New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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■I' l. ' ' I . ' . II I. ■■ ' ,!.. I ,!U.. . 1 , . 1 ! i I , . ! ... ,.^,y^^x!^ piii;j)6ai^yiqB; <)4!:''iMii>il ^ffflt.the'hnnnii bddr.railuvs uaotad.firAm tha.woAt of; tbs SSi^adfnntUQauIu, pni«rTWittB;>obeolet«ip^Ui)g:-ni r Tins 1^'^ JboMlaDki B HotiaB, Ua'gnAfMflbiftii' . , _ . JftUm Aoti T;:V I.. ' todMlh ' ' Httluitrtr* *Ii»»T'Myo»#iei«,;qnlok*nljii i^iji'^HbirDBC tits oBnotoi li, 11^-" SdsH ruioa.kk irttb the 6: .It; "His BOw»£e'«?»'tlM httrt, Hlamu>ieorjt<al'wiHi)uwe,'olear'indnlAbtr'''' £:';tetlii'tli«'«bJiot,tiidltt(inttIi«iilgSt>'. .11 ' iiT',.liulMtbexiaBsals,gieitorsauu,'' .<.'"' r'Irj/. Orittovg. or.WMli^tlsApt toBtutdoraU) . : ^' 'r....... b.', .! T«tlttlw'llktil«rtitiLsiRa8om«timM'faio«ni. :t,'..::-j:.ToiUlb7 obTian'obuioet;.OTaTflirown' i'-t.'i .':'. ..'/ ' II ,' 'iiOftUbsbyTDOBm, MtiM Aill>AentIi'daattit'i ^\ ' o:'v'Of'taziTCii; gotneUmeaDy.^ias, soDUtliiua K^vmM' ,iiV..-MTliKni8li>iuiadvuMaegMt:'pDtoi8a'tIieBtnS' i > i-: r..^' 'Wtnraln-pTOo^tijiuttaNi&ong'enoti^b ''''''I'l Jii'i . To osnqner time iiidBg0;'pat case Italioiild >< " K«i«lai(>wfctfen<laliaotirz.kisti'w6iiUt'.i : m:. C'l. '''.iniMfttfttUoii, tnin, rdovo naaa tinmaosiita'hoiMi't jlj,,': '^7^^°*>MeTU,*t'M8_t; tatfev.ilrm .'.i.'- ,' .'ii' i'lir' Soe Mdi'At nenUM) >aad but walk-, at itntngMt;' ''tmRiWiktfiiisgtj •ndbntabortjnlongtct,' III J .XECE:3^C^''Oif.'BIidOijl;'.;, o::,'. liiiti: 1.; :.. 1 i i I ;.i..fiK -i'' ■ ■ ■ \ ■ i" I'l ;.n, ;.• » . . olJii: !• ■ ■ V "f •: --'^ir--^- !:li H-—.irr;-.r.-' V v.i .t.---- ci i : '£ W I . 1 1 J . l '..1 !>n)Ai<$/H|a|plM«ti>f dM^.Owendp Mi, , ^9anTlj(U'V«iD>|]r.,iiae .tba .Mprmlop,) yj'vti^tbetiToilUdf tUln tami; ' OA tb« fbe Itemed to Belsct,,aa the-inost fftfrant; r .V -f*".?"?!. young B#n»on,7cw yfbom, ,Jt ioight. .. . ^..'•"••"o'BMljQAmbrtti^'oidyof'iiilorftpleMl^ MtbtiluabMaproMded.: Bbs'wivcBeceat'teaiilMUan.^lit-thB' oBMpJlqaor .*Mmoaimiig Ugher ind''hl8bi)p;'6iie tiUrdts-' Mffl^tf'r^ ^eHow.iwljQhid jBBt oonfesael V>»iolil)«(tj.9fttlj«> £BSi!£5Sft7W. JMOtaDMUed by |>pi)sld«r«ble vloUnoa w4 who •iMpHonj-to. ttw. pratanco of ^HaM^^.Bonlidii, ifwhjatimilnff l*ilM)!!»f!«tr/'«y»iaiigpM*yi'^ . . .•..,. i-.., ■ ■ i ■ thya^& tbe'tny, end iddim anythlbg'H^^ .'iMV^o li •^leanlionit" aakMl yoong B4m4a;.^HraiiB lip Md In'illlii^eqtuUf.a^ef. Ihoiigbriioton>£r«-flriKUliM tbl^'tai ttOad ithcC UdhM^ robbeh' .ThaBitDMng.'to.fils lUnAl goal'' UMd; LMkfll^roTyoD,!' taMiMllia , - '<'..■ iTiii'i t:l :t>l\-j ::':/ ihe^put fejr blnnlea, Ten thioU»,.iQoit of hk wptiti tt^nmedwlth hlamp«;SrhIoh^£v?ii^ ■etdown. ■■ ' Ini^fatjiiBit.'atJibol 'VI don't kIltfw/^tn•tbe.1«&]lllda^<'/l)«t'lf .;oilbd liponta'do JK),I.TriJltl7," -, . .. ,. „ , .. ,. 7^7-,. ,• , . VPeel, t^bl'u I dpt^ exjolslmed' a)Iee,'iniltli« tils pwAtotlov to hie ovnirordai • W If ioo Wetit'tirgi) t6 HeeVetf Vfaen yba .dl^ lay you pnyen, as yotir time «n:eaMhiwlU be a&oit after I .tooohyoo." t . ' "I °aiq teady.'for yon at any time, ani Oomeon:''' Boiaidthe -yr • onilaiightof hUtmidyoroaaMb /luiM ' : :i ..nI iTlBg aiilTed attUi efaig^ tlje^ ^ UatteiahaTl 1 iijllbbdt .tbe prajer.! : :j .-.■111.;,' - ..• I wai an.^mme^late Y!II I i: .il-.. >ii ."ii(..t 1 .l..:lv ■/...;i-r .i^i Jli ,r -/ lii 'f. .ri.':oi4:aia>iiBrBVF—nscraaa BoiK jsiJnr-iKon.ciii^isiii .itui ^oM .»»i»anM:it«B»ii. upTi #01. iHotnaB FOB yulii u ufnU l »l | ii TJ"tPrW l 'TTBf( | (i ''*f '* y V* ' f |' fT"*-T't''|'''' rf " TT '''Uiii4'(blfa:ii'<a''bMd'>v>iur{i/cti'>^^ JlncMngV '-'''iw mD H/i 7r.",:::.7r:i. TD'-'ThatfloqllU^I"V .'r . iiv^ii n. iO r. r; . ^ •: ,:.!! j I'fl^'iiye. '.BiitIaee:yoiid0n'.t niid«tstuid:SUk:'.'I\flU VUitton "atplaUL'f I !'( . .1; • :; "K; .v i ...Ir;..-.!.; il;."! Ki.XbslaatBjIeaker.'aald |Tiily;::.HI|ioompaiilon. had >loi>kad half loiialrliigly, halt vonderlngly, whaittfiealaBgltd9ii» feU'Qpm g^.«ar..Afidthe pKlml■aden^n4t^lln .VfM tenderedthiu met ^ ■pp#«to,UlwJ!n;|if)fc/,Tpiio()|BpteI own. %.0V' le'cb^Ten^ltp); bf.'.whlbit (be ,.J(S7 xorifi n«ther. a prfya^) — »i«ltuiuer.a dfitm^ iigr.cilb]UohOliae|.thQ1 J#|j!a;.'h}|e,thijmfn;thM uut,weie of an eqaiUy muaa or amblgaotu.olii (ttiafliat apeakar) was aged, ajDare-.bnll^and broad^'oidi w bther;ooTil4 t^ot haTa1)«a>t morat^nltwehly-ihrie! :^e«: Udwas tUl abdalenderV itt phyalognoU;f,'bpih w^ 'remark' \i^VBllke;diifk-hairi)a,'bioinl-eompIexloae9Ju^ ':wlth BBDlien 6)<e8 bf a Blnlater onreeelon.' Wthelddor,' that oic* ;}ntslon'traii morb'obVloilB tUinin the yotrnger, bnt a t^7^ yeiats -i^oild eiiaallza the diireresoe-<-that lij'lf Utewelce spared to'the ,MU<T. , . , . ,' . " tTohh aild Honry Bonsotiiwore the.reapniitlTeiiames of the iwo; . ap^unolo Bid naphow the reapeotlfo rataUonililps that eilated 'MvMhtbem.' 'John Banton had'been m Itiba^ltaht'of'Kaw '79nfor«IoDgilpib; ind reaUy was one of Ita. moqt laWkaa dts- [Mtdpaa atthD'paflod.'pf onr coiaimeno<imaiit ', As a robber aad ''mgltr,'he'had bosB' pei^t to' the' States'PrliOn?at On^ dUg, Whence iba Interfanmco 'bf fHends,'bi^d 'by'that anlWMal .r^'opan aoafeme". of modem days; biDney, hid iMed him, lontf ere lUe Undentood term of Ue -oapttTlty. had ^ekplred,': A- blaoker ;«iMa than -aven that of' bnrglary or highway robbery bad'beaA tiutgad'against'John 'BeBBoo, ftom thS'benalttos'of'Whlohhe ^«aIjiott)ed tbrongh the laakof evldeBoe; that erlme'Wuthe 'f^ar of awpmailt It .la^ oaly Bocaaakty that'we Bhottld'thus etlefly oUade to the olrcamatanco now; In the <!onrse of tlte ttar- t;tiBra,l{wUibebnr.datV.t6'taymorilndotaUabtnitilt ■■ - .J ,Hasry BonaoD, the ofilyeoB of .a deceasedbibthar 'bf 'tha'bbr- ;;iuri tnu lionntry bom Uid.bred,'and had'taken bokne saa'ToyagD^, \ain;B of't torbnleDt'UlspoalUon, he had bean obmpelledi'Whlla l>oot a^'huty retreat from his nelgbbtohood; on ''*«oiint of some breeeh of tha law which he had obbmltted i < and j-f^Hoataet, be had- been-toqnentlytianlahed very soTertiyfo^ BM ot Insnbordinatlon and actual orbae..' Betumlhg to Amerlotl, '!_r'.* *'''°<> Toan'wbollng expedition; he foniid hlmielf' In-the' •«n*t city cf. Hew York forthe iltat time In hlB life; Itt poaaeaaloB «!»iBia ot money,: which, properly'govem4dj bright have dobs rJSL!',''?'?'?'''*8(aTlpe:..but.H9nry.Benson- larlahfld Jt.npofi. 'lffl!?^.H"^'"»W,.untabe.w«8«tarally.'wlthont7a dollar-. He •ijw i>ot look aboBt /or hl( nsual ,;«mploymeBt,.fOt he knew that Wd,noi;atand.'weU .»«K)n the .card/ and that^consd- •;XiS2!"''" likely that any. ahlp-mastor ironld:llsten to bis ii^rminss. ItwaaUhen. that he remembejed.he 'ha4 an Biial4, (/.'»9^haion5ht*lmo)it( . .■ ,..■< . ..,, i i ui.'l'^A nbtto travallaf toImjolremnofa, before he fonnd his l-fittSl^ V .'^O.Jlfloo whofc wo havo exhibited them'ta Iho '■ 2!![!!la^ ftttoaubllon snfflood, and brleay, teo, wfie af- I "ohipIotW,havlnsffcr•Ujelr'bbjaotthe Wnnooffonbf SSX'leShV^^^^^^^^^ ippradp; jjqt It baa to bedlrolged tbatl>la,u£cle,'a'prl] m »nB,.'Uid;,rodentiy Ibati valued .ke«acUta,^lb( W reljtilalte to lUr..' No b^tttot otlw'rtnnlty lor doing i irl4' •'•«iuffiJSf^5^'°8^^"'"«"'''l<'^#'Wontedltafllf, Hadlfbeah '"5h.?Sil°li, ■5?*'.'''?**1>^»"'* have bban turted.Mrlft, for oth.ViM-'' * v."** WadiniBtt; by t\ ;-«?ill*'i5?'''"*'«'»''»8 a rtoh yoi 'yonn^'^' »'>i*' blit.thblMotW*s,,t lutui^ „ yo> htto' iniejre." 3y ' k Ibtetol'olM'praol ibt'had']£i[lted|tlie f»'-.«olli(jlirMiWj;^B n-bad '■'*iim«wTli•."™"onM 'rnonuon. wjijie' ai'seai >WIi11H: the 'IIUDe ..^'TiS'?? MMftwaa'oobdootedi''•■'' .'.'' '• '-rn •(* ^,;P'^i7?r •■"wSSS' 5»5;,w'* th* 'only. Bon of thToldAf'pWr^B^b?^^* ,. jwrot whaling aupkdltlon, andorwWta'Hetirf'BahJon-l " ■thSSit^It?'''? fnUye tiawaueriil^d: 'Ahd'biel'twb'ttii > qhaBeSjci^ eradldjl bt; eatioltyi'i Tit, thiDtltale iBdUisftj 'aUgjg^oj^hkdtlii '>-'linCli<Tr 8™»»'0'W''''««Vuia'nooieaB '^'{^SS^i" i*?'''<^V*^Toft»baWl(to1(I)Bg fl»U(J*.,w™ V'SSLV*?!*?' ^* •dB6u'bf''lfPl,lli3j',a«d rito^ Itte"^.. Uimie'aa'thtiS^^wC penra •»'> jP^ THrionsly dlatrlbntad 2bonl nproar and oonioalbii In Jhe room, tor many reasons, a riot irasaUilnfnotto be daBlrad'In thaTplaca.iind^ the Immediate i eye ef 'the pbUeb, as It ink,'and mely to be broken UpTto-' aether. If not:kept In apparent Ord& at all:stants< Awirecf this, bopi man and women mah^d be tirean, the. tiro majx on the ete Of oombat,'' la obboalttob to thlb ^tanarenoe, Quea exerted aU.1ilB fotbe; he brandished his abbf ehla h^j 'swore'tar-' rlbl»'0aths,'i aBd.«otaaIlyftitmed;at Ua^JhoBtlL' Bilt^fterall, i.wi8iiiprennlBeaija.confDslontf>anactnal.)iarm^oBe. It [6, tliat Dotilea, decanten', pitchers/and' gUsieswarerath'' mhabhM Into atona,'ohalr» and'tkbM'''t£^#ii''o7et',- ain'd' . . innihed.dAmiln.tfae'ttaleecbiittfaat'Mainthathaabeda aoGompUahed, when the laBdlord.oamabnstUniiintotheiroom' exclaiming—•■Qnlet, boys,'iinfetI'tbbpoUcer*'^' - thi^^Sitf'''''^^^'^ '^''^^'^'^^^^''^'^'^ more .': l<VA8|I)eteatlvelIeQiiaff. with a.swell'Jleli brlnglogher^ only' ttfWl^e'vbSSr^*^ " BO. ,Wpka:3.rom»4..iBBt; :i .iCi^flmitcir'(dmohlUon wavneeded.'' bt'^'fewmbmetaia llr. .QPtffelltcoMlcen'a; clothea, oame in Tlew.: i Be: was accompanied ieTMaf the exelamatlbhs bftheMd'e drbWd'lntUai^m. ; Vi^Xis dis'{'^ sXClatmsd. thei el^daSapadn^ speaking to hU nephew. aad olntching him nerrossl; by ue urn. "Ooll;, what a laUy ohapt Olh Rom unmntlnp, rt»r, n.irr' OnXtA ♦K.-pjilSj..! T.p ITiio ^. j'EssmTO'ir^s PfaeUu, had ftllaii dttipMaleliiU Ion:trfth iom OelaWiwiMUper/ ....... ^ . Mtitbttifilor: Qii ot Edward -fc.,.^ —r—-? -.v». to do with the' *litUiig.'expeaitlOn'>ti!bm.'W&lah yiniDg Benson'bad'reoeAtly Ha, and whom we )iaye ahpn to thd tesdets.-as. aaaiudcnu w after the ohrlosftles.of the, bl^^ In compm irith detective 4t the properilm«,tha':Jftnler ])ti«ie itaTtiBd 'for ' the theatre lud ^med„opmforUtilir eqcMsd In-theifamUy oarrlage; with Jifi^oW|^,!i»JtaWte ualr.aoAohminand'bodir'MitaliU irtthlil'thb'.paM'f»wyears/' We ,bianVQn'9f..thls,mii;; seemtrlTial apijQncaUeA.fqr,' bnt aa. to i^t^ujMtenM (tseJfJed. io,a lit|le'InoWeilt that nlaht, and. boire Impbrtantfrolt irifter time, we^aru waUrttD^tolt Itvaa near >elghio'«Iook.irh«ii'Pheilm:»Btdo*BIlls'efflitlbyerst^ I^fua E«eBe;BhaBdsoipe..lIttleittia«txe-,.'Bair4iaet:ten'had been fflanUoBad.,^,(h^.Um,^^^ mtailh^ bdM Bbnlei' Mb Intbrttl wi's''^Iwkward orie-^too V^s to allow thtf keetttnf bf the ttursea Inthb'stMel,- ktid yet; too' I* ^'e*''iTlt?V**™' *"* aflttr^.teiipporary.jfletiln (idx. "^lownwavS; 'Si^ib^iJtim hvSS'SS^ ^o'atgSSl!' coDld lsaVe,thb hones 'and.TAuole at'a'at^b^In Houston' it, .dqae b(.(hs, tb«a^ian4 diJijpiee. o(-,hlms«lf(Jnat:«s lia sod, pntU be was. wi Ihiflas'stlU HfhUlpdi . pla^ at tijomfnat lrt!orf,wh^(toy.naa(" affMled both, ud del. WeigUilgltagalfait'ihb'j re,ian4 dtpDoee. o(-,hlms«lf(Jnat:«s pt^..Qejkad.the dollar jilTen h Mealom- ''\^lth It,' h«' bonld^llhar sM •i obtifttAahlACtwb 'bOBMloMk'taTsm' "K and(BoUtlcB, were talked^ fl le^ It „ehoi)]4 be the taTem,. fheUm. . ktHftbttofaaatohoofthejHistrel sakNms/ ;Bot halhadMa'lhaM onUi nl^t ortwo irtna^^n' ggim^,.it. .wa*;tta-.Ti;Jilakey,af»d!T«iei polltjoa, thaVoapUrated Portly-Uter'tbiJ'b'dbbk^h'dlmC^bnff^^ do0r'.af.Iiaar&'E«ene''8'theabe:an.'Bro«d:«liay;" Bil hM'quaifsd tomoM taw, hot mfSBa lntwlQate*^only in vat hajuoldbaTeiudledth^''right Sqngly BeatM ln front bTlCfb Teblclb,- sajrlag ilbthing to adybody, and only looking tpititda Vie.pbaB shsrtt heBxpBbted:to'aes:hls employer eihersai 4f^,??.^^5»5'SW.'..^)-*iP/?IiP Pf .»* Vjy dranSaPd was npoB r'^^^3lr»tl^"tl^a£^2?2jtt'^o{^^^ IBtiftiUy gnUahednrithiSdpDopa'mdlestbd, hlssiOedh mlghi ;b#h^^»ffc«^sfe tUlng nil a UIgS MAil' frmn'tUe Msd, abil throMi^ It'at ona' oF .OsucaBlagej wlodon; wheAmxlb,'! the hdneat.iO'OnlC 'ltU £^tedwJa£2!2?»i;5i 'W^V^^^^^Z aarn thb ihotade^.'sakt'StteTRMwllng bb Uie sld^mUt' iSi '.A«aphenrai]e$'(forJt:F«tflio.:othtf.thm'.'he}iionId.r«(jove»:hls leg>, the people began to flook from the ttioatre; aBdtRo.pollca- maBapMaring at^la prpcUomunentOUas was'abbntiorash■ ktraislbiir, ffie/arriHWa'bin.' TUf aidnotleirectthb'task'nlth- .cnt.-labor' ami dUS<mlty,.aB, .thoagh.' tUair.'prlaonkphad <aU the 'Aiiottiar^<ddent,-tolflJl Otf il^lf. tlioiigh impbTtaiit''iii'lt8 raiats,.wia>.tUsi.nmiiUai,1>atnB dnggid«ir.':t)7;:tbe>affioer*, Domaot: < Be ibMrnrSlt^ hU Vortietf-tb'taiotlb&'yiMiR UMe HujtTfnaalreadyaeateasumsaUlftUie TBfaioie. - - Whilne'l'ibky r.imi^perhapelt woh't bei^^ 9^; , -.. , ..— rr —••- - ., yoDx advantiaae when X Arko. U 'U a -uard^refa'phiz'/iiid 'onlyiTf^ra rdflaii imdU ■JWalddal't ;..:;■./,1.1,.•.•i::,/:;.;.-.,ir.-. vim • ■ vi; ii ; H ,£uch were tbawaida of the hpntstFhellm O'Duffas he ','tooled" hlB horaM nrw«;«il^S^^^ ^ ,*i I • ' - rrl n '~ m "" if j .■J.. J.. _;«lb(ope.iIiat..vrQl.'v*lnp; hUn to-day," •.tISbw ■ Sbh^ariled oht. .£e Bb4ul)l will ehcw. 'fimlae K7t(]ohd. lap, UUls .dsdb Up hts leeway la a .if^^n the Indian, bent 'bn.breaUog blm'Bp. Blo,.(ica.Tory "w^mi.''>nif '<tt theeodU the Xa Wlla, end flnlsbed the flrat mile livtmln. iffHl^ds,cndanunea tne nrat mueutmln. t,e outer than thsflrst tnllejrtth White,)'wUli ledid." In aoln'g dp' tBe'SOl In the elgfib Xfi man and ran U.Us track.' the Indianjio «t 9man uarim m.jiuii»v»..uio luouu oio BonietwpOTlbG^oot than Teddy'4'«»klH the print, ifis. SSf'' .'^n'°'^?B»Pt up lap after lall, bit the pace getting- J?"?^ * ^ S!^ b5o7«r theBroniidlieflHt-ntfeiieSd;^* tunned np0h't4iem,-Aa t,... «t.j «a' fivi.4Kiihi*'4i«ia <* mnui .over thegronAdaf.flHt-ra ie np his mind to' '.•blde'&LOlme,' 'BBUl. .Jih,jart,(he .ppnitrlOBS '' IUb ad> i£jtuth» ■ rest, led UAK-BifiD' xo BB stioBte)—oonriioxnia AinuiraionB— BULLT HOT TR BBOVOBT TO mS IBNBIS-allOtUt OI 'Him-f 1 TAOS PJIHTED OM IHB MBMOBr. - I ' ':Alfaibatobntimi>oruieoii&'wIthih'e'»i'eil6 laaMted ih'fhe jirel oedin£obaptei<,a<pirthfBlar aoeae wacpteiedtadliiai section of the.qlty,,T«iydiffereiU.ln*Ult8d«tallB.bbm,ai)iuah.At^ U A handabme apalrtmeiitIn one of,^ebeathboseaIn'ffenTf^iBtr- aecoBd Mrri^c, was BaateS' a yonng maa; &U<«binitIu[oded;' sad light-haired, whoee habits had been fashtoned by one of the prominent tailors of Brudwar. 41V>g^lvarr gpod-looklng and well made, there was/'neTerthdeas, bomeudng mehmcholy aboa^ him.. Ea had a companion, a few -yeara his eldoi, and-evldently a cUas qt aodetr da'qme^.less aristocratic thanihat %blcb clMmed the ybniigar. Bnt thAre^was'f'boiH of ' UmlJUm^ between tUe tw;o, as It'will ha - the bosinea^/bf, Oils chapter 'to show. Nb tuther IntrodaoUoh bf o'nr.^uMt^ Is'naoded, ek- cbptthemuitlbn of thblr hlimes-7-Mr.'0iuii;.I)aicu; 'aUd plain PtaeUm'O'Snff—the first, the yonnger jcqtieiqeinj ths'^bcoyid. Us TBlet, Rbom, ajidinan of all wolrh.'. Da'Tcle' was 'm AmerloaA) iO'OoO.'YegBlar Irish, as his name Impllod. .' . ' ' . ' " | "Phellm," was the langnld bonimoacemabit of ihe y'oiiiigbiian, . "Sir to yon,", was the quick riesponae of the petsoi) addressed, It'wad glVeh in a brogne rlch'and ttUck, which all the tf^i^jng 14 thoworld'wonldnoTerbea^l^toqtialKy, . ' . '<l a;a'unhappy, The cduebyon knovr.Mllwall," piirisn04 Dar^ ole, whoae obaervatloBs, with thote of compantoa, 'we diall give without the Indlcatlbiiof particular bersons, nb# qmte iin' aecesator.'. '''.'„,"; ' "It Is fob bad; yonr honor! but crlnollae la snretobd attha bottoqi of cTaiy man's trcntile. iBluok'np gaod.'oonriae,. bowf ever.' lUss Oelsatlne may yet. be yonrs; If not, erfTtlierSinot other beaatlae in the,btg cl^ of Kew York yon could eelMtlttom V' • ■ '.'MaybbimlneiilBdeedl > BnVwhoae Is ehenowt 1 Anotliier^Bl;Iliendl .OtuelCelestlnel toalubtniftaa'yoit do-rl who knew yon long before'yonr eyeaihad raated..«gon JEVt ward Bleaokly I He is a handsome-yonng fellow, as everybody aUb^r bat what ^Ik: tha: Ufaiaknsi- ^Uffeirenei ^tireU'Atfthat ihOold exonae anoh'lhvor for hlm, BQch'ooldne8a tolteds imbf Am I deformed ?Lobk atmv ilgare 1" ■ "lUegant.bythepowersI''''': • "Myuoe, contemplato'thatl"' > . "Aa handeotate ks uie rlslag sun I" "My eye?" "-'.'ApUn^rrK il.'".; . .t .>•"'.:. *.'.;■!. sir!-i' | : 'Sere let na dinees. a. moment,' - for the ^ntitose'of .ex^Ialalhg why the latter, observatloa of Ohas'.: Barete ^and the! ttsvolii^qt fihaUmO'Jiafrware.provocatlve^falittlemirth.'' One of thAttf mor'a eyea (no donbt that referred to by'thehoilkft 'anftiayift^ thlBlBgTrHfirtw>rt *s'a''.'pl6ro<ir," ^as placed at Somelhlng^llKe a^ angle with H» fellow, ana so tended,-to what plaln-apoken peo^a woold have called asquhiti 1 Bat saah-a peomUttty was asmnh- Ing In the oatlmatlon of the faithfol sarviiOT.. It ahould aothara been in the estimation of Ulss Oelestiae Draper,'the .Hew York belle—at least, so thoogbt the rejected Ohaa, Datoieandthasynl- ptthlslng Shellm 0<Dn£ 'The conversation of the two was ib-i Bumad,- ■ ■ 1 • ■,;/]' 'Myed«catloa»".■■■ '^ 1 , . .1--^i .: . i-.-,-.-i P 'As good as Bis Eollaess, the f ope of Bome coald have.8lv«ik' yenl','.'. .•=;..:;,.r:i....■ •..!•'.■■•'.'■.;■--/j j; '•UyaCcompllahtnenia?'!. .1 m i : ■ : '.■.■'.'.' n •.- 'll-■, ' •Paddy Orlohtonbouldn't have bkto yon there l"< - ..-1 •Uy.meaast'^ ■ ■ ■■' . .»' ■■■ i"i:.' i ■Ever BO many thoaaands of doUam now,' and' a freat ruata when the auld man kicks the bab—I mine when>>lt '.plaa A HeateB>to take the anld gaatlcmaB^the Saints bless hlml^* >::\; •.«Aftorttlslhgsnbh'hlghhot)es-i-"'i . I '-■ :n.':ra>\ -'IVatoobadlbBtlsn'tltllketheiexr •.' -;.).■'■ i '• ,''^!' ^••Andtbberelkctedwlth'tfaohalookafaveiabBtool!? 1' ' > .'"AddlnfflnsulttolnJaxT." : '■ -' :' ■■•.■.-i;!! •'WeUi-.Itoan't'ba helped/' .'■ ■ • ■ ••' ' i.^! m oitban't; yoaafo right there; bosi."-' : ■ i, ■-■ ••tiid that which'ckn't be cuivd, must be ondared,' to theoelsbratedpb^ll,'' -i :■■ ; j'-!) :'i!r ''i < "Tom HboreJIn-bae of his Irish meloiUe«,.good huKldUlMi And-Tom is rlgUtiJaatiUke youraelf." • 1: : -• .>• ''i-;'!', ' "Phellm, you are a good follow, and there IS'a'dolIar.lbT. It will niit yon'abnietlifiig to drink lay hbaltb with, 'while «ill with the oatriartb at Lanrk 1 Keene'sj tomlghti'ftir I have Ukat] a, private Ion and aIlaU'Oectalnlybccnprlbi'>Tliaretoie,antll half., paatsevaalahaUhavknbfdrther use fbr.yon/'i^ ' r^-''' '.'.' ■' I ,The'IHahmah' took !llie> hint and- the"tbono>-at-the atue; moment, and:a»«* an elcqfuant'enlooj- of-Us employaij*-goM aaaUtlet:iii jonerali and gafienaltjrln^partlaTUar, glided grade>. rally llrom the room, ' 'M li^TDCthfrOae dereloiiebMitof car itoryi'lbUaeceBsarTthat^^e :ahmildilbt'down>'anw>pkrllonkTS''ooBaeot«d «ltb;^eT0«^ iUbU4inihtil U«lfaglli -'Weafixwenly-skboBd- atraet, and^wltbVi a «lektia«l)rapar««*n. ir". ■ : ' •''' ■•'' •• '■ • ' ""'^ ■ vidbuM l^lb '«ak'ithtf<ciUyio&'otia:iloh"metohaUtjr*t ft> bmnbeatI>ltfi:((DOd<hearted;iveiy.'^ oetatlsman of dxty^ »„ WBolVtMUkAJ tOl'lm m<'Bt]iety,ikAd whoaa< Witt Q^Jt^ « ^J«fUSrAhUhell'4«r>Mlll>'««WM( .Witli:ihei«BMWU|;P harl«s; ihkT had nb "oUte bfknoh" to decorate theu htme irin^.'tlnniiiat^oa whlob, tultadto the yooiigmta'ittM S'-'MBW-'l^ 1 VKEi "a^KRi >■■ THB'«AiiEte:tkBd;'AJ*-!ft(nnffi*TB At tbe OArttAi.' '■'■tAuiiii a'toca 'deal of tMI^bUiig gdlag do atlhe'Ca^: fkA>' ,bcli>g^ (dililpalEame;lmt.'WB.«ii«»t: thetsli mach; ■ »eeftBfi»rpdfalf^#iyi^hingtoB,«jBdlhe^^^ A n>ahlng^bpi 'cpi by folding doors, both dazzllng.wlih light aofUy carpeted, doco-' rated with elegan t and voloji taoak pMfaMnait, and keemln'gly jggt the apot where Iluor, ttrsd hUHiintT^treutirTomo to get a fore-' t»*t«-«f 'BdBn.-aad oraonpaitteyfterlbsistem !battl«a n lift:' Inl thefliist. aaldeboMd.nDon whCM-ahelves are rows o£ elegknt decahtefa; throngn'which blueii^'tnoptirple wine, or kUies'lh'botystallne'bxtractoT'tBeJanlfeit-.^riiiUiif'M^^ ) In- tUS'iroom also: is: a roolette-tahlej whli^ aa.we enter, la' .vacant, and. In ..the other roomls afkro-.table, aronnd which axel gathered a bdf-dbliea Uen/Bti kbkorbed in the game: thitWere tabrlel to rock: the earth :vrliha-btast ttoia hls&TUDpet:the^ woald.-Bfver.hearlt-..; ... )• , .... ■ . ., .. I.woa't deacrlbe.the game; for what little. If aay. Is sot known' abontitlnVhlcago. la not known'ahywhere else, even in this' olty of Inlfcaity—Waahlfifeton.' iT. . - ■ TT V ,; , i ' Behind the table slts-the dealei^ong in finger, white In hand, and irlttf the Inevitable clastfT,of,bj;llmntB sparkllngiTom^lalt' and shirt boaom. ^e Js gTey'-eyod,'pock-marUd,reaolate, and' yet pleasant in appearance, with' a- breadth of sboalder and deptli ot chest that ahow him to be no mean man in ease of an' exchange of flaUocoortefloa, >, 'On his right hand stands a' captain, playing wlUi hAlf.dbOar' oheokk, and InveMlng one at a time, evidently a loser, for, as' hia check is laked down; ha followa' It vrith a alghj aad, 1. donbt' not, a cniBB opoBthe caprldousneaf of Fortnne. Heba^ bate half-dbzka checks; 'la a minata,they are goni, and'afler going to' « comer and eiamlnUg an empty podket^book, he retdms Snd shmdsmoodily watohinn^thegame. - - . Nextto,himiB^ tblck-sat-ypung man,,7ho,wlth8omethingl leas'than a buakel of ten'and tweqty dollu .checks at his side. Is; with the-meet peifeb'i nehdialance,' bettlBg' firom one tb'flve| ha^Ared dqllars .apon Us cards, and:wlnalbgi ox loalng without the'Slighteat change ,of. aoantehaace,,,Bat,he is lucky; even' card he bettf on 'wltii ilntll after hSlf' 611 hotir, be'IoBCB three'oij fcur tlmee in suooesslon, and then, with the renurV, iHyldbb is changed, I gueBam'qnlt,"1te couhfs°oyor his chcckatothd daa]er,/Who/-ooallyas'if It were' a nutter ;of iflvo'. dents/.passea over to the lub^ Indlyidnal. thIrty-sevoD. hundred dollars In three per Cant'coupons of fidted Btatea Troaanry notesj ThrakUng' the -immease' pUi of ^per Into his coat pocket,'the geni^enian rliea, .takes s.olgar and a drink at tho slde-^ard, aad thea, with a "gbod-nlght, gentlemen," J|ie walks out ' , . ' . The dealer proecqds unconoerqedly,'wh|lo I, dazzled at mH results,-drkw out a solitary fivel ai)ld-depoalied on the kiag. In jnstthree'aecOBdk the clawa-of the tiger covered my lcaofir'add }6bg-treas^d five,'and laawltabmortf^^d Imay addthati haven't seen It Unce. . : -m ; 1 .-■,-,1 . ,1 '' A' yonsg' geaUeman; evlden^jr 'a' clerk Ui a dry gbodia' atofe^ alts,OB my left,'and la betting - an.d loslnj^. Two. or three ttci'es his bhecks ran ouf j'and than hb'goes to a fHted, and whispdrs a - moment, aad finally retnms with a'ten,'v^hlch:ha Inveato tn. ChbAks, and loaes. At last he comes 'bkok firom one of his sldb lekilMlons 'With-a lowering brow and no mcniey. He alts down,' 'Wlatbhea the gaqe a mpment,'and leaves. . ' [ ' ' About In this aty^e went ttie game—one man winning,'all the bklk&oe losing. - By and. by kn eloganf supper was aorvod In an \pt*t room,''and then' the'parl7,4dJonmed and cbmmenee|l' ib^g-roulette; knd' bfflcen. appear^-to be ont'of ladf, (or -i4re, in less than-half ad hour,! saw a 'fodaral captain loeie- Aiqe tdiO.'. Everybody Ioat:tlll jnat bbfore I -left when the -yonBg-gentlomalb who bad bcea borrowing uid bettuig'oh fkro, Attuned. He watched the spinning of ue ball a shortHme,' and then took a)^taader aside.' '«Bnt yon owe mo fifty iiow,f' Ihekrdthe'btheraay-.' ' •■ "in give it alj'badc tb^morrowi" traa the reply;'"' SUally he oamb-baok with a "gieen-back," to - tho' afmbnnt bf twenty. Be piit it-all'ca thb'nid; red'won.''TI14''irhoia pUo agala waat on the red, aad again red waa winner. He ohanged to.blaok, and l)laok;woni<. Insho;t< pverythlng Jhat he.^d nis ttlQBey on was the wlnalng color, ta Ibaa than five minutes wini the Umo'htf begtib, hD'onlktU-Qtshed'hlff cheoks.'aind loft WthlovarJlBOO.' ' Bomaoh.for.Iack>,., . : ., , Duflng.'the two hpare'that'Iwaaln,theMtabllshinefit,some five'br alx thoiUan'd'dblUre chknged bands: " i : Xhkro are sonie five. d< Mx 'fltat-^ilaas eatabllslnnents of the Un4l..Jn iTtlaahlngtonj bfaaldaa any.quantl^.ef lOthen ,of Icaaer .iiote;''TheyaMweU-knbwn to the poUob, and In'fact everybody eIsb^bat'are'Bbt<dlktttrbM;'''Tbb:>are'^>taecbkUnrto OiragresB lia the nigger. qudaUon, aad I aestty or.'qalte «s maon patronued, ' :t:!J .1;-.' h i ■■•J" awa; BBtl had dnwn liibi to the - gambling^ hoase, - This ho staked, and Sf^Skffirud^StorSi?^e4«iS^ ^Wllh'whlte iO'kited4it'dkbg«fteVib'Ukli O-Ule' four tberer tet'aen.'t'gamble.r i 1 : 1 ; '■■f)>:.<.n;i.:l c -ilj Jr.;.i,-, v.!,'!| 'i'ihUvb'B^I-HbWllltMttiM^yiltlt^ '^ by.aaysi •ton ue fooUtUetohaAaaS*". ••AmTWo boMldrreJolMlndlgnantUtiUBMi. ' l?«tl?'^^J'"*''?.i'*'5di«Pagodrt^ rtory.' Tho reader V'''to the fore, amidat'flL4.>ni '»>.ao,.i«M.M lnthlBdtyona-prlnJj*giegap,.llliia. appbaftirt and some very vAn^'^.i/th „nnd, ufe IndlAo,! In'my handa to Work •■- - myefforta aeeraed found to the papel given ap all hope, " the cUprlt. , 'StiJ(in,theaBeembIedthbuean4'B ' • ^""W,:™) j?*lry. Vpplauso, md ak this dvatjgn'rtal ratUijanalfe. agl-moslsj . it indted them to rofleWer— eepiont were two ff^JJ^B teirlflo atra^^ proved to be Uie moM» {gj^. tarn at the IwUoffl of tb4'bb»»e^ A.^fcdf vuiJS.f^>M^ft "-P- "cradted," tad ">»™°? WKWhW OL colui''" announced to Mills by fran- Ailnir ""^i doubling himself io> M off reidahnost' (b fly over - the tfreand, i^K„Mulhe "redaUa" indifflotittia,.lt ^^^omDanv.'tof thenl' But here the<(a«e- mefit'CoaeeA) act' dUfelr i' iMtki^gtaUi "angelioooL^ Of l!aw'.*gjf;'^*gttJjS^^^^ and then I*?*?'. '?'lSl'.i}tif*2™.''d Fra'nkPPoaent-to' oomo'hear.lilm, ''*2?*S.i5^5*5!?i!3?*ffita Effltfl°^<«oh'»l^the'»lotory, '•Bo. Ka^'Mpn^eiKTlKi annnmoed to lUIls br ^^M!S^^S^o*^<i^ll^ l5., the«hamtlott ''Wall.I.rdiaiMvthlilkaltj^j , -starting ibr a-;rBce,- and» about goln»JbWkkb ' 0, won by atleast 10O:ydB. her gomfftoSew-Tork wool vi .- whalaha dl4iclilh thatquwLf^.?.M . ;ao-i5 What! the one like a snakf .., ?^'^? Bmf|Jw «o^Br^> ^ ..,.,.;.'.,; .1.. .-SO lejtf "Ahl, Il%,>ake a dilrik!'*\^ J^fft the ^artofl)eartOot,;aal ''Ceriianlyr" " ' S^/irf'groiuid for the hour'* . And away TWttt^ehQpefblp^.^^8«8;• Moo was HiS lucky Inihijkalooil/lJaWng ihtf filf 'TjlBSiky WlOk, io-thatweinay Calling her ot«r;a Ihvlled her'to'fjrjM-naaled day; asdlslanoo vHtett'oBbrtdt''-After taiMBatSj^JP^'■•' .. Jects, I aald to her—"I don't? 'See^ ^'V-'■ rl t:..'.M:r,ur. 1 I' sheieftJ"- ,-. ;i - , . -.- , r ,:.,>»»'(' .".n. J.i j.'ii.jj.i "Yes-aOBstDHawTork.!'' - .i^-mumaaxtt • "TowflJtr.', ■. ■ " .?;,.S,i-''-1: ■•: J'l ,!•):. I-iia.. "Yes-att6Br-t-,-,BaloOn.'f „* i-jfo^Tr' <•'»" AfterBbmkmthWdohveWkUto if P^2?2,i'- . ■ 1 i-im loaatnreihf jflafibi' Bymeaa*t)f'™;S ''' ''; .'i-'umiiiit, and various other appllancea, I dls^^Vn^- 'Bis grandfather,. rmognlUat/I'alteitaext da:^-f<>aiU'£f;f,f^-{^^ nightfbllciii^gmyarti,Tal, I.wenttofffP.y In hla-nattte dtr had been Informed I ahould find kV i^eatre,-u OIU^o. Ii)and^» much the4am»ir,,*nng a veryttvorable- PbUsdelphtjT MifOr t)ad,erldenUy noiX'.jOf two' years and a ladder In traVYorTth^aheliadlbeen lYir-reton^g'ttf tbe BheiionJd;Mt^a in: liew Torl(„Fhfhis^delnrf at the :W,a^j|t^. .1 wVt^^ , ,COB immenced .talking to^^' li'e;. "If bfit'fiH cbnveWed with her IbSgTf ,<d'staMlirfement ' ObiervU(g,that £« r'^'" - „to) was JmiellOlb, "M'staul^^en^ •'^denJBroidway,. Vebldtid s'eiikaUon.'' ObtervU(g tii HanB'eJ/IaskedherthireakbJL'.'" ■ • - ■' „t,_*ls. "Oot the Errslpdaa," was the reply; and'£~(oht the rentlro- flanna], expoelag-a neokmdCh t*dUeti and dlf .Wa k stylbliotb ,.. Aitttthat .eil)iblUon I-refralnad fiom'mski;''*7Uotfc« that he ries regarding ber bodily condition,.notknow"^''^ed study.' Be- latloamiglftbs-Instoreforme.,.: - oirr J'tme: wit his fool" v^. iBl^WaltlnglerohameaVDllftn "Vi-lti talking^ tifu fUow with tho side whfaei*y; enkb~. —. here one bight; kad now eh6 thUks hersdiO-?"'' '4or his khow* ■ Mb (batherliver talklng-ldfae^f"'- -' -' P<«(inlts 'I don't know; any one that has anythlnff..„^*LWtfcaI'4klU ■ - - ..-' r. r..- .■'i-.:~~"«lerqfwj,jj,ati,g. __ ed. a I At'thU-Jaaoture the usawltli the Blde-whla(°<i- ,^y pMsed !>f'Holly, and I taokpoasaaslonbr Iheskkl'vaojR'^.H'ida' three , atOfDeP-... . ■ f ...] : n,-r 1 . .;;l'' .'.■■•'i:'!.. . tmnraea ) •a.thinkJ hsveaeen yoB'Somewhare betore.rV^!'>iAlhMca, "Indeed; where?" ..v..-; ,.!! .,.. .v ?«'*".* Oalifor.- /VAtPhU((detohln;at Ute ~rr-r Balom.,'.',^ ,,, W: igUtod it <(0Hy(S; 1 iStthOretturdiys agbricbuldn'i lS»,''»%i there, ao I came on here." ^ tenire ,f .:At thls-mobieht't bbtalpMa'tiU view bf tier rljso. toi, n onoae of the fingers rperoelvfed k rldg'MioVI'iait - - nlsed«sth«.'Dae,;eL .'Herb.vuadutf. .'. \a«t '•'rl,l«V8st '•!?i5>'«» "That's aa odd looUng rug you have there; aso:' alonesia itJ," .,, ,.„., , ., „., ,, '-Ithlakthw.are'.'Boyou'llke.tJibatyla't''' ., "WeU, its not <r^ Wndaolne',' bat aWl It' is ver IngK I'llMUfdrllsUngalaHtyt-'-'Wonld-yM sdlUt?'^ ^ . "It Isn't mine exactly. AparUoalarfriendbfmlnkhid^i^ Itlopked so qaserl thooght i .iroald like to wear itfbr thetioA , tbe thing, and I never atoppedteaslngiilm till he let me hipiU 'v - towear." r ... 1.•„/. v „?«C»»'. " "Db yon think that your MehdWoald like toaenitr'.:. '..,^!.. "I don't know; niaak.?ilm.t|)a'flri!HlmeIseiihfm,'" — :^ • ftere^Bplahsrrebled'aobnveTBatleB'WhlOh^oald-'be'birvmisI-'.; little intereai to the reader, bnt whlph ea^pd aa eagagei^ ao , bktwean^.BpInaa^ and th^'-fklr Uoliy tb 'ahjarf'thbkameboQi" to. thatnlght - '—.'■•■•'-""".'« .-.< !.'«4howw»S'ont;V::satd,Bphuer; foayielf Jsdig; Upllystarted for her habitation, whioh be an:a oomera of ast«eet running.firppi thv-.Bowery to Broadway, and.oppotlta'. ttf a'Obarch. "It 'iras. a frajia .ballbng; llaiate'f ye^ow'.aad'l^ rather an advaflced state ordlhipldatlon.. wkwentfip^aaniDir attlrfiasei which orbaksdind Shook ao ttadftby (Set that':T'ex< -- pcioted every mbmeatlt-tteuld'gtvia'way; ahd'thatTkhbald'nlaKa . a aadden descent to the floor below.' ' - xl'.i? ■....','.. '.. Her room was on.the.thlr^ floor, and ftQe the general appear. - aacs of things, I Judgcd'thathbr flrlead waa'&ct trobbled.wlth • very large amoaat of moaby, orthat he dld''aot 'oareto'aptad mach OB his cto-antic ;,t .1 . ^ .1 i, '''' :.'..! •: ,' .' lIcUleprodactd.aonCLcbeii3:bnndy>»B4jra eat down befors,iado]glag in various Utile caresses. Holllewasgicovilag very earnest' In'her sttshtroBS, whoa it's heard A attp on-tb* 'leading oatalde'the door. . '.' '.v'.'.'^'; I .'•Iwoader.U. that'a my friand.V, SAld'HolUei ':<.'t^.-.WI-:M» night " -', KefewiB*knobkatlh4'dbor. ' '.'.-m : "Oomo in;" aaldMolUe. ' • ■ : ' ' ■ ; ■> . ■■;.'i ';;. ' .; A. BUB entered theroom; whom I lastaBilr recpgalstd as, ou Harry BoBtoB, aBotorloua cracksman of,this dtr..,)?.waj In. atanlly certaia that'be was the man I wanted. ^He'WBsailttia abc*e the middle hdKht, had Ughtlialr; and a vteypde fto*jj.r ; .VI did.not.kaowyou had;i>omp»ny,.WclDe," .saliJ.ho,^'fOT(I shonld not have come ^; I'll coipe .f«aln to-morrow ntflit i^jd '"^ioli on," aald Ubnle; "this gefitleaian wint* to aee Jfbifc*^.^ Be gave a sudden atart at this, and glvliig me a plerdngiloffi;, ■aid:— . I * - •, I "VanUtoS6onie» ■ffBatforT" . ' As soon aa he had entered the itMnn,Hiadmovedtoy-SMaio suohapoalUonaswbnLl enable ma:to intercept UintDOMeiVa should attempt to leave, . .,. ,;.;;> ,. ji' ' "I saw that ring, like a e|i|ke,.on ber Bager, and 11 to buy It from y on." . «It la not for aals,!' said h^ andUsfaoe tnmad I "Is it not? -t?oll, I want bofh |^ and jrpa,".crl»d^.te my wig and fatse whlsken. : "Sb&aorl"-"'' ' •'-'."" •'' .-.-'''-'I "Siaotly.' Wlllycngowlihffleqalsilr?!' '.m TI'Mh 'Bo%Mrffor.tbiB 'di)br.'i grapBlidwith' l>^. j^i.^»?'^2h lowedeltarTons btnggle,' IcoaldWe maasgedBostofl atogv bat lIolll^ armed with ahoavy poker, came to the mwjk^lwf? lover, aad begaa to strike me aavige blow! otOTjheheaff sboolders. In car straggle, we apiet. the tkblewllb'tliaE aad we were in total -darknesa. I reodved a blowmi on.the head, and maddeakd by.the palp,,!di^mynT fired at random. Albadsorokm, andehakTraMft, thi ballot had takeaetfebtBuatoa ijofgraqiel ink^ maaner as to provent Dab fircm Cocking ^°iP''*2v5'i a seooad shot,' and a deapkrate atmggie kbsuM fl>f, 1 doh.oftheweatioa. The.blowaoatheherfWhwhlW XflS"kadhf?3m?atZ«^^^^ ' aiy,graep, whep I hMrd.the ablko Of, 1^*^i;^S^ISS^ Si'gSS^asTloCmll? ti«)lto ;«p«n,.Srin„a* and my'aif.^'o'*i*or"'''' Ughisiwerb MHOrejri'a , . . , tei^cbving mjr.ldah.Ug^iJ trerkikepafatedL, . . Vqaltea**!,. S& btiJWW*