New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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ttawMiT ■onnnt. •» ieitd»6f ttj"'^" ej^itb awTfl of Alio,'uk fiirt»i»np«»i , 'nil, n w -Th"*" .twii 'conito'l i fan W » *>«•* min'infin*:** ^S.wt.Utiii*;??*''"*' • SrSiUBg thj »™*?.^a'ffio toS^wOTlt 1 aid not B',X Ii,M> E D flouBiRAXipn Protiotod A B I< R B OUBHIOBB. AHal UUl Sot. It, IMS) W », iBt Mt' ' jvfttiBOOntilbrottoM. .^^ in Ux6.«»t.K SSftortpi««rt tt^^ "'«™?»J5S*.ffl ^EwS NE7B00K-"The Game of BDIItt^*; (8.«,'5iviuo4l»Ol«tl)7i»»i»., ,. OABD> I fright, Jodd, »nd ^ -;HlbI»,0; '■ oBAHiX^OUIPBZU, BSQ. ftioMM f " » iJHSSunnof theforeoB, «ndttootor ot tl tjun Miir mtL aannuT luilUeu: her «• -ii^.^WiM,- «nd entMt. ' ■ ■ l^-lrtinMitliBrjjdyta. , btotawU _ the mate la- effect the nato .with the - Ui« nute, 10 tb uTi X'^J^^tii.oo^^U^.d^^ -★en BiTen to r^. ve tedW OBO ,\jr- (xjctilon stanai .SttligtotarttteuBnij,-^^ *S'?\fIli '^UwJ?^^'"' gaoM.ooBim. . •Whlt^' 1 'M»«> Ur. A,^ lato'iB . J9 18 " SS^d proT*d» «*«»«*«^- ''tSh^SiSohl ThUtw. where he met with ''taiaied-tOr W.OOO.^-- .'imiifor the posieiBlon'of many Bttoet teieitre, ^^^rThl.Iecjgld«^P~^^^^^ aolutton;theBMrlfl«>of tte Qne^^ I mTUrt^tt In lUX she ThtlMlt'r tie *tige, fleptamber Uth, 18". iT" atTie Arish Street Theetre, MWo her Hret ei >r.. ^ BiMk. Ui.B. ;.U to IS .16 ,M U as ■14: 10; Ui 8 13 ,1*. ■ -8 ; Mi 39 •■ ■■' je " 37 39 35 'II , . IB ■-•.'JJ- 18 • •■ 36 ■'I ■aa' Jff;. 8 > 16.. 5 08.-. .8, 19..-a 30..11.« 31..18 ^..14 a4..u It at u «■ ,.g. M , •U T -M. •Vhlte, Ur. A. 34 ti> 30 ',•.33 18 E- in -x-t' '■'B.--'q: ■o■•^!:^a^l.;^^^.;^_.■:^; tBK'OU) MTABUaHBD AWP OJ(liT BttlABli BOOI,-,: > ..Aro.iiraBxiiiaoooBeAaiMi a5m« tHWCABttSlttW. , ...,..,-: MXHUBBtMi;ll«wT«lk ' 33 It ■ 18, SO 30 ■ 35: ^iiAdMW*. 38 U ■7 a6(ft) Bl ,18 r7 ■ • ^ 1 w Boitrmoii OF i»smoH»^«^rV*»- •' ■■ . •whiti.,, . 1..30 to 18 ■-.a..15 " ,. . ■, 1 YOUNG AM KB I OA.- "; Azn> ' 6KNBBA1 WJBOHASIMa AOBHOI, . . t' j »tei»«»«»*>,"*»*!; ;, ;.: .: Books, WoTe^^i-'iSi^ 1. VBOSBtSAi 13 to 19 IS'. 18 • ' » 19 . . 37 ' iOHDOM, PABIfl, , un> lAKKEE-• uonowB.-■' • Bend for-Catile gow .' •' . . B^^o^C»t^lo({^^• ■ ",. . Ben* tor OAtUognWi, .'^ .■:-.„•;. i.. ; EigWor your money letten .»* Imobphy fc OO j::^J..»i«d^: , • ^ _ btten* Dodorty ((.department and dnsa;.i)eimllarto herai nor wta propilifr; eTar. outraged by tboae galTonUcd eiln* , jortlonarfp«r«m)MidIlinb,7»hJoh,':howeTre<th'ejmayeiofirS' ■■ *i«iinetoe pw&a ft.the multltada for tho moment yot denv f*S\!??*l?ffifl?i'5^"?J'?'? of theeHi Se1S»™t'^t^o^«^ former and imaUgou iwBiUon.1^^ fortlWwSlt Howwci, gie»t credit ^ ^ne toiir. «^jorlnglt nord.^ one. |he proftaeS JSel^r^oileW^-™-^^^^^ ,adinlr»bla as itl* P?™«'vv^„i'-„'«rhaT)a 'not quite eo oompll- "^6.-Thl» PO^U'^K^TSttu^eSw £ yetonelrhichw- cud .»om» ^ Cb<S»^o"5J?'of >JS»ttom.that. ?rbie»7.hiJarhi^^^ 39. ;i 93 ■ ' .6 14 BKTWEHNjoBmrKOBmiHBOTAK^ 6:i»M 18 .. r- ■■' O.ilQ'I 14. ■ ,. , 1 OF BTUBOES. . \ I •■' ■WjKEK*'-." V' / . '.v... E E P E.O J> V 0 I.^ V B 0 E Q A N^J, '.' V I V jrtJBSStL T. IBAIi, M.D. ;* • . • '<'. ' . . ■'' , tBXQAL OBOASIBK. JAHES a JAOKBOH, M. D.. ■.^QVe^atiealnttjUj^J^^^^'^^^^ I strategy. I lednttnK.whwhu'been go aptly-tfnfmed the.po*fa7 ttaa dAnded lsnlotdoseer^ rhyme. If Uadame Le Gampte ' xartlyworted lo'thaVrnd and faarftil motions of.a bott pipiuar -j^'a^ juf)|esied.>%. higher, dalm to bnfapprobeitonln liar ndot *T0ldaa|>»^ tboae vloiiatJOBa of deoonim which gfre a' •hOokto deoancT.an9utlll&l(e.the,<ihed[of parity addlimoeisoe vith tbf bloah of ahame, In addition to whlolir the onlmpetoU-' . jable oonres of hei^ domeiUo life, from her earliest age, has been ' lanohaste dliam.calam^iy^taoifivThe mead of popnlarltyis iMtiliiOTawarAidJp't^ 9oatd«aeiTlng, is a remark trite W ^on^rlgU^ pcaitlon oooanM In VV- ,KB4, ' <1B'8, jrr I" B. BLACS.'' ! IJJJFFOBD.JOBDAM, , " , '. 1 Bbrniih Balttnttei'Ud., Trhere he made hia dcAutattheUn' .<Mnm,.imdertha4iianagemenl'of fofanB. Owens. Wa^'a'p'rii' .M>y bade. First..appeared- in Philadelphia, Uay24,'IBM,'at .... Walnut«tr^ Theatre, as Henry HamllMn>''in '^Ualdena, Be- ':. -mttt.": Hade his dctufAsKeiKSbrk in 1849, at Barton's OhaAi- .'ben^tiMt Tbeairei: jrhotahe fltiined his pdpnlirlty, "■i/. In Juile. 1818,he.4Bltod A><Europe,'and after an absence ot .'>vjLrthreQ.monthSrr««rir.Xork. ' ^ i^'' Karrlvd Uias iwle .Walten, the oalebnied dansanse, nss d)^ 'I^ '' >9'o«d'ln .new)(orkL?ebni»r7lOi'18S8,-ind'on'thelith 'of the , .same month was iqarrled In'Jeiaey City to Hiss Emllylhorno, ■i .. - Ibnnerly of Barton's Tlieatro,-New York; • Ur. Jordan has tiMt indispensable qaaUflcatlon-^nl'eUneas of* pailon. B*IsaVraycjijveractor,bnllsorattlnnottang. Ifhe iSii?»rort,<)WB foufsfld ui. (t{£u(.ii;i.aTheapUs v'f.'T ^ sfafl4, . . artlale. JTordah'has ease, self-possession, and. all tfaa' ele- jga&oe'ot thewel^niAdr'^eirtleman, and the Now-^orkpressao* ■«ordhim high pralie in this part, parUcolalrl)'. for-Uielifoand 4«haraole( he gtres to it. both in his scenes of'easy aaniranofi among hts male ftlends'aud' his bashtnl'ayrkwardhMS bwite tho Udlaa, He is now^tn^OiO&don.. ; .'V'' . ; j0L^as<i&aia j6zhiis, : Haldoi'iiame, -Annle-Wdt^; mado' her.'llirat appcaiince (id' ' ''Ui9St«geasadaitseb;^WasmarrtedloUr.'(>eo. Oiordan In U<8. '., She applied for «>divorce,>«nd.on the low 4t,Pebrnary received : 'it, Hr'Xtopay ^ta^Jli^ ' .' ■ .J--- i ' EDWIN OHn^QHIUk ; Aijitiior,' !^ call^ northwest of 01nalnn(itL Hadi asBOoUtloti at Mlaai^JniTewlfeln a siriAll p>Lft, tn4 dldsoiveU that the boys.eTea'atti;^ gave hua tKe sobriquet of tlra ^hanoterc he tntMaqnently iplaydd ln.01nouuuti,.in's]eaaiog,vsii, under an assumed, naniM^olsg'. the ohandtb;r with a lady who is -'Sow' diatingaiahed. .(.'.■'.■'." ".^ ■ Intqe meanwhile Jie-pursued his legltlinate professibn pt por- trait painting, which Aa studied nndor nl^y dlfflcnltlas,'so porting himself ai'hoaae i^nd sign painting, wqloh he learned i_ boyhood with John B*iSiTtts. Soon his health (kUed under snoh , < . sererv study, painting all day and'studying. BoUng at night,' or teaching mosio in. which-hs'wa<"sal4<to.groat1y<exosl ^' jhaTing with hla brothers j brother-ln-laW, anc|,sletoTs, bronih; * 'out'the.first Oratorio ever'produocd'West of tho'\Allogbuiy Hoontalns. '-v It was while on a vlalt toOboilsBton, B.'O.i ni'fit be commenced wr^Ua'g the NatlOnU BIstorteal DramMVwhloh he la hboat to preeentto the pnbUo. Plndlng he could n'oi.get st^Ooldnt data, . '. nc retnnied to PUladolphlti the ndxt-sptlng, flwm th^ ' to WaahlDgton,.D. 0., vfhoro l(.e ro;n^ed aome 'tni> yoars, con, . .salting men and books (foir the National Ilbrai7 was ftoc to all). . .Alter completing sAoial drkiiuiit,'ho i^as solicited by. many .V./,.:lnember8otConaree8'(whohad.hcatdareadlifgof onoltoiiro.' ..: ... ; '.;.dil(io ppeat Baltimore; which'! was .accoptoa, hiid with marked ' v .' ;,jjjooe8a. Abontthls time he ncelTed an offer topt'odaco,"Xho ■ ■ «■ ■'.. :>.'5|ose of .ITlasablckoH, ^)Mth« Klght bf the 3d of July, 1776; ^^ ;,;«d! I)eolaraUon. (if IndciMindcnoe," in PbllailolpJiU, W the .V'.vleati«'0loaod.b(it6rp.h0ihad-an'bpporiunlty. to appear.' Bo . '; '.' .AfflUndd to the city one year, narsning the fiu^ : ■ ' :;''<>tmm^- -.; n: ■ > 'y ■ ■ . ■ .''.': v'^.'-.'^aUl'' ' ' ' ■' ■''■ ■ ; ] ■Hoito.BjonT.—iiae.'aHsrtfordhoatlorj,'This brde .. '. ' ,. bnroi.theiiprsesand.bTlnghUn.tothe'dOor. i^drconsiderable ;.' ,; . d^y.;|Uk,5 at longUilod up-tho gallant,Bt«cd,.bnt with',the, pnmina^^'tti^srtdle .turned , nnamWtlously.taUward, . ',501^. :• ... tlrbnUt<»>shortly..ap;i(iarc<l, and after'the cohv'ulslbha'of Uaghteratthe.gmieaqup appearance of tho,Tlg'hi(d atafflolo^^ sabaidedJo.ena6)ir h(ui to apeak, be asked lilkd U that was the . 1.1 ....k. aj^ai^B 1^ tho:.old'ccTiutiy. 'A dudden ^lippeatftuieolthbWateAdn/ ' ladi dlsoMend'h'tecriit. obsaryd. which .;ifaxihd v;,4(^ „''^1i■v-'lM"^ ■f ■^: .'.-.V:.?.^'-V" " •'■ •"'' Vui Francisco, olbn'drirbj /.hone stood^ Ca the paiissge,' hbr mt\ /her olothea stolen;. Ifld w^pasl /Mi^ i}tW,yeiWolO <«e5ltlir( 1 Jlpw "— ■ tho wharf she had Jll^'Mfinet •Tbig child had a ecobil ballli -^-■•'.c JfpA'o»» m f'Mosis^ayior, brokon open byu ihlof,'-Jur^ ~ --rjTflg.aiSameL'htr'.Miaf" ,'.iW7;/)iiK'.Hii;:j atKBa, .ije. QB6;.:..'.-QB'«,'--' :Q4,' Blaoktoplsf andwlnthofOrtiCc. SB 40.' 'White to more agd win. ... '.WUI'i'ii. ' 'White to moiTS and wbt^ '.' i 7'kPB»B.IiaiS ' ' B63. . ' Fxlza Bioblem, Ciirrinibim, by. I. fit Oampb^tL: - black:; TO FAlicIERS OF THE : GAME ' FOWL AND POUI/TBY BBEZDEBS OENEBALtT. . / I have on hand and for aal^ s Teiy One lot of Stage andPollets (bred from my Imported Game Fowls) that were hatcdied In Uordh. The'Btags are all dubbed.and in good heart, and as thf Poll^ arf abaatoommenolng ,tO' lay, it wpold be desirable'for porohasen to moke early appUeatlan. 'Some ofthoBtags.areaiz, > and a half ponuda already, and wonld make' a most capital crosa' where size Is dbslred.. -'- JHO. B. ABBFOBD, 89.8t ', ' 607 Oall^whlU (Izoet, PtUladelphla. AMB FOWL.—The nriderelgoed offere for sale Wi "T ontlte Btock of OaMB FCWIiS/ comprlatng salaeilons from the beat stock In America, and oareftallybred'byhlmeelf. All Fowls soldbyfne, I warrant Dead Same. Beferenceglvenltre. qnired. Address ' FSTEB BBANBON, '' 374m*' 1009 Portland street, Phlladelphls, losg. A nerusat hiiKhymwIalanAbdUyta^^ .*«3^»bVa{?l?'enc".8^'*o»i.r^«^ add from abonlannuidwIiSBga.''—Boston Travellei^ "It is a book for the times, and ehonld tie ^ eTsry fkndlj.T- I's Orlats, Boston. .'. ' • ..'i" ', (".." . ' World' HO'f YOUNG TlicNl-lhoM' horrW BOtLS, ?IH; PLE8, Ai.. on tho 'FA6E| OtSEDil 'Actually onredl No I Humbog I Fun medlclne,;V^|h instraoUohsi sent to any oddreas on reoelpi oi Twebt^'Btampa.' Address J, H. tIABTIN, P. 0. box 13, Hswley, Pa.-«|i ' SO^t* 'An boneat effort to dlffoae nseful infor&alloiu Uostpopalii works ou this subject are the reTeiM of t^tad are iaeiea^ Tortlsements Of quacks."—Plymouth Bbdfc. "A Taloable addition to medical llteratuN."—Boatoa Ml '^'^^ faluable bookfor the afflicted, aiid fb'r alt wW woiittgeltii lis dounsels are of griat ImporUnoe to aIl"-^Bo>ton Ca^tgnf*. UonoUsL ^'Contains praotlool information th^t ahouM be known aal Ki. ed nten by parents and ohUdreui.the married, and single.: lbs: chapters devoted to chlldrta and weir moia^emeut obgbt to be. read by every Another."—Nnnda, (N. Y.) News, .' . . "That this la a suggestive volnme mnst be admitted; we tuali by either a'prafesslonal or non-professlouQ reader.. Snram^si we m,-in advocating a general reform of our social hoUlsMl opportanitlea for physical Improvement, wo hall with d^ght Of sugissttvk Influences that may be brought to bear .agon oiii» voHte Una'of action, Qome from wbf t quarter It may; we ttic» for« take groat pleasure In recommending tbs^tove volume toa £»lr ud ccndld consideration among all classes. Every dufBr is valuable, ond^the eabjftts of thos'e chapters arc wcllor JBqstbn la 'gtent in all good works.'"—M. Y. OUppen > Prltb THREE OOLLABS. Sent to anyaddreaa. Sesdo to tho publisher, ' B. IXVEBEIT EMEIlSOir, • 1!0 Wasldngton sUpet, Boston, >M» For sUo In New York by 0.8, FKLT, 36 'WUker street, ant tr BINCLAIB TOtlBEY, 131 Nassau street. • .' . 49> VvLox un oiazs Book, this wH) tosch the retdoihjv to pr<rrsnt, an^ permanently Cobb, bvzbs.fobu of seWM «• e^ and Uerangeinefat, without feeing or oonsultlng any docM whatevdi'.' ' No' other inodlca] book bos cvor reoelvott snob n» mendotlons fromi the Press. OsttebBw. ' '.'' ADEAtrriFtJL InOBOSGOPE HaKnirjlog'SdO'dmca, for as^oenis, ('oolnj|iiererted.)^Flva o f diffe rent power, for I $1.00; inilUd 8T-Smp irBrcs.,' ■ WUte to play and mate In four pf<!niu '' I ., . :." ' -• ' " ■'■'••' • ■ i a A.HBI -..Br*^* 36>;,. ,,-,,,.,, ^(^^j^e^^legriph between the Olnbs otBL.Oath^t^. IttodL BL Oathar^ei, l..PtoE4 a..K£^B 8 8..P-9 4 6..QB-S8 «"..P-^B3 ' 7..KB-KtJI. i8.;SBXEt. 0..Oasth>S V 10..P-KD4 lli.&-berS " Kt-Q3, StrUa? ltt.,0§lX>' l().,Kt-2B8 17..Q-herB.3 18..QB-Eeq M..P-I8 aootoa fiVBn, 13. ;:aKt-Q3f 14. ',B- .; Belsnoe,. ' I Hamilton^ - - PtoK4 .' QEt-B8 - IK*XP iKB-B4 Q-EB8 iKEtlE a ■' lp.^B8 lEEtXB '.Caatloa. ,, ., 'KtXKlttV'' ', P-EB8':,; , Attadk. St: Oathorlnes." - M..QUtbtii )»,.QXt-Q4 : 5a! 8.b7p 33: QB-Kt5.-'v 34..QB-Xt 8 .:, b36.:Q-KB^„y. 36..QBXP + 37..Kt-B« + ', tu.'K'&Ssq sa.'.'P-KEtr' 36..a-ber7 + 84..XB-E7 eo^.x-hisKta ' a0..E-talaB8 37 . . PefflK*;" .' ' Hamllt o, QtoherBiJ. BP-XI'' '.. Q R-E ■ I ,1. KB^B^ .F.qB4.. ■:y.v KB;Bt-i,v KXQ] aXQitPi, K.'B,3t I P-Q Et Q-EBI B-EtS-. ' Bl-Ilt7<- QB^K^-f' E-hls.8, and' .' Hamilton Mgns, BooksVdu LOYIL.:Ap' pHUi^r-tis^utu BMt free. HofrandpradtliMd. JOHN ATOmSON, ' " ' 98Doanesh|oet,'HewTol», OHEQUXIBS OB DliAXJGH'?S. ■;-'>' ^ <WEUi|Bljn?!l>MVBl|:T»/''^ ' 'A:'Ii^'E,,'Baltl]D;0M.—'Xhsnks .for' iliat' Nei^ Year's Pri^it, AUdwiis also to assert thl»-Yon are a'perfMVUrldkl (Orlg la' ShbOld'ifba (ttocbtdlng to your-WUh} attMid Oulffnhtftam^ weptomll»to"ojfeyon'one.". .,■.•:,.. • ";;,'.'., : '}tCKO,';jUUdelphU.—We haitti dot the bopk at pfowrt..' 'A,'Ii0tnimiO]i.7J0ni colr^ipoh^^^ '.•Nemo^r xequMts-# to 'FtabUah/^^Uker,'f,(fr«ni SrunUnond's third edition, this '#ceU' "tQnyon plessd 'eopyjhi 'tfanink" and forward-in- lipe for'eok:e Ouma? JLnother good gamoiappkalk tk(s' riaarWor'fB.J',,,;,;:;,/J,-. T,...;;.i:i II.1" .'-■^''■ ■l-yif submit yoilr ooestlbns to th'e' eopyjhi "to IS? JLnothe ior'fB.;',..; 164; :ioifi»vliiB'L»°<'Mi4lMJi^ ^Ojijti Address F, E.'BOWEN. 1 . V ., .., BojtaiO, 'Boston,Usg8<. 1irAGI0 CIGAR CAS,:B3.,C€>iitaloioj(.r)oli gifts Of Jo^- iVi'.eIry,Beutf«»I,by ,.va..G. BMUIY,'■••'■ 8T-lt». '. V .'Hdrth'BliaffdM,N. H. , -..) I ' .. • '. .I .'iy. .'. ■;:;: , ■ BeNBTC '')'. SEND FOE A HAUUOTH PAOKAOB, 0OQ1 FonrFanoy; Aiildleat price 35 cents. 'AUb; Bnbb^'L ibraenU«nen'i.uae. Address J,H.FABBEl4^ 10Anna! nearBroad^.iH.Y. ■'•' • • .OMmx* . ,.N; V ■■h-'B--'0'-V'',- ■\'' '/: i Uonnfrcturer and Dealer In ", .i.. '. : i P if il-^ I N O OA. BD'fl,.. : ,ii'r T-"AndaB'sitldlaadsiDdin ,. ,..; > , 'i,.v QAHEB Or AHU88 MEN X. 'A N D' 0 & A N lb B '■■/.:.) 1 431Bioadw;^y,Kdf7'(Wk.'.... ;8J«^ 0l^\T> B V ■'tt!''d'^tj'' b e'. V .. OOBNEB OF BOWEBY Ain>iBAYABD'BTBBE1B.-N.'Y Oueata ,oaa bo accommodated with Rooms bt tiie day' or week. wlth,or WtUtfut board. GEO. P. WOjBODElf, PtCpMUif,. 40.sS IAUE8 'CiboDWra, Oo^piaiaslon' fapst Dealer, No; no JOHN EttREBt,' ne^OUfT,NewYoni. ' ^ ■ News and 'Printing Paper aunAfootued to order'si thi shoitost tiotlbi r '.■..„ „,..«4-tl AStEREOBCOPE,. iwA. 13: FanoT' Colored: .Vlowa, complete, In aneatcose..tqrniall,-'Ar4e>fbrfl0bt«,''''Addresi 3641* niED PAHSELLS k BBO., BOlfa065 P. Oii N.'T. Olt^, /flOBOSGGPld OHAEM AND, BOAKp. ilL'.talnlDk nlnbh VImH -Uken troii ViMn,, Dt, tedm^ Bboled, oa rtotdgt oj^ob. : Jidjr^ hnPE BfiOBET FOB SPORTING .MBMI Hra. DJM- J/'WB'OONTBITANPS, br.whlbb mudh,Ple6«are db- rivbd. Piic«; to 6<ik'. Beht by return malLi: AddAiss Box- aOi .Bel i>ioptyMay.' I ,,:'';.. . M..., ... ■, 4Mt*, »tidc« 'OS" ViTAt'' BOTH' ' - • - ;gWlng«iUtl Rthtlemen especially; gtvtngfOUtlArlldttUirsh'iw ay, Fancy and SostaUg'BMUtyV.Trloe, 96 otsi *'rpHE ACTRESS:" J. fnllpagea'/lUttstratlve, 191 Donble Column .P8ge6,W _ 9,»0o; "MBmolrsof ah Aclt«s«,,H0S. Opera Sancwi"'60; •'ClUrordandthaAotroas,"IOol "KeVi?^ Naked," 60o; "Orphan Seamstrew." 36o; "OoroUno Tracy, W. "Fast Ufa.'' 350; Loves of ParU;" 60o{ •■JnUelo Boore.'^lf'.. "Boxing," 18e;| "BateVaugJ»,'"X0o; "Oliarley Hunter," Uej' gfavUgsraSo; j"Daring Deeds ef Obod end .Bad Womaa, *>• Our seaUd Ofroblar letter, So. ^tna'abbvt'prides to •: >^-, .\ .OHAB.'B. BAY. New Haveti, .098»'^ B'6 0 k'6l BOO K sir B O OKJItl'^ .,; BPOBOINO ARTICLES, OAllDS'AND VVmR „ , ., J. H. .FABREU',BookseUer,MAnn*tr«V» BooU ot Tarloty.Httior Forolm or DomMlc. ^'W'S ■. 6d atondatlon.' 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Hbwevor, truth la mighty, and will prevail I and youi leas frlonOs, wiU.flnc^lhnt my Onguent Is the only *j"f 8,SS5t 'V'.l'iHT.-tteauotlon In Prloo.' Ot^r FunO'^ffi- . A.'. Fknoy Padknge, with "addlHbnal AtlraoOoni.' wn"^ , aoy Paduige, with "addltlbnal »"r«onon», ^^rr^, eonse, Joles. Toaata. HyB.POOK pmOOiABb •»» ). HSaRA'WNO, sent to 4ny a4dloason receipt oi « Bkotohes, _ OOLOSBB Oents. NO EUMBUa, 39r4t. n BDOAR, MOBPHY WjV-j, 81 ^aaaHUi flUceti.Md'J'"*' vfePORtilfo ■G6bDS;'otpr iPj d Box 1366, N. Y. o'TOWL; : fOW 'SALEii^bN'Ai'aiN^ T T.>Ji>i>illv<l Va.. ..Tm<Wir(«P OSfl 'Breedd' <>* , YABT, Laicailbif, Po,,-Importer ani , ?WL8.- AJisb, F|di:rdtsandaat>T(MWi>i centjt^p„reo61veOTompt>att<nflon'i« I I' .. . .J.... !! ! ■ 'iJi l . l ,1. i ;"r:'.';; DOR- '1 Li^'jtJ UM I I 'iSBnBRAIi / '^^Ab«AtL>e OTipii'^ran r .nr. Y 'i ,r"^'^^''^^^ ■