New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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31 NEW YOHK CLIPPER T /!■:: ' ntr bin* '«M*ped ttk« obtemtton «r' bod^ fhkt tbm WWb iliio«; on Ufpiihtbf ,tiiee^^ ^mMwaihii tofelJIar ib« C uffwi w uu ld fin tb* >ft«ij,«flld*t-HlaCMat«^ooOT.lnrte*d of ito.'tt hewtotW, 8abBotlptlaafoi6bonihB.|l 80 BabaoilptlonfoTlmobtlia. 100 Clob of ^onr t-lO 80 Cnobof Xl8bt,...< 30 00 InalloaMaUtdTa&cs. ' " S.laoento pin l^ns'fklr eaeh «TeT7in- ' wtUon; > JIb«nl dediiottoD,>«lll, hoirtTer.'be iilada for ■dvei- :< ^lnmwUw)ie^,;^fortluworiUmoi^faaln^ya^^ Strof ■<hopU tMoh V ly KotiW *|i<^^ or .SatnidcrU f.jcta •Co Vibiettle IMiiUenT;.'. lots ' «roB«it«U AgAU,;... .'.:.4kati i SUbterq^ilon, per •anbm.t? 00 raw'TKAit'd ISPORTB IN . CA3IP. Hi Ojjip, Oraosin'TiEDSBiouBVBO. Ta,, Jan. 8,1883. Jbukd Qonac-^Ton irlU donbtleaa ptMon uils prerampUon of joarnsw'eorrtapondent; but knomig wtUthe-predlleotton that 700, penoiuUir, u w«U u tbo masj ihooaoiid readeis of lira Otasswa, have for ever; dMcrlpUoa of gport;''n6 matttt -what dime bf aonntrjr It out bippen In, we luve "dieiaed vp" •part of the ItOw'Xear'e doings of otuc boya, udbave A^rrarded tbem lo yon. being folly Impreiaadiritli the belief that tii«y\flU be liKlereMag'to'the Mendi at borne of the brave Uda who are now' hare ooocpylng.oiiT "OanTan Olty." . The faot having BOme ttme sinco beeome apparent, notntih- itandlng their'cloae prodmlty, that the "Keba^aveno desire to interfere with oar peact and quietness, so long aiure allow them . ... . . ^ UHOHBWAAD But^Dlv IBS aiOAT W SOfi Till' LI •. ;;;e;or stqb^ tellbirb ! ^OE-THE VU:- J..) nWXOBfc'OUPFltB. p..., I' If.i:! .1,.-.' V■■•■.!^■,•^> i;lft4]MrAMaM.'«f «i(r knaisr' inddotmanti to brln^oirt the <:'^|j|g^^'|itdry'<ii^£^'^ bireh^4<bt.-«M'j^ .1-." ■ ■■ ■■■^igiii&jp^i^ handed,' iil' ^i^Min'»U^^ U8S. ■■ ■■ Two Limdred and.Uffy dot ■<" '"^binSiliffltlj 0v<gh'{l^'li^Matp^r>(mehnndiedandflftyd<4^ :.t iflit'lhk'UbA'iil order of merit,'(Dd onehnndred dollan tbrthe IlkHibeat/illieyiniiat be written expressly fbr our oolmnn^ j;''-''.Vl|iii'Wadit'aisiuftesof.l^^ of the Oarm. Wedon't : ■'Want ans vat storlaa.. Hie itorUe mnit "open rloh" at onoe,' I'''^i-r;'.'.i-i- -..'•'Tr; ."'T' •r.\ .-^YJim^ ttae.itaiareat eoainehotaig at the start, and oontlnalng to the ^■"^''^jfilifi'^ wen laid, altogether original, with '>v)£!W..§||g^ii^\talftii^ hiiS'Sallllng Inddenis—In a word, ihey mnst bJ: ift^'^jaWiftM (totef, fpr a bstjpeople. Eaoh story mnst'mn thirteen, ■^:j.^rr -^^frmiiti^ OuTOBB eaoh week. Ve Uivj: e^'fdUi^tWtint'aay of Uiose stereotyped, namby psmby stoifea vhldi ' . .an mannflwtgied noW'«4ays by ste«n, and soU ":.,,.We waat'snriirthlng freah and 'adtlng.' The oaah win be () j i"a '^i^ to the irticleei^^ as soon ss the dsolalon Is ren! •>r ^>V v)aa■ed,'whiohwIIl be ln;ttm6 to oommence the flnt prize story '^'y-'-' <'.j^^-^^j^.fj^gf^l^ gl fji^ Bsventh Tolnmfr Of the Guptib, i"r:'.9b«'fiMdwiIl'be madefUr and sq^ar^ wiihant the least ; V ijsrnailiy «>,'. iiivoriasn, and in aecerdaneawUhthe^indpIes ', ;^(Ueli'giddiMl'tis in awarding onr first seiles of prizes in the r«ai 18Sf , tiro of wbl(^ wen iakeii by, parUea of whom we had ...Mrrareven heard bafbte, and whose names we did not see nntu ' -•dkeUiniha4bAmma4e. The editor of theOUFPKBwin him- Mif dedde 'the' qnestldnof snpmlority,' and hand the nosey 't; <>wrlo.the«iiniiMftil anthors. - Stories not snceesafDlln taking a [ ■^■■iib^ 'lriii f^ to their owners, or pnrohased at A^liIr' ''tahijUl(fii, 'as may be mataaOy agreed upon, i^ ir'Seu'tiDSoffer, fad the money will be given if bntthreeeom- ■-jietttorB enter. It bnt one should enter, that one win get the ■ -ji!i Hiiir','M'ft:.'*JUite*a— ;;iri//; frri" > I'^fiSl^y^jikUiSa^^ there exists great' enxlsty to heu from tvlt'.-.A ittaBU-'sad rdattves in the army. We are retieatedly solicited ^;|^''f|''''ipttii&'.taqa^ dlffeient reglnienta' akd ooni' 'i^.J^ly^j^aA'iimevii in that bloody oonfUot, whereoor'herolo mar-, i^vhiiw4^!.'«n 'iaaiahed almost up to the eannon'iriAoTiUi, to be' '^'''j'-'^'^^iim^'^'do^^ ,graas, with grim death staring ihem fkce to j|. .'.I VlFT^bM.'t'Wonld it not be well for oflloers'of companies to sind a list uK'c' .'iicCttpse^teto in their co imtr y ' s^flanse, and thus raneve the li'i.^X'f i'.^^ii^ snsi^ea^ f . yit wm help to tlunitato n^esns of' conmnnl- .a.^WSBVUbibab flrieinds, and pnbllsh the names, If th« oOnrs vi't:>: .fr^Hl fio^ard them: To many, death' itself oan hardly be winse Wu^ v^j^Uf -'i^jgkeptin' artato of oontlniial'hope nd fear. 'All,ao^ ^.7-fi'{Vitfai(s^.sIso, who have not wrlC'en stnoethatfearftal Unnder, 'iiUl ii' ;\^v^< oiiMmaiiy«iaohlng heart by wriUOg hoiAe, lCoh]ytoaayihey y. ''--^ ff^!^^*^.' ^ V*** '■"^ will be btoo^ oat of tribulation, '■fjiiiltlkaBtiglviiig spring from daspondanoy. We trostonrap. • ;|^ p-'.XMLiifll'notl>» Ifi vaiBt to remain lit quiet poeseealon of the pr^see tfit^ now occupy, oar .aUe aanerslsrBacniilde, Hooker, fiamner, and Franklin, having in vlow this same faot, did, on Tt^ee^ last, Issae orders granting fall'powers to their gallrkfit liOdiwids jto make snoh preparations as their Jadgmont might'dlolani|reroald enable thom best' to enJoT themsolves on Saw Tear's «y, and in any Btannertbatmightbtetploasethem. All hands at once set themselves to "pat their hoose in order" for the'cOmlng event. Thoday finally arrived. Thesnn rose clear and bright, the air delloloasly warm. Nothing of an on- pleasant kind or obaractor happened dartnit the day to mar the harmony thereof; aUand everybocly giving themsolves ap leatralned .enjoynieni At every brlgado headquarters soma- thing pleasant was arranged for, and carried out to the folleat extent; and every deacrlpuon of healthy and manly amniepient was apparent though it remained fOr the able brigade under Oenenl Ward, attached to Qenoral Blmey, 1st Division 8d .C%)rp> d> Arwut, to oxoel aH In variety, extent, and comtcaUUes.' we cannot, perhaps, in starling out to Itemize the programme heio, bettor oaodmence oar explanation than by giving yoa the written programmeb'whlohwasfDnycarrledonttolheiettar: " / A Bim New Tun to On am Aii. Wasn's BaiOADE. ThjB management begs 'leave to aonounce to their comrades, blends, and patrons, tlut, having gone to considerable eipense, thelz only desire Is to bo patronized. The scenery Is truly nat> siiU,'beantiftil, and oan't be beat; perfect ventilation has been secured, and on this occasion a number of talented artists, who "hate been engaged regardless of expense," will appear. ' &x DimitaD Steeds, AT ONI Tna In (the Blng, wUl,'wlm.->ttieIr undaunted riders, perfDrm feats, wbldi^^annot Ul to«Ko^^, appal 'and stt)k»<wiai fear the be- hdans winin attendance to furnish the prlnolpal ^'Slj^'liiia 'A^r^oob,— Since tiie terrible an^ unnectasaty PMd. '.:;;.;';,,'',':^!».3iu^^ late anthenUo advteto, from !>,^'irif!o.X>^>nd>'we leam thiat Ifr.B. TenBroeok faassoeoe^ded In podk. ^; '>>>; latliig the iiloe Uttle sum of U,m or f30,29t,''throa^Iils tryu •oi^'' ■ii^^"^-?'''^^^;^:'^'"^ P"* seasbp,oidA^vo„of. .. V^- ^^«ta, staaillneabont'foarteenih in th»"^rade of 'wlnneh;Xord • ***1"8,***'> mort fortonat?,'£18,58«, or' (67,780 it; ^]!%ii^^..}i^ -^/'9^ TenBroeok's stable proved vjoiorlbus in ai-^ ,v ,>^Miir>liliie. races, woo.fty fourteen dUtarent hones. [Among ^■y 'rt flttrt ii ^ ^j} |AjAer^cal^. hon^.'OUVe'Bi^ifli an^'i^tlfflist have to^^jg^quiOy/tiiV^mer'c^ if^t tl,iaO:itO;;ttie°ezohSqner of tbelr owner. Not bad ito takft j^olto « mf(ftgU oiVe'r the oosi of.' tiielr oati, ahy''way.' '^e i'fiit Uaiai^Qh, nnmb«rlng Are'^nimals,'iiaVe -won tblr^ I, the winnings bUng «1,<188 or (7,340, o6|/0f Seodite; one 'a^nitli 006 rate; winning but £80 br,t!l80. Noi a Tfry.bHUIant ''"'•'iSi&thiiiii UooihteVbut snph,iare thei^[ares. ' j;'j(t>->!X--SBiT.'BDiBBKa: BO.—ifltt'-'sU the. talki and an the ^Mttisg t'"'-^ :•<' 'fdM^'thliy'tmbbk!' bet" on the' spdUago^t£b:4ofd'."Beiiideer;'* Xli'!'^ft)^': .t^ eourt of-Itoqnjrir Itias prssirwjV'^^ ii'>'./..'4h^>)}dtish;ta>ffrontorfiMitadiU. Ifin a jnbititoInquiry,in -whUheyeiT.c^utrf^ |i^d,lmrinnatlpn. that po>il4'>lbct thefUr ^\:,,.,, :lk^^'oij^^:gentlenienImidioatediru.thoroagtilysearched into, V: " ihs Mart have given it as their opinion that Ool. Bdmaby and ' ' '''C^'''Altai^y''have "thoroughly yin^pa'ted tliielr honor," it n,;. iMf been^imdthat th<^ ^r«n'Ao;gr«ands Whatever for the re^ ,\sj-::' '.partsof.aetlalB'oIubs, >ttd ths^infteenoesof oertaia Jonmsls, ~' ^. . Sie Duke of (^bridge, 'bilfote wbom the proeee^Ungs aid find- ' J.'/.V'^bgs of'as.oourt welre lal^'ga^^^ hi* voonjnlrrence" t 'LUd:"approvaL" "Stewart"'ssems to have beei^ "left'ont in ' ''*'boiiKBOsi'B Lnodaosll^^is is the title of a iohrlstmas snd Aw Tear story, by OttaAei IHokaas, Just published by PSterlon fr!'T"f-^^^'^"^«'»'^'«*>*'«^ in.Ifewtoi^k-by P. A. Brady, .•ic>i«Ts*;*W'«*^'''- .'i''• ■•'"'! : ■ ■ f„n'. .(i<r f^, ,>ii . 1 ■ ■.' . ,, . .— r^—. — rrr: r- ■ " >';j!l':^'E^"<'''2S-"r^ • noloo some weeks ago of a very popular f ■'l^!3'Kl**Jj*'°il'""»°»'^>'>»»W* to read themseIVes,1iave ■ .(M>Al;Miited'tiiBiranohaasen story that we representod his house aa •S"* tteVesort of gamblers and thieves. A more stupid, sUIy rpt to Mok up a lUsa never came under our notice. Such an lira aboat an y man' s place has never appeared In our col- ■ —)Mie <^jcTEBwaa alerted, and weleg leave to state now^q^lnos are entirely mistaken. If any penon Ih 5iefe OeriifieoUt, and hence our^trons can rely UlwUlbelUled. ^ FBOOBllniB, Ml) i)hjig5»*IJwpn«M, our Golunms are always open ftir a Ijr.'pWjvldod the ungoageused.berespeottu. and ttuthftil. I'/i bear pore .of these "cock and bull" stodes, invented ,'4bt i^eiMaiaiyJpiupoMa. .!■. ■:ri; <;i :i' ,■.:■■>'.:%,;>.' i':"5 .•i/.li'vi-''"- upon It that the bill 1. 'Wheel<if Fortone, open to all comers.. Prize $10 I Baok Bace, open to ul comers i .Prize tlO g. Slashed pole, open to an comers.... Prize $10 4. Wonderful feats of etiesgth ...By Foreign artists. 8. Hurdle Bace, open to aU comers : ....Prize$10. 6. Foot Bace, men to aU comers... 1st Priz6$10; 3d, S.80; 8d, LOO. 7.. Fast Mole 'Bace, best 9 In 3. Prize $10. a. Fast Uule Bace, 1 heat, last mule,In,' theirinner Prize tS. 0. Orand EquesUan Feiform'ance by the bntamed Bloods, whloh will be ridden by Uessrs. Cod, WhoUoper, OalUpot, Ban, Hide, and BtOli. : ToKoam iiEHTOB Noon Blng Waster. FBnz ,. ;..01own. Doors open at Ilalf past twelve. Performance to commence at one o'clock precisely. No poetponement on account of the weather. . . ' By order of the Uanagement, Miaimn. LiEiaB jjis Piprr. As announced, the bfflwas fbllylUled. The first piece, de- nominated "Wheal of Foitane," Is none other than that a large revolving wheel Is placed upon two uprlghte, some six or eight &et high; above this wheel Is placed the prize to be'lc^ibed for. As the wheel tons easy, and as the slightest movement could set It in motlon,the effort to abtaln the prlze lsone of muoh dlfflool^. There were some fifty or more entered for this prize but It was finally won'^by private Downey, of the'S7th Penn, Begiment. ' . Tour readers aUknow'whatIs meant by a sack race and aluahed pole, nierewcretwotrialsof the former, six pirtles entering ateatih '.time, one of which WaS won by private 'Whitehead, of the 4th 'IIalne; and the second by private Darkee, of the 87th Penn. Ont of some forty or fifty who tried to climb the slushed pole, none were able to gain the prize. Hence, the amount was divided between the two parlies who reached the highest point —Prtvates Newcome, of the 3d Halne, and Standlnger. of the 88th N.T. Tha ifOnderfOl feate of strength, te, were burlesque feate of strength; walking barrels, danoing tight ropes, irith some one on each side to hold tbem up; acrobaUc and other feate; all of whloh ware performed irith a considerable deal of comicality, and oreated intense laughter. In the hurdle race, some dozen entered: The prize was won by Private Banbom, of 3d Uaine. In the foot laae, nearly the same number entered, and the prlzea were mm—let prize by Williams, of 3Sth N. T.; 3d, Oar- rlBon, 40th N. T.; and Sd, by Hurray, 38th N. T. The tut mule.race was vron by -TeamsterOlarke, of thelth Ualne; time not noted. : ' Hie Scrub Ktale. Bace—last mule to win—wss decidedly amusliig, the prize being awarded to Teunater Filnk,' of the BBlhN.Ti V ■ Atthlatlme, the bm being nearly filled, another sack face and hoiee-racriwas Improvised. Private WMtehisid?of nh Uaine, and Therig, of SdUalas, weTe Ihe'Sifeijeaatal compediaia. The hone..raee, beat twoln three, tnlle heate, was In 'ab wise of s bnrlesqua'ebaraoter, bat a straight, fiUr, open and bonest ran— no Jockeying.' The winning horse Is owned by Lieut James U: Unnard, A. D.,0.'. on Qeneral D. B. Bimey'a ateff; entered by Orooketi, Wagon Uaster orthe brigade, and ridden by Black Dick, a servant to Captain Cooney, Asat. AdJL Oen. on deneral Ward's etalB The mare won the uuee straight heato. Time not noted. • -^^ The last act, the Orand Zquestrian Performance,''for fOn and jOUlty, capped the oUmax. As the riders, representfai'g Uademo- selles Toumalre and Zoyara, and Eaton Stone and.iod'er 'promi- nent' olrous performers, entered the ring moimtied on-oasket hoiaes, 'unrestrained and boisterous laughter convulsed the whole assemblage; and when the periormance over, many .an. aching aide was the penalty paid. - > ; ' This performance may be repeated at some future time. If it ataouldbe^ we WIU advise yon. In the meantime, we would eng. geat to Bome enterprlidng showman towateh closely when the £artIolpanta in this show's time of service to ITncIe Sam Is out, 1 order to make an engagement 'with the entlro troupe: and shonld he do soj^ guarantee a big thing, i ■ Throughout tne whole proceedings, which were' witnessed by scores of our prominent offlqen, the utmost hllorl^ prevailed. Nothing of any kind b'r oharaoier happened to inar the hormbnT of the ocOaalon. In fkol, aU r^btfed plUited, delighted, and anx' ions for a repettUon of the sai^sUW. >^ ' '^'^^tT' We have other amnsmg l^clden'ta 'to relate restldtng this days proceedings, but fearing ihlS'iS'already too long, W defer tbenvnntU some later period. Toon Iruly, ' ° 'Pites. A VOIOB FBOn nPHB RAlfKS.' Tm Diwn o> A arj^L p Sol^bu'thb Omp FrhEs-^THB Mablt Adx or Sriiif. DiufjiKOE— Its Be^etit wbbbe oymLT Wuvons iBE/Rinn—FisrioLooz'jlr an Aiu^Tisw— a Souiibb's Boiuiti^^ pSTiC EBS OivoBi. NappiHa— tSb .CoMnmoH- TaU 'BETWZEIf VmoM AlID BSBBb PlOXEIS—MODSX Couina TO TBZ UouKTaiK. lSXNEWTOBS.(lNrAMTBX)'VOLOMTEEBS, 1'^ ,' ., ' Before Fredericksbarg,Ta., Jan. 6tb, 1883. f twk OuppEB:—Talking about, the "Blng,".l don't see sny. thing of that sport that comte up to the style in whloh we hare Itin theArmyof the Potomac A scene whloh outdoes -Pom- borough may be wltoessed dally or nightly, ontheftoous violas of Frederioksbnrg, or from the barren hlll'4ldes and little naked deUs where we soldiers of the Union "fri^' and thawaltemate^- The oombatabts are the aggregated smoke of our nncoantcd camps and "Old Sol," regularly roUevad, when put tion it amii. ton—by "gentle lana," who by the bye has become an Intensely wlohed UtUe beldamo and fl|hte for supremacy with aU ihe aifdor WBimM xximsaLT BTOUS :o,ti(Eiiiott*i, Booiis''Jn3i'i aiaHSi^A^*< i.ii«ii'»o»re—TttE-ei0Hii,-"w!6'nB atr ^ i V T?"^ ttaraiy b«U6To me whei I teU you that ti«' haU was the extent of my stay in Uverjiol, andVf KiJ*"' see pioro in that ijiort apaoe of. time lhai I dldjffi?;t get up Wore the break of daylo do it TaLj^S * at 8 £. U. on ft Wednesday moMlna, reaiSiM^'Hr ^'"^1 P,' M., afid at 6 o'olook BatuMay moniSg wS y^'P»oU^ Pier, waiting for th.o steam tug, to go afio^ & fita Ing'.'. the cook's "bread-buket," or "get punched" hlmsaif. And all thtevilthout bloodehedta ite criminal deflnlUon..oBly,. perhaps, an . efloalon e( what Is technically termed "o]aiht,"> Talk o(."garrotlng" to a soldier of the Potomao, wad yar-lf .any of them ere coves as lives by that game would garrot a ,'.<Uqe blouse" who hat seen servloe, he must wait onlUheoatdies him already vgarroted" (choking) by "extra tots.''^ When Jie oan't use his fists, yoa oan get him, not otherwise, "if iae court knows Itsell." - , •■ . A SOISIEB'S B1jaiil> I On the aothult,, first after "retreat," when ■ . •.'Oom^a stlU evening on • ,.'^1 And twilight grey doth In her sober llvefy ! , . AU things dad," ''- ■ \. 'i^''; we committed to Undred clay the remains of Bergoimt Blol^ard Bobertson of Company G„ a gaUant, warm heattod young acotehman, to whom the whole battalion wda aitaohed. TThe harOahlpsand privaUonsof the Valley Campaign _and tho over exertion of the battles of Bull Ban and OhantUly,' where he acquitted himself after an herolo fuhlon, esoaptng narrowly th.e Instant flkteof:the battle field, to die slowly of disoMe, wore 'what did the bnsiness for him, He died of chroslo dlonhoja' ii. the reglmentu hospital at Oamp Pltoher, afar from homo and mother;.buli though,- '■ ^ .^v , "There was uok orwomon's moomlng and there was dearth of woman's tears,^ the hearte of ihls fUlow soldiers heaved the fraternal sigh. His funeral, although celebrated in the rigid form laid dfwn for his grade, vraa ao -universally attended by the command and was marked with so muw and so unusual of a solemn style, that on ite progress to the gravSIt was frequently mlstakon by observeitf' for the funeral of a distinguished ofiloar—a mlatako In no sense om, •>. ww uuuu umun m ua uri.. -» r — ■ great, as poor Dick, had he what he merited, would^haye been tled"A Trip to London by Sail: ImposlHona of HWn , an offioerol no mean rank, and no man could piwslbly be morti- -impositions ofiShlp-Board," commencod in ti,. ^'^'^'"KAg dlstingnishedbywhatBhouldnitkemanhoddreapootebl^bonor, —-r- .. lue uui.»... braveiy, brotherhood. Of all the devor apHrita. that the land of "heather.'bloom" haa given to Columbia, none better or braver ever bid' ^■FweweU old CMTot' hills and daleSi Her heathy moots and winding vales." ' ABEVTEWSNPASaAHT—"SOiaSFOBT." Last Thursday a DtvlsloB Bevlew was in order and all the troops of Kearney'wein. under arms throughout the day. On such oocasIoDS ths'silaier appears in his best, as dean oa water -will make blm, his toilet the cholcost In his knapsack, (num, of a vln^^ As a general thing the contest Is the llrllfatjast at 'be villain drunuqers stir us ont of our ranches with 1 "reveille" Which actoaUydoes appear: a goblin rend, Jnsttas if a satonlo oraW had gathered the bones hufohlsa Iverlng a frightful "eiattlnet" on oveijr battle-field and were delivering „ . te remUid us) that wo,'to6, are candldatea toi bloachliia In abort,- the horrible dln recalls the' quaint language of tba^m^ able ShAkespeate, In bis Tomt>esti "ReU is broke loo<?AGd m the devils are here." In these matin ehethiiiter* botwV>on the sun and the smttks,. the former gcnefslly has the worst of It. sot- ting It rough'about the "lug" and somotlmos being knnSad •'olean off his plljs'-' and ont of the nring" entirely. HsnOLOOT IK AN ABXr visw. ' corps more than in tbo First New Tork, ifpraottealfiatloloiivlB regarded aa an aoaimpUiAiiunl in "olvilsooloty,"lll8 a neceaslhr here, ud kusumAy demands ite insUtatlon. 'WhereinatroSMii' f'li'S'^i?'"?' ll«"onnd loose so ftundahtly. no one adedbo toldthatthe hi<* of this other conventional mode of atbltraHni dlfllOTlUaa would enun in bloody murder. Wo sbldlera undwr- standthls tolly, snd the wroteb who would snatcli U riflo to bub- t^ himself to aquamlwith his-comrado,wouldetudafaj? 'H2''J"n'?^P* J?K'''°« this rogliiiont If things Vavo 5r''°?.*!v""*,^"7.f"^.*'.A'"«"*»'» that violence,la'bud. dliig,letthem"peeJ,"andtoItl)ravelyl oua- ,, •' . musEsmouip. Tbufl, any foDo* too fUU otfigbt to wait for the neit eamhAt with,Johnnyseb. U relieve!! afonoe, wiTh no mSwCc?; more sratona than a bUoM oWwtory, and n6 eipeaselnSatevw haveknowTtlUlpwa^d not privates olther-who evefffootti tte "sook"wlth the sutler, by "sooklDg" the' suUir hlSJ^ ..I'-JV. and win not take the cook's explanation '_ ■ary Sergeant who to guilty of' the baiehasS, 1 yen Mf^^-bMt recoiurso" at the dook,i " sometimes, and most of the time he can't bless hlmaelf to more than'one Shirt, ahdbas nottime for that,} hla hair cropped abort, hla whiskazS ^shom and set much a la militiirt, uia brasses poUshed aM his baronet bristling. The occasion' in, question-was notable for a alngularity, Qeneral Slonoman,to oommand Of the.cot]i'swlth his entire ataff, and Qeneral Bimey, tu oommand of the division, with his, and all the Brigadiers' with theirs, and among the last let ma quote tho popular Oen. 'Joseph E. Carr, qadndam base drummer In Derlng's (Troy, N« T.) band—a perfect cloud of officers—rode round ov£ry Com' pany of very regiment on the field, halttog before eaoh captain, whom they be-devlled after thU manner:—'. . \Gbkebal SroMEaiAR,—'*Are you to command of this com' pany I" . > OiPTAiv,'petrified, looking, to fact, as though the day of Judg ment hod "arriv ehoah"—'.'I-yes, air—that l»-I am." ' Oehebal— VHow niany men have you on the ground. Cap- tato?" OAPrAW, recovering, and with aasuranc^"Forty rank and file, sir." . Oedebai,— "'Wliat do you mean by 'rank and file 7' CiPTAiH, hesitating agato, and perplexed—Buk and file? Why, I mean—I don't know, sir." Oercbai— "Ton tell me yon have on the ground 'forty rank and file,' and when I ask yon what yoa mean, you telT me yon don't know. And." rldtog 6ff, "yon are to command of this company." Tnia you may take as one Instance of the utter eonfoaloit of company commandante. prodnoed by a little questlontog, but there were many others as plttable, where the General asked for the abnplest statistics of company disposition, such as: fnutls the total sttength of your command ? 'What la the'iitesent sbSgth? How many enlisted men have you "absent stok 7" HowmanysIcktoDlrislon, Brigade, and-Beglmentsl Hospital? How many to quarters exempt? Bow many men absent with and -without leave 7 How many on extra duty ? How many on special dotallt ' How do yon scconntifor the balance ? - Not a few were "stock' on this toterrogatory: For how numy men do yon draw rations ? The truth of ihematter la. General Stonemaa straok a veto of rare sportbythis"ds8cent"ontheshonlderstraiis. Hardlyany of them are oa vigilant and todnatrious looking alter thetotw-eate of their men, as they sre after todr own comfort and benefit, or stadytoganddlscusstogthepoUtlcalnows,andofconrse,Uioywere mostly "sold" when he came to "barn-yard' partlcnlara," whloh arealllefttothosemlsenbtedevlls—the first sergeants. As for the appearance of the troops at . this review, nomlng could be ftoer, and I understand the First came in for a most handsome encomium. "TBE OOlllllTIOil, ' The "condition" to front is as "ante-beUum," only the plokete along either bank ore more sociable, taoldtog quite Izitoroattog l^s-o-fde at aU hours. One of our Dutchmen tately recognized a comrade of the "vatarland'.'on the nether bank, whetf the fol- lowing conoquy ensued:— '- .• .• 1 "Helu'Oottl Ootlslb, Ish dat yon?" : . "Tab," was the reply. "Mato Oott I ish dat yon, Hans 7" "GoUelb," agato vociferated our Teuton, to whom the "status" of affairs ooouTred, "yon teh one tam Bebell" "Oh, do tlfolI", responded Gotlalb, "And yon, Hans, ish one tamTanklah]" . THE ifoniB ooina lo ibe uooiitaik. It Is said that the Bebs., getting tired watching fbr ne to come to toem, are constructing rolte to bridge the river, so that thev may come to us, ■ ' Bo mote Ifbe. But this already Is a considerable discharge of ^^^^^^^^^ BpHmioAL Case. The BonixiHa CHAnnoHSEir op jna THAun.—Quito a con- troTory has beengotogon for some time to England on this BubJeo^Bobwt Obambors of Heweasfle, and Q. Eversonof OroenwIah, betog the partita Inraedtately concerned to tho aquaUo set-to. Chambers thinks he should have ttavSunB M penses allowed to London; the oppoalUon thlnka norand on this hanga a tale of no moment to us, except that the ptooreas of sport hog been subserved, and that they are now oU but matehad to row to April. Wo should hardly have alluded to the matter bad we not vriahed to refer to the now Utont subject of the Champ oMhlf of the World. The Chambers above lamSdrto tho todlridnaI,B8.0uppBB readers wen know, who was to have met our then Champion Ward, about two years stoce, but limped put of too afiUr by lame excuses. Ward has since been baaton a^^i"" «is probable that during too Mmtog^iSrer ho will endeavor to retrieve Us lost laurels, but both are «t present "loytaj low." There Is a third Chami)loa, he of Auaballa, also iseptog very "mnm,'' end, we believe, inlojinR his oNum cum <Us. somewhere withto the confines of BritannC Hero we have them, five fine fellows who con feather toelr ow and between whom there is bat Utile to ohoOso, esoh of conm having "hostoof ftlonds,"but abeat equaUy divided. Nowft? the inomentous question. Whr csnnot these high pressors propeUera haves regulnrtotematlonal contest fyi the Cham between two only, even supposing toat each of the two should have beaten the otous at some previous time, because wind aid tide will be more or less favorable to this or that one at dlifermit places and seasons. Now la the time to talk up the matter ao u to be fUly ready when It is time to act Suppose it was to takS place on one of our lakea, that eaeh ahonld row a race vrilhall — 1 ~™ -~— -.i—v - .v., ■ theotherstandtoewlnnerMthe-moBteventato holsthlscoiow S.'Pt'?*'" bonors. Jem betog the favorite at bslUDg,wri as Champion, and take "toe pot" In addition, somo of «[» S*"* .Ijo^** » chance to make more cash by "playingpom» other firat class osrsmen- mlghftUta a hand to, and then what a ^^^'f. ^"n- Nobody, howovor, denies that Jt »P™2 iregatto-.we shonldhavo. Oheiboatavrato oaUs "away this 1ou5 80t; atthesamo time, considering "no boneajuj ahaUwohavearoepon8e,and who wffl bS the Sat T^J"""-" ^cy declare that by proper nurtlng he ccaU to« boatboysl" _ _ ^S!^ *SF, •'»^' k ■ fMtiTo would be" Sb' scribed to thte country alone, to rev«rd tliewtoner of such; an ttJmtte? °° '""^ * lielptogliaadin Oh tbb Boanl-^lJil: ans Death I—Sunday, Deo, 38tb. waa sucVamagi^fleent day, that sta^ at homo was out oV too oueatlon entire^. Bfll Olark^^ftn't; Jack Bath >couldn't• aolonel 'Mike .dldn^and BinyH.. .houidn't. Co'tiSinentfe light wagons were ordered IWm Norrls'e, Pat haAieseod^uDtoe mares, and to a few mtoutes the whole party were dashton down Broadwajr for the Hamilton Aveane Ferry. This otossodlswv whloh was to^ "carry me back S) oldS^Irglnnr," « Bni.-i,- used to Blng to Germany. Quick *ork; wasn't», ""yNei "No mora salUng vessels for me" has run }n „ ' v etoce toe memorable fourth of September iRni .J*"^ on my trip "to see the slghte of London town'• k„ ' * orrangemento like those of the Plymouth Iteok wi(?Sf* water, salt Junk, dried fish, oto., and "coc* jiS orrangoment, vrtto one old broken down atevo - passengers. Ho, no; ..exporienoe complctolv oiiiL'^'lii "faet-aalUng dipper shipj." They're p ayed o,?°!."3 "i. feel Just to the tumor to*^ burst out agarSd uLT^^' caboodle of 'em, as was done before In the aJrie. SmI,?'*' - W= I^PoelHonfof sm''SI?. , _.ard," commencod In the SSiSl*' vember 3p, l5ei, and finished to- tho paper of SSSS" whloh you oan refer If you want to know the rosiiStu?. on boalrd these omimant ships. Of whatever tasald [JE! baok notbtog; on (he contrary, am prepared to iriM every word. Ifa pretty strong hinguage, but Sl . eaaUvlBKm whn "fmonfU" Victims^'waswllhontsiifer rvedonoalltamynovS*) easily Ipitm who "One o'f the Victims'' op town than toe Olty HsU. •Seilit tlmO\they had. Hovtog hadu UtUo growl, whldi ha« mi'^" J* considerably, I'Uget on tho track agato. ""™"™™l«TeJtt To save expense and trouble, that big box was left •! av , streetstaUon depotuntUtooilmeairfvedtocuiuSiS?,^ .bteshlp. How much do you suppose theyoiiarsed SS lodgtog for Mr.Trink tvrodays and St -Tj.*" aover gupas to the world, teU you; Juat twcpancB or' cental Itwosthocheapest"two-pi^nnuto"ofanylhSl " In my life. Tho railway companies to England hareVk^i • oaU.a "cloak room" at every etallon, where, by parim iku . fling aum, you can leave Ue biggest ohestpr snSawffl r—IPs all tho same—for throe days. It doesnTdo ta iS^'r tickot, however, or "good-by4 valise" until the poUcohi«h consulted, and you modo to enumerate thrceTfonrths if. tho aforesaid box contains. With what-roUef did IviSl, that depot, untrammeled by the first bit of IncKaaa tiSmi? lithographs of Pony Moore, toe Minstrel. If you had . roshlng along tho first street as ttougii noqualnlej iriSf .whole town, (I'd never been to It before) to avoid toe Lin Arabs, you couldn't reslst.a hearty laugh. In veto did tiu n btaoka hoUer, "ahtoe yor booto, slr-lOr a cljaw o' tebjchr ■ 'are yon are, slN-pollah 'om upl" and too profoselonal 1 drawl out to plteona aceonte, "Please gle me a' com, boner," with other solntatlons—none 6f tbem heeded^b on wont your Cabin Boy, untU quite out of breato will! i That was on comtog to Liverpool, about which you oti have been toformed before but for my forgotfulneu, we're supposed to be leavtog the town, "perhaps for c-t.m" too lovyeiB say on parting, ' I had purchased a ticket on Thursday at toe Great Shin o pany'B office to Old HaU street, or Old Albauy-damtd UU forget which—and that guaranteed too "Plymouto Bock] berth 8 to cabto 10, second cabto, at a tariff of KS, trouble waa left, therefore, but to get things ready to b. ont to the Great Eastern, toen lytog about half a mile I down toon Prince's Pier, from whence toe togs were adr to take us aboard. Happening to get aoqnatotcd with i of young feUows, brotoers, named Henry and Edwin K from stopping at toeir house, my position was not like II stranger; toey Undly saw to Wring one of Tetley's dnj,„c caUat toe depot for the luggage, and attended toellut I necessary matters. White too cartpian was looking aft we three were doing toe grand by rldtog to an open'U. ("when shall we three meet agato?"). and oroatlng qnltst,, among toe crowd assembled on the pies by onr mirth nd b ity. We couldn't resist caUtog to at Alex Hendetaon'ii&i cocktail, and perhaps somebody got one too many; aiik felt pretty good, Everybody was wondering who wawuvL once or twice I thought toe "bobb^oa" were going to amtt i for keeping up "bonfire night" ThatimuU havabtanteL look a fellow,up, and let toe Oreat Eastern go away wlUiogi i wouldn't it?. LncUly, toey didn't. What nude Iterea bo amushig, was when toe trunk arrived wlto a big -label oil At this time everybody was talking alwut toe great Qa Counael'B akedaddUng, and betog of the aame name, the iti stood gapto^ ft 'm6' Uke/n many aoare crows, la half u or soafterwa^,.me .and .'that cursed box were'oo tbe, After making orrsngemonte to soli^te one sootoer wkra steamer passed Prince's Pier, we took our lost fSnwea sepaitated. In fifteen mtoutes more ear tog had steamed aloDgildt Great Eastern, walling to unload. Everything was c«i' The gangway coanectlng the tug wlto tie ablp waa a , shaky one; It seemed like gotog to toe top of a alx atory and if the girls didn't show their stooklnga. I wonlda't How could **<j/halp it, poor thtogs ? Km wouldn't expect«' son to keep his eves shut at such a time. Neltbl<r did thi li. themselves, for toey enjoyed too fon as wellasthsltlltn. was out of aU reason to.attempt to carry luggage up tbtt way. Nobody but a Liverpool Irlohman could I'over tkl such a thtog. "Falto, and vhat should we do but for ragged Pat?" No, sir; passengers were glad to give as; to got their luggage aboard, no matter how, ao long aal got on toe ship, and the aonaof Erin made moreBiontyliil| day than toey could earn to a week at tooir profeail()n,b;ai'l rytog toe hod. I toought- my bargain wlto - Dennis UnliMs;! dirt cheap, to cony toe box up for "five bob." Be Jtljtn,D»| body who reada this would caro to attempt It for fire doUin, 111 bet. Every one expected Donate would tumble Inte the nlerl "and toe trunk go tumbUng artor," as ho ahouldortd U pitpin'l tery to mounting too ramparte—to fact, ono feUow did fUlom'r board, and barely oacaped wlto his llfo: a bad beginnhi; foran;-! age by this unlucky vessel. However, Dennis managid lo nrti his way up, and got rewarded wlto s round of cheers by bit (d-l low-stevedores snd toe passengers, Ha-ring got ereirtliliil dl mtoe on board, nothing was left but to watch the ethtra gtbfl through toe same manisnvres. It took about a dozes bip) Ctrl toe tugs ere aU wore on board, some MOO souls, wtthbisgi<<li>l boot, and aU this time gangs of men were busy stosloi an! I freight through toe port boles, for toe ship hadn't been la l»| I enough to get thtogs to proper worktog order. Ootaldeiibltl fun was crested when holaltog s Shetland pony beloigiiig to Xr. I Uorrlson, of Hudson atreot, a member ol the 7Mh BegiiDOd I Highlanders, who had been to toe Shetland lebuds eiprcalflt ■ buy too animal for toe use of Us children—dnd alaovUIecel-l twice, as a elgnal for starting, and we were off, amid tie bun' I of the toousands assembled on little steiimboats, ga;lycil»n-1 aonod wlto flags and streamers, to see us off, BaO 'Pob Jeu Haoe, if TnoE..^ome of too old'spoils udti-1 pugUbto of this olty and elsewhere are having pretty iU"^ | mento about, Uace and King's List fight, one port; •lK'°p' sGoustog Mace of across, toe otoisr eansllTvebemonlln|i™i I Etof-"'^ * "--"^ '■ - "- i.-*it"o ih thto^ country realdenc^ and so- on along "Long Island^Via-fflrl shore,'; way up paat Fort Lalkyette,'and toe fatea alone know where Jhojwenldn't have gone butforfetehtog up at a brook about two feet deep, when the horses wouldn't face'wateir. Ba- traotog.toelr route, toey passed the Fort HamUton .hotel, glvSia a lookta at George Smlto's, then over hills, vales, and floldT-S a B^prt, oat to Brooklyn. Hera the boys snrprissd Mrs. Jom Gidrftoisbytheetrtog of light wagons ttiat galloped un to toa door; Jem wsen't at bome, or ho might have jSlnod la ud gope, too, After arosslng toe ferry, MIko Trotoor's restab- Irtunontwaspitehed Mike had to go along. iln aU' 1 -r . .. . Ed Wilson's Woodbtoo's —!-»».. J vii jf izr -- —•■T- y*"'''' *» •••• ^was mbrtoandh)Iarity—but a sudden change comes Ukeatonnder- bolt.over every countenance. A man teshoti Oneofhls com- rades begs of all present to visit toe poor fenow. They did so and It would make toe stoutest heart melt to see toe anxiatr sad remorse exptesssd.oa even feature among toat group of remone ezpreasea on every reacnre among that grono of nnd. llste. Tato were tosir efforte: to help hlm-lt wis too laa- ■ hall Vad miAavaJ Via Vas^^ _ —a ^.A- *-m ■ ^ i ? •* shook off the effeote if so tocltoed. Some foUu believe But *5 ers could bavd itood four or flvs such towaoks, and sUn wj™ thonj off. 'What la moro stnago, wo have Juat recelT^aprm" lettet from a friend to London, dated Deo. 18, who write",'W« peounlary point of view, up to tHe present tlme,lUiu»M (Msoo) is oouolly ss well off is If ho had won, for iho |PW»» are oomtog In every week ttoS some place or otoer. ^ W^SS l»i been here on the day. ■ I fancy yen would have tboitaM w "9 *l"t It was aU over, bor toe Bhoutlng-ta fkct; Jon eoMt^ feel too coto to your'pocket........ Charley Lynch Is if'^lzl weU, Indeed, at his "New Toai Clippeb BBisarjl^^ Lane, Whlteohapel. I caUed on him yesterday, and MJ»" you to remember him to aU too boys," Tbo first pa" ""^ docament may mean'one thtog, andmaymean another. --.^ tocltoed to,doubt the eqnirenoss of toe Iste fight, ^/^'^ Iftboio nU*" reasons to a oommuni'Sfion,'wrshoiJdliko toaco versyeoasto get sttoefaoto. Who's going to load of-JSJ; Bird's Eye, OraWloy Downs, or Chorley Clifton? Comeon.""' duffi - ^Hebpiho Up Nbw Tbab's.— In order to pav our rMl tadiM, wo ooiildn'tsjaro muohttaiVfor'ciiling lii «toi» qjffi tlJ^^^^ 'J' bonntUWly prepared by toe sjyrtlng for the^. friends, or anyboay who ehoufd favor UiM?,?'S^ i^lvT?*' *T.tV«»"'!« dfd visit, hod •'tablM^' faWy|j3»^ vrtto toe good thtogs of. this life. Dsve and ^"iltmVi^ roepooHvo hotels, wlto toeIr long tables, bedeokedjrilB o white cloths, and "everythtog yo5 could think ot" ^ temnttog to toe finug^ soul, and mary'a toe hearty Bcu^ made, "wltoout money and witoont price," flrom r Lazarua'cosy llttlsiparl05waa Uden with dolntlcs, ajo " sbeTiy wito the young, hondsome-looktog, matronly Mn-'Ji^ ber-pretty daughter, "Rosy," Is indeed somothtoB wj^^jju ot. Mrs. L. seoms to possess toe wonderful eeoret «• "JSad -, yonto,ft)r reaUy, m appeamnee, she gwws younger jwj-^ older, every day, Jimmy Burii^ of 0»nlre Market, ^ Barr, ol toe Crystil, and aU toe fkvorlte l"05»<>L°'igrrtii hastily eurveyeiC tepptog off wlto a Idok U at the Honrtws, hotels, BlUy OUrke's, Jaok Bato's, Horry Hill's, ^J^J^t HemrSharp's, Solomons', FIgzey's, Bob Smlto's, Oonauu'jj Everyttlng went off like a rocket, and "who set toe Wi>" where aU.wore ao fins, would be a tiard.thtog to say. " New Yosato aUt" partloidarly tot Udlet,