' tin ^itlea of sods , on a table, and betsime that I can't drink Vii contonls of Mid hotace. I coyer, his 'be.t; and, dwtoi thatUk,''Pnddlng,';ihe stakeholder, acoldentoUyknooha two oi the bottles olTthe table, whlot\ breast, therefore 'Sand- iriohei' dalma tb'e beL aahe says I only drank eight bottles, -MiathDbetwiato'drtoJtton. .His only reason fqrolalmtog.the bet ts, (oratlAut he says so), that ne gave the hotUes fome vhen toe bet was made; therefore, I.iras acconnttbla- fbr them, Oanhe claim the bet' 6i(ls It fair fdr.nsto tnr Itover agato? 'Pad. atojt' can'tdlBks'adccltJOh;'t]ierefore,wf leave it to yon."..... ThuemDsth^alresh trial.' It Was. the <^ntyof '"SandwlohsB' to see that thtihcrttleSBlid contents were pripsecved totaet nntil they reached the hilndd'of ■'LoadedBeeL^'. .';Pnddtog(' had bet-' ter be kept ifitsy^om the table bext time to.prevent accldenst * ABiAiEB^—The' old Uonnt Pitt (Urdus was IbfeiMt' In the neighborhooliof ,irhat is now.SbertUI and Orand streefsl It was deetrarcd EyMyln Angnst.l8M. % Ur. Forrtst'aha Ulss JosepktoeOilOonidwed'tosether at the Chatham TUtktte dur- ing ue V'^vp m ^ Qf'Iu. Charles E. Thome. S. Byor was . Hconded bL^fiopiertodyke and A. Beyndds, end - llMnnskey by SnSlvan a^diSetdxnm. foB JsnavBsUiaioTe.—'1.' A, Bi 0 and. D. an. pleytog Xndiie, the:Hni'foittSPpartnei^ against the two latter. A deals; allptsi, when)it pldisittpithe trtahp and says he ^riU play done. OandD makc0lTM>'tiI(fts. Eofr' many potots . do they sconT 9. How manr^M'-^ ootint had hj taken five tricks}'' 1. O and D tcofKt^ potols tor the i'nchre, X: Being a lone, hand, bev»OTldscort?Wip.ioints.' • ' ' .,• ' 1 mils-stated the question, or It Is Ithj^pOtot Eight cakes St BO eent)! for'^Bch cake, so that u he that put to '' cantsl and the three cake anbsoriber gets (hat;oach will have hlsfdr ahsrs,' 'We have recdved a package, tirom LiRLSAi,'i TeryBlmplergWnJ cents, Would'M. live cakes ^btri. thirty eentSi'wo •nd no'thlng lo',W< Jobs KdoB^r-P'^oxiax.. gomg thf Knmda In reference to thfnie of >«hyJ<&nO.Hee^ to a toU-gatolce^r to >yltlB»]^iaTd,MdMise we bdleve^lttoheso,, i\ OA pai^igraph .v^ds np by sayto((^ that, Jolm ^rvOlde'tn pldi up three penoe,' or sin^ cents, Does anybody who knows the Boy suppose he would^eU^t^ablelor thomoi^yT .Wedent' nevropldq/t ' :br7(m^ t(Rj."|.,'Pf)td4jlt be Uiv^kh* Boy Is'botthegeBtlei^ we have oU dong oonddered him. 'wn.pi BAIiOON-THB QB Diner of HoB» ton tod Orbsbtstreeta^aw York. Thlaestalillahilentma¥t[«^ fhlly be termed the Sportsman's Qallery of Art, as there Is to be found the meet extensive oolleotlon of the Und in the dty,.toda' dtog pictures representing .the niprt imp 'sihdd«)9ort(alt£of moSloir- ■..V. Ban FrandBdq,rCdlfomia, bearing the address, "John uoon', Burton's TheatrwIIew Tork.".' As Burton'sTheatn Is no longer In existence, vra.have.been unable to trace op "Jobh '^oora.", The package oontaln^a number of Dagdeneo^pe UkehesseB,,we •re Infotmed^y the ^^tleman.who brought the packsge'to. us.' B. S.D.—IliiplayinkUeame at Fprty-flveil.jjrith hearts tnimpa, «ndasmaUlieaitled,amIobIIgea.topUytDe aeeof hearts on Itlf Ihave nbiother tmBp?i.:;''.'.'Ko. Ton can withhold the ace of hearts ftonl sny lesd, except thekiiaVesnd'flTe of tramps ■tiilHma. "-h!;:'; ■ • ^K,PhlladeIii1ils^-^Tiis .^ton. SL^er and Besdlgo- ifaver fbught logetbtf in the P. B. "Bendyls pi^dple battles were with' Young Laogap, BraSsy. BIDLXoohoy, Beaf;Purke, Tom PaddOck, ■ndihrta umei wlth sed Caunt. He also fought ntoe other men, the partlojalan of:,which ara not recorded. JoHicA.H.rDliist)OTO.-rThBaeTen wonders Of the world, an Diana's temple at Ephesus; the.01ymplan Jupiter; thepnamlds of Egypt; th%'walls and hangtog . gardens or Babylon; and'ihe Kausolenm and CdoesuBOf abodas. J. P. X., Colombas, 0.—Eyer fought and beat Tankee SnlUyan some years beibniho last named fotght Ubrrlasey.. Hyer and Snlllvan'a batUe-took pUoe Feb. T,'1S<9,16 rounds, ITmtoutes; thst of UoiTliMy md BuBlvani on the lath of October, JS63.. KiSTX BaT,'.I>iaeiik0>.T7^a not sware that Badger m^glns la dead, nor do'WjS' hdlsve Jt'./AftMit Ave months ago a person calUng hlmBdf Biidg'er ^igglhs yriii 4n London, Eng.,and had an MhlblHonthere.r.; . .■'■■'■'<■ BosTon.—Alihougti'dated the.Dd, your letter did not reachius sntll the Slh, the postmark betog Jan. 6.-' 'Ail wt - go to tteks on Uonday eventogs, the Items were nsdess to iis on Tuesday, ^niankyon iU^psaae,howsven> ■ < ' -' .. ' <,.' OatmMX BdCbittL ^ttN>oklyiiU.lj'/7^pm; M|a< .'.ir^"<wi. nader. stand. Uis. Itttt/'KUVSDnsitiU.'^have'ed^^ a.,Too .will bear of the pMfotnler/'nfkrMd-tit'hytDaw^ ban of Hooley'eMlnstrele.:■ /■•;,,;■;;;„:•,/..'..,.; ■ ■■ J. B. U., Prdvldeoce'.'-^l>ick''A Tltzgerdd,,U.>Aito street, an thepubUihenof'a.boUi'itUch'irlU probably assist'you. Drop IhemaUne. '.■ ■■.-.<-.;i-> ' SoBooans,HamlUoni-rlnahandll^p/the dogs an ntod at tats forponnds;.^, a ten pounder to km ten nts;'a, thirty pounder, thirtyiiat6,-eto.. . P, o„ oinctohati:^!'. 'Heenaii'onlyfonght once to island.'2.. A fight for the diftmploniailp.ot Ebj^d must be fought ia Eng- ^ r^;'.,';vv\'.":i:;r.T;-^i'-K ■ iiiiBocTB, (ilfld(£jjatl.^-Soni'ehow lottenibom your dty seem tobelatetonwjiJng'nB, I'Te'vrant.fnah.n Four last'was ' one day too late'j(priJ^Bt week's pw P. B., Blnghampton.-^'ln^rolUng a game of ien-plns .of ten ftames, thrae hundred, do yAi;rall three balls to the flnt fcamt , •rtotheU«t?".-i..«I»''hoth.'.r ■ ' JOBH EWTH, BdtimOi«'.'—The. story ti good, bni the plot Is so •■infemddeep"'and'ihrllltoltlytotricsto, thatwe.have not yetr . been able toget'atthe drift of It ' Ita agoodthinf, though. TokO., Co.I.^thBcg;t U»s8. Tols.-Jt was UoiCoy that'got I kiUed to hit flgbt.wlth Obits IJlly. Chris Is also dead, but he irasbrutallymutpMjd,, , • .) \:.; ■ J.T.B.—Itwlll'.iie the moat .proper course'to spply to' aome tnanager, to person; sotluths'oanseewhatyduara.made'ot,. a.H.—1. We46notkndWwhetIi^r]^'e'ls hereornot. ll. Fed- aIIUngs,by lhev(ay;wlUbe'accept>ble', ' '. :.' -.. i; J. H. M., Fort ]9!d^,ort]), iilf xandrla. Til— Cannot - locate hlib atpiesent. Hav/^^^j^thjepuFna^j ... i. " : ' \ ' P. P., Phlladdpbla.'^'Mf. J., we. beBsYe; Is In tuib'pe; we' do notthtok'theethiananUvtog. <'.'|i-' 'J' "' .. , ■ < V. B. Q., Alexandria, Ya.-7.IiOok'ovei'''our sdvertlsemaita, and Address some of W'hianageii'nal^e^ . y .- Ooi. LnuBMr^,7^^^1)«i^i'yo^;/.'.W^^^ it to our si- bum. ' .'A;.-v.r'i V'' "', . JOHK W>Bn,:PiUBbnMh:^WintDik'e farther'inquiry, an^ . 7outhefB0tsta OBfneiil.>-i M')'!, i '•..:,il.'\.',' J. L., BlnghaifflnUii^Wi'^oknh()t.'iiai^, h^ the . letter. ^ ;^:';:;'.:vy'-^';Y!;. . ...-^ --^ X, Phlladdpbla.^\t^o hava iMt'trook of herJ<>>WiU ibaks . note of her sMppb^phm u loonssrwe hearfrdm'^lier.:' OUPFEB BoT.-^Wa-.doL't know ijrho''lil 'tUe| .be^t 'lauoidebn' leaohertothlJdty;..:!! .'i..!;- . .: i<'-) i ''' " .| ' ' GusSHaw, Btenbiniin&-^B^d ale1%r| ud'vie.T>^. deliver it "to some good thoitilaaiI;a>^d'mlnMrel fylg tauJcet. \ BAi«oira, Phlh)i')k-^T^ areln61toedto think that Miss T,, Is ^|||e eldest. >■■ ■ ■ 4 "W. 0., PhUtddpblArr-Bisearreati no'eard 'haVtog been played -'jenB'aaee. ^;i/'"-'.' •■ C'ny " ^ ' BTDTEirr, PUladdphla'.—F.'A. Biaiyl'M Aim street, publishes Ihebookyonwant''.''',"' ■•■.■.-,. ";!;■ ■ , " .„ . ■ • \ .'AiAisx.—"Unaii^om's Oabiiii',' hsd'snn st the National, to -ihis oity, of about piify^., . Btol Bur.— 'Ve took no pait-in thelr quairil, but' let . them flght It out among themsetvest" We'presumethe end is not yet. >>U',,0iiiiw<l<», OtBolnnatL—Tour's itefohfld. ns 'too' late to be of .^[tereat 'wegotopressen.lfdnday.eVentog.; ^ 'li.M.,I>etrolt-:^4%ai'.Blchmond letter never eotte'tohand. How did ]^ou manage to 'dot away item there 7 W. 0. L., Bprtogfidd, Uaas.—Thsnk-ycnii.'." Bli£ll'&e glad to bearfromyon.. !;■.■ ■ ■ • XoK WasD,—WUi Iqok it over, and, if odmlstble, give It room, J. J. H.—Perhaps It was not recdVod. Try! him ag£,< J.a.,phlladdpf|lib-^f7eexdiaiig'ewith them, ' D.O.W.—"Tbea's.the'sortf' - .: •..■. ' •■Thb BiTVATioir/'-^Tblt is what we bill it when we talk abont the position of oar, atiiny In .Vlriglnla. Well, after aU the .fas, node by the isdloiils>bout-|k vigorous proseentlan of. the'war. under Bumdde,\|rheri| do we' staild? Why, just jtbout wher« the nbels wish us. to be. .lieyJia're ns at » dsad 'look at TH ttonth.and —" v. ^lUllng tbat have got themselves . wholsatlllth*m()stL.. . 4nxions to be rdeased ffbm the coniniand of the amy. Mi expeit- xaent havtogoesttii matty.vtlnable UVes, without the dighleat advantage betoi gatoed by. our side. ..If'Presidentlitobbto wish- es to reuutale blmsdf to the oonfidenoa of the ortoy and tk« , veopleat lUBe,lethlmieoallOen.XoCllaIIaB(n l^beio6Uto, 'Otsxoomii f^^ the recdpti .of a card of tovltatlon to attend the sixth Annn*l,BaU of the^ew Fork daU^ donlan (Jlub, wh^phLts appointed tacome off at the Apollo Booms, BriMway,1>'n'Thiinday evening, .January Uth. The balls given by thls'dnV°^'a4'^e!*l>V^^^^i''^''^''''^ '1 , , ^^7—f»^—T^-"— Bau; Cins. ibiib-^Tlie Eehford bise ball dub will give an m vltalictu'Hop on the 26th inst, at Onlin Had; BnoUyn, E. D. ■ a:.n,*i» ' irtbbhaiiohal puoiiibtio xhootrhibb, '.-■ ■■■ .:• i-;<i-i'«';; •'strwBOt. JEU lIAQE Altt) Aif AUEBIOAM ONENOWN. W^BElfSN NOT TBE UAH. yniX, "ailEAT EXPEOTA'nOIIS" BS BEAUBEDT ; •• '••■••■ '' MiOE'vs. 0088. • ■ From England we have the rumor, almoit amounting to a pos- itive statement, that the next fl^t for the Ohamplonahlp will be between HaceasdanAmeiican unknown. As a matter of course, Sbllo ourlod^ In England, as well ss here, hss been sll agog to ow who tiie Unknown is, snd the day for eigntog artldes, CeO. !l6i was looks4 forward to with feverish anxle^, and many a pug, ate lest beef .ind.diank mon beer on Xmas day toO. B. because of his nrtosity to find out the grpat teont Well, the day came, articles were aligned, mon spona.'plaoked, and would you believe It they didn't christen the unknown after all, and that Ameiloan ahlp carpenter, or whoevor he is, to the votnaoular of dow Sussex, •• !antgot no naum yet" It la not Heenan, that all agree to say- tog. ib»SeiiHiiigUfcn,j»iivuiiiUmAv%aiam; BeU'$Lifeu.ja ka <>;' or,' whst Is the same thing,' (It Is not Heenan^ but a omintry. aion tftliat fdmnei tittr;" but wuda up with the fireeatog etate- ment:—"Onrlosl^wlll b^ve to be'restialhed for three mouths tram Tuesday, Seo. 80, at which time the here is to be nsmed," Orud £ell, to toll such a knell as that,>hen yon know what hopo defeired does: Woree than this, however, not a few to puglllstlo circles believe the Unknown to be a "dummy" gotten up by Mace's friends to SSTO him. ae Tom Bayere once did. Mot a vety bnve policy,'if it Is eo. About all we can get out of the very bare mots, Is, that the Unknown is yet pnblldy unknown-m England ss wdl sii here. Keverlhdess, xmsompulons todivl- dusls, and one hcrse riheete, may, for the sake of appearing vris^. say they know, and go so for even as to name the man; if they do, our readen will aotwlady by not betttog on any suoh statement The Currm wlB give ul the fkcls Just aa soon aa devdopedi BO treat aU premature announoemente with the greateat reserve. We wonid give the artldea of agreement of the above mateh, aa well ts of Mace vs Ooss, vatotm, but as the advices wen re- ceived on the iamedayaswego(opie>s,andaswehsd already a surplus cargo, we reaerve them until next week, givtog but brief, partlouius here- A Mr. Bernard, who lepresents the Un- known, and Jack Hloks and Harry Montague for Mace, met at the appointed place on Deo. 26, drew up ortldes, signed them for the fight to take place to elx months Itom Dec 23, and stsked an addlHotaal iS, mddng £25 a'side now down. Thenext de- posit of the tame amount was to be mode st Mace's, on Jan. 6, 1868. Tbe fiamtogof the referee Is to the asms hands ssltwss to the Heenan vs Sayen tnatf.ti, Mice and .Ooea are matobed to fight at lOet lOIb, to ntoe moAlhs from Deo..80, Msc« si^g £600 to £400. £16 to £10 is now down. iSo, so; Ur. Mace had to toe the mark after aU. eb I JStei't Bdence .vs doss's gluttony-^whfob wHl wto ? Thst's the aueuitlaii. ArUdet of sgreement mtoMm, and all farther par- oulan thiat mqr come to hand, win be given to our next . _ _ fhe'ei^(&t''tiijrtt|tau>ln their sev> feral pTfitfeiitBj. .^'tthV^pdrttogmfiAMleifita^hldisome Tdnable additions have recently been made, by all means. 8-tf THB OHISIIITAii, Mo. 116 Bowery, between Grand and Hester etr^ets. New Fork, .Zhe-sufasoribor respectfully informs ~ .sbquatotahtM, thsthehaa token tho abovohouse, his Mehds'uid ^ , 'which he opened on Monday eventog,.Jnne Mb, 1661. The Bar TWlUbe srippUedwlth the cholcoH'Wtoea, Uquon,snd Began. The Proprietor will do everything to his power tojgtootoromfort THB DBBR*9 IIEAD.-^ACK BATH'S bouso. Mo. 26 Houston, near Orosby street is the stopping pla "good ohter'and good b;er," spafkltog Uqnon anas. His portrait gallery has everybody worth seeing on exhl bltloD; and Jack dd^hta in (gtplalnlng them. Fnn ond frollo the order, day and night ' , .;. i'WB BTILL LTVB<*'r-HABBT HILL'S BdooD, on Hons, ton street enjoys the popular patronage to an unpanllded de- gree, nie truth Is, Hairy Is a capitd fellow, and amoat —^ —^' caterer, and hence his almost unprecedented popularity, viae all who desire to spend a social and dellghUal eventog tiait his admirably conduptedBeatanrant and Bdoon, 36-8m* LI', Tt f. -J I ...i \ —-J rMX mBovTOS Ton Fikt Soutna^-One dw last wmv . prJlOhAd milling Sm^»offte<Srin}>^^i^^ oejwe^two gay buflttli named retpeotlTdy Jctit Sullivan ad prodaaiHon. Aftra figfiiln'^d nmt> two houn, Jsny having iS! beat of it Uio police tototfered, upset- things, and seouM Jimmy as a trophy of their vdor, Jerry somehow or other mtai agli^g to gtya 'cn the dip, Bulllvan is so confident now that ha CM|WUbg«Mto jiMlde thirty minutes, that ho Is reported tot have sttktd (60 on the spot to contend for $100 a side. Whether * on toe spec lo contend lor tlOO a dde. Whether ' anyuang will oomefrom it or not "not knowing, can't ta" It's a big otter, and toour eye it seems that If Jlnuuy'eonid moke a two-houn' flght one day, and then n'bt be llQke4'^.'" ought to last Jidf an hour to the next go,. 'Wb M he^'^v : -' > In regard to It? Take it np,or"alng the news,"aa Johnnt Drumgoole hu it The Judges for Messrs. Sullivan and Oolomm were Bat H. and Buck 8. " Jbsbt OoHSUN TO RtaODT MiovmB.—Mr. Conklln ia botkf' anrprlse'd and todlgnant that, oilter all tho.loud talk andfaU« . H - „n„.n ™n .„, promlBcs of Mr, Ma«ulre,he ahould have failed to put lnaa ^ .feW.=xS: I Si^'e?,"B3rV^«''X'^ll'iS^?V^^^^^^^ wen on hand, but neither Rhody nor nny of Ai<so-oa]leid.btckeii showed themadvea at all on that day at our offl)f>.'.> Jtrry vilahu to inform the acrobat that unless he intends fight he sliauld be ' more guarded to Ur nmarta, but U he meant l^uatooes or ever (Lnii ^^^?SI5f SiJSJX totenJed 4>uttoes8, bv leaving a deppalt ot the Oupm omn, iS?Sr^^,5.riw wTSi »n<l ««"'n8 on- DIok Green,Is NewBowcry, ho can alwaya be 'Sfa'effl^elgtohSJtuSSf^ forany amount What hasBhody lUgutetd. BvLLT FOB FnnxiAs I—We tesm'tbst U^or Bony Flnegit, of the Second Louisiana Katlve Guards, recontly knocked a oliap' bead over heels to the St Oharlss Hotel, New Orleont, for- Lehoutitag "To hcU withGenersl Butlerl -Three obeen for Jtff, Davis I"' Served him right ' Here's another'tostonce of the advantage of science—flstlo science, Mow, suppoetog it had been some othor ofiScer Instead of our young tricna Harry, \rtio didn't know how to use his fists—the ohauoes an- that Mr. Jeff. Davls'a man would have got his wtog dipped, or mtybe a leaden pill ttaroughlils carcase. "Betog oa how it 'was" a member of the P. B. he defied, he merely got laid out no bonee vat brakcD, and probably he haaleamc better manners ftom It by I this time. Don't you see the drift of our argument? Mo fear of UoJor Ftoegos's uslog toohi to a stogie handed combat EHdo)i'',tUviB Aboumd.— "Bough Enooh," whose fight with HTHB ST. IVIOHOI.AS BOWliINO ROOM, Mo. 636 Broadway, (under the Pnspott Ho\ue,) Is the only perfeot TEM PIM BALOOH to Mew Tork. Tho Manager, tor tUrteon yean had charge of the Bowltog Booqi at i the Aster House. Wtoes, Llqnon, snd Clgon of the DoatqusUty, jO-tf 3P£TE OALLAGHEB, Proprietor, FLASH IM THEPAMI . The EEBBIQiM Ann Elliotp Iudboouo, Mo FlQBI. Our dty 'wss sQ sllve with e^ the prospect of a I battle royd between Dan Eeirigan, .for Mew'Tork, and Jemmy EUlott of Boston, It had.been talked about forseveral days before It was to have taken place, and every body got worked up . . , to such aetata of exdtement with their argnmentaero and em, I Vdead and gone" PntsyFlynn created such astir to this dty that 'we thought there'd be the devil to pay to the' sporttog I some yean ago, was istdy engsgod at ToplUfe's Theatre, ranches. Firat one would get a tdegrtm that it had come off, I Virginia Olty, Canon Valley, way oat by the Bodty Uountatu, and another that it hadn't and so onsU day Friday and Satur-1 giving sparring entertainments to addition to ue dramatic day, and mtny'B the dollar loat and won by over exdted tor I show, Qut there they olaim Enooh as belongtogto Pike's Peak, dMdttals whounagtoed they kntw thas and so, backtog up their I or the champion of that loctllly. Wo don't know what he has assertions by pntongnp money on them. We don'tknow but done paitldufarly tomerit the ohampIonBhip,'bnt if he and Con. ■ " i V.^,—... .. ' orom really want to earn ftme and, fortune, why not eettle their tUs tort of thtog wasn't all arranged bcfonhand Just to create a faullabuloo, and thoae betUng on a. sure thtog li^thend their ntsla'st s great rate. We pronounced it oUa hoax, and cantionedthe bOTS sgatost speculating too i^dy, WlthcliaracteriBtIordiabIUty<mafaom) our gouty ndghbon, the Sunday AppnpricUcr, "at a great ex- Sente," wen enabled to give a glqwtog dctcriptlon of "the ght" thtt didn't come off, and thdnkht they hod a big thlng'to headtog off the CUFFsn. Where are you tunr, Mr. Meroularium, and how's your poor feet ? To give the whole matter in a nntahdl, we may >ay that the pngs met on Friday at 12 M,, at a well-known hnll in the Ma- tifnd Theatn buildings, Boeton, and arranged toohorgetSa head for admlsdon. tiaere was suoh an "ungodly Morth street crowd," however, st the;back of the New Fork man, that Toung Mys Lrasfellow the croa Longfellow didn't fed todlned to make a start and tho polloo I iVti,.t>B -Sit'a the msttor gettSig wtod of it they had; to "out it" They met agdn at the .IT!^ . long-mooted question of superiorly. Let's have on excltonfent of tome ktod among tho Coloradlais. Will the B, M. sUr Enoch agad Con, up a little i Watts' Poems and Watts' Beheftt.- Mr. W., the poet Isnresto of our dty harmoulo mDettouB, had a oaplfail benefit at Bob Smith's House of Commons on Thundsy last, when all the "td- ent" were in good voice and charmed ever , bo gayly with thtlr muBlcsUtles. Ur. Watte is the chap wot composes songs and po- etry for the boys (not the author of "Divine Bongs and Hymns," by ai long oholk,) a rioh specimen of which Is edd to be framed to .an. iip-town porter house, consisting of a parody on on old nnneiy song slwut a trip tokWechawken by a tilo of the old boys, sif tUs Is'a fair apeclmen of what Watte can do, he can ■ ' *" crosshnttock.tny day to tho week, and same place to the eventog, only to meet vrith- the some disap- pototmento, for the police agdn assembled around the hall, and they had to give up all Ideas of getting it off to a room. Bo the matter resto at present \ Bounigii AKD BoHs,—Another funlllar name in comecttou irith hannonlo mcettogs. The Solomons are doing "purfy wdl oonslderin'.:* The location, Houston Street Juet off Jtroadway, is as good lis can be had th'eaeitlinf*..'Here some fine singing t..v. ■... iKATota. The eevan weather we had early to December led many to. ex- pect a 'very fine sesson ibr the ' onjoyment of skattog; bat the changes that haye'ooourred since have been such as to.dlasp- potot the hopes of thousands who bad tnttcipated gay timet on the ice this wtoter,' In the shape of canlvals and gda entertato- monta of . like character.' Flnt we have a cold spell, and the severd ponds sre no sooner covend vrith a good surikce of Ice, than before it can become thick enough to bear the frowds tha ; are ready to flock on It mild weather sete to; and away goes the ice like Ice-oretm before a ball-room 'crowd. Anon it appeon again, tai hundreds beset the sksttog ponds to watch the grad- ual formation of the glittering Add of Ice on which they hope to flourish, when oDce^moHj does the wtod change, and a thaw and a lato storm destroys their hopes and the Ice at the same time. In fact many begto to thtok that we shoil have no akattog at all this season; but we shdl, and plenty of it too, be- fore the Idea ot Uareh put a stop to all UndS of irtnter spoxte. Last'week we bad* cold spdl for three days, and on^uisdaF tho proprleton cf the Filth Avenue pond opened ito oateato their suMsilbera^ and on (hat and the day fouowtoa; a. gloriouB time was . hod om the fine surftce of ice that covered this exten- sive poqd. At least Ave or alx hnn'dnd persona must have,been on it ttoie;and towards the afternoon of Thunday it l»gan to yldl iot the' prts{nn,~ bnl' no break occumd as there did the same day. 9n the Beeknian pond, which gave way In the centre, ; iredpllottog )ibont fifteen or twenty persons toto the pond;' Vortunstdy< howiaver, there WIS'nd one drowned. On. the followtog day the Fifth Avenue pond was to good order, the frost of Thursday nigbt havtog strengthened It very much, and the result 'was that It was thronged from mom tUl night by the fk^ontblee who hold season tickete to this npper-ten lo^ oality, < . . .. • In Brobklyn, there was no sweating On any of the ponds on .Thursday, strangetoaay; but on Friday the Kosaaa and Waah- Ington.weie opened to their patrons, but neither the Union nor, Oapitolum ^had their flags up, and no' akattog was allowed, although tome of .tiie Sunday papen said there was. : On Rlday, gala times were had over to Jersey on Sylvan Lake and Lake IJncoIn, but Saturday's rato pat'a damper on all the ponds. ••:•.,.'■. As an flhutratlon of the btokwardneas of tlie Boason, as ftr as sksttogls eoncemed, we have merdy to stete that the first day's akattog ot tha season has yet to be enjoyed on any of Ute Centrd Park ponds ' FORBIQir ITBBIS IN BRXBF. BiHa,-4eorge-Fletcher and young Short tbught near Shef- field on Dec,:26, for £20, the former wlnntog to 86 rounds and 64mto -Eobto and Morphy fonght near Liverpool on Deo. 23. Hgbto etaktog £13 to £10.. After adespeiite'l^ht o( 143 rennda, ocoupytog lfimln.'lt'.esdedtoadraw......jrHaoktog and-J, Jenktos fought at tame Ume and place aa tlie foregotog, for £10 atldet After 11 rounds a-draw 'was agreed to for the preaent o^rtog'tor.darkne^.':.'.'..Dah UoNpl^, one of the old-tohool boxan and auL Ajlponent of Jeqi^y Meseey,.,dled:at l A.M., Dep. 26.. .'. .lAlmey and Thompeoh were to have fought near Ldcetter..6n.Deo. 29, bnt the former wis srreeted. -Sls oppo. lyenia.deolanltvratatAlffiey'sdwnlnstlgatlou. -' PsDisisiamsKi-^E. Hills and Deerfoot ran a'tiz mile race at Haokney Wide, on' Deo. 26, for £60 and the champion's belt M148 won by 100 ysrdi, easily, to SOmto, SZseo. They run a one hour race on Jan,'ia. 'Fortloulan next weUc; Itwassgrdafdlsappotatmentto thetincyof NewFork.who 5»L , Mt "not much planner." "If you doubt the mustered etrosn to see thoir sian,UtUe Danny, through. Kit S"'£°'n!f'"* "^',".. "''^t?, P"!S " ""y'•S'.' tek tho Bums, BOch^ Monagh»n, Mccarty, OharchlU, Dan's brothere, P'^t^' They are good Judges of BWaawtoomdodles. Uorrls, Drumgoole, an4 a dozen or so mon, went on to expects-1 "A Fellow op iNFrarrE JtfsT."—Who i»?' Why,'Jnck Aleroft, tlon of a gallant battle. , > | to be sure. Her Majesty's volnntery .cdmul Tor Mew Fork, AuoTHEB "CLmm SEAnE8."-If snythlng wen requlnd to *^ 1' ^Jf* W Ught'eo'me. convtoce ontolden ts to how the Cuppeb's npntotlon elands aU 51"",,"' ^'y- <="'^/ ""fo Burton'j.death we haven t over tlie world, we have simply to note the hundreds of edoons, S?^' »' "?„}i' 5{?ifi«f.'iJ*'il(2^^^ ' nBteurante, ete., named after our weU.manned, trim-built and UimSv." ?v S"^".; M'^'lIv™?a- *»y;,P"V. *«> * «> heavy laden UlUe veesd. You ctn icarcely go ill any dty of the ^^V. Aek DonnoUy, the Irish comod^njOfjUie J^. B. Unlon'without atnmbltog over tome place named out of reapeot ' " to US and ours—certainly to no metropolis this dde Uie Bappa- hannock. Time was—and but a few yeare ago—when what la now the very hot-bed ot secesalon, used to boast of their ehowy and attractive bare, to whldi the Cupfbb stood godfather, . . Would that h^py time wen with us once more I 'Wo have at I the Clitpeb olBce, it will be Immodlatdy covered by the chd- Juoit.Eluoti TO Fnz op Puovidehob.— Tho ftlonds of James Elliott' who Is now to Boston, are anxlous~~i$r some ktod of aport and hereby offer to bach him asaiiist-Flte of Providence, stoktog $1000 to $700, to fight at catch wdght in four or dx i* weeks after the flnt deposit la made. By Flts's Icavlns UOO at^t the Clspeb office, it will be ImmodlatdT covered b? tlie chd- > lenglng party. FSLi. Thbooou.— It is nported that on account of the shoot-^f tog alltey in Cdltomlo, mentioned In another column, thtf ' mateh between Johnny Lazarus and Pete Dalloy. la awampedi.' through Dailey's prtoclpd bsoker boinn mixed un in that unfoi^.' ■■ tunate ecnpe. 'Wo totimated as much Juat.a week ago, bnihcpt therumormay be nothtog more than a rumor, ij-:.-^:— TbonEx OH na MaecLs Aoain A'dnALtSHos.—ThU dever young rooster from (he Dry Dock can be backed to f ghi ' any man that looks like him, at about 130 Ibe., give 6i^ta)[o 6 ibs.j for flrom $100 to (200 a side, to'come off "right on.-the reel." Money nsdy either at Wm, Clarke's or Jack Bath's. This ought to brtog out somebody. MoBBX Olakxe Ain> DoBSET,—Of all placet in th'lt or any other conntrj-forflgbt talk, Boston it tho greatest spot yet After sU the fuss and feathere attending the Elliott and Kerrigan affair, Dorsoy snd little Olorke got tolktog fight, put np money for: a match, drew it agaln',''and went throngn oU the motions, end-,; tog aa;a good many othcre have dona,'to "a fizzle," Joe Cqbduk on ms Tdavbls.— Mr. Cobum is becoming so dlegusted with the todifferonce mnnlfcated by the great' guns of Jinglllsmto England, that he hot concluded togoon'nbitof a aunt f^om place to place, probably to bo on the spot whan' that ho leas a personsge than the "BedoubUble Kit" of the Fourth I great mill betwo'en^an Kerrigan and Jemmy EUlott comes off, Wardln'vtoclblee. -This makes Brockey's third transatlantlavoy-1 lilt ever does, '\ !!Si^^SCMtod^•to^SmHSS^.??vli°«^^^ "TI Monms « TowH.-We have at lasttamblodacross SS^MiSf tiToMMtfm^'Boaton'puglllst about whom there's been so much SiS'r^aid^Hta SSo^ « J^l^ii'S^t^l't^^J") '"'ely! He dlvfdcl his time botwoon New York and Boston, with consioeraDie spone., a veiy eaey thtog to do to London or I ana is a waU-bnlmvAd anri nt Miov Liverpool.. With iJu tho reet howevor, £o bdleves there's no '. , ' ™-i«"^i'«osort otfdlow. place like New York dty, and waa particularly Oleousted with Jomnre Uacket Tdbned PrmnonoHED,—Wo Icam that John hat oloss of well-dressed swells who spend holf a day to a man's *' P."? toltled down at Pittsburgh, kecptog n sdoon called the house over one pot of beer, all drtoktog IVom the aome pot and Ofleton Exchange. Will our good-looking .f^lond • get the boys putting on more sire abont it, than Geo. Jordan dared toT Md-1 started so as tohavo tome eport this wtoter? Sdl to, Johnny. " " ~" ~ TonH-OT. Betweeh Old Tovxb add Jem Clabe.— This im- Srompta aiffalr, which culmtoated on Saturday- night last to [ousion street is tmaVoldably crowded out All partlculan next week. different times enumented our oStprtog, from London to Cell' Ibrnlo, snd expect soon to bear of some enterprising young sport slarttog a Clitpeb Shades in the Sandwich laUnda. It's a lucky name, todecd, to whlchothere la no such word as fdL" Con anybody think of a stogie instance when a newspaper has been thns.flattend and idolized as'the New Yonx OLirrEB? Mary time. Well, then, such betog the cose, we^wlll now tdl where the last Cuppaa Shades Is, and who keeps it It is locatod In t^well-pppulated thoroughltre knowK a* East Broadway, Komber Fdrfy, and te kept by the Brothen HonyVood, as dever a pdr of aporte ss the east side can boost of. Dick Hollywood, th6 little sparret and fighting man, itwill be remembered, tended bar for Alderman Feto Gallagher, of the St Nidiolas BowUog Alleys, Broadway and Spring, street untU the post few weeks, when he saw an opentog for a start in life, and adzed it loavtog no ill-feeltog behtod. Pete has now the youngest of Mr. Clark's brothen beartog • hand, ^d thus the sporton all work together for one snothers good. Hen's an example for the bickering trades-people and sngar-wetttog, coffee;mIxtog hypocrites, whose toterior IsfoB olcorruptlon, whllt their outside platter Is licked like the driven snow. Lot tUs potot a moral. If it doesn't adorn a tde. . DDmnouiBBED Abbivaj,.— -En Busies got Bags. —The steamer ther does Mr. Bums approve of "slinging a quid" to every rag-' Sed-cued, would-be buffer, hangtog.ont around the different rams. Kit colls them "beato"—wo condder them "dead beate" ottheworetktod. 'When Burns wont over tho lost time, he sn- tlclpated meettog our London correspondent but ss that young. didn'tmeet . Juat fimey an old rounder,like Bhrnseywantlnga quUlholder to ehow him the 'Londo;i dghts. Rich, otot It? Trao, nevertheless. The illioant Ohristophcir speaks very highly of thecouxtedei extended him by Jem Word, the Ex-Ohamplon, of 29 .Whlteohapd-Toad, Jem Clark, of Houghton-etreet Liver- pool, and some few others. He left Charley Lyufih dotog very wdl OS A profesaor of sparring among the different medlcu unl- verdlles.' It Is dnoe Kit left London that Charley hss storted his MiwYonEOLiPPEa Shades. M. .B.—Bums still wean his Im- perld, a la Napoleon, A SquABE Obowl,— It has come to our esn that a ceriato boxer took nmbrtg'O at Our mentlontog hit name a coaplo of Tbs Pure.— Wabringtok aoaikst Mew Yobx.— On Wednesdsy, tiie Uth, then's to be a grsqd. msteh at ten pins,, at McGhee's BoWltog AJley, East street botwcen 12lh and 18th, Washinirton. D. q.;towUoh ,Petd. Oallogher,the New York hoy, of the St Micbobt Booms, 636 Broadway, la to play the oraok bowlor of the capital (whose none we couldn't leam), for 6200. "Oolnm- bU Pete" was to have started for Washtotfton on Monday morn- tog.; We expect to have all the partloulon in Ume for our next issiie, BIIiljIARDS. T^ff'^Ji^OS'—^atem at billiards wiBfiud ten flnt dasa PhdAn Tablet at ihe^omerot Twenty-ntoth street and Broad- way. . nie room is plesaantand well arranged, and is under the pcjinraai iupervldon of the ProprietoiTTHOUAS T, STONE, .wUI known as one ot tho oldest and best billiard players to the eottntiT, who will be pleased to recdve a vldt from Us friends, both old and new, . . . M,.B.—Orders recdved for anything to connection with the trade... . ,,'.., -. 87.4ii» ' Oawir AXD DzEBT,—That sort of a aide hint that w:o threw out last wosk abont Oann otd Decry, appearato be "oulmihaltog to a capnt;"'ahd It is only for Oann to nod hlshoad to the sfflrmativo to Deery's quoBtion of can you one ($260) Can ?'andtho thtog'a did. , Bee what 'Olttle Doery,".Bs the g'hds call him, saya to his oardafiOxedrr-i : i :>■■ ■ ' ' . "John Deery win play George Conn a mateh at blUlards for $260 a side, fSO forfeit The game to'be the Fnnoh three ball oafom game, lOO: pointa up, on a Phelan pocket or carom table. The match can be mode, any time durtog the present month at 0.0,'Connor's rooms. Union Squan." BiUilABDS.—TtEUAH AND Mnns.—A matoh for $600, between PhU. TMmao, of CIndnnatVand Bam. Myers, ot Memphis, took niaoe in the former dty oh Doo. 81, Tlemao pitying 7I0poInte to Myen'600. FhlL^.wop by 42Ti he also made the blgiiostrnn, vIe: 208, Uyera' UlghMrun was 123, Atone time the latter had his balls to saoh'li'ttbaltion that nearly all present thonght he would wto, but one sBoke too hsrd lost him his chance. Ha vraa too sure of the game, and played too fkst Eavakaoh ys, GbLDrHWAiTB,-:-From an anihentio aonrce, we team that GoldthwMU would .have no obleotlDn to oroitoues wiqi Dudley Xavantgh for $600 a side at the American four ball —" s,iiu» «uau,. -uuojji' up:' Baa '•mwmg xor loaa. xae "mo* putet" can be 'dnppeif on, we bdleve, tomewhen between Oonrtland and Fctarteenth itreets, or else vs are • khownotUqg. . ;.• ■ • I. ' '•. i !,. .: :■ ') ■ ■ . ^» fm."i,M»>«»T.«.,ii,'"i,»#™ tr "".ij" T" i Alp Walezb. and AnnAHAMt to Fioar.—It is oxnooted thcee SSL'M '7jT^'^^\.f,^^n^^l^i^:!Sr'',f}ll t"? ""Ti""hAve a go somo flno mornlug thuVeek on the quiet provided nobody gets aoared and books out. "We're a watchto' on you." BiiLT MuLUOAM OTP I'oB Caupobnia.— Wo un'doistand that Oolond BlUy leaves some time this week for Oalifonila. Goixa TO SEE TBB PnxsiDBiiT.—Johnny Morris will start to a day or so for Waahington, and may get into something then. Bumima 'wid seb Uasheeh—Spamkimo Tihb.— A fire laddie, wilttog from ProvIAonce, B. I,, sends us tho followtog account of „. _. _„ _ „, * U'Ow '»oo between two fire companlot on the 7th Inst On times wlthto the pist month among the othor little penondlties I night an alarm was sounded to "woke up Jake," and on of this department He pretends to mske htmself and othore I ^miog out, • eoDsuItetlon was had oa to who should or who bdleve thatourtotenttOu was to Injure him snd hia character, thouldn'tgo. The fire was found tobe some four miles away, in Buch a charge would be beneath our noUca, wore It not that we 1 1"^^ vlllaac, and No. 7 and 8 englnea were sent to put it out have stood out for this psrtlaular young man and defended hlnh I '"'^^ ataried, the roads wire In an awfal condition for runntog, whllo every other Journal did nothtog but abuse him. If this "Three's Follere!' had an old hand-engine, one of Button^s is the Und of ntutn we are to get for bsttltog for any of the "''"^ o*"*" ^ohtocs, yet (hey made the whole dlatonco and had boytwhobychoncooraccldentgcttototroublcwewililetihem weterontthaflrotosamtontesl Onr correspondent says: "We done, and prelly.BOVoreW'. There's no nMcsdty for monilonina "'^ " P^OWy pood time—don't you ?" Indeed wo do, sonny, and names, and ore this we hopo the party will look at thlDss to thdr '"o b°*'1 o* pleased to hear of a mateh "for silver" between some ' - .. . =. .. I of your fleet-footed rcd-ahlrta. Can't you get up an exdtement of some ktod, you Bbode Idandent groper light ud more reasonably.^ Our idea was to give him a — and put in a gpodword, but- to tho astonishment of olmoat avervbody, he tuma round aud talks predsdy the othor way. Verily, none an'so. bltod as thoiethat won't see. Don't let ns have to refer to another such unpleasant subjoot sgoto, for pity's Foot ' BAODia.^Puaa AHD Peds.— The one mile^roce, mnat the MatloDd Theatre, Beaton, for $100, was won by Jimmy Orif- ito to 4min. e9seo., wlthithe othen to the foUowtoa order: Billy Bbal, GBmnnE Talsht,— A good many of the fMe and easles I Lambert, 2nd, 6pi, ISa,; Butehor Fitc, 6m. 10s.; tho Lynn Buck, oro conducted "every, which way," with no piano, nobody to P""'l^^'-i'ommy Elliott 6m. 17s,'; the two unknowns comtog keep order, and oftentimes noohdrmon. Not soat'Izzy £az- "''^.'''^^ ve anticipated, neitlier GrtodcU, Btet- stub's; hlslsampdelstog-song, .Theohalrman,OhtrleyOhanh, I ">a, nor Barlow, showed at all. xou can't atiinW go by what an enthnslastloliuslclan, is one of the sweetest bsllad sinien ^o play-1)Uls aay. around town, and.warbleB "Book meto Sleep, Mother," "Good- bye at the Door,'^••Uother Deu?' and othor touohtog dn, with I Caminb piSPUTS.—CInotonati, Jan. Bth, 1608:—I'wlU match my pleaetog effect Profeaso; Jones, the Irish pianist ud admirer dof Princi against Jem Wllllstns'dog Billy, of Pltteburgl ' 32i6s., Boale tEe night of fighting, for $100 to 4200, Ur, ^lfl^- yr&en lIomB, I have heilrd so much ot your dog "BlUy" that I am anx- ious to figtil him, to try tho merlte of the two dogs. This means Of Mason Jonea'and Colonel iOorcoran, Is a retUtog manipu- lator on the piano, and enton toto the fan of the thing, Whos !^°'?!.*° BiBoay, 0," "The First of Dustmen," I 'oua to flgfit I „ ,—, rr- .-/..i "Tho Four-ond-Mtoc,'' or Flory Mocarty's "'Whach-fd-tho-rd- fight A deposit loft at Johnny Haokoy's, Pittsburgh, or r'OUP' lal loorahiddee, whaok-fd-tho-roord-llrda," then you do hear PO^ Shades,'' Otoclnnati, will be promptly attended to, something, Taken dtegether, Izzy's free and easy la "a good I JonHMT'Lonsoif. thtog to do," , Biu,T Ueeiiar Bopfobbd TO BE m a Tioht Puoe,— That 1 hlaisted old pirate, tho 200, la hellevca to be omlslng around for theCdltornlastoamen, and as thovossol OUIy adlod in has been due at San Francisco over a week, it is feared 'the Beb has' OoaEiNa,-j-PmLADBLPBu va Mew Yobe.— An oxdtlng moto was got off on tho quiet at tho old rendezvous on WednesdW 'bvonlug, Jan, 7th, between a tot of blrda ttom Plilladdphia and Brooklyn, Bill B'S: and JemG's, tho Quaker City roosters wto- Ding every battle, SethH,, BlUy C, Old BlU T., and most of tha sporteworellvdyspcotetors. . , ':■ rr ilttoonconrageprivateenterpflae,and'goto toothfor tooUi, I - Pioeoh Sboot Ms $600.—John Taylor, of Jeney Olty, and bogto to (htok the dog will aoon bo dead. If the odmtolstia- Ur. Mnyhew, ot Utioa, sboot a mateh at.the Jorsoy Uosdows, on 1 can't carry da sate over the bri4ge, let the strife be settled Tuesday, 18th, fo^ $600, at 100 birds each. Iii a previous mawh, shot at Utloa, Uayhew defeated Taylor, shobttog 03 birds out of 100, to Taylor'^ 80 out of 100, lBta BowLDiG.-In the matoh between sixteen of Oxford Unl- venlty^ndthe Sumy County deven, on Jol^lOi 1862, the lat- tef loat five wlokete to dx bdit, and' aeveqi went for (nly seYsn meat to oncouri weh tlon _ by contrtot^a'proper reward wonld^mniate tome of our dare- devil tea captains to risk almost aiiytblng to captuio theat too succesaiai fnobooten. Why dare for what other nations think ? It's a matter of life or death with ui' now, and. we ahould tot aooordtogly. Bam Fbbeuiii'b IdEcmes.—Weareglventoundontandaeme', , ,_ —: ofthelamentodBam'sfrlendtbavophotognphloportfdtsdfthls "to"'uopMced^tod. remarkably akllllurspaner, whoae detth waa so mnch ngtetted "Ohampioe or thb Woili>".1s the till* by which Bobem, among the sporttog fraternity.' If agreeable, we shonU'Vary (he biUiard player, la now known, to England. We oUlwtem' maohilketoproonnoneforonrPaglUslloQtUsrx, lpbatloaUy,b*oanaeli*bt^netystprevannlms«lfietoDe, ft