New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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fO;f JANUABr 11, 18M;- L,iri*«t Night IntTtfO/jf th^l .. , . ,. SrWled 0"™»° TragedJan, who wUl hare the hbaar OKIBnBSDAT EVENINO, JAN. IS/- - -' '■ • rttilLEJ coDgratuIalcs blmaolf npon the fti6t'tli»t"he' tf'^iliMifii nmiATA mmrait «Wnn . < ' ■'' iiiSI^^^ _ jmimioifi ARTIST, ikiss BAOmiAif. (rt.'tb«t oco»8lon, prbdace'a new pUy, of iL LEAH, THE P0R8AIEN,, >l 7;lQ.c9ibinenco s quvtor befoie 8 o'clook, -40- SaKBBWB'S THBAThBl. ■•. ^ (! •: !BBCOMD WEEK ' ^' '1 Tar Qdber or Oohzox MMSJSoao.-' :''."'rvi'.- ■ rfiPiPW *» ^^■'V^:*''New.Iori, ln.Ji«r ^cfft ■::.K.(.\ THB PRIDE OP THE JrAnkaT. Kbt'i ^plo pxamo, la 3 Mta, of that title, BBIiXIAKr.aABI 07 0HASA0TEB8 NhWiUr^Woe o f ■ — f- IBOWEUT TOBATrAM. flmntetor .\MB<J.W, COHTAY. EVBNtlfG, JiSlJAfer AKOTEKB MEWDRAHA. g« the dismiitl^atlpn «f. Vfcto? Hngo-BUnmewe], LBS intntPAT^T.w , ' "-; •• ' JEAN VAurAiJ,'', • ■ ■ ■;■ " . . BT HABBT BBIMOUB, E80.. ft ad EffecUTe Bconorj, PovrerftJ Btfecte, io ' ' •« The Oonrtot J?w. viueM. ' .nienedleT, ••' '.J»YMt, •v-f -.Mirina, •OsToohe. ..Fmtliie, .•a, .18. .as. ItaM...;.. i,(B„ THE TfO DROVias. f, , , ^^^r T^DDHB'BELL^ ^dgrfroM 10 A. u. to ioR,if.;j;,^?f^;^y^ • Ltma WILD AMIMAtB' piFmrfaHTB,' Cltr of . Now lork, wiu oommenoe a (dries rAHKEt'.iuAkAOCEBS, H,..'.. i^ifer.'jt^mE, shxlatklphia; ' ■ •' FAUST'AIJ? M4S&DBBITB, ("~ ' ^ , s nOBEBTS '. 'Uii]^.. .' .-..HEPBISTdFHnES^ ^Jtbday-wweet or urf. j, d. ^bkkl TTV SfflDAl-DBMEFrr OP MI88 EHIL7,TabB{I4 An'd U«t night of Fanat and »ftr4n«rfte.' ' •' _ traai announce an ens MB. DAMJEL l fonwSlftr". y the To iritneu ^IS^^^i^^^Smiiie ot UOBB KOyS^TOS.. lingnjar K -J- :'.> 4Mt* ^wooTfe-^Tfe ■■^■^ OBOOHSMsUrt QuATSM, , I^pSu^iif ' ' JxoHiawn^ ■■ ■ SSJ' oouraSHL ' ■■'^^S^?:S^mPA. J'^L ,„ , o'olook. Tlokote a? cents.; ■fiijprakstv] OS nffiOomfany "»WfjH^'AiiWatKVa,'''. ' •^•*l«!8ton;B..(V.; ».0. )•):. . ]7o oonnooUon Mth anrothVi. avS,- 2^ Wood'flWna^. "T*""" ^"P" •■•umlng the name of O.W.0HARLE8, TIeieta 28 cent?, ■ ^.Tm !.; j' vi :il ■ MOimO?;BTBKBT8, I ezeupib: .'.Tiiltenlanainber,. aSBAT BIT, ■■*•'*. •V S»-tf On. , . EVEHIMG., JAinjAET lath.' ■AO. WMl!BEAti£, WAS^OTOK, iD. .a ' kat ndp opnlar A^tlita Sre now p arfonnlng at B,'IBB\r0, ABOB fiTBEET THEATBE. jDMU& Uolida^aiiaa(7 £th. leeS. A. B.;PEIIHOraE, Agent. And the hLly amn,l2X£tei ' ,I*n>««X^ Progra^Si^' ■ I)ow«openat«X; t9oominenoe.at7X. l?dtoti ascen^i. ««*. •P^K ORBAT AMBIWOaS^MiSiSo^Am' IfOBEBT^w: BDTliEB.r..=l'.°^'"£!S^ ■'ryheMiilo HaU of the ifiisii '"' • :"^e*or and Hamper . _i • . TALEMT OF AIL JfAWOWB-''" ' the only Place of'AmxieifiShW tho tfii'iVn v.'i'i' W ..mfflwei«|.nalonelnMP"= ,. . th?SaTOv1'tS^S'i.SjaL^*°'''" • P-nnrcandle W and ' TheBobi otading SoelKayi ' ;8»4t* T opposite ihe'McLuro Homo'. Eaey of Accesg; ;' i^W"- I*t on aeco]nnu)di_ Washington Hall Bi terms." 'ding. Wheeling,'Va.' , OPENEDTOE'imi"aEMp&'"^''- PiRar 0LAS8 coMPAKy. N. lOTHIOf, B. FBKDEBI0B9, J. J.nLiuaD' li A. zwishlebT' ION HOL. ?SSSJf^ — JOHNNY PEtt, J. a IffiOWBBIDOB, fl.toBEBT7^ P. BNOBE^ AUOOSX-aOHNEIDEa, ^ «»^8 (Uigagemotata an addwui POBT OFAr-^^ d, Jan. IBM, :OE BOXi «l<^ - : • '• B. WhSbT^ •••.^••■••••'•••••••J*oprletor. ' AUth'5frffi»^'^*<*W8^«W.' ^ Addtw, lobars": r ^to2»^lltiWarletle», Detr(it, Mich. TOST. 72iSii'"*«'"»dPriopiletOT....v l?RTfn .two MXLBiHELENH. .... i,,,',., „ The flwUBthl<^lW?'"^*°" '■ ' ■ ■ '"^-a^t^ffl^-^^NNTOAXXA^k^ wjua.p^e!"* ''•^S ■- MAOQIE OTOHOtS?^• Vh" wiwiP^J^''' • KATB HAIOLTON. to<?*»,4^S"- ALIOE LEACH, ^Thlstn^i^^^^i^^^j^^^^ - ■.. ■. • - ION MOBMs; ] , BATUOND'STBEET, OOilEDlEB, i>ANT0MIME8. I- . I.TMt"; IT* ..' t'f' y. lyiHl,:.. •,»3r,'ifc 1 'n,-.?;'. Hi I' :7,/pq ' I.MiL'H Ing the whole < of acknowledi uortengageq^ year. AMKRIOAN STABS, IVZ>8 o, J..iOHE( Vnder ^el ALEX. HENDEB8W, Sole Lessee and Proprietor. ^ P^VTnw^#S'*^?^i;<^^^ AOBBBABL» , Sole Uliaee and Hanager. . HELENA, ABK. • . ^ - v; nSTBT i: FREmEBTHI^SEB, Proprieton.' - ' • HBtartilnmeBtB'eTery Evening, nTXBS. . .BiBLE HABM0NI8TS, ' ' ■ ■, .'■ (OelillbirlngtslentedEthlopIanAfUits .| B,cJuriK• ■ .'• .. ., mm, ■ ■ ■ rl, .'];:,.:'■']:■' nffiEBEBTEXSEB, i»;aooDinG,- ■ ■• . • ' i, .;:,;, v J;hi'btopt, - ■ ••'• ■■■.'•..'v'l:!, ^f<>O HK FR EBBEBTUlfUEU. " - .. ^I'l BSNRT FREEBEBTBXSEB,. . : ' ■»';■'■ •• JOHN COLE, • "l^.V^ , .i -"■1 ■■■■«■••-■ ohaOandtoSd,-..-.- ; . GEO. .W.,¥0)jlTHBOP, U BELLE L0OT8B, . ' utieunUiig DanseuBO and yooAUat, ^'•^ItotLETBEODOBA, : . ' - ■ V- >^0 fasolhatlng Prlioa Dansensji. ^^^«l^eri^wialilng engagements, wlU apply ilulti (laid Uiin by any Uonagement in tiie,op^tiq(< IAN THEATRE), inK.-«;,Sii5i5"<oi8co. OAi. 5«.I5gB?XB vi.Leasee and ManagAif,.- I;, i wuti)<fop«nfortbe FaU and Winter Season, with reTMinOaUforals. ;^roiA DEAN BATOE_- . . :. , OlT^i^j ■./ »™8 MOfrBBAT, ...... liS'-^SS^ . OLADOHLOT,,. 1II ffl^',- . MMfl FRBDEBI0K4 ■ .. -.,.:f Jwi«5^'. . , O. FOBBM. f^'^.;cf:.aiiBirfei.«'^'^'^' .Hins op lOHiBsion, .•;'.(i..<|1..00J,Onheetra Seats .1 .i.tKOtl' iiseu; iSM!?.*" 'l" "Dd B dollars. u ilff^ *W OallfbrnU wiU And It to their lnt41i<Mtt (ttSG 4 SSjiL™ ■«*MAIl AT ^ ■ • l)0tiMi?2S!?* 8MD8EOU. NEW OBLEAHB.-.. KiS^i"* .'Whlle^'ln Woshlngton/. heWas It a ,VQo]d Ucdol'.'. for holng the imE^ast and ,,s~^<)>*ise. now living,' Ho'ls H litohea s^feller ^ Kg^J ^ Thanb," and 8 Inohes smaller than ■•"^bo fi S:l !? '''eonipanled by his oompanlon; ^n«5Klifl?v!5',,'? .Undarfuli also by Hiss Hi C. "^otSSiS:*"*?";'' tbeoompoaer of no less ? '"owSi.!!!.'} 5? ^ BROOKS, the bUnd.boy, Urt!?^ >1^<* •■Tomj*' bolilBa fine r«». ""^^^l 0* 0^"^ ELUSQEB, »;(Jn?JJB«T)feaeiirer. • ■. ■ m New Orleans about the 1st of January. 8Ml» ''"Tliifl . J8?«i<W8or«toJohnB.TMeoif,) v.*v?«8 AlfD BNGBAVBBBi HaMiiB BNGBAV) Ci^v''*8&WI^'i?.°r', ■iiU^;^*o;;whlBh can be crlnl ^^J}^ <in Hand a lafge andsplksOld a_radsnaU .• 'i.i Perfbrmiers, Oym' can be printed In one or mora u. r.:;T'?5'"*«'*eted. . . 1 , |W "QABBY k BBILLE7,"Saoen ^u.ojsSSafJSr**"'?^ Infbrm menib«M'of<th» dtv that hs hu asUbUshed jf*«trXSfe.*"i?f *««paw« to negotlMs eDgage' V^S^tmJ^I'. bn«liiess..Bartalnlna tif tbs na*- ^u^^T-^?'™* «ni|wms' tanfi ^t^miit i stin* to t ^ A 41. T. ANNIE ELDBlDGls ^l£2 Famons Ootctt of Beau Otoheatri Chairs37 ols. Lqi^rPrlTataBoxes....IS 00' Upper'PrlTate 3<)fxa. *~ f AJffiLU KELIORR LUOTBTOWli " iColored Boxes.... . Colored Gallery.. T)ooiBop«nJd^art<r.beb|i^«'alalDk. ^ u^,^'"-' . .' ' f erformanoB win M>mraepM>^J[^ Artlsis of known ability, deaWiig «n|ageBMnta, wIB^^ieMM^ dress as above. .■■■.•'I j rr^O-tf?-, .VABlKfltlB. THBATRIL, . I^AIB. ST. joins OPBBA HOUSE,' ■ ' After a most snccesafol season ibf over Eleven months, is now open wlUi the foUowlpg Company:. UI8B XOUIBA W£Ll4 HISS CLARA BIITLEB, . mSSO. HOBLEY, mBSBOSE DE LUOE. : mSBFANNY TH0MP8OS, mas MIN NIE LAM IEB,-. .: , ULLB ADA LAORENT, MLLE JDUBXTE, . . mSB JOHANNA CLIFFOBD, MIBS.PLOREMCE WBLLS,, .. JOSS LIDA HtBbABD, HLLE FLOBA,,.,, ■ MLLELOmSEWAUff, ; y rASD BEBBY, ,. WM. U. 'BBEV1S.": T..B. JtareEBSoN^ TOHcranr.. ■ geo: p. jaqces. '.niob fosteb, , ynt. B. DEBB, JOHN OONXLlN, „P. CO^EUN, a- T. BABMEY, . ' >; JEBDME, ' '• ,.; LEMJE MAT, „ . . . , i FRAME STEELE, • ' .• . A LABOE BALLET TBOUPE. Ballet Master..... .SIGKOB CONSTANTINE, LeaderofOrohestrs,i....B.'YoaEL::' ' ■ BotmloAMIs^ ..••THOS. NOZON. . .Oostamer...............HEBBOHMAN. ' . GEO. J. DEAOLE, Lessee. EDWARD BERRY, Stage Manager: ntts)! with many minor members oonstttnte ' - > . .,1', : .; I A MONSTEE COMPANY, 'Who 'are nUhtly drawing crowded hons's to witness their .' , '„ OffAgrBiAin) BBniJANT PgBFOBMAHOfa. ' . • L .THE VAEIElTEa ■ • ■ - 18 TEE I.ABGEST, HANDSOMEST, BE^T APPdO^TED. , -. .'. .ill' ' '"" :~- 'DID'HdSI-'cOMrOTABUS ' -"^ • i: > HD8I0 HALL IN THE OOUNTBY. ' ' "Tarttes of aoknowledged excellence desiring engagements, may :-x> ^'.Addrask GEO. J. SBAGLBt VarletM* &eatM,' A-^ i : -Sl-tt'. r. ■ BLI«nJ[p,.Mlssonil, nJi iSAH eHARPLErS MlNSrREL8.Ain> SaUBB BiSD, iThsAntOontsbf Ethlopeanlam, - . THE WPDELTBQUPE OB OTH' would; ' Under the dlieotlon'Of thoOroat Wit and Hnttorlst, :'. '" ' ■'^ '.■{"r^i ; 1- BAM8HARPLEY, 'j^ itaeetlilgwith oreat success thronghont this state—evory- whe«e greeted by fuUhoaso»-andt)ioirp«r<brmanonnTOmnoed' bj'l^.lMw, and Pnbllo Intinltsble'ana'DnaliiprpMtStfle. - Ereifr '• .NEW, FBE8H, AND OBianTAL. . ' Th«y wfflTlMtalithePrinolpal.Oltteshitbel) ^ 0> .> •'. i-' ' «■ • ■• -.NBW.ENOlANDieTATES, • • l-.., •. ■' IntioAtotnigtheir,''' i. ' • ■ _J -i.. .•.,./;;,•..<. • ■■• ■ - ■ QBEiTICmiLENtfH PBOOftAMME, ' : BT TB S . :•■ t: tSTTBun stars'QF the , . THE iOBBAT .-ETBIOPEAN lAjBON- 0. A^.-BOTD) Jilstmfflental Leader; • '' ■ 7. 7, BOWLES, Leader.of Brass Band; > . , . , . ; . BAU SHABPLEY, Manager and Proprietor. J. D. NEWOOMB, Advance Agent & Director ofiPohllcattonBt 0.' D. UNDEgWOOD, Goneral Agent, —. — ' BU ' , HialDum|B'6raRN.~Hq08A. ,.. -. •'flAH iaAHcik»/aAtk V ■ \, ^ ■ TBOUAB UAGVIRB ;,.n$rl%!tN°#]W>MW.. . . OOURTAINE........Stag«Uanager. . . B, HABOLD i...;...\Oosdaoibr.Ti ^ J. Ik BOHUTIZ.....'.,.;.... .Leader of Ondietfirtu ^ . ^- • „~ ' ■ mtli'WoApfthe . .' :.■ ■ • ■■ n'AiilN,09EBATBODPa i .:• llGNOtlA BIANORI, ; . . BIGNOB BIANOBl, . MAD. AGATHA BTATSa,^. MISS LIZZIE .PARKER. . :' rHIBB JENNIE MANDBBTILLB, MISB ALIOIA,MANDEBTILLB, " MB. JOHN GREGG, . 8ION0R J. GROBBI. ■ m •BIG. BONOOVBRL ' M0H8; CHARLES, ..Afid jUiO Oelobrated Qerman 01ronis,.oonslstlng of 39 voices. ' . ' ,• vBioss or ADiaasioN.'. , Dr«ittjalrale...........;;..t.n OtehestraScaU......'......' ^ax^tiht.''... .;;....;..., .SO ets Becond .Olrele............St ola. ' . ; PriVatc'Boiea...,<8and»10. Bos Offlte opeik tr6m 10 A.'U. to i P. M. Beats seonied three dMrtJlntdvanoo,! ■ ' Btats,irUdtiii|f CtalUbriila shonll r«aomber that llr. Mandre is 7^ Hayga' Park,8*il Franolscoj the Metropo- " ^ Fronolsoo, BadratBcntoahd MaryavlUe. .SG-tf ' topiuin^u^'iiA^ eon. ttamsolidertiiA tone Maiiageilient that for 18 years of aatldabtti ji5Sl iS" S_? ojMnfcrt »hd conrenlenoe of its patrons, has won to STHEBT, ABOVE SIXTH. PIOLASliT vnri' '' y:-^^^^ '^'^^^^'-^..^^'-^.^^ , - Treasnrei »r lbs. KatekCllS'i N«^^ ^ Btalw-WANTI «hrt.CiaS?TffiKy coS^*J17"^t.<5S'" ^el>-'J< « SKATER. als^SSsT mAMAn^iS»°5f^i9'' PAB&fi, Obi>D WIN dc WUDES^cT .NowopenfcrashortSSW^ : ' ' BeenesfrbmIhSftS?"^^^ PirXBBlTBaH. DBEAD SIGNAL A* ( Also, the Gr«,dN.v.I Hght bSj^eJS (S'.t^! ..M w . ..-..1 t.; ,-:'-r.'rt I-. <: i -.i;j.'J'» ••l ;c .i :;.'i tf U mt „ , . . J.CONNOB, OI*X. Broadway, N, Y. jjwge^ . Lester Wallact, w, Iniriiohari AdiWebb, orSforSL and French Spy; Isabel Cabas,'; also In waracter; Kate Ftshta'i; other cInBTitles, astenta esota;' 'itofpogoge.staap, by^.i;: d^sy, Rew'Vor^. . ipplr p*n<}iuUr, or by isttMPii to 'I 9^ Tim mN^^ '"' A Tronpe Is now organizing for the year 186f, - - WANTED— • ■ . ' A TENOp, BABHTOHE AND ALTO: '/ " AISO^ -V....:. ■.•,■-1.1 ' ~ ' V ' INSTRUMENTAL FERFOBMEBS, None bnt first class artlsta need apply. Address . ,, iO-lt* H. S. BUUBEY, 3Ee'Bi!aom'estMt,'NlT,' ' JTATIOBAIa THSATRBl, ,. .1 coroiNNATi. omo; - ' This Eetabllalmient will be opened on MONDAY, JANUARY. 10,wlthlegltlmataDrama,-by - :" . •• . .ooL. FUiLEBi S.; -r-v ' ■ Also, bftheLonlrrilleTheatrev^Kt. ■ ^;''': .'^.v'40-I(* ' ' ',TO l^U!BTBLIB£8.~Wm. BaTmoie, end ]nfiiii,"B.^t). Pome- roy, bssso, OranoQjOlarke; Jig dancer, and Biiui Wallace, ocmedl. an, wish to engageWth some Minstrel Band.':v.' . . , .Addreai . WM. BABUOBE, «>-at • i I ... ■PWtsbnrgh. Pa. ■ W JIIBHPHIB THSULVRBt^Thls i AmasemenI Is now open for the Season, 'with a rail ahd^ Compaiiyk' GTABS'wiahing'Nlghts 'will please address - ' •■■ . .., '..O.T. PAB8L0B, New York, , o; R.(B.'.lfAGINLEY, Rioting Maaagor, |. JlS-«fr'.-' : • . .V ;. Box410Memphis;Tana. ' SIASVHIU 'VB1]IIPI.IS,..L0UISVILLE,CKY.—This Hall is'acaominodatlon'of FIBST CLASS TRAVELING 00MP^NIE3:'Uu Btig«,'I>ies8hiB-RooinB, and all the modem liiipifoviUientsiieeesaary.for a Flnt Olass HalL Will scat'Oom*' fonably laoo poisons. For terms, &o., apply to i' i/.>T': ; j ROBERT O,-MATHEWS, '^ I; ' . '. wi / I Agont Milsonlo Tbmpli, U81*n...'• I • Louisville;Ey. A^ITUlTION ai9 AGENT with a ST AB or TRAVEUKG COM' ¥ANY| or as TBEABUBEB in a THEATBB. Baa a good .know- ledROof tU>>1]nslhess: AddreA. EARBY; GEAHAM.^■% 894t-i.; I ; Montreal, Canada EuV ^ 1 " '^S'^'- s —r*"" i ~ i ~ i ^~ i ~ i - i ~ i ^s-VSr' > n i - w - i m.- j uVu ^««"oSMmenatao'dook;ceiiunjSi^V^ ' ■ AdmlsalOB2ffot8; BesBiTedBrttoMia?^^ ' ' »n«comp«aed by their t»^tti!1i%^tlSek% M ..< .'ji'irt .iM-iiM'.ii'X ,l':.(i;fl LBA'SMBbODEON, BAMlMOBEi' MD.-TUS hon*e to ■ ., ...^ . the <bly Cbnoert Bo<nn cqien in Baltimore, and Is oanled on b^ . '.;<.-, Ttttbrnen of tajsnt-widilng engogeineDta'wlU sddiees ss oborsi ''■',''/;r' i:,-;n. OpenovoryiilAreioeBrtttndBy, and^'Ko MkUnkes.'"' " ' *■ j N. B.^TWlS)TYF^ YOUNG LADIES wantsid for the ballel Thow that can danoa single dances piefbrisd;'' ''' '' '"'' ',. tD-IS ' ; U'ldiBi MARm TOA RA YBLIi, ' ' ' ■ '■"' " '.;..,|'i,.'..; .*:'' ,TBB BEAU'i'LVUL AilD TAIiEMTU) ' ,■ ' SPANISH DANSEUSE and TIGHT BOFE ABTTST,' 'r ' ; is now performing a STAB ENOAGEUBNT, imdet th4' mAatgB>" mont of JACOB BELLEB, in Deticlt, Michigan. Theatricfl and Concert Managers wishing to scicure tEe B'ervtc^. ef the. above artiste, can do so by applying to JAB. CONNOR, BUK BifoiUJ way,^_New York City. .; , ' "'j'j^I''!. AOADEUY'OFIinJBIO, . : .vt ■: - , CLEVELAND, OHIO,-; "".■iX ,M " . . 'JOHN BLLBLER;....,.... ProprietoraDd.'Uaikkgerr ' '^ o\ThlB is the largeiat, most ecmfortsble, beantlfa], and altog Btlfef " .Ihe most popular theatre in this city, tor.BENT, BY THE NIGHT OB WEEK, from tho piesbntdate, Jsiinaty lOk orTronpef'' pstf exhlbiVin it on sharing terms. AU. applloatlonB to be made 'r to.lhe'above matiager, at Colnmb'ns, Ohio; to the 1st of AprlL .naxe. ".. , •' ■ ■ • ■ ' - • idv ; .,. V i.. - .:.. ' ..—J.>~~www>U,>~,»~^ : .^..J'.. . ~ir.r'.v:i->' ; .,i\r S: 1 I.' <VU t\ illi'.T f .'iio? .-iiM-^ n; j(/.'il;i;"i '■•(JVi.'f "Jt'-it UAB^'PROVPBT, ,. j''>-m.-_:,.(.....THE OBBAT VEESAmETABTieTE, Is'iperformlng Ja most'saacosaful engagement'af'Grover's," WashlngtonV'D^O. >., . ., •.■(' »:; ' >: - ^ . ' ;;;BnainoM ooptnnnliiatlons shonUbe addressed to $(Ki.t* ' ■• ■; / -Grover's llS^^fwu^i^^ra^'0^' TO Tim ntblti ^SSlbN.—BelnK dlBonBOBtd at present, serylete SI BUSINESS AGENIT'oy'TBEABUlSR for Aiyuea^ (t ks TR :VWINa agent, for any kind,of exhlbl> tiou. AddAsa 1 . y v coL. T, allbton bbqVw, . „ HARRYjSJJmI lOD^S^ otnbefcoiuliktthe'.' . .. ir-; :"WAM0HIA»,", 810 Broome i treet, nnder Brookes' Assembly Rooms. Ohe finest Olgkrs, A is. Wines, eto. . . ; . St'Sb* oawtk rbort btobio hai.i<; H,- WiiOOBr TOTH . ND OHESTNOT BTB.. PBILAD'A, Pi. ^ABGEBT AND MOE I! TALENTEDiOOHPAinr IN THE OnV, 4^ Ladles and a«nt amen of knowA ability, will address' BOD'^ OARDINEB At BA^Y ENOOHSk Proprietois. 8H01 J. BOMER Maker of every jg^lo TO lUCAITA^IlRB HISS MARION begs le ,Te to inform Uanageis, t)ist her En Wer ments in Fenhsylyaala #Lnd elsewhere will closa on thbieth of the present ^onth, wl in she will bo happy to reoelve proposaU fbrengagements:forO AUBBRUAIDiand SPARKLING iQOlllE DY; .umagcrs wlsblg to engage iriU please address MISS MARION, OtpTxnOfle. [«-lt»] SPARKLING OOUE- ~ dress MI a JOB^ON. -OIROVS vxivivs, , 178 BOWERY, Second floor,.. , ., .V - >'THEATRICAL OAirEB9, BiaPraM, IM, nsod by all brand m of the Profassl6n, aiqxfflor and cheap, er than oon be had els where. Ordoi^Arom the connttrprAnlpV ly expressed to sll pai|s of .tho United SUtes of'A]iieTle« [I94i* -W'AIltTBD-iL < themselves eqmikia t^eHadUon(m)i,«]eAl UoVIOKBlR>S 11UlATRBI-aHICAO<), ILL.-A r-Walk. ing <^t]ema^.. «an I m a permanent engagement by Inimedk atoappUoeU04> Goo< nfbrenceroqolred. '..j..'^''-- . -, .1 . , ,> ' . . J. H. ItbtlftREB.-''' bonld address at once, the mausMi'd LEADING UAN.-PsrtlM,,baiIsvU{ -M-at* BATC'O AMD inb'dX¥dlm6, TAUGHT HY J. BOOAIT,' IM nht'ATttttk. '» :«ta'|i Baqjoi on hand for salo. S».at* T' . JL FEW LADIEfl AND QBNTI.BHBIT of mspeotA- bffl^ Wanted tb Join a new DB AM ATIO ASSOCIATION nowfonn-. Int'ilp town., or address C. CRUMLEY, C81 Third ■■ avenue;'' va;',' .1 .. . . 0. CBUML^, 'Pres'i,j7ro. taj«. ,. /'H. 8. K»XYi Seo'y,^ ton. '; , Wltf ; ,, ATHBirEOU TBBATBB, . . -COLUMBUS, omo. , ; ' • , JOHN ELK8LEB..i....'.',.ManacenandPioprletor. . - .Op^'oatbe iathlnst','fora'seAaaD Of'three montbs, with'the'< Dramatte Company fironiUiO'AcadomT of Muslo, Cleveland. Btax*. Wishing nlghte wlU please address JOHN A. ELLSLEB, JB.^, iO-tl ■ ' ', Oai6anbtU,Oh}»i. ..JF.^OHAlUrBO H; FOX, a neptiew at OliArlsiMcGnlis,..: Bn^bn Maker In Glasgow;'Bcotland,'and whose paients- oame>to.< thtS'.oonntiy abqntithlr^'yeaiis ago, Is still living, snd'tUs.-':' ahonldreachhlin. he vriB hear of something JotUB advantage,, by 'eUUngonHenryB. Smith, Attorney,'No. mumbeis-streev- . Hew York. ■' ; f t. . • .. . . . . OUR IiBWHIK kdZ< . .. , We have letters ior Mrs..Ohal'lott0 Peny, Bcberi BeOer^ofaii ' O; Rlveis.'J. B.j'WhlUng^ Jnlee Stratten, Sam.. Lathropy WatUs . Rnsher, Liverpool lettevdir Joo Pentland, E. 8. Washbunt Byron - Christy, Geo. Fullerr .W. H.'Leak, Dick Band^ Obas. Kj Mrarls^. Shirley H. France, Miss Alice Plaelde Modn, and Master Leon. I :r:'-f{ *I/:r ,I:i.':M .■;:.>').' '.:'* i-'.n:.,''^ : iTiif U'jJ , 'iMi\. irl nt ?'y1lll : t.^ivlf ri. ,'*?'i('5 • ''Jrtt.:^/! ■?:-.'> MCiia .. --jl.'.ifi • i..:;i.7*'J '. , '('/i'.l.l • ;,V'','>.:j'u ,,;,( h-f ' ix'':ii'.>.;> :..-i.3.''iii i' .rvtiWS If .■.:!rt I: .li' ,..,..i..:;19.. /i.' ■■ OLDIEE'S' VALENTINB ' ' "•;.. .Contains 1 veiy Fancy Tolentlne, new stylo . '1 elegant Zipbossed Envelope....; .3-: I'handsdiiieiTBlentine,ncwa^ls.,.. 10 ..',•.. I .1 nl6ely'E^bo|Ufd Envelope; '. 9 .. ' : .iaMllltaryOomloValentines,newstyle...: .'.:...' 9 . 1 Poetry'Valentine Writer..... v ;(1. ' .< ■i aFanoyTalentlneCards......:....'.'.;;...'..;;...... 0. .. .>'.'.^-.1 ...'.,' Bymall, ft«ofo'r£ftycent3. ,. ■,' i . . Our. ONE DOLLAR PACKAGES are'voiy snpe^lor in Myls^ andflnlshi'. Addres .' FBED. PABBELLS & BBOTHEB, Box209SNewtork,P,O. .. ;..!..■: ,.. .1 -il) jl.O .l.,!i.'..v--ii?i!;.(( ''..:f.;|;';l(li.?'l£ll :'.iilt*^il .iliHiif't'liW' .'..'llil \?.lXlOii :'!i,' ii<;');;'<:*t' ..'if- iil-i/Utt .'r,'.' ■, i.'i'lCll ■ ',i:', '. '.» )i!.<> -'i.'l..:';.ii.'''f\ .•i''.''V«(!w'..'i .■ .. • '-r !ii >'..ii-; • ' .' "'l.'/l'i 'J'.l .. ■ ... ji,-1'.:|Im: ..•.;'.v.<a/. >. ,..i'.')rt,-;.i TrOLUNTBBRS. ATTENTIONI-For the Derang*.;. y-'ments *bf the System lni)ldenlal to the ohings' of dM^ ' wotiads,'omptlons, and expbsores, which ererr Voloiltear Is 11> ' able to, thete tra no remedies so safe, oonvenient, and rellabM ; as BOIiLOlirAY'B PILLS AND OINTMBNT, 25 ctsperbox. [tOV;'- CARD PHbTOORAPHS of Hogarth's celebrated Hih. tqrw pf BEg OItB a ild AFTKRf35 cto each.' Ul&^blsdeaBn. forthSLldbfaBNUFFDOX. PrlcoSSoenls ekob, andsentpoi" paid, by w N; COZ, 81'Na8saa atrooi,N.Y. M-M* /-^ED PHOtOQRAPHSI-r-ALL DESORIPTIONft^ VSent post paid; for as oonto plain, and Moents colored, by.-: VM* .j; N. CpZ. Bi Nassau strMt,'N.Y.. " ^; S; t B R 0 0 0 W P A N I 0 V I B Tf Send asots. AnAreeelve something Blkh and Bacr. .j>* BBOKNEB * wTp. O, a)itBQy,y.,?f AMU FOWLS FOb SALE).'—A choice lot.o/.Foti^lK- selected and bred, from the best strains, warrsoUd AMd'.: gameu and fbr.aile ohsap... Address, fbiViitlonlan and pnok '-.■i'. 4»Ji* ' . ' ; H. A.-LBQQBTT, 8aratog*S!|i«».. N-.«' -M ■ i'..'.\'''. . , .'J,tVf,L'Jlt.. vii fj'tfi""; ..;„.Vr. ^•.vi«i''-^i . :j'i UxA''.:'-l ' ;-',.. ,iJ.J.i>:;:t.WI<'. '/j,',;, .•/.j:t).,,7.Rir, SEND S'bt.Stamprf'for "Sealed ClrculorXeWr," «h«^ r lag linprotenlenf In the Art of Ffintlag Is <W^^JSi Sl nMeofobUluSgBook^ and NovelUes, manro"*'''''''**^ ' verUsed. -BUdysoon. Address 1 tt-at OBAB.HXNBYDAY,NtwaaT«n, ■•.;*'(;•!'.*. . ..'-<'; - '.'liiiil.h ' |'^.;I.1V,"<» -..(,'.ii.:,-.'ia